Why did so many girls like Sasuke? He makes a really bad father

Why did so many girls like Sasuke? He makes a really bad father.

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No girls like Sasuke. They like Madara.

>He makes a really bad father
Tell that to every coal burner ever

Sakura and his fangirls, just because he was hot and cool.
Ino, probably because of that and because he was a lonewolf and she's got a thing for saving people.
Karin, because he saved her and she wanted to see him be happy again.

women like vaguely sociopathic high status males, how new are you

Imagine fucking Sasuke in the ass

Women like bad boys for the same reason Oregairu self-inserters like autistic girls
To fix them

Girls don't think with theirs brains.

Girl here, I thought he was hot and cool. Not a loser kid like Naruto.

girls at that age don’t think about shit like that

I don't really think it's stupid, I personally like girls who don't make good mothers. I just thought it's strange because I usually see women want reliability as a father in their husbands yet some popular male characters contradict that.

>he was a lonewolf and she's got a thing for saving people.
Those were actually Sakura's reasons for falling in love with him according to what she says to him when he leaves the village.

The only times we see Ino actually talking about Sasuke she just mentions how cool and talented he is.

google "blackpillscience a compilation on personality".

women like violent, high status men, like this guy said

This is your brain your dick doesnt give a ahit about how good a mother a girl is.

>Those were actually Sakura's reasons for falling in love with him
sakura never had an in narrative reason to be in love with him, kishimoto admitted as much

She never had a narrative reason to marry him or to put up with his deadbeat husband bullshit for so long.

But she did love him because she wanted to save him, though it didn't matter because that ended up being Naruto's main obsession.

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Kishimoto pls.

Naruto should have married Sasuke.


Sasuke is boring. Girls only like insane third-eyed moon aliens that rejected their humanity

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And Sakura should've died

typical generic 'girls like the seclusive badboy' shit hack authors push even tho it never got me laid

You weren't good looking enough to get away with acting like a sperg

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maye if i wasnt 200 lbs in 6th grade it'd work out better for me

Nah, Sakura literally just wanted to be with Sasuke. She didn't care whether he went to Oto, just that he take her with him. And then when Shikamaru told her the villages were turning on him, Sakura even wanted to kill him herself. The one who genuinely wanted to save Sasuke from loneliness was Naruto.

Kishimoto even said Sakura had no reason to love Sasuke, that her love for him was shallow and obsessive, and that he didn't actually bother to draw some reasoning behind it because it'd have felt contrived.

Sakura was a fangirl through a through. She's just the lucky one that got to be on his team.

Ino even says as much in boruto

They think with their dicks

Implying Ino still is over him.

Take your pick out of the guys. Yeah, I thought so.

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I bet Ino screams out Sasuke's name when Sai's giving her the hog and Sai just has to take it

>edgy emo
>loud and annoying
>genius slacker
>crouching tiger visible fatass
>asexual insect lover with a canonically huge fucking penis
>you just know

I see what you mean

>>you just know
Holy shit

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Why do they like Madara?

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No, that's Naruto.

Ino just fucks herself with Sai's body.

you're asking a much broader question than just Sasuke my man

lel holy fk, you got me with kiba

Always good to know that everything surrounding this shitty series is good to laugh at out of contempt

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what about Neji?
the expected choice of a woman of culture

Naruto Xenoverse clone when?

Team Guy is a year older

Even his own female teammate would rather fuck sausage

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isn't that a plus?


Wasn't Naruto even more popular once he got older. He picked up chicks left and right in the movies.

Madara is the ultimate CHAD.

The blind eyes creep them out.

He became less annoying as he grew up, so I can understand that.

Didn't a lot of girls in the village acknowledge that they thought Sasuke was cute? Hell, not only did Ino, Sakura, and Tenten say he was cute, but even fucking Temari said he was cute as well. I actually forgot that Tenten thought Sasuke was cute, holy shit. Sasuke could have fucked all their young teen pussies but instead he had to be an edgelord power hungry faggot. I guarantee you those girls were so into Sasuke that all he had to do was ask them out to lunch and they would have been all over him.

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Honestly, it would fit Sasuke's character if he was legit gay.

No homo

He is strong, he is crazy, he is handsome, he is buff, he is cute. he has beautiful hair, hot voice and a heart of gold. Saucegay cannot compete against this perfection of a man...

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He was 12 and had his family murdered. Cut him some slack.

Sai would just be like “I’m glad she is enjoying herself”
I swore a read a fic like this.

Looking back Naruto was a big cunt to Sasuke for some odd reason, which is ironic given how later on he was the only one in Konoha who believed in him

>could have fucked all their young teen pussies but instead
what percent of anime DOESN'T have a character this sentence describes?

I don't know why but women love being single mothers for some reason

Sakura pretty much is.

Basically every female character that was ever in the same room as him except for Hinata

Part 2 was overwhelmingly shit.
The only good parts are, ironically enough, the parts that have nothing to do with Naruto (lmao), i.e. the Sasuke plotlines (gathering team Hebi/Taka, fighting Deidara, confronting Itachi, attacking the Kage Summit), Jiraiya's infiltration into Amegakure, Asuma's death and Shikamaru's grief and revenge (at least until Naruto shows up and ruins it with his Dragon Ball Z-tier asspull jutsu). Pain's invasion of Konoha was alright too, before Naruto showed up. Then it sucked.

People hate Naruto, the series, mostly because of the actual character Naruto.
Everything with him at the center sucks ass, and that held true in Part 1 as well. There's a reason why people talk about epic fights like Rock Lee vs Gaara, while nobody gives a shit about Naruto vs Kiba.

In Sasuke's very first chapter, Naruto mouth rapes him, then ties him up and transforms into him so he can fuck his future wife.

he cute

>asexual insect lover with a canonically huge fucking penis
What the kek? Where'd you hear this?

high IQ post

Naruto vs Kiba was Naruto getting his ass kicked until he farts in his face. Its literally a gag dragonball type fight



Rock Lee vs Gaara is overrated and has to much talking. Naruto vs Gaara was kino however

It's overrated because of how it is the first step of Naruto turning into DBZ by focusing more on super speed and super strength over actual ninja shit.

Post more dark-haired Madara.

How about a compromise? I rarely post non-Rikudo Madara

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I'm still sad my girl Karin didn't win the Saucebowl. Suigetsu deserved a bigger role.

I got the impression that Rock Lee was faster than Haku

A one-shot prologue done by Kishi for the AU movie

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He's edgy, cool, and being a bad father is a good thing to women you retard. Want the best genes, so get knocked up by Chad (me), and then have losers take care of the kids while not even asking for child support (you). Enjoy taking care of my seed that was all over her face, in all of her orafices, etc.

That bald spot gives me the creeps.

No shit. Sasuke was faster than Haku with no mirrors and later he gets dabbed on by Lee who didn't even need to use gates or take off his weights.

Yeah, I didn't make that one up. Shippuden, episode 311, they're at a bathhouse and Naruto looks over at Shino's dick and freaks out. Dude's hung like a horse.

It's not a bald spot, it's a part of his horn torn off

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I respect your opinion, but it is wrong.

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>Dude's hung like a horse.
Too bad for him that having bugs inside every orifice in your body has got to be the biggest turn-off for girls everywhere

They wouldn't care if Chad had bugs in his body.

Big dicks are creepy anyway, even without the bugs

being shindog is truly suffering


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Why? They are cute.


Sakura doesn't "love" Sasuke. From the beginning, she was playing 4D chess with everyone.

She knew that eventually a hokage would show up that would apologize for the Uchiha massacre and pay reparations. (Naruto probably does this off-screen)

Then Sasuke would be the richest man in town (genocide reparations are BILLIONS of dollars)

She even got close to Tsunade, hoping to convince her to trust and like Sasuke, though that failed.

I see you are a man of culture as well.

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>Ascended coping

Its not like they are leaking out

You wouldn't hurt cute baby Madara...

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Madara is for...



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Gas him, immediately

Editor san said so


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I really really liked those eps about his gay childhood wish Hashirama

What did Ino say?

Naruto may have been a loser kid. But he sure is the winner dad!

World peace could have been achieved if only Hashirama sacrificed his ass.


>implying he didn't

Stop. They're not gay.

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Next you'll tell me that there is nothing homoerotic between Naruto and Sasuke.

Yes, those two are gay without question. But my husband Madara and his friend Hashirama are NOT homosexual

There is only one straight man on this picture.

Madara was never dating a woman, he showed clear contempt for Tsunade, was so clingy towards his best friend. Do the maths.

The popcorn

Imagine all the problems that would be avoided is these two just fucked

Teenage girls don't want a guy to father their child, they want fuck buddies.

so girls are just like boys?

I can't wait for the Uchiha clan to be exterminated

He wasn't dating anyone. He didn't have time and was too autistic for relationships (just like I am). Tsunade was too confident in herself. And of course he was clingy towards his only friend. You are not?

Its to late now with narutard as hokage

Nope. Boys think with their brains.

Wake up he was a fag

No! No, he wasn't!

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Seriously why?!

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Choji if you're not a fucking pleb


Its a shame he got worse girl

I like Madara’s long puffy hair
I bet his pubes are nice too


Yes, very lovely! Do you think they changed color to white as well during his Rikudo transformation?

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can you put a trip on so i don't have to see your posts


yes they’re edible too

Madara is so handsome

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Just like cotton candy!
Not with that hairline

why not?

Sometimes you have to endure things that you don't like, not hide away from them

why are you being obnoxious?

Madara never had a GF

Am I? How? I'm trying to tone that down. I wasn't the one to bring up Madara and only reply to things related to him now

He died a virgin. Like a true God.

Hashirama fucked him many times when they were kids.

No. Disgusting.

Shit like this justifies Sai's existence as a character, he can make any social situation into a comedy.

He's better than Sauce, but still a shit parent judging by Boruto's angst-phase. Shikamaru takes gold and silver in the best dad race, Lee takes the bronze.

>takes 2 medals
not fair man

He was disgusting. Still happened though.

Tobirama spied on them, he wouldn't let them fuck.

Naruto is a fantastic parent, but only to Kawaki.

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Tobirama is shinobi through and through, he wouldn't break cover until his father told him to. He would watch every second of them fucking for the sake of the clan.

>if you had a shitty parent it was because he couldn't relate to you
What a shitty premise

They were too young (10-12 years?) for fucking at that time, and when they reunited Tobirama watched them all the time (he is sensor after all). Those two could not even talk in private too long without Tobirama interrupting them.

And he would like it.

user pls. 12 year olds are getting pregnant all the time all over the world.

I think I’ll go fap to Naruto po-
>cuck shit
>terrible edits and cringy harem shit

Of course. He wishes he were there. But that's not his mission.

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The Narutopixx stuff is horrible. I remember seeing it around like in 2009, why is new content still being made? The edits are so boring and generic.

Ino showed up on the manga? Did she do or say anything relevant? Might have to check it if she did.


But they were boys, they could've try handjobs, but no more.

He probably could stay still if Hashirama was fucking Madara, but if Madara tried to fuck his brother he most likely would attack him. His father must've told him to protect his brother from immediate danger, and defiling Senju heir is a big deal.

She has showed up a few times on the recent chapters.

>Tell me Hashirama, if the leaf village is such a good thing, then why are there no good leaf village video games?

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Kishimoto trying to redpill people on the reality of "that hot guy I chased in high school" ending up a massive asshole

This is what the faggot community amounts to? Daydreaming about faggotry that never happens but faggots wish it did? Consider the rope already, faggot

Why do so many girls like Niggers? They are a really bad fathers.

>is the one blonde-haired, blue-eyed white girl in the designated WE WUZ village
Unironically what did Kishimoto mean by this

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Cloud village = Republic of South Africa

There's Yugito too

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It's fine, Madara is obviously uke.

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She belongs to black cock

Based. Thank you.

She's prolly a virgin and waiting on a nordic god to take her out of nignog nation

why do you niggers always reply with the same ape response for every white girl

Hey, it's not my fault nordic goddess love my bbc. Playa hater

aight monkey

You truly believe that, dont you? That we bbc are monkeys? Like you actually think it's true.

Unironically the hottest female in the series.

How is Sasuke cool, though? He's silent and boring, and actslike an autist. Guys like that aren't popular in real life.

>how can this TERRIBLE SERIES not have my tastes in porn!?! MODS!???!

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Do you really have to ask, Naruto?

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How is panda holding up?

>the designated WE WUZ village
From the shade of brown they use to color them, I'm pretty sure Cloud Village are supposed to be pajeets.

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They are if they are good looking

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Silent and boring if you are hot just means you are quiet and mysterious

How is Sasuke hot, though? He's just a jap kid with an emo hairdo and the same build as everyone else (except the fat fuck). If we're gonna be realistic about female sexual preference, in what universe does a zipperhead outchad a blue eyed blond?

He's classically attractive, like "tall, dark, and handsome". He also appeals more to Japanese audiences, Nips liked him more than the west did.

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blacks on Yea Forums are so weird

Best and cutest Uchihas!

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Arent we weird all the time?

"Chad" character

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Depends. Do you like Rikudo Madara?

I want to adopt them

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stop bumping the thread idiot


best friends!

I want them to take me to Tokyo Disneyland.

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Idiots. There's two of us. And I'm always bumping dying Nardo threads. You can never escape.

you are why people think these threads are cancer

you answered your own question.
girls avoid paternal figures
usually is your typical perfect dad guy whom gets cheated

I'll have to disagree

Not true, that one summerfag is gonna post about the thread being cancer regardless.

>t. western fag
when you watch more than 2 animes, you start digging stoic characters like Jotaro, Giorno and Sasuke.
it's a Japanese thing, just check the popularity of those characters here and there

>animes poster calling anyone western

>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Madara so much, I had all the merchandise and manga volumes
>I pray to Madara every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given
>"Madara is love" I say; "Madara is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Madara
>I called him a cunt
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I'm crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it's really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It's Madara
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear "This is my tree."
>He grabs me with his powerful sage hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Madara
>He penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Madara
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Madara
>He roars in a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>Madara looks him straight in the eyes and says "It's all moon now."
>Madara leaves through my window
>Madara is love. Madara is life.

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Well, they are cancer. But I enjoy our cancerous Naruto threads and want them alive.


This but unironically

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>He makes a really bad father.
Depends enterily on who's the mother.

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fuck, it's still true.
and even though the word anime doesn't exist and sounds retarded, conjugating is a thing for English

it's not ironic you psychology-let, it makes perfect sense


in-universe he is hot, almost every girl thinks so.

look at Japanese/Korean boy-band idols, they are a bunch of feminine fuckboys with emo/Korean fuckboy haircuts yet there are millions of girls who would fuck them without hesitation

also, the popular/attractive/hottest in school character in manga/anime is not just physically attractive, he is smart, from a rich/influential family, and good at sports (just read any shojo manga)

Sauce is not only attractive, but he is also the last Uchiha, the strongest genin (as far as his classmates know), and top of the class.

>implying fat men are desirable

True enough, though that just makes him a worse parent overall since he's more affectionate with a rando than his own kids.

Boruto doesn't need this kind of treatment, he's a spoiled kid. Though Naruto and Boruto are good by this point in the manga, resolved easily enough because Boruto's problem was so superficial.
As for Kawaki, Naruto is keeping his promise to Nagato. Here he finds some random kid not even from his village who's scared and alone, hunted by a sinister organization and Naruto not only accepts him into the village but invites him into his own home. Kid needs the affection, he has no one.

I can tell how much of a piece of shit parent you would be. Please if you ever get the feelings of having a kid, don't. Cut off your genitalia instead.

how? it would only have been ironic if he was the first one to want Sasuke's head on a stick.

t. Boruto

God naruto writing is so shit

Your kid thinking you don't care about your family is not a superficial problem. The reasoning behind it may be, but them arriving at that conclusion is a very serious issue.

It was a superficial problem given that it was resolved immediately after the Momoshiki attack on the chuunin exams. Maybe it seems worse in the anime because of shit pacing, but it's long since done with in the manga. Boruto was classic appearance-obsessed generation z, both Naruto and Sasuke comment on this, that's why I call it superficial. He was a superficial person. He was retarded to think his father doesn't care about him just because he has an important job, and Naruto going all out and sacrificing himself to protect his son immediately showed that Boruto was wrong in about one panel. He was an immature brat for even thinking anything to the contrary.

A superficial problem wouldn't require an alien god invasion to fix. The fact that Naruto had to almost DIE IN FRONT of his kid to convince him he cared is a pathetic failure of parenting.

It didn't require an alien invasion, that's just how it happened. It required more than two brain cells on Boruto's part. This is the same guy who idolized Sasuke who had been absent from Sarada's life for what, a decade?