Read yotsuba as a kid

>read yotsuba as a kid
haha this is funny
>read yotsuba as an adult
>get hit hard with tfw no kids feels, feel like absolute worthless shit
help me bros

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>YWN have a kid and see her/him become a sucessful person in life
it hurts bro

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>read yotsuba as an adult
>parental instincts start kicking in
>can't even fap to lolis anymore because I want to hug and headpat them instead of fucking them

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You didn't have to kill the panda for everyone else.

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Lolis are sluts. Yotsuba is just a little girl

that only makes it worse. according to you I want to raise little sluts

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it's getting to be too much to handle

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Talk to the user who started a thread about wanting to push his pregnant wife down the stairs, maybe you can strike a deal

the user that wanted to do WHAT ?

>have a wife
>get her pregnant
>nah I think I'll push her down the stairs
what the fuck is wrong with some people

You can always attempt to adopt a child user.

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>having a daughter
that's one of the most cucked things you can do user
think about it logically

>want something
>acquire it
I don't follow.

This stale pasta? At least try being ORIGINAL for a change.
Do you have any relatives with kids? You can always hang out with them to try to get it out of your system.

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>guaranteed (You)s
hasn't even been 5 minutes

>Yay, people disagreed with me.

Raising a child is nothing like Yotsuba is making out to be, it's a pure fantasy by the the author. Also, please don't have children, weebs shouldn't reproduce.

i finished reading yotsuba and now i have nothing to fill the void, what are some other comfy mangas that i could read ?

>Raising a child is nothing like Yotsuba is making out to be, it's a pure fantasy by the the author.
yeah I know
>Also, please don't have children, weebs shouldn't reproduce.
this is my first ever post on Yea Forums
but I'm not much better than a weeb

Azumanga Daioh

Ryuushika Ryuushika

I have a little sister. Does that count?

she's throwing fits because she wants him to stop watching anime or something

>push her down the stairs every time you want to watch an anime episode
Let's be frank here. How long is it going to take her to catch on to the fact that he's hiding something?

It can.

>having kids

don't fall for this meme

you waste what little time of earth raising someone else

Are you white? Then procreate faggot.

dumbass atheist post

>telling me what to do with my time
and i suppose you have authority because you browse in Yea Forums,pitiful

mad cause true

enjoy wasting half of your income and time to raise some kid who might not even have a good quality of life

enjoy wasting your lives

Abe should fund an anime adaptation then.

>wanting kids

This is why you're single user, real men don't want kids, they're forced on them.

Roastie : the post.

>it will never be 2004 again

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Stop typing like an idiot. That should be a good start.