Girls who lost the Mcbowl

>Girls who lost the Mcbowl
Was it fair?

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Other urls found in this thread:>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]/

Eren doesn't deserve Mikasa. She's unironically better off without him.


She was never in the race
Mikasa is just a dog



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I mean, she couldn't compete with Annie and Historia.


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I think it's a pretty lame way for things to go, but then I hate new Eren - I think he's more obnoxious than old Eren ever was. I have problems with a lot of what's happened in the manga since we learned what was going on in the world at large.

She should've just raped Tatsumi, preferably in front of Mine.

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Based Jeantrips.

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Did Armin win Eren after all?

Nope, Historia did.

But I thought she was hella lesbian for the dark skinned transgirl :O

Yes. They are lesbians.

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Eren is a cure girl now

what is a mcbowl?

She deserved better.

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Fpfp and based trips

In Mikasa's case? Yeah. She suffocated him and never knew the right way to get to him. Eren always had better chemistry (and more respect) for Annie than he did for her, and then he bonded more with Historia. So yeah, it was fair.

Annie took Eren's virginity before he met Historia (not Christa)

Desperate spic

trips don't lie

But she got the best. All the girls agree that Jean is the most beautiful.

Shitren will die alone.

Hasn't she lost for a while now?
I remember Isayama somehow made a reference a while back that made Mikasa Momzoned.


She never really liked him
Every time she had headaches it was the real Mikasa underneath her Acker programming rebelling
Remember when she had a headache when it came to saving Eren? Yeah that means the real Mikasa wanted to be rid of him.

What nonsense is this again?
And then they grew out of it

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She did not deserve this

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Not fair.

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She also had headaches when Carla died and when Armin got burned to a crisp. Does that mean that she hated them both as well?

>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]
>Rem spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Subaru.
>In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Subaru shake his head. After that, Subaru brought his face close to her and said,
>[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
>[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. >If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
>[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]
>Accepting Subaru’s confession, Rem felt a tear alongside her closed eyes. Taking in Subaru’s words happily, her face quickly blushed. Soon after, it now really did seem that all power within her body had departed.
>[Subaru: Wait…]
>[Rem: I love you(aishiteimasu), Subaru-kun]
>[Subaru:Don’t fuck with me, stay by my side. You’re going to leave me with regrets again!?]
>Subaru could not bear to live in a near future where Rem would cease to exist. Along with knowing this fact since long ago, her existence still has become sooo much more important to him, compared to long ago. So,
>[Subaru: In the future where I talk while smiling, I need you…I don’t want this]
>[Rem: In that future, is it okay if I stay by your side?]
>[Subaru: ….Isn’t the answer obvious? I won’t let you go to anyone else’s side.]
>Wiping off her tears that were suspended on her eyelids, Subaru looked straight at Rem and said:
>[Subaru: You are mine. I won’t let anyone have you.]
>[Rem: Proposal accepted!]
>[Subaru: Heh?]
Raw Version
WN Eng Version
LN Yen Press Version

No, fuck Sasuke.

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Yes, she fucks Sasuke.

That's a translation of a fucking Japanese fanfiction you fucking mentally ill piece of shit. Stop posting it. You are literally insane.>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]/

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For any mangafags, does Mikasa ever get better? For a series that's massively surprised me at how much better it's gotten since the one dimensional turns of season 1, Mikasa is still as boring and one note as ever. Muh 'ereh', every other line.

Well she gets called out on it sort of. If you don't like her "Ereh" bullshit you might like where it goes.

No she sucks. But Eren BTFOs her

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Remfags are insane.

That dude has been doing it since the anime ended in 2016. He’s actually insane

Eren did nothing wrong

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I want to fuck Mikasa in her ass and cum inside her rectum.

Post the real WN then. And I’ve only posted it 200 something times, I’m not only one who posts it

This is something you cannot lie your way past. Prove it to be a Japanese Fanfiction.

based jean

Do you have actual autism

Based. Fuck Shitren. I'm glad he's rotting in hell.

Will 120 be equally as kino?

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That's a translation of a fucking Japanese fanfiction you fucking mentally ill piece of shit. Stop posting it. You are literally insane.>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]/

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Post the real WN then. You can’t keep up this lie. Prove it to be a fake.

>watching the anime
Read the manga you retard

She isn’t better in the manga

Not a problem. She won in her own manga and the story there is actually good.

Perfection brings other people's flaws out more.

True, but it still sucks how her character in the ln was treated.

But Jean turned out to be gay for Eren all along

Post the full page instead of the crop you coward.