Shingeki no Kyojin

Get prepared Zekefags, next chapter is his turn to job

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gabi loves Falco and Falco loves Gabi.

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I miss Yumiru

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Chadren will ANNIHILATE Hisutoria's pussy (again)

What did you think of this video about the exhibition?

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>The darker picture is always the correct one. When you read the history of the world you are reading a saga of bloodshed and greed and folly the import of which is impossible to ignore. And yet we imagine that the future will somehow be different.

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Next chapter will be levi and hange,isayama alwasy does this kind of shit, leave us in a cliffhanger than change the situation (remember marley arc?)

Anal sex with Zeke

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Theoretically, Zeke should be okay with Yelena pegging him, right?

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Is Anniebot dead?

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They pulled the wool over everyone's eyes

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Why pegging? Just let her use her real cock

>>yet we imagine that the future will somehow be different.
>what is genociding the world and replacing humanity with a race of modified Eldian ubermensch

What the fuck happened to these threads? They fucking shitty than usual.

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You must have started visiting these threads recently. They've always been like this. Welcome to /snk/.

>Excuse me, do you have some time to talk about anti-natalism?

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>rumbling will only be usable for less than a year
Yeah, I'm betting on the FT being able to remotely transform Eldians and Erekose titanizing the Eldians across the world to complete the earth flattening in order to fully destroy his enemies

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>pic semi related
>post yfw the world alliance is more powerful than Eren realizes and he has to do this in order to even stand a chance in the short term

Theory time lads
>The phrase "To you, 2000 years later" is not meant for Eren
>Annie is the only one currently not in battle
>doesn't feel like she could be reintroduced in 11 chapters without just being killed off
>if not however, we dont know if she ages
>tfw unidentified characters we see at the end of season 3 are kids from the future after rumbling killed all the main cast and a lot of human life
>tfw when theyre staring at Annie's crystal at some museum
>tfw she breaks out at the end and humans find out about the titans again
>tfw history repeats
Would be kino

Chadren(me) x Gabi is cute and canon.

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Zekuck is either dying, getting betrayed, or both

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>>tfw history repeats
nothing in snk implies time loops. it would not be kino. it would be cringe.

Same goes for Eren.


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I thought this exhibition was a big deal, it looks really small.

I do love ER getting so much attention as the main focus of the story rather than going for "muh meme trio" or shilling manlet for no reason.

>these info screens are things recruits of the New Eldian Empire have been taught to memorize
>ending scene is a bunch of them shouting facts from the info screens that have popped up through out the course of the anime
>it wasn't just a cool little immersion gimmick
>it's Chancellor Gesumin making sure they're reciting the "correct history"
>callback to Kruger talking about historical ambiguity
>muh inevitable cycle of hatred and conflict
GODsayama, the master of foreshadowing, pottery and planning does it again

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Joke's on you. Zeke has been jobbing since way before Gabo existed

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Gabo's gonna milk him dry for 13 years.

>Zeke somehow anticipates it with his 11/10 smart
>they betray each other at the same time
based Isayama subverting the subversion of the protagonist out keikaku-ing the antagonist

Cute and canon. They'll have 6 kids

Hopefully Mikasa kills Garbo.

>But oniichan let me just test out the CTs for five minutes and then we'll go with your brilliant plan, I promise

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Is s4 going to be terrible? Or does the content become good again?

She'll just forgive her again and protect her from some Jaegerist or Zeke trying to kill her

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Cope, GODbi is her new host after Eren emotionally betrayed her

Depends. How much do you like Reiner?

Lmao you can't be retarded enough to actually think this would happen

Why do I get the feeling that SNK will either have a terrible Mass Effect 3 style ending, or something iconic for the ages like End of Eva

He's fine, but should dead. Was really eyerolling that he got away

Erehis loves to suck black cocks.

Mikasa would never kill her daughter.

>one of the S3 end cards
Are we going to see titan kaijus aka complete Rod Reiss titans?

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That's Reiner ultima forma

S4 is gonna be really different from any of the previous ones, for the better imo. Also if you didn't enjoy the second part of season 3, kys.

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Gabi doing simple household chores is cute.

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a completed rod reiss titan would have been interesting to see. its a shame that he is probably the only titan to be that large though.

Mikasa on the right

>bloody edgeren selfinserters want this

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Who's getting gabbed on next?

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god YES i do

Hopefully the shippers.

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Armin will stop him before it's too late

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you're gonna hate S4 then lmaoooooo

Her arm, shoulder, and collarbone are going to be blown into splinters from the kickback of the rifle, especially when she didn't go prone. Also probably her eye area --- if Isayama wasn't a hack

Those get btfo every single month, except for FG who might as well be married at this point

>momtaku is here

people who dislike reiner wouldn't dislike s4. in fact, they would appreciate how pathetic he actually is.

But that's Ereh

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Reiner after Eren transfers his will into her via Paths.
Genocide duo is endgame.

Expect 'let the bodies hit the floor' AMVs to be made when this gets animated

Falco didn't bite Porco's nape, so hopefully he stays in titan form and gets a thunder spear where it matters.

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lol. The pages showed her handling the recoil fine

Gabi is beyond logic and common sense.

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Eren didn't bite maid-chan's nape. That means that he didn't get the WHT while Porco did.

>Ymir (Pathstuber) (Original) (not fakemir) is finally here

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Cope, pedo.

They didn't though?

>ok with hack writing only when it helps out his case


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You underestimate the power of the TITAN NEN!

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True, but the crystal was broken and crushed, he drank what came out. Porco was simply swallowed. The same as Eren was swallowed by the Beard Titan. The Beard Titan didn't get the Attack Titan because he didn't drink Eren's spinal fluid. Eren got the Warhammer Titan because he drank everything that poured from the crystal.

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What do you mean?

>They didn't though

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This is showing the exact moment of the shot. How could we get the reaction here?

Santa Titan would have gotten the SNK/Founding Titan eventually if Eren hadn't shifted.

How will the anime only shonentards and /pol/fags react when they find out that they got duped into watching a magical girl series?

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Do you realize that Eren shifted involuntary, but if Porco simply choose to not shift then Falco is getting the titan

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>Hair blown back
>Barrel climbing
>Displace air still being shown
You don't know what happened to her next. She could have been knocked over. That bullet travels far faster than she will fall, even with the recoil which would be lessened a lot because of the muzzle break on the barrel.

I know.

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you called the possibility of gabi liking falco hack writing, but yet you're ok with falco not getting the jaws and then dying, aka hack writing.

>Do you realize that Eren shifted involuntary
I'm aware, yes.
>but if Porco simply choose to not shift then Falco is getting the titan
I know, but that doesn't change what I said.

I've never used the term "hack writing" so I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm okay with Falco not getting the jaw, then dying, because it follows the in-universe rules.

Cute butt

Fuck off heroxia

Nooooo, i wanted to selfinsert my feelings about genocide and eugenics

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Plot Twist: Shingeki no Kyojin was a Madoka Magica spin-off all along and Uro was involved in the creation of the rough draft of the story.

>Zekuck yells for all his titans to come and kill Gabi
>GODner kills every one of them

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Not really, the fluid must be in contact with the tongue

>I've never used the term "hack writing" so I don't know what you're talking about.
i never said you literally said "hack writing". i said you were ok with hack writing when it fits your case. like right here >"so if Gabi likes Falco it's obviously another rushed mistake."

>Implying Gabi couldn’t kill them all herself

>I'm okay with Falco not getting the jaw, then dying, because it follows the in-universe rules.
Why the fuck would that even happen when Porco is getting melted until only the JT juices remain inside of Falco?

Or are just grasping at delusions so Gabi doesn't get back someone she loves?

>go to your room
>see this
>wat do

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>Ymir's eyes are blacked out
>Everyone on the volume 29 cover art had blackened eyes except Eren
>They're all being played by Ymir Fritz except for Eren

As he should. Everyone should come to her defence.

>i never said you literally said "hack writing"
You did. Here. "you called the possibility of gabi liking falco hack writing,"
Gabi liking Falco is stupid and if it happens, it's probably a mistake or misunderstanding on the part of the translator.

>Why the fuck would that even happen when Porco is getting melted until only the JT juices remain inside of Falco?
We've seen inside a titans stomach, you don't melt quickly. Porco could spend that time healing and shift.
>Or are just grasping at delusions so Gabi doesn't get back someone she loves?
I'm paying attention to the in-universe rules.

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No, Gabi will live long enough to wish for death but no one will give it to her after she finds out her shooting Eren triggered the destruction of the world . It's the curse of Braun. Reiner helped start it by helping to break the walls, and Gabi will trigger the end.

we won Erenbros

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Imagine if she started cannibalizing Eren right in front of Zeke

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>Check calendar
>It's April 1st
>My girlfriend Annie was just pranking me
>Procceed to have sex with her for the rest of the day

>You did. Here. "you called the possibility of gabi liking falco hack writing,"
that doesn't mean i implied you literally said "hack writing"
>Gabi liking Falco is stupid and if it happens, it's probably a mistake or misunderstanding on the part of the translator.
so like i said, you only care about hack writing when it goes against your own views.

>Gabi liking Falco is stupid and if it happens
Why Falco has protect her, grown and sacrifice for her, there nothing abnormal or asspull about some starting tohave feelings after that

>Reiner isn't able to reach Gabi in time
>Arya Sue gets squashed like Oberyn Martell
>completely shits on Game of Thrones

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he will protect his children

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Can you please tell us how you feel about EA and BA?

its not a time loop, just a theme. titan power cant be contained, it will always lead to war

Or maybe she chose to kill herself rather than being with you, Bertmin

it would have massive implications for the story, they cant just bring it out willy nilly. maybe historia will become one to stop the rumbling

It's a fanart.

>I'm n-not a shipper

>felled the Devil of All Earth
>the rumbling would have destroyed all of the ecosystems in the world, as stated by Willy
>she literally saved trillions, if not quadrillions
of lifeforms
She should be canonized as a Saint.

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What's this expression trying to convey?

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>I think I'll give a microdick to this one

But she killed my favourite character :(

Then you should have worded that differently.

Remove Falco.

EA might have been a viable relationship had Annie not been revealed to be an enemy soldier. Eren respected her and appreciated the training she gave him. He seemed comfortable around her.
BA wouldn't have worked as a viable relationship based on most of what we see between Annie and Bert. Bert likes her, but she doesn't like him. He stares at her, she doesn't stare at him. Bert wanted to kill the people on Paradis, Annie just wanted to go home. I think they are too different and that Annie would have never gotten together with Bert.

"kill all non-Eldians and let the master race inherit the earth"

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Her eyes were shadowed in the manga though. See

New chapter in 12 days

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So hype

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Post cute EH fanarts

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But Magath and Yelena aren't Eldians

>Carla near the top of the pile with a smug look
What did the artist mean by this

What's that image? I mean the context in the series.


But Ymir Fritz's actions have directed their lives

Hanji is best girl

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I don't ship EA, you're stupid.

thats what they want you to think

bert literally cried out that people don’t like killing people.

Sorry, what?

How come EA doesn't trigger you as much as FG or MA? Eren fucking wanted to kill Annie and nuked her hometown while Gabi clearly regards Falco as one of the most important people in her life

>I don't ship EA
Now you will say that you don't like little girls, right my dear pedo?
fucking hypocrite
Because he's an EAfat.

you said bert wanted to kill the people on paradis, which is wrong. he literally cries out "Do you think that anyone wants to kill people". fuck this captcha error

Because Annie is safe and away from the story, I know she isn't involved with anyone and I know shippers are deluded and dumb. MA is just wrong because Annie is straight, I don't like to see people use her for their lesbian fodder.
Gabi hasn't reciprocated any feelings for Falco and people are saying she loves him, that's very stupid.
>Eren fucking wanted to kill Annie and nuked her hometown
Yes, and? 0:25
From the Season 2 ED. It could be Ymir's children (Sina, Rose, and Maria) and 6 others eating her to inherit the 9 powers(6 other pots of blood). Though it could just be Eldian art and not how it actually went down.

She clearly likes him you chimp. She was blushing nonstop at the end of 118

You're a mentally ill hypocrite EAfat.


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>MA is just wrong because Annie is straight
So AA is ok?

Why is my sweet Mikasa so sad? :'(

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There is more evidence for Gabi liking Falco back than there is for Annie being 100% straight.

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Oh, I see. You misunderstand my meaning. He didn't want to kill them out of some sort of hatred, he wants to kill them because (in his eyes) they need to die for the greater good. I was talking about this scene.

Young women blush when someone directs an emotional divulging of feelings at them.

AA is degenerate and wrong. Armin betrayed her and Armin should die.

You're deluded.

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>eldian """culture"""


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>he wants to kill them because (in his eyes) they need to die for the greater good
no. he NEEDS to kill them for the greater good. he doesn't WANT to. you need to use better words to describe what you are accurately trying to say.

>You're deluded.
Kill yourself.

>you need to use better words to describe what you are accurately trying to say.
I'm aware. I have a headache tonight. Earlier, I called Zofia, Zoe.

>AA is degenerate because Armin betrayed her
>n-n-nevermind that Eren was right with Armin when he did that, that one is true love

>ever beating a horde of titans alone
Fucking Ymir had to bail his sad ass out the last time.

Eren thinks Annie just an ''enemy soldier'', what do you think about that?

Annie let Armin live. She spared his life, and in return he conspired to imprison her. He's filth.

He's right to do so. From his perspective, Annie is his enemy as much as Reiner and bert are/were his enemies.


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Why do you love EA so much?

I don't, you asked me a question and I answered.

>Ymir Fritz didn't give Zeke back his penis

>I d-don't
Sure. :)

>autistic Mankasa self-inserter

I don't, you're being stupid now.

Canon soon

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>and in return he conspired to imprison her
this level of headcanon is too high. you said you were rational. what happened?

By the time Zeke dies, Historia will have given birth assuming no complications.

If the Eldians wanted they could just turn the baby into a pure titan and leave it chained up somewhere. Eldia wouldn't actually do something so cruel, but it's not like the rest of the world would believe that.

There's no headcanon involved. They wanted to capture Annie underground so that she couldn't transform.


>the "Advancing Giant"/ Attack Titan/Vanguard Titan
>one of his nicknames was the suicidal blockhead
>close combat specialist
>went Renegade from Paradis and is going for the Destroy ending
He is THE CANON Commander Shepherd, reincarnated

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armin didn’t conspire with anyone about that. that was done by the military.

You chimp out about how much you hate someone that has done nothing other than repeatedly sacrifice himself for Gabi's sake, same with Armin for "betraying" Annie yet you don't mind the guy that would have had Annie killed without giving a shit about her if he had the means to get her out of the crystal and who nearly killed her dad.

>and now some ''people'' will deny: Joseph = EAfat

Armin is a part of the military. And it was all his idea, he was also the person who outed her. Read chapter 32 again.

As far as I'm concerned, Annie and Eren's interaction ceased when she went into the crystal. So why should I care about what Eren thinks of her now? Eren is entitled to his thoughts about how he treats his enemies. Falco is entitled to his infatuation with Gabi, he's just a stalker-ish roadblock that gets in her way. Armin actively betrayed Annie and should die.

you must be a sad, pathetic sack of shit to want to fuck a cartoon 12 year old

>use the gene editing to make the baby a non-sentient meat sack
>no nightmarish state once titanized
>proceed with becoming the etERENal CHADion
editing the genes too much probably leads to them being unable to be titanized or brainwashed, probably explains how Ackermans came to be and why the past rulers didn't make everyone into a supersoldier

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Seek help EAfat.

>So why should I care about what Eren thinks of her now?
she's just an enemy for him :)
And Falco will marry Gabi.

>she's just an enemy for him
I know.

>And Falco will marry Gabi.
What a terrible idea.

>Eren's bonds and desire to save people activates his powers
>Eren accidentally crystallized Annie
>Eren didn't need to touch Dina to use the coordinate
>The armor bottle in the cave was a placebo

>Eren visited Annie's crystal a lot during the timeskip
>He got her memories
>He used her memories to infiltrate Marley easier
>He used her memory to path Marcel's confession to Porco and Reiner

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What do you think about this post ?

>He got her memories


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It's dumb, it doesn't follow the rules of the canon.

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he touched her crystal a lot
Hitchy did say she was popular

>>>fanfiction dot net

>Imagine being called ''dumb'' by another EAfat(pedo)

Even more delusional than the EMfats, congratulations.

But you love your fanfics with your ''daughters '' where you self-insert as Eren...

The pedo returns

What a shit thread.


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Naruto shippuden movie 2

I love Reiner!
>tfw spoiling niggas on why my husbando is so based
based and redpilled

>Mrs Braun

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Did it ever explain why Ymir went back with Reiner and Bertholdt?

A GOOD explanation?

I want to cum inside Mr. Braun

What a pity it must be to have such a low IQ that you can't comprehend zeke's master plan.

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He would've said "die".

She felt bad for eating their friend and leaving them in their shitty situation.

Petra is the only cool one here

she's retarded. There is no good explanation

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This op is my favorite

Gabipedo's killing the hype as uaual

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I don't do either of those things.

Alright so what do you all think the final fight of the manga will be? Like straight up brawl. There has to be one at the climax, but what and who? Shifter vs Ackerman or shifter v shifter?

Isayama didn't want to reveal anything about the world outside the walls until they reached the basement.

Oluo's way cooler
look at every one his frames especially the ones right before he leaves the screen

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How often do you watch CP?

Eren vs reiner seems to have been implied in the exhibition

Why does every piece of SNK related media love shilling these jobber red shirts so much?

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Isayama drew your pic and the rest of that AU set for fun though didn't he?

All of them are still better characters than Zekuck

Yeah I suppose that's why Reiner escapes death so much, he's being kept around so that we've had this antagonist from the start on the same but opposite journey of our protagonist.

Welcome back Joseph!
How was therapy?

It can't have been very good if he keeps pretending that Gabi hates Falco

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>His name's Ereeeen.
What did he mean by this?

I feel bad for Falco :(

Why was Colt so fucking cool bros?

i kek ebery time

You didn’t need to go there

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Levi will rape Gabi.

Manlet will destroy hanji's pussy

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OH NO, who will Vice Captain ReiGODner HELOS Braun "The MACHO MAN LegendaRANDY" Shield of Marley use as a punching bag now?!?!
She was a fake dyke who couldn't wait to get tag teamed

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Why do you dislike Historia?

"SnK is original" bros...

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Where is next spoiler?

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9-10 days

Game set and match, genocidebros.

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What’s the meaning of the lamp surviving?

This but unironically

>implying Hanji has one

Because I'm a sad, dead, gay Ymir

That the rumbling won't kill everyone outside Paradis and that Eren will worsen the cycle of hatred and conflict.

>Le Hanji isn't female meme

Why is she so girthy hongobros

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Because Isayama can't draw necks

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Even faced when total annihilation humanity will live on.

You guys gotta admit, EA had really good chemistry despite how much you blind shipperfags like to deny it.

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Figures a EAfag would come from there

Eren like M I K A ....

Is chapter 0 canon?

VictoryHunterposting > gabifalseflagging > shipping cuckoldry

Attached: SiegJaegerCGI.jpg (342x193, 10K)

no :)

>saves image from google
>m-muh tumblr

It's from one of the many 2000 year cycles

Should've been a thing

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>Reiner the archetypal Chad keeps getting beat up by Eren the archetypal Virgin, who keeps getting beat up by a manlet
Cope: the manga.

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Should've, could've but alas.

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wouldn't be surprised kek, Isayama's one fucked up dude

Please no. We don't need actual pedo posting in that thread yet. Don't expose her to Joseph.

this picture still terrifies me

EAfat (pedo) is no true Gabichad.

>Jean is mentioned in both Mikasa's and Annie's descriptions
Yup, I'm thinking that's a CHAD right here


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Incel rage is a powerful thing

Because of how much they both fucking hate him?


>meanwhile, in actual parallels outside of a retard's headcanon

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Manlet fucked the science teacher though. He couldn't have created the cleaning product by himself.


No need to start a fight retard. I don't know if you're just a falseflagging EHbro but you need to stop. EA won't happen but let them have fun.

Every time an EH moment happened since Uprising, I felt like reading a shoujo scene and yet our EMYH "friends" denied their chemistry

Why though, just more clues to show Mankasa's lust for Eren's dick? As expected of a love slave

you're lucky s4 isn't out yet because I'd be able to make s1 annie parallels to s4 eren

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No, you'd be able to make actual parallels between Reiner and Eren and at the same time make webms where you pretend that Eren having longer hair means that he is in love with Annie.

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Well EH "friends" denied YH moments too, so it's understandable

EH is a red herring

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So Falco as the jaw titan is going to look exactly like his human form but naked and without balls, penis and anus.

what are the frills that he and the manlet wear in front of their collars?

Maybe he gets a beard like both Galliard bros did

a bib so food or drinks don't ruin their clothes

Annie and Hisu like black guys

He was the first desu, he got dogpiled in the ch91 spoiler thread for immediately latching onto Gabi.

>a fucking bib
Levi confirmed a literal man child. What a fucking baby

Mikasa and Ymir* haha sorry typo

I never saw Oluo as an autist for cleanliness but I guess

I’m not a EAfag or a EHfag but I think Isayama is going to subvert the father reveal making it neither farmer-kun or Eren, but some random entirely. People will call it the greatest writing of all time

Hisu likes handsome tall girls though

a cravat

Expectations (((subverted)))

Ascots/Cravats. Same thing, different name.

It's gonna be Jean

Annie, Hisu, Mikasa, and Ymir like black guys* my bad I accidentally left out some characters.

>People will call it the greatest writing of all time
Only you, I guess. Anything is fine as long as Eren's not the padre right?

>Eren: Kills most of Marley's officers
>Annie: Kills most of Survey Corp's officers
>Reiner: ???

>Eren: Transforms multiple times
>Annie: Transforms multiple times
>Reiner: ???

Ooops, I mean Mikasa, Ymir, Yelena and Gabo

>Anything is fine as long as Eren's not the padre right?
This but unironically.

Nuh-uh, no way.
It's either the Farmer or Eren.

Did anyone else think Miche's squad was OP in comparison to the others? They're more red-shirt than Manlet squad was, but the wrecked face at Utgard. And Miche was the second strongest scout in the legion.

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**Onyankopon likes black guys

Sorry he's gay sweaty

Ooops I mean Annie, Mikasa and Armin

Farmer likes black guys, and Oyankopon is gay. What a coincidence, lad!

They died to fodder titans while having a strong defensive position.

Team Hanji died to gun ambush and to a literal nuke

Team manlet died to a shifter and they had no idea about her abilities

let's not forget who's dicking everyone down in the story, big dick Ogweno!

Attached: Ogweno_character_image.png (537x537, 541K)

I was just saying that based on Isayama’s “godly” way of writing that he will probably subvert our expectation as he does every chapter. I don’t get how that makes me want anyone else other than Eren to be father.

Ogweno is the father. Discuss

>They died to fodder titans while having a strong defensive position.
After killing so many that they ran out of equipment and got shelled by Zeke tho. Not counting the kills with panels dedicated to them, they take out at least eleven. Seven here, four when they get charged and then a few more spread across pages.
>Team Hanji died to gun ambush and to a literal nuke
They were killed by the Secret Police, only mobilt was nuked. The other guys were red shirts.
>Team manlet died to a shifter and they had no idea about her abilities
Which is why I bring up Miche's team who are proven on-screen and on-page killing machines.

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>Reiner: Kills a lot of SL soldiers
>Reiner: Transforms multiple times
You've got to be scraping at the very bottom of the barrel if you are looking for parallels in shit like number of times thay transform.

>Eren: Grim reminds Liberio
>Annie: Grim reminds Trost
>Reiner: ???

>Eren: Fights to live freely with his friends
>Annie: Fights to live freely with her dad

>Eren: Pushes his comrades away
>Annie: Pushes her comrades away
>Reiner: ???

>Eren: Bored at the ocean
>Annie: Bored at the Warrior Ceremony
>Reiner: ???

Reiner hasn't transform multiple times >in one fight

I miss the times when Isayama drew scenes like this

Hands off my prey. Go find your own target! Zecuckold is mine.

Time to show the monkey who's boss.
Hey Einstein, I'm on your side!

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>Annie: Grim reminds Trost
mean't Stohess


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>meanwhile in reality Eren repeatedly compares himself to Reiner, dresses himself in a military uniform just like all of BRA did and then nearly kills Annie's dad

Attached: 100-37.png (905x1300, 459K)

Stohess was right tho

Will we ever get to know her name?

>mfw season 4 is animated by JC staff

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True but Oluo is probably the most acomplished of the red shirts in the SC. He was 19-20 and had a shiton of kills.

Don't get too cocky, colossal-faux. THEO[S] HELOS GODgath will erase armongrel from the pages of the manga.

>TN: Theos means God in Greek.

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>Reiner: Grim reminds Shinganshina
>Reiner: Fights to live freely with his mom and his nigger dad
>Reiner: Pushes his soldier buddies away
>Reiner: Bored in Marley after fulfilling his mission
I do wonder how does it make you feel that the fucking exhibition ended up being a huge RE parallel wankfest while Annie was relegated to a footnote in Reiner's story.

Big Barbara

that motherfucker was NOT 19-20

No, but she'll probably get a birthday and a blood type because nips care more about that shit than about full names

Attached: SNK Exhibition 9 Titans.jpg (1024x768, 120K)

>shartrenfart think killing a few thousand at most qualifies as a Grim Reminder, when RBA killed 250K
>still forcing the "Grim Reminder 2.0" meme

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chuuniren killed the hype long before 119

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KEK based! Why are shartrenfarts so delusional bros?

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>BRA grim reminded to get the Founding Titan
>they failed and lost 2 titans

>Eren grim reminded to get the WHT
>he got it and lost a potato

a strong ass neck is probably good for not killing yourself in a 3dmg accident

When they finna release the next chapter?

>Reiner: Grim reminds Shinganshina
There were no civvies to be grim reminded in Shinganshina
>Reiner: Fights to live freely with his mom and his nigger dad
He replaced that with world saving
>Reiner: Pushes his soldier buddies away
>Reiner: Bored in Marley after fulfilling his mission
Reiner being bored at the festival is not as comparable. Eren and Annie both actively worked towards the ocean and being a warrior

EA is the big plot twist and Isayama is not going to let some exhibition spoil the surprise

>"Why yes, I happen to be a genetically superior Aryan just like my favorite characters from my favorite manga, Shingeki No Kyojin. They too happen to be (((Aryan))). What do you mean the Eldians are in fact their own race? That's a bunch of nonsense! No they aren't a individual race with allegories from both Germanic history, and the Jews from Nazi Germany! They are in fact (((Aryan))), just like me!

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he still very well might have, we don't see him after that shot of the crowd bearing down

Little did Eren know, the one who had the last laugh was Ogweno


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ding-dong diddly

he's still alive Ogwenbros

That was his age. He is younger than Gunther and Eld. And at most 1 year older than Petra, if not the same age.

why the fuck did he look so old

>EHcuck getting this triggered
Why are you going to have a meltdown when it gets confirmed he isn't?

maybe he was related to daz

Shower with Annie!

Attached: Best Girl in the shower.png (1280x720, 519K)

>people admire a race whose main power source relies on transforming their fellow subjects into grotesque, castrated giants that results in the subject's mental state being trapped in a never ending nightmare
>Eldians are under threat of being brainwashed at any time

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angry sex with annie

OHbros, where you at?

Attached: chadgwenoandhisu.png (599x400, 115K)

Pirty sex with Annie while she is angry and disgusted with me!

Attached: Best Girl is disgusted.webm (624x576, 2.54M)


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He looks like he was pouting trying to look serious or imitating the scow-like of Levi.

How big is Onyapokon

I don't get it.


>There were no civvies to be grim reminded in Shinganshina
There definitiely were civies when Shinganshina got completely swarmed by titans in the first chapters in the attack that Reiner ended up planning.

>He replaced that with world saving
And Eren replaced "muh freedom with muh friends" to freedom by genocide and even Reiner replaced his hero shit with "I just wanna go back home to my family"

When he decided to forget about how much he cared about his devil friends and carry on his duty as a warrior

>Eren and Annie both actively worked towards the ocean and being a warrior
And Reiner actively worked to get back to his hometown

>EA is the big plot twist
My sides, you actually believe your own shipfag delusions when Armin is off cumming on Annie's crystal and Eren considers that treason. Enjoy the ER and EZ endgames.

incels murder the chads on the day of retribution

>actually thinking EH is gonna be canon instead of superior OH

Attached: 1564181567588.png (1166x2212, 744K)

>""""Civiliazation""""" of e*dia's unique ability: magical eugenics and valuable resource creation
>on the brink of defeat despite getting gifted this + organic mechs in the age of antiquity
e*doids are fucking pathetic

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>pedo and EAfat come back on the same day
Maybe they were actually the same guy all along no matter how much Joseph denies it

>There definitiely were civies when Shinganshina got completely swarmed by titans in the first chapters in the attack
Bert was the first explosion and the face of the Grim Reminder.
>that Reiner ended up planning.
Nice speed reading. It was Marley's plan first and it wasn't shown that Reiner was the only one that changed that plan after Marcel died.

>And Eren replaced "muh freedom with muh friends" to freedom by genocide and even Reiner replaced his hero shit with "I just wanna go back home to my family"
Eren is still fighting to freely live with his friends. Reiner is still focusing on saving the world.

>When he decided to forget about how much he cared about his devil friends and carry on his duty as a warrior
Forgetting memories isn't like what Eren and Annie have done to their friends physically

>My sides, you actually believe your own shipfag delusions when Armin is off cumming on Annie's crystal and Eren considers that treason. Enjoy the ER and EZ endgames.
If you don't think Eren hasn't visited Annie's crystal several times himself, you're a retard who thinks he doesn't think of her every time he trains or uses her moves

Is there a shipfag/characterfag not triggered by EH? Even Reinerfags/Gabifags are triggered by it

That's the AAfag only using EH when convenient. Some EHfags were EAfags before

Look at the third panel. Mikasa and Armin called him EREEEEN. That's why Manlet thought Eren's name is EREEEEN.

>remember reding spoilers and ledditors telling jokes about Ogweno

I'm not triggered by it

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Reminder that the rest of the world, made up of totally different ethnicities and people that have been to war with one another for years, was able to band together in the face of a common enemy in under a week while Eldians spent a century throwing literal shit at each other despite having a completely homogenous population that grew up under the same history

I am simply not interested in the love lives of characters half my age.

scrolled past thinking this was a Boruto thread

To be fair, that was thanks to Willy Tybur.

Of you course you are not hongoloid aka boringfag trolling trying to upset others

The same thing can apply to EHfags/Erenfags. But the main problem isn’t the characters or the ship, it’s the fags behind every ship.

no, that would be gay because missiles are a thing and they ecen mentioned technology will catch up to the power of the titans

Really? Besides sneed I don't see them dedicating so much to hate others.

>The 'straight ships are only there to hurt me feefees' fujoshit is here

>They were killed by the Secret Police, only mobilt was nuked. The other guys were red shirts
Where is this mentioned?

Literally I never had any problem with "Erenfags" "EHfags", so far whenever I was trying to talk about him an hysteric faggot was quoting me crying SHITRENFAG or things like that.
It wasn't that bad before the pregnancy and you know it

so wait, no more seeing dogren get BTFO and laughing at his 3/10 decisions like locking his friends under Eldians who drank Zeke's spinal fluid?

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Most people might have those cryfags filtered, whenever someone made a list Eren/Erwin/Reiner were always in the top
>wasn't that bad before the pregnancy
This is true, some are even complaining about muh poltards now so I guess the pregnancy broke them
>the one doing this question is one affected by muh AMJC friends


Reiner wasn't supposed to come so soon and his friends would be in danger anyway thanks to the war

Sorry I was a little vague on my post. What I meant is every shipperfag who dedicates everything to the /snk/ general. Those being: Sneed, Joseph, Benji.

Those people are tsunderes, if Eren fucked Mikasa or Armin they would suddenly "disappear"

So "Grim Reminder" is qualified as "who kills more people"?

>Where is this mentioned?
It's less mentioned, more shown.
First is Nifa, Kenny gets her. >
Second is Keiji, Traute gets him.
Third is Goggles, an un-named soldier gets him.
The black haired member of Hanji Squad is killed by the Bert blast. Rashad and Lauda were injured when Bert went 1/2 CT on the wall, and they aren't among the surviving scouts, so they either cycled out of the legion or died during RTS.

>OMA is canon

>we won't see people fleeing in terror and dying from stomping, suffocation and scorching from the fires caused by an army of colossal titans, and starvation from destruction of farms and ecosystems
i'm so sad erenfriends

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That's true, remember 108 leaks, Eren being a murderer suddenly didn't matter anymore

To be fair, Hobo Eren was by far the best version of Eren. Literally didn't give a shit in the face of death and made the most calculated decisions. Then Isayama decided to do a full turn around and bring back ANGRY Edgeren with 3/10 wits, and "KILL ALL THE TITANS," but instead it's "KILL ALL THE HUMANS."

Attached: 024.jpg (1066x1600, 591K)

"BEcaUSe EReN muRdeRed fOr tHE FutuRe of HIs frIeNDS, so It'S oK" - they said

>upset about me slaughtering billions and living under a genocider? get your freedom violated by my mindwipe
can't wait for it erenbros

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It's just a manga, calm down roastie, don't pretend people didn't want Erwin destroying everything now
This, hobo Eren is my favorite Eren, edgy Eren is an excuse to make us side with the boring AMJC moralfags

Forgot to mention, this is where manlet apologized for their deaths. Easy to forget, but it's one of those references that ties in to Hanji telling Mikasa that losing people is part of life in the corps.

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>AAtard seething

*sniffs* T-this is for you Jaegerbomb *shakes* I'll m-m-miss you.. *blows nose* but I'll make sure not to miss this
>fires a salutary shot on Historia

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>complaining about the devil doing evil things NOW
Why? Are you a newfag?

Hobo Eren was just as willing to destroy the rest of the world as present Eren is.
If only he would apologize to me- I mean Mikasa :(


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This, even though he looked better here people are just seething because of the pregnancy, not because of the genocider side
I remember lot of people saying Eren was living with Mikasa and many joke with EJ.
Those insulting Eren like that are unironically people shipping Eren with others

>Determined loli face

I bet the fuckers will be all ok with the rumbling if it's revealed that Eren is doing only for Armin and Mikasa

Yes, but he's more stoic and wise than current Eren. Present Eren is just the edgy little shit he was at the start of the story that wants to destroy the world.

Best family.

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Oi AAtard did you skip Marley? Eren doesn't enjoy any of it

Attached: Best-uncles.png (1254x990, 1.67M)

Historia loves big black cocks

Of course they would, remember 108 they spamming blushed Mikasa and Eren, suddenly Eren killing children didn't matter anymore, not to mention many wanted a dictator Erwin/Armin

Most EMfags hide behind the EMA trio meme and 104 friendship bullshit to shit on EH, so that Eren is a evil person if he's done it all for Historia

The baby is genetically doomed!

So does Mikasa, Armin, Ymir, Annie, Hange, Yelena, Pieck, Gabi, etc


The EArtard is also triggered, the AAfag too for some reason. Worst part is when they hide behind Reiner. I guess they seethe so much against that asian EHrina and the gopnikslut because white roasties burgers are fat

>But the main problem isn’t the characters or the ship, it’s the fags behind every ship
I'd normally be inclined to agree with you but in the case of EH I'm pretty sure the characters involved in the plot point that could potentially lead to a concretization of their relationship are very much the problem rather than their supporters or detractors. One user made some pretty convincing argument a few days ago:
>No one would give a shit if Eren impregnated Mikasa during the timeskip because readers accustomed to standard shounen tropes would naturally expect the main girl and the main guy to eventually get paired up.
>The problem with the current possible setup is that not only the main girl's feelings would be denied, the main guy would also be involved with the former yuribait waifu who's part of the most popular non-manlet/non-fujo ship right behind EM

I see more white men stealing black women than the opposite. Niggas are too lazy and violent

Not necessarily. Historia and Eren are both attractive and there is no guarantee their kid would be short considering some of Rod Reiss' kids are fairly tall.

everyone in the AoT universe wants Ogweno's big, throbbing BBC

>it wasn't shown that Reiner was the only one that changed that plan after Marcel died.
Reiner fucking says that it was his idea to carry on with the grim reminder which leads to Eren saying "we are very much alike"

>Reiner is still focusing on saving the world.
No, his main focus is saving his kids and before that it was making sure that Gabi avoided becoming a shifter, which kinda sounds like one of Eren's main goals right now.

>Forgetting memories isn't like what Eren and Annie have done to their friends physically
You need him to fight his friends now? I thought your precious EA parallel here was pushing away friends like Reiner did with his soldier buddies once he decided to focus on his main goals.

>you're a retard who thinks he doesn't think of her every time he trains or uses her moves
You're a shipfaggot stuck in 2012 who thinks that everything openly shown onpage and stated by the author is just misdirection to distract the audience from realizing that the character that has been away for the plot for seven years is actually the love of the MC's life.

You do know he can alter its structure by touching Zeke and activating the power of the FT, right?

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I'm also sure those repeating the HE HURT HIS FRIENDS are those tumblrinas laughing with the food meme and AMfags.

>Ogweno jokes here like in leddit

Elaborate, or else you're isekai'd by a truck

wait they make ogweno jokes on plebbit

You're a retard. Eren was already dead set on killing the rest of humanity when he was in Marley, assuming that's what he's planned (I personally think there's more to it than just Rumbling the whole world even though it's definitely gonna play a part). Hobo Eren is not some fucking divine entity divorced from the character Rren was before or after Marley, it's literally the same fucking guy. Bet you had no issues with him wrecking civvies in Liberio despite it being orders of magnitude edgier than being a meanie to AM.

Yeah, I remember bringing leaks and a lot were making Ogweno jokes thinking they were funny. They have a cult even

>EHcucks are shallow and only consider looks when it comes to determining genetic quality

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I was talking about the retarded face expression he will no doubt inherit

The EAfat just tries to pretend that Reiner is a red herring that is hiding that Annie is the main focus of the Eren vs. BRA part of the story

fuck i actually thought i had done something funny

time to find another unrelated character to meme the shit out of. probably one of the dead reiss children

That's not how genetical doom works

To be fair, more than 70% of the fanbase is stuck in 2012-2013

Did reddit meme about Onyankopon? I remember jokes about him being Hange’s wife during 104.

Well both parents are socially inept, brainlets and ragetards, that's not looking too good

looks like Reiner's deadbeat dad is gonna be do for now

he reminds me of those youtubers who were apart of the commentary community

Attached: Reiner's_father_character_image.png (506x506, 367K)

Just Anniefags and some Jeanfags

reddit loved onyakopon the moment they saw him, no doubt redditors started to use him for lame jokes here

That has nothing to do with genes, but rather environment.
>socially inept, brainlets and ragetards
Carla and Grisha were not like this

>w-why wont Eren fuck my superior Mikasa

>Hoboren was better than current Eren despite having the exact same goals and motivations because he looked cooler and calmer while killing innocents
What logic is that even? It's like one of his friends dying as a result of his actions and heavily contributing to him being so on edge after coming back to Paradis doesn't even matter.

>just has hobble over and scoop Eren into his mouth
Exit EDGEren

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Man someone IS mad

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*just has to

Onaynkopon was a salvation for ErwLfujos, the LMfag and hanpetos. The ErwLmod here used to spam it along insulting EHfags

Fuck off roastie, Reiner and Eren are great

You can't spell Reiner and Eren without RE

Attached: RE.png (565x562, 199K)

Big enough to please the queen of the titans.

I love how they are complaining about genocide 30 chapters later

are you one of those posting ErenxGabi? Who do you think the father of Historia's kid is? Not hiding behind RE jokes

>you also can't spell their names without ER
whoah, too deep for me

Attached: E vs R.jpg (1366x768, 187K)

Onyankopon poster here. I don’t give a shit about ErwL, I just posted the nigger to bait fags and shitpost. I got bored of it when I wasn’t getting (You) so I stopped.

Not talking about you

>>oh yeah dirk reiss with his big black cock is fucking Annie and Historia and Mikasa and Ereh and Reiner and

Get it?? It's funny because he's an unsignificant character! xD

Attached: Dirk_Reiss_character_image.png (300x300, 109K)

He looks like kid Kruger

>trusting the Gopnikslut
She spams farmer as much as the Ymirpedo and I do. She samefags and she will dodge your question

Attached: Ereriv.jpg (854x1094, 276K)

Remember when Armin was looking at the flower after Eren transformed that one time?

What was that about?

>Annie does a shift that kills several people at art of the Battle of Stohess
>Eren does a shift that kills several people at the start of the Battle of Liberio
>Reiner does a shift that kills no one at the start of the 1st Battle of Shinganshina
Do you not see how badly different Reiner is here? The rest of your examples are just as bad

Which is 2 and a half years

so basically Kid Eren

>the queen of the titans
I thought she was dead thousand years ago, the farmer could take her place now, he likes BBC

That the power of the FT can cultivate the wastes

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*insignificant, cunt

REbros know Historia was fucked by the farmerCHAD. Cry me a river EHcuck

Attached: Touchingwithoutroyal.jpg (720x549, 64K)

>charge into the gates which directly killed tens of people, and indirectly another tens of thousand

Gabi is for Falco only
i still think it's Eren. RE will probably end in sad tragic ending ;_;

Attached: REunion.png (541x789, 620K)

thanks i knew i was misspelling it

>tackling a wall as a titan
is different from
>shifting near people

the only question is are you ready to RUMBLE?

Ready, but I still think Paradis will be wiped out.

how does it matter? shifting explosion isn't the main weapon of a titan?

here's your slideshow of a rumbling in 2021 bro

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Has Eren tackled any walls? Do you see my point now?

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cute and canon

Veteran trio was truly the best trio.

The exhibit has been making me think a country out there has nukes. Plus, if I consider the battle between Armin and Bert, I am reminded of how slow Colossals are. Then, there's Marleyan range weaponry and they've got the rest of the world backing them with tech upgrades.

>The exhibit has been making me think a country out there has nukes.
You mean by what sounds like a Geiger counter in the audio recording or something else?

I want to rumble Annie's cunny

Attached: Best Girl is puffy.jpg (635x670, 44K)

Fuck yes.

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Eren and Falco both fell in love with talented, female candidates

Attached: Talented, female candidates.jpg (1074x1446, 768K)

Nothing in the audio sounded like a Geiger counter to me but i doubt Isayama will let a chance to make a reference to the bomb slip anyway

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Historia wasn't talented. She only got in the top 10 because Ymir helped her


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I do not know if that is a geiger counter but if a series keeps reminding me of WWI and WWII (especially with Jew ghettos), of course - I will think of atomic bombs and mushroom clouds.

Paradis is also an island country (like Japan), and Eren kinda reminded me of how the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Then, there is how the ending will be like The Mist.

There is also how Shingeki world map is just an upside down map. It has got continents. So, even if the Rumbling invades the Marleyan Empire, Europe and Asia, that still leaves the Americas to get to.

Floch will kill this Boomer

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Annie was already a shifter, Hisu is the only girl in a comparable situation.

>There is no doubt that life is given us, not to be enjoyed, but to be overcome; to be got over.

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Gabi: Zoomer
Floch: Millenial
Shadis: Boomer


>A Kind Devil's thesis
>Will someday fly high from the window
>If memories are betrayed by
>The overflowing, burning pathos.
>Young boy, shine like a legend,
>Holding the sky in your arms.

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If all the wall titans decided to create the tallest tower possible, how high would it go?

By my calculations, they could perhaps get it to 2,300 meters
That's assuming 2 million wall titans, which there are probably a lot less. And that the titans stand in a pyramid shaped structure, with an angle of pi/3 at the base

Eren, Krista, Mikasa and Annie were trainees together just like Falco and Gabi
Krista wasn't talented and Eren didn't even like that persona

>Edgeren 183
>Kruger 188 cm
>Bertolteru 192 cm
>Miche Zacharias 196 cm
>Keth Chadis 198 cm

how did grisha cuck such a chad

>Floch 175


Of course I would neglect a certain factor. Let's say 3000 meters

That's about the height of medium sized mountain

pii^3? :D

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The point of that conversation was not that they were both trainees, the point was that Gabi is in danger of becoming a shifter and Falco is trying to stop that from happening. Eren is in the exact same situation with Historia in place of Gabi.

Annie became a shifter before she even met Eren, she can't be saved from that fate. Mikasa may not be able to become a shifter, and isn't in imminent danger of becoming one. Talent is not what matters here, it's specifically who is at risk that matters.

I hope that the EAfag that is here right is just shitposting
but something tells me that he is serious

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My dear user, you just made me think that Eren = Falco = Levi and Historia = Gabi = Erwin.

As I mentioned to LH fans, it is wiser to just expect everyone to end up dead. Stick with AUs instead. (Hell, Disney and Marvel make boatfuls of money with AUs.)

I have mostly accepted that both Magath and Pieck ain't gonna make it past 120.

Historia wasn't a talented soldier

is for

I don't know why are you so obsessed by the LHfags. Also Gabi has nothing to do with Erwin


height was the only thing Kieth had going for him

>Forcing ErwL with EH
They were bros only, accept it already

Gabi and Historia has nothing to parallel Erwin wtf are you smoking now.
Also who is talking of LH?

Why? Falco is trying to save Gabi, Eren tried to protect Historia (not saying is romantic) while all manlet did was killing Erwin

few things sadder than watching someone trying to hitch their ship to another with more perceived weight

Levi did not want Erwin to become a shifter.
Falco did not want Gabi to become a shifter.
Eren did not want Historia to become a shifter.

The main problem with shipping is that there's tendency to just focus on the analogies which support the preferred ship.

Manlet did not want Erwin to become a demon, not a shifter. Learn the difference

Shipperwhales are really autistic with this whole muh parallel shit.

>Levi did not want Erwin to become a shifter
If that is what you understood from the serumbowl i guess you're a lost cause

I agree with
Also Eren didn't want MJCS to become shifters either, but the point was that Falco-Eren scene was triggering a memory for Eren, specifically a girl (romantic or not so hide your weapons)
Manlet was more worried about his friend losing his mind, plus Erwin was half a corpse, not alive like Gabi.

There are several points

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>the point was that Falco-Eren scene was triggering a memory for Eren, specifically a girl (romantic or not so hide your weapons)
Amazing, finally someone got it, prepare for the ""non shipperfag"" to sperg

Mind you, I am too aware that shipping is one big coping mechanism. And usually, I respect other people's coping mechanisms. (Serious shipping usually means a lot of loneliness.)

Then, there are the times wherein I cannot help but reminded that shipping addiction is basically drug addiction.

Shit so this fag was the therapyfag

Holy shit you are right, sounds exactly like him

Falco = Levi and Historia = Gabi = Erwin

They are characters who do not want other characters to be shifters.

So you're that retard huh?
Explains why your post are so retarded

And why he only spergs with EH and brings LH all of a sudden. ErwL really lost their minds after his dead

that explains a lot

>Imagine missing the point of the serumbowl like this guy

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Before we get into that, you will have to be more specific. Cause the main reason why I decided to get a tripname is cause someone was insisting I was another user who posting about meditation therapy.

Jesus you are retarded. Erwin was dying unlike Gabi, him being a shifter was the least of the problems, retard.

Why is Eren following the words of Annie's Father?

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You are the therapyfag.


The main point is that Levi choose against Erwin being a shifter. Also, when it comes to ships, ErwL is number two most popular. Even I know that.

And then you ask yourself why even the LEpedo mocks you, you are literally braindead

Yes, I tried to get Mrs. Braun to be less stressed with anons using Reiner to upset her. But that was only one time.

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It wasn't about being a shifter or not, it was about being mentally broken, retard

Sorry, but I simply do not keep track with who anons are.

Ah... the pointing out that shipping addiction is basically drug addiction is going to be upsetting to some. But really, it is.

we're only on page 7 dumb rumblefag

What tf does that even matter to what that user said?

Because now they are ignoring shipping and focusing on insisting that I'm some other user. Deflecting. Also, this thread is past 500 so I will just go to the other thread.

I just want them to be daijobu

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Erwin was not a girl, which is the focal point of Eren and Falco's conversation.

Did Eren ever bug Annie about her desire to be in the MP for self preservation during the training days? Jean doing that seemed to bug Eren.

I don't think Eren would be too scared to ask her about it

Not only you're retarded, you're also a newfag


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You wait until page 10 to move. It's only 8 and the board is slow right now

Don't link my thread fag

So is it true that the confirmed end games so far are, in order of confirmation, JM, EH, AA, LH, FG and ZP? I haven't read the manga for over 5 weeks.


Yes but also it's canon confirmed that Sasha gave her virginity to Nicolo, a Marley cook, and Connie the cuuck got to watch them have sex.

Don't activate la creatura please

>eacuck fat trolling
EAshit is drowned, and it's very niced!


They will die of old age

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very niced english
so this.. is the power of EA haters

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That explains why he is so buttblasted

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Only FG is canon

Hey Mrs.Smith

Some to TL this cute?

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s2 finale - Eren laughs
s1 ep24 - Annie laughs
Where is Reiner's laugh?