For me, it's goku
Dragon ball super
Other urls found in this thread:
The "Jirenscholar" meme actually got me wondering... how many of the characters are educated? We know that e.g. Goku and Broly have at best a second grade or so education due to their only real knowledge coming directly from their father/father-figure and consisting of basic literacy and arithmetic. But what about characters who devote their lives to fighting and grew up unconventionally, but still lived in some kind of civilization rather than being wild?
We know that Bulma and Gohan are smart and educated. They studied a lot and went to universities. Bulma graduated university at16 and has a PhD (she's called "Dr. Bulma" in Super), presumably in physics or engineering.
But is Freeza smart? We assume so because he uses big words, which becomes a gag in the new movies, but IIRC nothing is ever stated and having an advanced vocabulary doesn't necessarily make you intelligent or educated. Did he go to a university? Do universities even exist in the DB cosmos? I'd assume he did because he was a prince, but on the other hand he was the "prince" of basically just a pirate gang, I doubt he cared to learn anything about sociology, history, government, or economics.
Is Jiren smart? He's sometimes assumed to be for much the same reason as Piccolo (quiet, stoic, and has a decently advanced lexicon), but his life/upbringing outside of superheroics and martial arts is basically completely blank. For all we know his education level is barely higher than Goku's. His devotion to his master implies that his parents were killed when he was really young, and Gicchin was basically a father figure, so there's that. But did he live in an industrialized society with compulsory education? If he didn't, did Gicchin hire tutors and place emphasis on education as well as martial prowess? Did the Pride Troopers require education given the technical skills (e.g. flying their ships) and diplomatic skills required in that job? Even most beat cops in the U.S. today went to college, after all.
Continuing this, what about the human martial artists: Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Roshi, Chaozu, and Krillin? Krillin we know was raised with monks, so I'd assume they'd give him some kind of education... but he left them quite young. The other four are mysteries.
Piccolo is definitely not educated, but he fused with Kami who was centuries old and possibly was. It's hard to know. His life was so vast anything could have happened.
Vegeta's another tricky one. He was a prince and even the Saiyans seemed to affect some regal fashion rather than going full barbarian. He lived in a palace after all. But like Freeza, was he ever tutored or did he ever go to school? Especially after most of the Saiyans died? I doubt it but he doesn't act like a stereotypical moron either, he's aware of which races live on which planets and their abilities, for instance, as well as technical details of Freeza's equipment.
The rest of the villains are easier. Piccolo Daimao, Cell, and Majin Buu were "born" outside of the realms of civilization, so no formal education for them. Zamasu was trained as a Kaioshin, but what is that equivalent to in our terms in regards to non martial arts training? Do the Kaioshin not bother, or is he far more educated than any human because he's millions of years old? East Kaioshin certainly doesn't seem like he is, and East Kaioshin should be around Zamasu's age.
I... I like Dragon Ball Super.
>forum hyper focused on Dragon Ball and absolutely nothing else
>1,400 posts that mention Donald Trump
literally why
Maybe Goku is following up the rent.
>There's still people stronger than us in the universes
>only mentions GODly
What did Goku meant by this?
This image training is hard core.
All kinds of forums have "politics" threads in "Hyde Park", "General discussion" or something sections, people just feel the need to talk about stuff like this. Aside of the ones when administrator explicitly forbids discussing it I think. And Trump is the hottest political topic in the West over last few years. If you have big enough number of users, not unusual to reach numbers like this. It's normal.
Frieza is the most well spoken character by far and seems to be very high IQ
As the heir to a galaxy spanning empire I'm sure King Cold got him the best space education possible.
I mean, why would he mention anyone else? It's like if he said "there's still people stronger than us in Earth, like Gotenks!" back in the Boo arc when Gohan was there. He's obviously talking about the strongest guy they fought, and that's Broly
Gotten from super is smart with high social skill.
Hey, Hey
What if
Dragon Ball Netflix
Frieza movie already there
Frieza is the closest thing to a DOGposter in the setting
freeze is as smart as bulma since they both wanted retarded wishes.
I'm still waiting for a new dragonball scene that has even half of the gravitas and characterization as that finale. Absolute KINO
Not an adversary
Not a mortal
Not even a conceivable rival
At this point you could just mention the Grand Priest, or even Zeno
Bulma want mini immortality wish.
While Frieza wish can't be done no matter how much he train.
Training does not make you taller, just thinner
What's your major /dbs/ contribution?
I coined "Reekdom"
Created the punch compilation.
Created most of the scoreboards (e.g. Moro, Buu, Jiren).
Created that compilation of Toriyama's direct DBS manga contributions.
Created the "banished to heroes" edits.
Probably some other stuff.
>Goku time
>New form every arc
>small arcs
Imagine DBS being good!
>punch compilation
Can you repost that? I forgot to save it.
>Goku time
Goku and Vegeta time actually
>new forms
Goku got its last transformation in chapter 5 and we are at chapter 50, user
>small arcs
Congratulations for your failure of post I guess
Irrelevant, only a retard would be happy with Vegeta being Goku's waterboy and then never show up without him.
>new form every arc?nah...
What is SSBKKx10 against Hit
What is SSBKKx20 against Zamasu
What is UI against Jiren
Oh...nevermind they're techniques so it doesn't matter
>+But Goku isn't the only one doing th...
Are you retarded?
>techniques like the non-canon Kaiokek or UI are forms
Yeah you are
>actually acknowledges them as techniques and keeps pretending he has an argument
Jesus just leave this thread you braindead fag
The protagonists of DBS are Goku AND Vegeta and the strongest form they have is SSGSS introduced in fucking RoF. Cope.
I heard that some schizo Jobrendog was talking shit, is that true?
>Beerus' power: S
>Jiren's power: SS
>Beerus confirmed literally less powerful than Jiren
I did some art and edits over the course of the ToP, and made certain characters (namely Dyspo and Quitela) more popular than they would've been. Also, not DBS related, Heroes and the entire data carddass franchise would've been virturally unknown in the west if it weren't for me.
>Dragon Ball Netflix
>What is Dragon Ball Evolution
>SHITren only has one SS
>overall lower stats than the lazy cat
>one of the worst characters in the game
>All time lowest selling dlc for Bandai
wtf I thought SHITren was strong because a SHITrentard said so!
>Jiren's technique A
>Beerus's technique SS
>Jiren confirmed literally less skilled than Beerus
>I've come to job to you
>>one of the worst characters in the game
>>All time lowest selling dlc for Bandai
I started the "enter CHADren" meme and I still post it every thread.
Enter CHADren.
Will Goten ever progress passed Super Saiyan, even Heroes hasn't given him a new form.
>has a thread named "is it time for Dragon Ball to have more lgbtqia+ characters"
You tell me.
Heroes gave him Ultimate
-Cropped/Editted images
-SS (not SSJ)
-Actual discussion
That sort of shit.
Hmm, well its nice to see they haven't forgotten he exists, he's just been demoted to Tien tier relevance.
>the banished to Heroes edits
I must've missed this, what now?
Yeah, he's practically a plot device at the moment, like him helping out with Trunks' SSG ritual.
>What's your major /dbs/ contribution?
-Saiyans don't get any stronger
-cropped text from Kanzenshit
-DBS movie flopped
-Twist every piece of text
-pointless edits
-Gogeta is only as strong as Vegito from the f.trunks arc
-Broly doesn't get taller in any form (look at the pelt)
-started the cardposting
-most of the deleted /DBS/ threads were thanks to my OPs and spam
>manga isn't canon but Pedroes is official and anything I like is usable in a debate
All me and much more I don't remember right now, but everyone knows who i am so feel free to add to my list.
I'm responsible for the majority of Jiren memes.
Note: I don't actually believe he's the STRONGEST, it's merely a gag.
I made the first “psychological victory” post
What was that about stats that the Jobrendog was barking about?
20 what? Higher than who? A little help please.
but we have Zamas, Blue
Nice try, Doglyfag. Nice try.
Stronger than Moro
True, true Jirenfriend.
False flag. Jirenscholars have names for their files, you just recently downloaded that image. Nice try brolyfag
It will never be enough.
SHITrentards can see numbers in letters and shit, so one of them mongos came up with a stat total pulled out of his ass and here we are!
>the best player of DB fighterz tier list
> Kid Buu
> S Tier
Like in every single Dragon Ball game, fuck this
Enter CHADren.
Reminder that SSB Gogeta, Golden Frieza and FSS Broly had to team up to defeat Jiren. Post their attack.
>lowest selling DLC in Bandai's history
>literally shit tier
>not a reminder that SHITren is stronger than Gogeta?
>making the other 2 joining a moot point
Someone is whimpering again
>highest ranked human
Yamcha always wins baby.
is that a boy or a girl?
When did Teenhan become top tier
>Jobren has the same total as base Zamasu
Enter CHADren
>Adult Gohan
>Kid Gohan
Based SHITrentard!
jirens are truly disgusting...
No wonder that ESLrenspics role-play as scholars, they love to be around kids when possible...
Why the fuck people seem to underestimate Zamasu?
I'm literally falling asleep just looking at this """character"""
Your doom.
Enter Samurai Cell.
>Why the fuck people seem to underestimate Zamasu?
Pushed back by SSBKKx20
Trunks could handle him and destroyed his body with a Spirit Sword
Heavily implied to be weaker than Omen Goku, Kefla, Jiren, SSBE Vegeta and Toppo
In the outline and in the manga he is weaker than 2 SSBs or a single CSSB
I wonder why!
So why do retards always say Cell has Gohan's DNA when it's outright stated in the manga not to be the case? Os it some anine only thing?
And yet he has the same stat total as SHITren in an official game
>So why do retards always say Cell has Gohan's DNA
Provide examples
>"b-b-b-b-but may I divert your attention to [IRRELEVANT]"
Holy fuck. The absolute state of these copelets.
Based Jirenbro
canonically SSB-tier
what are you talking about
Why are you only repeat about my line?
the older he is , the chubbier he become
i blame Bulma for this
I dont know about Gohan but it is canon that Cell has DNA from Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Freeza and King Cold.
Maybe in the anime there are mentions of other sources of DNA for Cell.
>I-It's irrelevant because I say so...
The only irrelevant thing around here is you and your shit spam.
>no argument
>"i-i-i-i-it's your spam even though
started it"
No honor among dogs, huh?
Seething cuck
vegeta will turn into pure energy.
More for Moro to absorb then. Based Vegeta making villains stronger.
Vegeta will go to Yardrat to learn IT but he won't use it in battle. He'll go to either U6 or Vampa to learn LSS and counter Moro's absorption. He could've just asked Goku to get there but then again he didn't ask him to be taken to Yardrat, so his pride is still at play. Screencap this.
>he thinks Jirenscholars are a "meme"
On the contrary, most if not all of us are great scholars, truly educated and enlightened. We seek only to spread the teachings of the Grayy Church far and wide, and ensure that the gospel of PEERLESSren the MAGNIFICENT is never forgotten.
Kek, that didn't take long.
You forgot your name in the namefield, false flag-kun.
Vegeta will job like always
>Begitatard forgot to delete the name
Based falseflagger
I'd say Freeza is an intellectual, maybe not "educated" in stuff like history and politics, since his preferred method of running an empire is to strong-arm everyone, meaning politically-motivated courses of action wouldn't appeal to him, but he's definitely not stupid.
King Vegeta seemed like the kind of person that would want Vegeta to get a least a basic education, since he considered his family a cut above the rest of the Saiyans, who were basically drunken barbarians. But again, I doubt that education would have stretched outside the immediate need of knowledge based on the Saiyan empire, which is why Vegeta knows so much about the technical aspects of Freeza's gear and the inhabitants of the planets his empire controls.
Tenshinhan is definitely the kind of guy who would want to self-study because mind over matter is critical to his way of training. And Chiaotzu would probably follow suit. Yamcha I doubt, he was literally a desert bandit, he's not an idiot but self-study is a big no when it's hard for him to even focus enough to train. Roshi emphasized studying and literally some of his lessons for his training included studying, which means that he is probably learned, and to some extend Goku and Krillin are as well since they studied under him.
Piccolo got a lot of knowledge from Kami, like you said, and Namekians by nature seem to be fairly intelligent.
We don't have enough on Jiren to really make many guesses, but Zamasu was probably educated in a lot of history, or at least would have been, since Gowasu was so determined to paint mortals as inherently just and good.
>they fell for it hook, line, and sinker
I absolutely love watching retards flail.
>what is sarcasm
>damage control
It's over, falseflagger.
Gocucks are fucking OBSESSED with us kek. 3-0 when?
>completely outmaneuvered
>screams damage control
Every. Fucking. Time.
Enter CHADren.
Oh god, BASED
If it is on purpose, then ok but there have been false flags in these threads recently and it would be pretty dumb to leave the name in the name field after said false flag post.
We live rent free in every single poster's head fellow Jirenbros. They literally can't stop thinking and talking about us.
Absolutely B to the A to the S to the E to the D, CHADchad cha CHAD is as strong as can be
jiren sucks.
Who is this irrelevant, ugly-ass jobber?
Jiren this is the third time you have entered this thread
>or Vampa to learn LSS
Why would he when:
1. It's exclusive only to mutant saiyans
2. It's a pretty low level transformation compared to God forms
3. Toriyama doesn't even acknowledge it's existence
>so powerful he can snap reality in half like a twig and enter the same exact place multiple times without ever leaving
>He'll go to U6
Yeah, you can get out.
What's this??
Why are you replying to me like that? If anything, you should give these posts some (You)'s:
>Implying it isn't obvious that the SHITrentards shitposters are Jobhan and shitgeta mongs falseflagging
Nice try
Yeah because IT definitely works that far to U6
>people here still think that LSS is a thing
>The power that exceeds the gods of destruction
>Jiren is cool?
The answer is no, objectively speaking.
explain Yardrats in U2
>incomprehensible ESL babble
>Beerus having better stats is irrelevant
What a pathetic cope.
Non-canon Toeifiction. Also what the fuck are you implying, that they're Yardrats from U7? What kind of stupid Mexican spicdog are you?
Kami doesn't have a plural, sorry to debunk your lies dogrenfriend.
>hiding behind a filter
I don't even know who you were arguing with, but you're a little pussy baby-back bitch sissy girl.
The Japanese language doesn't have plurals you fucking gigantic retard. NOT. AN. ARGUMENT.
The name of the form is irrelevant, he'll just figure out a way to channel his ki like Broly does.
BASED literal scholar shutting down a Copelydog as usual
>let me spam this shit in every thread with no contradictory
>someone debunked it as usual
>Ahah it's i-irrelevant now hehehe...
Coperendogs everytime!
>Non-canon Toeifiction
why are you pretending that you read the manga?
>with no contradictory
Never identified as a Yardrat, cope.
>no plural
>no mention of all the Gods
I accept your usual concession pathetic sametard
>ESL expects anyone to read his babble
He already needs to channel both SSG and SS for Blue.
Stacking three different forms is spic territory.
He has Yardrat clothes. Cope.
What typo?
SHITrentards are illiterate and never won an argument, why would it change now.
Jirenbros, don't forget that we also have ESLbros like that Norwegian Jirenscholar.
For me it's Whis.
>almost the same total stats as Jobren
B-But stronger than Kami-sama-dama-sutra...
> estadisticas personajes
Agreed, though I think the main issue would be how he could even figure out how to do that in the first place.
>the anti-Jiren Yea Forumstard spammers are literal spics
>-Broly doesn't get taller in any form (look at the pelt
That's me you shitter.
>literally no clue what a scholar is
>thinks it means elementary school teacher
HAHAHAHAH. Snap, to the folder.
My thoughts exactly
Like 5 of your screenshots include my replies to the Copelytacos. Fucking based.
The fact that SSB Goku and Vegeta could be gods in other universes is very telling of SHITren's hype.
Still only stronger than a clown who is equal to Toppo at best.
Geekdombros.... I thought the anime was returning in July....
>this reading comprehension
It is, just wait untill tomorrow evening, then surprise launch of the anime!
Que poder, que velocidad, que alcance, que técnica, que energia, que puto manejo hombre.
Imagine not being a Spickubro!
You are to speak good English here, otherwise you get a IESLB stamped on your brown forehead.
Basado hermano
>stuttering greentext
The Chad format.
He thinks randomly quoting people is gonna save him from the complete humiliation. HAHAHAH
>man, those Toyotaro designs are really crea-
i think the bottom one is supposed to be from the same race as the referee from the U6xU7 arc
he looks more like him than Kid Buu
if Piccolo ever gets a new form it's probably going to look closer to this
Toriyama tends to avoid transformations that make the characters change too much nowadays, see SSG, SSB and Golden. even new Broly isn't supposed to be as buff as the old one while in the legendary form
Shitrendogs lose again.
and this... is... to go... even further beyond!
>Role-playing SHITrentard humiliating anyone
>Scholars don't teach they just stay at home like jobhan
>Scholars don't teach kids they only do stuff I don't understand and build rockets!
Keep going SHITrendog and saved.
It'd be nice if Piccolo tapped into his Kami side and developed some god powers or at least something that made him more powerful in some way.
>this post is off-topic
Holy fuck stop embarrassing yourself you illiterate taco. Go Google it instead being a pathetic ignorant.
Free concessions for everyone!
What the fuck are you even trying to say
>Juan Pablo still doesn't know what "scholar" means even after looking it up for an hour
>samefag is now going to spam the post all day
Lets see how long he's going to keep spamming until someone posts more exemples of scholars teaching.
Kek, based.
Yes, go ahead, give me even more potential.
>can't even use the most basic kaioken level, that would be enough to overcome SS2
No wonder Toriyama forgot about this potentialet bug.
>incomprehensible ESL babble
These threads should be banned and you should all be killed.
>same predictable shitposts
I rest my case.
This post is off topic.
I accept your concession.
Chalk that up to poor, very poor writing.
Seething HxH cuck
I'm better than all of you.
If you thought you could escape our grasp, think again. Deleting posts wont help you here.
Cope. Cope and seethe.
Why would the goat wish for the prisoners to be freed instead of wishing himself stronger and then freeing them?
I still have hope for a Dragon Ball Live Action where they focus on the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai
What is with this retarded forced meme? Where did it even come from
It got deleted for off topic you newfag.
>he doesn't like singing
Fucking artlets I swear.
I don't like off-topic forced meme spam, which has nothing to do with singing or art. Shut the fuck up and commit suicide. You're as bad as that "Enter Moro" faggot.
Enter Moro is based.
>Enter CHADren
Where do I put my dick in?
Enter Moro.
What the FUCK is this thing ?? It's horrifying
Taxidermied goat
What the fuck is this? It's fucking horrifying
>no teeth
What the fuck is this ? It's horrifying
It's a fucking GOAT you fucking retarded dipshits, what the fuck does it fucking look like? Are you this fucking stupid that you can't fucking identify a FUCKING GOAT when you see it in a webm? You fucking stupid retards, go die
Aaaand... I won.
Cope, my delicious retard, cope.
what a lazy motherfucker, couldn't even be bothered to finish drawing the characters
>still babbling
Goddamn that old DBZ art was aesthetic as fuck.
>Shitrenscholar is the samefagShitrentard
These ratings are literally worthless
Both characters are bottom tier in DBFZ right now. CHADhan still reigns supreme, since the game's inception, sitting comfy at top tier.
Get fucked.
>when DBZ art had SOUL
best Pride Trooper
This is making me so nostalgic.
>admitting our scholarly persuasions
Good pup.
>Doghanspic has to cling desperately to an irrelevant game for children
It's as bad as the Copelycamels crying about toys.
Or the Jirenlards who kept boasting about Heroes.
I love how they used to denounce Pedroes as garbage (which it is) but as soon as it became clear that Shitren would only be relevant in Pedroes they jumped all over it like bitches in heat.
And then when he jobbed to Hearts, they immediately turned around and started calling it garbage again.
Shitrendogs are just Gohanfags who jumped shit. The retarded "chad chad chad" posting style is exactly the same, and they switched from posting Gohan as King of Yea Forums to Jiren, complete with a new autistic picture.
What the FUCK is this ? It's fucking horrifying
What the hell is that ? It's horrifying
I swear to fucking god is everyone in this thread fucking stupid AND Mexican?
What the FUCK is this thing ?? It's horrifying
Absolutely seething and coping anti-Godhan turdlets.
No but you are clearly a newfag. Ever since that WebM first appeared that is one of the standard copy/paste responses to it.
>irrelevant and forgotten
Eat shit and die.
Quit feeding trolls.
>newfag doesn't know the full meme
Get out of the CHADS' DEN.
For me, it's cock
What the hell is this ? It's fucking horrifying
Bawl. Cope. Cry. Collapse and convulse. Dilate. Grunt and groan. Kneel. Lament. Moan and mewl. Rip out your hair in impotent fury. Seethe, shiver, sob, and shake. Shit your pants in frustration. Tremble. Ululate in despair. Whimper, wail, weep, and whine.
If Xeno Trunks gets SSB, would that make him the most powerful Time Patroller barring fusions?
He mentioned Broly becasue he was the most recent guy they fought, and it helps establish that the Moro Arc takes place after the Broly movie.
>Jirenchads are so utterly UNBEATABLE that Copelycamels have to resort to crying about Gohan instead
>damage controlling after getting called out for being former Spichandogs
>we literally just mocked Jirenlards several times about Heroes
Jirenbros... I'm sorry but this thread was pathetic.
You have lost your chadhood.
/dbs/ Posters Official Rankings
>Chads Among Chads
Cuteforce (Chadforce + Cutegang (RIP))
The Original Dogposter(RIP)
The user who made a compilation of everytime Goku showed his dick in DB
>Lesser Chads
Chadforce (RIP)
The Original Panfag(RIP)
Hunterchads (outside of /dbs/)
MistareFusion Shills
Golden Cell
>Back to the Kennel
Panpedo (RIP in Piss)
Hunterchads (in /dbs/)
Other Shounentards
Original Cheelaifag (RIP in piss)
>Doesn't fucking exist
Automatic victory in my favor. I love being smart.
>expecting Juarenburros to comprehend even basic, simple English
You fool.
What about the "Hi" user, the "Son Goku is beautiful" user, the comicfag, and the "Please kiss my wife" poster?
>literally admitting Hunterphilosophers are chads
Good pup.
Kys you degenerate.
Didn't even read. DIDIDISCARDED.
>"Hi" user
Forgot they existed. They're dead though.
>"Son Goku is beautiful" user
Dead. Would be Lesser Chad for asserting their dominance and not bothering with dissenters.
>the comicfag
RIP in piss, was a confirmed tranny
>"Please kiss my wife" poster
All are dead except Veggiefag
>Can't even read*
FTFY Shitrenspic.
Scholar. Cloth.
"Prosperity" is a word.
What is this ? It's horrifying
I'd say I can't believe I won again, but I do believe it.
>lizardbros, Cellchads, Brolybros, Gokuchads, and humanforce all coming together to BTFO Jirenlards
What a beautiful sight.
Its posterity you illiterate cunt.
Uh oh, Paco's about to bark "ESL" at you.
>he still thinks "prosperity" isn't a word
I kek.
>RTHing because nobody takes his shit bait.
Multiverse is awful because its showing us Z always was garbage writing with shitty fights. We all know Vegito will oneshot Babidi and everything goes back to normal.
Like the good little parrot he is?
Take the Hearts pill.
>Extremely charismatic with a fantastic seiyuu, unique suave personality unlike previous villains (and unlike Moro being a retread of Piccolo)
>Gimmick powers (mind reading and gravity control) are unique for the franchise, and not retreads like Moro's drain and magic
>Unique among DB villains in establishing a 'legion of doom' consisting of other villains, established and new, who are as powerful or more powerful than him, including fan favorite Zamasu, rather than going it solo or surrounding himself with minions who are near-powerless by comparison
>End goal of killing the gods is a logical next step for a villain after Super and an interesting contrast with Zamasu, as opposed to Moro wanting to take over the galaxy because he hates peace
>Awesomely fashionable jacket, clearly a big guy for the multiverse
>Can turn into a Super Saiyan for no reason, knows what the fans want and will give it to them
>His fight with Goku has been by far the high point of the SDBH anime
There's no reason to pretend to be enjoying the Moro arc just because it's semi-canon. Take the Heroes pill.
There is nothing "damage control", camel, your empty accusations are just that, empty accusations. And it is obvious that they are just a coping mechanism because you can't beat Jirenchads directly. The minimum amount of research would already show you that Jirenchads and Gohanfags have clashes on various occasions.
>desperate coping yelps about Heroes
Oh yeah the continuity where Jiren got called the strongest in the multiverse, then BTFO'd Hearts and got confirmed as the strongest in the multiverse by him as well. Not our fault that Toei hasn't deluded themselves into thinking anyone but CHADren is the strongest.
>more damage control and IESLB
Don't post again, dog.
Don't even pretend to challenge my scholarly ways.
>can't refute it
Not that I didn't already expect a victory, but nevertheless: I win.
Answer me, """scholar""": Is prosperity a word?
>p-please refute my retarded sperging
Be quiet.
>still can't refute it
What the fuck I won again?
>so insecure he needs to .PNG to save face on an anonymous board
Guess what? That's right, you guessed it.
A true hero
>he expects me to refute nothing
Be. Quiet.
Hey hey
What if, WHAT IF
Goten was relevant
Moro's design is a problem with his goal, had Toyo made him an eldritch cosmic abomination that feeds on the life of star systems then his motive would make sense regarding his design. I mean a fucking goat seriously?
>seeking linguistic counsel from his intellectual superior.
I can't blame you for following your instincts. But this is not the time nor the place for off topic schooling. I suggest you attend to your nearest academic establishment for further enlightenment.
>still can't refute it
Are Copelycamels masochistic? Why do they keep coming back for free beatdowns? That explains a lot actually.
Could Filler Yamcha beat EGP?
Moro sucks, but goat horns are a common symbol in black magic circles and I think goats are known to eat all kinds of shit too, so I see what they were going for there.
>damage control
A larger mass of energy that moves across the galaxy feeding off the life energy of star systems causing them to wither. It would be interesting to have a villain who is basically nothing more than an animal feeding rather than HURR DURR TAKE OVER THE WORLD OR HURR DURR KILL EVERYTHING!
Hey hey
What if, WHAT IF
Goten had a personality
I dare anyone to name ONE valid reason for someone to take the time to mod a male character naked on a videogame other than blatant faggotry.
So you still don't actually realize that "prosperity" is a word, and now you're just damage controlling and shitposting obnoxiously as usual. Thanks for the easy win, you fucking clown.
There's nothing to refute. Nothing you say has any sort of substance. Now be silent as obedient dogs must.
He does, hes a stupid kid, I mean really dumb compared to Gohan at that age.
>attend to your nearest academic establishment
Maybe, though if we're talking about base powerlevels, Xeno Goku is still stronger than Xeno Trunks. SSG Xeno Trunks seems to beat out SS4 Xeno Goku only due to the fact that it's the stronger transformation, but if Xeno Goku got SSG he'd probably blow Xeno Trunks out of the water. Pretty sure the only reason Trunks is getting it is because he's kinda sorta the MC of the Time Patrol.
He's basically Kid Goku but 2x retarded
Reminder that Heart's cubes against Goku and Jiren are not even the same technique. The cube he use on Chadchad cha CHAD appeared instantly from his position, and Hearts had to maintain it.
Hearts specifically said he wanted to FIGHT Goku to fill up the Seed, so there's no reason for him to imprison him.
Of course, all this goes way above the little heads of not-Jirenscholars.
>still can't refute it
Heart pupils.
Do you know what a "strawman" is?
>Heart pupils
>Goten goes off having crazy dumbass DB adventures on Earth like Kid Goku did, while the Z-Fighters are off fighting Space Jobber #2496.
Oh man, that actually sounds really awesome.
>still deflecting
>"Prosperity isn't even a fucking word"
Cope. Cry.
>>attend to your nearest academic establishment
Could go well for a spin off manga if Toriyama wasn't such as hack nowadays
>no u
>can't even meme right.
>babbling nonsense
Rent free
What is happening?
Too weak he was literally stronger than Jobza when he was just fucking 7 year old.
Reminder Dyspo stood by his ideals of justice and heroism even when Jiren was just in it for himself and Toppo gave up on everything he believed in
Dyspo is the true hero of the 11th universe!!
>s-stop effortlessly deflecting my strawman attempts!?
My vast intellect won't let me comply with that plea.
Do not reply to your master.
Intellects clashing. Nothing unusual.
I'm sorry but I cannot reist, my most superior and humble master, my most GODLIKE AND DIVINE OWNER
>something that literally happened is a strawman
Good to see you don't know what that means either, you absolute fucking clown.
we know gokubro. those two things go hand in hand.
>Jobke poster
You will only be allowed here if you post CHADren.
What are you saying, holmes, I talk english 100% native like a American
why is goku on a stick?
Quiet, dog.
I'd vote for him
Someone explain why these batshit insane arguments always happen in these threads.
Toriyama just doesn't seem to care anymore. I think he's about 99% done with DB.
Ah fuck, I forgot about that. Well maybe Earth tech is better now, since Gero can make Androids that are stronger than Namek-era Frieza.
y-you tell em gokubro.. h-haha
Dyspo 2020.
Thanks doc
>retard makes a retarded post
>one of the many intellectual /dbs/fags responds
>his words imparting pure, raw intelligence make the retard angry
>retard is forced to bow to their master
I'm not your boogeyman. Cuck.
Chadforce.... we need you in the most desperate of times.....
Bros... I just got utterly demolished in another thread and I heard there was a group here that were masters at the art of coping...
Can you guys tell me who they are so I can learn to cope like them?
Here you go
Jirenlards and Toeicucks.
Based lagomorph
Cuteforce has since left /dbs/ after ending their rivalry and becoming one. I am a relic of a bygone era.
>The Original Panfag(RIP)
There was an original?
Are they all the same?
Fuck off coping waifuspic. The Chadforce got the dykes erased in the anime and beat the jobber fusion in the manga. They only ones pushing for the "alliance" are seething Keflacucks as a coping mechanism.
No, there's the Panfag who contributed to actual discussion and the Panpedo, who posted porn.
It's over man, it's time to move on.
>Spanish mixed with Portuguese
Is this Gohan Blanco 75% completado?
Kys pedotrash.
>It's over
You're right about that. Flawless victory for the CHADforce.
Didnt a woman want to actually fuck Gohan while he was married? How is he a cuck?
Dyspo was a fucking joke. He was only a mid-tier fighter that got by and only hit hard in the first place due to his overwhelming speed.
Seething Lizardlet detected. Don't worry, Bugs Bunny isn't the only character the Lizard jobbed to.
He also jobbed to gravity, and a kennel, so it's a double-edged sword for these mongoloids
Because it was a shitty filler arc and he kept jobbing to furries.
Toyo Gohan is a total CHAD, and drew with Kefla.
So? That speed is his own power, him using it to maximize the impact of his attacks is perfectly legit.
Holy shit, what is this? It's fucking horrifying
I made this to spite some ippity lizardfag but then people started posting it everywhere
I got a drawfriend to make a fanart of Beerus dressed as Zarbon.
>Hearts specifically said he wanted to FIGHT Goku to fill up the Seed, so there's no reason for him to imprison him.
>Shitren isn't even worthy enough to fight Hearts and power up the Seed
Hahaha, holy fucking shit. Way to BTFO yourself Shitrentard
>YamCHAD on A tier
Holy based. Also my boys Tien and Beerus ain't doing so bad either.
1. Tardku x20
2. Bejita x10
3. Cuckza x5
4. Jobdroid 17
5. sHit
6. K(uck)ale
7. Maji Kayo
1. The combined effort Android 17, Frieza, Vegeta and Goku
No one
1. Bejita
2. Gogeta
3. Whis
4. A chocolate bar
5. A dog collar
Reminder that Dypso is fucking dead.
based jirenchad
beaten down by ui goku
Nice headcanon. 5-0.
The manga is not canon
I haven't read the manga before. Can anyone tell me who that guy with a laser gun is, why is he a mary sue and why does everyone hate him.
don't some panels show him with ripped up pride trooper suit? is there a nipple slip?
>Jobren headcanon
Yawn. Begone.
It's 5-0 in the anime. The manga is 4-0.
Threads were so much better when Jiren didn't exist
Everything pre ToP really
How many members of Chadforce and Cutegang still reside here?
Reveal yourselves.
He's a Galactic Patrolman called Merus.
>why is he a mary sue and why does everyone hate him.
He manages to zap Base Goku and Vegeta with a stun gun, and lassos the main villain a couple of times, which is kinda BS with his low power level, but makes more sense if you assume his gadgets are OP.
He's the #1 elite Galactic Patrol man. He's retardedly strong for some reason, although all his feats are just speed so far, since he uses a laser gun.
He has way too much screentime and even gets to fight Moro. The problem is that we have no idea what he's about, he's kind of just "there" for no reason other than the saiyans working with the Galactic Patrol.
>get BTFO the whole thread
>spam weak pasta
the dbs manga or the dbh one someone is posting? cause if you mean dbs then thats merrus and hes a galactic patrolman like jaco whos really really fast and people were too busy coming up with possible ways he would betray goku or vegeta to actually form a real opinion about him. so the common opinion is that hes a shit soon to be villain as opposed to just the officer in charge of that particular case
Zamasu-era threads were cancer too.
How do you go from fighting in the tourtament against the likes of Jiren and GoD toppo to losing to a stun gun? Makes no sense
They were only in base form, but it's still pretty stupid. I'm enjoying the arc so far, but that was definitely one of its weaker parts.
same way you can toss galaxy destroying balls of piss but still get ko'd by a laser gun. just look at how powerful the androids are. technology was NEVER a joke. it will kill you no matter how strong you get. its only weak low tech earth shit that doesnt hurt them, and i guess those little ki blasters the freeza force use instead of actual lasers
It's a stun gun, your size/physical strength doesn't matter.
fucking beaner detected
Quick Yea Forums! Drink the antidote before it's too late! There's no time to think about it, just do it!!!
Such beauty...
Ningen could never understand...
Wrong thread, TFChad.
wonder if we'll get the anime when the dub ends in october? I recall them saying something about wanting to air simultaneously with japanese releases.
the power of toyo's pet gary stu
sure, I love cock from strong guys!
We are talking about the guy who surpassed Cell with less than a day of training after retiring for 7 years, of course he could.
it's not sexual, it's just magic antidote!
t.son goku
Dyspo survived that explosion though, and fought Lagss afterwards.
No, just a torn sleeve.
Based Gohan.
Once Goku masters UI and can achieve it at will it's over.
>gets cubed
>gets glassed
Jobber bunny.
Im not talking about the effects of technology, i just wonder how a man with that speed, ability to teleport and to autododge cant dodge laser beams
A garbage new character with a generic personality and a power that makes no sense
He was actually pretty even with her until Toppo went autistic with GoD power against Cumber. The fact that he was still able to fight even WITH a gravity cube stuck on him should be commendable.
Dyspo has always been commendable and I love him!
I'm so glad Jiren will never appear or be mentioned ever again.
Now we wait for them to get rid of Broly...
Mmmmmmmmmmmm you taste so good said Caulifla as she bite Gohan's balls of literally and began chewing them up in her mouth. Gohan screamed like a girl so Kale then tore the skin off his chest and began to rip out chunks of his lung tissue to eat it raw.
lasers travel at the speed of light. so it doesnt really matter how fast you can move or how quick you can dodge. in fact, irl some lasers can go faster than the speed of light
I wish I could caress him
They left U11 because they filled up the seed enough outta that universe you speedwatching spico the taco.
Actually Freeza probably has the most general knowledge about the universe seeing as how he knew of Buu and Beerus before most of the cast. He also had a fine enough judgement to take out the sayains before they became a threat to him, which would have eventually happened.
Why would you look for consistency in a filler promo manga?
>Hearts' Mart'n Smart
>Formerly Sneed's
Ok, then how do you go from beating SSB Goku to jobbing to a tired SSG Goku in a stronger form?
But most of the guys already shoot lasers (like frieza) and they were deflected and dodged before
Also unrelated to dbs i tought that light speed was the maximum speed possible and that anything else can only get to 99.999...% of it
>it's not written well
>because it's noncanon promo shit
holy fuck. there's no getting through to you
He only took out the saiyans because beerus ordered him to
freeza shoots ki beams, not lasers. and it turns out that because light is a wave, some of the high points in that wave are moving faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. speed of light being a set number and not literally the speed of light always everywhere
Dyspo is surprisingly really powerful. I will never understand why they had him job to random monster that kid gohan could probably beat.
Ok then, why was base Goku able to exchange blows with Broly when SSG Vegeta got blown away with just one punch?
How strong is Lagss bros? I saw her make UI Goku job.
>why was base Goku able to exchange blows with Broly
he wasnt. nothing goku threw at broly worked. its like asking how a guy can punch a baby 50 feet into the air but a different baby can sit at his feet and bang his toes with a rattle. in order to trade blows, you must be able to actually hurt your opponent. goku wasnt doing shit and broly was knocking him all over the place
>but why did he blow vegeta away but not goku
he did blow goku away, but he chased him down to keep blowing him away
I didnt know that there was a difference between ki beams and laser beams, and i also didnt know that light is a wave. Who would have guessed that i will learn things on /DBS/. I guess people here really are scholars.
Because he's a masochist, he always tries to find a way to get constricted.
Stronger than Jobku but weaker than Chadunks and Bejita
Remember when Goku (SSB) got taken out with one ring laser fired by a smurf?
Who would win in a fight between Broly and Jiren??
wasnt the anime supposed to come back this month according to all the insiders
Jiren, obviously.
ui is a form retard
Jiren, you dumb newfag
Kek. Go eat some sand.
Who would win in a fight between Jiren and Jiren?
It's more dick in hand for me really
Broly. If he can't win, chances are he'll get a shiny new sayan transformation.
Did Goku surpass Beerus now?
Not the fabric of reality that's for sure.
this. gokeks are delusional.
For like 30 seconds. But now he can't willingly access UI so it's back to square one for gokek
Cope, shitter.
MUI is angel tier
For me, it's Beerus
Nanoweapons can fuck up anything so a nanoweapon laser piercing Goku makes alot of sense.
UI Goku is only stronger than Jiren, who's only stronger than Toppo, who's 2% of Beerus, so probably not.
for me it's whirus
It's you.
>that happy face on Cuckza as his jobbing ass is saved once again
>Beerus OP shit with permanent UI
Who can defeat him?
Laser OP, pls nerf.
I want to lick his armpit
You mean did Goten surpass Cheerios.
>AIEEEE Huriza sama, save meeeee I'm falling helpless into the void, flailing like a corpse!! Jiren literally beat me! He is definitely stronger than UI! HEEEEELP
Since Jiren is GoD+ tier without god ki, how strong would he be with it? Toppo for instance seemed to jump massively in power just from invisibly releasing his god ki, to say nothing of the Saiyans.
Kinetic disrupts the molecular bonds of matter causing it to break, melt or vaporize. With enough kinetic energy you can reduce any matter back into a cloud of protons and neutrons this usually requires supernova levels of energy though. In other words with one finger point Goku should be able to turn a plasma into a cloud of ultra hot quark-gluon plasma. Usually when planets explode most of their mass is turned into gaseous forms of the minerals that make them up, but in Beerus case he completely reduces the planet back into base elements or a nebula cloud this requires an insane amount of energy btw. We are at a point in time where the simplest movement of the characters should cause anyone hit by them to explode, not break bones, not bleed BUT FUCKING EXPLODE.
God, I'm handsome.
mirror mirror on the wall, who's the CHADDEST of them all?!
sucks dick.
I want to lick his nipples.
My husbando uwu
Imagine being so CHAD your popularity bends the story your way to keep coming back and getting away with villainy, cucking even Bejita from the finale of the ToP?
Android 17 was such a Chad too
Coming from nowhere under a ranger's work and managing to make it to the finale and win while bejita got cucked out.
That was total bullshit. 18 didn't get any stronger and she's the only one of the two who we know did any actual martial arts training.
kek based
Vegeta gets cucked out a lot. From Namek to New Namek, he has jobbed again and again.
His father jobbed, his planet jobbed, his life is one giant jobfest.
you're the only one still crying about it.
>No no no Toyotaro-kun, you have to give Jiren a toned ass, bigger shoulders, and more back definition, like this!
It's a goat, it's not that scary
No wonder bejitto is the jobbe of the fusions, he takes more from bejita
Exactly what went through Jiren's head the moment he saw this?
>anime as source
New thread:
>Pushed back by SSBKKx20
So he was pushed back by something on-par with Vegeta's strongest transformation?
>Trunks could handle him and destroyed his body with a Spirit Sword
Bullshit properties of the sword
>Heavily implied to be weaker than Omen Goku, Kefla, Jiren, SSBE Vegeta and Toppo
So he's weaker than Goku after partially learning a skill that Gods have trouble learning, a fusion featuring a Saiyan whose gimmick is infinite power, the guy that was stated to be the strongest in the multiverse, the guy those strongest form is equal to a form that pushed him back, and a God of Destruction candidate that gets that power in the anime? Wow, what a shitter!
>In the outline and in the manga he is weaker than 2 SSBs or a single CSSB
For the same reason that Ginyu was weaker than Goku on Namek.
>It's you.
The original?