I really like anime, but I hate all the regressive reactionary attitudes that are embedded into it...

I really like anime, but I hate all the regressive reactionary attitudes that are embedded into it. I swear its like the whole industry is run by lonely horny boys who seriously hate women. The Japanese are a modern secular culture, they should really know better.

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You're gonna catch so much bullshit for that here, but cosigned.

watch Kill la Kill and read Dorehedoro

It sounds like you don't know shit about Japanese culture. Anime back in 90ties was especially progressive considering its female depiction when compared to the rest of Jap society.

wojak with open mouth.jpg

And I wouldn't have it any other way haha

I think you understand anime more than you understand society, and that you understand neither well enough to hold much less communicate a valid opinion about them.

Just watch your cartoons sweetie.

>The Japanese are a modern secular culture, they should really know better.
They do know better, that's why it's reactionary.

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go back to /pol/ where incel nazis like you belong

Oh wow, a bunch of sex bait (most of which were underaged girls), but the are the main character, wow so progressive tho.

Reminder that white people are more advanced than Japanese in every way.

First day on Yea Forums sweetie?

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Fuck off.

You must be mad you aren't attractive enough to fit that mold and so you want to smash it, typical uggo feminazi.


Why don't you both take the following advice.

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Could you explain in what way anime is reactionary?

At least fucking try you pathetic excuse for a human being

b8 or autism
either way cringe

What does that mean? Is it code for "i like to eat poopy from my gay boyfriend's tranny vaganny"? Homo

You're an ugly femanon that can't compete with the goddess tier body of anime girls and I'm a loser user that won't get said girl's pussy. I just don't cry about male MCs getting the pussy.

Sailor Moon was written by a woman.

Uhhh ur so hot i love your stretchmarked gut hanging over ur way too tight waistband with smeared panties wedging out the back :))))))))

Make me

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And you're just mad I told you the truth that you think putting sex objects on main stage qualifies as being progressive somehow. Sorry to ruin your "anime tiddies" for you, though it could be worse, could be a child abusing lolicon.

where do you people even come from?

Lol nothing you said is true. Now be a good dicksucking hole and shut it.

Women are just as capable of making sexist and anti-women media as men are (though Sailor Moon is okay).

how many fat women and trannies do you honestly think are on Yea Forums? it's just not realistic that everyone disagreeing with you is an obese chick or a tranny

Women dressing provocatively is showing their empowerment, it’s 2019 shit lord, we can dress how we want without you hounding us

tumblr, reddit, and Yea Forums mostly

t. Seething tranny

another high-quality Yea Forums-tier post

but how?
despite the Yea Forumsmblr infamy it's become some sort of Yea Forums-lite in recent years
do they just stay on designated generals or something?

Get madder tranny

What is this fucking thread. Keep this autism in Yea Forumsmblr

>putting sex objects on main stage qualifies

>teenage girl wearing a slightly fancier school uniform and some jewelry
>sex object
Neck yourself retard

>implying we shouldn't oppose the hormonally augmented menace

all these hoes mad.

More like girls were able to make decisions on their own without a guy somewhere behind them. Were showed as successful at work rather than obligatory stay at home moms, not to mention that Jap society expected you to quit job and marry when you hit 24-26 years mark. But it really sounds like you know nothing.

Even the sex bait thing was/is progressing as Jap females were forced to act like nuns by the society.

>Gets called out on bullshit
>Tells me to kill myself with classic ablest slur

Gee, you must be a whole lot of fun at family gatherings.

why the fuck would there be a sizeable population of liberal trannies on goddamn Yea Forums? consider some people may hold different opinions rather than shitting out a meme phrase to dismiss anything that triggers you

If people don't like fat women, just don't live in Canada and USA.

Bored shitposters. It's easy to start shit when you begin with a post inflated with the usual "hollier than "
If that's no the case, I'll let you imagine the kind of individual that post that sort of message unironically in a place such as Yea Forums.

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To push tranny rhetoric. Now stop acting like you aren't one while defending and making exuses for them.

>Gee, you must be a whole lot of fun at family gatherings.

You must be fun on all Low Effort Shitposters International club meetings

>All these people expecting civility on 4channel

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OP, just a reminder that you are seen as a subhuman here on Yea Forums, thus your wrong opinion is completely invalid, now please proceed to end your life or at least have the decency to leave Yea Forums.
To the people who are posting ITT, threadly reminder to report this nigger and use sage if you must post, don't take the bait.

im a based tranny who voted for trump. dont lump me in with these people.

based paranoid retard

Why do so many people outside Yea Forums hate Yea Forums?

What does that mean? Is it code for "help my mangina won't stop bleeding!"? Serves you right tranny lol

Awww, did I make the little pissbaby piss his diaper again?

Don't post your fetishes on Yea Forums nigger

Just ignore the fag, hopefully the mods ill do their job before this shit gets more replies.

I love how you have to cry to mods from the slightest perturbing and having your shitty ways being confronted, like a teenager throwing a tantrum when mom says no more video games until your grades go up.

Your ways are shitty tho, tey losing weight.

Says the guy who's demanding a foreign country to adopt his culture.