JoJo: Golden Wind

One More Day

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Other urls found in this thread:

what's ger looking at?

weird how you started a thread one day before the episodes are released. You could have waited until they were out, but instead you decided to remind everyone about their blue balls. Why?

Because hype

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It better be good, the animation must be pristine. I can't imagine what they animated besides Diavolo death and Rolling Stones

>off by one

NEW bug vid

I wonder what part 6 will be like

1.裏切り者のレクイエム Diavolo Ver.
12.epitaffio strada giusta
23.pensare battaglia finale
27.fine della vento aureo
28.裏切り者のレクイエム Giorno Ver.

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New PV

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I'm going to miss Diavolo.

Oh I thought it was today

Daily reminder that Bossu did nothing wrong.

I honestly thought it was today since its the 28th in Japan already, fuuuck

dp destroyed any hype i had with the extra wait

>its the 28th in Japan already

Jolyne-chan's weird quest soon brothers

based. SO"tists" are the least retarded part of this fanbase

God, i hope so.


ok impatient retard
>Giorno Ver.
Does this mean what I think it does?

not really, partshitters by definition are at the bottom of the barrel.


oh no

Actually those are all-parts CHADS

>28.裏切り者のレクイエム Giorno Ver.

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whens the episode


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Who's ready for the part 6 preview?

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In 2 years?

>giorno ver
I told you fuckers. This is going to be most kino opening yet.

>potentially gonna have the last season of snk airing at the same time as stone ocean
life is good sometimes

sono chino sadame

GER blew off Bossu's nipples

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i was saying since we got the fucking english version of the OP and nothing else that this was going to be the best jojo OP.

Giorno and bruno also dont have them

It's just as retarded as GE but now you can see its eyes

hello nerds
how many hours till japan airs it



12, I think.

21 and a half hours

Wait i thought it was at the same time only on a Sunday

its 5 hours earlier on sunday

Ah, damn it, i've got tennis so i won't be able to see it live. At least i will be back before the subbed version releases

I don't get why some would choose to champion one part and leave all the others out to dry. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses and an important place in the overarching story of JoJo, there's something to like in each.

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Is it coming out around the same time as usual? 1:15ish~?


when is it airing in america

Based and enlightened

holy shit. read the thread fucking retards

Part 5 is so fucking bad bros. Please tell me it gets better in 6.

not really

does part 7 get better? i'm up to chapter 14 now and it's been pretty boring for jojo standards. i still think killing everyone at the end of part 6 and starting all over with a bunch of literally who's was dumb.


no. a bunch more asspulls and bullshit ensues. you know how parts 4 and 5 had stands that could heal? well in 7 its magic fucking string we find on a rock! part 7 niggers will try their best to defend their at best mediocre part. only good thing is the art style really evolves and some stand fights. not even that many fights TBQH.

it gets from better to best

You have to admit that Pucci literally creating the SBR universe was cool though.

this better be b8

Chapter 14 is when the Mrs. Robinson fight had just started, which is barely the beginning of Steel Ball Run. Once it finds its footing, it starts to really pick up. I'd see around Scary Monsters is when that happens, personally. It only killed off the main cast of 6 sans Emporio, and even then they were simply reincarnated, minus F.F. since her arc's conclusion was about not needing to live another life and being satisfied with what she had. As for everyone else they're fundamentally the exact same people, just living better lives with Pucci out of the picture.

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You'd think with JoJolion taking place in Morioh in 2011, the same year Stone Ocean took place, and it being completely different from the Morioh in Part 4 with none of the original characters around that the confusion would be cleared up by now.

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Oh come on, it isn't even relevant for that long and the concept is cool

>Magic string they found on a rock
They didn't just find some string on a rock, it was medical thread sent specifically to Gyro from the kingdom of naples.
Also, >Part 7 has no healing stand
Did you forget Cream Starter exists?

you are dumb

The truth

Just tell me is part 6 really that bad shit horrible?

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It has great concepts but the stand fights are just soooo shit.

All JoJo is good, just depends on your taste whether or not you think Part 6 is the worst.

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planet waves/survivor tho

It has the lowest lows in the series, but it also has some pretty high highs and the best villain in the series so it's not complete shit

>He didn't like Sky High
That's not very Apollo 11 of you user

is it worse then 3 fights?
true that, I didn't like part 4 but loved 5

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Do you really not have anything better to do?

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why do people always say this? Why do you come to a fucking jojo thread to ask these questions when you can VERY EASILY just continue reading, avoid getting spoiled, AND go in with your own expectations
Fucking retards.
No, it's underrated and criminally overhated here. Ignore partshitters, it's a good part like all the other parts in the series.

The stand fights range from good to fantastic nigga. Yo-Yo-Ma is the low point, Dragon's Dream is fucking great on a re-read. Everything after they escape prison is pure fucking goodness too

All depends on you user, personally it felt like running straight into a brick wall but Pucci is great

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You think they'll animate part 6?

>Medical thread
>cures gunshot wounds no fuckin problem
>cream starter
>hardly relevant except a few chapters where araki couldn't fix it any other way
you 7 niggers are really this retarded. just because gyro is the only good thing in the part doesn't make the part itself good you stupid faggot.


>that Itarian
I hope they'll fix it later

Great cast, Convoluted plot. Weird fucking fights.

of course, why wouldn't they
if we got GW we'll get SO

kill yourself partshitter

If minor flaws like that piss you off so much I don't understand how you can even be a fan of any of the other parts.

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>they fell for it AGAIN

the other parts at least had their bullshit make some level of sense
why does gyros string let him magically sew fingers or whatever back together? fuckin magic. I love jojo but those who say 7 is the best deserve to be shot.

>Cures gunshot wounds no problem
would you prefer the part 3 method where there wounds just magically disappear by the next arc?
>Creme starter isn't relevant
What the hell are you talking about? There are plenty of irrelevant and disappointing side characters in sbr but Hot Pants is definitely one of the more prolific and relevant ones. She gets a goddamn solo fight for god's sake.
And I never said I thought part 7 was the best part, I was just correcting something that was blatantly false.

How much time left?

You could stand the bullshit convenience and nonsensity of Hamon but not this? You could stand the absolute mayhem of the Green Baby in SO but not this?
Pure autism. Nothing else.

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It’s a copypasta that gets posted in every thread.

See, most people point to Jotaro's "same stand" shit with Star Platinum giving him the time stop is the worst bullshit, but I honestly think it was well foreshadowed with the D'Arby brothers. All of Star Platinums other asspulls are still complete bullshit.

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That fact changes nothing.

The OST is out or it's just a cover and tracklist preview?

>Examples of previous bullshit somehow excuses more new bullshit.
This fucking argument every time.

Trips of truth

It does. You people need to stop falling for copypastas.

>why does gyros string let him magically sew fingers or whatever back together?
Because that’s its power.

when's the episode airing?

Yes, it does, you fucking moron. This is the kind of shit you signed up for in a series called JoJo's BIZARRE adventure. the series has NEVER been grounded, why does your autism suddenly kick in in another part in the same series that has all that bullshit stuff? It's part of the charm, you absolute manchild

>why does gyros string let him magically sew fingers or whatever back together?
That's literally the power of his Stand, to put a fully functional zipper on everything he touches meaning he can zip things back together that were broken apart and then simply remove the zipper once they are fixed together again.

The best stretches of Jojo are:

Second half of DiU minus Enigma/Cheap Trick (really)
Grateful Dead - Mystery of King Crimson
Whitesnake: Pursuer - What a Wonderful World
Sugar Mountain - World of Stars & Stripes
The entirety of Jojolion (seriously I just reread it its so good)

>hurrrr it doesn't say JoJo's LOGICAL adventure in the title therefore every fucking nonsense plot-point is fine and permitted
Bullshit is a delicate gradient, user. Who the hell said anything about the series being grounded? I love the ''bizarre'' nature of it BUT there's still good and bad kinds of bullshit.

How? How is healing string the straw that broke the camel's back compared to the bullshit in the previous parts? SBR isn't even one of the bizarrest parts in the series, lmao

second half of part 4 has too many weak arcs; cinderella, atom heart, janken boy, ayylmao, superfly, cheap trick

best stretch of part 7 is scary monsters to sugar mountain

Post your kino screenshots

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bullfuckingshit the amount of acceptable bullshittery is very easy to cross, for the most part araki does it pretty well to not cross it. (stone ocean is the exception stone ocean is a lot of unbelievable horseshit) at least most of the other parts (1,2,some of 3,4,5,8,) keep their bullshit acceptable. 7 and 6 are fukcing retarded in that manner..

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I'm not the user that mentioned that in the first place, but just in general this notion that X amount of previous part bullshittery somehow excuses new completely different ones, as if the series has to be stuck in a loop and never learn from its mistakes cus ''t-that's just the shtick bro!''. Some people like to pretend that JoJo is just entirely completely random bullshit so they can get their meme fix.

need more stitched screenshots

What’s the big deal about the string?

>7 and 6 are fukcing retarded in that manner..
Add 5 to this and we are gold, my man.

Pure autism, nothing more
Part 5's art is gorgeous in a lot of episodes, especially the detailed stitches.

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based retards

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I'm glad part 5 made good use of its settings and brought back the beautiful backgrounds, italy looks gorgeous in it

I can't fucking take the wait. how many hours left now?

19, just go get some sleep

What scene is that?

diavolo reveal

holy shit, i just caught up with the last 4 episodes and god damn david pro have been on their game for part 5. How many hours until the final episode bros?

19. the finale's going to be kino as hell, already got the GER version of the OP confirmed to be happening

holy shit really, fuccccc i cant wait i need it now

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They better fix that pose for the bds

They did it perfectly though. Gio fucking flying with that extra-detailed zoom of both their faces was perfect.

will DP add more death scenes to further Diavolo's suffering?

what could they even add? i dont know if something comedic would really fit

Naw I agree with that user. The face zoom in was good but the full body pose wasn't as good looking.

>One step closer to watching Made in Heaven and the universe reset in all it's animated glory

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The Sugar Moutain arc was way better then I was expecting.
Fuck, I can't wait to see Moutain Tim

Because Satan getting stabbed to death by a junkie hobo isn’t already comedic.

i'm not the only one that complained. not as bad as KQ reveal, it just looks like they ran out of money.

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Yes. He's the guy that got hit by Jolyne's car at the start of SO

How many more hours?

>ran out of money
It looks fine, you're picking one shot when they chose instead to execute that entire scene differently. The close-ups of the different parts of GER were gorgeously detailed, the pan up was a lead in to the beautifully detailed shot of both their faces too. It wasn't a one-to-one with the manga but cropping one shot of it when the anime handled the scene in a different way is an unfair comparison.

>you'll see Weather get hung by the kkk in your lifetime.

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i posted the shot that looks bad in the sequence. they also changed the camera angle from chest high and right to looking from below and center. they also changed the GER design to be closer to GE in look.

Its GER that looks off. The pose looks looser and make it looks off. It looks good but not as much as the manga.

also, part of Jojo is the effectiveness of poses, so that is the last thing you want to mess up, compared to other anime where that doesn't matter

I hope this bullshit is worth it because half this story makes no fucking sense and I don't give a shit about Giorno.

Why are the designs in Jojo getting gradually more and more gay and atrocious?

since the introduction of Stands:
part 3 final boss has the power of time manipulation
part 4 final boss has the power of time manipulation
part 5 final boss has the power of time manipulation

is Araki a one-trick pony?

I didn't know that Ungalo showed up in Vento Aureo.

Because you have shit taste.

That my friend is called a motif.

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part 7 final boss has the power of space

Part 8 final boss has the power of nuts and bolts.

>yfw Joshu was actually the protag all along and josuke was actually the enemy from the beginning

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Someone finish this for me

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D5C was actually time based because he could jump between timelines. NKC is also timebased after Joshu uses his power to rip the current timeline into different parts and rearranges them to have complete control over time.

Best part and best ending. It goes all End of Evangelijojo

Number 10 and 27 are incorrect in Italian. Hope they will fix it (doubt it)

>detective KKK accept request from a brown guy
>Pucci is brown despite all his relatives being white
What did Araki mean by this?

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pucci just has a skin disease

The KKK doesn’t kill every black person they see.

What time does it release?

in 17 and a half hours
Just another case of Araki knowing some odd or obscure shit that ended up in JoJo.

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Did Diavolo really deserve what happened to him? He was a bit of an asshole, sure, but not "he deserves to be tortured for all eternity" tier asshole. There are considerably worse people in Jojo that deserve that far, far more

giorno becomes chad by the en

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Fem Anasui > Male Anasui

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is this implying weathers dad got cucked?

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In their mind, a black guy fucking a white girl is worse than a black guy simply existing

Money can't fix a mediocre artist's hand.

I made sure specifically to include enough of the listed examples to show that there are cases where the are two different fathers and also only one. The text I highlighted is likely referring to a situation where there was only one father as well since it was not outright stated otherwise. The references don't give a clear answer though, so yes, it's possible he got cucked.

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here, i tried

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when releasE?

14th of august

post yfw

that whole scene was kino and the music fit perfectly

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part 6 is not the most awesome jojo part, but it still good fucking part, i just love weather and anasui

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Fights are much better than part 5 ones tho?

Fucking Based

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good job

I choose to believe that he'll be released once GER/Giorno die of old age and Araki can't convince me otherwise.

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How would that debunk part 7 and 8 not taking place in the new universe created?

Implying giorno will ever die. Give himself more life and use GER make it to where he never ages.

The only time we got a preview was for Part 3, when there was already one in the manga. They just added to it. We're not getting one.

>no episode for over three weeks
what the fuck were they thinking?

That isn't what happened. SBR has literally nothing to do with Made In Heaven.

It's not really their fault

Don't fall for bait user.

There was also a preview for Part 2 that wasn’t in the manga.

they did recap episodes to give the animators a break, but ended up having too many recaps and they lost the timeslot they had scheduled, so they had to wait a while for one to open up

Why didn't he just get a vasectomy?

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This would be perfect if you removed the PHF reference.

that sweet Sardegna Pussy...

What's with the Purple Haze Feedback hate boner lately? It's a perfectly fine light novel.

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It’s not canon.

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Yes, and? How does that impair it at all? Did all of the Star Wars extended universe suddenly become shit in the eyes of Star Wars fans when Disney made it non-canon?

he's a plebbit fag who's not coming back after the show ends and frankly I want him gone.

>could have been over immediately if Jolyne understood that she has a PUNCH GHOST

Diavolo was raised by a priest, he presumably didn't know what the fuck his penis was until Donatella stroked it.

KKK wouldn't kill a priest, even if he were a nigger.

Trish's mom wasn't even Sardinian and I don't even know what that soccer mom bullshit is about

Favorite Stone Ocean character and why? I'm still undecided.

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Jolyne for her personality, development and stand usage

Imagine if SO does look this good

Now if only the artist didn't plaster his watermark all over it like a faggot. I'm not going to remember your name dude, I'm just going to not save the art because you marred it with your ego.

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I'm not gay but Diavolo is hot.

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Pretty sure it's also there to make you realize it isn't a real screenshot

they're all bad
besides Pucci, what a lad

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Imagine if you had a bond with a bro like that.

How many hours to the episode?

14 and a half hours


I binged all the JoJo's up till today, I'm so fucking ready

It fucking sucks don’t listen to the contrarians

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Based and whitepilled

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Yasuho fucks black men

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These guys have sex

How dare you imply black men have such low standards.

the only true answer

Spending a few years dating Donatella before slowly dying from an STD she gave him

>Dragon’s Dream is great on a re-read
No it’s not

That's pretty good lol

1. He was just like 18-19 and going on a date for the first time in his life, 2. he was raised by a Catholic priest and didn't know what sex was

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Dragon's Dream is amazing, you're just a faggot with no taste

Not him but I think the problem with Dragon's Dream is that the battle is the longest dragged out battle for a stand that really didn't deserve it. If it was shorter and concise it probably would have been much better and well-recieved.

weird, I don't remember it being long at all. I do admit that the stand's ability is absolute bullshit but the fight is enjoyable and even kinda funny
dunno about the length

who's ready for planet waves and c-moon to get animated

Part 6 is good, you may like it or not depending your tastes

Planet Waves was a great fight
The Guard was based

His name was Viviano Westwood.

Based and redpilled
Perfect reply

Got it, you'd rather have rushed garbage.

it wasnt delayed for time to animate, there was a scheduling issue with the tv channels

how is that dp's fault?

These are 4 individual artworks put together. Each artwork is made as a stand alone so the artist had to put them on it.
Also, why are you so upset after tiny watermarks.

I think he was talking avout the hiatuses which caused the episode to lose its timeslot

How many hours

1 hour 16 min

Can someone explain what happened here exactly?

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jolyne spiked that womans drink with coin dust

that's because parts 1 and 2 were apart of the same season

Close, she basically just covers her string with coin dust and puts it down her throat to upset her stomach. You can see her string behind her head in the bottom left panel

Will they censor the characters names like they did with J Geil and Vanilla Ice?

It's not censorship.

>nobody cares about the ending

It's the worst arc of the worst part. Not to mention all the delays, I'm sure most people have forgotten about Jojo already.

Scary Monsters-Sugar Mountain is peak JoJo for me.

I care. Sleeping Slaves is a contender for the best Part 5 arc.

They knew Weather's "adoptive father" was black

>Sleeping Slaves is a contender for the best Part 5 arc.
This really says a lot about how mediocre Part 5 was.

the worst part about Diavolo's death loop is that he lost all access to King Crimson so he can't even see what's coming and mentally prepare himself for the pain he's about to feel

>he lost all access to King Crimson
yeah, how does that work really?

Golden Wind has too many kino arcs

It just works.

>after part 5 ends Yea Forums will be full of people saying part 6 was always good

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GER broke his will so he can't use his stand anymore.

Based DP

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people used to say Part 5 was shit too
>giorno has no personality
>it isn't even part of the main story
>the final battle sucks
now people are running to suck its dick


On a fight-by-fight basis, it has some of the most bizarre concepts of the entire series which can be genuinely engaging, and Pucci, Annasui and Jolyne are great characters
The problem is that the pacing and some of the fights are so bad that they taint the rest of the part, and the entire middle chunk before they get to Jail House Rock and Dio's kids just makes you wish it was over

Oh, I still think all of those things. Don't worry.

Don't worry, it's just VAfags coming out of the woodwork, it's still shit.

part 7 is the best part

i'm literally crying and shaking, there are going to be so many people who will love part 6 just like part 5 and they will drown out my screams

Yes, I used to think that and I still do it.

He's shittier than Caesar

Stone Ocean is good, change my mind.

It's bad.

The art is garbage. Female anatomy is all over the place. Jolyne's hips and limbs are constantly the worst thing I've seen with my two eyes.
Jolyne is a terrible Jojo. Her entire character is based on daddy issues. And that's it. First it was I hate my father and then drastically into I have to do this for my father despite my feeligns 10 minutes ago.
Her supporting cast is not good. Not one of them. The only decent character is Weather Report and he's a memoryless sister banging faggot.

My biggest problem with six is that it's gross. And not body horror gross it's because they made everything unnecessarily sexual because Jolyne is a girl. The first chapter is Jolyne masturbating. And the next couple is her rolling around naked. None of the boys have ever been written like that. None of the boys talk about masturbating. None of the boys are ever really seen outside their uniforms. Just Jolyne. Just the girls are like this and it's disgusting and gross. And it's only done because most of the cast is female. Jolyne in crisis talking about how she's jealous about how snails can fuck anything. Hermes actually saying "dries up like a maxi pad," are you fucking kidding me?

I'm glad you all love part six because the tits make your dick hard but to defend this shit is ridiculous. It's the weakest most poorly written part by far and reading it was agony.

The only thing that saved this part, if you could call it saved, is Pucci. Pucci is good and I'm glad he reset the universe so none of this god awful part ever technically happened.

Holy shit. This sums it all up perfectly.


Okay. I'm convinced.

Have sex, autistic partshitter. Or maybe do something productive, I know that would be something new for you.

Take your buzzwords back to Yea Forums.

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>28.裏切り者のレクイエム Giorno Ver.

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>managing to bait all these newfaggots with a copypasta that's old as shit

I wish I read Part 3. The art looks amazing.

Sugar mountain and D4C onward are the only good arcs. Diego is the only entertaining character throughout.
Gyro and Johnny have their moments but they're immediately dropped after they happened.

What's stopping you?

This but unironically

Best villain and Bizarre final arc.
I wish they handle Pucci as well as they did with Bossu.

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D4C is shit. The first third is convoluted, nonsensical bullshit and literally the worst thing Araki has shat out in his career, the second third has nothing of note and the final third was great until Araki ripped off a scene in Pulp Fiction and made it the main villain's sob story.

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So is it airing right now?

My indifference.


No user
you'll know when it's actually airing


Pucci, then Anasui


>people are falling for this pasta


it's tough love user
i love you

Jolyne > FF > Pucci > Weather = Anasui > Hermes > Emporio

Pucci > Jolyne > Weather Report > Anasui > Foo Fighters > Ermes > Emporio

>Anasui > Foo Fighters
justify this

Loccobarocco > everyone else.

Anasui is an actual character

"Jolyne can I have some coochie" isn't character

And ff isnt?

It's a meme, Part 6 is just as good as the rest of JoJo overall

Some of the fights are a slog to get through and seem like they make no fucking sense but then you get pure gold like
>Where the fuck is Mickey!?
>I can see your weak points and your strong points, UUUOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH METEORITES
>Mobius Strip
>Gay Priest dabbing at 800MPH
>1000 throws

Higher highs and lower lows than almost any other part but it's lows are remembered more often and brought up more in discussion

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No? FF is a stand, that's like saying Cheap Trick or Yo Yo Ma is a character.

>>Where the fuck is Mickey!?
>>I can see your weak points and your strong points, UUUOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH METEORITES
>>Mobius Strip
>>Gay Priest dabbing at 800MPH
No offense user but when you write it out like this you make Part 6 sound pretty shit.

FF was given sentience by a stand, but she isn’t a stand herself.

... yes

because it's the most "this shit looks fucking retarded out of context" JoJo part

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FF is just there to be cute and her development is infodumped at her death. Overrated character

FF was a stand

The way I look at it Diavolo experiences every single death in the original universe.

since phantom blood i've been saying vento aureo would kill the anime, and if it didn't, stone ocean would
i'm glad to be wrong

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I mean... are you?

I was with you up until the Pucci part

We havent gotten to stone ocean yet

the threads before part 4 final episode were more active than this

Jojo threads were more active in general back then.

this thread is pretty active considering there's been no new episode for weeks and we're not getting the rest until tomorrow

Most of it is people talking about other parts, though.

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>Join me Bossu, I'll bring out the better in you.

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that's because everything after part 4 feels like bad fan fiction.

Why are so many people plebfiltered by part 6? Is it too long so people speedread and miss everything? Is everyone in this thread an animeonly?

No, it was just legitimately bad and has been considered to be such for years before you ever got into Jojo.

There wasn't a 3 week break before part 4's final episode I don't think.

Post your best out of context dialogue

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Part 5 was considered really bad before too but now there are people saying it's one of the best parts. I read part 5 with the updated translation too and still liked part 6 more.

>there's a universe where bossu tries to repent for his past sins

Part 5 is bad.

Slow Dancer Proto

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Both are ass

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When the fuck is the episode coming??

>tfw we might have a year of no JoJo in 2020 before a 2021 SO adaption
Are you prepared for the monthly Jojolion patience test?

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since they will skip part 6, is Yea Forums ready for cgi horses?

>Johnny not posed standing


9 hours

What would Diavolo do if the heads of state of each country of the world found his identity?

Finally some love on this board

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Be paranoid and kill them I suppose

Based and redpilled.

Part 5 had awful translations for a long time so many people read it at the speed of light or skipped it. Part 6 also gets overlooked because people really want to get to part 7.

I'm sure part 6 will rank highly like 5 when it gets adapted.

Annasui is legitimately a great character. At the beginning of the story he calls himself a murder and says that he wouldn't sacrifice himself to save his family. Then later on at the end, he phases Diver Down into everybody's bodies to protect them. And his development with Jolyne was great. He acted obsessed and acts really weird, but as the story progresses he mellows out and starts to act more normal.
He also had a nice dynamic with FF, but it's not really obvious at first. At first he seems to dislike her and treats her as a slave, but as the story progresses he starts to respect her. And once him and FF get donuted by Pucci, he offers her to go into his dying body so she can continue living and give Jolyne the Jotaro disk, but instead she heals him and dies instead. I hope DP adds some short filler between them.

I fucking hated how cuntish Anasui was in the beginning but he became a total bro

hey fellers how yall holdin u


do you know anyplace i can watch this live with subtitles, does this exist

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No, people will be watching it live without subs. A little later it'll be on Crunchyroll and then shortly after that the HS version will be out then the VentoGiusto version with fixed stand names.

Wow, it's almost like Araki has stated that he thinks time control is the most powerful kind of ability and that's why he always gives the final bosses time control powers. It's almost like the series never misses a chance to remind you "STAR PLATINUM HAS THE MOST POWERFUL ABILITY!"

Your point?

So when does this skiz aire and when should we expect a translation?

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Being a one trick pony would imply that he can only come up with a single idea for boss fights. Given the positively ludicrous variety and creativity of the fights/abilities throughout the series, that clearly isn't true to anybody with a half-functioning brain cell to spare. My point is that he uses time control because he likes it and thinks it's the strongest. Even then, you've got off the wall implementations of it like Bites Za Dusto, which works in a peculiar way with a very specific trigger. Other than that, Killer Queen had an entire suite of explosive shenanigans to use, and that was the main focus of the final fight anyway.


tl, dr

based and also redpilled

hey man thats areallly useful lot of information. thank you

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fuck off wojak posting retard

I want everyone to know that Alessi and Set might be some of Arakis dumbest writing for 1 reason.

>Jotaro was warned by Poleraff an enemy is here
>Polernaff is a kid
>Has the exact same hair, cloths, and fucking earrings
>Jotaro doesnt realize its him.

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He was a kid. Jotaro doesn't know what the enemy stand does.

>there's a universe where Diavolo waited until the gang left to kill Trish
>there's a universe where La Squadra and the gang allied
>there's a universe where Rolling Stones original prediction became true

>was a kid
>exact SAME FUCKING CLOTHES and more importanly Earings
>Literally says to Jotaro ITS ME ITS ME
>Jotaro was warned there was an enemy.

Its retarded.

>Jotaro "That giant explosion sounded like rain" Kujo being right about stuff

>Jotaro "the rain sounds like Josuke" Kujo

Jotaro didn't know that there was an enemy who can turn people into kids. So if he saw a kid, he would not think that the kid could possibly be Polnareff.

What time tomorrow does it air?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 37 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.41_[2019.07.0 (1280x720, 93K)


Early. Like 7 or 8AM EST. It's several hours earlier than normal.

>I can put you in an infinite loop, lol

how does this even beat crimson/epitaph when that can predict any future action?


But really

>enemy stand is going to do shit to you

>you see this via epitaph

>crimson stops time and you can't be touched in this period anyways

so how does he ever lose?

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GER completely disabled KC's power. Diavolo tried to skip time and GER just didn't allow it and then stand rushed him.

It's literally just "I win the fight now" bullshit. There is no logic to it, he just wins.

also, how can anyone ever lose to giorno if he can beat literally everything without a counter? even beats time/space for "reasons"

how do you even have a stand that beats GER


Where's the episode?!

Most on Yea Forums have unbelivably shit opinions.
Dont listen to them and just form your own opinions.

>how do you even have a stand that beats GER

lmao, time does not slow down a single time with the brothers. There is a reason why everyone hates "Star Platinum can stop time too lmao xd." It's because it's true. Stopping time is cool, but that's where the fun comes in. When the protagonist faces a foe that seems unbeatable and wins, it's hype. The same way Joseph won against Kars. It doesn't need to make sense to be enjoyable.

Imagine if Joseph was facing ultimate Kars and it turns out he can shape shift too with the help of Hamon. That would suck, be an anti climax, and a horrible ending. That was exactly what Dio vs Jotaro was.

haha piano meme so funny

Jotaro vs Dio at least had a somewhat reasonable explanation.


21st century man

>muh similar stands

it's boring. It might make sense, but it's boring. It would have been better if Dio had a fly like stand that could stop time and Dio was the fighter. And the finishing blow would be Jotaru Star Fingering the fly after cornering it.


Star finger is dumber than same type of stand.

Meaningless buzzword.

Shut the fuck up before I give you a donut.

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>Yea Forums tells me Part 4 is boring
>Turns out really good
>Yea Forums tells me Part 5 is shit
>Turns out to be great
>Yea Forums tells me Part 6 is the worst

Boy I just can't wait for them to get BTFO once again

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Shouldn't Diavolo agree with him?

>>Yea Forums tells me Part 5 is shit
>>Turns out to be great
Part 5 was terrible. I dread 6.

it's not a buzzword, if you are a redditor then you are an outsider who is not welcome because you actively destroy board culture
Yea Forums is not reddit and reddit is not Yea Forums
you niggers ruined the whole internet

I love the background and environment art in part 5. It's very welcomed after the piss yellow sky and bland backgrounds in part 4.

It is a buzzword if you're spewing it at random people.

>Yea Forums tells me Part 4 is boring
Literally who? Even before Part 4 was announced everyone was a bunch of DIcksUckers


Change the door signs to GIO GIO and you got it

The anime hasn't changed any of that. The animation and music are spectacular, but it's easily the worst part

All parts are good, fuck off

5 and 6 are bad


This. True Jojofags appreciate all the strength and weakness on every part

All parts are good, some are simply just more good than others.


Then I'm proud to say that I'm not a true Jojofag. I like good things and don't like bad things (such as part 6). There's nothing more to it.

Now that the dust has LOOPED what do you guys honestly think of part 5?

He’s not saying the Darby’s had time powers, he’s saying similar stands are family traits retard.


That's basically why Giorno would never have been introduced in another part.

Only chance any normal stand user would have would be to catch Gio off guard/when Polnareff turtle isn't around so he literally just doesn't have access to the arrow. If he activates GER its over.

Though I guess you could theorize that Tusk ACT4 could beat it, or at least make it inert




they really changed and cut out some scenes from the manga to the point that makes me worry on how the part 6 adaption will turn out

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What is stopping Giorno from beating everyone beyond this point now? Literally God mode.

> What is stopping Giorno from beating everyone beyond this point now?
The fact that he isn't re-introduced in later parts.

He's content to sit his ass in italy and just be a mafia boss.


But in the next part wouldn't he be needed to stop the weather guy using global mind control?

>Just use GER and win

Giorno is completely unrelated to everything else in the Jojo universe. He may as well be non-canon.

Nope, he's 'beaten' another way, Giorno isn't in part 6.

There was a hint that he 'may be in florida' but I assume that was a scrapped idea since he never showed up. Depending on whether GER has a range or not + whether he was near enough to Polnareff turtle that he could grab the arrow and activate it, he was probably at most only able to protect himself from the effect or some shit, which doesn't really matter since everyone who wasn't at the cape during the finale or who died during the time effect got thrown into the other universe exactly as they were anyway.

>the way to beat GER is to have the stand user go on vacation

He was too busy having fun at disney world to bother beating Pucci.

>king crimson predicted he would do this

>ends up winning via universe reset

>There was a hint that he 'may be in florida' but I assume that was a scrapped idea since he never showed up
That was in a bonus page in the volume release. Probably Araki messing with people that kept wondering where Giorno is when he didn't want him to be in the story.

>does part 7 get better?
>i still think killing everyone at the end of part 6
Made in Heaven resetting the universe had nothing to do with the series reboot
>starting all over with a bunch of literally who's
Literally every part

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Joshu isn't black

How did this meme start

Nah, if you were already dead then you'd be dead in the other world too, basically just everyone who didn't die during Pucci's time shenangigans gets thrown over as they are.

If anything, that means Diavolo would STILL be in his infinite death loop in the new universe as well, in the instance where Giorno didn't die.

While I watch. If I'm lucky I'll get to eat her out after.

Not really. Pucci literally created the SBR universe so everything is different.

I'm going to be disappointed if Jojo Sunday doesn't result in Pucci memes to celebrate the lord's day

They had to fuck it up with yellow ger...

how many hours

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I'm sorry father Pucci
But I can't stop thinking about Jolyne taking black cocks

The SBR universe isn't the alternate universe that Pucci made. It's just its own world.

Somebody spoonfeed me. What time can I watch the episode (PST) if I have crunchyroll premium?

Pucci literally created the SBR universe.

Good adaptation. The deaths were the highlight.
Doppio was great.
The Seiyuu mimicking their colleagues during SCR was another highlight a lot more people should appreciate.
GER effects on Diavolo in the most recent episode was 10/10.
I'm sure there's more I'm missing but I hope DP does as good a job with part 6 as they did with Part 5.

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7 AM

He didn't we know even in SBR that there are heaps of alternate universes, Pucci created one by his actions in 6, but SBR-verse is just an alternate one that already existed.

>he pays for anime

the part 8 protagonist, so far, only has heat-related powers so not yet.

ETA 5 Hrs and 42 minutes.

>he doesn't have money

when will the subbed ep be out

probably an hour or so after the episode

I used to be one of those contrarians that liked Giorno but the anime made me realize I liked him because Gold Experience is such a cool power, Bruno is the best character and I'm pissed he had to die so Giorno could become the boss with no obstacles when everyone knows Bruno was the best choice

how many hours are left?


How long until the episode?

it says 3 hours and 46 mins for me

>Episode is ends with Part 6 reference
Blessed JoJo Sunday

Just check livechart or something you idiots.

When is the episode?

>Heat-powers somehow gets expanded to involve entropy based on some ridiculous understanding of the concept of the heat death of the universe.

What time does the episode come out

Sub should be in 5h 26m


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Isn't there supposed to be an episode today? Or was it delayed?


Kuguwa kuguwa kuguwa

Fuck it, I'm going to sleep. Y'all should do the same.

By the time the subs release it'll be at least 10PM here which is when I need my 7 hours of sleep for waging. Not sure if I should watch it right upon sub release and rush to work or sleep earlier and get up at 5AM to watch it.

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>TOKYO MX 7/28(日)20:00~
ETA 5 hrs and 14 minutes.

When is the episode?

I don't follow news too much, but wasn't Golden Wind meant to be 50 episodes to start with? I'm glad that it wasn't stretched out but I thought the content would last a little longer.

Well, hopefully I can make the wait seem shorter on my end. Good luck anons, hope the episode is worth it.

our boys had a rough life. no time to dick around like the Josuke group; once Giorno entered their group, it became all business. That's probably why the torture dance is so popular, because it's one of the few glimpses we get into their normal behavior when they're not brutally killing other members of the gang.

>how do you even have a stand that beats GER

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>but wasn't Golden Wind meant to be 50 episodes to start with

It's actually today, you stupid cunt.



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BARELY tickled the walls of stopped time

I'm gonna miss this goofy bastard bros, I don't think I can go on after today

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>tfw 裏切り者のレクイエム Giorno Ver.

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how the fuck can GER do anything if requiem can predict the future

how would he be unable to counter it? even WITHOUT the time skip

DP made me appreciate part 5 a WHOLE LOT, especially Diavolo. But even more than that, I found my love for progrock though jojo, King Crimson in particular. I swear this is the second week I'm listening to nothing but Starless.

*epitaph I mean

King crimson fridays should do the job

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I'll ask again next thread but what are the iconic scenes for part 6 that will get people hype for them to be animated? I can only think of WR and the snails

The stone ocean teaser at the end of the finale should be just the sound effects of someone masturbating

Will cd1212 stream the finale?

1000 baseballs ora
Lots of random jolyne scenes from Jail house lock arc

>Episode ends with Bruno, Narancia, and Abbacio all in the clouds
>Screen cuts to black

I can't think of any

if they don't cut it


How many hours until japan broadcast anons

69 hours

4 hrs 28 m

When is the episode?

13:00 in Germany

How many hours until i can torrent it from horrible?


And just for old time's sake, EVERY TIME I CLOSE MY EYES

What time is the episode?

13:00 in Germany

They've cut things from every part though, even part 1 which is the shortest by a large margin. They've also done good by adding things. Believe in DavidPro user

7am Eastern, so 4 hours from now. HorribleSubs will probably have the subs available shortly after

What time is the episode?

13:00 in Germany



Too bad that Gyro literally dies

is it out yet?
is it out yet?


>so 4 hours from now

are the threads going to get crazier and crazier?

can we only post questions now?

What time is the episode?

14:00 here

if epitaph can predict anything how could it lose to GER?

>>starting all over with a bunch of literally who's
>Literally every part
Yeah, what kind of fucking complaint is that? It's one of the staples of JoJo that makes it so enjoyable. I hate stories that never fucking end and just keep going and going, with different parts you have completed storylines you can enjoy and pick apart, even as JoJo continues to this day. And if one part has elements you don't like, you may very well find they're gone by the next. Everyone has their part with JoJo, each one fills different niches.

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Because Pucci wins speedreader kun.