compared to english voice acting in vidya and cartoons?
Why is english voice acting in anime so bad
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Much smaller pool of talent, for one.
Good voice actors cost money.
I don't know where you're looking but english voice acting is 90% terrible in all media
Dubs are far lower budget.
Translating Japanese mannerisms into English doesn't always work well.
Unions, localisating, voice directors, time
Animation is seen as kids' content in the West.
gatekeeping, unions, politics and nepotism means the pool of actors is ludicrously small and hard to break into
Western women from art schools are feminist whores who can't even approximate cuteness, they can only do bitchy and slutty, so they ruin any moe character they attempt to voice
Because 95% of dub actors are talentless SJW voice actor wannabes willing to work for scraps.
Voice acting in Japan is an entire fucking industry, in America it's a joke, a simple stepping stone or a dead end job for actors/actresses who couldn't make it big. Hence there are barely any recognizable voices in America other than maybe Mark Hamill and whatshisface from that one show.
All the female English voice actors sound like feminists and you can hear the hatred in their voices as they read ecchi dialogue
it just doesn't fit
I have no idea if that has anything to do with it, but it's true that female voice actors in English dubs are much worse than their male counterparts. This is why a good dub is possible pretty much only when there are no female characters, like in Cromartie.
It's all about the bottom line, dubs are done as cheaply as possible and you get what you pay for
Philippines dub
Real reason though; most of the seiyuu in Japan can also sing.
Inadequate voice direction
I think a lot of the blame can be placed on voice direction rather than the actors themselves. They're almost certainly instructed to imitate the sounds of the Japanese actors as closely as possible, but tones of voice that work in Japanese just don't at all in English. Of course the Japanese VA industry is also much larger and has a better pool of talent to pull from, which is why you very rarely hear bad actors in anime. They never make it that far and get stuck doing smaller productions. Meanwhile you get the same 5 actors in every big game that gets an English dub, and the side characters are voiced by random people they picked off the street.
More available actors.
Just as bad for the most part.
All the english voice actors with modicum of talent are working on western cartoons and vidya to lesser extent. Anime is dubbed by literal whos and rejects with zero talent.
>Just as bad for the most part
Only the dubbed ones. Voice acting in Western vidya is pretty good
it's all sjw! commie left bad
Americans have horrible accents especially the women. Most male dubs are fine but females make my ears bleed.
Bad voice acting mostly comes down to shit voice directing and the fact that western voice actors are a little shitty in general.
Take Jojo's dub - Jotaro's dub VA can't even do his own ORAORAs until the very end and even then they were still shit. DIO's had to cover for him.
Dubbing of foreign stuff is usually worse than original or local language works.
The best example of this is Ghost in the Shell. '95 and SAC share a significant amount of their English voice cast, but SAC's dub is vastly superior thanks to much better directing.
only good English dubs are Ghibli’s works
Another factor in the deterioration is the lack of radio drams these days, leading to actors being unable to hone their talent or having the necessary experience to develop it in the first place.
I would also say that dub recording quality is noticeably more shit than the japanese recording quality which always gets me.
There is little money and it's got no prestige. Also some anime just does not translate well into english, I could not imagine watching any highschool sol or romance anime in english for example.
Why Japanese voice acting is so bad in cartoons and vidya compared to original Japanese works?
Are you talking about actual Japanese people acting because that's completely wrong. Japanese actors are horrible.
Because affordable dub voice actors are talentless. Studio Ghibli dubs are passable because they had Disney money behind them so they managed to get actual A listers to voice act like Christian Bale and Michael Keaton.
It's also a weird thing to complain about but there is legitimately not enough diversity in the dubbing industry. The amount of dubs that get ruined by some talentless American putting on a fake British accent is immeasurable, and the less said about Steve "Takatomon" Blum the better. If you're not going to spring for voice actors that can act you may as well pay less for some no name that already has the accent you need, but then it's all about name recognition as well. Faggots like Steve Blum, Vic Mignola and Tara Strong are famous among the convention going crowd so they have that to fall back on if literally nobody cares about the series, and the result is that every female in everything sounds like Tara Strong. Fuck quality though right?
>good dub
yeah no
very original opinion gonna have to upvote this my fellow redditor
i'll mention kurosawa now to make you understand that you are talking to a fellow japanese film connoisseur
>namedrops babbies's first Japanese film director
>calls me a redditor
Just compare the acting of your average shitty Japanese TV drama to some random average shitty western soap opera.
Japs at least emote, that's the biggest gripe I have.
I hate threads like these because they are always incredibly biased and utterly lacking in any kind of insight. Here's the reason why most English language dubs of anime are lacking: lack of money, shitty direction, and the actors generally have no idea what the fuck they're going to be doing until the very moment they get into the booth to record and as such have little to no background on their characters. Personally, I do think there are some decent English dubs(as well as some dubs in other languages) but they are few and far in-between and I would almost never recommend a dub job OVER the Japanese version unless it was an instance where the Japanese version was just terrible(see Shin Hokuto no Ken).
I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with the actors who do these sorts of dubs or American voice actors in general, I just think that the dubbing industry is generally really cut-rate and sloppy.
If anyone cared they could do it London. Because of the BBC radio drama never went away, they produce hours and hours of it everyday.
>Ooh aar, get thee in the fucking combine Shinji son.
If the Japanese cared what foreigners think, they might be embarrassed about being shown up. I was rewatching FMP recently for the sake of nostalgia and the reuse of dub VAs embarrasses them when they are stealing. The "get in the fucking robot" whiner Shinji character is voiced by Shinji, the Misato-alike character is voiced by Misato etc.
wait is that Zuka?
that's the point you retard
every time you see one of these "experts" all they know is the most entry level shit there is and the 50 anime/manga adaptions they watched
I don't know if its that the actors are cheap, its more that if you have a low budget and a constant stream of work, you'd organise as basically a jobbing repertory company where people come in everyday and get on with it.
I think what we object to is the production line quality of it but there isn't that much money in anime to start with even a country of 130 million who aren't culturally alienated from a lot of it.
>who can't even approximate cuteness
This is the biggest problem for me and why I'd never consider any dub. In the west there's barely any reason for anyone to get good at voicing cute girls, so in the few cases I've heard they come out sounding like kids TV characters.
Also some things just don't translate well into spoken English. I'm sure I saw a clip where Jiiiii was just dubbed as them dragging out saying stare. One sounds cute and the other just sounded retarded, and also sounded clearly like a 30 year old doing it in that case.
Sometimes I feel even if the voice actors got better at it it'd still sound shit due to the language not being as good for it.
Depends dubbed ones are usually bad if they're translated but if it's developed for an international/english audience in mind then we have a different story. Look at the myriad of 3ds games with solid VA with examples being KI, SoV, SMT IV/A.
If you're asking for shit like VNs to be in english, of course you get absolutely terrible dubs.
Sometimes its subtle.
They fucked up the money shot in K-On!!
>This is for you
should actually be
>You can have this
Changes everything about the scene.
English voice actors record separately from each other unlike Japan, so they have to react to a recording of the voice. If they were together in the same room, the voice director could instruct multiple people at the same time. Most voice actors prefer to have multiple people in the same room. It sucks to be the 1st person in the recording, because you don't have anything to react to, so they have to rely on the director for how to react.
Much smaller pool of people, and the industry does not really have many newbies coming in. and rising to the top. For example in Japan, there is a constant amount of new people coming in. Most of the people in the cartoon and vidya industry have been there for years. The same people you heard in the early 2000s are still likely playing the same characters in major roles. Also voice acting companies does not pay very well, so the VAs that are good cost a lot of money, and dubbing companies are cheap.
Or how Polnareff doesn't even have a french accent except for the first episode of his appearance
It's weird because westerners are generally more emotive. Asians are underrepresented in hollywood for this reason.
But Japan for some reason excels at voice acting. Maybe once I'm fluent in Japanese I'll change my mind and realize they're overacting and it all sounds bad.
It's not, you're just a retarded weeb
You're on the wrong website.
Shut up retard, Yea Forums is calling you back
It's worth noting that it's not a hard rule that English performances are recorded like that, it's just what tends to happen with lower budget productions or more rushed ones. Like for a more Yea Forums example I doubt that Nintendo skimped on Xenoblade 2's dub in terms of money, but they had to hit the simultaneous international release date with the Japanese version to the point that the VA playing both Pyra and Mythra reported basically just having to figure out how the two should sound different as she went along. You can even hear it, at the end of the game or in the standalone expansion her Mythra is far better than when she first appears.
because muh squeaky little girl voices that nips love
I'm pretty sure a lot of the overacting is only really noticeable in live action, like that drama that Mamoru Miyano turned up in. That sort of thing works better in anime where exaggeration can add a bit of flair without seeming too weird.
Just watching anime for long enough should make you recognise enough words to have a reasonable opinion on their delivery and such, although I have had similar worries about how it'll be when I don't need subs.
m-m-muh screeching nip 31 year olds who give half their paycheck to their yakuza boyfriends are so amazing guys
>Western women from art schools are feminist whores who can't even approximate cuteness, they can only do bitchy and slutty,
That's a good point.
Pikachu has a voice like that too and the whole world loves it.
I think dubbing is just bad in general. Japanese dubs of foreign movies and games are terrible despite the fact they use the same talent pool as anime. The acting is always very stiff and unnatural
>user makes empty general claim with no supporting reasoning
>hey that's a good pan
thanks summerfriends for the quality discourse
Not all English dubs are bad, for instance, the dub for Baccano is better than the Japanese dub cause it fits the characters better and is more believable.
The voice acting in Ghost in the Shell is also very good as well as Cowboy Bebop. Where VA in the west falls off is SoL
In Japan, a VA is a legit actor. Here, anime actors are bottom of the barrel failures who can't get a real acting job because they suck.
I tried to watch Spec-Ops Asuka episode 8 dubbed because I thought it would be funny to listen to their attempt at a torture scene. I literally couldn't make it through the scene they sounded so fucking awful. They just can't act. But that means they're cheap!
Unironically this. Leftist white women can't do cute.
Trying to match the tone, cadence and grammatical structure of another language while also delivering a compelling performance is incredibly hard. Western dub voice actors often suck, sure, but they're not exactly being dealt a winning hand to work with.
english voice actors in anime don't get as hype as the jap versions. to keep up with that english voice actors would have to sound like sports commentators
>with no supporting reasoning
You need to be told about the nature of these women? Some stuff's obvious. Grass is green; summer is hot; leftist women are bitchy cunts.
No it's not you fucking mongoloid.
>blanket claims
>no supporting argument
that's called being lazy and killing your argument from the start
Not that guy, but they're obviously right. Are you a seething white woman?
I've watched some Western movies dubbed in Japanese and they were alright. Not good enough that I'd prefer them to the original, but good enough that after a while you get used to it and just watch it normally. The only thing that might bother sometimes is miscasting, like in LotR I was bothered by how different nip Aragorn sounded. Not a bad actor, just a bad choice for the role.
Post your cute voice then roastie
I think some can do cute pretty well. It's a weird example, but the voice actress behind Priestess in Goblin Slayer Abridged (I know, I'm grasping at straws here) sounds pretty cute and has range on top of that in regards to her comedic timing. I think there's talent out there, it just misplaced.
>Why does something niche not receive as high a level of talent and skill compared to more mainstream mediums with a similar skillsets but better pay and recognition
I have no idea
thanks for the Yea Forums tier posting, you can stop now
>Sometimes I feel even if the voice actors got better at it it'd still sound shit due to the language not being as good for it.
You're right. Moe doesn't exist in English. You can only dub serious stuff in English well.
It's not really a joke, it's just a niche industry because most cartoons are geared towards children. Animation is expensive; in countries that have proper birthrates, they're generally vehicles for toy sales.
It's only recently that raunchier comedies have gotten on or past prime-time and that was spurred on by the success of Family Guy. The Simpsons had a similar boost, but nobody really captured that same spark and all the competitors were cancelled relatively quickly.
The real problem is that anime is all so overly dramatic and ridiculous that when you hear it in English you actually realize that and can't take it as seriously. Whereas hearing it in Japanese it's not as awkward because you don't have the same reference point you have with English.
cost, pool, nepotism, etc
Go back there.
because for one, there is stuff the characters do that seems natural for Japanese, but doesn't work with english.
things like
>calling out another characters name in a sentimental way
>responding with a grunt or sigh instead of words
also english VAs try to match the characters lip movements, which results in them sounding unnatural when they open up their mouths wide to say something
The last point is something weebs refuse to accept, they rather fortify their weird mental preconceptions
have sex
>Yea Forumseddit
stay there next time
>responding with a grunt or sigh instead of words
Smaller pool of talent, lower budget are the 2 big reasons. Transformers G1 was a silly show with generally not great writing, but it had phenomenal voice acting that the franchise has yet to experience again. Everyone brought their A-game to it.
This. Western female VAs almost always sound like disgusting butter creatures. They just have an inflection to their voice that is incredibly grating and offputting.
Not everyone has english as their first language.
plenty of people on youtube do extremely cute voices. I think it's just a lack of familiarity with anime and voice acting
It does, this is 4channel
It does seem like there's a lot of incestuous nepotism in the industry where it's the same five people dubbing every series and they just call up their friends for an easy paycheck.
With something like Hellsing they actually held auditions and cast actual UK expats instead of doing some ridiculous SoCal-Keanu-Reeves-in-Dracula accent.
>also english VAs try to match the characters lip movements, which results in them sounding unnatural when they open up their mouths wide to say something
I'm critical of the anal retentiveness over lip sync in English dubs, too, but I realize that if they fudged the lip sync like the Japanese sometimes have done, people would probably immediately give the dub shit and stop watching. The Anglo world is already highly biased against dubbing; a lot of other countries, including France, Germany, Italy, etc have historically been "dubbing" countries and naturally don't have as much of a bias against things that are dubbed over. That's probably changing with younger generations but historically that has been the case.
It's the amurrican accents and especially prononuciation of names that make it absolutely unwatchable to me. The english K-on dub done for some english speaking channel by some no-ones in Taiwan was actually much more tolerable than the one that was made in US, even though they really couldn't act at all.
Yea Forums is mostly spics and seaniggers though.
most nip seiyuus don't even dabble in animu and mango
>a lot of other countries, including France, Germany, Italy, etc have historically been "dubbing" countries
Because they're garbage and they're used to watching English films translated for them.
Feel free to post proofs
You might not know this but:
People don't sound like this in real life
They sound like this:
So voice actors in other languages have 2 choices. They can either try and emulate the high pitched cutesy voice which will sound strange to a native speaker or they can try to speak in a more normal voice and not sound like the character you're familiar with because you watched it in Japanese first.
So. 1. They're screwed or 2. They're screwed.
Yeah, but then again, if the show has no female characters it's not worth watching in the first place. Unless you're raging homosexual of course.
>The english K-on dub done for some english speaking channel by some no-ones in Taiwan was actually much more tolerable than the one that was made in US, even though they really couldn't act at all.
I'm shocked that anybody else remembers that dub. It was amateurish but I always thought that kind of worked for the show, anyway it certainly sounded more natural than the American dub which is just American girls trying to be squeaky.
holy shit, how does this nip have such a rave following
didn't she also get to cameo on some series?
Aquí tienes tu prueba, maricón. Eso, ve a Google a traducir esto, gringo de mierda.
By the way, not that user.
I just remembered that on the Blu-ray of Godzilla Final Wars, they dubbed over Don Frye. Why the fuck would you do that Japan?
Go watch Tara Strong.
Voice acting in anime is bad because they hire bad actors. That's all there is to it.
Or 3. Don't be a shitty voice actor.
That's the same in Japan though?
Bunny Senpai and Shield Hero share the same leads and they air back to back.
/spa/ revealed that the worst posters were Canadian though.
Read the rules, you're to discuss in English outside of /int/ and /bant/ and /soc/.
Actual spoken Japanese is spoken quite dryly, and often anime is tryhard mode. But that tryhard mode is still far better than most English dubs.
We've known this since 2003, Canadians aren't even human
yes but they grewup with it all around them. there's a different culture to anime. for example- they are properly trained (and rather rigorously) in vast ranges of emotion, while westerns are trained in voice ranges. anime calls more for the former
I think
Mods just nuke this thread pls
America must be destroyed
Not him but Italy has one of the best dubbing industries in the world. It's a old holdover from the fascist era because Mussolini demanded all films screened be in the Italian language and only the highest quality was acceptable.
I don't know what triggered it but anime voice acting started becoming very exaggrated only in the 00s.
Even some boomer VAs like Hayashibara are complaining about it.
Actual spoken Japanese is actually way more annoying to listen to because there's so much stuttering and shit. Voice acting isn't "real-life Japanese" but it generally sounds good and that's what matters.
Try it fucker
Most of them went to a vocational school which taught them anime voices
But I wasn't discussing, user; I was insulting you. Now I'm discussing and I'm doing it in English, as per the rules.
I meant English dubs for Japanese animation, but okay.
Why do "polite" japanese require so much "ehhh" anyway?
They clearly don't do that in game show/radio/whatever.
You got any example links, cause I'm not finding anything about Taiwan here.
This is true for all languages. Go count how many times people say "um" in conversation, and then count how often they do it in a television show.
That's not true at all though. Old shit has dramatized voices too.
It's amazing what you find on these days
Probably true. I feel like it's more common in Japanese though. I think it has something to do with keigo/polite Japanese shit like said. I've listened to more conversational/friendly stuff and it seemed normal compared to the formal/stiff stuff.
>admitting to trolling
Oh the sweet summer children, who will help them?
culture differences, different languages etc.
things that make sense in japanese don't always make sense in english and vice versa, it ends up making things that have an impact in japanese end up seeming cheesy or stupid in english due to direct translation
I wish people talked like this in real life.
>awkward translations
>dialogue has to match mouth movement
>lower budget
>smaller talent pool
I watched the OG Beyblade episodes in Italian because I hated the Eng dub and nip version wasn't available. I don't know Italian well enough to tell if it was well translated or not, but I enjoyed the dub nevertheless.
Mid-Atlantic accents?
Do they still sound like this over there? Maybe I should move.
no one here talks like that
Actually, I think it was done in Singapore. It was the Animax English dub.
That's the joke.
Old style American voices are so much better than the bastardized garbage we have now.
sentais obviously better, whichever asshole who picked the recordings clearly put in a recording of a recording of the sentai dub, like an asshole
Japanese voice acting:
>professionals, an actual job, get paid well.
English voice acting:
>the dude cleaning the toilets, not a real job, you really didn't had nothing better to do huh.
Simple as that.
Imagine typing this out and filling twelve captchas to post such autistic drivel
Blame "method" acting for killing the cool American voices.
Hollywood get REAL ACTORS for their animated movies, that's why movies have real good quality on voice acting, because being an actor it is a job but being a voice actor isn't.
Corporation really have troubles figuring out what anime people want to watch. They don't want to pour too much money on something that from thier point of view, potentially very few people would watch.
Perhaps it's Aizuchi you're thinking of.
>Japanese dubs of foreign movies and games are terrible
Nah it sounds really good
LOTR in Japanese
Star Wars in Japanese
Rick and Morty in Japanese
Star Trek in Japanese
Prince of Egypt in Japanese
Could you at least explain? That is just a fact.
>sounds really good
You wouldn't know if you're a non native speaker
>my autistic head reality is facts!!1~!!
Thank you Kanye very cool, go back to your containment board
LOL people are always so full of shit in these threads. The voice work in big budget animated films is almost always awful because Hollywood actors rely almost entirely on their physical presence and persona and can't act with just their voices for shit.
Damn, I didn't know this had an actual term. Thanks user, that's actually exactly what I'm talking about.
That is so utterly inferior to work of James Earl Jones it'd be laughable if it wasn't so contemptible.
Oh it's just my ears fooling me. I'm not REALLY enjoying it because I still don't know all my kanji.
Since we are on this, why don't feminist and swj don't exist in Japan?
They all went to South Korea
they do, why would you think they didn't?
Today, I will teach them
Because I only know of Japan through battle shounen.
This is going to be stuck in my head all day damn you.
I'm only familiar with the Star Wars scene here and it's honestly not bad. I wouldn't recommend over the original of course, but it's passable.
feminazis and annoying soccer moms have been annoying the industry since the 00's, and they sometimes get stuff done
to claim they don't exist is pretty comical given the multiple tokyo health ordinances restricting manga publications
>Not familiar with LOTR
When you're on a chicken bender grab a box of chicken tenders
You don't need to be, you just need experience hearing the language in both contexts.
I read the books, but I never watched the movies nor do I care to.
then why don't they make any fuss over how female character are treated in Harem/ecchi anime and porn games etc
Or they only care about politics?
Doesn't bridge the learning, language and cultural gap you're far from overcoming, to be able to accurately judge from one language to another
they care about stupid shit like making sure their children can't buy shounen magazines without twelve ID's, a blood diffusal and two guardians present
>the dub for Baccano is better than the Japanese dub cause it fits the characters better and is more believable
It depends on what you're trying to judge. To judge the actual dialogue/script/etc., you need to be nearly fluent in the language. To judge specifically the quality of the acting, you don't really need to.
You can't judge the quality of the acting because you have zero familiarity with the language, mannerisms and culture
There's this veneer of professionalism on the Sentai dub. But it doesn't get rid of that underlying quality that something is off. If the acting and engineering on the Animax dub were cleared up it would blow it away.
Also, Hong Kong apparently.
American here. We're the Chinese of voice actors. Where China makes bootleg products with the rare good product, we have bootleg voice acting with the rare good voice acting.
>American here.
>on Yea Forums
you're either not american or just retarded
I could show any user here audio of a telenovella and they would immediately be able to give tell what the quality is like compared to actual Spanish
Its probably both.
So? Any user can cast judgement despite not being qualified, he still has zero familiarity with the language, mannerisms and culture
>the language, mannerisms and culture
These things of course matter and influence the final product, but you don't need them to judge if just purely the (voice) acting is good or not. From an unbiased perspective, you can tell what emotion a voice conveys or the kind of of character an inflection/verbal tic conveys without knowing anything about those things. Things like "loud and deep voice = menacing/threatening" are universal.
For the record, even though it's labeled there as the "Sentai" dub, it's actually a Bang Zoom dub. K-On! was originally licensed in the US by Bandai and Bandai always used Bang Zoom for their dubs. If it was actually dubbed by Sentai, the quality would be significantly lower.
I quite like the Red Line dub.
Not really, it's pretty good in AAA games.
He only needs to listen to a single clip of natural conversation to notice the prosody of the language to ascertain these mystical mannerisms of yours.
>but you don't need them to judge if just purely the (voice)
You can't judge voice acting if you don't know the seiyuu subculture for voice acting, and the actual language that said acting subculture is based off
>mystical mannerisms
Yes, every language and culture is just english with different words, thanks based california public school user
In your example that should simply be voiced as hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and it would convey the same idea
>from "Ah geez" to "ah mou"
Burn it down.
>Data voiced by Jiraiya
Small snicker on that one.
I like the Prince of Egypt stuff.
It's held by a circle jerk of massively underpaid (sub $200 per episode for the lead roles) hacks.
Most of them actually make their living by selling autographs at anime conventions, which works because people who watch dubs are idiots.
There's nothing deep and mystical about acting. You don't need to be familiar with acting philosophies or languages to pass a fair judgement. The point of acting is to accurately convey a certain emotion. You can tell that without knowing any specifics.
>the dub for X is better because I have no taste at all and just prefer whatever I've heard first
It's strange how often people make that post.
No not at all. There's really nothing in English that is the same as "Jiii". You're pretty much just fucked.
Why larp as an expert when it is clear that you have no idea what you're talking about and are just making shit up that sounds reasonable to yourself?
Why do you care? Even if it was great I wouldn't listen to it.
yes, the accuracy of dialog is a translator/scriptwriter problem
>There's nothing deep and mystical about acting
No one said there was, are you okay?
>Acting philosophies
Again, who are you quoting? No one mentioned philosophies
>You don't need to be familiar with a language to pass fair judgement
Again, you're objectively wrong, but you must be underage or simply californian to make such anti intellectual comments
>There's really nothing in English that is the same as "Jiii".
Like I said staring at someone and going hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is pretty much exactly the same. It could convey that you're being suspicious of them, or it could be an absent minded hmmmmmmmmmmmm that just conveys that you're tuning out
not everyone is a native english speaker.
english is not my mother language and it doesnt make english dub any better, i actually prefer anime in my mother language compared to english but in the end the original japanese dub always takes the cake.
Refute the argument, brainlet
You don't have a reference point in a foreign language you know solely through characterized cartoons
>Implying Cromartie is not worth watching.
I'll show American kids pictures of Japanese food and then tell them the real names of the food items instead of calling them doughnuts.
Their feeble minds wont be able to take it.
>dodges every argument without saying anything of value
Not him, but you are a homosexual
Point still stands that you can't judge a language you have no basis of knowledge in
>It's a female genki character
>Dub is a grating harpy voice
Right, that's not an acting problem. The script might be retarded but you acted well.
You're the one consistently citing "subculture" as if it really matters in this discussion (which it doesn't). Again, you can tell what emotion is being conveyed without knowing the language thus you can make a fair judgement on the acting.
because bad voice actors are cheap.
thats the whole reason
Not an argument brainlet, I see Yea Forums is a little too high speed for your type, perhaps you should go back to Yea Forums
>It's a gyaru character
>Dub is a grating valley girl accent voice
Just say no.
Tiny ass operations doing English dub, the actor and the localizer is usually the same person.
>Like I said staring at someone and going hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is pretty much exactly the same.
Not really. This is mainly just creepy.
>knowing japanese culture isn't important to judge their voice acting
>knowing japanese voice acting culture isn't important
Based californian public school graduate, spreading his retardation far and wide
They're not invented by extraterrestial beings either, burger.
Niche industry can only afford C-list actors.
>Again, you can tell what emotion is being conveyed without knowing the language thus
You can't, but you're probably underage so it'll be hard to get this through to you
How did you manage to survive your 14 years of life being so retarded
Oh good I can vent, I got 10 minutes into Miss caretaker of Sunohara-sou Episode 1 English Dubbed holy FUCK that's bad and I'm a dubfag usually. Some roles are just too foreign to foreigners, and getting some barren squeaky toy to dub a motherly character is just as bad as having Goku be voiced by an old lady. But it happens way more often because there isn't much money in dubbery and VAs work cheap.
>knowing japanese culture isn't important to judge their voice acting
It's not. Acting has the same goal regardless of culture.
I don't know why you keep bring up California or what it has to do with this discussion.
This is only true if you actually have autism (not the meme kind either).
>Aqua actually sounds pretty good
>Kazuma sounds like a clerk at a flea market
>knowing japanese voice acting culture isn't important
I'll cede this even if it's a semantics argument. The professionalism shown by said culture confirms our initial instinct upon hearing the voice acting without any further references in the language.
Based lobotomized user
All anime dub actors should be British. There, I said it.
It doesn't, your relying on "instinct" to judge anything is useless by nature and as unreliable as every other measurement made with """"intuition""""
You'd know as such by graduating high school
Who dubs anime vidya? They're better than your average anime dub.
How did you survive on the debate team by arguing in such bad faith?
You could do a survey right now cross culturally and the results would come back with Japanese VAs on top for both English and Japanese natives.
and going Jiiiiiiii isn't?
>knowing japanese culture isn't important to judge their voice acting
Use a tripcode so we can filter you for all future posts
Plenty of seiyuu in Japan record separately as well.
Acting is not an objective science you retard. It's inherently an emotional judgement.
>fantasy scenario
I accept your concession, I hope your remaining brain cell survives the rest of the day user kun
Pretty much this, but another gigantic issue is the Directors not wanting the best performances for the roles. They just want their voice actors to say the line in a mediocre tone without fucking up the line. So the only good English performances we get anywhere are ones where the voice actors go out of their way to make their character actually sound interesting.
>You can't
No, it can be cute, funny, goofy, and a lot of different things depending on the context. In English, nobody stares at people and says "hmmmmm". Not in real life or in fiction. It's just not a thing.
>you don't need to know japanese to judge their acting
>defending this unironically
>sperging out to defend this unironically
Sure is summer
Final Fantasy 12 has the best English dub of all time.
>implying you know more Japanese than me
Just go watch superior dubs then friend.
Or mix the two. It's never a binary choice.
Alright post your dubfu without naming them. CLAIMED.
>I have never spoken to a Japanese person in my life
>Even some boomer VAs like Hayashibara are complaining about it.
How can people in the comment section unironically prefer the emotionless dub?
What are the notable VAs in those ones?
Ask /m/ about that. Older anime trends towards a less heightened tone overall
>everyone who disagrees with me must be fucked in the head
Yeah ok, user. Real convincing stuff ya got there.
Exactly. Fantastic Mr. Fox's characters felt so lifeless because of all its miscast A-listers; even Meryl fucking Streep couldn't save herself. I'd take a Billy West over a George Clooney any day.
I don't believe that. I've watched lots of old /m/ shows (that was my bread and butter a few years ago), and it's basically the same shit. Cute girls sound cute and everything. For a classic example, Puru from ZZ gundam.
>if you mention sjws or feminists you're /pol/
Great dubs are extremely rare, even in vidya
Of course.
Memedubs are the best dubs.
Out of all the movies you could've chosen to showcase your point you choosr Fantastic Mr. Fox? Y'know that movie that's meant to be more dry and mundane in its direction as part of the point. Why didn't you choose something with actual poor direction in it like Turbo or Boss Baby or something?
The delivery has certainly turned away from the naturalistic tendencies present in Puru's voice here.
Literally triggered
No one likes leftists, even normalfags don’t like sjws
I think the problem we're seeing now with modern seiyuu is that they were raised on anime and go to specialized seiyuu schools whereas the seiyuu of the olden days were typically classically trained actors who had done stage work and the like which naturally gave them a better foundation as overall performers. That's not to say that everybody these days is bad but there is certainly less natural sounding acting these days than there was in years past.
Anime dubbing is the bottom of the barrel. All the good ones want to get into video game voices, or cartoons. A few years ago (not sure if it's still the same) Bioware was where everybody wanted to work because they paid the big bucks.
>that's not to say that everybody these days is bad but there is certainly less natural sounding acting these days than there was in years past.
Isn't it the fault of directors/voice directors? They simply deliver what the market wants.
I think that's a matter of taste, there are people who are going to prefer stylized stuff over natural stuff. The best Shakespeare performances from a century ago would probably have been derided as overdramatic crap today.
But yeah, that's true as well. It's a consequence of the medium being still somewhat young at that point in time.
I don't disagree that Puru's voice sounds more natural than say a random girl from a slice of life show but keep in mind that this is still gundam (even if it's a goofy one) and has to be somewhat serious so it's a reasonable director's choice. Maybe I'm cheating by picking SDF Macross next, but Minmay's voice has the kinds of inflections that are in modern shows as well.
>Isn't it the fault of directors/voice directors? They simply deliver what the market wants.
Good point, the director's influence can't be underestimated. It could be a combination of the two, less "cultured" actors + less "cultured" or simply less inspired directors.
Nintendo Will Replace Byleth Voice Actor Chris Niosi in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Fire Emblem Heroes
Niosi confirmed he "horribly mistreated and abused" friends, colleagues, significant others in blog post
Niosi's blog post discusses how he was initially accused of misconduct five years ago but did not address the accusations at that time. This month he wrote apologies to former girlfriends and friends to address his behavior. The allegations ranged from sexual harassment, abuse, and assault. Former partners stated that Niosi had said he had "implied permission" to do what he wanted to them.
>it's an anime scene where the character screams or goes "eeeeeeehhh"
>in the dub the scream is a cartoon scream or it's dubbed into "whaaaaaaaaaat"
From memory, a few years ago one of the Gundam voice directors discussed how he hated the way all the "new" seiyuus were just aping 4-5 different voice tones because they'd come out of specialised courses. Talked about needing to make sure they unlearned all those habits to get to a better vocal level and make the characters sound like actual people..
Source? I'm interested in reading about this.
I recall that as well. That was for G-Reco. I wouldn't say they talked like real people in that show either, but it was certainly quite different and very interesting. Also I love that show.
tbf in English, no one really goes "eeeeeeeh"
>Also I love that show.
For what?
tbf most english speakers prefer jelly donuts over rice balls
Literally everything. I love most of the characters, loved the main plot, the battles were creative and fun, and the animation was fucking beautiful. If that's the last show Tomino ever makes, that's not a bad way to go.
Nah, Macross is actually a good choice to make the point on. Her voice is still more naturalistic; put that same vocal delivery in a modern SoL and ask yourself which seiyuu is putting more effort into the exaggerations. Then look at the other voice delivery in Macross, and compare them with modern equivalents. I'd still argue the case for something like Urusei Yatsura, because the vocal work as a whole sounds a lot less pressed.
Here's one of the articles about it. There are probably others if you dig for a bit.
>“All of the young voice actors had been contaminated by currently trendy anime,” the director grumbled. “All of their voices sounded the same to me, so the first order of business was to break them of those habits.”
>The director explained that he was looking for voices that came naturally from the actors’ bodies, without the sort of added theatrics that he feels permeate anime and film-dubbing voice work.
>“All of their voices sounded the same to me
that's the problem with western voice actors as well. Everyone wants to have this hero voice to them
Man, Tomino is right about a lot of things, I want to see those movies so bad.
Anybody have his statements in Japanese somewhere?
I wish they would hire more people outside of the traditional voice acting guild. The voice actor for king bradly is a good example of a non-traditional voice actor.
>outside of the traditional voice acting guild
>outside the guild
Yeah, that's not happening ever.
There's other sites floating around with more expanded information but that's the first source quoted by JT I believe.
Unfortunately, even anime dubbing is full of nepotism and favoritism. All of VO is at this point, you can lose out on being considered for roles over not having enough followers on social media these days. Not even kidding, acting can be interesting if it's something that you're into but it's a real shitshow as a profession.
Good luck son, only way that's gonna happen is if you establish yourself as cheaper better competition
I don't usually watch dubs, but I really liked Fire Force's. It can be done right, I think.
If I'm reading that moon right, he's saying he didn't want voices that "only otaku could like"? That's hilarious.
Almost all of the people defending dubs have problems with reading and can't keep up with subtitles.
When you're in that position, it's easier to rationalize all the ways dubs-are-just-fine-you-autists than it is to travel back in time and not flunk out of third grade.
Thanks user.
Yes. I love Tomino.
Lack of direction/care of the voice actor, vocal range, and bad voice actors in general.
Because it's not the native language. Nobody that isn't a 12 year old in the 90s watching Pokemon gives a flyiing uck about dubbed anime, and the actors and dubbing studios know this. Especially for Japanese, where a lot of nuance comes from tone and context, which is all lost in translation. The only reason dubbing still exists is because burgers are too fucking stupid and lazy to read subtitles.
there were some better dubs back in the 2000s
the battle b-daman one was surprisingly great
Less talent and effort, in addition to the fact that they try to make cheap imitations instead of excelling in their own way by choosing their own direction. Even if they were half decent though I probably would still stick to subs
>small budgets
>limited revenue for the overall operation
>small pool of voice actors, usually B-listers from North American circles of cartoon voice acting
>most of these aren't very talented and have limited range, generally poor at sounding emotionally sincere and dramatic
>in addition to the fact that they try to make cheap imitations instead of excelling in their own way by choosing their own direction.
This is probably one of the biggest things that hold modern English dubs back and I guess it comes as a response to years of radically altered English adaptations that people grew to hate. Now companies like Bang Zoom and Sentai do dubs that are borderline literal that don't play with the script or experiment with voice direction at all and end up sounding as flat as a pancake with the actors basically mimicking the original Japanese actors in the most superficial ways. Or you have Funimation shit that's just a bunch of uptight dickheads from urban Texas venting their frustration over their failures in life on Japanese cartoons. Just a sad state of affairs if you're a dubfag in the States who wants to watch new shit that has any quality whatsoever.
Voice actors aren't unionized tho.
Only true for anime dub actors. Other voice actors are SAG fags.
LA is supposed to be filled with aspiring actors waiting tables and working as extras who would work for peanuts for a speaking role, but somehow it's always the same guys doing everything. This seems more like the fault of lazy casting directors.
Most of those aspiring actors would look down at voice acting.
Well there are good anime dubs too but they're either rare or done with bigger budgets
Japanese anime is made with Japanese voices in mind. Women in their 40s can voice characters in their teens and sound convincing. The west cannot do that and it doesnt help that they have a fraction of the voice actors available that Japan has. I hope western anime voice actors know how much they suck
It's probably a cartel at this point. What is with the English anime/manga community and centralization, JFC.
Not only that, but sometimes the English voice actors are told to act like their Japanese counterparts or given cryptic as fuck direction. Like with Gundam Unicorn, Mineva's voice actor was only told "more princess-like" and was left to figure out what the hell the Japanese director meant by that on her own.
>but somehow it's always the same guys doing everything.
This is true for voice acting in general, though, no matter what area or where you go. You've got to endlessly kiss all the right asses or you'll never get anywhere, it's sadly not about talent or anything that actually matters when it comes to acting. I wasn't interested in doing anime dubbing but I tried to get into VO for years before giving up because of this very shit.
And simuldub makes things even worse.
>Not only that, but sometimes the English voice actors are told to act like their Japanese counterparts or given cryptic as fuck direction.
I'm reminded of when Funimation was selecting who'd do Luffy, and Toei basically walked in, said "use Colleen Clinkenbeard, no we don't care what you think" and laid down the law. So Funimation had to comply. The level of control, or do-this-and-don't-ask-questions, is sometimes bizarre.
Most modern english actors are from the same tiny group of people getting picked for roles over and over.
Above all, english actors lack this genuine feel to them. Nips have it, even spanish-speaking actors have it. But the english acting usually sounds "phoned in". You can feel the energy in other languages and they try to actually be the character. It's rare for english VAs to do that, especially now.
Female VAa are god awful. They almost always sound cringe-worthy and grating on the ears. Many just flat out sound like annoying cunts. And behold, the majority of them are bitchy, fat, feminists irl and it permeates into their work.
This might be just me, but I find a lot of modern male VAs to have an off-putting voice and/or inflection. They either just sound forced, phoned in, or have a feminine inflection to their voice that wasn't an issue 20 years ago.
Simuldubs are the worst shit. English anime dubs were already not that great but simuldubs are totally lacking in any quality whatsoever. Produced at the speed and cost of an old kung fu movie dub from Hong Kong with none of the charm.
I really doubt people go jiiiiiii in real life either.
If you give a Japanese person the reins on an English production, prepare for the worst. It never turns out well. Ever.
Considering some games waste half of their budget on actual actors from Hollywood to voice their shit, yeah, naturally it's going to be good.
Most anime dubbing not being SAG probably has a lot to do with it
If dubbing teams have more sources and info about what they are gonna work with beforehand, simuldubs are okay in many cases.
Shingeki no Kyojin simuldub is alright by me.
The valid reason for anyone to watch anime with dubs is... you have dyslexia. That's about the only reason I can come up with.
Even a blind man can learn Japanese, so it pretty much has to be some sort of learning disability holding you back if you think dubs are valid in any way.
No of course not, but it's a thing in their fiction/language.
Only Amerimutts like dubs, right?
So other people doing it makes it ok. Going hmmmmm has the exact same meaning and tone.
>Above all, english actors lack this genuine feel to them. Nips have it, even spanish-speaking actors have it. But the english acting usually sounds "phoned in". You can feel the energy in other languages and they try to actually be the character. It's rare for english VAs to do that, especially now.
I get what you mean. I watched about 30 seconds of the Violet Evergarden English dub the other day and it didn't sound like anybody was actually trying to become the character, it just sounded like people doing overly articulated voices with no conviction. That's kind of the problem with anime dubs in general these days, at least in the 80s and 90s Streamline Pictures did some dubs where they managed to get some naturalistic performances out of people. Nobody even bothers with that shit anymore which doesn't make much difference to me because I watch in Japanese if I have the option, but as somebody who has an appreciation for acting and the work that goes into creating adaptations it makes me wince when I hear some of the shit that passes for professional anime dubbing these days.
Not only that, Mineva's English VA was actually staff but the Japanese reps decided to make her voice act on top of her real job. Turns out that it wasn't unusual for random staffers working on the English version to get told to go fill a role.
That's happened several times in the last decade. If anything it's getting more common with Japanese studios wanting to exercise control over every last aspect of whatever anime they're producing and parceling out for voiceovers. Toei does it more than others, because they still seem to live in fear of another 4kids-OnePiece level disaster (which Toei forced on 4kids in the first place, the latter didn't want it at all but had to buy it in order to get at another series they were interested in).
Violet Evergarden had interesting foreign dubs
What kind of comparison is that? Are you stupid?
This is what happened with NGE on Netflix.
>So other people doing it makes it ok.
That's literally how language works.
>Going hmmmmm has the exact same meaning and tone.
No you still don't understand. Japanese has a shit load of onamonapias that convey certain meanings that English just doesn't have. "Jiii" is one of them. "Hmmm" is merely a filler word in English and is no way a replacement.
German and French are sex. The English dub is just awful, as usual when Americans try to sound European (or in this case, didn't even try at all).
The English one is too mature for a teenage voice.
Yeah, I saw some of that. Horrendous. The original dub was pretty bad in its own way but that new dub was just a nightmare.
I disagree; the new voice actors are much better because they actually held blind auditions instead of just casting the same bunch of Funimation hacks.
>feminine inflection
Netflix not fucking up a foreign dub was a surprise.
This can be applied to about three fourth of the past gen of American female VAs. They seems to be able to recruit more higher-pitched VAs recently though.
Why is the English one so fucking bad?
Probably because you understand what Violet said.
No I understand the Japanese one too.
Bravely Second's dubs are far superior than the japanese version, especially Geist's VA, you could see that fucker pouring his effort into the voice
I like the Hellsing comparison:
I know enough German and Japanese to tell you the English one sucks the most.
I love how understated the German one is. It works well.
I actually like Crispin Freeman as Alucard. Nakata is fantastic though, that's obvious to anybody with working ears.
Nobody can lay a finger on Nakata, but that's not really a surprise.
Dub actors and voice actors/actors that do voice work are two different groups. Something to do with unions
The English one isn't great, but that Spanish is horrid. Absolute worst by far. Surprised more people haven't mentioned that.
Besides the Japanese, I really like the German.
The latino one is fine.
Is it really? I thought both of the Spanish ones were OK. The German one is definitely the best non-Japanese one though. I agree. The French one is also really good.
Crazy rabbit.
It always amazes me how many people shit on German even though all the fricatives in the language give it a really nice soft quality.
I feel like the American equivalent is going "Woooow"
>Germany gets the premiere of the Gaiden OVA earlier than the rest of the world
I am glad that more people are clued in that Violet is meant to be heard only in the German tongue
Big name dub companies usually aren't situated in Los Angeles. Funimation is in Texas, for starters
Amazing, so many whores and not a single one of them will fuck you...
Why should he? He doesn't have one in the original.
Its not like he speaks Japanese with a French accent in the sub. Weird complaint.
That spanish is telemundo level fucking awful. The french is sex and the german is good.
Firstly, the jobs are gatekeeped by mostly sjw. So they only hire their own. And they typically hate anime.
Funny enough... game companies have way better voice actors because unlike the anime dubbing industry... gaming voice acting isn't gatekeeped by sjw.
>dubbed titanshit
The absolute state of nu-Yea Forums.
Not an argument.
Just because they are smarter and more talented than you, does not mean they are awful for being so.
Improve yourself before bitching about others you failure.
How did SJWs take control of anime voice acting?
Because nobody with intelligence cares about dubs.
No sane person with talent becomes a VA in the west. And for the ones that do, they aren't doing voice overs for Japanese banzai cartoons (and games).
Listen to the lisp and feminine inflection in Okuyasu's voice. Another example is Genos from OPM. He just flat out sounds like a faggot.
Compare that to an older dub like Yu Yu Hakusho or Trigun. Guys didn't have those issues.
name one good western female va
i cant even think of one
For the most part, English VA are terrible in games and dubs.
Neir Automata is the exception. Quality in both Japanese and English
not that user,
but your wrong, sit down.
hmm is a fine translation for jiii
No it fucking isn't. Jii is an onamonapia for staring. Staring shouldn't even have an onamonapia but in Japanese it somehow makes a fucking sound. Stares don't go "hmmmmm" in english, but they do go "jiiiii" in Japanese. I didn't make the rules but that's how it is.
Because anglos are bad at anything not called 'destroying another country'.
but user, you dont have to translate everything literally or keep it the exact same for the exact same reason... languages differ.
Yea, english doesn't have onomatopoeia for staring, so why should it adopt something or forcefully make the ENGLISH PRODUCT FOR ENGLISH SPEAKERS non-idiomatic english?
Use your brain for a bit. As someone with experience in translating, idiomatic correctness and localization sometimes and sometimes often go before "true to the original"-values.
Would you translate the japanese phrase containing an idiom like
>As I thought its 'Dango rather than flowers'
or would you use an idiom that english speakers understand or perhaps have them outright say what they mean?
What you are arguing for is keeping the idiom as is, which would be nonsensical to anyone who isnt a weeb
>but muh sekrit club
ya no
>watch Fire Force dub episode 3 out of curiosity
>Tsudaken's villain character is played by Sonny Strait forcing a terrible deep, generic thug voice
My expectations weren't high, but I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that a bigger voice downgrade has never existed in the history of the medium.
When will Junko Iwao be back? I miss her.
there are living things that watch jojo with dub?
i remember watching the phillipines dub of digimon tamers years ago and it was pretty tight.
>calling people weebs
>on the anime pogs trading forum
>in 2019
What does this have to do with hmm being a garbage translation? It doesn't convey the same nuance at all. Might as well just go with the staaaare shit at that point.
lets just say i personally think the right choice is what gets called out the least, which in this case has to be "hmm".
>guise they changed it to "hmm"
wow thats pretty wrong
>they changed it to "staaare"
what are they retarded
again hmm is the more idiomatic choice imo
I feel like they could just ask the first age-appropriate girl they see on the street to voice female characters and it'd be better than what we usually get. An average girl speaking normally would be just fine for most characters, compared to the 2 packs of cigs a day 40 years old bitches forcing themselves to sound young. I swwear it's likr they actively try to sound bad.
To rephrase what user is trying to say, in japanese fiction it's accepted they people sound out onamonapias. It's somethign they do for emphasis and we understand it doesn't literally happen irl.
Western fiction doesn't have this concept. Sure the literal end result of going HMMM might be close but it's not the same concept. Japanese people go "hmmm" too but they don't use that interchangeably with jiiii because it's not the same concept for them.
It's like honorifics, we just don't have a proper equivalent.
I'm not arguing for any particular translation. In fact I think you're just fucked in this particular case. Regardless, "hmmm" doesn't work. "Jiiiiii" can convey a cute awkward girl humorously staring at you. "Hmmm" doesn't.
A western equivalent in cartoon would be having the character's eyes comically elongate towards the thing they're staring at.
Find me a Japanese voice actor that is as good as Mel Blanc.
it seems you lack vision my friendo
Literally just say huh
Monica rial now incels are trying too ruin her life for exposing her sexual assault.
like the awful Breath of the wild Zelda?
Since when is zelda a western video game?
Alita OVA has such a cute voice
>There is little money and it's got no prestige
then why do they dub almost all the news show, no one want this shit dub
>Western women from art schools are feminist whores who can't even approximate cuteness, they can only do bitchy and slutty, so they ruin any moe character they attempt to voice
pretty much why I have never touched a dub in years
let burgers think the world care about their shithole
this, all of the male characters in the hyouka dub were great as well as space dandy, but the women all sounded like they were trying too hard.
if i compare what you say with a sport for exemple Basket :
Japanase running and play hard to win even when injured
American walk and lazy do nothing to win
seething that your poor language is not sweet on our ears?
i never watched anything in english until some years ago for some serie tv that were awful
or age, they cast old hags who cant act like a young cute girl like the granny japanese
>"Damn that's a shame I sort of liked his Reigen"
>look at his blogpost confession
>it's all vague mentions of 'emotional abuse'. apologizing for venting about his own troubles to friends too much, not paying back gas money, and sending a girl a valentine's card after they had already broke up
Is this what passes as shit worth destroying a career over nowadays?
then what happened with the netflix evangelion?
Wasn't this made in the UK?
then why do you enjoy english dub when 95% people on the planet know that its really bad
why don't they hire a British person to do the English voice? why a shitty grating American accent.
why aren't more anime dubbed in British or other accents, there's this tatami galaxy fan dub a guy did in Irish and it's not bad.
its funny that american conventions are always packed with Voice Actor and rarely you see some japanese mangaka, singer or anime director invited
>not paying back gas money
Have a Scottish Pokemon.
Western voice actresses are all in they're 40's or sound like it.
they dont like to hear foreign languages that are better than english
ok dumb fanboy now go to sleep
we saw how fucked up they are with kickVick story
Because they all spent their entire youth constantly drinking and on drugs which fucks your body up.
latin spanish, french and italian are much better than english and they also use quite a lot of old people but they know how to change heir intonation, just listen to this
All Japs sound the same
lol stop Ron Soye
even if its true (i doubt) they are wayyyyy better than burger diva
Stop watching moeshit.
>spic rei is no longer gabi ugarte
Aside from Japanese, the German one is the best one again. Are krauts just godly at dubbing or something?
Watching the original audio track with subs is always better. It's not solely a weeb thing, I watch movies with original audio too.
One of the things that irks me the most about English dubs is how all the VA's either come from SoCal or Texas, which leads to most characters having either a Californian accent, a fake Californian accent, or a Texan accent. The last one's fine for certain characters like pic related, but I feel like modern dubs are seriously lacking in accent diversity, especially from the East Coast, Deep South, and Midwest. Hell, I'd actually like it better if they starting doing some dubs in the UK/Ireland, Australia/NZ, and Canada (okay maybe not the last one).
For example, BBC Three's dub of the first couple episodes of Urusei Yatsura is god-tier:
My god that was good for a laugh.
They don't even try to pair the mouth movement in the slightest they talk way faster than the actor does. The Star Wars one is already known for being shitty acting even to Americans but the Japanese version is just plain hilarious.
Japanese Batman is superior.
How many TV loicenses do I have to buy to get the BBC to dub all of UY?
Well I don't know about the entire thing. In that scene the the vast majority of the dialogue is from Vader whose mouth movements obviously don't matter. Luke's few lines are fine though. From an acting perspective, I think it is done well enough.
Only the TNG one was good. The others were only okay at best.
Vader's parts are fine and yeah like you said you can't see his face. Luke in the english version has this really cheezy "NOOOOOOOOO THAT"S IMPOSSIBLE!" line that makes you want to cringe. The Nip voice actor only had a fairly quick "Uso da!" so lukes mouth is still open screaming and he's not saying anything anymore.
Yeah I think the main problem is they don't understand a lot of English speakers don't talk that fast. Maybe it's the difference in length of an average sentence but I would think Japanese would be shorter since they can conjugate verbs and get multiple words that. It just seems they talk to fast for all of the actors. The voice sounds good though and I could believe it for a Joker voice.
>you can hear the hatred in their voices as they read ecchi dialogue
That's even better
Japanese seems to take a lot of syllables to say things. It's also why dubs seem to add a lot of fluff in the script where the original statement, literally translated, is quite dry by comparison.
dubs > subs
Ron Toye is simply defending his wife and homophobe/antisemite Vic is trying to sue him now too. How am I even supposed to pay for this?
Its just that you don't know how ridiculous nip voice acting is because you don't speak it.
I feel like no matter what, dubbing will always sound shitty
Tiffany Grant was good as Asuka. Not as good as the sub but pretty good.
I learned nip and VA got even better.
Your right, but there's simply no equivalent in English.
Nah, see
actors have a work preference with certain studios. if someone else gets the license for an anime, they have to get cheaper/unknown actors to dub.
The big studios pick the big fish animes, which is why much anime never gets a dub, and why some anime which don't fulfill those bigdick merchandising options end up getting picked up by lesser known studios for dubs.
I would say most dubs are pretty good in any case. There are only a few male voice actors that piss me off and they usually always have a spanish last-name. You can hear them slur their s's on their fat fucking spic tongues and they're so monotone it's grotesque.
these kind of general vague threads will get you nowhere. Point out specific characters you think are dubbed poorly, and their shitty voice actors doing a shitty job.
The vocal register of East Asians and White Women are genetically different.
White women and their deeper voices naturally sound less cute if they don't affect their pitch.
lel YT VAs don't have acting chops asides from doing a single vapid voice
There is so much to voice acting beyond simply making funny voices. It's almost entirely irrelevant.
Kari Whalgren
German is the language everyone loves to shit on because "lol Hitler angry Germans". Go watch any "German is an angry language" video on youtube and you'll notice that they specifically pronounce things extremely harshly and only compare the language to English and Romance languages to further alienate it.
why are people saying that trying to sound like the original is a problem? from what I've heard about the dubbing industry the problem is that they don't try to sound like the original at all. people in charge of casting don't even try to choose actors that sound similar to the original voice and directors think they are there to create an original take. I think that gay furry voice actor posted in Yea Forums one time that he doesn't even listen to the original audio before he voices a line.
Can a language user explain why spanish, french and italian don't have these issues. Some dubs are terrible but their overall quality is pretty great and I tend to watch the spanish dub if needed.
Do you guys think the accent might be part of the problem?
Most dubs use, I think the term is, "middle american accent", while other accents might be more suited to conveying moe.
Not anime but I enjoyed the eurodub for Xenoblade.
I think a big issue with dubs is how the actresses think they should put on a bloody bad falsetto in order to sound more 'anime'.
It'd sound better if they spoke normally.
Because a lot of them are bums that only care about the paycheck. They show up, read some lines, and collect their pay. That's about it.
I've actually found a lot of recent video games have really good english voice acting, sometimes I prefer it to original.
Anime english dubbing, however, is pretty much always trash.
No wonder I hear the same three different sluts in every dub. Nobody else to hire and the have no range.
Americans are an effeminate and decadent people disconnected from the depths of their own souls.
Look at all those butthurt incels.
Wait wrong tab
shame they dont get voice actors for live action moves. most actors sound terrible
Mexico, France and Italy have well-established, well-paid dubbing industries. It's not really a problem with the language itself but woth the state of voice acting itself.
The problem with murican voice acting is that nobody takes it seriously, so there is both a lack of talent and a lack of experience in dubbing in general.
I sure as hell don't lol. I only knew there was a part 4 dub because someome made a thread on it a long time ago. And faggots were actually praising the shit in the youtube comments too. Normalfags, underages, ans redditors.
I kinda like Josuke's voice, but everyone else sounds awful, specially Koichi and Rohan.
Yeah, American domination of the dubbing industry sucks ass, on top of that its monopolized by an even smaller subset of the American populace. Think about the range of characters you could convey if you used people from all over for the shop, like you see in fan projects. People rag on globalization, but this a case of globalization that hasn't even gone past the first step.
If you want to hear fairly believable/respectable English dubbing, pull up an Italian film from the early 70s. There was a whole English dubbing scene in Italy itself that put out better work than pretty much any of the stuff done in the US these days, I think one of the biggest things that makes modern American dubbing so stilted is that they do them line by line whereas dubbing as it was done by the English dubbing crews in Rome back in the day as well as how it is and has been done in a lot of other countries usually involves actors doing longer snippets that can be up to a full minute or more and sometimes with multiple actors in the room at the same time. I think this tends to make for more natural-sounding performances than when you are just mechanically doing dub work one line at a time like FUNimation and Bang Zoom do.
>Yeah, American domination of the dubbing industry sucks ass, on top of that its monopolized by an even smaller subset of the American populace.
There used to be dubbing done in New York but that pretty much disappeared as far as I know. Oh, and don't forget the dubs that used to be done up in Canada, that shit just got shut down, too.
One line at a time is always an unfortunate compromise.
99% of it is Funimation, a company staffed by arrogant pricks like Christopher Sabat who think they are God's gift to English speaking otakus. When you approach each project with the idea that you're "improving" it for Western audiences, of course the product is going to be shit.
Imagine not being taught the true glory of English dubs by lord Ruggington:
You can definitely hear some of a Brit/Australian accent poking through with the girls; it's actually not bad at all and gives it a bit of a Charlie Brown Christmas aesthetic (compounded with the awful sound quality)
I like the Animax dub, too. It's no replacement for the original obviously but it has a charm about it that the squeaky, forced Bandai dub doesn't.
You can google anime dub salaries. Western voice actors say it in interviews all the time, it's one of the things they tell people asking to get into anime voice acting: the pay is shit. It pays less than video game voice acting or western cartoons