
Post yfw XV is even better than the first season

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Nobody will admit it even if that ends up being true.

Nah S1 and S2 are untoppable, the new shit and twists were so great nothing can replace it

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>ever topping this single moment
lol no

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>Feels good knowing that they'll dock soon.

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2 is trash. Bottom tier.

and Maria

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Your taste is shit. G=S1>AXZ>GX.
XV still has 10 episodes to turn to trash.

this, since third season this feels generic as fuck

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Not in a million years.

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That's not a high bar to clear, Season 1 had tons of problems. XV is really fun and I hope it keeps up, GX really shat things up for the franchise. G remains the best season but XV could potentially top it if it keeps up the quality. It's a shame it's still keeping with some of the retarded GX decisions like MUH TWO FIGHT SCENES though they're certainly handling that better than before.

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Why are the geah's so lewd? Are those leotards really necessary? Imagine the number of innocent young boys and girls that have been corrupted by them.


>Are those leotards really necessary?
You just answered your own question.

>Imagine the number of innocent young boys and girls that have been corrupted by them.
They're still a government secret meant to be seen as few people as possible, but the Frontier incident broadcasting Hibiki's butt worldwide probably made for many confused children.

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No other moment could ever compare, they keep using the opening for final fights but it's kinda underwhelming when compared to S1.

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Ah, season 1. Now that was the good stuff.

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Thanks although I really feel like I should know who is nutting in her.

Hibiki's Swan Song from S1 is still easily one of my favorite moments.

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Why is Serena so embarrassed? It's just a swimsuit.

not yet, sure its great so far but it could go full retard any time now, at least the action is the best the series has ever had though.

The new season is looking great but really season 1 had such an advantage in that we had no clue what the hell was going on. People genuinely believed Tsubasa would die for example, when now you'd be a maniac to think any of the geahs are truly in mortal danger. That suspense elevated it.

>you'd be a maniac to think any of the geahs are truly in mortal danger
user, I...

Funnily enough everyone hypes up , and it WAS very hype, but it was also the single moment that destroyed all tension in the franchise forever.

>First Love Song
>them having no regrets before dying

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>Chris never felt happiness in her life until now

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To be fair we never thought it'd get past S1

S2 very first minutes were great too

This party is going to get fucking Cuh-razy.

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that's GX, and AXZ's first episode already blew that away.

AXZ is very boring. Not enough fights, and some reused S1 storytelling.

You're very boring.

Just because we know things will probably pull through doesn't mean the road there is any less painful.

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AXZ's only real crime was underusing Cagliostro and Prelati

Why did they misspell megadeth?

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remember when Carol got her ovaries destroyed?

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A Metallica fan infiltrated the animation team.

It was a homunculus body so she doesn't have reproductive organs.

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Fucking Larsfags

Gekishou Infinity was a nice song, but in GX they suplexed a fucking spaceship while freaking out. That's a solid start.

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because fucking someone from Metallica is a Symphogear fan.

Do you guys own any Symphogear merch?

I got the Tsubasa figma and nendo and her CDs.

Only the blu reis, cds, some printed stuff, and a few figures.

Hibiki figma.

Well that takes all the fun out of going in raw.

I got a daki when GX was airing but have never used it since I never bothered getting a pillow

all of the character cd's, 2-3 blurays from all seasons, both figmas, the GX daki, the pendant, a wallscroll, and the Mikugear garage kit


Maria is so cool!

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How badly does she want cock?

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She wants the dikki.

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Hibiki figma, and i have a bunch of character CDs in the mail.

bikki's biggi dickii?

Maria is such a jobber she has a whole song about it

Which one?

I'm still wondering if I should get the S1 and G boxsets. Jap boxsets are so expensive compared to western boxsets, but they're nice, they come with CDs and I could probably watch them with Deetruck subs.

Chris loves Mexican eggplants.

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Ginwan Airgetlam
>it’s fine if I’m weak
>it’s fine if i cry
>i exposed myself (naked) on international tv
>this is ok because i have a song in my heart

But Genjuro isn't mexican.

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Orbital Beat Zwei Wing or Zababa?

Do what the song in your heart tells you.

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>season 1
>even remotely good

I unironically get mad every time when I see Tsubasa's part in Metanoia and (ghost) Kanade is not there.

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Wait wut?

Getting attached to throwaway characters is a symptom of autism.

Tsubasa senpai sama has made peace with that.

I always wondered if they purposely chose a really old singer to voice Kanade so that they wouldn't need to try to put her in concerts and stuff.

Everyone's deceased loved ones are in the OP:
>Chris' parents
Only one that's oddly missing is Kanade. I hope they rectify this by bringing her back in the OP, later.

Also, in the Zesshoushinais Tsubasa brings flowers to Nastassja's grave but NOT Kanade's grave. Lancer truly is suffering. No wonder Hibiki's trying to hide it.

Same. Actually, Kanade hasn't been in an op since S1, right?

They chose a well-known singer because Kanade was always going to sing in just 1 episode so they might as well get essentially a fanservice VA for her role.

That doesn’t seem right.

That explains it.

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>that music on crescendo
>that voice acting
>that scene


The best part was fine realizing just how fucked she was and by an invention of hers she had all but tossed away.

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Tsubasa has her dad and grandfather though.

post chris



It's Kinda sad, Kanade oretty much kickstarted everything but now ehr legacy is completely erased from the history. Hibiki is using Maria's Gungnir, and now that they pay respect to those who are gone everyone in the OP no one remembers her.

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I just want to remind everyone that if Ver did not do what he did then they would not have been able to activate Frontier and restore the Curse and thus saving the world. It annoys me how the bitches get pardons and special treatment when Ver was the one who really deserved recognition and respect.

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This raises a good question. Where did the phonic gain to conquer death come from? The song of miku?

But he still died a hero

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Not publically recognitized.

A hero need only recognize themselves

She got enough attention in G. Fuck off kanadefags.

>hurr durr the synchrogazer scene is the bes evuh
>babby's first DBZ moment

Yeah, the phonic gain came from Hibiki's friends singing, and it was enough for them to unlock X-Drive.

I'm almost done with AXZ and I don't get this. Commie is shit and never explains anything. Was that Shirabe's grandfather?

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>that fucking cappella (slight reverb though)
>Miku crying recalls the initial scene with Miku crying over Hibiki's grave
>sword and zenbu joining
This was really kino, symphobro.

But my favorite moment from Symphogeah, an action mecha musume, was Chris singing in G. For all the crazy stunts and shit that the geahs pull off:
>suplexing spaceships
>cutting mountains
>riding missiles
It's pretty ironic that my favorite moment is just a damaged girl, who hasn't had any reliable adults or friends for the majority of her life, finally finds a home that accepts her. And this is coming from an ass man and a Hibikifag.

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G is the best season friendo

No, she deserved ti be in the XV OP, fuck you

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Superb taste.

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Kanade was a legitimately mentally unstable person.

She's irrelevant. Deal with it.

That's when Chris became everyone's waifu.

My ranking:
G > GX > AXZ > s1

Aoi Yuuki's rankings:
AXZ > s1 > G > GX

>"but s1 has the most soul"
It also had the most "quality."

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>dat pole dance
>the stocking thigh snap
>slashing an X, then making the XIII sign with that cheerful look
>riding on her scythe like a rocket

Why is this transformation so based?

Aoi was talking about her voice acting there.

>GX second
Please leave

XV will be AOTY if it includes
>HibiMiku marriage proposal
>Ver AI
>Elnein uses Daurdabla
>Genjuro fights in the finale
>Custodians are cute

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>Fluffy haired Twin tailed
>Short stacked
>Highest kill count
>Messy Eater
>Sexually experienced

how do the other geah's even compete?

G = XV (Possibly) > AXZ > S1 > GX.

I will never understand faggots who state season 1 was the best. It had shit quality moments, the art was piss poor, Tsubasa was a Sasuke-tier bitch for about half the season, Chris joined the team late, and it baited all the people who dropped the show in to thinking it was going to be a 2edgy4me anime and reneging on that.

Is it true that Mizuki nana is deeply, personally, connected to this show because she was trained like a spartan to be a singer?

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>HibiMiku marriage proposal
y/u/ri /u/ndertones are only /u/ndertones
>Ver AI
He's dead, user. Kaneko won't bring him back a 2nd time, just like Kanade.
>Elnein uses Daurdabla
Misaki Kuno is no Inori Minase. I can't even imagine singing her singing Genocide. Kuno's a human squeak toy.
>Genjuro fights in the finale
Highly likely with all the s1 callbacks, but Genjuro will either ultimately job or sacrifice himself.
>Custodians are cute
At the end of AXZ, when Adam talks about the Custodians there are 5 golden silhouettes. We probably won't see all of them, maybe to explore later in XD or movie installments; but they'll probably all be female, no Cagliostro bamboozle.

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Yeah but she's probably not her granddad's daughter.

Hibiki figma and a bottle of whisky.

Cagliostro was a beautiful woman

I hate Millaarc.

I hate her.

What made AXZ so special?

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What a faggot.

Shut the fuck up tranny.

Shirabe had a charm from the shrine on her bag when she was taken in by FIS. At the very least, it's implied that she visited the shrine before.

You remember her thank you concert in S1? That ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED. Her father passed away and she broke down on stage, the audience cheered her own and she put on a damn amazing show.

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Milaarc will be redeemed and you'll all feel sorry you doubted her

Truly the threads that take place after an episode aired and before a new episode is gonna air has that sophisticated air about it.

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You're that same shitlord who was trying to force the S1 little girl as victim in XV aren't you.

Please post a link. Youtube is ok.

What if the song in my heart tells me to spend US$450+ on a TV series I've already seen?

Nothing. It's why it's in 3rd place. But in terms of comparison against s1 and GX, it was consistently good quality throughout, the antagonists while stupid were likable, the characters pairing off from their normal shipping was enjoyable, it had the coolest Genjuro moment when he stomped all the gears.

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Literally couldn't care what she does. I know it wouldn't justify what she did in episode 2 and I know the writing is going to be crap that she won't even remember it.

Does everyone have a song in their heart or is it just Hibiki? I know someone who needs one. . .

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>it had the coolest Genjuro
No, the coolest Genjuro moment was still where he wrecked Fine.

Dont you want get the stabby treatment that bad user?


Shut the fuck up.

Fine as a human-relic fusion demigod mind you. I am still waiting on the explanation that the protector blood grants superhuman abilities and Fudo did nothing wrong in keeping the bloodline pure.

And knuckles.

>beats up Fine
>in s1 crappy animation
>jobs to the most generic, cliche tactic used by villains who were once good guys

Agree a lot with this stance, S1 being the sacred cow season that you're not allowed to complain about is ridiculous. I like AXZ quite a bit but people tend to hyperfocus on the episodic alchemist kills of which only the Prelati portion was bad and messed with the pacing. Prelati in general wasn't very well handled really, she probably should have just stayed exploded when Shirabe and Kirika got her and kept out of the action from that. It would've made more sense for her to be working on the super bullet after her injuries too. Foreshadowing the whole season was handled great and plenty of moments that seem like they're there to be cool or lack importance are actually very key to later developments. Adam pretending to try and nuke the gears when he was aiming for getting rid of the documents the whole time was a great twist for example. But it's not at the top by any means, That's definitely G and hopefully XV's turf if it stays strong.

No I just thought it's a funny drawing

I want a big handful of Chris

It was so awesome no one cares if it wasn't animated at 20fps you loser.

I can't believe all my precious gears are alive and well! I hope it stays this way forever.

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Can no one post stories about the voice actors and their relation to symphogear?

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That's what I like about AXZ too. There's alot more subtle foreshadowing. There's not some big huge twist, but it really does set up a lot of things fromt he first episode to the last.

To be honest, Adam felt too much of a copy of Carol. And the autoscorers felt too much like the Alchemists.

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This is the season where they will finally break the s/u/btext curse that has been plagued all these all girls action shows.

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Adam is a fucking SHAMONE HEE HEE

Best transformations

Youtube doesn't have it. It was around 2009 off the Ultimate Diamond album I believe. It's kind of a bitch to find.

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What sets S1 apart is it's tone and development. It starts with two girls facing a seemingly natural phenomenon and forces them to reevaluate their ideals when it's revealed that the noise are controlled by a third party. Hibiki has to struggle with facing against another person when she wants to help everyone, and Tsubasa has to accept that she can't accomplish anything on her own. This leads to interesting character development and ultimately drives the main trio together. All of the other seasons start by introducing a main antagonist and relies on following in the shadows of the same character arcs established in the first season. There's no room to explore other scenarios. They're somewhat formulaic, losing the feel that makes S1 unique, causing it to stand out.

>waaaah why do people like things that I personally don't like

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Damn it. Thank you anyways for trying to be a quality poster.

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Still can't believe Dess accidentally killed Fine.

I can't believe Dess hasn't accidentally killed anyone else

They put a child lock on her scythe, just in case.

Anyone rewatching the first season to find SOME clue and see if the S5 main boss is hinted at? Sure it's probably Tsubasa's grandfather, but I still think I'm missing something from S1

I just rewatched G and I can't imagine the hype storm that could have happened when it was airing.

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I want these dorks back

The only final boss found in S1 would be the Precursors or The Creator that split humanity up to begin with. Finé would be the obvious choice but she got neutralized in G as she got influenced by Hibiki.

Did Basa's grandfather impregnate his son's wife, or was it his daughter? Not sure where I read it where it was implied that it was his daughter that he actually got pregnant to keep the pureblood line.

Mega Dess Party?

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It's 2045 why couldn't he just clone himself

His son's wife. Quit being stupid.

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Why are these the only dolls that anyone remembers while no one remembers yellow and green?

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Where the fuck does the mothers in the Kazanari family go? Where is Genjuros mama?

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Because they were barely there.

It wasn't that big, because we were all watching Fate/Zero and Zero Tsuka and Mirai Nikki.

The biggest tragedy of Yea Forums is skipping out on Symphogear


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Leiur and the other one weren't as cute.

Yellow was fucking based with her coin shit. Green was pretty dumb with her tornados. And Maria vs Garie was the best fight of the 4

I would like to see more info on who Sword mom is. I got a theory though.

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But that's wrong you little shit

Because team nofun was no fun.

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No fun has objectively the less interesting designs, and they both had less presence too.

How come Symphogear never won any anime awards?


Gabriel > Michael > Raphael > Uriel

It was Fine

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Inb4 Genjuro is an alchemist like Adam.

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Then we had to wait six weeks until Commie subs.
Those were dark times.

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>Hibiki has to struggle with facing against another person
This is barely touched upon in season 1. Hibiki in season 1 says she doesn't want to fight Chris and tries to stop Tsubasa from fighting another human, but it never is developed in any significant way. Hibiki's struggle in season 1 is more that she's an inexperienced fighter, feeling she's getting in the way and then her relationship with Miku deteriorating due to hiding her symphogear.

My problem with this character development is I've seen it so much I just don't give a shit. How many comic books or cartoons have you see where the protagonist feels weak at the start and argues with his family/friends from hiding identity?

It isn't until season 2 when Hibiki fights with Shirabe, and the latter calls her a hypocrite that Hibiki's main struggle becomes her ideals and ultimately does a great climax when she fights Miku. In season 1 she just punched shit and said people shouldn't fight one another.

>Tsubasa has to accept that she can't accomplish anything on her own.
While this is true, I just can't stand the first half Tsubasa. She's literally Sasuke where she crosses her arms, sulks in the corner, and says asinine shit like "A sword needs no friends" and unfairly blames Hibiki for having Gungnir.

And ultimately, I think Tsubasa turning over a new leaf could have been done better. She fights Chris, does her swan song, and then warms up to Hibiki because they chat in the hospital and the latter explains she wants to help people.

Yes, season 1 had character development. I just don't think they were good ones. For me season 1 is a set-up for the rest of the seasons where the characters actually are a team and interact with one another.

Crunchyroll has no taste.

That's when almost everyone in livestream thread had a heart attack or got diabetes and died either way.


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I wan ta plushie of all of them

You are such a dumb faggot that if you just paid attention then your objections would not exist.

Chris story in S1 was heartbreaking.

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How much of the budget went to the actresses? It can't be cheap to hire nana, Ayahi, and hikasa.

Nana would probably take a cut if she was able to use the show as a platform for her music I guess.

There's gonna be a new KiriShira and a new MikuHibi lewd doujins soon and none of us will get to see it.

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Nana is what brings in the bucks to fund everything

Where is the plush from?

>chris is best gir-

>Not getting a miniMiku for your Hibiki
For shame.

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It was like something from a hentai manga

>that time when we called shirabe buzzkill

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Symphogear S1 was running when she was a nobody in the voice acting industry. She is on the Symphogear team because of loyalty.

Object to my dick in your mouth, faggot.

>Symphogear S1 was running when she was a nobody in the voice acting industry.
Do you just talk out of your ass or lie?

>Symphogear S1 was running when she was a nobody in the voice acting industry

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Nana. A nobody.


What? By the time Symphogear released Nana was a voice actress in animu for over 10 years

>nobody in voice acting industry
Do you have brain damage?

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What the fuck is this bullshit?

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The fuck? She was basically Taylor Swift of Japan back then.

dumbest post on Yea Forums award

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Not even just a VA, she was already releasing songs and albums that topped charts. She was essentially the Kate Perry, Taylor Swift, Brittany of Japan. Symphogear got attention half because of her, half because they did their edgy everybody is dying first episode.

Nana. A nobody. When in fact, all of the other seiyuu in Symphogay are intimidated by her glorious presence.

Wasn't Nana pretty much a co-creator for the show?

Kanade's VA wasn't. I think Kanade's VA was super popular in the 80's or something


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Reminder that Takagaki Ayahi is an opera-level singer as well.

Kanade was Tsubasa's idol and senpai in the show, she was the same to Nana irl

True. Takayama is legendary.

Reminder that Yuuki Aoi is uhh really short.

Gomen, Totally forgot about Kanade.

And nobody gives her the respect she needs.

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Reminder that you guys are all gay and Dess is the best gear.

Just the Bikki scale desu

Her voice is amazing.

Prove it.

>Symphogear S1 was running when she was a nobody in the voice acting industry.

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>Maria transformation this week

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What are you talking about? There's a reason they gave Chris the ending themes. I actually think Kirika is the most talented but underutilized singer

She did a cover of All I Want for Christmas is You that I'm fond of

That one time when Jii and Chris performed in Anisama. When will we see all six performing in Anisama together.

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She does a lot of covers, this one is my favorite performance so far:

Yeah she voiced Fate and that slut from Rosario. So what?

She's also a degenerate pervert

>Hibiki's struggle in season 1 is more that she's an inexperienced fighter
Not quite. Her struggle comes from trying to understand her feelings and reasoning for wanting to fight and how to apply that when her enemy is a human, and the fear of losing what she holds dear in exchange for selflessly helping others. I will agree that G better develops the 'applying it to a human enemy' but S1 focuses more on the reasons of why.
>then warms up to Hibiki because they chat in the hospital
She warms up to Hibiki because of her self reflection while in her coma and comes to the conclusion that she has to accept her self and her own feelings and that requires making an effort to understand others. Their chats are her showing a willingness to do so.
>season 1 is a set-up for the rest of the seasons
That is what makes S1 good. Where the other seasons fail to surpass S1 is that they don't fully capitalize on that set up. There are great moments, but overall they just fall short
>I've seen it so much I just don't give a shit
> I just can't stand the first half Tsubasa
Theses aren't really valid points. You may view them as cliched, but the other seasons can be just as much so, and having cliches doesn't automatically make something bad. You're also using some arbitrary disdain for something to justify diminishing a characters development

For what it's worth, my personally my ratings would be G > S1 = XV > AXZ >>> GX. I have cautiously high hopes for XV.
Also, obligatory
>reddit spacing

Just like Chris!

Shit, I love Ayahi's voice.

Attached: 1564194567032.jpg (1920x1080, 97K)

Ayahi has a cute and hot voice at the same time
Especially when shes wild or mad

She's also a dork.

Her talking voice is rather deep, just like Nana's, that makes her sound hot.


Attached: sex.png (1699x578, 1.59M)

Nice aspect ratio

Why would you distort that Chris picture like that? Go find the original and repost it.

Nah. She's a great voice actor though. I don't think Kayanon started singing until Symphogay. (Correct me if I'm wrong though) but she did start taking voice/singing lessons because of Symphogay.

we need to go wider

Adam has the best ass of any character in Symphogear.

Attached: best ass.jpg (524x480, 110K)

Nice shitpost.

Attached: 51518547.webm (400x400, 268K)

tsubasa a shit

Attached: Symphogear.GX.SP2.S00E04.1080p-Hi10p.BluRay.FLAC2.0.x264-CTR.[9810D547].mkv_snapshot_01.18_[2019.06. (1920x1080, 691K)

Chris is so heterosexual

Wow that's amazing of her then.

The entire backstory to the show and the VAs is amazing and so wholesome

This is where the entire show peaked, nothing afterwards has even come close to being as hype as this IMO

I feel like Nana would be easy to get along with IRL.

I love Symphogear.

My dick won't survive Maria's henshin.

TIL that Aoi Yuuki's actual name is Aoi Yabusaki.

Attached: 1385145162220.jpg (1268x714, 106K)

AS much as I love the show I always get really tense before anew episode. I just don't want to see anyone suffer anymore and this is a very big Tsubasa suffering season.

Attached: scared.jpg (500x600, 204K)

She prolly is. But still doesn't make her any less intimidating lol. I remember Prelati's VA mentioning how intimidated she was upon being cast in AXZ seeing as she was going to be working with a group of powerful song goddesses lol.

chris nendoroid

>but they'll probably all be female
Except Enki.

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 13 (1920x1080 BD FLAC) [BD0FD273].mkv_snapshot_07.23_[ (1920x1080, 465K)

>girl with the most tragic backstory
>years of abuse
>hints at regular sexual abuse
>lets make a tasteless oversexualized and out of character figure of her as an embarassed bunnygirl
Am I the only one who hates this?

Attached: 60944e6ca43d7cd2abacf1d99213c2ab.jpg (800x650, 112K)

Has this guy done more as a cute anime girl than in real life? This is his entire Wikipedia article.

Attached: file.png (1016x334, 22K)

Yes you are.

i want to abuse this bunny

maybe if he hadn't MURDERED THOUSANDS and actually discussed it in a civilized manner with the JP government he could have succeeded, but this is an action show, just like how vampire/wolf/franken probably have good intentions but decide to just murder people instead.

>Chris is so heterosexual
I don't think that's quite right.

Attached: 1498965743735.jpg (1279x1491, 270K)

Attached: 1498527710113.jpg (601x655, 56K)

>maybe if he hadn't MURDERED THOUSANDS
He killed hundreds. a couple boats and a mad escape from a small army base I don't think he made multiple thousands.

season 5 feels as stale if not more so than season 4. The only real advantage it feels like it has is the first episode with the "I'm sorry... Fine" moment, otherwise it's the same- first episode is great and then subsequent episodes feel kind of meandering and without defined direction.

However S4 had the bavarian traps and adamu running around being assholes, while the frankenstein trio doesn't seem to have that. Also geopolitically the japanese nationalism inherent in the show vs. america weirds me out. Maybe it made more sense 8~ years ago but rising tensions with china in the real world make it seem like fictional shows that have america vs. japan seem a little naive like it belongs in a time when the chinese weren't trying to annex the senkaku islands.

I think S3 was the last great season because of the twists but even then it was kind of annoying, especially with the dansleif meme. It definitely peaked in S2, when considering all seasons measured against each other. Overall as more characters have been added the show hasn't seemed to know what to do with them after the initial conflicts between the main characters were resolved and had to reinvent those conflicts for artificial character growth.

Also Miku has literally no point to exist except to be a lesbian, and the school has taken a massive backseat over time.

Overall I'd say I'm disappointed with this season's villains, who are seemingly the blandest yet and fall into the same sympathetic niche that S2's villains did, except that S2's villains were never going to die while wolfman and vampslut clearly will.

just finished s2
how bad does it get from here

>season 5 feels as stale if not more so than season 4.
Season 4 was way more formulaic.

I love that you hate it
Imagine Chris watching some greasy neckbeard hotgluing that figure and having PTSD flashbacks to being erotically tortured by Fine, she'd cry so hard
The only way it'd be hotter is if you could remind her of her dead parents somehow as well

GX is fucking awful and the low point of the franchise by far. It falls off extremely hard after the first episode, which is admittedly great.

It starts recovering in AXZ and XV feels like Symphogear is finally back.

GX has the most serious issues of all seasons though it also has some of the best scenes of all seasons.

Attached: 1442899493903.jpg (1920x2209, 668K)

based straightposter keeping everything Chris

>Genjuros mama
Probably dead. Might have been Finé's previous incarnation.

fine was a mistake

Been here long enough that I'm immune to posts like yours.

Attached: Symphogear G - 01 -4.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

How does he do it?

Attached: 1551394225307.gif (500x281, 969K)

Haven't kept up with threads in a while for the reasons, which piccie is shaking this time?

Attached: 1499010469536.gif (277x325, 1.12M)

imagine making a ace this stupid

Hibiki being flustered.

Did this ever get an update?

Attached: 1498931345687.gif (1160x714, 2.67M)

Too late symphogear

Attached: akinosasu shoujo.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Are things going to get gay?

Attached: [email protected] (960x540, 94K)

It's not straight if it's Ogawa

Attached: this kills the kiri.jpg (2000x1600, 1.63M)

Still too blurry to be certain.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Akanesasu Shoujo - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.50_[2018.12.10_17.53.14].jpg (1920x1080, 124K)

We AXZ OP now?

Attached: [email protected] (960x540, 96K)

why does she always make this face

He doesn't, not after the accident.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 09 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.27_[2017.08.2 (1280x720, 97K)

What makes you think there is such a thing as oversexualized? Just because she has a tragic past does not been she can't be a sex symbol. What are you, a bigot?

Attached: D9_HhKUXoAAQ-pi.jpg orig.jpg (1011x1462, 240K)

Attached: because sword.jpg (174x252, 29K)

She did the proper thing back in S1.

I was so happy when the yuri got hard confirmed. I wasn't expecting them to actually pull it off.

Attached: 1543452422018.jpg (530x530, 93K)

Could someone link piccies? I missed the last thread.

>killing Fine was a mistake
Fixed. She should've been Befriended and become the team's mentor/mother/sexuallyharassingadultwoman figure through all these seasons instead.

Attached: 1505702222190.jpg (1000x1091, 296K)

It wasn't hard confirmed at all, you're just so starved for subtext turning into the real thing that you want to believe it was confirmed.

Attached: 389157620583.png (1000x1399, 324K)

Yep. Shirabe needed a real mother figure.

I'll laugh if Miku goes evil because Hibiki isn't a lesbian.

G is peak season.

Killing Ver was a mistake. But they were on the money to murder Carol and the trannies.

I have the Bellfine Chris as well, but closeted that shit as soon as the HS scale came out. Also have Hibiki's bird shirt.

Attached: hhzb.jpg (1494x2652, 2.25M)

Just think about Fine bullying Elf9 about if she's a legal loli or that she still can have tons of fun with her butt.

Attached: 1506802808160.jpg (511x678, 38K)

They should have kept Ver's head in a jar and made a computer out of him.
Killing Carol was a mistake. At least since Elfnein got to take Carol's body she should have gotten her voice as well.

Hibiki is though so there's no need.

Attached: 1505759895364.gif (300x169, 1.84M)

They hinted at Carols return in the shorts, not sure if that's going anywhere.

Elf9 should have survived in her own body and stumbled upon the pitiful dying form of Carol without her memories.

A problem with seasons 3, 4 and 5 is that we know who the villains are from the get go. S1 and S2 had a bit more in the way of secret villains and twists, especially S1.

The funniest part of this show is probably how side characters like Genjuuro are powerhouses in their own right but rarely end up fighting

I would rather see Serena come back either the arc villain or shitty last second gear then see Carol again.

She brought up boys in season one, but we all know her true love: Food.

Miku on the other hand? Gay as fuck.

It won't break it specifically because red-sauce girl did break it and then got fucked hard for it

>the game tie-in died after only 3 months, a new record

Never go full yuri

oh man, ryouko is the bad guy? i would have never fucking guessed

5 may surprise us. Adam was obviously going to be the main villain in 4, but I'm not convinced Fudo's going to be the final boss.

Did you guess that she wanted to fuck god? Or that she wasn't Ryouko at all? Or how about why she wanted Durandal or the base upgrades?


They used magic to become girls so it's okay

i dunno did you guess that adam was the first human and also baphomet?

Oh that was fine, but they were unrepentant murders worse than Milla for the most part.

There are a lot of characters this show killed off that seemed like they had something to add

Keeping Elfnein is one of the oddest, most pointless additions to the show since she never does anything. They should have somehow linked her to the bavarian illuminutty so she could retain relevance.

I figured he might be the first man but the important parts of his plan I figured out pretty much before they happened. Aside from the data he destroyed I gave him more credit than he was due there.

Isn't Maria the one with the sunglasses and oldest gear by far?

>pretending you guessed the twist in the first few episodes

After S2 all the villains have been obvious and formulaic by comparison

Ryoko was the only scientist that dealt with gears and tech and after she died, they had no one to fill that role. I don't like her as a character, but she's not useless.

yeah i too figured out that he wanted the divine power to defeat the custodians who would be returning soon

if you can't guess or even google the official site you deserve nothing

I deserve the world.

I love these dorks to the death, but don't you think it was mean to play off this scene as a joke?

Attached: sxv.jpg (1280x2879, 258K)
You cheeky bugger.

desslete this

No she's useless I watched Commie's shit awful subs where they mistranslated the line about her not being able to decipher the LiNKER formula!!

I blazed through all of seasons 1 through 4 to watch this with you guys, and in doing so burnt myself out to the idea of watching more. God dammit.

Attached: sg5.jpg (1200x675, 101K)


Attached: Dorks staring.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

That was Maria's fault. She knew the key to make it work was love, and forgot to tell anyone, to the point they wasted time just so she could remember.


Attached: DWR4HDJVoAAFz-x.jpg (1143x1047, 145K)

and fuck you too

>That was Maria's fault.
If its her fault than all the gears were also at fault because they all heard Ver rant about LOVE back in G when he dropped Mikugear on them. And the DMJii were also with Maria when he repirsed his point on love.

stick crayons up your nose until you forget and then watch tonights episode fresh bro

>BBQ party
I like how Kirika plays along with Shirabe's stupid comment.

I hate you too buddy.


Attached: Merch.jpg (1536x2048, 423K)

mom was the only one hearing him rant about love, i don't think he had his loudspeaker on for everything he said

There was no way Ver wasn't blaring that monologue through the radio and PA system.

I hate you more!

Probably, have fun with that.

Dess. Played along.

It's pointed out shortly afterwards that Shirabe's comment wasn't retarded at all, they were born after blood transfusions became handled differently. It's fucking 2045 nigga. Kirika's addition was a bit of a joke though.

You are the true baka for missing that, dess.


Tonight as in Saturday? Noted.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.19_[2019.07.20_21.20.51].jpg (1920x1080, 367K)

Attached: newspaper-rolled-up-as-a-weapon.jpg (2048x1360, 393K)

Attached: IMG_20190718_173406.jpg (2048x1536, 533K)

>Failed creation
>Is cuter than the presumably successful autoscorers

Tsubasa development soon

Attached: Twins Haircut.webm (960x540, 1019K)

So how did Fine do it?

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - 13 [BD 720p AAC] [06E72EF2].mkv_snapshot_18.46_[2015.11.05_05.48 (1280x720, 1.65M)

Nice work!

Attached: Tsubasa seal of approval.png (353x405, 188K)

And cuter than any of the 'successful' ones too.

That show would have been way better if it was about Lightning Tornade. They where fucking robbed. That ending was such a pile of shit, I really can't believe how horrible the MCs where.

Attached: Two Car - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.45_[2017.11.04_19.40.50].jpg (1280x720, 150K)

I wont tolerate anyone insulting my favorite characters from Two Car any longer.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Two Car - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.24_[2017.12.09_14.01.34].jpg (1280x720, 103K)

I really kept thinking that wing would be clipped for all of S1 and even into G.

Attached: EAYOeZEVUAAZYJK.jpg (1600x1564, 275K)


Attached: two car.jpg (3488x2160, 2.28M)

Wow Chris has really been working out.

and Maria

Attached: EATvYTAW4AIzQu3.jpg (949x1241, 73K)

How often do you get to use this image user?


Attached: EAP8lrEU4AMOIdv.jpg (962x1359, 144K)


Attached: Chibi_Tsubasa.png (150x157, 36K)

Softest and most huggable geah

I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets irresistible hugging urges whenever I see Maria in casual clothes

Attached: __maria_cadenzavna_eve__senki_zesshou_symphogear__drawn_by_murakami_hisashi__f5a37999f482c5e2a2f8aa0 (669x1200, 116K)

Puffy vulva, heavy squirter

I want to molest her hair ears

GX's opening scene was way better than AXZ's. Fact.


Attached: 1564114385085.png (1107x707, 520K)

Attached: 1561660851043.png (709x900, 503K)

What do you think is happening here?

Attached: Hibiki is dess!.jpg (960x540, 68K)

Pointless dream sequence.

Watersports with Miku.

Hibiki got the shit beaten out of her.


The viewer is being reminded of exactly how sexy Hibiki's body is.

>the UN guys at the start of GX mention their systematic scrubbing of the frontier incident from the net
>Maria nudes are a treasured commodity on the net

Both S1 and G had updates to the OP after story events, it might still be coming


Attached: [DmonHiro] Senki Zesshou Symphogear - Episode 05 - From The Bottom Of An Even Darker Abyss (BD, 720p (1280x720, 415K)

Well now you can take it at a good pace, only one episode a week. Also it's looking to be a great season so far.

She's Fine

Attached: Symphogear G - 12 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).Commie.mkv_snapshot_16.58_[2019.07.27_06.41.31].jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

Her consciousness is fading away while she is a pool of blood.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.33_[2019.07.21_07.25.28].jpg (1920x1080, 667K)

Probably means they are going to merge those relics for some powerup.


Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshoushinai Symphogear AXZ - 1 (1920x1080 BD FLAC) [31620C34].mkv_snapshot_01 (1920x1080, 1000K)

Attached: 1561923638396.jpg (1080x1442, 195K)

Hold on, Genjuro is only 26? I estimated him to be early to mid-thirties.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.07_[2019.07.27_13.07.10].jpg (1920x1080, 1.15M)

And then she will dream Miku, will stand up and will beat the shit out of the alchemist even if wounded.

I will post this every thread until they dock.

Attached: tsubasa chris is justice.jpg (600x800, 64K)

Just finished G, and I feel that I like it better than s1 desu. They at least tried to address some of the things that were unexplained in s1 and is a pretty good followup overall.
Granted, I guess knowing no one is going to die sort of takes a bit from s1's enjoyment.

They just got one of fine's dildos.
I love this show.


Attached: sfdgs.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)

>Post yfw XV is even better than the first season
lol bait
it goes gx>>>>>>>>>>s1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest

Did you just not see all of axis?

Come on now, bratan

>Misaki Kuno is no Inori Minase. I can't even imagine singing her singing Genocide.
Obviously if Elfnein gets to sing, she's not gonna sing the same song as Carol, they're not the same person and their feelings are different.

Reminder that Carol's harp was destroyed.

Very rarely.


Attached: screenshot.2019-07-27-07-38-05.png (963x144, 8K)

which season?

fuck off

>cultural context
But Hamburg steak is... Nevermind, I give up.

Everyone complains about Commie but between this and all the stuffs in episode 3, it's clear that YameteTomete is not much better than them. I'll just stick to CR translation from now on.

Goddamn that's retarded.

Is this ironic or are YameteTomete idiots?

Attached: comic331_zps0e179cf7.png (650x902, 142K)

>Not knowing TWO-MIX
Zoom zoom

Stop posting your facebook memes on Yea Forums

you cant force me loser

>stop posting X meme
As much as I hate it, this has never ever worked ever in the history of forever.

go find yourself another site if you dont like it

It's obviously an ironic message to bait Yea Forums. And it worked.

Hibiki/Tsubasa figma and Hibiki's scale.

Elsa a shit.

I bet Vanessa has to keep one of these stashed in her robot limbs.

Attached: 1542857211766.jpg (415x606, 20K)

Don't we have enough ironic shitposting as it is?

Attached: __maria_cadenzavna_eve_senki_zesshou_symphogear_xd_unlimited_and_etc_drawn_by_chuunioniika__2bc9339a (1476x1240, 1.06M)

dawg you have to let it go

Millaarc is the cutest villain they ever came up with, design wise at least.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv-[05.36-05.38].webm (1280x720, 139K)

Does she enjoy pussy licking or what?

>giant wrinkly hands

I wouldn't be surprised if it was commie all along, trying to prove some kind of dumb point.

She enjoys fisting

How many hours before the episode airs?

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 02 [960F9AAD].mkv_snapshot_11.42_[2019.07.06_14.41.07].jpg (1280x720, 129K)

3 and a half

That didn't bother me with LadyDevimon 20 years ago, it won't bother me now.

Attached: 0130_018_1024x.jpg (1024x1384, 158K)

If you wanted Tsubasa's line translated as "uncute" you're a fucking moron.

3 Yottsuns and 20 Masakis

Shit I woke up three hours early.

Attached: 3.6 roentgen, not great not terrible.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

I'm sorry bros today I'm like Maria i wont make it in time for the live watch
You fags have fun and you Maria fags better heal my sword

Maybe he prefers his steaks grilled instead of braised.
Getting culinary preparation methods forced upon you is very traumatizing.

>3 Yottsuns
Don't lie to user.

Maria will save the day!

Attached: [email protected] (960x540, 92K)

That would require too much effort over a long period of time.

What does "yassai mossai" even mean?

The pleasure of being cummed inside

Maria jobs once again. What a surprise.

strungling and jobbing are two different things

That other arm is just begging for the new relic.

I wish Maria would strungle me.

Yes, Strungling is something entirely different.


Attached: 1542099200733.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

>is the most clearly heterosexual girl
>strongly dislikes public displays of affection
>has no interest in romance at all
Chris is not for lewd

elegant post

Chris should be executed.

>Chris is not for lewd
Maybe she should stop being so sexy, then.

Chris has more experience getting lewded by both men and women than every other character in the entire show combined.
I think she's just had her share. A lifetime's worth of south american and lesbian fucking condensed into a single decade.

How can you know that she is clearly heterosexual when she dislike public display of affection and romance?

user, what are you on about?

Attached: Obese Yukine Ass.png (1280x720, 659K)

Chris is just envious.

Attached: Symphogear.S03E01.GX.1080p-Hi10p.BluRay.FLAC2.0.x264-CTR.[DA62F8FF].mkv_snapshot_08.53_[2019.06.05_1 (1920x1080, 715K)

Chris needs to be sent back to Val Verde.

based Chrisposter giving the thread some Chris heat so we hit 2000 this week

What's with the huge gap between Maria and Tsubasa's song releases?

Attached: festive delet.png (800x1050, 848K)

Chris was molested by Fine for years, so she probably thinks that Miku is trying to molest Hibiki in public.

Based fellow Milaarcfag.

Attached: 1563641337371.webm (1280x720, 802K)

Character songs. Take your pick.


Monster Trio with Gears made by Finessa from the "useless" relics they stole.

You can only select two

Ver and Carol.

is there a full version of chris new character song already?

forgot pic

Attached: fgs.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

No. Shirabe's was this week's release.

Topdad/Fudo/Ver group song.

They're all heroes.

Carol > Doggy Dog > Thighs

And I'm not even counting DMJii.

chris chans when?

ok found it

Chris is fat.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.14_[2019.07.20_21.18.03].jpg (1920x1080, 384K)

Carol was not cute, she was sexy.

fuck me i am too retarde to post
shut up low test
chris new cover is dope as fuck

Attached: Symphogear_XV_Character_Song_4.jpg (637x640, 129K)

Why she even exist?

Attached: 07.jpg (720x405, 40K)

No, you're just Irish

Chris is fat you memeloving fucks.

Attached: 1563735168126.jpg (5155x3270, 3.95M)

Attached: BANG BANG BANG PULL MY ICHAIVAL TRIGGER.webm (960x540, 1.33M)

>implying she exists

she cute and makes hibiki a faggot

I like fatties
What now?

i want her to shoot me

Carol was extremely cute.

Attached: [H&D] Symphogear GX Zesshoushinai 3 [BD-1080p ACC] [9FEEA5A2].mkv_snapshot_05.14_[2019.07.27_10. (1920x1080, 322K)

Isn't she pretty much Tomoyo in a way?


utterly patrician and Chrispilled

I'm an ESPer and I'm well aware of the fact that Miku dies this season.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.11_[2019.07.06_22.52.51].jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

I can hear it

Attached: 4b2d919eb78e2e8b78cacf633db730c14d1700048e87567e881ae447445d2724.png (1078x1078, 614K)

I remember Fine's rape dungeon, wat the hell was that?

with Bikki's bunghole.

She's about as gay as Tomoyo, yes.

Perfect fatty

Two hours until the episode. Consider joining a stream (like this one now, because it may be too laggy to join by the time the episode starts.

She was turning Chris into a tomato.

Somebody shoot this guy.

>have to run errands and will miss the livewatch

>have to

It's just the Maria episode.

Maria will kill our dog then we'll hate her again

>implying that shitty stream will work when the ep airs

Yiff in hell.

Why would we hate Maria if kills the fucking furry?

Remove only her and Symphogear would end in S1 with a bad end.

>the russian stream isn't streaming tokyo mx at the moment

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.21_[2019.07.12_22.27.34].jpg (1920x1080, 379K)


Attached: 1373244878519.gif (245x127, 104K)

Why is so surprised? Did she grow a dick?

>I broke your heart

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.41_[2019.07.12_22.27.55].jpg (1920x1080, 503K)

She's not used to sleeping naked.

You piece of shit

So, yes? Also, is it worth picking up if I'm sucker for mahou shoujo?

1 hour and 30 minutes until Mami kicks some major ass

The main character is so bullshit plothax special that it kind of takes me out of it and the black haired one does nothing but spout exposition. They're the two leads and they're easily the most boring, but all the characters are kind of flat. There's still a lot of mystery so it how good the show ends up being will be determined from next week since it seems like they're getting a lot of establishing out of the way and picking up.

But are the music and visuals good?

Sure if you're a Pitofag

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Good enough.

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If by Pitofag you mean I believe Hikasa Youko makes everything she's in better just by being there, then yes.

Well, that's a pretty generic shot, but at least they care about making lightning look pretty. That's a big plus.

None of the songs have clicked with m and I can't feel an ounce of sympathy towards the villains.
The story so far feels boring too, and as typical, the heroines are once again nerfed to hell.
I can't wait to see how they find an excuse to make the characters go through some kind of "what am I fighting for?" drama again

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>dumpster villains every time they meet
>nerfed to hell

Pray for Miku.

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How are the heroines nerfed when the bad guys openly admit to having to use gorilla warfare because they're pathetically weak in comparison?

Millaarc will prey on Miku

>B..b..b..b.but I was only pretending

That’s basically my main reason for watching it. So far I’m rather stupefied by the plot though. I thought I had missed something and rewatched the first episode, but no, there just really isn't much plot to speak of. It’s a very generic battle royale with a confusing amount of characters like most battle royales tend to be. I still like it a lot despite being bored to death by most battle royales because the show doesn’t even try to pretend that the battle royale is interesting or even relevant. There be fighting, there be girls and their personal issues and it focuses neatly on them one at a time to offset the battle royale madness of drowning in characters.

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It's like Fateshit but even though they imply the mage war is filled with treachery, suffering, and underhanded bullshit, it doesn't do a good job of showing that. They seem to be really slow rolling the plot though so who knows, maybe there will be some twists that put it into perspective.

>confusing amount of characters
There are only 7 characters in the battle royale and 4 other mildly relevant characters

I wish there were cool Miku merch.