What in the almighty fuck did I just watch?

What in the almighty fuck did I just watch?

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A magical girl show that peaked half-way

A show that's a lot of fun.

a story that culminates in sisters loving each other

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A good first half.

An animation studio that broke away from Gainax and thought the LE EPIC exposition was what made Gurren Lagann so popular, without realizing it needed decent writing to prop it up.


Why do people hate the 2nd half? I thought the 2nd half was much better

It's been a while, but if I recall it kinda of dragged on what I remember as like 3 or 4 episodes of content over like 14 episodes.

Triggers vain attempt at Gurren Lagann 2.0

Nu-anime fans just hate story because they cannot comprehend anything beyond muh comfy and silly schenanigans.

It never tried to be Gurren Lagann. Just because the director (and writer) have a certain style and wanted to do something ambitious doesn't make it a clone.
The themes are quite different even if they come from a similar place and everything works in favor of them.


Gurren Lagann with scissors and lesbians.

KLK is way better when watched in a row, not weekly

Pure kino

A show that failed to live up to the hype.

Something that puts you in a place where your anime viewing will always be slightly disappointing by comparison.

Came to post this

A Sonic Adventure 2 speedrun.

>Nu-anime fans
fuck off
stop putting nu- in front of every word you faggot

You have to be some sort of ultra brainlet to not understand KLK.

You have to be some sort of ultra brainlet to think KLK is in any way deep.

Lol go with the times boomer

I never implied it was deep, because it's not deep. OP basically outright said they didn't understand KLK, and since it's not deep that must mean they have a room temperature IQ.

Hell if I know, I gave up after the dumbass tournament arc.

Don't let Reddit convince you this anime is good.

Ok nigger. Now fuck off.

Please don't be racist.

A fair chunk of your time passing away completely wasted.

A fanservice show, wich was strangely enjoyable.

Nonon best girl.

A dumbed down reskined ttgl and the worst ending in the history of anime.

Ignore all the boomers in this thread. When it aired, it was magical. Every week was "TRIGGER SAVED ANIME" and half the board was KLK.
>muh TTGL clone
There are some similar aesthetics but it's a completely different story.
>muh 2nd cour is baka
The first half is definitely more flashy fun and the 2nd is story driven. Doesn't make it less appealing on its own, just different.


The anime of the decade.

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I wouldn't say it's the best but it's definitely on of the anime I've enjoyed the most.

A very fun trainwreck.
is right, watching this show live with Yea Forums was a fucking blast.

This word lost all meaning.

Panty & Stocking season 2.

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Yeah the tournament made me drop it aswell, it's just asspull after asspull

go back

Oh, boy. It's almost time for my monthly rewatch of KLK again.

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>dumbed down ttgl

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