>34 people died in KyoAni arson
>it couldn't have been the Violet Evergarden director
>it couldn't have been the K-on director
>it couldn't have been fucking Haruhi
>meanwhile the director of Hyouka an actually good KyoAni show fucking dead
34 people died in KyoAni arson
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But he worked on Haruhi too
>It couldn't have been Yamada
That's messed up, OP.
i swear to god if i see another KyoAni thread
OP, that's a really shitty thing to say.
He directed the Haruhi movie you absolute retard
Op you're a fucking retard
Why couldn't it have been the directory of Free!?
as is life, the wheel continues to turn
Did they ever get the arsonist to elaborate on his motive? Which series did he think they stole?
As far as I'm aware he's still in a coma.
Why the hell was there so many important people at a supposedly unimportant studio anyway?
Good, who give a shit about Hyouka?
That shitty piece of shit should burn with it fanbase hahaha
National Center on Sexual Exploitation would be a good target if you're by DC. Say it's revenge for sadpanda for the lulz.
Uh, but only that robutt girl anime director lived, the rest died.
VEG was shit but so was Hyouka. K-ON and Haruhi were good.
It's enough for it not to matter who died. Even though who made it out are mentally scarred. Regardless OP, that's a bit rude.
>>it couldn't have been the Violet Evergarden director
>>it couldn't have been the K-on director
>>it couldn't have been fucking Haruhi
Why it couldn't be you, edgy faggot.
Maybe they don't want us to know.
grow up
Life's a bitch and then you die.
Hyouka is so hyouka, I mean boring, I mean hyouka though
Nice falseflag kiddo.
I still can't believe so many talented people died.
Nah, he's awake now, but he's still in the burn ward and they haven't arrested him yet as a result.
>Hyouka an actually good KyoAni show
It was never good. It's just that its fanbase is too loud. In reality the show was average while suffering of bad pacing and some other things. One of its many criticisms is how boring it was and for a good reason.
based Yea Forums
god i can't wait for summer to end
Spectacular shit taste.
No, Hyouka and Haruhi are good, K-On is alright and VEG is hot garbage.
>VEG is hot garbage
Literally just watch it 3 days ago and it was one of the best Kyoani anime i ever seen, comparable to Clannad in fact. Im pretty sure people who shit on VEG is simply just want to start studiowars.
Hyouka is go-ZzzZzzzzZzz
what about hibike?
whichever clown that was, i really hope they also got btfo
it astounds me that people continue to use the "summer" excuse when the general quality of posts on this board and website in general has been in the toilet for a good five years now
VEG is indeed among the best out there but Clannad only gets good on After Story. And then there's deus ex machina ending, which ruins it for a few people.
>People I don't like deserved to die but the person I personally like deserved to live
Even as a shitpost, you are scum
>when the general quality of posts on this board and website in general has been in the toilet for a good five years now
True, and the fact that it's still better than a lot of the alternatives makes it all the more depressing. The Internet in general peaked in 2007.
Did any non KyoAni staff die in the fire?
>wishing death on people
What a horrible personality you have.
I really hope they do this one by the book. Make sure the case is ironclad, make sure he's got no wriggle-room on appeals or however the fuck the nip justice system works, take their time setting everything up just right so that when whatever verdict he gets comes down, it's the final word in the matter. The families, victims and survivors deserve no less.