Sailor Moon

Story story and character style, Crystal is closer to comics than old animation, why many people don't like Crystal ?

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>why many people don't like Crystal ?
Because it's "closer to comics than old animation".
Sailor Moon is one of the rare cases where the anime massively improved on the source material. People love it much more than the manga.
And Crystal had some glaring flaws as well.

Why do people prefer the old animation of Toei's adaptation?

Attached: D-eP0DsUEAYRgw2.jpg (2048x2048, 558K)

Because it looks much better when it's actually animated. Stop asking stupid questions, OP.

i hate to use SOUL vs SOULLESS, but it's true for the 90s SM compared to crystal.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sailor Moon Crystal - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.30_[2014.08.02_22.29.07].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

because original is trash

Attached: s a i l o r w a v e.png (1442x1080, 3.49M)

Crystal's animation is just unappealing compared to 90's series

Attached: sadUsagi.png (1440x1080, 3.02M)

I will just more Sailor pics

Attached: Mars.png (1440x1080, 2.66M)

Usagi is best girl because she is self conscious about herself

Attached: Usagisc.png (1440x1080, 2.58M)

Reminder that Chibi-usa is shit except for black lady

Attached: SMC Sailor Moon R The Movie R2 DVD H264.AC368A6CC0400813206-41-07.jpg (864x480, 110K)

Can we keep it down on the panty shots, please? My seven-year-old browses this website.

Precure is better anyway.

Saturn is the redeemer
>faggots don't get it

crystal has shit character designs. specifically, horrible moeshit proportions as well as a mess of color choices for hair/skin/clothing
also animation is stiff, characters are more off-model than they are on, and cuts are flat and uninviting to view

I started watching SM a few weeks ago entirely because of this picture. I just loved her cheerful, can-do attitude.

Only later did I discover:

a) This character doesn't appear for ages
b) She only looks like that in a different series (?)

I don't care though. The series I'm watching (on E15 atm) is great. Usagi is Best Girl.

Attached: Chibi.jpg (600x600, 30K)

Ah, it's you again.
Nice to hear you enjoy it. You're taking it slow, which is a good choice, in my opinion. Though, I don't think I could have gone so slow. To me, waiting a single day between episodes felt too long back in the day when it aired on TV.

Also, you're past episode 12 now; my favourite episode of the first season, with my favourite MotD Thetis. What are your thoughts on it (and her)?

This is correct. Back in the 90s when it was released, it seemed like everyone who actually read the manga seemed to claim it was superior in all ways.
But then when the manga became widely available, it became clear that, while it had some interesting ideas and points of divergence, a lot of the characters' likeability was based on their interactions in the 'non-canon' MOTD episodes.

Attached: 765581325.jpg (720x540, 55K)

I liked E12 but it didn't hugely stand out. Every episode has a sort-of serious theme, doesn't it? (don't toy with girls' affections, don't make girls feel neurotic about their appearance, etc). It's not just that one.

If I had to pick any episode so far it would probably be Wedding Dress. There we got to see Mars in her true colours. What a wench.

Attached: Mars is a Wench.webm (640x360, 2.34M)

>Every episode has a sort-of serious theme
Well, most of them. Some are just pure fun.

>There we got to see Mars in her true colours. What a wench.
Don't judge too quickly. You'll come to love Rei once you really know her.

I like Takeuchi's style very much despite its flaws. Sadly, put into motion, it looks terrible. And it's not helped by cheap production values.

Holy shit, 2019 Chibiusa makes me diamonds.

The 2019 designs look so much better. They don't look like they stick their fingers down their mouth after every meal.

Don't remind me.

>Because it's "closer to comics than old animation".
Didn't even pull that off that well. They deviated from the source material by episode 3.

That shit made me sad too

Attached: Gurio-Umino.png (786x1017, 194K)

it's shit

Attached: SMC Sailor Moon R 60R2 DVD.H264.AACB5CE08AC.mkv_snapshot_05.07_2012.11.12_00.11.49.jpg (640x480, 47K)

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Damn it! You're too lucky Urameshi!

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I'm at ep 20 right now, when will the 4th girl appear?

Attached: Nefuraito heil.png (768x576, 496K)


wait for her for 13 episodes

Attached: Sailor V.png (720x540, 720K)

Hmmm, she doesn't seem to be wearing boots either. I guess the show just wants to make it clear that Usagi is Best Girl and Mercury is Second Best, and the others are there to fill out the numbers.

>she's considered the weakest Senshi

Attached: Shine Aqua Illusion.gif (400x267, 3.97M)

Only for a genius

Attached: sailor moon reaction.gif (500x300, 541K)

Chronologically speaking, Minako is either the fifth or the first, user. Never the fourth.
Makoto, the actual fourth, premiers in epsiode 25.

>Usagi is Best Girl
Stop judging the character solely by whether they cater to a fetish of yours. They do have personalities, you know!?

No Ikuhara

Attached: poo.jpg (480x350, 79K)

I didn't say that wearing boots was all there was to Usagi, just that by giving her boots they are emphasizing she is Best Girl. Of course, other things are what MAKE her Best Girl.

>on E15 atm

Well, if you feel that way, then argue with those other things, not with boots. And don't judge characters that you don't even seem to know yet by whether they are wearing boots or not.

Crystal started out ugly and was doing nothing but aping the original in the worst possible way. It wasn't until the end of the first season that it started to get actually good, and most people probably didn't stick around for that long. Plus, while the story was closer to the comics, the art style certainly didn't.

>Why do people prefer the old animation of Toei's adaptation?
The old stuff had its own energy and silliness. It's fun to watch. The characters were goofballs but it's amusing to watch a bunch of goofballs for 15 minutes before the MotW shows up. The first season of Crystal was just bland in comparison; it felt more like it was going through the motions without actually attempting to tell a story, so to speak. Less emotive.

As I mentioned above, they fixed this by the end of S1 and in part of S2, but most people probably checked out of Crystal by then.

What are the 2019 images for? I've heard rumors about Crystal having a S4 for awhile, probably as just movies, but I've not heard about them making a followup at any point. Do we finally have news for Crystal S4?

Attached: Sailor-Moon-Crystal-Season-3-Comparision.jpg (1000x743, 231K)

This, manga is pretty much a Self-Insert dream. Hardly any world building but Usagi is the center of everyone's lives.

Because the original manga was worse than the first adaption.

That adaption fixed a whole lot of problems from the manga AND added a whole ass-load of character development for basically every character.

old = unisex
new = not

>Only later did I discover:
>a) This character doesn't appear for ages
If you are talking about the original anime, she shows up after the Doom Tree story arc is complete. She's a pretty central character in the story arc where she shows up, and has an important role in the next (two?) story arcs, but the focus isn't on her as much.

>b) She only looks like that in a different series (?)
Are you talking about Dark Lady? Because that's a short bit in all the adaptions that get far into the story. It's not limited to a specific version.

All the characters have different outfits in different versions of Sailor Moon, so if you just mean a slightly different pink dress then it might be something other than the original anime.

>What are the 2019 images for?
>Crystal having a S4 for awhile, probably as just movies
Exactly this. The films have been officially announced. On Usagi's birthday last year. And some major updates (including those designs) on her birthday this year.

But that's a plus!

Yes, I haven't watched it for a while. I use it as a low-key "go-to" when I'm not binge-watching something else. I recently did Spice & Wolf and Familiar of Zero, so Usagi has had to take a bit of a back seat. She hasn't been forgotten though.

In 2020, both Ojamajo Doremi and Sailor Moon Crystal have new movies.

I think user means she doesn't transform into Chibi Moon until a full season after she appears.

Funny enough, Rei was the one who changed the most between the anime and manga.

I think, from what he's said in other threads before, he means that he started watching Sailor Moon (the original anime) because of an artwork of Chibi-Usa that he had seen, only to then find out that that artwork was from Crystal. So he basically dodged a bullet by making a mistake and not have Crystal be his introduction to the franchise.