ED Ruined

I feel for kyoani as they are one of my all time favorite studios but it's a real shame this ED got censored

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fuck nips and their fragile feefees. you can show empathy without censoring a show to hell

Just watch the ED from episode 1 and 2. It is still there.

What did it look like before?

Uncensored version

Attached: Screenshot_20190727-085105.png (2340x1080, 1.85M)

Do they represent people who died in a fire? I don't watch this show obviously, just heard that it is getting censored.


The rest of the show or just this episode?

I can understand why they did it. I imagine there are a lot of edgy trolls who are using that imagery to mock the tragedy. But for the sake of art I hope they release the original when it is out for sale.

probably the rest of the show

From episode 4 on there will be changes

Fire power will become water power
People that burst into flames will be people that burst into water
The other world will be an endless ocean

I respect the gesture, even as someone who normally hates censorship in almost all forms. Maybe they'll do an uncensored rerun once the wounds aren't as fresh.

I'm ok with that

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They added in the Kyoani smoke, the absolute mad lads.

Oh you mean the time MGS2 had to cut content because of 9/11. Yeah man, I wish they showed the Statue of Liberty getting razed by Arsenal Gear, unironically.

hahahaha man this was some bad fucking timing for this show
of all possible things to happen to air now

fuck burgers too then

3 threads
How can Stonecuck even compete?

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BDs obviously will be uncensored

Begone cancer

>his fav carton ed got censored
You seem the one who have said fragle feelings.


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>frogposting on Yea Forums
Kill yourself.

Of course it's only for the airing show.

What kind of a dumb fuck are you? Of course it'll be uncensored on the BD.

nice boat