Zombieland Saga REVENGE
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Fuck yes.
Revenge on who?
Can't wait to hear this MILF's sexy growling voice again.
Finally a good announcement after all these depressing news.
Well, we all knew this was coming.
Nice nonetheless.
Hell fuck yes
This is one of the few instances where I hope they keep the first OP
based poster
Fucking finally
>Recent news are about deaths
>deaths of employees of an animation studios
>death of sadpanda
>then there's an announcement of the second season of an anime series about undead idols
the zonbis had their own fair share of depressing news
>video is not available in my country
>yet I could still buy the song on itunes
that's odd
>that shirt
Kotaro is the best part of this fucking show
Trailer for Zombieland Double Tap dropped yesterday too.
what does Yea Forums want to see in season 2?
Personally, I'm hoping for more dismemberment gags, and more of the policeman. Also possibly them being outed as corpses but still supported. I remember seeing some official art that had the characters in their stage gear without makeup, looked cute.
Will Cygames save anime now that Kyoani is dead?
I wonder if they didn't rush out an announcement now at the event because they thought the industry could use some good news, any good news due to the KyoAni depression that has gripped the country
Koutaro needs a gf
Clearly, the anime has coordinated with hollywood, expect to see cameos in the movie and in the anime.
My friend literally won't shut up about this anime. Every single time anime is brought up he almost always recommends this goddamn fucking anime. I don't know who the fuck Saki, Lily, or Tae are, but I only know to hate them all with a burning passion. Their names have been permanently etched into my brain because he won't shut the fuck up about them. I don't give a shit about them, but he always, always brings them up. He always micspams the OP. I still hear the first few notes. Those demonic sounds. It's like the Japanese created this as punishment for the nukes. The song was made in such a way that it won't stop playing in my head. He's played it a million times and yet he never get sick of it. I still can't forget the time he bought chicken suits for all of us. I won't forget that moment. He made me hate anything relating to chickens. Especially grilled chicken. Everytime I see grilled chicken I'm just reminded of that screeching. That screech I heard was no mortal screeching. It was as if Lucifer himself possessed my friend that day. Our group has to try their goddamn best to never mention anime because of him. Just now my friend put on some sunglasses and went roid rage all over my room because of some announcement. He didn't stop. It got worse. Much, much worse. My house is merely ruins now, my family's history buried to the ground dying as we speak and yet he's still celebrating. My mother is dying in the hospital and he shows only joy. Even as the cops arrested my father after my friend blamed everything on him, he showed no remorse. Only joy. Pure. Unadulterated. Joy. Because a show about zombie idols is getting a second season. Never watch this show. Never bring it up. It will fuck you up in every single way.
Reporter-dude tracked them down to the mansion. He snuck in after the girls have underdone their makeup. Cue in RE1
Good news, you better not be shitting me op.
>Best boy Producer
>Second best boy Lily
>Best girls (all of them)
How the fuck will they top the S1 ending?
Awesome, I thought it was going to be one of those "I wish it had a season 2" anime, but they actually did it. I can't wait.
more Junko being out of place in time jokes
Yuugiri episode
Tae episode
more Saki oneechan to Lily, and Yuugiri okaasan to Lily
It's Sakura
>That edit where someone put THUNDERSTRUCK in place of the audio
I'll never forget that.
Tae origin obviously
>ZLS gets a season 2
>Yuri on ice movie is still in production 3 years later
At least I'm glad MAPPA is not an asshole towards the zombie idols
>cygames series
>season 2
Oh noes. I'm getting Virgin Soul vibe and I'm not liking it one bit
This is Cygame's.
This didn't mean to be a reply to you user sorry
Thank god finally some good fucking news for once
>Virgin Soul vibe
Fuck you don't jinx it.
Based Saga bringing the good news
Zombies get hunted by a hitler. Then comes an alien girl who thinks he does nothing wrong. The series ended with those two handicapped and they lived happily ever after
Is this pasta?
>inb4 yuugiri still doesn't get an episode or any explanation
yes, its fresh though.
it was in the other zombieland thread
Someone sub the teaser trailer
Just ignore that shit and do what you should always do to trolls.
Cornflakes fags report in!
>Best boy Producer
Tae-centric episode
Yugiri-centric episode
How the fuck Necroducer revived the dead and his relation to Sakura
Maybe producer
Anyone here think that Tae might be a rape victim prior to her becoming a zombie?
alright but who the fuck drove the truck
>who the fuck
>drove the truck
it rhymes
nobody cares about that
Actually S2? Not like, a movie right?
Isekai truck kun
Because after all this death, the one thing you can't kill are zombies.
Everyone including my neighbors is listening to MEZAME RETURNER right now
Just want to know who the fuck Tae is and we have a deal.
Zonbis are back
Nice bird
I hope announcer-chan is back
Probably either this or a drug-addicted idol who died of overdose.
I am honestly tearing up right now. Such great news.
I hope they make it more like the start of S1 with different genres of music, the end of the first season became way too much of a generic idol show for my taste.
>captcha: fire hydrants
>I hope announcer-chan is back
I hope all of the side-characters return!
Stop posting this webm.
Are they going to perform in budokan?
I love her voice.
How would you guys react if a new zombie girl is added to the cast?
Yeah, post the one with ACDC playing in the background instead
Season 2: Rival idols appear, and they're ROBOTS.
>I hope all of the side-characters return!
including Yuugiri?
Great. Right now I am happy about anything.
They basically hinted S2 characters at the end of the final episode. Nobody believed me.
i just want to hear new songs, there were some really good ones in s1
Lily is a boy
cute though
But, yes, including Yuugiri.
>Nobody believed me.
Everybody believed you.
On MAPPA for giving Yuugiri no attention in season 1.
Where's Woody Harrelson when you need him? Better stock up on them Twinkies.
so are they just giving up on horse girls
here hoping for Tallahassee cameo
I don't either, just found it nice for both zombielands to get a sequel.
It was 100% obvious they will get S2.
The best joke would be if she's talking normally like the other girls and there are multiple flashbacks to season 1's events where she's talking normally there as well and it's never explained.
>horses are dead
Season 2: Rival idols appear, and they're HORSES.
Yeah, like Haruhi-level obvious.
Idoru music sucks, make them do anything other than that
Half of S2 is actually a prequel about Ai's days in the Warring Idols period.
Get ready to see some serious shit when they show Iron Frill hunting down rival idol groups in the mountains.
>saga city hall
What have you done, you mad producer?
They know how awesome he is, because he alone get the image for the sequel
Like Yuri on ice season 2 possible.
Don't take any teasers seriously. Don't you remember what people assumed season 1 would be based on the trailers?
Puchidols are cuter than zombie idols.
Yuugiri on ice?
Saving Saga from the evil know as the Government.
He was just to late to save Saga City Hall from the Aliens
He get taken to court for when they find out that he been bring people back from the dead and making them be idols
I'm so happy. ZLS was my favorite anime of 2018.
Oh fuck it's happening, nice.
It would end up as Yuugiri on bike.
I hope they get to go back to the bakery from S1 with cash.
Finally some good news
>You now remember ugly 3D dances
Some idol shows have very well done CG. Zombieland's was a bit lacking.
>Some idol shows have very well done CG.
Webm not related?
And some idol shows have 2d dances
But anyway going full unironic idolshit was a mistake IMO
>Mouthbreathers still think that Zombieland was ever meant to be an """"""ironic"""""" idol show
>going full unironic idolshit
It didn't.
It kinda did. I still enjoyed it though
I'm surprised these people are still around. It's been almost a year.
>but mom you don't get it, its ironic
>people still in denial
Haha yes
You can't lower the mood with your shitposting.
I hope you have a pleasant day and many good things will happen to you
No, it didn't. How retarded do you have to be to think that two idol-drama episodes (6 and 7), which still were very much over the top, make the whole series an "idol show"?
What exactly do you think an "idol show" is?
From your post I can tell you have very little knowledge of idol anime and its long history.
Stop it.
Who cares if it was ironic or not?
Does the knowledge make you like it any less?
Well, how about you shut up now?
Honestly, why are some people so obsessed with pretending that this was some genre-shit?
It was very much a parody on all the common genre tropes.
Have you ever seen an idol show before?
How can zombieland be an idol show when there's no mountain climbing?
>Who cares if it was ironic or not?
Considering that people always try to talk down on it and its fans, including in this very thread, and ignore all and every piece of comedy, makes me care about that. As long as shitposters in here continue, no, I won't stop correcting them. So tell them to stop propagating their lies as if they mattered.
>Well, how about you shut up now?
It's not embarrassing to like an idol anime, user.
I'm not pretending it's anything other than what it is. You and others like you try to perform great feats of mental gymnastics to convince yourselves that ZLS is not actually an idol show, because for some reason your masculinity or taste in anime cannot allow you to admit that you've enjoyed a show in the genre.
Yes, I've seen quite a few. Some of my most favorite anime are idol shows. How about you?
Is that the fucking Yakuza Zero guy
If they don't matter, don't waste any time on them.
Yours is cute too!
Saki is a good onee-chan
>You and others like you try to perform great feats of mental gymnastics to convince yourselves that ZLS is not actually an idol show,
No, we're just saying that it was a parody of an idol show, which it clearly was. If you've missed that, you really should have paid at least some attention.
What I hate is all the shitheads going "unironic" and "oh so bad" and "it was a mistake going unironic idolshow". And now shut up.
I haven't seen any besides horses which isn't really an idol show.
You see idols - you think it's all about idols.
You can't make your mid clear after watching so much shit.
>You see her charred body still standing on stage
>She didn't actually die until later
Fucking brutal
You have problems with CGI or something?
>She didn't actually die until later
Well, user, some say she died the moment she became an idol ...
she probably died on the way to or in hospital
Her name is "Yuugiri", user. I know she was pretty much ignored, but you could at least have looked it up.
>What I hate is all the shitheads going "unironic" and "oh so bad" and "it was a mistake going unironic idolshow".
So what? Those people are retards regardless of what ZLS is or isn't.
>No, we're just saying that it was a parody of an idol show, which it clearly was.
Just like how Mahou Shoujo Nante was a parody of magical girl shows.
Or Strawberry Panic was a parody of yuri shows.
Or Idol Jihen was also a parody of idol shows.
Oh you.
That's what I want to see.
You got him wrong. He didn't make a mistake. He meant Yuri as in Yu(ugiri)/(Ri)ri. So more Yuugiri and Lily together.
Too many legal issues with the owners
>Kotaro shovels him
>girls now back in makeup wake him up
>"oh you collapsed on the doorstep, are you okay mister"
>Yuugiri and Lily together
Which of course is yuri, since they're both gay girls after all.
The only show still doing 2d concerts is Symphogear and Zombieland doesn't have that budget
I want more zombie slapstick and delicious sexy corpse fanservice.
>more Zombmeme
but why
this show is pure shit
>delicious sexy corpse fanservice
They had 2D animated dancing and performing in that BD ad, they can do it for the show proper too with all the money they now have from this.
I hope it's not in january, because if it is S2 pretty much dead on arrival, they can't beat the power of AKB48 producer plus Aniplex and Kadokawa Jew money
>this show is pure shit
thats your taste
it'll probably be October next year
Horses is more of a sports show than an idol show. The idol part was really quite out there to be honest, and only served to confuse basically everyone.
Based Kotaro service
>posts makeup version
fuck off with that gay shit
They already aired with odds against them the first time.
>they can't beat the power of AKB48 producer
3D idolfags and 2D idolfags are like oil and water.
Why do you still care? Fuck off.
They work perfect together for making salad?
Hope they fix the CG
The producer himself?
>heart shaped puffy vulva
AKB48 already shiling that anime in twitter, JOHNNY also retweeted it
Fuck off salefag.
They can just hire Love Live animators.
Johnny is dead
When are they gonna release the fucking OST, though?
Ngl if i was that burnt id like a bullet put in me
Nah, KMR is on the case. Lost Order though...
Can't wait to see you again next season, Announcer-chan!
oh boy i can't wait to get yuugiri's backstory :^)
I want another heavy metal episode
>Look at Sally followers
About that.
Wow it's been a long ass time since I'm back to these threads. Still can't believe the full version of the OP sucks compared to the one they used in the show.
Nice, finally some good news.
Why has no one uploaded the stream anywhere yet?
We need more lewds for this season.
this really really makes me happy, like I knew they knew what worked and what they liked and what we liked.
but just having her there, is great.
hopefully she is back for more speaking announcer-chan moments in S2
I wanna have a compassionate love making session with sexy necroducer.
Stop using the computer, Junko.
we all do
>using Kotaro on the cover to promote the second season instead of one of the girls
absolutely based, they know what the people want
This is our revenge against fate!
We, who have been unreasonably scorched by the flames of fate
Will fight to reclaim our dignity!
This is a fight to reclaim our very selves!
A second season of revenge has been confirmed
Hell yeah, motherfucker!!
Is there in Japanese a difference between 2 as number and the Kanji 二?
Because Google translates 2期 as second course and 二期 as 2 two courses.
tee hee
I hope there's some more sweet Shamisen beats.
any links for the stream up?
No, and in this case they used 弐期, which also means the same thing. Just more formal, I guess.
I can't believe how quickly they peaked with the songs. It was downhill from there, except for Atsuke Nare.
I've been waiting for this.
They're going to add a new idol now that Egg's been fleshed out and it's the reiwa era, right?
Yuugiri episode.
shit taste
Nice. Well, except for a few missed notes in the usual spots.
Now we just need the full concert.
Hilarious bait and switch where it first looked like Yuugiri was just arrogant and trying to steal the show when she was shoving Sakura aside but actually she was just trying to do her job how she learned it and immedeately joined in the rap performance.
That was the moment I completely fell for her.
Do you have the one with Tae?
or if they do still use CGI, don't be crappy CGI
they're all so confident in the live performances now, its great
Finally. I was getting tired of circlejerking threads
What about CGI torpedo tits?
shit series
The zombie version or the make-up version?
CGI subtitles. That's it.
Either would be fine.
posting the set
As long as it looks good
welp zombie version got posted already so here's the make-up version.
It's fine this way if you don't necessarily give any girl special treatment.
At things like these it either should be every girl or none.
It's the legend herself.
弐 is only used in legal documents now. Using it in this context is emphatizing the 2 in Season 2.
what a lewd bunn
Hopefully we are getting more merchandises other than acrylic stands
I hope that faggot Yuugiri gets her shit fucked up in this.
Final boss of the show is grim reaper.
Nice. Horse S2 when though?
>people are still posting my mouthless edit
Great taste
Why the fuck it doesn't have that budget with Cygames' infinite money? Can't they outsource dances to Megumi Kouno and her team from A1 for a few episodes?
Theres literally no excuse
God Maki is so good
Weak bait. Or very bad sense of humor.
Thanks for finishing it.
But user's right. She's great.
It even had a surprise guest.
You mean we should stop posting photos and infos we get from twitter?
As a person, sure. As a singer, not so much. She's still clearly the worst of the group, misses every second note and can't hold one either.
But let's not start that argument again that would inevitably end in "You just hate Junko" shitflinging again.
Where the hell can I watch the WHOLE stream? Please. Those snippets are nice, but I really want to see all of it.
No I meant as a singer.
It's a shame Miyano doesn't show up for these lives.
The real question is how will they make an OP that lives up to the first one?
this was her best live performance so far, they've obviously been working on getting rid of her stage fright
she can belt when she isn't nervous, I had a feeling that was the case.
everyone seemed really confident this time.
Well, keep meaning that. Doesn't make it any truer. And now let's stop this shit. We have objective evidence right here in this thread, three times. If you're not tone-deaf, you know how she sounds. I don't have to spell out the obvious.
It's just very very suspicious that it's always Junko's fans who feel the need to state how good a singer she is, despite her being the worst by some margin.
Redo Adabana Necromancy as a Tae-chan solo feature
>If you're not tone-deaf, you know how she sounds
Yes, she sounds great. Why do you feel the need to pretend your opinion is objective somehow?
Yup, they were all fantastic this time around. Really comig around as a group.
>this was her best live performance so far
Yes, I actually agree with you there. But she still has very noticable technical weaknesses and we shouldn't pretend that she's the best singer of the group like some people here are. It feels like a forced meme at this point, and simply responding "no, she actually isn't a good singer" can lead to personal attacks.
>Why do you feel the need to pretend your opinion is objective somehow?
It's not my opinion. You can measure how well someone sings and there is such a thing as physical wave dissonance.
that user is right. she might sound good in studio, but her live performances are questionable. she misses her notes significantly more often than the others.
Worst by far is Sakura's seiyuu, she's fine on recordings but she always looks uncomfortable and sounds out of breath much more than the others.
>It's not my opinion.
It absolutely is.
>You can measure how well someone sings and there is such a thing as physical wave dissonance.
Please present your measurements then. Not that any of it has anything to do with how good a singer someone is, which is an entirely subjective assessment.
I think her performance depends on her nerves, she usually looks really uncomfortable on stage and performs weakly. However her singing on the studio stuff is great to a point where digital processing cant make it that good, in the confines of a booth she can belt it out.
on stage, nerves kill her voice.
yeah like last time only Minyami and Asami-chan sounded good.
I was disappointed in Hondo-Chan and Risa-chan last time, because they're veteran seiyuu and should have done better.
I give Maki-chan and Rika-chan the benefit of the doubt that they're relatively new and need time to get used to the stage.
she's not, Asami-chan is the best singer of the group, they're confusing Junko and Maki-chan
>sounds out of breath much more than the others.
its because she is fat
I'm hoping for figures of the Franchouchou members.
Yes, please. I want to hear Lady Kotono singing it.
Gimme more Lily/Yuugiri (false) /u/ and I'll be happy.
Tanakas Twitter statement:
finally! We were able to do LIVE in Saga, Karatsu! Many things are happening too much already I received a lot of love! ! I am not impressed! ! ! The sequel was also decided #ゾンビランドサガ Thank you in the future
>I think her performance depends on her nerves, she usually looks really uncomfortable on stage and performs weakly. However her singing on the studio stuff is great to a point where digital processing cant make it that good, in the confines of a booth she can belt it out
>on stage, nerves kill her voice.
You'll be hard-pressed to convince that user of this. He's convinced that Maki is "objectively" an awful singer and will not budge from his opinion.
>Not that any of it has anything to do with how good a singer someone is
Of course it has to do with how good a singer someone is. It's a direct result of failing to hit a note or being unable to keep in tune. That's exactly what matters in singing.
>Worst by far is Sakura's seiyuu
Not when it comes to pure technical evalution, where she's very much in the midfield. She at least sounds mostly tonally correct.
>out of breath much more than the others
Well, that's probably because she's fat ... (that was a joke, by the way).
But, yeah, she definitely doesn't have the best vocal consistency/stability.
So present your data. If you're so confidently claiming Maki is an "objectively" bad singer, I'm sure you've measured and analyzed it in a way that does not leave any room for doubt.
Though of course you won't do that because you're full of shit.
>(false) /u/
You mean/ss/?
>I think her performance depends on her nerves, she usually looks really uncomfortable on stage and performs weakly.
That's possible. I'd even say it's very probably that her nerves do play a role. But the only data we have is from the stage shows, not her private acapella from the studio or her coaching sessions.
We can only evaluate what we have, so we really cannot possibly claim that she's a good singer when there's no evidence for that and what evidence we do have implies the contrary.
>You'll be hard-pressed to convince that user of this.
Can you please stop assuming shit about me? I do, to some extent, agree with him. You, on the other hand, pretend that she sounds good and there's no objective way to disprove your claims. Which is ridiculous if you know anything about musical theory and vocal coaching. (No, I'm not a professional either, but I do know that much.)
Please please make the CG better
I'd rather her be slightly off key on some notes than kill the flow by switching to falseto like she does in ABNM
>present your data.
You're a collossal retard, you know that?
I can hear that. I'm not going to try to isolate her voice from the music and then run a Fourier analysis over it just to show you the frequencies and then explain to you why they neither match the song's melody nor the (supposed) chords they're in.
You can hear that shit without much training.
Have you listened to Madonna's performance at the ESC? Do you want to claim that that was good too and that I and everone else who says that it was horrible needs to provide a detailed physical analysis?
Tae backstory, Yugiri backstory, Sakura x Necroducer romance
>You, on the other hand, pretend that she sounds good
Yes, because she does sound good. You really seem to be triggered by that, huh?
As expected, you have no "objective" proof, because your only "evidence" is your subjective opinion. Your argument has no more weight than anyone else's.
>I can hear that.
Yes, and I can hear she's great. See how that works!
You have a point: She has that problem. But it is a different measure altogether and at that point, I guess it depends on what you value more.
If we count the number of errors though, Maki simply makes more of them and thus they stand out more.
Finally some good news.
Well, let's leave it at that. If you deny objectivity in singing, here, have fun:
The new Facebook cover is way too lewd.
*fanbook cover*
Retarded autocorrect.
There's already a second fanbook when the first hasn't even been scanned ... and now sadpanda's also down, so no good place to ever find it either.
>Maki is "objectively" a bad singer
>Source: dude trust me
Objectivity does not work like that and you know it.
I hope to see more of my cute contralto grandma.
JunkoCHADS rise up
I would call her a nervous performer more than a bad singer, she looked a lot more confident and sounded a lot better.
silly boomer zonbi
I don't know if Junko is best girl, but she's definitely best singer
Her first album was better.
Is that the fucking Drive-in tori guy?
Based and Shouwapilled.
no he is a famous contortionist thats a preshow warmup at everything big
because Japan
You get the scans of the first fanbook, I bought in Saga, in let's say around two weeks.
I could scan my fan book right away but the quality wouldn't be that great and I know someone who has the old scanner of his company which produces better quality.
>>Source: dude trust me
No. Trust your ears. And if you are tonedeaf, reserve your judgement. Multiple people in here have agreed that she is bad by very objective technical standards. At some point, you should really drop that "there is no objectivity" charade.
And now, again, let us please drop this. It's no use arguing when you just dismiss the very fact that singing can be measured.
I want them to go sing her old classics at karaoke.
By moving from the 70's to the 80's and bringing a Macross style power ballad.
>Multiple people in here have agreed that she is bad
And multiple people have agreed to the opposite. You're very desperate to validate your opinion with some bullshit about "objectivity" but you have no way of proving anything, which is what an objective assessment would require. So just admit you're wrong.
>You get the scans of the first fanbook, I bought in Saga, in let's say around two weeks.
Yeah, thanks again, user, if you're the same from the thread a few days ago. And also thanks if you aren't.
Sadly, there will be no good way of getting them "out there" without sadpanda, but at least here on Yea Forums, your contribution will be very appreciated.
Producer is like Niles Caulder and caused the deaths of all the girls
Metal as fuck
>you have no way of proving anything
I do, retard. I just don't want to invest half a day's work of filtering and analyzing a whole track just to give you some data you can't interpret anyway and would dismiss just as readily as you dismiss the notion that there'S objectively bad singing.
Please, listen to what those vocal coaches in the videos I have linked have to say and then come here and defend your intellectual dishonesty.
Free trial for mega upload is a thing.
see thats what I mean, you can say Junko is the best singer because thats her character.
you can't say the same of Maki-chan
from her live performances we can say she is a nervous performer, from the studio stuff she is a strong voice because its not on a stage.
Saki is canonically supposed to have the weakest voice being a sukeban, but Asami-chan has the best singing voice.
that actually works well because Asami-chan can carry a silly or a fun song like Tokkou Dance and act as putty smoothing over the rest of the group for other songs, you barely notice her in the studio version which is actually a good thing. she acts as the glue.
>Free trial for mega upload is a thing.
Yes, but there's no site that organizes MEGA archives with tags and keywords, or by series or character. It will be very hard to find for people who don't already know where to find it.
>I do, retard. I just don't want to
In other words, you don't. So stop pretending.
If anything MAPPA is fucked because they'd have to come up with a better song than Adabana Necromancy
I hope so much this fucker makes it into season 2.
>Asami-chan has the best singing voice.
I'd actually say that Minyami is slightly better, if only for the fact that she has to maintain that very high pitch of Lily's voice all the time, which is an incredible feat.
But they are quite close in performance, so it's really hard to evaluate just by listening. Maybe I only came to the conclusion that Minyami is better because I instinctively try to couteract my bias towards Asami-chan and Saki, both of whom I like a lot?
Your posts are getting dangerously close to being pure shitpost now. Maybe try making an actual argument if you really want to keep this pointless back-and-forth up.
Otherwise, let's just stop this, as you clearly have no interest in any honest debate.
Oh, you alread think in grander schemes than me.
Well, e-hentai is still up for a few month, right?
Let's hope someone will make a suitable successor until then.
There is hope yet left in man
Minyami is more consistent but Asami-chan is more technically skilled but yes I'd say they're the best two.
Literal Death Metal
FUCK YEAH!!! Finally some good news, need my baka zombies dose again.
The Passione dance kinda looked like shit though
Actual zombie serial killer girl.
>you clearly have no interest in any honest debate
I'm asking you to validate your claims of objectivity and you straight up refuse. If anyone's sabotaging the debate here it's you.
Imagine being fucking autists and arguing about idol singing haha
>validate your claims of objectivity
The videos are in here, troll, and your ears are on the sides of your head.
Need more Saki episodes!
He's right though, you retard.
.Legendary Saga-jin comedian Egashira 2:50.
I would bet on it.
The videos say nothing about Maki or ZLS.
My ears tell me Maki sounds great.
Still waiting for a real argument.
>made made
My wife Ai is so cute CUTE!
Go home /u/ mentally ill faggot
Have some official Junker
Deeper than Takeos Go entering Yuugiris vagina.
Why so hateful?
Again, let's drop this. After all, your whole argument is that there is no argument to be made and you blatantly ignore that multiple people (including myself) have given reasonable explanations for where exactly she went wrong and what errors you have to look for.
And (of course) you won't drop this but reply with another appeal to subjectivity, like all dishonest orators do at some point. Just know that, no matter what shitty personal attack you come up with, I won't respond anymore. Let's give this thread a chance to heal.
(Remember that this shit started by me calling out that cheap bait and, alas, then being drawn in anyway by someone feigning ignorance? Stupid error from my side.)
Stupid sexy grandma
>i am very smart
Holy shit, get over yourself, faggot. Embarrassing.
I'm looking forward to the Mozart cameo.
Kotaro is Anqi Sheng, Xu Fu is the apprentice not the master.
Mount Sefuri is Penglai.
Tae is one of the original 8 immortals but the others were all killed or went missing which is strange for immortals.
Kotaro is trying to reform the 8 immortals with zonbis.
Penglai has fruit that can resurrect the dead.
Kotaro just wants to go home.
Anyone has that pic with the wiki about Saga instead?
You know what we call "objective facts" without any actual objective evidence? Opinions. And yours is a shit one, clearly.
>Remember that this shit started by me calling out that cheap bait
So you admit you started shitting up the thread because you can't handle others having differing opinions? And you have the gall to blame others. Hilarious.
oh, this is Tae btw
Post more Saki, you fucks.
>the others were all killed
>which is strange for immortals.
Heh, well, you might be on to something, user.
He's just an Asamifag who can't tolerate anyone not saying his waifu is the best.
3D idols were a mistake.
54 is kinda of young to be a grandma, but I guess nips get married and have kids earlier so it's plausible.
Zombie idols s2: zombie animators.
Also, some more Tae.
So this is the price we pay for being an unironic idol show. I'm starting to understand the people who still claim it's ironic, I feel like we'd be better off and free from all kinds of autism if it actually was.
>He's just an Asamifag who can't tolerate anyone not saying his waifu is the best.
Really now? This is the level of dishonesty only a troll could display. See:
>I'd actually say that Minyami is slightly better
Also, I see you are desperate to carry on this shitflinging with more and more personal attacks after I've said I want to drop this. Guess you've revealed yourself, shitposter.
Don't be mean to Egg, please. Let her be mean to herself instead!
>Just know that, no matter what shitty personal attack you come up with, I won't respond anymore.
user, you're talking to multiple different people.
>what does Yea Forums want to see in season 2?
No CGI, more gags and SoL moments.
Please go back to /x/
He can't help himself. His waifu's honor is on the line!
Thanks a lot, user!
Very nice quality for a stream.
Shit anime. I think Yea Forums knows it but can't accept it
On Society.
I dropped the show when they introduced CGI, did it get any better or not?
>you're talking to multiple different people.
No, I responded to one exact person and quoted an older post by myself in the same post, wherin I myself claim that Asami is not the best singer of the group, thereby disproving his slanderous claim.
I don't know what makes you think that I was addressing anyone but that troll in that post.
And a reminder to all egg bullies.
You've been warned.
Can her wife be mean to her?
>I dropped the show when they introduced CGI
Well, that's your own fault then.
Rarely have I heard a less sensible reason to drop something.
>did it get any better or not?
The CGI? There wasn't much of it in it.
As for the rest, I don't know what you'd want from it, so I can't really answer that.
Everyone here would do that, though.
That's why such discussions are retarded to beginn with.
imagine cygames burning down just after this.
>more gags and SoL moments.
I wish we could gas sol niggers .
Saki is straight.
Source: me
Can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs.
I would say she is bi-curious at worst
but yeah mostly straight
>two threads running
>one is shitposting about Lily, this one is trash talking about each other whose waifu is the better singer
This Egg is for nurturing and fertilizing. Not omelettes.
>he doesn't know how autistic and toxic are Sakiposters towards other girls
There's literally just 1/2 guys who gets insanely defensive/insulted by making fun of X girl and calling everyone trolls.
Blame the Sakifag for getting triggered about everything.
Nice, I really enjoyed S1.
Biker Yuugiri would honestly get me fucking hard as diamonds
I want more of the show in general, but I especially want more small Kotaro moments. Still, I'm just happy for more zombie idols.
What does anything like that have to do with Saki, you retard?
And why are you telling obvious lies? There has not been one single Sakiposter trashtalking any other girl. Sakiposters famously stated multiple times how there should be no waifuwars and that Saki wouldn't condone such a behaviour. The only ones aggressively waging waifu-wars and attacking other girls are very few very toxic Aiposters and Junkoposters.
I want them to participate in more hilarious event
That's very insensitive of you.
Junko literally didndu nuffin wrong
Fuck off, Sakifag
Cute contrast between post and picture
True. It's not Junko's fault that some (very few) of her fans are lashing out at other girls and other posters. Most Junkofags even are quite nice people. But there are a few (or at least one) who always have to stirr up trouble.
I'm quite sure I also know who exactly made this stupid "Sakiposters are at fault" accusations, because there's one guy who has the habbit of accusing people who disagree with him as Sakifags and has done so in this very thread.
(Case in point: )
But that doesn't really matter. I just hate how those few trolls always manage to derail threads, bait the fuck out of everyone else, and then try to deflect to third parties that obviously have nothing to do with the whole thing.
>there's literally just one Aiposter
Dude you drunk?
tl;dr: he's a faggot and wants everyone to know
Funny reaction.
Butthurt troll reaction.
I guess the Aiposter wins this one by actually being witty and civil.
Stop being retarded.
Puchimas is even worse.
He's physically unable to.
I hope that in this season Sakura has big boobs all the time, rather than turning flat when out of her school uniform.
Legendary seiyuu is having a good time of her life.
Sakura never "turned flat" in season 1.
I want more shots of her fat ass
>doesn't have to do anything but hang out with the kids
>probably getting the biggest paycheck
Tae's VA cosplaying as Tae
More naked shots too please.
Lightingbolt Idol action
So why is this tranny shit getting a season 2?
Cygames is just trying to push their shit agenda just like those 2 tranny characters in Granblue. Legit dropped the game after that shitstain .
Precious woman. I pray she never leaves us.
Post screenshots where she has big titties outside of her school uniform, then? A lot of anime girls have inconsistent breast sizes, user. It's a common issue, and a very severe one.
Go back to Yea Forums
Stop listening to twitterniggers.
speaking of cygames, whens horse idols
I've seen the show and thats exactly what that fucking meme character is.
My friend egg is such a buxom bumpkin.
Call him a tranny again boy
>Post screenshots where she has big titties outside of her school uniform, then?
This one, for example. The more tightly the outfit fits, the bustier she is. Just compare her to Saki (who herself isn't exactly "flat") in that pic. She clearly is bustier.
I'm not saying she's not inconsistent, but outright stating that she's "flat" is hyperbole. Even in the pic you posted, she isn't. That shirt is just baggier than her school uniform.
How would paizuri from Sakura feel like?
Very awkwardly pleasurable and doyansu
"people" and I use that term very loosely, will say that these bodies can't get pregnant
Ask Kotaro. I'm sure he tried it a few times while she was "asleep".
Ah shit, meant for
>a new season of scrambled eggs
>a new season of fluff bullying
>a new season of sensual slapping
>a new season of my wife saki
Well, those "people" would be right if they were arguing that zombies can't get pregnant from paizuri.
Why are people praising cygames?
It's ultimately an mappa production, isn't it?
moat forgettable anime of the year i literally don't remember anything from it
user, the only reason Zombieland Saga exists in the first place was because the head dude at Cygames really liked Rita from Bahamut.
More headless Sakura please.
In what correlation does he stand to the end product?
Was he who wrote the script? Does he provide all the money? Does he have the final word for green lighting the second season?
Why are they wearing their t-shirts with their Arpino skirts?
Ahhhhh goddammit
Real bun hours!
She is our beautiful trans daughter.
>I am not impressed! ! !
Big doyansus
Probably a translation error.
I made one with ride the lightning.
Will this have yuri?
Of course.
I have no idea how that translation came to be. The original line is:
I'd translate that as "I'm deeply touched!!!". And everything the dictionary suggests goes in the same direction.
So ... pretty much the opposite.
*Tree chopping
>the head dude at Cygames really liked Rita from Bahamut.
Well, he's not exactly wrong, she is by far best girl in Bahamut.
Muttfags go back to your kennels. Saintfags can burn at the stake.
>zonbi with second season,
>"I am growing stronger"
>Ai gets her Junk cucked by the Legendary Tae Yamada
Get rekt, Ai-fags
Cock With Second Season, "I am growing stronger every day"
TERFs are based because they make trannies seethe.
will it still have the gross tranny?
It's SAGA.
Gaze upon Tae's works ye mighty and despair!
Kotaro more like Cucktaro
No you damn degenerate. Get back to your containment board. We just want cute (zombie) idols
I love Sakura more than anything else in the world!
She did Two Days of T7S 5th Live about a fortnight ago and now she does a ZLS live.
I wonder what her schedule is like.
ONE WAY LOVE kimi ni!
One day tsuu ni nare! PEACE!
Yes. Except she's actually cute.
>more microbikini zombies from mdoh likely if this distracts him from irodori
Fuck yeah
Luckily she's got a schedule pinned on her twitter
Speaking of which. Minyami looked lovely as usual as Ayumun with Erii as Makotsun. She looked great with Bunny Ears.
CI+LUS is great.
No cucking if they have a zombie threesome.
I've been doing some thinking, and I got some ideas to improve the second season.
One: Saki needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.
Two: Whenever Saki's not on screen,
all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Saki?"
I know this is from some TV show. The Simpsons, maybe? The one where Homer becomes a seiyuu, if I recall correctly, right?
Anyway: Saki getting a time machine (a time-machine-bike!) actually sounds fun, albeit not very compatible with the established lore.
I meant her practice schedule.
Almost watched the show thanks to that OP but ended up putting it in the backburner. It is good?
>Xu Fu was an Ayy
It was an idol show. Fuck your opinion.
Thank you Mappa
No, it's terrible
lel no he isn't fag, nice dubs tho
nice son you have there!
Yeah, the Poochie episode.
I still don't get why people who hate ZLS hang out in ZLS threads. There are better ways to waste one's time than hating on an anime you don't like (because it sold better than one's favourite) just to trigger its fans.
Ah, yeah, right.
He was actually a better character than Junko and Ai ... erm, Itchy and Scratchy, I mean. But I guess he didn't quite fit into their antagonistic dynamic.
When you're a (You) addicted slut, desperate for validation, triggering people is the best way to spend your time.
Kill all transniggers.
Spergy personality when in front his one and only aside, Inui-kun's quite the catch, both in talent and body. Sakura's pretty lucky to have someone like that dedicated to making her happy.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, faggot.
The pic is better than the other we got.
Let me explain: the point of anons sentence, became prominent to be sarcastic to claim a certain character is a Mary Sue or at least the creators pet, getting more attention than others.
Yes, user, I got that much. I also turned it around to imply that Itchy and Scratchy, the more clichéed characters, were not that great to begin with and the "creator's pet" only showed that weakness by providing a contrast.
Because, you know, that episode actually criticised the fans' adherence to a static concept more than anything else.
Every other forum respects Lily but this place just insists on being problematic. Why? Can't you grow up?
This has nothing to do with Lily, who we all do not only respect, but also love, and everything to do with your insistent baiting,trolling, virtue-signalling and abusing that character we love for your political agenda.
Fuck off, shithead.
Stop replying dude