Is Rem a well written character?

Is Rem a well written character?

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Yes. But not in the anime.


We only wanted a hot piece of ass, not good writing.

Yeah, but only in the wn. She got the most hobbies out of the cast, and she develops wonderfully across arc 2 and 3. Going from a non-trusting low self esteem girl who tries to hide her emotions, into a confident woman who isn't afraid to fight for those she cares about and to explore the world and experience things her own way.

Also across the other arcs, despite getting less focus than the main heroine, her scenes keep having the most impact on the plot. Just read "Stand Up!" as an example.

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rem is shit

>Hates MC enough to brutally murder/torture him
>Turns into love-struck puppy as soon as he hears some nice words
>All traces of previous character disappear
>Even her love for nee-sama takes a drop to a boy she's known for barely 2 months
She's overrated shit

Well I'm on episode 21 right now, and I've effectively forgotten about the witch looking girl and Rem's sister. So she's better written than those two at this point.

She's great. A shame she loses spotlight after that. Enjoy, user!

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Who's Rem?

you look well versed in writting
where can i read your world acclaimed novels?
oh wait...

I can smell your salt from here remfag

Rem isn't a sane individual. No where does the work try to pretend that she is. She has a very warped personality and world view due to her upbringing of living under Ram's shadow then living with the guilt of the emotion she felt when Ram lost her horn which her abusive adoptive parent Roswaal didn't try to remedy. Rem values things like heroics and self sacrifice deeply, the story about Wilhem and Theresa is one of her favorites. Now here comes Subaru.

During that week of the successful loop, Subaru tried his absolute hardest at everything while trying to hide his ineptitude, his lack of talent, which despite his best efforts did not go unnoticed under Rem's watchful eye. Rem was watching him so very closely because she was originally trying to find a reason to kill him and remove the interloper from her world. Him trying his absolute hardest despite his lack of skill spoke to Rem, Rem wasn't naturally good at anything unlike Ram and so she felt a connection to Subaru. Then here comes the Ulgram incident, Subaru plunging into the forest to save the kids Rem saw as something heroic which begun Rem's guilt to Subaru. Rem was straight up looking for a reason to end his life without giving him the benefit of the doubt. And then later when Subaru pushes Rem out the way and gets turned into a chew toy, it brings her guilt to a new level because Rem had a chance to pull Subaru with her and "save" him but she hesitated because of the Witch's scent. She thought she doomed him to a painful death and it was her fault. And later when Subaru sacrifices himself to save Rem a second time it destroys her again. But Subaru comes back alive despite that there was no way for him to survive against all those demon/witch/whatever beasts.

When Subaru comes back alive he does something. He tries to relieve Rem of her inferiority complex almost effortlessly speaking the words she needed to hear, when she needed to hear them. It doesn't immediately resolve it but it's a start, even in Arc 3 she was still having problems with it.

Imagine it, your hero wakes up and pardons you of your guilt that you feel because he sacrificed himself for you twice (which in your eyes are both your completely fault). He almost died several times over in the last day but can laugh and smile and speaks some magic words relieving you of your inferiority complex, and then gives you a head pat.

Seriously. He's a superhuman hero in her eyes. Something that came out of the books she read. She then holds that expectation from Subaru, in that world she is the only person to ever expect anything from Subaru. She knows how weak and powerless he is but knows what he is capable of.

>Arc 4 Chapter 73
>Subaru: “Loving me, loving her, kind to me, in love with me—and more than anyone in the world strict on me, unsparing to me, that girl is Rem!”

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I love Rem.

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How long until that mentally ill poster comes and starts spouting Yea Forums terms

Who's Rem?

>that mentally ill poster
"That?" Literally half this website has a mentall illness of some kind.

Jesus, this fucking retarded witches cult guy is really the final boss of the anime? How disappointing.

Start watching this recently. Not bad, but it's got a big problem with taking the viewer caring about the cast for granted. Not enough development and reasons given to care about them before throwing them in mortal peril.
Is this better in the WN/LN/whatever?

How many posts before it happens? You all know what im talking about.

>Is this better in the WN/LN/whatever?
most definitely. the anime is a mockery of the source material as the entire series is centered around Subaru and what happens inside his head as he begins his traumatic adventure in another world. the anime neglects all of Subaru's monologues which really limits what the anime can do to tell the story. plus the anime cuts alot of shit that really shouldn't been cut and ruins it.

I lavu Emi

Yes. WN is fucking amazing. LN is terrible, and the anime is an adaption of the LN, so the anime suffers.

Currently as it stands there are 6 arcs. The anime covers the first 3* arcs and LN just released the first 3rd of the 4th arc in English.

You can find unofficial translations of all the current LNs, which go into the first part of arc 5.

The first 3 arcs of the WN have NO English translations. Best thing is to watch the anime, and then read the translated WN on Translationchicken's website. He gets almost all of arc 4 (he died IRL in a car crash, but he made the best translations), and then go to Witchculttranslations for the rest of arc 4, 5, and the spots of 6 that are translated.

Alternatively, you could read the first 9 volumes of the LN, but the Manga is MUCH better for the first 3 arcs imo. The manga only covers the first 3 arcs.

*the anime cut out the very last chapter of arc 3 which has some very important stuff in it

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might as well throw the copy pasta out here
>what are the differences between the WN and the LN?
The LN tones down characterization, foreshadowing, world building, straight up cuts content out, and past Vol 7 it takes influence from the anime which makes it cut way way more and drastically changes the structure of events. The WN is superior, except that it will never have official translations into english.

>wn fan translations
arc 1, none (LN 1)
arc 2, none (LN 2,3)
arc 3, none (LN 4,5,6,7,8,9) [END OF ANIME]
arc 4, the longest is the only one that is complete (LN 9,10,11...)
arc 5, is over half way complete

Even though you have watched the anime, I'll still recommend you to read the LN to Vol 7, It actually isn't that bad as I made it seem (until vol 8) and you get most of the things the anime left out and also able to get a better perspective on Subaru's character which is vital.


most translations can be found here, its a little hard to use

user's summary is hosted here

If you want to jump to where the anime left off, start with Arc 4. I strongly advise you to start with user's interlude (the part you start with) because his doesn't skip the Natsuki Rem chapter like Translation Chicken (which is canon by the way). Translation Chicken's translations are higher quality and more polished than user's but he hasn't finished Arc 4 like user has. Start with user's interlude, then switch to Translation Chicken or just keep with user's like I do. Also user's translation gets way better the farther into the Arc because I guess they were learning as they went.

user's Arc 4 is 1600 pages and 660000 words.

based. also isn't arc 5 English finished now? We have spots of here and there of arc 6 done now.

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Does anyone know a good place to discuss re zero?

There's no FB for it other then the Indonesian one at 27K people

And reddit is well, reddit.

is there a discord or something?

There's always Yea Forums.
Oh. You said 'good place'.

This IS a good place to discuss it but with the last WN chapter being out more then 6 months ago, we've beaten all the dead horses we can with on here

If you want to talk about something, make a thread about it. Lately (real) Re:Zero threads are very scarce as the lack of WN updates. Like me most WN readers are already burned out of discussion and or have already discussed every possible thing we could so maintaining a active daily thread would be me alone abusing my pass uploading Rems every thirty minutes. You could also try the Rem thread on /c/, I know there are some very dedicated Remfags in there but making a thread on Yea Forums would be ideal

There are some smaller communities out there, I’ve stumbled upon an active Russian one that I lurk even though I can’t understand any of it.

How do I get a gf EXACTLY like rem?

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You can’t. You lack all the traits that Subaru possesses and girls like Rem do not exist. She’s insane. Insane in a way that cannot be possible in this world.

My gf kinda acts and like her some ways. Definitely not close, but the closest I think I've ever seen anyone act.

I count myself lucky.

I'm sorry user, she doesn't exist.

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Leave this place

Thats kinda what I thought. There's a few spastics on here that post a really weak bait like rezero thread almost once a hour and you can tell by the topics and images its the same guy and whilst this is an anonymous image board, I'd like to not lump myself up with retards.

I know user. I just can't stay away.

>You could also try the Rem thread on /c/
I'm not interested to talk about the worst character in the series. Waifubait garbage.

No. Not at all.

I forgot to mention this is an active discord, but I haven’t touched it since I know catfag was and or still might be in there. I had to guess there’s lots of drama and behind the scenes power plays in there judging on what leaks out of it.

I listed it since they would be very knowledgeable on the series. I have never met anyone who didn’t like Rem and was knowledgeable of the source. Simply if you did not like Rem this series isn’t for you. (For you anime onlys there is quite a difference between anime and WN/LN Rem)

>I listed it since they would be very knowledgeable on the series. I have never met anyone who didn’t like Rem and was knowledgeable of the source. Simply if you did not like Rem this series isn’t for you. (For you anime onlys there is quite a difference between anime and WN/LN Rem)
Kill yourself.

WB fags better hope the author doesn't quit the wb for the ln

If you like anime Rem will you like WN Rem?

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I on the other hand have never met a Remfag who likes the series beyond the shitty waifubait.

You simply cannot talk about the Subaru’s development without talking about Rem. She is the most important character when talking about Subaru. If you did not like Rem there would have been no way for you to get past Arc 3. Unless you know, you skip pages or straight up do not read at all.

Probably. They are almost 180 of each other depending on who you ask.

I don’t think he will. I personally think he has very little to do with the published LN as how different they are and how bizarre some of the changes are.

She fucking off in the final parts of Arc 3 was pleasant and her being put into a coma after the anime was a true pleasure.

Remfags are sad creatures all the waifus later on Literally all better than her sad


You know that I agree with you right? I think Rem being put into a coma really elevated her character and made her dynamic with Subaru so more important.

How does it feel to be perpetually bitter about Rem?

She really is the beating heart of Re:zero, isn't she?

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It feels good to know that I'm not a loser enough to fall for a shitty waifubait.

Maybe to some horny neets. Personally I like the other characters much more than her but hey, that's taste. Remfags just don't have it. Or they do but it's just really bad.

If the heart of rezero was a potato then yes

Wow they are salty today

What do you expect from Rem's few fans? They're all salt ridden dogs.

Why does she upset them so much?

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You can’t say that

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Rem gonna be replaced with echidna in season 2

Wait, Rem has fans besides that one insane pasta poster? Didn't know.

Horny neets don't count.

Dona being the most posted, favorite or Emiliafags would direct their bitterness towards Her

Muh loyal obedient maid waifu yikes

Fuck Rem, fuck remfags
Emilia is the best girl

Emilia fags are not relevant but at least they arnt mentally ill like that Remfag

This whole show was trying to be like Higurashi but nowhere near the talent in writing

your right. Higu-whateverthefuck sucked compared to this

>The first 3 arcs of the WN have NO English translations.
Why not?

Literally the only people that don't like Rem are those that prefer 3DPD. That's why they try to justify their hatred with things like calling her waifubait.

That's not correct.

>I got to know you when you were at your best
>*kills you*
>okay this time nothing has really changed but I love you because you said a different sentence this time :)
>*eternal love, will literally die for you and probably even betray her own sister for you
yes actually

Damn. Figured, felt like something was missing.

>The first 3 arcs of the WN have NO English translations.
Why not?

> Best thing is to watch the anime, and then read the translated WN on Translationchicken's website.
How can that be the case if the anime cuts so much apparently important stuff?
Is there a summary of what's cut?

I prefer 2D and I hate Rem... so nope.

Stop samefagging.

It was an accident, if you can believe that.

No one ever bothered to. Someone made an attempt to translate arc3 but only did the first 12 chapters.

This was back when the first 12 episodes aired and the 2nd block was up in the air

The manga has the content cut from the anime, beleive it or not.

Here is all the cut content

Yes, yes she is. She's actually a very traditionally written character, and follows some common literary principles.

When any writer, from across time and history, is faced with the task of making a character likable, they have a hard task ahead of them. They know what they have to do - use the character to embody ideas the audience finds virtuous. Kind characters, generous characters, motivated characters - but simply writing a purely kind, generous, and motivated character - there's nothing interesting about that. There's no conflict, no tension, no real engine for the story. Truth is, the audience can't really build a personal connection with perfect characters like that, despite them being so filled with positive traits. There's a sense they're "too good to be true."

Orson Scott Card goes on about this, but in summary, the key to writing a timeless character is to write a flawed character who becomes good. That's the essence of character development. The character must start bad, suffer for it, and then make the transition from vice to virtue as an expression of the strength of their will. Instead of being born good, it's better to be evil, and overcome your evil nature through great effort.

Rem, at the start of the series, isn't a very virtuous character. Waifufags may deny it, but she's kind of a jealous, murderous bitch. But she suffers for her crimes, and she works hard, and she strives to be a better person. That makes the audience sympathetic. Pain is the great equalizer. And watching a character we like suffer just makes us like them more. In overcoming adversity, she "earns" the trust of the audience. Compare that to, say, Emilia. Who has similar virtuous features, but instead of overcoming adversity and growing as a person, she starts the series perfect and never changes. The fans don't like her. She hasn't "earned" their love.

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hey man how are you doing today? Still bitter just like 5h ago, wanna talk now about your health problems?

There's a manga too? Is that a good adaptation? God. This is getting complicated.

did you even watch the anime cause you sound like you didn't

Is it fair to say that anyone who unironically hates Rem is not only animeonly, but also a speedwatcher?

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Stop samefagging.

also actually stupid, Rem is an amazing retard filter while for whatever reason Emilia is a retard magnet

I hate Rem because she is just a bad character.

Rem's suffering is ultimately the main driver of her popularity. Her pain martyrs her to the viewers, who become more engrossed in her story when they feel some undeserved slight has been pushed upon her. Again, pain is the great equalizer. If Rem hadn't been brutally rejected in episode 19 - I think it's fair to say she'd be forgotten by now. Just another seasonal waifu on the endless platter. And maybe Re:Zero with her. But that one act of just tremendous suffering - for her and her fans - stirs the meta-narrative pot, and stimulates the imagination. Why? Why did this happen? It's so unfair! I have to go blog about it on Yea Forums. That's what the audience thinks, and that just makes Rem stick in your mind like a bloodsucking tick.

In a sense, Rem's popularity is very much based in the metanarrative. The "story" of Re:Zero, to many people, isn't just about the witches and Subaru and all that, it's whether this underdog waifu can win out in a world where the author clearly favors the "worse" option. What greater antagonist, after all, than the guy with the pen? And the viewers are gripped because they want to see how it will resolve. And Rem becomes a banner for every "best girl" fag that's ever been bitter about his waifu losing.

You can find parallels to Rem's popularity ALL over the place. Consider the massively popular Eponine from Les Miserables. Very, very similar character to Rem. Also starts the story evil, falls in love with the male lead, which leads to her becoming a better person. She sacrifices her life to save him, and in posterity she's one of the most popular female characters in the story. Her story ends with a tinge of sadness, which captures reader imagination. And in comparison, Cosette is a boring, perfect girl who has the world handed to her on a plate. Much less popular.

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Pretty much.
Though the anime skips a lot.


>falls in love with a guy she was about to brutally murder in like 3 days

Its good. It follows the anime. But has more content.

I can promise you, he's not.

Pretty much a list of having shit taste if you don't like any of them.

Besides zero two, zero two is actually shit.

no you hate her because you don't know her cause you're a retard, you could try argue why she's a bad character but you won't cause you know that she's good

FPBP. Horrible "character".

That said, now, Rem's role in the story should be over. Frankly, she needs to die. If I were writing Re:Zero, I would kill her off ASAP. I should've killed her off instead of sending her into a coma. Rem is better off dead. She has completed her arc, her character has no room to grow, and her best use as a side heroine is to motivate the main cast. What better way than to kill her off? If you're not going to use her for any significant plot purpose down the line, just kill her so you can focus on writing Emilia and Subaru instead. Rem, as a character, doesn't have anywhere to grow anymore, and her role in the story seems to be just a "mentor" now. So just kill her. All mentors should die.

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My gf has the cutesy bits down, and the needy bits, but she refuses to cosplay her.

Her writing is average in the WN, in everything else she's low tier at best.
Like this user said, she's suffering bait, nothing more. And this tumblr brand of pointless suffering only makes a character worse, not better, despite what many of her fans would tell you.

I did! was a mistake!

Would watching the anime, then reading the manga, THEN starting the translated WN stuff in arc four work?

In my opinion her dicklust and the fact that she clearly only exists to bait shipfags make her a very bad character. You don't have to agree with me, but that's what I think, and always will. It's sad that she lost all her personality in Arc 3.

It's the oposite. If you like rem it's because you're not able to keep track of time in the narrative, and have the memory of a goldfish. Subaru likes Emilia because of all the characters in this universe she is the only one who is not a cold, ruthless cunt. Rem was every bit as treacherous and violent as everybody else, and even from his point of view it's only been weeks since she murdered him repeatedly.

The reason you like Rem is because you can't keep track of the story well enough to understand Subaru's pretty basic point of view.

>retard can't comprehend timelines and first impressions
as I said Rem hater are actually stupid

Her being in a coma is like one of the biggest driving points in the story atm.
Besides that, killing the MC's love interest off that early would be anticlimax.

>comprehend timelines
From Rem's point of view it's been what, two weeks?
>first impressions
Subaru's got plenty of impressions of Rem murdering his ass for missteping slightly. You expect him to suddenly fall for some talk about how he's such a perfect hero after he's died so many times just to make it out alive and in one piece?

Suffering isn't suffering bait. All good characters generally suffer. All characters that ask any sympathy from the audience have to suffer, at least a little. Pain is humanizing.

Consider, say, Megumin from Konosuba. If she didn't fall flat on her face after casting a spell, if she wasn't poor and starving - would she be as interesting a character? Would so many people love her? Of course not. Her pain lets us relate to her. Same with Rem.

The suffering isn't pointless, because for the most part Rem's suffering is self-inflicted. She suffers, for the most part, because she's a garbage person. Which provides an internal arc where she gets better, and she can suffer a little less. The idea of this "metanarrative" suffering, where she suffers because of author favoritism, is something rather different. Because the fans feel like they have the agency to correct this "mistake". It's no different from when Yea Forums bought out Watamote in protest of it almost being cancelled.

Comas are just deaths for coward writers.

>Besides that, killing the MC's love interest off that early would be anticlimax.
>MC's love interest

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The author doesn't need to pretend that Rem is an actual love interest anymore. We all know that she isn't going to have any happy ending with the mc. Just kill her off.


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Rem exists to make Subaru develop and deliver the main speech in from zero, the author didn't expect her to become this popular but anyway that doesn't even have to do with being a well written character or not.

The dicklust makes perfect sense so where is the problem with that? She has better, much better reasons to like Subaru than Subaru to like Emilia and you don't complain about Subaru which proves again that you bitter for other reasons and not because you think that she's not well written

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>Suffering isn't suffering bait
No, suffering isn't suffering bait, Rem is. Please learn to read.
>for the most part Rem's suffering is self-inflicted
Nigga what? Did you even read anything or did you just finish the anime?


That's fine and dandy, but doesn't affect my opinion of her at all.


Watch the anime, then read the cut content, read interludes, then start Arc 4

I made a pastebin for you

I'm not that pity that I would hold a grudge on her because I fucked up and she did her job. Subaru said he'd leave the mansion but he kept spying on them in the forest. If he just walked away nothing would have happened to him but he stayed and combine that with his knowledge that he shouldn't have and his witch scent and you get some extremely suspicious person. It seems like you can't comprehend that other characters have a different perspective on the events but even then you can't even comprehend what the story literally tells in your face. Sorry but I don't if Emilia never hurt him or whatever, that doesn't make a good character at all.

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>No, suffering isn't suffering bait, Rem is. Please learn to read.
How so? I'm only referring to her actions in the first season of the anime, which seems very standard faire to me. Buzzwords like "suffering bait" are only used by idiots who get all their knowledge on writing from TVtropes and think that somehow spouting cliches is tantamount to criticism. What is "suffering bait" supposed to mean, anyways?

>Nigga what? Did you even read anything or did you just finish the anime?
I've read only a bit of the novels. I threw up a little at how bad the writing was. Then I cracked open a Raymond Carver story and washed the bad taste out of my mouth.

Oh, wow.
I was probably going to just finish the anime and call it, but damn, can't ignore a gift like that. Thanks, user.

Read this after you finish Arc 3 interludes:

Why do animeonlies feel like they can have a valid opinion here?
Get out.

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Never write anything.
Imagine you are in the verge of bringing someone back of a coma after a long time and actually manage to do so. Only to find despair... dead for good or something worse, this would be more impactful for a mc than just kill a character like both of you suggest.

you're actually more stupid than I thought, Rem's first impressions about Subaru

>first one is good but he dies in his sleep from the curse
>second time it's okay but he dies from the curse and Rem finishes him off when he tries to get to Emilia's room
>third time it's bad and he acts like spy and gets killed by Rem and Ram
>4th time it's good and he saves the little village, wins Rem's trust
then he spends a full month in the mansion and Rem falls for him

>How so?
Dude she literally fell into coma because some fucker who doesn't even know her spells a cast on her. She literally only suffers because the hack author wants more drama bux from gullible japanese teens.
>the first season of anime
She doesn't suffer there at all.

>discussing with speedwatchers

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I didn't expect you to change your opinion, your butthurt is for far up your ass that even if the author himself told you that your perception is wrong you'd still stick to your "opinion" cause you won't admit that you were wrong

That's cute, user.

Wasn't the third the one where he kills himself?

>I'm not that pity that I would hold a grudge on her because I fucked up and she did her job.
You don't know what the fuck you'd do if someone smashed your spine with a mace repeatedly. Keep confirming you have 0 empathy and social retardation.
>then he spends a full month in the mansion
Does he? I don't recall this I guess this would explain Rem's side of the deal. But it still doesn't alter Subaru's logic one bit. What Subaru says and how he feels makes perfect sense, you are just blinded by your waifufaggotry and a moe girl's crying confession, you're not actually capable of empathizing with any of the characters.

Emilia came in first and left a very strong impression on Subaru. She is the only one who was kind to him from the start. Rem on the other hand is just like everybody else. Even if she likes him in the current timeline he knows just how little it would've taken for her to murder him.

this dog is smarter than most of her fans at least he understands Emilia's purpose

It depends on the kind of story you're attempting to construct, and the broader beats of the plot, but generally speaking a drawn out reveal like that messes with the story's pacing and doesn't really progress the central ideas of the story. It stirs drama, it creates conflict, sure, but what does it express? Twists like these need strong narrative reasons, not just to jerk around the audience. That's like, soap opera crap.

Like, in Star Wars, the twist of Darth Vader being Luke's father serves an important narrative purpose - it forces Luke to humanize his enemy, and his mercy is what ends up beating the emperor. Here, ask yourself, what strong narrative goal does delaying this death and having an anticlimactic moment do? Personally, I don't see any possible good reason, and it's much more likely the author doesn't know what he's doing and is using a coma as a copout.

There's a reason why comas are so common in soap operas, and so rare in novels. It's a beginner's crutch.

>Dude she literally fell into coma because some fucker who doesn't even know her spells a cast on her. She literally only suffers because the hack author wants more drama bux from gullible japanese teens.
That's later in the novels. I think the character is well written, but that doesn't mean Tappei knows how to handle a five act story. Comas are stupid. We agree. Also, comas aren't really suffering.

>She doesn't suffer there at all.
Suffering isn't just physical pain. Rem suffers through her low self esteem. Rem suffers when she racks herself with guilt and constantly suppresses herself for her sister. These were all major points in the first season. Emotional flaws and self-loathing is also a form of suffering. But she does physically suffer plenty of times too, like the whole death in Subaru's arms thing.

That's you. If you can't comprehend why Subaru likes Emilia better than Rem you are either retarded or just deliberately forgetting things when it's convenient. Arguing with you waifufaggots is painfully repetitive. You are blinded by cognitive dissonance.

listen Emiliafag, out of all the characters in the series Rem was his first actual companion. Now stop projecting so hard and I will tell you a little secret, Subaru trusts Rem with his life as we've already seen and he falls in love with her. Imagine it, he fell for someone who killed him at one point??? How is this possible you ask and it's very simple, he doesn't have a stock up his ass and comprehend why what happened

nobody was talking about Subaru's love interest so why are you switching the topic now? Can't stay focused on your first post or do you forget that fast cause that would be pretty ironic

Who Subaru likes is up to him. There needs to be no justification for that.

However, when it comes to writing a main character like this, the audience should be able to emotionally resonate, and intuitively understand "why he loves her." The writer should make the reader fall in love with her too, to understand the MC, unless the intent is to show the MC as crazy and deranged in his love for someone that the audience dislikes.

I'd say that Tappei failed in this regard. Emilia's pretty weakly written and frankly rather boring. Like, personal preferences aside, if you showed Emilia's story moments to a writing professor, I think they'd fail you. Rem? You'd probably get a B-.

The Rem Natsuki chapter isn't canon. That's just a "what-if" possibility.

You're going to trigger that one autistic Remshitter, watch out.

I just saw the flashback episode, two questions.

1. Was it just random demon hunters that shatter Ram's horn or will it be a more important plot point?
2. So Rem smiled out of delight or relief that Ram was rendered powerless and could no longer be considered better than her?

Actually, read this after you have watched episode 12.

>However, when it comes to writing a main character like this, the audience should be able to emotionally resonate, and intuitively understand "why he loves her.
True. I don't get why he'd like Emilia and I wouldn't even care why he does if Rem wasn't a part of the romance. Why does Subaru like Emilia? I dunno, I wouldn't like her. Why does he like Rem? Because she can see the good in him and has expectations for him.

>I'd say that Tappei failed in this regard
Agree, if it comes to Emilia I'd say that he failed in that regard. The audience gegerally doesnt care a lot about her, way less than Subaru does. However, he was able to accomplish it with Rem as she's the most popular character by far and people do like her and her relationship with Subaru. It's baffling how he failed at writing Emilia but succeeded with Rem

Looks non-canon. Why?

>1. Was it just random demon hunters that shatter Ram's horn or will it be a more important plot point?
the witch cult, that's why she was suspicious of Subaru because he smells the same

>2. So Rem smiled out of delight or relief that Ram was rendered powerless and could no longer be considered better than her?
partly yes, she does love Ram and wanted to have more time with her since where were no other kids he could play with in her childhood, she spent her afternoons stacking stones alone

>I'd say that Tappei failed in this regard.
It's as if he thought that since Subaru already liked Emilia, or more to the point, Tappei himself already liked Emilia he didn't want or need to put effort into making her likeable.

was talking about Rem's first impressions of Subaru, that loop is irrelevant i that regard since she died and couldn't act on him, would have probably been bad cause he hid himself and acted weird again

It's about two characters' backstory. It's canon.

Right. Added to the pile.

>What Subaru says and how he feels makes perfect sense, you are just blinded by your waifufaggotry and a moe girl's crying confession, you're not actually capable of empathizing with any of the characters.
how did you even get to this conclusion? I wasn't even talking about Subaru or Emilia at any point but somehow you manage to come up with his and then you start to inselt me? WTF is wrong with you.

Aren't they all like this?

>Suffering isn't just physical pain
Yes, I know that. Doesn't apply to Rem though.
>Rem suffers through her low self esteem. Rem suffers when she racks herself with guilt and constantly suppresses herself for her sister
>These were all major points in the first season
You are delusional. I've seen countless tsunderes in romcoms who "suffered" more because of their insecurities than Rem did.


At the very least, it's better than all the other isekai garbage that came after it.

>I've seen countless tsunderes in romcoms who "suffered" more because of their insecurities than Rem did.
Not him but I thinmk it's not about the "amount" of suffering but more about how it's executed and presented. Rem lived her whole life in a bad state mostly out of guilt and then when she finally started to find happines it gets taken away and she gets put into a coma. She doesn't suffer in coma but for now her life was just bad and sad but she deserves way better and that's the deciding factor. How much suffering does a character deserve? I don't give a fuck about tsunderes so they can suffer as much as they can and I would still have a hard to find sympathy for them

ebic torl img :))))))

Apologies, I replied to the wrong user and now realise I look retarded. Regardless, I doubt the validity of the image in question:

Should I read the Re:Zero light novels? What are the major differences from the anime?

There's a discord but it's cancer, run by overzealous mods who will bleet at you for any tiny infraction of their strict rules. wouldn't recommend it one bit. ran by the same redditfags.

>more about how it's executed and presented
And the execution is piss poor.
>Rem lived her whole life in a bad state mostly out of guilt
I don't see how this is supposed to make me feel sympathy for her.
>I don't give a fuck about tsunderes so they can suffer as much as they can and I would still have a hard to find sympathy for them
You do you. And I don't give a fuck about Rem's suffering because the author failed to give me a reason too.

Ok, sure kid.
Learn to read, filthy animeonly.

a reason to.*

now you just sound angry for no reason, if you don't like a character then no amount of suffering will make you care

I don't care about how much the other character have suffered cause I don't care about them that much, it's that simple

who do you think suffered a lot then and why do you care?

>I don't care about how much the other character have suffered cause I don't care about them that much, it's that simple
It's the same for me. I don't dislike Rem, she's just average and her suffering is too unwarranted to be believable and relatable.

my biggest qualms with Rem is how poorly handed her character was.
>no bad qualities whatsoever. pure waifub8
>emelia said he's cute when sleeping, guess he's no longer a potential threat
>he came back into the woods for me and sis, I'm absolutely obsessed with him now
>I love him so much but I wouldn't mind being the side bitch
are these handled better in the WN or would I be reading the same thing over again?

>are these handled better in the WN

Yes. Very

>no bad qualities whatsoever. pure waifub8
what bad qualities do you expect? she acts too rash, doesn't know self worth, is mediocre strong, isn't all knowing and makes mistakes like any other human. She works hard and earns everything insetad of getting it for free

>emelia said he's cute when sleeping, guess he's no longer a potential threat
where does this come from? Rem doesn't give a fuck about Emilia's opinion,s he would have still killed him later on if he acted weird
>he came back into the woods for me and sis, I'm absolutely obsessed with him now
yeah that won her trust not her heart, only later she fell for him
>I love him so much but I wouldn't mind being the side bitch
should she tell him to fuck off for rejecting her? that would only happen if her love wasn't genuine, and from her perspective she didn't do much to earn his love cause she can't remember the dead loops

again, Rem is great at filtering out retards

>my biggest qualms with Rem is how poorly handed her character was.
more like your brain is too poor to handle her character, all of your points don't make sense

>being this mad someone criticized your waifu
I like Rem too I'm just dissapointed with how she was handled

>what bad qualities do you expect?
all the poor traits you listed are played off as charming or admirable so they're not really negatives

>Rem doesn't give a fuck about Emilia's opinion,s he would have still killed him later on if he acted weird
instead of waiting for him to be weird she killed him anyways before; not willing to even risk a threat in their household. why does emelia change that?
>yeah that won her trust not her heart, only later she fell for him
sure you can have this one
>should she tell him to fuck off for rejecting her? that would only happen if her love wasn't genuine
no but she cheerily states this. when even the thought of subaru's lips make her "heart ache". it's inconsistant
>again, Rem is great at filtering out retards
or rounding them up I see

Remretards need to be lined up and shot.

Does Tappei ever describe how Rem smells? Just curious.

Attached: 1534304526507.jpg (992x1403, 742K)

>being this mad someone criticized your waifu
not even mad, just disappointed at how stupid anime fans are

>all the poor traits you listed are played off as charming or admirable so they're not really negatives
you still didn't name any examples for a bad trait, and the ones are mentioned are bad traits, I don't like her acting too rash and I also don't like her low self esteem so they are bad in my book but she can develop so it's fine

>instead of waiting for him to be weird she killed him anyways before
what are you talking about? She killed him once when he was already dying and the other time when he was litrally spying. She never killed him just because so it didn't even matter what Emilia said

>no but she cheerily states this. when even the thought of subaru's lips make her "heart ache". it's inconsistant
I don't understand what you're saying. She clearly wants him for herself but believes that she doesn't deserve that happines. I think she's actuallly too complex for you, you clearly have no grasp of human behavior and only see what is in front of you.