Remember to fuck your mom everyday
Okaasan online
Lewding your mom is wrong
This is fucking ridiculous. This mom needs rough anal, but you're telling me the son doesn't give it to her?
Where's her husband
if she looked like that, I would
Wise best gurl.
you're mentally retarded
Team Wise represent.
Is this the most cringeworthy show to be released this year?
I feel so bad for Maa-kun.
makes epic smile whenever he get nervous with his razor sharp shark teeth that look super awesome :DDD
What did she mean by this?
Cringe at this post.
What would it be like to watch this anime together with your mom?
but lewding other people´s moms isn´t
briefly contemplated doing this until I saw episode 2.
That's true. How does your mom look like?
kinda like this but with more tattoos and piercings
your mom is a whore lolol
Gyaru mom
You mom might be a slut
he was a rape baby
Was it rape?
Wise is a big slut just like her mother
This is just about within the realm of fappable.
Here I am.
protecting her hole with another hole.
your son is a dick
Imagine the smell haha
hot wife
So, where's her husband?
Is Maa-kun the Yuuki Rito of Okaa-san Online?
How am I supposed to do that when so many /ss/ doujins were lost in the panda extinction of 2019?
She's too perfect, fuck
Too bad about her brain
It's Jiren from DBS.
They're all joke stats like "Maa-kun", "Cooking", "Shopping" and so on.
Kaimono power activate!
Yeah, I'm still here user.
If this guy doesn't have 100 different kids from at least 10 different women I'm dropping Isekai eternally
Too adorable
I love how self aware this show is, just taking shit to its logical conclusion. Just full on accidental simulated intercourse.
>max stats all 100
>when she starts with 400+ STR
See They're not the game's regular stats
This scene cracked me up quite well. Sometimes about the way she runs off is pure comedy.
I'm a bit sad we didn't get to see Mamako in that caster robe though.
I hold you to that. You better keep your word.
When is the blue girl joining? I want the whole family together.
Mommies buying lingerie
Wise a best.
You can't rape the willing.
god damn i want to hug porta
Imagine pinching her fat rolls.
Mom, stoooop
Mamako is so perfect. I want to give her another child.
I wish I was Mamako's son so I could make retarded children/siblings with her.
He's either dead or abandoned her and everyone is just humoring her delusion with the "Far away" explanation.
> another anime about family relationships
I feel like it's hurting me but I'm still getting off.
Adult Ma-kun from the future
Freud was right.
>loli deleted from ExH
>mommy stuff is up and you don't need the incest tag to find it
the message is clear
i want to pinch her cheeks instead
Somehow I doubt you understood it
>mfw interbreeding with parents its not as bad as incest between siblings
I read about a Thai tribe that does that .
no retarded kids though
how do you mean?
>loli deleted from ExH
*ExH deleted from internet*
yes, it didn't quite sink in properly yet
Jesus, delete this image
Wait, really? That's somewhat counter-intuitive. Do you have any source for that?
For some reason I always get a kick out of seeing stats wheels like that.
What the hell is Abe plotting this time? procreate.jpg
So they are basically turned into Phantom Thieves for Mommy's heart in later volumes ?. also, who has the cuter girls between Mamako's party and Phantom Thieves
Family bonds are importantu!
Remember to hug and fug Porta.
She's not related to you, so it's healthy.
If you did you'd have balls of steel.
Is she signing I love you?
>So they are basically turned into Phantom Thieves for Mommy's heart in later volumes?
I get the feeling that was Shirase's intention from the start. The novel makes a point that beta testers get to choose their character class but Mamako and Masato were forced to play as heroes. I don't think that's coincidence. Shirase was probably looking for a family that could take on the crazy assholes that reject the purpose of the game, and Mamako and Masato were perfect candidates. Specially Mamako. She's very special. It's like the game itself resonates with her motherly feelings, and she keeps getting stronger and stronger.
Sleeping with mommy
Haven't watched this. Explain why to me.
>Kompas online quoted photographer Ebbi Vebri Adrian, who often has contact with the tribe, as saying that despite their intermarriage, the tribe did not appear to suffer from the genetic deterioration usually associated with the practice.
Google polahi tribe
mommy, why are you wearing that! here, let me help you take that off
I think he meant that the gyaru raped user's father
doing everything i can
Why's she running?
Wise a shit. A SHIT.
Inbreeding wont have bad effects if partners don't have bad genes. You might get weaker to parasites but if your environment have none it does not matter.
They made fun of her prepubescent boy ass.
Yeah, I´m gonna need that source. Thanks
Ah, so you don't have any research or the like, just circumstantial evidence?
Older women dressing and acting like young teens is my fetish.
Button up your shirt, hussy.
why is that middle button undone?
made for paizuri
user*s father here, can confirm.
He predicted that moms are hot, 25billions years later.
theres a difference between not knowing what an online account is, and not being a functional human being.
guess in which category our 'mom' falls?
Does she actually want to fuck her son? Why does she act that way?
How is she supposed to know english words?
>>mfw interbreeding with parents its not as bad as incest between siblings
duh. siblings share 100 percent of your dna. parents only share 50 percent
I am monitoring this thread
>that coy look on her face
>dat bush
I lost it
because she can't button them. her boobs are too big
get your mind out of the gutter. thats how moms act
> Used her until gets pregnant
> Not a daughter
he lefts, you dont?
Demon Queen Mommy
Racist hummie whore.
A mom without a bush isn't a real mom
Not in Japan
apearently she misunderstood elf for ero
The fact that she prevented an erotic priest from being her son's bride is even worse.
no he's right
Why didn't he be a good son and drag his mom into to the public for everyone to see her in her panties?
Why is this steam censored? She's literally wearing a damn towel right now.
Wait, I was wrong.
I want to touch Porta's bag
You're all liars, mothers are cold and manipulative.
So all Japanese Moms are hover-moms... I don't know how to feel about that. I've seen the results of that kind of parenting first hand on people I've had the displeasure of working with. It's always destructive to a person's personal growth.
>The sons grow up with over-indulgent mothers who smother them in affection,preventing them from developing emotional independence. the sons accept the power their mothers have over them. and, when they being dating, they naturally look for another woman to mother them.
Literally me.
This show would have been 20x better if it was an actual isekai world and not some stupid game world. Now its just bad. Neither a really anime nor an actual hentai.
Towel Wise.
What is the point anymore? We can't view galleries tagged as incest which means there is no reason to get all excited over this anime now.
This was proven to be fake
> proven
If there's no link you should just assume that it is fake.
Wise butt.
flat af
I'm sincerely sorry for you if you have a mother like that. Mothers are meant to love their offspring due to motherly instinct.
That one is supposed to be true, the fake one is the article about a son telling the story about how his mother tried to fuck him which I don't have right now and kinda has porn logic
Ah, a man of culture I see.
that's also real, the only edit was just to make the "dear amy" type columnist call the son a faggot
Are the glasses part of the mother cliche or a reference to something else?
Dig the hair BTW
I'm just a simple man who likes drawing girls with glasses
user already denied it being a reference, but the "I draw hentai of my mother" user's mom had glasses.
I don't remember my mother wearing skimpy clothing and seeing if I got a boner or constantly rubbing up on my like she wanted to fug
That was a good fucking thread
I hope we get a sister version one day
This is my fetish
Not if she wants you to.
I'd watch an anime about a sexy 36 year old magical girl
Watxh and you'll understand.
Remove elf
i really hope you fucked your mother,user
>So in addition to consanguinamory, they also have polyamory, even if only a polygynous form. I'm curious to know if any of them practice polyandry and how they treat LGBT members of the tribe.
>forest nomad tribe
>having lgbt bullshit
Fuck white people.
Lefties have also pushed this meme that hunter-gatherer societies are the most egalitarian of them all, even though this is 180 degrees removed from the truth and these societies actually have the biggest gap between Chads and Virgins (or in plain English, the biggest gap between men who have sex with multiple women and men who never have sex).
For some reason they think primitive tribes are great to project SJW bullshit on to validate it as being natural.
Jesus is that her? Picked. The fuck. Up.
There was a live action series, 美少女戦麗舞パンシャーヌ.
notLina is olev. I want her to be my daughter.
Okay that does it. My dick is forcing me to pick this shit up.
Who is the voice of the mother
Siblings share 50% of your DNA, an identical twin shares 100%
Do You Like Your Mom Who Is a Magical Girl at 36?
After they deal with Wise's mom, so next episode or an episode after that.
I thought so. It's quite sad. She sounds so fake when she speaks so high.
>Does she actually want to fuck her son?
No, and MC doesn't want to fuck her either.
She's just super clingy and overprotective, and keeps treating her son as if he's 5 and not 15.
And skimpy clothes... well, ecchi sells so don't look for a deeper meaning her.
I get that inbreeding won't do anything if you don't have recessive genetic defects, but how does it weaken you to parasites?
Wise best girl, she's like an isekai Asuka.
> Wise best girl
> she's like an isekai Asuka.
Pick one and only one.
Do you have any idea how long the human race has existed? Nobody has perfect genes and even one generation of inbreeding can produce disastrous results.
it looks disgusting irl
Realizing that this show is about my mom.
Is my mom Mamako? Basically, yes. All the acting like a teenager shit? Yes. All the acting like a child shit? Very yes. All the embarrassment shit? Video game playing? Looking for a wife for your son? Yes, yes, and yes.
How about all the creepy flirting with your son shit? Yup, sometimes even that.
I never had a girlfriend in highschool but we would have highschool girls come over to see my mom. She would try and pick out girls for me to date. When she found out I like redheads, the redheads would not stop coming. None were interested in me of course. I just wanted to read novels and play vidya. My mom didn't want to grow up and never stopped acting like a teenager.
Wearing bikinis to the beach, check, bathing with your son past an appropriate age, check, sharing a bed with your mom as a teenager, check. When I went off to college I came back a year later and my room was exactly as I left it, not for the right reason but because my mother said 'It smells like you and I can't get to sleep otherwise'.
Yup. My mom was Mamako. I grew up embarrassed as hell. She's well over 50 now and I'm well over 30 and when I moved two states away guess who followed me?
No. I am not joking. After my dad divorced my mom when I was 6 I always just thought she never got over it.
Mommy's nipples shouldn't be pink.
>No. I am not joking. After my dad divorced my mom when I was 6 I always just thought she never got over it.
that would have been a better explanation in the story than "his dad is away on business "
Fuck her until she can't walk
All that is missing is that she dyed her hair red too
Cute and bullyable reminder.
Fuck, she did that too.
my brother
Just fuck her already
50 year olds have wet pussies. Trust me
bro, she wants the dick
just give it to her
Wise a shit
Best girl.
I just marathoned 2 minutes of this show, when does it get good?
this is the first show where I think all the girls are good
How do you guys deal with having a hot mom?
write me up a 50-word essay on what you didn't like and i'll let you know
user, this is a serious issue. It's called emotional incest and it's a form of child abuse.
It generally happens when the father leaves the picture (like yours did at 6) and the mother projects the needs a husband should fulfill on her son (except the physical ones). You have effectively become her emotional punching bag.
I'm not saying your mother is a bad person nor am I saying you should cut contact with her, but just consider this.
>2 minutes
Which means you're already at the OP. It already got good.
Be affectionate so hugs to feel her soft breasts seems natural
Sounds like some jewshit to.break up the family
Scold her and complain she's ruining my adventure-seeking fun because she's too OP and overly protective.
>A phenomenon that mostly happens to single mothers, implying there exists a need for a father within the family unit
>"jewshit to break up the family"
God, help my dick survive this show
I don't like how the show looks. Pochi's artstyle doesn't look good animated.
I don't think anyone watches this show for the animation quality.
t. Maa-kun
Ma-kun pls
I don't know why I don't like this show.
I love Pochi. S(He?) is a good artist.
Yikes, never heard of that before but it describes my mom pretty well. Really fucked up my twin brother growing up. He moved to New York to get away and my mom can't be with both twins at once so she moved 5 miles north of me instead. She's still very needy but I can just not answer the phone.
What's the point of having a hot beautiful milf as the main heroine if the MC won't bang her?
>won't bang her
I see in these threads that the MC is paired with a girl his age and/or sees mom as an embarrassment
Pochi is a cute female cake.
I think taht the furthest they go is sleeping on the same bed, literally sleeping just like Bert and Ernie, no sexual shit going on
Any LNfag lurking? Best girl is obvious. But what about best mom? How are Wise's mom and the yandere's mom compared to Mamako?
Those two fuck each other in the ass
Who is the target audience for this animation TV series?
lonely cake mommies with angsty teenager sons
Good luck user, I hope that you can work it out somehow. It's hard to strike a balance between being a good son to a loving mother and having your own life.
I absolutely don't know. Mamako is probably the hottest girl this season (other than the Fireforce musclegirl maybe) but her being a mother makes her "off-limits" in my mind.
Imagine if he lived long enough to witness the internet
this guy is kinda cute
family that fucks together stays together
>Any LNfag lurking? Best girl is obvious. But what about best mom? How are Wise's mom and the yandere's mom compared to Mamako?
Mamako is the most normal mom. She's pretty clingy but she's not exactly a helicopter mom. This becomes clear when compared to Medhi's mother who is a classic helicopter mom and tries to control everything Medhi does.
mamako is good.
the show isnt
> "if it's on wikipedia it means whatever bs pseudo-science psychology I want to believe is real guyz"
Is she at least a cutie?
But off-limits girls are always the best.
Shiraishirase-san is so cute as a nun
Especially when she's fucking dead
I can't believe Shirase is fucking dead, guys!
this, I wish they could just be playful with it, there's plenty of fun ideas for a mom and son adventuring but they made the son a stick in the mud
her dumb dead ahegao face is too hot
What's the point of having a hot beautiful imouto as the main heroine if the MC won't bang her?
anyone who doesnt think Shirase is best girl is objectively wrong
Onee-chan or Okaa-san?
A loving Okaa-san who supports your crush on the gentle Onee-chan next door and welcomes her as her future daughter-in-law.
This scene was hot
I'm going to have to go with the one related by blood.
I don't get the point of this show. The mom is the main heroine yet there will never be any sort of romantic development due to the author not being willing to go the incest route.
None of the other girls in the party develop any feelings for Masato either.
The actual story isn't all that great other. Literally the only appeal it has is incest baiting.
And the mc remains useless forever.
Literally why does this show exist.
I don't need the MC to do anything for me the appreciate the girls.
Is it possible that her son is actually her husband that died and reborn by her?
>the author not being willing to go the incest route
How can you be sure? Plenty of people doubted OreImo, too.
to coax doujin artists into drawing NTR
because lets face it, this entire story is basically about complying to being a loser all your life. might as well support it for something interesting to come out of it from 3rd parties
>How can you be sure?
The afterwords in the novel suggest that much.
>TFW Masato gets NTR'd by his dad
>Literally why does this show exist.
Let's see what the author has to say about that:
"This is a mom-centric series, and once again, there are lots of moms in it—sometimes so many moms I don’t know how people will handle it…
But there is one thing I am clear on: This series is not intended to turn mothers into a laughingstock.
This series is (intended to be) a comedy, and part of the humor comes from exaggerated depictions of mom-like behavior. But at no point is it ever intended to mock the idea of mothers.
My hope is that the mothers depicted in this work will speak to your memories and experiences, remind you of that one-of-a-kind agony, and bring out a warm smile at the same time. That’s the hope I have while writing this."
The only thing this story is bringing out in me is a deep Freudian desire to fuck Mamako.
Author is a hack riding on Pochi's coattails.
Going by the afterwords in the novels, it's pretty clear the fanservice is the editor's decision. And it's a shame because it makes some retards have unrealistic expectations.
In 15 years he didn't impregnate Mamako, he's clearly a broken man
I would like to inform you that I like Shirase.
Really though where are the degenerate female demographics?
We need another crusade.
with all the female crusaders dressing like that?
That's the worst ass I've ever seen.
That's fine, just keep the mothers at home.
t. nigger
Asses are meant to be small and cute.
Holy shit is that top tier genetics or does Mamako squat?
Link to doujin?
Get lost paddy
My mom would probably laugh it off but only sit through 1 episode.
She used to hit the clubs in San Francisco in the 1970s so I am sure she has seen weirder stuff.
If you made the plot into a Mystery/Thriller dealing with murder then she would watch it all even with the creepy mom/son elements.
Not sure why but films that deal with serial killers attract a large female audience.
I know the meme started in the konosuba threads, but why are they irish, specifically?
Think about the smell
What the afterword say?
more Porta
it started on /int/ dummy
No u. if you live south of France then you're a nigger and you don't belong here.
Now it makes sense.
What matters is shape and firmness, she has none.
give us more of your mom
that's flacid and falling off though
> shape
It's fine
> firmness
how the fuck would we know?
She is nothing special.
Hot. Why is she wearing a transparent shirt for your image?
She told me she had a friend at the time who was a photographer and offered to take some photos of her.
I think the shirt was not as transparent as seen in the photo but the lighting is what caused it.
If it's not round it's not fine shaped.
Mommy knows what mommy wants.
"Let's feel good together... Ma-kun."
Freud wasn't right, he was just dreaming of mommy milkers and thought everyone else did.
she's pretty cute desu. hope you fuck her
I may like milf porn but I keep fantasy and reality separate like most people.
People who legit want to screw their mom probably never had proper parent and child bonding.
>Plenty of people doubted OreImo, too.
thats because Kirino was worst girl
Wrong board. Try /soc/. I don't even mind if y'all niggers link to that thread from this one but try to keep Yea Forums dedicated to anime and manga please.
What a total milf, moar OP
At the meanwhile you guys may post okaa-san
I dont see Porta but hey ok i'll take it
who is blue haired girl?
>I dont see Porta but hey ok i'll take it
Swimming in the back, I thought it was cute.
>who is blue haired girl?
Blue hair is the last party memeber that will join after they take care of Wise's mom.
Around Elves, watch yourselves
when will Ma-kun go back to the kaa-san?
I mean, this is actually substained on actual anthropology research.
I honestly thought the mayor was trying to get with the mom.
I'm three episodes in and there's a tonne less incest vibes going on than I expected.
The witch girl is pretty decent hope the mc bangs her
>hope the mc bangs her
i feel so bad for you user...
Because she's a GIANT DORK
Unironically would watch this.
>anons posting 3DPD of family members
Are these threads degenerating into something worse than imouto threads?
I'd be there to inform her that I'm going to make a sexual mess of her.
>someone multiposts their mom, only barely prompted to
Either you've hit some next level yogi ascetic dissociation from the world, and/or you're really proud and want to show her off. While they both have flaws, the latter comes from a good place.
Is it over? Maybe he has time to become badass? Not all isekai mc's are useless. Only the crop born from the relatively new mania.
mommy is puffy
If you shoot yourself with small bullets, you can build yourself up to an immunity to larger bullets. You should try it user.
I'm kind of a moron and probably late to the party on this but doesnt Mamako's name literally mean "mother love"
Based BB
Actually breeding with anyone in modern times is disastrous considering we coddle to retards, mentally ill, and handicap. It's no longer the strongest survivors breeding and creating better/stronger offspring, it's just a bunch of undesirable humans passing on their shit genes at alarming rates.
There are more undesirable humans alive now than have ever existed since the start of humanity.
We need to cull the population rather than continuing to pass on shit tier genes. That includes every incel on this site.
im sorry m8, but if it was a respectable story id respect it
this is your retarded EOP headcanon
OK, Dr. Mengele. Get back to /pol/, by the way. You can post shit like this there all day and nobody will complain.
His mom is pretty attractive, sorta reminds me of an old friend of mine. But blog posting should be discouraged here.
The spartan way, throw the deformed off a fuckin cliff.
So you should be lining right up for a gas chamber right?
why would you post this on Yea Forums user?
A womb is a womb
Why does photos printed on those papers look great Yea Forums? Am i just going nostalgic for this shit?
>dat cameltoe effect.
J.C. Staff how far you've come!!!
Not sure what the first means.
I know no one gives a shit about my average family photos.
Although I noticed people usually respond more often to posts that use some picture and since this is a mom related thread I thought the photos fit the topic.
It's not like I post these photos in any random thread.
>Siblings share 50% of your DNA
Keep in mind that that's the theoretical average. In practice, due to certain sex-linked genes, it's probably slightly less than 50% on average for siblings of opposite sexes, and slightly more for siblings of the same sex. OTOH, a you always share exactly 50% of your DNA (ignoring mutations) with each parent. It's theoretically possible to have a brother and sister who are the opposite of identical twins and have no DNA in common.
You have no idea how much I'm struggling with this. Is there any way to make the two, one? It hurts even worse when it's choosing between Mamako, and Chiyo-nee.
Where do I subscribe?
Nips always be saying what their name means
There's nothing Freudian about wanting to fuck *other people's* mothers, user.
No, dumb nigger. They're saying how their name is written. Japanese has a retarded writing system, if you didn't notice. Many Kanjis are homonyms, so there's a need to say which Kanjis are used. Also, Kanjis used for names can be so obscure that nobody knows how the fuck they're pronounced.
It's just nostalgia.
Those older photos really blow out some of the colors.
Makes almost anyone look like they have a serious tan.
This is why they should just die out
>It's not like I post these photos in any random thread.
2D MILFs aren't "mums". They're just attractive women with the label "mums" on them. A rose by any other name is still a rose.
This. You can have a loli character called a thousand year old vampire or you can have her called an actual 8 year old. Same character, same look, same everything, except the latter is naturally hotter.
>1st girl to agree to marry Masato
>Can synthesize healing potions and other goods in her Bag of Holding
>Is extremely knowledgeable about the game world they're in
>Is cheerful and kind
>Is Wise's hug doll
Lads...I think Porter is best girl!
>Mamako is probably the hottest girl this season
>(other than the Fireforce musclegirl maybe)
Right series, wrong girl. Tamaki > Maki, IMO.
This. That's the beauty of 2D.
damn user, those pics taken in the 70s?
I do. My mom's dick is the best.
is that his mom?
I've only used some of these photos in a couple of threads most of the time someone else reposts them for some reason.
The person in the topic I replied to was related so it still fits.
Although I notice some people posting the same photos pretending it was theirs.
Not like I care.
If I had a major social app influence I might care about what photos I post but I don't have a single social media account nor ever will.
Not sure why people freak out when I post normal family photos.
Lurk for 5 years before posting
Homophones, technically. Strictly speaking, homonyms are words which pronounced AND written identically (i.e., they are both homophones and homographs).
The opposite problem exists in Japanese, too: nearly all kanji have multiple readings, so even if you see a name in writing, you can't be sure of how to pronounce it, even if it's not a rare kanji.
One of our classmates had a hot mom and through middle and high school it was nothing but rambling to him how we'd all like to bang her. Last I heard he has a distinct bald spot. He's 22
been here since around 2005 so I think I lurked enough.
>dude why do people hate it when I blogpost
>I've been here since 2005
I 100% believe you.
I mean, *I* wouldn't post pictures of *my* family on Yea Forums of all places, but whatever, user.
I've been here since 2005, too, and that's why I don't do that shit
Please go back
some are from the 70s others from the 80s.
I have family photos dating back to the 1850s with my great great great great grandfather.
Random screenshot from a video from late 1950s early 1960s.
People view Yea Forums as if it's the only place people show their worst aspects but that shit is everywhere online.
Just because you post the photos off site of Yea Forums doesn't mean people abide by different mannerisms.
How is it imgur
how nice it must be to not be from an immigrant family from a the USSR
This. Creepshots and the like are pulled from normal social media.
But if she wanted her son to fuck her, why did she invite the other girls into the bath?
>GenXers are Boomers
This stupid meme needs to die.
Yeah, but the difference is that there are at least valid reasons to post family pictures on facebook and shit. There's not really any valid reason to post them here (especially not on Yea Forums, where on top of everything else they are off-topic).
you can't do this
>post picture of my mom in a bikini once a few weeks ago and the picture gets deleted in like 5 minutes
>dude constantly posting his family album and blogging gets to stay up
lmao this nigga both read "Uzaki XD", a descriptive filename, as a generated filename ala kZisJzn.jpg and correctly associated it with imgur
My family came to America in the 1600s.
My Father's side of the family were from a lower noble class that owned some land in Ireland.
Not sure why some of them traveled to America, it was a shit show in the 1600s.
My family liked hoarding shit from their descendants so that is why I still have photos from the 1850s.
>mom in bikini
Maybe that is why.
I wouldn't post such photos online.
user, go kiss your mother and tell you love her.
post that on Yea Forums you wont regret the results, trust me
/b would swap his mom's face onto a porn star getting blacked.
>Not sure why some of them traveled to America, it was a shit show in the 1600s.
So was Ireland.
isnt it great?
>Yea Forums posters are cucks...
wtf, I hate Yea Forums now
His boomer eyes are failing him
dude Yea Forums is literal cancer now. i only go on there for the sake of dumping my unpopular opinions
Not as bad as the 1600s in America where you either died from starvation and disease or from Native Americans.
wait what thread are we in again?
Mommy thread
my mom isn't a hot japanese woman in anime form, so no.
anybody got a better stitch of screenshots than this?
I wish i could
If there's motherly/skinnyfat fat rolls in this anime I am IN
right, the ntr thread
man i wonder if there are any latina threads up?
Didn't she have 1-5 int?
You and me both
Learn japanese and find out or just fucking read my reply to the other user who asked the exact same thing
Don't listen to these losers, user, i think it's cute. Hope she's a good mother.
No thanks. I'll fuck yours though, if she's not obese/ancient.
I recognize her eyes from somewhere
where could it be...
How can people find this shit funny?
its time to D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dick your mom
She was when she was there.
As you get older you realize nobody is perfect and even the people you look up to have screwed up.
How can you not?
its supposed to be funny? thought this anime was entirely for fanservice?
>the weak should fear the strong
How do we support Abe in language reform?
THAT'S what I've been missing with this isekai! DESPAIR
If it's 100% a comedy, there will be nothing pushing them together.
There's good moms and mom material in ML.
That's why you just know she's gonna end up marrying him.
I always thought this couldn't happen, but I had something happen to me where I was trying to laugh it off. Only to burst down crying like I was possessed. Its still funny to see even if its sad for the person. On another note I was kind of surprised everyone was pretty chill being naked around each other besides that one incident.
>it doesn't matter how we get there, as long as japanese children are being born
Ah, Yomeiro Choice.
Good times, good times.
>They're not both your big sister and your mom
You're doing it wrong
Well, Chiyo IS the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young, after all.
She's just a huge fan of Takahashi Rumiko
why does that sound familiar?
I don't think Chiyo approves of her babies being portrayed in such a bad manner.
No shit. It's our nigga shubnigga.
>wide hips
>but also flat ass
Not sure how to feel about this.
Is that some kind of effective warrior armor she's wearing?
Yes, the bikini-armor. High-class heavy armor that allows you to move swiftly.
Why are some otaku into fetishizing attractive mothers? Did you not get enough love from your parents? Do otaku actually want to be treated as babies?
>wanting your son to marry a slut
MILF as a term didn't start from otakus mate.
>Nekofag still seething
Don't be mad.
>gets impaled or slimed every episode
Best girl.
>point of the game is to become close to his mom
I don't care what you all say, he's going to fuck her eventually
>your mommy and her friend keep sending you lewd snappies
He's not man enough for her.
Growth spurt soon
>implying the whole point that mom would have sex wth him is to turn him into a man
She treats him like 5 years old exactly because he's not man enough.
The average otaku who has multiple issues with his life, one of which may be family. Mamako is fapbait to lure them in.
>With The Other Wife
>Mamako isn't blood Relative.
>Your Father Literally Ditched her.
>>Mamako isn't blood Relative.
LN says she is
the others greentexts are plausible tho
who would win in a fight tho?
You forgot
>Ma-kun is his own father who time traveled to when his mother was still young and married her
This is correct. Lewding your own mom is wrong. Your mom is to protect, others mom is for lewding.
>this show is propaganda for young japs to find and marry all the 30+ failures
reminder it's considered social suicide in japan as a woman to not be married past 22
oyakodon is the supreme fetish
>25 years old? A woman is still in her prime at age 30. You should be procreating with a woman in her 40s.
Send me one and I'll do the rest Abe.
the amount of interracial JAV has increased recently, it'll take a generation but just wait.. tons of modern jap women will seek western cock
Honk, boomer mom coming through
Chico is for protecting
Both as a mother and older sister
And ye in turn will be protected
Why don't the panties fit her
It's an asian MMO. The armor is deliberately skimpy.
the hair color is wrong. get this shit out my face
That can't be comfortable
That defeats the whole purpose.
Shows like this make me want to play a generic Jap MMO with considerably more effort put into the character models and weapons than the writing, graphics, level design, world building, story, gameplay, and enemy design.
youre lucky because these kinds of anime made me wanna play actual good MMOs but that stopped when i realized those dont exist
Aren't both of those Korean though
Wise was 100% unwanted pregnacy
Probably a faulty love hotel condom result and the father is some fatass 20 years older than her mom but who paid her for a night
No, her husband is actually a decent guy. That's why after he divorced her Wise chose to live with him.
there are japanese mmorpgs?
Feeling bad for the man then
99% of them are Japan only, I know PSO2 is getting a worldwide release soon, too bad it's kind of shit
The 1% is Final Fantasy
oh right, thats good but still just another generic mmorpg
soundtrack is pronominal tho
>Dragon Quest X never ever
Women wear lots of uncomfortable things for the sake of looking attractive.
Sorry for the late reply. Yea Forums is going to fucking kill me for this.
My mother was the young looking kind all the time. She snuck onto my high school campus more than once. She ended up making a deal with the high school after I failed a Biology test to sit in on my classes and ended up pretending to be the new girl in class for weeks. My mom, sitting in the back row, taking notes while I'm in Biology class pretending to be a high school girl (see my original post about her not wanting to grow up). She looked the party. She got carded for going to movies more than once (she doesn't drink alcohol. I can just imagine).
My mom is a flat chested 5' 3" tall 110 pounds on a good day eternal teenager.
No, I was never interested. No I'm still not. Gave me a fetish for anime moms though.
yeah, its crazy
like dragon quest and final fantasy, their two hardest hitting jrpg franchises had some
but damned if they will ever admit to wearing uncomfortable things for the sake of looking good
>Mother tries to get teenage user some cute girls to date
How is this bad?
because if you knew anything about female nature, thats literally never going to work
That's so called Abe bait. Or how we call it Abeit
Alright, the mc will never fuck his mom, but... if he asked her to fuck would she would she do it?
>Oh no, a mother can't go that far with her son!
>But maybe just a handie though...
cute wise is cute
Probably not. She seems to love her husband a lot. In one of the latter novels she says she pursued the guy for 5 years until she got him to date her, and was willing to chase after him all her life if she had to.
>99% of them are Japan only
>tfw you will never play Tower Of Druaga
For such a side character, that retard Mobu was fun. And she somehow joined the harem without any question or questing. Yet no daughter.
>he believes Sega's lies about PSO2
I don't blame you user, but you have to face reality. They said all these years they were going to as well.
>Alright, the mc will never fuck his mom, but...
user, you have to believe. Abe won't let it be so.
FF14 is actually damn fun. And someday I wish to taste DQ10.
You think anyone in Japan will try and fuck their mom after watching this
Japan has a cream to make them pink.
I'm sorry it's embarrassing as hell. I just wanted to hide in my room and that's exactly what I did. My mom would bring by some daughter of a friend from work or her church group and you know, and she knows that there's only one reason she's there. And I was definitely not a popular kid in high school. My twin brother was literally a model and worked in local TV commercials. I was a shy kid who couldn't talk to strangers sitting in my room playing Diablo II hoping the world outside would go away. I think every girl that ever came over to the house wished they were talking to my twin brother instead of me.
Oh my fucking hell. If you've never had your mom bring a girl over for you, be grateful. So I know exactly what this kid is going through in this show.
>japanese women
>wanting hairy, prematurely balding, fat westerners
Hentai doujins are not an accurate depiction of real life, user-kun.
Please tell me there's more Pochi artwork of this. Actually, can we post more Okaasan in general? Alarming lack of her, or even moms with credible incest routes in general here.
Hell, good moms in general at this point.
Is Shirarase Porter's mom?
>in Japan
Someone in this thread RIGHT NOW is already setting their plan into motion.
This. I wish anyone in my family had been willing to introduce a female friend to me.Then again, being the only non-Christian among my cousins and brother, along with joblessness, probably didn't help.
My mother is trying to set me up with her coworkers daughter, insisting we will be perfect for each other because "she's into the animes and mangos like you!"
I need to fucking move already.
just play TS4 it's amazing in terms of erotic RPG
lmao cope harder fuccboi
No. Shirase has a 5 year old.
KYS pls
I would murder for a qt otaku waifu
I've never seen her, she's never seen me, she's 3 years older than me, and I've literally never spoken to a woman outside of work or school.
Fuck that
She's probably ugly if her mom has to try and set her up with guys.
Then again so is user if his mom has to do the same.
So they should either take eachother or make plans to die alone.
Same. Funny because my mom's coworker's son is 3 years younger than me.
What state are you in
when does he marry his mom?
When you stop being a sexual deviant
LOL. Maybe you were just too nervous.
My mom was a giant slut who cucked my dad before I was born and while I was a toddler. It’s led to me having some issues.
>red-pilled this hard
>still watching anime about anime girls
Do you do this to hurt yourself?
honestly yes, the more i hurt the better i make myself, its a weird system i built while i was a depressed 18 year old.
>t. wannabe ntr-villain
>She's probably ugly if her mom has to try and set her up with guys.
>Then again so is user if his mom has to do the same.
implying males and females have it the same when it comes to dating and getting partners. Come on bro
After he defeats his father, the final boss.
You have no idea the things I've wanted to do with Hild
Maybe she just has a "great sense of humour".
Delude yourself all you want, you know you're not exactly a great catch.
>defeats his father
With his cock?
Mommy is gonna burn some jews
Because if ît was done her so couldn't see her boobs.
>makes his father his woman
Sound like a really nasty doujin for /y/
It's a big NO unless she can set up an arranged marriage or something like that
this made me so mad, I saw big tiddy elf and said yes right away. Then what does she do? "I dunno what an elf is, let's not."
>Can't pick up a girl when your wingman is your mom
user, it's your fault not hers.
This is why the pajeets have been catching up to the chinks in world population for a while now. You'd pretty much have to be an out and out homosexual to avoid marriage to your 5th cousin Sheeba.
sex with cousins three generations away from you is perfectly safe, as well as anyone more distantly related.
Okay I know what I'm going to say may not be popular, but if you're not going to go fuck her like some of the thread rightly suggests, or at least even tell her you are grateful you had someone so loving in your life as your mom, at least don't dismiss the girls she tries to bring home for you? She's just trying her best for you, as she always did. Maybe she knows you better than you know yourself?
And don't just assume because she doesn't 'act her age' or that she acts cutesy dumb that she's dumb as rocks. People in general like to project an image, and projecting an image of being a dumb mom is an easy way to disarm people, and hide cleverness from scrutiny.
>tl;dr at least take the dates she suggests seriously or you're another degenerate going up on a cross
Why are loli always best girl?
Funnily enough my mother used to offer to set me up with her female students around ten years ago, I refused everytime. This days she's offering to set me up with the youngest teachers or the preschool teachers, I still refuse
Mommy that needs to job and humiliated
Can we get a Stasi version of pouting Okaasan? The SS suck compared to the Stasi. Plus Stasi Okaasan can soulbreak her son into being her husband. No more problems!
Finally, thong.
They're innocent and have DFC.
>is a traitor
You should have taken her offer. Nothing to lose.
I unironically find this shit funny, but i am pretty retarded. do know more places than India do arranged marriages, right? Most cultures on Earth had or have a formal system to pair you up with someone you don't know.
ffs, Japan even has a (I believe) quarterly catalog of people across the country who're looking for a match, to run with their traditional matchmaker system.
You guys do know this has been a pretty much universal system for humanity since the dawn of time? It's much more informal, yes, but it's adaptable and it works. Because your family's network like your mom, your dad, etc isn't your own, especially in the modern world. The whole point is that you don't overlook someone you may not know but who is compatible.
Porta's mom is the final boss, not even joking.
Is this series actually any fun or is it autistic boring MC being in a harem full of moms wanting to rim his ass?
*This is a serious question
I think it's very fun.
It's better than your average trash isekai anime you get each season.
And no one in this series actually wants to fuck MC.
Enter Louie
degenerates, just like most of anime
The mom absolutely carries it.
Can someone PLEASE post pictures? We barely have any Okaasans here.
I thought there was only one mom?
Just watch it yourself faggot. There's 3 episodes, spend 1 hour of your life and form your own opinions.
And what about the cute non-anime stuff, like Pochi's artwork?
I'll be watching it, certainly. I'm feeling inspiration.
t. Christmas cake
there's a nice hentai about this, kinda badly animated but hey..
Reminder there is a massive distinction between the lustful, immature mommy-fuckers and the refined, romantic mother-lovers.
What genre is this? Does it include comedy?
By 5th cousin, I meant 5th in seniority, not in the "x times removed relatively" sense.
The Indians seem to be more enthusiastic/shoganaina about it, compared to chinks and japs, who would rather spend their time and money on mmos and mobage.
Yeah, it's ecchi comedy.
>off topic
>"muh reddit/trumblr"
This thread is a thesis of everything that ius wrong with neo-Yea Forums.
And anyone who has any implication in it should kill themselves.
And what's up with this show?
There s more than 3 active thread on the catalog about it why do you niggers seem to like it so much?
If my post ends in 5 she gets impregnated by her son
Where is she from
Reminder that the side story volume confirmed they're not related and she's not actually married, or a "real" mother.
Oh come on
fake spoiler is fake
Perception that is incorrect, by way of confusing population with population growth. While yes it (consanguinity, i.e. degrees of inbreeding) happens, it varies by region, and the religion and culture therein in a location. In the case of India, it also involves caste, and it's more a southern thing (i.e. Dravidians). In terms of religion, a good comparison is Pakistan and the Indian states bordering it. While Punjabis are a majority in Pakistan, and in, say, the Indian state of Punjab, comparing consanguinity, Pakistan is one of the most cousin marrying places in the world. One can see this replicated in various diasporas like Britain. Muslim Punjabis will often marry a cousin, while Sikh, Hindu, Christian, etc Punjabis don't.
Also, China and Japan are in the same consanguinity rate range.
While we're on demographics, India as of 2018 only has a total fertility rate (how many children a woman will give birth to in her life) of 2.3-2.4, or a bit more or bit less than the USA was before the 2008, or 2012 decline. 2.1 is the required minimum to maintain a population at an even amount.
On another side note, Abe's PROCREATION memes must be having some effect, as it is slowly ticking up. While ~1.4-1.5 is still bad, Japan has probably exited the
wrong wise is shit
A mother with benefits is fine too, but I wish there would be more romance focused stories. Even with siblings it's very rare to have a story that focuses more on the romance than it does the lewds (The best I've ever been able to find was a furry novel), and it's even worse with mom/son.
Gay and wrong.
Why would they make it NBR if they have no intention of making Maa-kun fug his mom?
Schwarzesmarken. It's a Muv-Luv story
I would say don't even bother. There is no happy ending. She possibly even died a virgin.
Go back to lurking for the next oregairu thread.
Why do I get a feeling that this is an alternate universe Mamako that gave birth to Chiyo-nee instead of Maa-kun
Making Mamako a proud grandmother
>not making Mamako a wife/mother/grandmother at the same time
That's a name I haven't heard in a long long time.
That's Japanese ass for you.
Do we know what Medhi is supposed to be like? tsundere? deredere? yandere?
>16~ year old girl taller than Mamako
Mamako is a midget
Medhi is bipolar. Her "normal" personality can be classified as being a jerk, and her dark (darker) personality is basically yandere.
You know girls don't typically grow past 16 anyways right.
>basically yandere
Actually, scratch that. Yandere implies there's a "dere" side to the character. Medhi's just crazy. There's no dere to be found there.
smol is cute, baka
A lot of them don't even grow after the age of 12.
Mamako has always been depicted as small even in official art
And wise is shorter than her, she still growing?
Between this and Ookumo-chan Flashback, are we entering the age of mamacon?
Maybe. How am I supposed to know.
>Blue nails
Did she do so to match her drink? Is Mamako one of those thots who orders a gross cocktail because it looks nice and/or matches her outfit?
The real question is, who do you think gave birth to Mamako?
>More formal
So is this Mamako Alter a distant and stoic tiger mother rather than a loving and doting mommy?
Underrated post
>mirror universe Mamako
While normally I like mirror universes, I don't want to feel this. My heart wouldn't be able to bear I think, this. A Mamako without love.
Until Mamako teaches Hahako the importance of motherly love, at least!