Do I really have to watch the endless eight? (By which I really mean...

Do I really have to watch the endless eight? (By which I really mean, is there considerable benefit to watching all of the endless eight?)

Attached: Endless_Eight_VI.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Do it, faggot. It will pay off when watching the 10/10 masterpiece that is disappearance.

If you've never watched it before then yes. If you have watched it before or do not mind being a massive faggot then just watch the first two then the last one.

Yes, it makes you symphatize with best girl.

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I remember fucking up by watching them out of order
I watched the last one first then 1-7
Don't do that and you'll be fine

Simply look at pic related.

OK, you've seen it.

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To get the feel

Yes. If only to show respect for the dead.

It sets up motivations for the movie, so watch them all

Endless 8 sets up Disappearance. If it drives you nuts, thats kinda the point.

No. There is no point.
It's a very short chapter in the novel.
>it will make you understand the movie better
No it won't. Unless you are retarded, you don't need to watch it 8 times to understand how Yuki felt.

why did she have to be so beautiful

It’ll probably blow your mind if you watch the entirety and then disappearance.

it's only worth it if you want to torture yourself to make the real next episode so much more rewarding to watch. i watched it because i dont like skipping anything but that's just my nature

This. The purpose of E8 in the anime is to set up Disappearance, but the novels' afterwords make it clear Disappearance is set up through every other story, when Yuki is responsible for saving the day. Pretty sure E8 was in the fifth book when Disappearance was the fourth

She was one of my earliest anime crushes. Literally the reason I paid attention to this series.

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shes the only one i would consider calling a waifu which is kinda sad because even is she was real we probably wouldnt have anything in common

I was super butthurt when it was airing but many years later when I rewatched the whole series, I actually enjoyed it.

you don't have to do anything


Attached: [Elysium][55CF1253].mkv_snapshot_13.35_[2015.07.03_22.16 (1280x720, 62K)

no one will ever experience that butthurt again

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Absolutely yes. All eight, in order, any time you watch the series or gtfo. Where is the pasta, people?

Attached: 1560320929584.jpg (1024x574, 108K) what happened to Kyoani actually the revenge for this?

Attached: endless easy mode.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

You have to watch the endless eight 8 times or else you're a faggot and need to neck yourself

Not gonna lie, I've yet to experience that level of deja vu after watching the second episode of E8. I was borderline questioning my sanity in the first 10 minutes.

I found it pretty cute like most people, but then episode 3 rolled out and it was becoming a lot less funny. I first sided with the people who thought it would end there. No one truly believed it would last more than that. Then after episode 4 it was just pure hate, frustration and madness in the threads.

Nah. You really only need watch the last episode of it. If you feel some kind of misguided sense of duty to watch the same thing done eight different ways, you can feel free, but the only thing I really got out of it was frustration.

I have literally watched it every year twice a year for at least eight years. Once in the summer during the appropriate time loop time, then again in December to get ready for the Yea Forums Disappearance rewatch. It's the only way to generate enough energy for s3 and more movies fire cannot stop this

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I still think it was never intentional, but something they had to throw together on short notice, but no-one else seems to agree with me on that.

I hope atleast some of the people who made this got BURND

The problem is it doesn't get better after endless eight so you might as well drop it.

Haruhi in eight different swimsuits.

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>Do I really have to watch the endless eight?

You have to watch it spread out over 8 weeks for the full effect.

Watch it in Chronological order, rather than release order. The order is 7 3 2 6 4 8 1 5

You Must Suffer As We Have Suffered.

But seriously, watch the first one and then the 8th. You'll have the gist of it.

You should watch one episode every friday for one week, and looking forward to it every time.
Suffer like we suffered. It was more or less the only thing I was looking forward to in 2009.

I like this bunny.

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Sigh took too many episodes.

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There is no point unless you are a masochist. You can watch the first and last episode to get an idea, or skip to the last one altogether.

Yes, each one is fresh animation.

Yes, rewatch it every year