Other urls found in this thread:
>sancucku complex
Did they actually use that pic? Seems in pretty bad taste
Not as bad taste as actually directing those shitty shows.
Fuck anime
Very based.
Haha yeah based xD!
>am i cool on the chan yet?
Okay then
It's from a site that routinely reports on actual sex crimes against children with sexy loli pics attached to the articles, among other things.
fuck, i love lucky star. this is unfortunate.
meh. It's not like they were ever gonna do more Lucky Star
>The creator of two anime 9/11s is dead
Every ash cloud has a silver lining
I mean yeah it's sad and all but is the director actually also the author of the series.
Was Maid Dragon and Lucky Star originally an anime only and both got a manga later or did the manga come first?
And if, does that mean the director was also the scriptwriter?
Maid Dragon artist draws alot of lewds and hentai on twitter(or at least did, last I checked was during the whole koopa-hime thing)
daily reminder all edgy posts and anti kyoani troll posts are made by underaged Yea Forums discordfags
I'm not underage and I'm not a discord tranny and I still dab on you kyoaniggers
FUCK anime and FUCK kyoani
>Lucky Star
This is bad for the anime industry.
Basically the man who invented the term Moe and Tsundere died.
rest easy and safe travels friend
If it's any consolation, we stopped playing SCP awhile ago. Servers were dying and a few retards kept ruining the fun. I doubt any of those guys still play together.
Keep in mind that any confirmations of death of employees are coming about likely due to journalists incessantly hounding people in hopes of getting a scoop. From camping out in front of Studio 1 and approaching anyone with flowers to see if they know anyone who died, to requesting to Direct Message people who've lost family members (twitter.com
>screencap is from steam
Maid Dragon is a manga by COOL from a different publisher and he has a ton of different series and multiple ongoing (Maid Dragon is just his most profitable) as well as a lot of porn.
well that's their job right?
KyoAnus moeshitters BTFO
Shame, but directors will never be as important as the people who actually created the series.
I never really understood people's admiration for directors.
It's like they confuse or think the director wrote the story, which is almost always not the case.
All the director did was have a certain interpretation of how the story should be performed and seen.
Based as fuck
>Friday night
>all alone in your bedroom
>feeling lonely
>hop in discord to talk to your only """friends"""
>FuckAnime is typing...
>"hey guys, I know we're all losers with no hobbies or interests but I have an idea"
>FuckAnime is typing...
>"lets hop in a slow shitty thread that mods are ignoring on Yea Forums and bait for replies"
>BasedPepe is typing...
>"hell yea dude lets do it"
>TrumpMAGA is typing...
Not based
Genuinely based
good all he did was create Animes for incels and autismos.
Does Lucky Star pick up when Takemoto takes over as director?
It is trully unfortunate what happened to kyoani and i wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Still glad that SoL will likely never recover though. worst genre.
Its still a slow slice of life the whole way through. So if that's not your thing then you won't like it regardless. But the direction definitely does improve and it picks up a better pace. Worth watching, for a handful of scenes.
Dogakobo sends their regards
Yea Forums threads on Yea Forums>Yea Forums threads on Yea Forums
Only one of us is allowed over the border
Now don't come back.
Why the fuck isn't there a sticky for this?
Kyoanus is dead (and that's a good thing!)
Even if they're dead, that doesn't mean anime is. :^)
The legacy lives on. I hope they come back from the dead just to drop the shitty drama and get back to making hyper moe feel good anime.
Sounds pretty fuckin' based to me
sure, but SoL will see a steep longterm drop in quality and the Kyoanus sameface is gone, so if anything, anime is fixed.
>with kyoanus out of the picture
It'll be far better without them. DagaKobo is better at SoL anyway.
They really look the same. What was steam thinking.
Baste and redpiled
God look at all these embarrassing teens that don't know what else he worked on.
why should they?
knowing about two bad shows is enough.
Nothing of value was lost.
Gen Urobuchi said he's up to direct a new season of lucky star
Because Discord has become the new standard for IM services, so every service with a group message function tries to imitate it. Twitch did the same damn thing with their messaging app.
Absolutely based
This incident really has been eye-opening for the way that there's essentially two totally different communities living on top of each other on Yea Forums, and I'd assume a good chunk of the other older boards too. The oldfags and the ledditcore newfags really don't ever meet in the middle.
nothing wrong with sankaku or oneangrygamer
>scp Yea Forumsermin faggots
>underaged newfags
why the fuck do I bother coming here anymore
>not mentioning his best work
I can't believe after all these years TTGLfags finally won.
u can leave its ok
that doesn't make any sense what does a job have to do w taste?
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, they might actually come out of it with a new direction and better anime.
i've asked a few of these guys about this, they said you're some schizo with a vendetta called nep-nep
what did they do to hurt you this bad?
Fuck, this weekend keep getting worse
while is their job, that doesnt mean they have to be annoying vultures about it.
go to youtube and search for a few lucky star clips.
you'd kind of get the same experience desu, and then you'll know if you like it or not
How the hell has there not been a single mention of Disappearance in this thread
I knew they were from Yea Forums (easy guess), didn't realize they were also from discord...
Steam, actually, but same difference
Maid Dragon was manga first but its obvious that it became popular thanks to the anime, which had a better design thatn the ridiculous ones made by coolkyoushinja
A lot of it is that the oldfags have lived long enough to know a fair amount of directors, VAs, mangaka etc whom have passed away. So there's people that have empathy.
Then there's the newfags like you mentioned, which act sort of like how people did in early Yea Forums but seem to be far more narcissistic and/or unhinged. That's where you get people doing drive-by shitposts purely for the sake of making themselves feel good. There's always been trolls and shitposters on Yea Forums, but nowadays it's shitposters spamming /pol/fag-tier memes and generally acting like they own the place. It's not really a reddit/discord/whatever boogeyman thing, it's that Yea Forums culture has been rotting from the inside-out because people don't give a shit about the topic, they care more about the meta of trolling, baiting or otherwise shitposting. Because it's easier to care about nothing than it is to discuss something.
Everybody go to bed.
Yeah, that's kind of the thing. I was using 'ledditcore' more to refer to their pretty abysmal taste in anime/vidya/whatever else a board is about more than their 'actual origins' or whatever.
I think that's the heart of it though. There's a whole community of newer posters here for whom the shitposting and the flamewars and other bullshit are the drawcard. The actual topic of a board is incidental to them.
>directed FMP Fumoffu, KyoAni's first televised anime
>directed Hyouka and Amagi Brilliant Park, two of my favorite anime from this decade that I rewatch yearly. Arguably the only good nu-KyoAni shows
>also directed Disappearance with Ishihara
I'm gonna miss him, bros. The disrespect in this thread is appalling.
Disrespect is too strong a word for it. It's edgy 12 year olds who don't even know what they're doing.
Your reddit is showing friend.
he isn't wrong, though.
>first it was takemoto
>now it's Nishiya
>next it will be kigami
I really, really hate this.
It's just the edgy crossboarders. They went away over the week but the death of the Panda brought them back to shitpost in full force just ignore them.
Go back
Fuck anime
Western live-action shows are better
>kyoani fire
>sad panda dead
>now this
god damn what's going on
everything i know and love is DYING
Fucking based.
t. incel
Have sex
Not even remotely true and I barely even watch anime.
This kind of obsession aint healthy.
It's a unifying role that gives a production direction
It's not even bait at this point
>who invented the term Moe and Tsundere
He most certainly did not.
>Manga adaptions
>the studio/director having any real relevance
In Japan, it's considered to be extremely bad form to report on the death of someone until the next of kin have been notified, and they themselves make the news public.
They better do a sticky when we get the full death list, if not I'll be fucking mad
Thank fuck
It's only just dawning on me now that KyoAni will never make anime again
What a time to be alive
>nooo! no one could POSSIBLY hate kyoani! everyone who does is from DISCORD
ok schizo
> KyoAni will never make anime again
They've already put the survivors from the fire back to work at different studios. That's Japan for you.
>bad taste
>vidya cgi vs hollywood cgi
>not even remotely true
>he says
face it user animu is dead
fpbp /thread
Good special effects do not make for a good movie. Its shit. Every Hollywood movie nowadays is a plotless CGI fest because thats what sells in China.
/pol/ is pro anime though.
Like 80% of people in sadpanda threads were calling for the destruction of Netherlands.
Sure thing, BasedPepe#0930
Everyone pack things up
is it bad that I know one of those faggot, because he namefags on /qa/ and /bant/
Absolutely based
Nice upboats Yea Forumseddit
Lmao that's pathetic
I'd bet actual money a good portion of these people are the 'hunterchads'
I see the Yea Forums discord is here to shitpost again
Mods are allowing this as a containment thread
Why would they not use discord? The official Yea Forums janitor chat is on discord too.
You have to stop doing this Jack
hello complainer
FUCK anime, get outta my board
This poster is autistic
jesus christ
How can one news outlet be so based?
Blow it out your ass
This makes me have some faith in Yea Forums. Fuck kyoani
>no more yuribait shit
I mean I don't want to celebrate a death of a person but I personally hated Maid Dragon.