>fails the written exam
>but destroys records on the physical exam
>lowest class
The Hero Association is really dumb.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] One-Punch Man - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.43_[2017.03.22_04.07.50].jpg (1280x720, 109K)

It is a fluke

How so? You need intelligence to make the right decisions when crisis hits.

that's the bureaucracy for you. They only see the raw numbers on paper.

He passed with a 50%
I figure that's pretty lenient by Japanese writing

>Examiners only looking at the numbers.
>Got a 50/50 on the physical
>Got a like 2/50 on the written
>Therefore his score is 52/100

Welcome to the flaws in the system.

>giving higher positions to dumb muscle
how about no

Isn't the main reason he didn't get made into an S class after the results of his physical (Which is supposed to be for the people that defy reason and typical scoring results) because that one examiner was super petty about his physical results being better than his own or something?


>be muscle head high T silverback
>can't even read with no education
>b-bUt MuH pHys! mUH bBC!!!
nig tier