Jesus fucking christ, that actually made me feel pain

Jesus fucking christ, that actually made me feel pain.

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She didn't deserve this.

I can't believe nobody prevented it, I mean, you live in a world where demons and humans hate each other, you just know this kind of shit was going to happen sooner or later, I just didn't expected it was going to be so hard bros.

What anime is this?

Boku no Pico

So demon daughter is actually worth watching or is just bait until it goes full usagi drop?


>uh, all devils or CREATURES as I like to call them, Get out of this school because it's for human people only

It's worth watching for Dale, the girl is just there to keep things interesting.

You're right, you should use that site to figure it out.

But she did

I say give it a try, the visuals are bland but the characters and story are on spot, i'm actually liking Dale more and more each new episode, and Latina is simply cute yeah.

Muchos ETA-ETA senor antonio-user.

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No, it's fucking awful

>usagi drop

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atleast the bitch teacher got what she deserved right away.

>Elementary school girl from a broken home gets a crush on a teenage boy, and marries her when she gets older
>Everyone is outraged

>Mother employs a shadowy orginization to trap her with her son in a Role-play session to improve their bonding,
>and also she keeps getting naked in front of him and suggesting they sleep together.
>No one bats an eye

Is it not?

it is, but the anime won't ever get that far

Usagi drop pulled the father/daughter romance nearing the end. This happens halfway through the story.

I have shit internet here in the boonies of Scotland for a month at least, what did I miss?

/pol/fag teach bullied loli into cutting her other horn off.

Oh fucking what that's just wrong.

who is this semen demon

Yes, in 5 more volumes.

Does she and Dale live there whole time or he buys/build own house later?

dale comes across as far more annoying than he is in the ln or manga

you poor sod, condolences, the only reason I've not moved up there is that honestly.

They live there until they get married.

>lives in a pub
>kills shit
>marries a devil loli
how can one man be so lucky?

>believing the meme
Waste your time on it. You deserve it.

>that actually made me feel pain
Maybe leave your basement & experience life a bit.

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No thanks there's enough pain here.

It'll get to usagi drop by the cour ends

based. picked the fuck up

When did this happen?

demons daughter vs okaa-san online

How can you compare the two? mamako doesnt want to fuck maakun

Wouldn't that be awkward as fuck? At least leave to another city to do that shit, imagine being one of Latina fans just drinking at the bar while Latina and Dale begin their loud wedding night, for crying out loud.

All the pub dudes support her because her being in love with Dale was obvious to everyone but Dale for a long time.

Dale in Latina are only about 10 years apart in age and literally only Dale thinks he's being a dad. The pub couple fill in the role of Latina's parental figures. The entire second quarter of the series is basically about hammering in how hard Latina is crushing on Dale and getting through Dales thick head that he's not her dad and he needs to address this one way or another. They become a couple halfway into the series when Latina comes of age (And Dale isn't even 30 by this point) and then the main plot with the demon lords and Latina's past kicks in which we certainly won't be getting to see in the anime.

>Dale in Latina
Yes, that's the idea.

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I heard Dale murderhoboes even bystander Demon Lords. Is that True?

Teacher did nothing wrong, if anything it was retarded of the school to put a new teacher with PTSD in front of a class of children.

I dub you king of non-sequitur, IƱaki

Dem tiny handlebars hmmm

I felt kinda bad for teacher, I mean, her whole family got slaughtered by demons, and she came to the city thinking she will teach only humans, I was expecting some sort of understanding but she just got her hate increased now... she is going to do something very shitty now right?

If anything it was even dumber of the church to take a priest who already royally fucked up in her first job and proved she had mental health problems and transfer her to their school as a teacher in the first place. She royally fucked over her previous towns tourism industry due to her outbursts.

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She actually got sent to the city to be a teacher because in her previous town she chased off a famous troupe of Elvish performers who the town relied on for tourism.