What is your opinion of Part 2 and Joseph?
What is your opinion of Part 2 and Joseph?
Extremely enjoyable to watch.
I wish he kept up Hamon training and didn't turn into an old man.
Best jojo hands down.
I like Jojo more when it was about hamon than stands
My favourite part.
It's overall incredibly insular, has a weak main villain and an unexciting plot.
The anime saves it though.
His eye are keen.
Downgrade from Part 1. Far better than what followed.
[Best DILF]
I agree, Part 3 would've been more interesting if he had continued training and stayed young. Without training he combined Hamon with hermit purple to attack Dio and defend himself but it wasn't enough to beat him alone. With training, he basically would've been an even better Belmont.
one of the rarer instances where the anime is miles better than the manga
Other people like the first two parts the most as well? I got the impression people think parts 3 and 4 are better, but I’m almost through part 3 and it’s been a huge let down compared to part 2.
part 3 is terrible. I have no idea why people memed it so much.
>jotaro has Z E R O personality and flaws
>he's the strongest, and also the smartest and also SP is the strongest and fastest and most powerful
>every episode follow the exact same structure : they arrive in a place, they get attacked, realize it's a stand user, the stand user looks invincible somehow. jotaro glares, ora ora ora the stand user/stand itself, end of episode
>ends on an asspull (jotaro can suddenly use za warudo as well for some reason)
honestly, without Polnareff, this would be a solid 1/10.
Just stopped watching halfway through stardust crusaders. The vilian of the week bullshit was really grinding on me. I prefer one overarching story.
Do you know if part 4 or later gets any better?
As someone who started watching JoJo without knowing what it would be about I was very disappointed with stardust crusaders and pretty much had to force myself to watch it. Stands were boring as fuck.
The final villains are in Jojo are AMAZING, but the system of "villain of the week" in part 3 and 4 can become pretty boring sometimes. I found Part 4 to be the only bad one, the majority of the episodes are just pointless.
Can’t have Jojo reference.
>had continued training and stayed young
Oh, happy joy py nice tometta-py
So far I agree. The combat system in parts 1 and 2 was very simple, but it didn’t matter. The characters carried the show, and it felt like a legacy was being carried on, which made it really unique. In part 3 so far the character that brings the most to the table is yet again Joseph.
Part 2 was great, Joseph was better in Part 3 though.
Joseph was 69 in part 3, he was already younger than he should look like. Hamon is not a youth fountain you'll eventually start aging too
What are you talking about? Part 3 is really good. The stands are interesting and not overdone like later parts and I personally like the motw style if it's done well. Part 3 is one of my favorites by far.
easily my favorite joestar, along with my favorite part. hes so fun to watch, and he has some big balls trolling like, 3 fucking super vampires
>inb4 redditfag
>inb4 redditfag
What the hell are you talking about
decent. Better than anything in part one but everything after part 3 is on a whole other level
Ive been called a redditfag multiple times because part 2 is my favorite part.
Oh most people ITT seem to agree with you, including me.
I think it's pretty underrated. It's core JoJo. It's bizarre and at times dark, but in a wacky sort of way. Araki did say he loves really shitty horror movies and takes inspiration from them.
My favorite JoJo, my third favorite part. Joseph being the master ruseman saved it.
That's because redditors all seem to have this false image of themselves as being witty except they're dull as fuck.
I really enjoyed part 4. Much more than 3.
Battle Tendency was probably one of my favourite parts. Phantom Blood was good, but Hamon was used a bit ham-fistedly by Johnathan, in my opinion. Stardust Crusaders had Stands, which are an interesting concept, but the simplistic enemy of the week structure kind of detracted from it for me. Didn't really have another part I thought was on the same level until Steel Ball Run, though I much enjoyed Vento Aureo as well. Really enjoyed Joseph as a protagonist. He struck a good balance of goofiness when some lightening up of things was needed, and seriousness when the situation called for it. And the way he though his way out of most problems he encountered was enjoyable to read.
>liking vento aureo and not part 4
Yeah, I remembered Straizo aging more gracefully than he actually had. I thought it helped reduce aging but it's hard to say to what extent since all the people that were skilled with it were drawn in the older style of 6'5 bodybuilders.
Best Part, Best JoJo
I agree with this user.
part 2 and joseph were great the first time around but he's fucking annoying now and anime only shitters and casuals/plebbits keep memeing a mediocre part
best part, best jojo