This is the real reason why Shinji Aoba-kun flipped. He had bought these Bose 901 speakers from KyoAni employee, and felt ripped off.
This is the real reason why Shinji Aoba-kun flipped. He had bought these Bose 901 speakers from KyoAni employee...
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Second culprit here.
Nice picture for ants, thought its those old 2000s lcd. So they started raiding the perp house for evidence?
They sell speakers?
Jesus fuck what? Is this real?
Someone said it on Yea Forums, so it must be.
Thanks boss(e).Man, thats quite huge, its a set from a surround system?
>Bose 901
"There are two kinds of people who like Bose speakers; those who never heard them and those who already own them."
901 was a direct reflecting speaker that reflect from the walls with good spatial presentation.
Is Bose better than AKG? Is this why kyoani got burn? Jealousy from kyoani shilling AKG?
They sell light novels so why not selling speakers.
Is there a need for speakers when you live alone in a tiny appartment? Headphones are way better.
Whatever your opinion might be about the speakers, they are absolutely not suited for some japanese 10m² room.
>not getting ripped off
What did he expect?
Buy Other Sound Equipment
I don't believe you.
I'd rather think that it's because he was some train otaku, or they copied his novel, or even that his waifu got fucked, than think that it was over some stupid sound system.
In fact, stop coming up with new shit every day, can you?
I think you buy Bose.
I wonder if they're going to be able to recover the stuff on his hard drive.
So is he gonna hang
Is he less fat than we thought??
He looks like a chad
Oh come on. Now this is just fucking ridiculous.
>tfw bought bose
The note says this:
- Electricity
- Air conditioner ) Turn off
But what does it mean?
Didn't he blast game music just to piss off his neighbors? Makes sense to go to 11. He's nuts, I tell you.
a guy from kyoani had speakers and he sold them to him
The missing piece.
What the fuck was he listening to with all this shit
Title says
>There is a mystery poster in the room - the search in the suspect Aoba's home
He look like my boss.
Look at those fucking tits
Save Vidya
Could it be that this is just a Bose publicity stunt and soon they will reveal that nobody actually died BUT the sound of Bose speakers is so hot they could tear down an entire office building so buy now and get a 10% discount?
So the one who sold him the speakers survive or what?
Fucking BOSE.
Go away Yea Forumsermin.
who knows, maybe he didn't make a connection until they found speakers in his home and he remembered, or he's dead and they're just hearing from the perpetrator it was about the speakers
Did you know BÖSE is German for evil?
Is this meant for home theatre or something?
Seem a bit excessive for vidya when you could just get a good headphone instead.
Stop falling for shit when you don't even understand what it says, idiots.
All it says is that they've conducted a search in his home and seized his shit. He's got a big check to pay off.
They'll seize all his rare dakis, doujinshi and figures.
He regained consciousness?
I doubt he actually wanted to commit the biggest mass murder in japan since ww2
>inb4 but he told them to die
Yeah I still doubt it. Probably didn't even expect people to die.
What a retard
The only retard here is you. He spent days scouting and planning for it.
He went all the way from Tokyo to Kyoto just to set their office on fire. I'm pretty sure he wanted them to die.
Did he actually want to live though?
Yeah, it's kind of hard to set an animation studio on fire from your apartment
Why is the police taking away his speakers anyway? Are they retarded?
write leave-room checklist
media: wOw a mYsterIous NoTe
Nigga needs some UNTZ in the hospital.
>virgin neet netuyo
>godly k/d chad arsonists
anisong ofc
>Here you can see Shinji Aoba's hospital room. Currently they are trying to wake him up by playing his favorite music
Believe it or not, he was hearing video game BGM music according to the neighbors, which were angry at him because the music was too loud everytime.
Not a surprise with all the high class sound equipment he owned.
How come a NEET has money for BOSE shit?
At minute 42, hope I don't suddenly have the desire to go out and fill some jerry cans.
day trading
Look for what he was detained in 2006 guys...
A daytrader AND a pantychad.
God I wish he stole my underwear after assaulting me too
More info about the arsonist!
>he buys anime
Good speakers are a million times better than good headphones.
$200 headphones >>> $200 speakers
He had KyoAni DVDs and stuff on his mobile phone.
Exactly my thoughts.
What kind of porn was he into?!
Maybe he collected them? There are people into stuff like photography that hoard old cameras
He looks like he fucks user's waifu.
>picture for ants
The plot thicken
He is a kyoanifag after all.
no way, he got that much money. I am going to shitpost on /biz/ if it's true
Yea Forums totally destroyed
The game he kept playing was Katawa Shoujo. He wanted his own burnt Kyoani gf.
You're kidding right? He looks like the fat version of Hiromoot.
I don't know. I can't really say definitively that my Sennheiser HD6XX is better than my Klipsch RP-160M for one.
Those caps looks so silly. Are they marines or what?
According to a "dangerous otaku list", the denshaotokos and the audio otakus are the most dangerous ones, so this is true. All of it.
Dont pretend that youre remotly good enough to hear the difference anyway. As long as youre not using dollar-store earphones you wont notice anything
>Had no known occupation
>Still can buy this shit
>Dude, just trust me I'm from the internet
Really makes one think.
Was he doing illegal shit for the yakuza? Like trading child p0rn?
This fits what we know. Neibourghs told he was aggressive neet that had very lound video game music blasting from his room all the time, which led to complaint and him snapping at them.
>having BOSE speakers in 4 tatami room
Not into audios,can this be considered being an audiophile?
Yakuza don't deal in CP though.
But yeah, he probably was doing some shady shit.
>t. yakuza
NHK says Aoba was listening to Chikatto Chika Chika to deafening volume that his neighbours complained and called to the cops on him.
>Yakuza don't deal in CP though.
Maybe if he had an amp
Probably on credit?
Or scavenging stuff secondhand.
Or stolen.
Or whatever the fuck, will the nip media dig down to this loser's life like they would in the US?
>The sender of the email used anonymous communication software called Tor which makes tracing of senders difficult, they said.
Do you think he'd be savvy enough? His arson attempt was retarded and left him with severe burns.
>Probably on credit?
Without a job?
>Investigators searched Aoba's home in Saitama, near Tokyo, on Friday for clues that might point to a motive. Investigative sources said confiscated evidence included products of Kyoto Animation.
>According to different investigative sources, the animation studio received repeated email threats from the same internet address between last September and November. Some of them were addressed to specific employees, they said.
>products of Kyoto Animation.
>specific employees
Heh, seems like he is targeting the Haruhi team. Really makes you think.
Tor isn't exactly hard to use.
I'm glad someone else had the same idea
Audiofags are a disease.
Can't you lie on the application?
I thought he was on welfare?
>last september and november
IF this is true, was there anything KyoAni aired or announced at the time which might have triggered him?
Doubt it if he was targeting Yamada considering she wasn't even in the building. I bet my money on Free, he scouted out the other building first
Tsurune started on October
But it was announced much earlier.
No way.
He cute
Maybe he did it because he came from the future and this was the only way of preventing a world war...
where is my sticky nishimura-san
That's a pair of Ultrasone Edition 10. It's $2600. It's known to have very grating trebles.
Why someone need a checklist to turn of his electricity? Or was he that mental he needed to remind himself to turn his shit off?
Harman Kardon >>>>>>>>>>BOSE
Aren’t those STAX??
Correction, it literally says "electricity" but that means "lights" in this context. In other words, the guy wrote a note to remind himself to turn his lights off. Christ.
Only if you also have good room acoustics. It doesn't matter how good your speakers are if the reflections from the walls cancel out and build up random frequencies across the spectrum, it's going to sound like shit no matter what. With headphones though, the environment practically doesn't matter.
Not gonna lie, it sounds like this dude literally had a case of dementia if he needs notes to remind himself to do something as basic as turn off the light.
If the headphones and music are so bad why does he keep listening till in tears. Maybe he had buyers remorse.
>he doesn't know
This was the best episode ever. Audiofags btfo.
Its actually hard to choose which episode is the best, the TCG one and the wrestling one is great as well. God Akiba's Trip should had 24 episodes of otaku hobbies.
The series is great, shitting on akiba related otaku hobbies and shit.
I guess this explains his history of noise complaints.
Sound! Euphonium
It's a bass cannon
It makes super deep and impactful bass
They use these in electronic music concerts since you need the bass to travel through a mass of people
No wonder his neighbors Fucking hated him, this thing will make sure the whole block can hear the base drop in you animu music
Looks like I have to watch it. I didnt' because the game didn't work in my PC so I have been mad at the franchise since then
Its mildly related to the game apparently, just in name I think. Youre in for some great laughs.
>no amp found in the apartment
Why even bother then?
Bose confirmed for fat looser virgin sociopath.
AKG master race here
All you audio-otaku are the same breed of deranged.
And while we are at it, post some animu grills with headphones.
Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.
I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.
Yeah, these wave cannons are not meant for private households cause they pack a massive punch.
Aren't they just cylindrical subs? SVS also make such subs, just that they stand upright.
>when you get your anime and OST from BD FLAC only site
feels good man
I hope you realized that its a pasta.
They are basically firing out compressed air and create a ton of pressure.
They are not meant for home use cause it basically fucks up the sound really hard in small areas. It's supposed to not have any obstacles in 4 meters and if you are careless, this thing can hammer out your fucking windows cause of the force it can create.
Sound engineer here, and this so much.
A lot of people buy expensive speakers but lack the proper room for it, pretty much wasting the speaker's potential.
And trust me, just slapping some resonant absorbers on the walls doesn't do it. If you're serious about it you want to build your room based around the sound system you want to use.
I don't speak moon, why are there so many dislikes?
But I think the same way :(
>first it was because he was a yurifag made that his waifu from Hibike got a boyfriend
>Then it was something about his train-related 2ch catchphrase being "ripped off" by the writers of Hibike
>Then it was something about KyoAni ripping off his idea for a light novel (either Munto or Gay Swimming
>Now it's about Bose speakers
What's the real reason???
Everything at the same time.
Mental illness is the real reason.
This, it has so many layers
Listening to "CHIKA CHIKA~" on a Bass cannon made him crazy.
Lurk more before posting.
This is how the voices told him his novel was stolen
Dude needed notes to remind himself to turn off his lights and the AC cause he couldn't even do that right it seems.
Man, with a bass cannon on full volume and sitting next to it is like having a airhorn blast pointblank into both ears nonstop.
>plot twist - arsonist is actually a huge KyoAni fan
>he stalked the seller and unknowingly followed him to the KyoAni building not knowing what it was
>ends up finding out after the fact that he burned down his beloved studio
more like autistic wave cannon systems
Fuck, I immediately thought of
He had to stop the voices by committing the arson
Imagine the noise
Is that Hiro?
If this is true just kill me now (the sad part is I can see it being true, it would just be highly unlikely he wouldn’t know he’s in kyoani building. Their promotional images are likely plastered inside)
tfw someone takes it seriously
If the guy needed notes to remind himself to turn off the lights and AC, I almost wouldn't put it past him to not figure out it was the KyoAni building.
It's actually not farfetched at all, even if you mean this as a shitpost. Severe loud noises in your head on frequent basis can do serious harm to aural cognition. From nonstop ringing in your ears, scratches all the way to hearing voices.
It's nothing like inner demons but things such song vocals can get basically burned into your brain. Severe aural noise can drive people insane.
Hypothetically speaking, if this guy was blasting KyoAni music into his ears to the point it damaged him, one can assume he tried to make noises stop.
Which is why I brought up Airhorns. If you are exposed directly, you just wanna get away cause it can hurt your ears and you are left with ringing in your ears that can go away after a while. However, one can try to endure it which may lead to severe damage and you keep hearing noise.
And said noise can drive people mental.
If this shit is true with the cannon, he sounds like got exposed to severe aural trauma which may or may not have affected his brain.
Mere speculation though, mind you.
Reminder that due to the flawed nature of the Japanese legal system you can never trust them to accuse the right person.
There is video footage of him buying the petrol.
Their called ear speakers you filthy casual.
Sounds like those cuba sonic attack,shrinking out brains.And prior mental issues might made him go even crazier, making him wanting to stop the sound at the "source".
I-I thought underwear thieves only existed in anime
Doesn't matter. They're just going to torture him for a confession. Japan has, unironically, a 99.99% conviction rate, all of which are pre-written statements the police make them sign, usually very quickly after the crime is committed and from the first person accused.
Speaking out against this is nearly a crime in itself in Japan. Socially it's considered something only a criminal would do.
The Ace Attorney games were originally conceived as a satire/protest of this system.
>left him with severe burns
Yeah, because a based kyoani employee that was ON FIRE grabbed him and chased him down the street.
You know, even if you died doing that, that's a metal as fuck way to go. Chasing down the guy that set you and your friends on fire, WHILE ON FIRE.
>dangerous otaku list
I want to see that, sounds interesting
No idea if he died but apparently he did get a couple punches in.
Glad it wasn't the UK since he'd be put in prison for attempted assault.
Mind you, arsonists tend to follow a certain pattern too usually differentiating from other violent acts. Guns and knives have a option of killing fast but fire will always be about destruction and a slow death. There is no fast and painless way to burn alive.
Such a method is usually fueled by emotional and mental distress cause it means the arsonist is out to destroy and kill slow and painfully.
Such people tend to have backgrounds of mental illness or a emotional fueled reason like rage, or both even.
If we think like that, one can also say:
"In his state of mind, he was completely irrational and lacks awareness"
Would not be surprised that including to his mental disorder and needing notes for basic things of daily life, he was in such emotional turmoil he had some tunnel vision and blocked out shit around him that also adds in to how he may not have realized.
EDIT: Captcha wants me select fire hydrants. Wonderful.
>They sold me a broken surround sound
>So I surrounded myself with the sound of their screams
Would it be good to waterboard an arsonist?
>There is no fast and painless way to burn alive.
Painless if the smoke knocks you out and spares you from the oncoming flames.
>google "cuba sonic attack"
wtf is this ayy lmao shit, so spooky.
Yeah and until you are knocked out, you most likely suffocate from carbon monoxide which is also no easy way out cause it's toxic.
Not quite how it works in reality though. Smoke makes you cough and gag, and you end up holding your breath as much as you can.
Those are pretty okay speakers, maybe he's an ASMRfag?
>ok speakers
he doesn't care about imaging
are you implying that attacker that was caught by kyoani employees who managed to survive is being wrongly accused? what's next - someone groped him in train? he was forced to do bestiality porn by jacuzza for JAV? someone photographed his panties?
Bosed and Redpilled
Looks like audio otaku are in the crazy top tier but not also in the harmless tier, but whatever, have fun
You can do it for less if you don't go for shinkansen, but yeah. It's pretty easy relatively speaking.
>Captcha only suggest me hydrants and stairs now
cheeky bastartds
The kyoany employee chasing down the arsonist maybe it's not real after all, but I want it to be anyways.
I always thought that Koreans, north and south deserve a 21th century holocaust and boy was I right
imagine living next door
>electric guitars
>above anime
Electric guitars seem like a pretty normal hobby though?
found the crazy