
Remember the forgotten times when all the girls were best? The very early days? Aren't we tired of shitposting wars? Why can't Senseifags and Urukafags enjoy Fumino's lewd fanservice? Why can't Fuminofags enjoy Uruka's fit sexyness and Sensei's romantic scenarios? Why can't we love Rizu's over the top cuteness? Why can't you all enjoy Asumi's IMAGINE and tease tsundere?
JB will probably release today, let's all enjoy Bokuben together!

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Uruka a shit
Sensei a best


I'd like to play on sensei's xylophone ribs with my dick mallet

>Why can't Senseifags and Urukafags enjoy Fumino's lewd fanservice?
Because, according to Fuminofags
>Sensei is a trash character only popular because of fanservice
So her getting a shit version of one of her chapters with a shitton of fanservice was funny.

Progress only comes through struggle. Fighting keeps us fit! Conflict ensures our readiness and survival.

Wise words user. Harsh time create strong men

I love Rizu

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The author failed at creating a balanced harem. Asumi has little importance and is pretty much an extra despite the fact that she’s the only girl that doesn’t rely on Nariyuki which could’ve made her unique.
Uruka going abroad means their relationship won’t change until her arc.
Rizu gets little on the romantic side.
Fumino is still in denial.
They all get overshadowed by Sensei. Her arc ends in a more romantic way and it’s much more effective than the others despite being the shortest.

>make it the shortest
>but make what's basically the epilogue tie up with the resoluton of Nariyuki's arc
>while heroines remain in the cuckshed
It was funny, really.

>I love Fumino

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Suicide arc when

What about the others?

>Fumino is still in denial
>Foomfags still in denial
Perfect match

I like the other girls too but I just love Rizu

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Truly the best Rizufag

uruka a best
fumino a shit

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Her endgame is probably losing Nariyuki to Fumino who she felt inferior to already or even worse losing Nariyuki to an ice queen who she dislikes.
Doesn’t seem like a good future for her.

Delete this

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Honestly the only character I care about at this point.

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Post one of your Rizu pictures

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I honestly like this manga because it's cute and I really like how he draws embarrassed faces even if it's no masterpiece, but I can't fucking talk about it here. All it is is shitposting over the girls rather than just acknowledging they all serve one purpose or another and are entirely fine. Literally, not a single girl in this manga is bad even if you don't like their archetype. That's the kind of manga this is supposed to be.

Another one

Reddit is becoming the same.

It's the same 10 guys endlessly shitposting and restareting the same arguments over and over again.

I don’t really mind any character too bad. Rizu’s arc didn’t interest me and Uruka’s recent chapters are kind of meh, but the rest is fine.

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>all the girls were best?
Never really happened for Senpai after her third chapter if we're being honest


I don’t think so. It’s still a harem even if the romance aspect is slow. There’s always going to be waifu wars. In the early days it was Fumino vs Uruka and now it’s mostly Fumino vs Mafuyu. If anything it would be worse if Rizu and Asumi fans were more vocal.
When the romance aspect gets more focus eventually it will definitely be worse.

That's a white lie. Blunt honesty? In general, all except Uruka were at least good at one old in ths past for a while. And best was whoever yoir favorite was. Threads were, for the most part, comfy compared to what we have now thanks to certain autistic haters shoving waifufag wars everywhere. I'm sure most people don't want detracting shitposts with mind games running amok and destroying threads. But the quality of threads these days lie in those certain haters. It comes down to if they can drop their autism ir not, really.

>except Uruka
Gee I wonder who's the author of this post

>those typos
Yeah I know you. You're not the biggest saint.

i want Rola Misaki to cosplay as Sensei and fuck with me

It's a falseflagger. Ignore him.

>40 posts in 4 hours
So this is the power of not shitposting

Well the chapter isn't out yet so it's not like there's anything new to talk about.

never really stopped fuminofags from discussing nothing for 400 posts though

sucking Sensei boobs while Fumino sucking my dick while Rizu guiding my hands to caress her boobs while Uruka licking my butthole while Senpai filming us

>implying posts about the ongoing chapter ever take more than 10% of the total post count

Rizu CAN and WILL win the Nariyukibowl

70% of these threads would hail it gladly.

Rizu can suck her father cock

Hmm, just one more.

I would love to see more improbable stuff like time travel tits creep in and have 22i go full "we scifi now."

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i rather buy cloth that i can fap to it

Her arc barely had anything on the romance side. Just an underwhelming realisation of love. It's about as much as Asumi.
She should have got something bigger to take her out from the petzone.

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>all the flowery pretentious titles
>just "OG"
I think whoever desinged these understands her fans pretty well

pixie maid wouldn't match with this attire

>fan service via lucky pervert events from sensei
>lewd delusions and immediate backing down from Uruka
>getting upstaged by a side character or at least needing a side character to hold a chapter from Rizu

Is she absorbing all the worst traits from the other heroines?

Is it weird that I love Sensei but I cant even tolerate Miku who is also the most popular girl in Gotoubun? Seriously I understand Sensei's charm but there's sth about Miku that rubs me in the wrong way. I dont hate her but she cant and will never be my top 2 quints. At best she's in the 3rd place of my list. Meanwhile Sensei is always number 1 or 2 to me

In general or after the scrambled eggs /Kyoto trip arcs?

There's nothing that really relates the two though

They're both showed as good for nothings. Albeit Sensei has stuff she's excellent at, 90% of the time we see her in her clueless incapable state of doing the most simple tasks needing the help of someone. That makes the Otaku horny because he says "hey I can do that easily".

In general
Most popular girl in each series

Just give her the maid attire

Initial ice shell and seemlingly cold personality. Both are awkward when it comes to social interactions.

Literally, Nariyuki barely does anything too. The big moment is supposed to be Rizu realizing she's in love with Nariyuki but that was almost obvious already since she never went so much in denial like Fumino so it feels like it's nothing special. Literally your pic related sums it up well.

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TL when?

As a Senseifag that likes Rizu, how were Rizufags fine with this. Please can a Rizufag tell me? I was personally angry.

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>Why can't Senseifags and Urukafags enjoy Fumino's lewd fanservice?
What? I enjoyed nopan hotpants sweater foom very much. 22i finally gave her the cure booty and bare legs to go with her barely there chest.

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I remember some losing sleep over Uruka's existence from the beginning.

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Fumino is my favorite but I like them all. To the point where I'd be fine with any of them winning. There aren't really any duds in this IMO. Same with the quints, although I have a much harder time picking a favorite out of them.

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>Fumino's lewd fanservice
When was this? I know she's boring but I thought I would have remembered at least that much.

Translation when?

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Inevitable winner. Die mad about it.

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Go back ruifag.

Does this need translation?

I remember in the early part of the manga where Rizu was getting the romantic development and was the favorite. Then she gets pushed in the background and compared to small animals. I expected her to gain more prominence after the first poll but it didn’t really happen. Second poll didn’t change much either.


I'm a Hinafag though.

I dropped this manga 2 years ago, should I pick it up again?

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Depends on your favorite girl.

I liked /sci/ and her autistic friend, also Yea Forums was kinda cute

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Great taste, but the manga isn't treating them that well right now.

Kill yourself. Avatarfags are even worse than Tripfags

>he likes Rizu.

user, I...

>Yea Forums was kinda cute

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I survived the 1st poll threads
the 2nd poll threads ruined it for me completely

/sci/ is pretty much a joke, unfortunately. her last arc was just shilling Yea Forums.

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So which scanlation group does everyone read? JB?

What a shame i really wanted her to get a good spotlight
I only like her because Tomboys wanting to be treated as girls is my fetish

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JB is the only scanlation group. Officialy the newest chapter is free to read (though the page resolution is lower than JB), and all chapter are accessible if you have Viz subscription.
Yea Forums should be getting an arc soon, /sci/ is still good but her romance is getting nowhere though, especially after the latest arc.

>People thought nothing would change because the order was likely to be the same.
What a mistake that was. First poll was much less extreme than the second poll.
Don’t think anybody here thought such a blowout would occur.

>but her romance is getting nowhere though, especially after the latest arc
It's too early to judge, she did realize her feelings for him, and we still didn't get a solo Rizu chapter after her arc.

in gotoubun the popularity of the quints is more evenly balanced, while in bokuben sensei pretty much dominates the polls

So any prediction on how Sensei will obliterate the 3rd poll?

is there a break this week?

Their group shots always look awkward.
It's like they were forced to be together in a single frame and they just act it out to deal with it.

Sensei is destroying all the other girls left and right, read 100-102 and you'll fall in love with her too


Will things really last another year for another poll? There’s barely any time left before graduation, it doesn’t seem it will get dragged on for that much longer.

Worst Rizufag
Best Rizufag

>Second poll didn’t change much either
On the contrary actually. Tsutsui knew the poll results before her arc, which is probably why he chose to shill Fumino during it

They always put up another poll for the series finale. If it last for 50 more chapters, it’s likely. I’m thinking 16k while the rest lost at least 500

fumino and riizu are the only good girls
the rest are boring and get way too many chapters

An Uruka appreciator is always welcome back. Pick it up again.

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Both Fumino and Mafuyu's arcs broke the fanbase forever.
The former because it generated a lot of hype with Fumino completely monopolizing the manga for 5 weeks and seemingly setting up the manga towards a definitive Fumino end, and on the other hand, causing disgust at Fumino getting such treatment. Fumino Namek was one of the nicknames given to the arc. Everything went to shit with the atrocious writing and resolution to the arc with the laptop bullshit and the lack of development for Fumino, which caused people to lash out at the arc in general and not even Fuminofags could defend it anymore.
The latter because after the disaster Fumino's arc was, people were expecting another trainwreck with Sensei, especially Fuminofags who wished it to be even worse so they could get revenge at people who bashed Fumino's arc. Tsutsui surprised everybody and delivered a short but well-done arc that made good use of the previous foreshadowing and build up he peppered for Mafuyu since the start, and gave her what fans consider the best and most romantic moments in the manga so far, much to the chagrin of those Fuminofags. From this point onwards, the threads were never the same again. Mafuyu became even more beloved and popular and Fuminofags couldn't be smug and superior anymore, plus still butthurt after getting obliterated by Sensei's arc, the ingredients for permanent awful threads were served.
Then the second poll. The second poll only confirmed that the nips pretty much share our opinions and views on the characters, but it was hilarious to see all the uproar it caused still.

You forgot
>Asumi's flatness
Truly the worst

>The results are in!
>A total of 27482 votes this time! Thank you everyone for voting!
>1st place: Kirisu Mafuyu (9461 votes)
>2nd place: JK Kirisu Mafuyu (7738 votes)
>3rd place: Furuhashi Fumino (2907 votes)

The damage control and the coping after the second poll was the best these Bokuben threads can offer.

It's nearing the end if they're going to finish with the end of their 3rd year. Everyone already seems pretty set up to wrap up the story.

Is Senpai a cuck?

Watch as Jkfuyufag cope because their girl is inferior to Senseichad.

What the fuck does that even say? Why did they make that shit so unreadable?

It was truly a magical week.

You're probably the first person I've ever seen to call it fumino namek

Fanservicey Fumino and before you start having weird thoughts a cute Fumi taking away all attention.

btw I saw people saying this chapter is a rehash of the Natsumi one, kind off
The most glaring difference is that in sensei's chapter Natsumi wasn't the focus, the interactions between Mafuyu and Nariyuki were, seeing them caring for a child together and again unconsciously forgetting their roles as student and teacher. Culminating in her speech about Natsumi's and Nariyuki's future potential, while in this chapter the mischievous kitty bringing about fan service is obviously the star, maybe with translations it can redeem itself, but I doubt that, especially if it ends with:
>I'm so sorry Rizu, I'm so sorry Uruka

It was bad but not that bad. It definitely wasn't Namek or Prison School calvary battle tier. Sensei's arc was kind of shit too though. It's been weak for a while now.

>It was bad but not that bad
>Sensei's arc was kind of shit too
Not trying with the bait anymore?

except I'm pretty sure Asumi is bigger then Fumino, isn't she?
If anything I would put the: ridiculous coincidences that force her into the story when there is absolutely no reason for her to be there, but that would be a little unfair since all the girls have those anyway to some extent and in this chapter it's Nariyuki that goes to their house without a real reason to make the plot happen.

They're completely different characters. Miku was the waifubait character which made a lot of people root for her early on but she's got nothing special over the other quints

As opposed to sensei, who completely destroys all of the other girls

that makes sense, can't expect Fumino to carry even her own chapters at this point. Reiji and the cat hog the spotlight

If you thought either of them were good you're retarded. The series has been running on fumes for a while now.

If you say so.

terrible bait. Sensei's arc is the only saving grace from recent Bokuben and the polls reflect it

>except I'm pretty sure Asumi is bigger then Fumino, isn't she?
They are but they're still both pretty flat overall. Saying she's bigger than Fumino's is like saying you're stronger than a toddler. It's true but not something to brag about

The polls reflect she's popular, because she has the most interesting personality and best design. Her recent arc was still trash regardless.

Come on, he's not bad

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>Her recent arc was still trash regardless

The popularity surge mostly came from the arc though. She was popular but not more than the rest of the cast combined popular.

That is Tsutsui's decision though. If I'm not wrong after Reiji's introduction he was in every single solo Fumino chapter. Which makes me think this is his way of showing us that mending of their relationship is in progress, without actually doing anything interesting with it, just show us some Furashi's SoL so we will buy that they are at good terms (iow He's a haaaack). Tsundere dad taking a way the spotlight from the daughter is an unintended side effect that is sure to backfire sooner or later.

> It was bad but not that bad.
The inconsistent tone and filler wife chapter was pretty bad, but the main issue was resolved.
Entertainment value: mediocre
> Sensei's arc was kind of shit too though.
You better have something to back up that claim, if you don't want people to think you're full of shit. The structure was clear and simple, with a climax that was the most satisfying moment in the Manga.
Entertainment value: kino
> It's been weak for a while now.
Do you mean the general rotation structure of Bokuben that drags? Examples please.

This is fucking awful, why would you post this?

>Remember the forgotten times when all the girls were best?
No? Uruka and Asumi were always annoying cunts.

by introduction I mean his reintroduction as Fumino's dad and not Rizu's college visit.

106 should kinda count as part of Sensei's arc as well

>Fumino and Asumi*

She gets some in the newest chapter

Yeah, I feel the same. It's more like Hami-chan than Natsumi desu

If you liked sensei, then yes. Don't expect too much plot progression for anybody but her as the other arcs are pretty bad. But if you're fine with just cute hijinks: the manga, then sure

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>Don’t think anybody here thought such a blowout would occur.
I still remember that one thread where somebody posted fake poll results that had sensei have a little more than Rizu and Fumino combined and people called it fake and absurd. Which is absolutely hilarious in hindsight

Will sensei really be able to keep those numbers? especially if 22i finds a way to shill fumino somehow.

I think the next poll will subvert expectations and have Fumino win!

Fumino is a lost cause desu, people can only hate her more at this point no matter what Tsutsui tries to shill her

There is no way to shill fumino at this point. Practically unlikeable if you didn't like her the most already
Anything less and you're already in Sensei's grasp

>Sensei has twice the votes of all the main girls combined
>Foomfags still in denial

You have to at least be on the same level for shilling to be effective. Otherwise it will just backfire on Fumino.

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>Fumino has less votes than Mizuki

The worst girls are always the most popular. This has been true of every series ever.

what? I don't understand what your post implies.

Unless Yakuzaman comes up with something that can top 100-102 (doubt) and doesn't involve Mafuyu (serious doubt) the love won't go away. Most likely the number of voters overall will decrease of this will be dragged out for too long.

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What stage is this again?

Only true for 5toubun.

but Fumino is not the most popular

what is 5toubun's most popular girl?

Asumi's and Rizu's arcs also helped. After Sensei's arc people thought that maybe Fumino was the exception and were expecting Asumi's arc to also be good but were horribly disappointed, it even killed .5 user. And then Rizu's arc happening and people still thought that it was going to be good either with the reasoning the "she's a main girl" or making up a trend of bad, good, bad, good. Regardless of what they thought, the arc also turned out to be shit and cement her status as a pet as well as show definitively that Tsutsui only bothers to right Sensei well for some reason. Which generated even more salt from Fuminofags that was unleashed when the poll results dropped, and they hit peak insecurity

Meeks, both her and Nino are crap, for different reasons, mostly being shallow as shit.

The arc was worse than that, it showed how low 22i could go to shill Fumino.

Fuminofags wish they could get a Sensei rehash

depends on a few factors, but if things keep the same (i.e. sensei getting the most progression with Yuiga while all the other girls keep stagnant as of lately) I would expect a bigger blowout, sensei would have to do something egregious for her to lose the top spot, and maybe that wouldn't be enough since a lot of people would lash it on Tsutsui instead
all things considered I wouldn't bet on a similar result but I wouldn't be surprised if a worse sweep ends up happening

She's one of the more popular ones and thus one of the worst. You know I'm right.


There's no "more popular" in bokuben, there's sensei, then there's everyone else.
A 1000 vote difference is just too small.

Nino went from being worst to best though, characters aren't static you know

No, Nino is still crap, she went from tsun to dere but her character is as shallow as day one.
You like her, but she's as interesting as Miku, which means not interesting in the slightest.

Cope harder Miku is the only shit quint

>and gave her what fans consider the best and most romantic moments in the manga so far

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The thing is that it's a bit weird cause, it is the resolution of sensei's arc but it's also the resolution for Nariyuki's as well. So it's up for debate whether it's should be considered Nariyuki's arc, Sensei's arc, or both

all the girls are best girls, just some of the girls are bester

1 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3

>Uruka, Rizu
It ends exactly like that. LRR posted an updated translation of the text based.

It's a common end with the rest of the girls having to look at it from a fucking wardrobe.

If he is who I think he is, he's bad.

she wasn't tsun, she straight up hated Fuuts, she's a tsun now, besides her no bullshit attitude is refreshing when most tsunderes can't admit to themselves their feelings
but enough of the quints, let's get back to our own retards

Miku is one of those shitty waifubait that reddit loves, nothing wrong with hating her.

Saying that she's one of the more popular ones is like taking China and a bunch of third world countries and saying that the least shitty one is one of the best when it's still far inferior to China

>Culminating in her speech about Natsumi's and Nariyuki's future potential
>121 ends with fumino being turned into a pet, which is the first argument to downplay rizu

>sensei-tier fanservice chapter
>literally petzoned
It's like 22i reads these threads and created a chapter just to fuck them over.

Move 1 from the top to the bottom and you're good

Hello chink. Your country is shit as is sensei.

Ichika is actually a good character though, maybe not the most likeable but she's better written than most quints.

Lmao she's the most one-dimensional of the bunch.

Ichika is by far the most interesting quint.

>Fumino chapter
>people would rather discuss toubun
what a failure of a main girl

>Implying I'm a Chink cause I use China as an example
>Calling Sensei is shit

The problem with sensei's arc and the popularity poll is this:

Everyone expects Sensei to be the winner now. This basically makes every non-sensei chapter feel like outright filler. Before the results there was the pretense of guessing who the winner might be but now the idea that jump wouldn't approve of a sensei end got thrown out the window since EVERYONE knows for sure who the favorite is and that's really the only reason why people thought sensei wouldn't win. I'm guessing that's also why 22i's ramped up the delicious fanservice these past two chapters because he now knows he doesn't have to put as much thought into the other girls development.

>than the kuu/hajidere
>the tsundere
>or the tsundere-ish main girl
Yeah, the most one dimensional. I'd love to see any of them pull what Ichika did considering they are so much more complex than her.

>Everyone expects Sensei to be the winner now
Don't let Fuminofags see this

I think the author is very afraid of progressing at this point. The status quo needs to be kept, but there's not much that can happen unless it's broken in some way.

She really absorbs the worst parts of other girls chapters now.

there is nothing to progress, the story has it's conclusion with graduation/ test results, expecting a winner before then is naive

Can I at least let them see that Sensei having jump's approval is parallels Mamayuki telling her she can jump Nariyuki's bones meta-wise?

>muh main girl always win 99.9999999% of the time
>muh nip mangaka is always loyal to main girl
>muh tsutsui is a failure of a writer so it'll be a shit end anyway
>muh tsutsui is just baiting senseifags so he can gain less money in the long run
>muh polls don't matter
>muh japan always had shit taste
>muh it will be a rizu or fumino end
I think that's all of it?

>the forgotten times

What about it?

I’d agree for any other girl but given how unusual Sensei is for a harem heroine, it would still be surprising if he actually went through with it.

She's already a legend. Her winning will make her a double legend.

>winner now
>This basically makes every non-sensei chapter feel like outright filler
Senseifags would love nothing more, but that's not how popularity typically works. Except for hack writers, popularity rarely influences the outcome.

>after Reiji's introduction he was in every single solo Fumino chapter

He pretty much is at the source of all chapters since her arc. He gave her the lipstick, he brought focus on the horoscope, and the cat.

I'm glad he's present, it means that the fumino arc wasnt completely worthless. Just utter shit.

And then some still wonder why Sensei is so far ahead of the other girls in popularity. It's like Tsutsui isn't even trying with them anymore, which will make it especially awful when Fumino inevitably wins.

>Uruka and Asumi were always annoying cunts

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Why does Bokuben make people like this?

to be fair, popularity in harems/romcoms is never this one-sided towards one single girl. It means the author has already failed to balance the appeal of his female cast

Any narrative that goes "make fumino great again!" is just beating a dead horse.

Imagine the damage control Mafuyufags will do when Mafuyu didn't win. "I told you so" will probably get tedious real fast.

Is it on hiatus this week?

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Literally every series has people like this.

>it means that the fumino arc wasnt completely worthless
The star in the title of fumino's arc was actually reiji.

It's a Fumino chapter (for some it's probably indistinguishable)

But Bokuben doesn't have drama. It just doesn't. It's literally CGDCT. How could you fags turn it into this?

I see it more of him succeeding in getting a ton of people to like one girl
It's not accidental.

Ahem, fuck Kusoben and fuck 22i

>not bandwagoning the suretowin girl

Attached: file.png (960x676, 1.09M)

More like it means there happens to be an usual amount of fans that have a fetish for Sensei characters. It has little to do one balancing. In the first half of the manga, Mafuyu didn't have a ton of chapters nor unique development, but she managed 1st spot anyways.

nobody is saying she's going to win
they're saying the author has written himself into a corner

>It's literally CGDCT
pretty much

CGDCT doesn't end up with threads like this.

>failed to balance
That's bias talk. Regardless, any attempt now to flesh out the other girls more, especially if 22i has already decided on a winner who isn't Sensei, will just have Senseifags complain that he's "shilling."

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>nobody is saying she's goig to win
The damage control has already started.

point them out then

Is there a CGDCT series where all the girls are in love with the same person?

Meant unusual*

>the foomshitter has awoken


If that was true then her fanbase would have remained the same since the start because senseis are a niche fetish and they're never more than minor characters in other romcoms. It has everything to do with the author giving her all the stellar and climatic moments in the manga while the other girls remain stagnant.

Ok I get it, it's an harem but it's a dramaless harem. There's no rivalry, there's nothing. It's like I dunno, ToLoveRu.

> damage control
More like a short burst of disgust towards WSJ and then immediately forgetting this dumpster fire.

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they're not saying she's going to win

Whoever wins will be great because the shitposters will all falseflag as the winners and shit on whoever lost.

To be fair, Mafuyufags complaining and disagreeing that Fumino is the main girl with the most likely chance have become common with the past half year.

>damage control

Your salt will be delicious and glorified.

where does it say that she is going to win thought? all those posts are IF scenarios

Guess what, most of the fanbase is biased towards one girl as opposed to you who's biased toward another. And yes, if Tsutsui didn't really plan to have the other four heroines lose popularity to Sensei this bad, he's giong to shill them now to try and recover some of their lost fans.

uruka >>>

How so exactly? It is not like Tsutsui mistreated and neglected the other girls. Like for example, Uruka probably still have the most fanservice goodies.

No, it was first Fuminofags downplaying Rizu as the other main girl with the same status as Fumino, then Tsutsui himself treating them both the same or worse than a side girl sparked those arguments.

You'll be disappointed either way since I won't participate in any gloating or coping around here.
The question is what'll you do once this is over?

Bonus comic with the BD?

Attached: kf38Zqz.jpg (1512x2016, 811K)

>he's gioing to shill them now
Proving him right.

>Fumino is the biggest figure in the center
Ah, can we ever stop winning Fuminobros?

Read again, that's IF he didn't really plan to have Sensei overshadowing the rest this badly. Either way you lose.

Uruka lost the least votes and doesn't have her own arc yet, sounds like she'll take the 2nd place next poll

Attached: best wedding.jpg (421x397, 69K)

>Featuring the big moments for each girl
>Rizu's arc is so devoid of them they take the hypno chapter

That's not it. Rizu is counted as main girl too along side Fumino. Debates regarding who'll win between those two are different and has been around for quite a long time. Mafuyufags arguing that Mafuyu is the main girl and likely winner is more of a recent thing.

It has to be a good arc like Sensei's otherwise the effect will be losing votes like Asumi and Fumino did.

Change 2 with 1 and reverse it.

All that focus and attention yet still losing by a humongous margin. My sides.

You already believe 22i will have to shill now.

Most of the time the story is built around a main narrative the author can't work his way out without breaking the whole structure. In bokuben case, there's so little plot that the story is extremely flexible. 22i can pick any girl for endgame and nothing would break.

> fumino on the center
> is crying
yep, she knows is a c uck now

That would mean properly balancing the scale, not shilling. You guys and your memetic buzzwords.

In Fumino's case yes, because her arc was obviously supposed to boost her but it backfired spectacularly.

>uruka arc
>will good

>it means there happens to be an usual amount of fans that have a fetish for Sensei characters
Your reasoning goes to shit when you look at the other girls number dropping like flies.

>the 5 heroines will confess
I can foresee a shitstorm at who's the last one to do so in this special comic.

Of course. How expected from you.

Attached: URUKAWAII.png (1266x1852, 1.28M)

More like hopenot.jpg in your case, shitter.

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Don't forget that Fuminofags like to say Fumino is Tsutsui's favorite girl. He is logically trying his hardest to shill her now.

>mad at the probable truth
Why so serious?

More than probable it needs to be such otherwise you're pretty screwed. Hence why you repeat it every time.

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>it's shilling if the author planned Fumino end for a long time where he saved the romantic development as a climax that precedes the final arc

Attached: 1560616167471.jpg (580x338, 26K)

I'm just being realistic. 22i seemingly doesn't like Uruka.

As Sensei winning is pandering to the masses and the cash if she wins right?

Yeah, you're hopeless and are a shitter.

It's shilling if he tries to ramp her appeal up with fanservice and rehashed formulas after losing the most fans when she was supposed to gain the most with her arc.

Unironically true.

>22i seemingly doesn't like Uruka.
I can't really see that. Sounds a lot like projecting your persona onto others. You sound used to do that.

Don't be so mad at the truth. Be mad at yourself for fanboying over such a failure of a main girl for starters.

Shilling is butthurt shippers' favorite buzzword to rationalize any favorable development that goes outside of their belief.

Believe it

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>this is Nariyuki's immagination, uninvolving of lewdness, just imagining his future love relationship with Uruka
Explain this

He treats Uruka like a joke and has her always run away and fail. Some people are expecting that she will blow herself out by confessing but refuses to hear his answer and runs away, refusing to hear his answer.

good thing there hasn't been any favorable development for Fumino

She's fucking off so it's not like it matters anyway!

Literally Senseifags' new form of damage control.

S-she's not a main girl like my foom so it doesn't count

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>defending what happened in Rizu's arc

>foomshitter upvoting himself again

Not different from Fumino shooting herself in the foot with muh Uruka and muh Rizu every time
I guess Tsutsui hates Fumino

2nd main heroine seeing MC and the 1st main heroine having a close relationship is a common trope that was inevitable. 22i does that a lot using side characters with their own cheer squad. Buzzword more.

Not really since is pretty obvious.

Using the whole arc to talk about how much better Fumino was than Rizu and not even giving the star of the arc a romantic scene is the literal definition of shilling.

>2nd heroine having her arc hijacked by Fumino being oh so perfect with the MC and not receiving a single special moment with the MC like the other girls in their previous arcs did
And this is how Fumino will keep losing popularity if the author uses the other girls to push her and Nariyuki together

Sounds like you're afraid

Big difference with Fumino. Tsutsui purposely stalls and has her deny her feelings while helping Rizu and Uruka. She wants to help, genuinely so but also has conflicted feelings because of subconscious affection. If you've been reading romcom for a long time, you would know that actually a good thing for a main girl.

Doesn't matter because it got very old very fast and has been going for over 100 chapters. Basically the same thing.

>you would know that actually a good thing for a main girl.
>leaving her completely undeveloped for the entirety of the manga is a good thing
There's a reason main girls tend to be so despised, and it's not because they win, it's because of this.

You senseincels realize sensei doesn't have any feelings for Nariyuki and isn't a bowl candidate? This is also WSJ and sensei is nearing 30.

An open end would be just as obvious. Fumino winning is not set in stone.

I'll give it to you that it is a good flag. But Uruka has so many bad ones that this basically is not nearly enough.

stale bait

I still think that we'll probably get a Fumino end no matter what. Mangaka authors usually tend to make their main girl win even if another girl makes infinitely more sense

Much better than being in denial and using your friends as an excuse. And you do realize that Sensei not having feelings for Nariyuki is only setting her up for yet another arc that will destroy the competition, right? Or are you just plain retarded to not realize something so simple?

>More like it means there happens to be an usual amount of fans that have a fetish for Sensei characters
Holy shit, this delusion

>Except for hack writers, popularity rarely influences the outcome.
Considering Nariyuki isn't in love with anybody right now and him ended up with Sensei makes perfect sense, how would he be a hack if he changed the intended winner?

Shut your whore mouth, squirrel.

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JB is surprisingly late for a Fumino chapter

Even JB started hating Fumino.

>It's like Tsutsui isn't even trying with them anymore
I'm not sure if you were joking or not but is it bad that I actually sometimes think this?

Like I recently reread the whole manga since Uruka's arc seems like it's is going to take forever to come out and I've noticed just how much more care he puts into her "fanservice chapters", not even just her arc. You think he'd do this for the main girl but he's decided to put all of this into the sensei character of all things. It's uncanny really

The manga is almost over and sensei has had zero romantic development. She hasn't shown an interest in romance with him and doesn't even get jealous.

The most shilled girl is Sensei. More so if she isn't a winner but is pandered due to popularity. Objective viewpoint here, btw.

Sensei has proven exceptional in a number of ways. Her winning is in line to add to that exceptional quality.

Attached: Rizu43.jpg (165x236, 13K)

We're all expecting Fumino to win via her main girl powers, we're just hoping that Tsutsui goes with the ending that makes the most sense in spite of that instead of a bore fest like Fumino

The best thing about Sensei shilling is that the story itself does most of the job.

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There are plenty of arcs left before they graduate and there's a chance the manga will continue even after graduating. There's enough room for 1-3 chapter arc for sensei to develop romantic interest. Unless you're 22i's editor, your claim that the manga is almost over will be attributed to your ass being the source.

I suspect a Ben-to style ending is in the works.

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Is it really that hard to come up with some new and original bait?

I know this is bait but has Fumino even been seriously jealous. She’s still claiming to support Rizu and Uruka even though it should cause her discomfort. She sort of gets irritated by Nariyuki being a manwhore but the only time it really comes up was when she sperges out at Miharu.

It's actually a bit strange that more harem manga don't do these types of ending.
I'm guessing that fans don't like it when their isn't a proper canon ending, I personally don't see that much difference between this and a harem ending honestly.

even that is questionable, knowing her, she might just been hungry

Attached: dual_wielding_Fumino.png (128x190, 22K)

This gives more reason why Fumino winning is more likely than Mafuyu.

why? Because she has to betray Uruka and Rizu in order to win?

To be honest everything can be a sign that Fumino will win.

>Sensei and Nariyuki share a romantic moment
Hmmm, this might be a subtle hint for Fumino end

cuckolds twnd to do stuff like that, yes.


>and has her deny her feelings while helping Rizu and Uruka. She wants to help, genuinely so but also has conflicted feelings because of subconscious affection

Fumino thinks about them for a grand couple of minutes before forgetting about them entirely every single time. When you want to make a case of a heroine supported by her "noble (stupid though) self sacrifice", you need her to be dedicated to it consistently and to the point it ends up crushing her. This is by no mean the case for fumino. See pic related.

Attached: 1563297322381.png (1055x554, 811K)

chapter when

Hopefully never.

How many of these do you have user

A setup for main girl conflict. I bet Fumino will push Rizu at the 11th hour to be with Nariyuki, but things happened and Nariyuki finds himself in front of Fumino's house.

I have over 200 Rizu pics

Attached: Rizu107.png (197x202, 39K)

>Thank you Y-san from Chiba prefecture!

Shit man, at this point any Y-sans wouldn't be helping her win against other Bokuben girls, they'd be trying to get her to take on fucking Naruto and Goku. It's fantastic.

this, fumino is just a poor excuse of a character

I have all viz chapters so I have more.

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1/10 made me reply

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Mafuyu will be in the next Jump fighting game and not as a supporter. Fumino will be her block

Attached: Rizu84.png (213x176, 29K)

All quints are shit

The next Jump fighting game will come out too late for any Bokuben character to be in it, sadly

Sadly I have what seems to be a mangaplus rip version of chapter 92, which is a damn shame since it's one of my favorites and the only one I couldn't find in better quality.

Attached: c092_02.png (800x1168, 404K)

The fuck? Why? Does she even appear that much?

Are you sure Nariyuki and Mafuyu won't get a spinoff where they become time police

>can we ever stop winning Fuminobros?

Attached: 1562770734524.jpg (500x738, 154K)

There's the good quality version in the folder
>main girl alongside Fumino
>Does she even appear that much?

Attached: Rizu68.png (193x160, 41K)

All is fair in love and war. You should be glad that she even considers Rizu and Uruka's feelings and apologizes to them via inner monologues at all.

If I were a betting man, I would bet on Fumino. Something tells me the placement arrangement here was intentional.

>sounds like she'll take the 2nd place next poll
Uruka is probably the worst written character in the whole manga. If anything her votes will be lower unless the author writes a miracle comeback which is unlikely.

The one I have came from the usercloud folder.

I wouldn't think too hard about it

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You just moved the goalposts from the girl claiming legitimacy by having the higher moral ground to anything goes after being pointed out that said girl's moral ground is more of a depression than anything else.

Mine too, this is the same page you posted before

Attached: 02.jpg (800x1200, 143K)

>Foomer seething at the mere thought of losing another place in the poll ranking

Attached: 1562120920055.png (640x443, 279K)

>random illustration
user, I...

Maybe we should start a petition to get her into Jump Force. It won't get anywhere or change anything, but it'd be good for a chuckle

I guess I just forgot about her considering 99% of the time she's being carried by another character

How could 22i make Nariyuki gain popularity? He's the main character after all.

>higher moral ground
Where? You just made that up.

Reminder Uruka has at least two known samefag voters of 100 and 1k.

all promo pics are.

>sensei chapter next week

Attached: ikeda scrub.png (339x498, 164K)

Jump Force sucks user, also only gaijin-friendly characters are allowed

Just take a look at that filesize. And the extra void space.

remember if you have a problem with green haired girls you can fuck off right back to where you came from

Attached: yotsuba.png (500x501, 241K)

Nah, she's the second or third best written heroine

Chapter and manga serialization stuff are usually determined by editors to give a sense of who are the main girls/heroines, though.

Where do you think all that crap about "o muh rizuruka means that fumino is a saint!" comes from?

Literally where? You are reading and imagining shit that isn't even there.

>search saint itt
>the only use of that word came from a Fumino hater

The point is that the arrangement isn't always the same

Attached: 01.jpg (904x1300, 1.66M)

Rizu and Fumino are upfront and center on this serialization cover. That is par for the course since Tsutsui initially used two main girls system.

Sensei is one of the most popular side characters of all time. Hopefully 22i lets her down gently so he doesn't piss off the most autistic part of the fanbase.

That's for chapter 106, so nothing has changed in that regard. The bonus BD stuff is just that, bonus

meant to quote

And? The manga is expected to be nearing its end. It's high time editors drop more hints.

Fuminofags fear the Uruka
Uruka getting a good arc will mean their girl will drop even lower and Uruka would be above. At that point they might as well commit sudoku

Attached: 1558907801799.jpg (700x700, 54K)

>fear Uruka
Said nobody ever.

Why would Fuminofags be pissed with Sensei losing? That doesn't make sense in the slightest.

>The manga is expected to be nearing its end.
[citation needed]
>drop more hints.
if arrangements are hints, then sensei being in the center with Nariyuki is also a hint then

t. increasingly nervous foomer convincing himself that Uruka's arc will be shit

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>Why does sensei always look uncomfortable in those shots?

This is falseflagging, right? If not, you haters treat Fumino arc as the lowest point in reason why there's a drop, and yet still Uruka couldn't surpass Fumino. Now Uruka's arc os coming up soon and it is highly unlikely her arc will score points for Uruka. By the time the next pole comes out, chances are the designated winner would already have development to set the stage for the finale arc. It all likelihood, Uruka will still be 3rd and probably have even less votes in the 3rd poll.

Nah. I'm a Fuminofag but I like Uruka so I'd be okay with her getting a good arc. IMO she's the most deserving.

>Uruka's arc will be shit
22i must be the biggest Fuminofag then since that's bound to happen.


There's only a couple months left in the story.
She's in the back. The barely means much.

Wew, you're insecure.

>chances are the designated winner would already have development to set the stage for the finale arc.
I know you mean Fumino here, and her winning wouldn't give her any favors. Uruka having a good arc will easily boost her to the 2nd place.

Even if it's shit, which is likely, you will still shill and praise it as a masterpiece. And if she gets BTFO, you'll just damage control. Prove me right.

Delusional x 2.

Tsutsui can stretch it out as long as he wants and there's nothing saying he won't continue the story post graduation
>She's in the back. The barely means much.
She's with the main character.

t. nervous and fearful Urukafag scared that Fumino will get a good arc to development her into the winner

>>[citation needed]
not right away, but there's not much time left until the university entrance exams, and after that the band will be split for good unless all the girls become ronins.

most people hate the idea of Fumino winning at this point even though it's likely to happen, if her arc had the opposite effect on her popularity, her potential endgame arc will be even worse

Well, at least Uruka will not have a 5-chapter arc that is considered complete dogshit.

>76 poster ....


Attached: Absolutely disgusting. ...................................Iya na Kao sare nagara Opantsu Misete Mora (460x591, 41K)

Stretched to a reasonable length. The plot moves very slow, yes, but plot related chapters that moves story can only go for so long until time passes graduation date.
>with the MC
Nariyuki is below her, not with her. MC it's not even relevant when heroines placement is concerned.

>haters goggles

>Even if it's shit you will still shill and praise it as a masterpiece
Only fuminofags do that

>Let her down gently
He can't do that though. Her arc was full of romantic teasing and the following chapters don't tone it down. There's no way to gently have her lose the way things are. He probably shouldn't have made her a more explicit love interest while expecting the other girls to compete.

>Fumino-fag pretending being a Mafuyu-fag

More like realistic posts

>underestimating main girlfags
You poor fool.

Cute bridesmaids escorting the happy couple.

>ranked like shit
>lost 1000 votes between polls after it
Yeah, it was great.

Still the manga can easily run for another year.
>Nariyuki is below her, not with her.
He's the closest to her. Rationalize it away but it's a hint.

You're a mind-reader now? Either way, that means jackshit so long as Fumino gets another good arc that develops and fleshs Nariyuki x Fumino out. More people will be drawn to it and switch over, especially Fuminofags who merely voted Sensei because of her arc was better.

it's frustrating that the foompanzees have resurfaced after hitting the bunkers for a week or two after getting sodomised by the polls

>w-we won't
>b-but it'll be good
Make up your mind, Urukafag.

Those are shitposters. It is very telling that Fumino loses the most fans even though she's supposedly THE main girl and the one who will win in the end. Not even that is a selling point anymore.

>sperg and implies falseflag 15 hours later when nobody did
That obsessed and rent free.

Just like Kirinofags are all just shitposters, right?

>Fuminofags who merely voted Sensei because of her arc was better.
those converted to Sensei, user. Tsutsui would have to shit on Sensei hard for her to lose those fans she gained, and even then they will not switch back to their previous favorite, but hate the author instead

Give me legitimate reasons to like Fumino. I can't see even a single redeeming quality compared to the other girls.

It probably could but wouldn't it be good execution to drag out another 60 something chapters. If it becomes longer than Nisekoi.
Not really. And again irrelevant. Sensei is in the back and middle, that is not the most prominent on the cover. It is that simple.

Kirino had always the tsundere and imouto crowd backing her up
There's nothing supporting Fumino anymore, even being the likely winner doesn't help her

except his windows and legs

Or not. Or they convert back as easily as they converted in the first place because of quality shipping.

>,especially Fuminofags who merely voted Sensei because of her arc was better.
>people vote characters other than their favourites in a popularity poll for an extra chapter
What kind of fucktarded logic is this?
What COPE level is this?

This manga isn't known for good execution anyways.
>Not really. And again irrelevant
Because you say so. I can also say the BD bonus pic is irrelevant.

>lists reasons
>he'll say they aren't legitimate reasons because he hates her and doesn't like her appeals because he's into thicc, busty, and mature girls
There, I just did.

Oh wow. You'll literally say anything to sound right. Whatever, don't say I didn't warn you about main girlfags swarming and rubbing it in for years.

You vote for your favorite characters, it would be another story if the poll was about the best arc.
If tsutsui keeps following the trend of reusing the same ideas for old sensei chapters with Fumino, there's no way they will convert back

>This manga isn't known for good execution anyways.
That's something everybody can agree on.
>you say so
Why would MC's position be relevant when we're talking about how editors typically positions girls on the cover?

Thanks for your concession. I already told you those are shitposters jumping on the bandwagon, Fumino's popularity is rapidly diluting otherwise.

Shippers are shippers, but Senseifags serious believe winnerfags won't jump ship when the winds are blowing their way anymore. Seriously hilarious.

>main girlfags supporting Fumino are just shitposters
>they don't count, trust me bro

>Why would MC's position be relevant when we're talking about how editors typically positions girls on the cover?
Because they would also tease other girls with the MC even though the most space for the main heroines is given. Not to mention that Nariyuki doesn't always appear in those color pages.

no, just give me some aspects where she is better, what does her character have to offer compared to Uruka, Asumi or Sensei.

If Fumino does gain votes in the next poll and Sensei loses some votes, I'm sure you'll just say Tsutsui was shilling and shit.

If they only "like" Fumino because she will win and they use her to mock other fans, yeah, they're shitposters.

>thinks people are dumb and can't see through his transparent bait and trap
This guy....

Seriously unlikely given how she lost the most votes right after her oh so hyped arc.

Converted fans you mean.

Screencap and saved for future use.

No, shitposters.

good luck

if sensei were a jellyfish, a kiss would also count as anilingus

It's pretty obvious and clear you have already made the decision and have formed a complete opinion about her. You definitely don't like her, so there's nothing people can say to change how you feel and think. I can easily ask the same question for Uruka, Sensei, etc, where I can deny or reject aspects from fans who like them.

Fuminofags don't care about a shitty fucking poll that means fuck all.

Senseifags, the one's who ship her with Nariyuki, are autistic.

>Fuminofags don't care about a shitty fucking poll that means fuck all.
Kek, they spent several threads pushing a Y-san narrative and being assblasted about it while every other fan just accepted the poll results. Cope harder

There's literally an 11k vote difference between the two. Fumino is too much of a failure already.
Another bland girl winning is just disappointing.

>Senseifags, the one's who ship her with Nariyuki, are autistic.
I think you mean foomers here

elegant, honest and hardworking,

>trust me bro

Irrelevant. Fumino having an increased popularity because of potential development, being a winner, and shit is enough to make you guys mad.

I would be okay with any girl winning except Fumino

That's your line. Not even Kirino was overshadowed by Kuroneko this badly and her fanbase remained strong always. Fumino only has those maingirl bandwagoning shitposters

We've been over this already, see There's no way to salvage Fumino's popularity now, it can only get worse for her considering every scenario possible

Those were Urukafags and senseifags false flagging. Fuminofags didn't care and still didn't care.

>m-muh falseflaggers!
C'mon foomer, try not to sound like a bot at least once

Attached: 1559750417993.jpg (185x304, 32K)

>muh senseifags who like Fumino second best/converted from Fumino
kek, this again? They don't give a shit about Fumino anymore and would hate it if she wins. They would rather see fucking Uruka winning at this point

fanservice is all she's good for now, and even in that area she loses to the other girls

uruka is even worse than a generic fumino end

Fuck you, an Uruka end would be cute and wholesome

Attached: 1563194405450.png (1568x1145, 739K)

You're a hater. Of course that's how you rationalize it.

Seething Fuminigger.

Said nobody ever except Urukafags themselves.

uruka chapters are on hold until tsutsui learns how to draw her face in a non-disgusting way

more like that's how everyone who isn't a Fuminofag sees it

Fumino end > Rizu end > Sensei end > Asumi end > Uruka end

If the whole Sensei thing was accidental then the bait worked too well. I don't know why he gave her such a romantic scene in her arc but not his main heroines. It will be interesting to see how he writes himself out of the corner.
Maybe he won't bother changing anything and just anger the fanbase by going back to Fumino at the end.

No seriously, I've never seen a single senseifag being okay with a Fumino end, especially after Sensei's arc

Where's the TL?

Attached: 1509391486509.png (399x343, 106K)

in the trash

>muh everyone
Always so insecure and need to make ridiculous hyperbole to justify your obsessive hate. Stay seething.

>I've never seen a single senseifag being okay with a Uruka end outside of blatant falseflagging

Keep being in denial user, the harsh reality will hit you hard again

I always announce my affiliation and end rankings in my posts because that's a very normal thing to do

At least you acknowledge that they exist

doing so would be career suicide, he has a lot of work to do if he wants any non-sensei end to be well received
>using sensei to push any girl
>making sensei unlikable on purpose
>bait and switch near the end
all of these would backfire spectacularly

It's standard to reserve defining romantic development for intended main heroine near the end. But Senseifags are being retarded and think it'll mean shilling.

so, Uruka will win because she gets the last arc which is close to graduation?

as a senseifag I would tolerate an Uruka end above a flatmino end

It's not standard to have your main heroine be so underdeveloped and hopelessly upstaged by a side heroine by the way, so much that most of your fanbase only follows your series for said side heroine.
Mafuyu hasn't even undergone romantic development yet, so you can also raise that point for her as well.

Only an Uruka or a Sensei end would make this manga memorable

Attached: 1549237859744.jpg (764x1200, 239K)

>Main girl
Hearty kek

more like main squirrel

>as a senseifag

Then we should proxy spam the next Viz poll. It'd be super fucking easy, that site is made by literal monkeys

Based senseibro

Attached: 1555775537913.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

>Mafuyu is hardly ahead in romantic development at all, yet acts like she is and should naturally win because of it
I can hardly wait to see Mafuyu lose to knock some sense into Mafuyufags. Truly.

>Fuminofags don't care about a shitty fucking poll that means fuck all.
Somebody hasn't been reading the threads

But MUH most popular.


But I just said she hasn't undergone romantic development? And where did I say she should win? I'm telling you that Fumino is not the only girl whose romantic development can be saved for the end.

when are urukafags going to stop hiding behind sensei's popularity to disguise their shitposting

Don't seethe because you're all alone in these threads, foomer

Main heroines usually get the most significant romance scenes throughout though.
Giving Sensei such an obvious one directs reader attention to her especially since he didn't fix it by giving Rizu anything significant and it's really rare in this manga.

that's hilarious because I'm a senseifag and the first person to use foomer in these threads you dumb spic

Attached: foomers.jpg (485x87, 14K)

You know it's true
That's not enough, to get in Jump Force you needed to be battle shonen-tier popular or nostalgia

Attached: Rizu46.jpg (180x276, 21K)

sure thing

Rizu has the least romantic development and she is a main girl, does that mean (by your own logic) she will win?

Fumino winning has never been obvious outside of meta reasoning based on her character design, and the plot hasn't given her any special standing. Tsutsui could just keep giving Sensei all the development and make her win and nobody would even be mad, in fact it would be the natural way to conclude the story

Sensei and Nariyuki's relationship is the oddest. They're teacher and student but generally very comfortable around each other. It could've been platonic but her arc blatantly suggests a romance route.

Any girl except Fumino winning > open end >>> Fumino end

dumb fuminofags BTFO