It's been 5 years and Hayafags are still seething

It's been 5 years and Hayafags are still seething.

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The mc has a harem even though he’s gay?!

That was just fujobait I hope

This animation sucks

Is this shit still airing? I dropped it after they revealed that ZZ was actually the frog prince all along despite all the evidence pointing to Shiro. The author is a hack.

The webcomic was better.

I've decided to pretend that this shitty anime simply does not exist. I would ask you to follow me in this endeavor and stop discussing it.

Maybe if she didnt fucked her own dog

You cannot ignore reality. This anime exists
Pic related

Wtf I can't believe they just kill Sven like that

Why is the mascot a cutesy circus strongman in a thong? Dude's out of place.
Why is the college professor a cat, and why does nobody point it out? There's no other animals in the show other than pets, and no explanation as to why he's a cat.
Why does nobody in the show acknowledge that little girl with the horns and yellow/pink heterochromia that is always there? She's been sitting with villains in their hidden base, in the hero's bathroom, and even sitting on a roof in the main city sometimes,but nobody seems to acknowledge her.

Because his sister fell out of the shower and her pussy landed straight on his mouth. It messed him up

Kira fags btfo Kikiyo wins the Kiritobowl

I'm tired of this office lady reverse harems dramas. It's always the same, girl sacrifices her youth and charm for a successful career and when her cake expires, she suddenly wants to find love and husband. Mitsuru is no different and that she was gifted her career via Faustian deal with the devil and as result kills every men who sleeps with her won't change that. I admit that the fat otaku that got a heartattack while on top of her was funny, but the rest is extremely predictable and the whole genre should already run out of Abe propaganda money and just die. I almost vomit when I see the titles of upcoming next season.
>Money Is Useless without Marriage
>Can Love Bloom in an Office Room?
>I'm the Boss but I Want to Obey Him
>Sugar Momma in Search of a Good Boy

Found the speedwatcher. All of this is literally explained in S3E4 which imo is one of the most kino episodes of the series.

>seiyu first and last role
What went wrong, bros?

So now the Martians are making headway into Europe. There's the 4th Legion's Primus Pilus going after the blank-faced Japanese high school student who's somehow more competent than the actual military. Of course, 4th Legion is the deadliest of the Martian Legions raised to fight for the Caesar, so they'll put up a damn hard fight. And this Primus Pilus has years of experience fighting during the First Lunar War before being sleeping in cryo for many years. So we basically have a ongoing feud between the teenaged emotionless tactician who pulls out new strategies against overspecialised kataphrakts, and the old veteran who draws from his past experience and pilots a versatile kataphrakt that's similar in armament and equipment to Terran models, but built with Martian technologies. Hell, he even paints it Blue to oppose the MC's Orange color scheme.
This old man doesn't play by the rules: he snipes at long range whenever he gets the chance, uses brutal Muay Thai moves in CQC with the help of the kataphrakt's reinforced frame and refuses to stand still in a battlezone for more than a few seconds. He also spams missiles like crazy, he never wants to give his foes breathing space.
>"There are pilots like you in every generation...and I felled every last one of them."

>imfuckingplying that Harangue calling the Void Emperor wasn't the hypest goddamn moment this entire season

take notes Tarotfags, this is how you write an entertaining villain

LNfag here, mc is actually a reverse trap.

Brutus best girl, Cleopatra a shit

The last arc was so long and bad.
I can't even decide if I'm glad there's nothing in the pipe, or if I want more because maybe it will be good again and make up for the last arc.

Name an episode more amazing than the one where they literally scribbled everything on lined paper, and then revealed that it was the drawings of that mystery child that first showed up in S3. She's a fucking eldritch monster or something.

seriously how many girls is he going to fuck this episode?

I really wish they'd chill with all the racial slurs. Like Jesus Christ

Just finished the second season of Yotsubato! - The Animation.
I did not see Yotsuba murdering Yanda with pancakes coming.

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For a gacha game, the mobage tie-in is actually pretty good. Anyone else playing it?

S tier - Misato shadow dragon full release, Hinata devil arm (hellfire mode) + 3rd rebirth power up

A tier - Kyoko dual wielding Muramasa and Masamune + killer instinct mastered, Shimizu heaven’s gate - fists of god + heaven’s gate - aura of god + heaven’s gate eyes of god, Mizuki bloodbath mode

B tier - Yuki absolute zero mode, Misato shadow dragon -omen-, Kato devil pact

C tier - Chiharu hyperspeed (overdrive), Rika 1000 fists fully mastered, Shimizu loli form

Shit tier - Tetsuya armor of lucifer mode

FUCK YOU Yea Forums




slut deserved it

I just watched the Last Western Space Opera

how do I feel about it?

Daily reminder that Mimi is used goods

>anywhere near S tier
Jesus christ you fucking waifufags are starting to get on my nerves. And where the fuck is Susato? Bon Bon Fire Parade + Grid Time is one of the most OP attack combinations in all of anime. Don't get me started on when she unlocks her Leviathan Form, jesus christ

What about Scipio?

>we JUST finished a 75 episode filler arc
>we’re starting ANOTHER filler arc
Fuck this shit. I’m out. Call me when Oono finally decides to work on his stupid manga instead of tweeting pictures of his lunch every day.

I see you left out Shimizu chibi mode and Tetsuyas hellfist henshin, but I am pretty sure we all agree those are shit tier.

The real question is why you are avoiding ranking Arunasera anywhere? Is it because she does not have a transformation sequence?

Also Yuki Absolute Zero is at LEAST A tier.

>Be HokkAni
>Spent years perfectioning the moe mahou shoujo arch type
>Switching to mahou shota out of nowhere

What were they thinking? I blame Toyoshi for this attrocity.

I heard he's actually a woman.

The most absolutely annoying part was when Haruto was being set to be the main villain. He had charisma, motivation and actually entertaining to watch then gets BTFO'd after 2 episodes because lolasspull.

She got the flu and died. She was only 28.

fuck, man. you made me remember again.

>the beach episode
>they beefed up all the girls tits
>even the loli

Jesus, the animation shift was bizarre and lasted like five episodes.

LNfags, what shit have they changed so far? I'm a dirty animeonly.

It has been a faithful adaptation writing-wise but the animation and pacing is obnoxiously sub-par.

>Kyoko's voice
Who thought it was a good idea to make her sound like a literal hamster?

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The VA does that shit for every character she plays, zero range.

She is a literal hamster

Animation was splendid and the direction is top-tier as per usual. I'm excited to see the rest of this!

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>liking whatever the fuck that was because the artists did a togashi and bombarded us with useless info for the first half of the show
Go back Yea Forumsedditor. Your kind has been shitting up these threads ever since the moon killed best girl.

What the fuck did Hitta mean by this, anyways?

So the next episode The Bat ninja will try to infiltrate the castle and assassinate Nobuhide right? Who's gonna protect him now when Mitsuhige is already dead?

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Threadly reminder that Neni did NOTHING wrong.

Maybe in the manga. She was cursed with the shittiest VA.

Chiyuki is best girl!

>36 eps (!) later best boy is back
>that thousand yard stare when asked what happened
W-what did he see/do

Why did Yukichakra put a curse on his newborn son when a random man in a cloak who he had never seen before told him to?

That's not how you spell Nadeshiko.

>Atnes jobbing as usual
>Brekklo nowhere to be seen after getting the true Ghost Blade
>Kojiro lost the Immortal Spirit to the enemy of the week once again
>Angelica only gets panty shots panel nowadays
>Rodkan still training
>King Titan still fucking shit up
>this has been dragged out for the last 905 chapters

If you don't mind the spoilers.
You remember professor Kuronon? The one dude that helped Utsumi back in the rollback arc? He was actually with Master Sol all this time and when best boy went on his search he got captured and tortured by him. Normally it wouldn't be much for someone like him but it's revealed that Kuronon's Reverb can activate the subconscious through its waves so it fucked him up real bad. He also had most of his memories erased so he only remembers the torture.

I accidentally torrented the dub instead of sub this week
How do amerifucks stand any of this
Holy shit how they butchered Kirigiri

>discussing this D-tier garbage with half assed ending
Just read fucking novel

the one where Haru got captured and feigned a kidnapping of his alter ego to free himself in the fake hostage exchange

>That island "adventure"
I fucking hated that arc. Right up there with Hitoha's arc where she tried turning the trap into an actual girl

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Wasn't the relationship between MC and his nee-san weird as hell? She's barely a year older than him but she acts like his mother. She even spanks him, what the fuck? What kind of fetishists were they trying to cater to with this?

Aahhhhh hell no, I don't need more of these kinda sad news this week
Is it actual erasure, or something to be countered like Miya pulled off in the side story?

>when Ushikuro decapitated that faggot Toraji
Holy shit, Toraji was about to win but he just had to insult Ushikuro's mustache. Glad they decided to make the scene so visceral

I'm kind of excited and really nervous about the next season. Why?

We finally get to meet DOCTOR FEELGOOD and his... errrr.... "unique" cures.

Are they going to do him right? He's got to be hilarious and terrifying and awesome all at once.

Here's how I pictured him mentally while I was reading the LN.

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Chiyuki is *going to be* best girl, but only once she discovers that Brekko isn't in fact her brother and there is *nothing wrong* with her natural urges.
Watching all her guilt melt away seriously once of the most heartwarming things in the canon. I envy everyone watching S2 for the first time.

Is Keit-ai the New Naruto of Yea Forums? Why do mods keep deleting threads about it?

Too much ugly shit flinging over the waifu wars. We all know that Minami is going to win the Billybowl anyways.