Skeeter Rabbit manga is ending soon according to the mangaka's blog:

Skeeter Rabbit manga is ending soon according to the mangaka's blog:

Translation here:

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Being Uran is suffering.

Pity, I kind of liked it.

Are you serious?
It wasnt amazing, but it had some good naked lolis.
I hope Uran can come back with something else quick.

>lewd JCs with yuri
Should have stuck with true lolis.

>finally pick it up
>its going to end

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>be Uran
>lose two mangas to the Olympics
>decide to quit being mangaka
>focus entirely on doujins
And we'll never get to see them because panda is kill.

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Already? Why?

What a week

JC Yuri is kinda chimping out for him, he should go back to drawing het JS.

He's already discussing the concept for a new series he will be starting with the editorial department according to the blog post.

JCs are better lolis

>make partician loli time traveling shota manga
>lose it to the Olympics
>make safe shitty yuri loli manga
>lose it to the Olympics

What a delicious navel

Well that sucks

Well thats good news at least.

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Time for a JY manga.

I've never seen his blog before but there seems to be a handful of stuff i've never seen before.
I wonder if any scans exist.

I know JS, JC, JK, DK.

Uran should make an oppai loli manga next.

>sadpanda went down

Well okay then

I hope he goes for lolibabas this time.

>join the games
>use shitty dorm wifi to plant pizza on every competitor phone
>call the police on them
>kill the olympics

Do you live under a rock?

No shit, how many axed in a row does that make?

Man I like Uran but he has a serious Sameface issue, literally every one of his characters looks the same

Oppai lolis next.

It was up only a few days ago

there was shitstorm yesterday because of the panda shutdown.
you didn't visit here yesterday?

I love his art, the JCs and the yuri! This is one of the manga series I'm looking forward to the most. How can this happen.
July keeps getting worse and worse.

I love young lolis as much as you but for the sake of a literal masturbation manga, girls who have already started puberty make more sense.
Sad to see this go.

Seriously, what the fuck? Kyoani, the panda and now Uran. This is getting out of hand.


In the end it will all disappear, like tears in the rain.

We're falling down. Down really hard. But we will get back up and climb. To reach greater heights. Just hang in there.

Damn, that sucks.

I admit I didn't give a single shit about the dancing, but it was pretty fappable sometimes.

Well as long as he makes a new series its fine.

What a fucking month.

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RIP in pieces, Rutger.

You mean JD for collage girls.
Anyway, JY is Kindergarten girls.

I know man. Dark times indeed.

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For real man.

You are the cancer of the lolidom.

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I want off 2019 ride

Well damn. I'll miss it since I came for the lolis and stated for the feels.

the more you know

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>I admit I didn't give a single shit about the dancing
The main problem is that, assuming the translation isn't too far behind, the dancing plot was building up to something and quite a few characters were added.
Unless "ending soon" still means he's got quite a few chapters it'll be hard to give a conclusion to all those elements and an actual yuri end. Hopefully the yuri end is prioritised over tying up all the other bits.

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The blog says two more chapters to be published til it ends

He should have made it about pole dancing and strip teases.

Well it'd take some sort of magic to conclude it properly then.
True harem ending and group dance is the best I could think of to solve all the problems set up with just 2 chapters, but most of that would be out of nowhere.
Guess this'll be another one of those series that when people go back to it they'll just talk about the rushed ending.

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I appreciate all lolis.

How does that translate to years though.

>two more chapters to be published til it ends
Shouldn't they tell him stuff like that way more in advance so he can round up the story? Those are not (or should not) be made in an afternoon, so it has to have been on the table for quite some time.

>Regarding the decision to end the series, it was made when I submitted the request to the editorial department immediately after the first volume went on sale.

It was dead after volume one

Uran needs to draw more JC's, Mutsuki-chan was the cutest girl in Mujaki no Rakuen by far.

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Its seems that JC yuri is not popular enough. Maybe he will do an isekai next time.

The are not lolis but shortstacks.

Isekai JC yuri

Time to lose the chains of editorial meddling and go back to H.

I hated that he went for yuri because Mujaki had dryhumping which is the hottest fucking shit especially when done to innocent lolis.

JC1 and JC2 are still in usual loli range unless they're extremely overdeveloped, it's not a magical switch that gets flipped off as soon as puberty begins. Also you should try to learn what shortstack means.

Height growth pretty much stops after 14 (~JC2), leaving one within an inch of the adult stature.

>Yurishit axed
Finally. It was really a waste of delicious drawings, I hope the next one is more like Mujaki no Rakuen.

Might not help that it's in a magazine that doesn't seem to have much yuri of any age. I can see why it might not do too well in the surveys if people are buying it to read Berserk and 3-gatsu.
After Mai Ball and Dokunie Cooking finished it's only this and Ueno-san that I care about in it.

Kek, the mods killed the loli thread.

He could have meant Danshi Koukousei.

I like their look so I don't mind this

I would read an Isekai manga about a fantasy world filled with lolis.

How about you interact with the real world occasionally, then you'd know things like that

thanks faggot


With so many isekais out there, why hasn't this be done yet?

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Its male until proven contrary. That's how it works.

What would anons like in their loli isekai?

beta faggot OP MC
oppai loli
beach episode

A normalfag gets transported to a world where all women a re lolis. Various fantasy lolis try and seduce him, but he is too much of a moralfag to do anything with them.

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Pretty much just GGO but with girls only.

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Let them be successful but keep the fucking off screen. I had enough of MCs that keep refusing the lolis like that faggot from Death March.

Will there ever be a manga with tighter JCs?

Just can't get a break, huh?
Anyway, it seems H-artists trying to make a break with non-porn yuri manga rarely ends well. Unless they did yaoi previously. For some reason, half of early yuri hime contributors were ex-yaoi mangaka.

Truly the death of c***y

He refuses the entire fucking harem for a goddess. Even after she tells him to father 100 children in the mortal world to spread his genes. I really hope the LN doesn't go down that route like the WN.

Good thing I dropped that shit at episode 1, fucking hell. Even Arifureta in all its awfulness didn't shy away from sex.

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Uzamaid was at least a decent result for someone mostly known for loli eromanga switching to a normal serialised yuri manga.
It's a shame this couldn't have done similarly well and got an anime adaption. As a dancing series I imagine motion and music could've added a lot to it, although I assume the budget for something like this wouldn't allow very good dancing animation.

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It would have been censored to hell and back. Uran's works are too lewd for the animated treatment.

A few studios still seem to do "buy the BD" ecchi series.
I know most wouldn't go as far as they should with some scenes but I imagine >90% of it could be done as is.

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Well... All we can hope is that the next series is in the same vein as mujaki and rabbit. God, he draws some great lolis.

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What's the target audience of a magazine like that?

Imagine working on this scene

I hope this show's BDs deliver.

Thought it was a youth magazine, so Uran went to the wrong comic

>Not that the comic was good to begin with even for the yuri genre

That's too bad but it's probably just as well, it's not all that great.

Deserved for making softcore trash. Go back to making loli tanks.

He should make jc tanks instead like Okada Kou

So WHY was it cancelled? The translation makes it sound like the mangaka requested the cancellation.
At least there might be a next series. I want Uran to make a serious series where he can add plot relevant fanservice as he likes.

Uran probably got bored of yuri

AHHHHHHH fuck July! This manga was so fucking hot, and I was attached to the characters enough to at least want to know what happens. I feel like I've been punched in the gut repeatedly this month. This is a small loss comparatively but God damn

I really liked this girl. Shame that we wont see even more of her being lewded.

So what type of ending are you expecting? It's obviously not going to cover everything or even go anywhere but do you think there'll be some hookups or confessions? Or is it going to be a "I look forward to the future with all my friends" type of ending?

For all we know he could do a doujin based on them while he's waiting to get another serialised manga approved.
It'd be nice for him to at least start using something like pixiv again considering that seems to have been abandoned for years and his twitter just seems to be 90% food.

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Damn, that's a shame, I really enjoyed it.

Pity, that was trashy fun


Loli is dying. Everything is dying.

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Without sadpanda we will never get to see said doujin.

It has the most POWERFUL panty sniff of all time. I'm in awe of the lungs on this lass.

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I've never read his H-manga. I'm glad I managed to grab one of the tanks off panda before the purge

>ugly rapists
Most of this H-manga was shit. I'm glad he want legit to a degree.

It will come back. Once the Olympics are gone the elevens won't have the need to pretend they are no perverts again.

JCs are peak.

His brother/sister tank was cute

any JY recommendations?

His no H stuff is way better, except few cases.

all range of lolis, normal villagers are toddler while the strongest knights are flat teens, also a retardedly cute world filled with silly monsters, no edgy shit.

A goddess and prostitutes.

Oh, skeeter creeper, where'd ya get those fiddlers?

He needs a male MC who doesn't hesitate to use situations like that one was in. If some of them want to get undressed with him, go ahead and do it. If he gets asked something like this, help her out. He also needs a better publisher that lets him get away with more.

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>He also needs a better publisher that lets him get away with more.
With the suggestion that he was already in talks with the editorial department I assume that means he's aiming to stay at the same one.
Even though I've seen things go further in other magazines it's not like this series lacked ecchi content.

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It seems like he just got bored of lesbian antics as someone else said.

read the first 6 chapters solely due to the cover but it looks like its the only good piece of art

Those kind of antics should be secondary and between girls that are also interested in a MC.

I just want this month to be over already.