How long have you known this panda?

How long have you known this panda?

Attached: 325564856.png (650x650, 230K)

Other urls found in this thread:

7 years



We're not allowed to talk about this here anymore

t. newfag mod

15 years ;_;

A bit less than I've know this site.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (168x116, 9K)

Why won't Yea Forums fight for freedom?

10 years

5 years and a half

So long, dear friend

I used g.e for 2 years then found out about sadpanda 7 years ago.

I'm getting porn withdrawal, I might have to look at 3d stuff

Round 10 or so years

Used e-h way before they had to do the split

never fall to the 3dpd scourge

Attached: 1427145051325.png (331x251, 38K)

4 years i guess. Never used it but its sad seeing it go and netherlands becoming more cucked.

7 years, since i was 13

A decade

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I'm at the point where I can fap to almost anything, but 2D girls are by far the best.


Before the panda was even a thing.

Yea Forums don't even fights for themselves
Yea Forums can't even get a job

didn't ask

6 years

Well...We still have e-hentai.


Sure, for roughly 6 more months.
And since 2008, to answer the main question.

Like 13 years, I have a greater sense of loss losing it than my own cousin.

50 years. I'm kind of an oldfag, you see.

>no loli
>no bestiality
>no guro
Just kill me.

2005 when I made my account

2 years and half since i started watching anime

>Googled Rei Ayanami Hot
>E-hentai in 2007
SadPanda 10 years

9 years or so. At least we should, most likely, get the full backup from Tenboro if he really does decide to not move hosts. That's at least what his latest posts sounds like. So shouldn't be any loss of data hopefully. But it'll definitely be the end of an era if a new site goes up.

8 short years.

Since the phone line was used for internet

8 fucking years.
I was 16 goddamn years old when I found sadpanda. Holy shit.

I miss Hakase, dudes.

5 y

Don't forget Yea Forums is 1 person.

you know what I don't even fucking mind it

I wanted to quit and destroy my account for so long but never had the willpower to do it

over the years it has been a consistently negative influence on my mental health

If you read the sticky it says you shouldn't be posting this here but instead on . Just fyi for everyone. You are breaking the rules.

shut the fuck up you fuckin monkey

>make it difficult to access among the "elite"
>nobody to download the content
you are guilty and you know it

Rules are meant to be broken.

Attached: 1535983103537.jpg (850x850, 108K)

you got told hard

if you dont follow the rules you just make this place like /pol/

>he follows the rules

Attached: 1359318601925.jpg (400x400, 80K)

>make it difficult to access
you'd have to be incredibly retarded not to understand how to get past the sadpanda. And even if you actually are that dumb then you should be capable of reading the multitude of instructions available explaining how to enter the site


>make it difficult to access among the "elite"
you just literally need to download a plugin then sign up for an account. How fucking hard is that?

monkey ook ook

>a topic actually relevant to the board due to all the non-h on there
>you cant talk about it because a newfag mod said so
>the /pol/ boogeyman

Since it was established. Been going to EH since October 2009.

I knew of and used e-hentai before sadpanda had to be implemented but I'm not sure how long exactly

harder than x/n hentais I guess

10 years, more than I've known this site

Ya know, now since ExH is dead, can we get a fucking dark mode on EH?

not him but doesnt work for everyone.
i used to be able to access the panda fine for years until they changed something one day

Just three years.

Think of the advertisers!

/pol/ are rulecucks, that's why they want a fascist dictator (read: an IRL janny) and ban you for posting black penises

You didn't lurk for 2 years, I see.

Like 6 years.

Attached: TUMBLING DOWN.gif (240x180, 1.89M)

>no incest
This hurts me the most.

Did you run out of soi milk or something?

Not anime and manga
Fuck off and slice your wrists Yea Forumseddit

They're still up you just can't search for it directly.

that happened to me back then when new google chrome came out, I just reinstalled it and fiddle around google chrome settings.

It had five million users. All you had to do was make an account on e- and wait a few days, then delete cookies, log in on e- and panda would be no more.

H-manga is manga.

good sans the guro part

you can if you shell out
though I just switched to nhentai

Thats sexual harassment panda after recalling a traumatic event
it was based on the sexual harassment or not?

>not anime and manga
>what is board culture
you faggots are even worse than them

Suck my cock cakeboy

over a decade, 3000 bookmarks. I even played that stupid game to get tag flagging.

I've had millions of GP's and credits, fucking jews stole all my internet bucks, it's worse than when I've thrown away old HDD which had like 1200 bitcoins on it bought for pennies.

Reminder that lolis are for doggies

I've known about ehentai on-and-off since 2007 when I was a horny teen trying to find porn on Ragnarok Online.

Only really made an account at around 2010 only really found out about the panda in 2011. Didn't even know you needed to do a little hoop jumping to access it, for some reason when I clicked on an exhentai link I never saw the actual sad panda.

even the smallest of obstacles manages to keep out nearly all the brainlets


There were key animation collections and anime production notes on it. It's Yea Forums related.

You do know that the last guy who tried to act like a mod about this got banned right?

I seriously hope you fags didn't actually play hverse back in the day. You're not one of those losers that grinded so hard that you have a character who's level is in the hundreds right?

You can still download things on EH, or give it away.

Mod power 10.
I got in during 2011, technically my first year in Yea Forums after lurking since 2008.

This thread shouldnt be up but newfags dont know board rules i guess

Why? What's wrong with that?

Sience he became my stand.

Nice falseflagging, /pol/.

Reminder that while America has loud SJWs, the actuall effective SJWs that do real damage are in yuroop

7 years and there's still no good alternative since then, that's depressing.

So many virgins itt

nigger janny lover

I tried to make a thread about anime and it got canned instantly. Up is down, black is white.

When did the first purge happen again that resulted in the existence of ex in the first place? 2007 or 2008?

you are underage this is a fact

I have a job and live by myself mister

Yea Forums mods just randomly delete any thread that isn't a shounen general

I found about the panda 8 years ago when I was 12, and it was the thing I grew up using.

There is a sticky up currently forbidding these type of threads. Please lurk and read the rules from now on.

15 years. I've been jerking off for 15 long years.

Updated the unofficial FAQ. Save and share. Thanks.

Attached: sad pandapocalypse joe posts 2.png (1600x4686, 1.29M)

I've been jerking for like 20 years, and EH has been a part of that since 2009. Before that was Luscious and Fakku, finding EH was a revelation.

so how much do you do this for?

Hey buddy I've think you've got the wrong board, the Yea Forums club is 2 blocks down

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Oh man lucious had the worst malicious ads and was such a mess but it had some great collections

Is that 11 fucking BILLION nonunique pageviews in 2018? With a fucking B?

Porn gets a lot of hits.

Doesn't mean anything.
Mods are fags.
Uphold Board Culture.
Also because the mods a faggot progressives if they ban me, a Filipino, PoC, minority, they are not progressives at all. Just a bunch of power grubbing twinks. Banning = disagreeing.

>SadPanda in the current year and not based Tsumino

Attached: a98e80bd8ccacaa50fa3e6a1a88b34be.jpg (1054x1060, 61K)

and brainlets are what you need now

Who is this.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 Viewing Profile.png (161x46, 1K)

Fuck, that's a lot.

>sad pandapocalypse joe posts 2
Do you have posts 1?

>he has the gall to call someone a newfag
around '10, only got through on '12

This is a global site that the whole world faps to. Hentai is the universal language, not math or English.

7 years, maybe 8 if we're talking about his older brother.

What was hentaiverse like?

And that's from 2013. It's probably several times that now.

>do you have posts 1
It's just an update of the last one. The new one contains everything the first version contained.

Attached: sad pandapocalypse joe posts.png (1600x2250, 536K)

>less content
>shittier tagging
>no downloads/torrents
nah, tsumino is ok but ex has a far superior ui and generally has more options.

It basically played like all those silly grindshit browser RPGs. There were so fucking many of them back in the day.

>people laughed at me because i download hentai
>who needs to download when i can read hentai online
now it's my turn to laugh at them.
my only regret was i didn't download enough.

Attached: bc1.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Magical Domical

remember when sadpanda threads were a thing on Yea Forums?. . . no? then lurk 2 years more or gtfo

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>my only regret was i didn't download enough
Same here. I have the shit I constantly went back to, but there's always room for more.

Am I the only one that remembers e - hentai being a site with a white background with a few links to random galleries of series in the early 2000s? I never knew if the one that we know today was an evolution of the older one.

imagine being this much of a fucking melvin.

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Somebody on Yea Forums should buy submarine parked next to an undersea cable and become the new Panda.

I think I started browsing back in 08 but I didn't make an account till they started pining for the fjords.

09. I wish that I could turn back time. Cause now the guilt is all mine. Can’t with without the books of those you love. I know we can’t forget the faps. You can’t forget love and pride. Because of that it’s killing me inside.

He can't learn that from lurking. All the newfags are basically stupid niggers that can't learn board culture.
I was only able to DL some of my favorites. I got some already downloaded before but it makes me squirm that I probably missed a lot too.

For some reason whenever I go to that link I only see that sad panda. How do I get past it guys...?

>hentai thread
That’s illegal here wtf.

wow me being sad about a fucking porn site dying was really unexpected today, I had so many orgasms thanks to the most degenerate stuff on it. See you space cowboy unless madokami saves us again like she did mangatraders

Guys help. I don't even see the panda anymore

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Where do they get the money to maintain the site

Doesn't seem too bad, something temporary for the time being.

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>Moeshitter got roasted
>Pedofags got BTFO
Goddamn, i love this timeline so fucking much.

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2011, I managed to at least save some of my favorites and now I'm just reuploading them to /t/
>retards thinking sadpanda is purely /h/
What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums, I haven't been to this board since 2014/15 but I don't remember you guys being a fucking faggot.

They run ads on

panda has been dead now since yesterday.

Is that true? That's all I read wtf is it a new rule?


looks like I've been using it since I was 14.

Attached: panda join date.png (126x16, 676)

Almost a decade now

>I'll have to go back to JAVs

So long that I genuinely don't remember when I began. It feels weird to go back to living without it. Raised the bar on panda-related sites so high that everything else can't help but feel like trash.

That's not right, we haven't even gotten to August yet.

So long time i forgot when

Is this a punishment for us? The fact that we make fun of Kyoani fire? Is this karma biting us back?

i started going there before ex even existed.

Attached: cry big.png (2320x2320, 2.86M)

is Anri back at it yet?

Just finished a good one. Not that user but there's a few good ones for all the bad ones. Yes I know the 3D shitposting but some of the women are actually cute.

Panda dying is unironically worse and bigger tragedy than kyoani hetting barbequed.

You guys know HV is still up, right?

>Not grinding in the arena to pay for direct download links with your earned gold
>Not having a monster-bro to feed and train and neglect for a few months
shiggydiggy tbqhfam desu

Attached: Into the Hentaiverse.png (997x571, 111K)

Secondaries ignore them.

Since August 23rd, 2013.

>Joined: 12-May 11
Didn't realize my account was that young. Could have made an account years earlier but never bothered.

Seems to be a dedicated team of shitposters, wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones who caused the apocalypse for the site.

i got an award which gives me free download daily.
i grabbed what i could yesterday.
it was hard because the exh archiver was getting error because being flooded by lots of requests

8 years it seems. I pity those who can't feel the weight of this loss, for they never knew the joys of it's existence.

Attached: Restpeacefully,myoldfriend.png (368x26, 2K)

why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Small world. Both of you were just a week away from each other.

Fuck off to resetera and reddit, if you like the redditor mod's rsticky that much

Since June 2010 - 9 years from now

Yea Forums will probably be gone in the next 3 years or so too
Daily reminder that the kiwis are to blame for this debacle
They have throughout this entire thread been trying to annihilate ATF and they succeeded.
ATF is on Worldstream and so is Ehentai. Ehentai is splash damage.
And know they are actively shitposting on Yea Forums to try to ruin any salvage operation

I don't remember. Since my unquenchable quest for shotacon began.
Still trying to salvage everything, but it's too late.

>12-May 11
a bit older than mine.
i knew panda many years before i created an account too.
i used to grab from hentairules but the admin there seldom upload loli stuff.
so i went to panda.
now i download traps.

Why the fuck did i decided downloading stuff would be a stupid idea?
Fuck me

Attached: 1563511747178.png (251x231, 40K)

But he was just here yesterday

>blaming kiwifarms
enjoy your incoming 3 day ban user, anyone who talks shit about kiwifarms have been banned since last night
since rumor has it they have a couple of mods and janies here

Eight years
I didn't go on there nearly as much as in the past but I'll greatly miss it.

Attached: 1507239071411.png (296x309, 58K)

Fuck off and die Yea Forumseddit

Absolutely disgusting.

Nope I didn't shell out and can access nonex incest.
Nhentai just scrapes ex anyway, newfag.

it was still up in the morning (my time zone).
it was gone when i checked half a day later.

Its always been the policy on e-hentai.

you surprised? most of the mods here are doublesiters who are more loyal to their other sites than Yea Forums since they do it for free here

Do you still remember the very first hentai you fapped to there Yea Forums?

Secret Plot Deep
Bondage Fairies Extreme

And later on I would jerk off to Lovely Poison, the very first RO doujins Digital Lover made, and even fucking Asanagi way before Fatalpulse was ever a meme.

Not at all. Doesn’t make it less disgusting that lesser fags from even lesser shit holes think they deserve a say on what is allowed. It’s like a retarded child at the family dinner having the gall to be heard, rather than just be seen.

It's kinda ironic how the trannies are defending the death of all kind of trap porn.

/h/ is not a discussion board

I don't want to lose you user!

Bondage fairies, jesus christ, that's not a name I've heard in a while. I should revisit that shit, for old times' sake.

>now panda
Why does this keep happening to us?

Played it a lot, in fact I'm level 333. I played the first 250 or so levels as a mage and then switched to melee. This is my character, with some shitty, old stuff.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 The HentaiVerse.png (1252x704, 111K)

>nearly all trap doujins were also tagged as shota
fucking hell why didn't I back up more stuff I feel so bad at how much I've neglected saving these

Attached: sacchin_sad.jpg (402x400, 36K)

>the very first RO doujins Digital Lover made
>Secret Plot Deep

>Nhentai just scrapes ex
which is why I switched there
>Nope I didn't shell out and can access nonex incest
you just have to have higher rank
donating is just the easiest way

to that one user that directed me to panda for lacus and cardcaptor porn thank you
without you i would have never survived college and med school

Attached: sadpanda.png (225x91, 3K)

been holding the arena since i got to level where i could fight the trio and tree.
yesterday i fought it to settle the score and became a godslayer.

Honestly don't even care. Everyone will just move somewhere else. Tons of imageboards out there, just waiting for anons.

I started downloading some of my favorites too, but it wasn't enough. It's never enough.

Attached: jahy regret.jpg (946x552, 112K)

>tfw you won’t ever have a relaxing evening looking up art books
Feels bad man, that was the best time killer.

>That one user from a few years back that was looking for "Accidental penetration" doujins
>Finally find one for him
Now I'll never be able to link him to it, it was a loli doujin.

A CG set called Shoujo Shiikuhou. My tastes were radically different back then.

Attached: 1527045760715.png (568x409, 313K)

>25 TB of drawn porn
Truly humanity's greatest achievement.

Where do I go for loli doujinshi now?

I never really looked into the origins of the site but I definitely remember going to a site called 'e-hentai' circa 2003 or so. I found a Dizzy guilty gear doujin and things were good. No idea if the current site is run by the same person though.

if we're talking first hentai ever then it was probably spunky knight. Wouldn't surprise me if I searched that first on sadpanda.

Since 2006. Feelsbadman



order by fav, latest is: [Kozo Yohei] Spunky Knight 1

apart from porn, there were some really nice art collections

For years

Try tsumino or nhentai.

It's been so long but does anyone remember when e-hentai still had its layout look more like a forum? What year was it in particular?

Like instead of the pure list and search bar we have now the old one even had big bars on the side? Because I distinctly remember being new the internet back then, searching for porn, stumbling upon a site called e-hentai, saving a few images from there, and then fucking off again.

Good work user, that shit is hard.

Just over 11 years. It's like losing an older brother who snuck you porn mags.

Attached: 4ae21ab79d87b255e6d39fe9c722a134.jpg (737x2000, 303K)

I used to browse ehentai before they even had the gallery. Literally found the site via spelling mistake.

>Secret Plot Deep
>Bondage Fairies Extreme
>Spunky Knight
those were from when hentai were translated by eros comix, right?

Attached: account.png (368x118, 6K)

When not4chan was no longer feasible to grab new releases. I dare not count the years.

something from juan gotoh

i was level 254 when facing the trio and tree.
i expected it to be hard but it wasn't that hard.
the hard part was when the round spawned 8 monsters (round 90+ till 99).
got almost killed almost in every round.
i'm level 255 now.
nice number because 255 is the highest number in a byte.

I'm sure I had an older account but it's been lost since forever.
>Those times when anons made guides to get past the panda because most of us were too retarded to understand how to
>Made me install a cookies manager add-on on firefox
>Still use it to this day
Ah, the original purpose of this cookies manager is over. It feels so weird and sad.

Attached: fuck.png (134x13, 634)


>decade old account
>still only has mod power of 7

How were you supposed to fucking even raise this? I know you could play the game but what else?

>he isn’t in the super duper sekrit club
You’re all normalfags

More like the purpose of firefox is over, get rid of that trash already

i can't even remember the first one i read, i do remember following cheers! for awhile though when it was new

oh god another super sekrit klub

Attached: c070fb918c9634418f496e6ad9595286b610646e1382965470.gif (241x360, 1016K)

good taste


Since 2007

I've got nothing but loyalty bonus and I can access it. +5 from account age.

Not sure which but I know it was Ranma

shut up newfag, nice reddit filename

Shut up, they are coming back.

Attached: 1563826660065.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

I can't wait for it to come back up but to replace the panda with kokomade.jpg

>How do I get past the bowing girls?

There's no better alternatives. At least I'm not using quantum.

Don't worry it's only for people stupid enough to donate 100 dollars.

Found my 2 disks with ExH galleries.
8 GBs of taiwanese caricatures complete with an excel file with the name of the doujin, the actual link to the gallery and up to 3 tags to describe the doujin.
Everyone does this, right?


Attached: sad chilly willy.jpg (284x339, 18K)

Back before it needed to have the ex or the panda.


damn man, I work hard and come home late a few days in a row so I don't get to fap. Now it's a Friday and I finally have time and then I find out this shit happens.

I just want to jerk off, man.

>sticky saying panda threads don't belong on Yea Forums
>mods not deleting this thread
Mods, please follow your own rules you retarded niggers

Do you feel like you still have a place in the world Yea Forums? The internet was the only thing I really ever had and now it feels as if every single thing I was holding onto is slowly slipping away.

Please kill yourself or donate your boipussy to the nearest nigger.

Umm user racism is against the rules

I do not, help me im scared

imagine getting angry at porn

>first doujin favorited over 10 years ago
It wouldn't be so bad if there was anything good to go with the bad, but there isn't. It's just a never ending wave of degradation, decay, and it's all getting worse. I hate normalfags so fucking much.

A long time.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (205x88, 10K)
Yeah, nice "anime" thread, faggot. At the very least, mods can do their jobs when it comes to getting rid of the most obvious /pol/ shit.


Those Negima doujins from way back. Fapped to Yue the most.

A decade, give or take

I've never even been to pol, otherfaggot.

I'm sorry you were born without an imagination.

>Joined: 25-August 10

what archive viewer you guys using?

I remember when there were regular sad panda threads on Yea Forums. Those were better days.

I haven't been on Yea Forums since they got rid of /djt/ but i vaguely remember Yea Forums had sadpanda threads everyday.

I just want to jerk off, man.

>played hverse daily
>got endgame equipment and sold for goldstar
>completed full forged mage set
And now this. Fuck

used to use CDisplay (classic), didn't like the new CDisplayEx or something.
now i'm using HoneyView

>Bondage Fairies
Damn, that brings back memories. I don't know what was first period, but I remember one of the first things I found on ex after watching Detective Conan dubbed on YouTube was Wanyanaguda's Ai Haibara series, and I still fap to it to this day. I was a born lolicon whose taste never changed.

Bitch Bokujou's Heavenly Bitch Bride. It was uploaded like a day before I signed up.

mpv with a script I wrote (the script only works on linux though)

I remember spending four years using it for sure. I don't even remember when I switched to panda.
I wish I never found the panda. It hurts now.

As in manga? A DBZ doujin rewrite where the "wives" are talking about their experiences.

But seriously, what do I do this Comiket?

That takes me back to the days when I thought Super Taboo was kinky.
"how can they get away with it?"


immoral family

Thats what I want to know. Where do I get my loli Reines doujins? Fuck I was looking forward to that all year long.

Like 4-5 years. Never made an account and I feel like an asshole I didnt save anything. Forgive me

Attached: Kokoro_13.jpg (756x1034, 219K)

I have no idea what's coming, aside from Aodouhu's next Elf Brothel work. Looking forward to that one.

13 years

>being a rulecuck

And thank the lord Ranma will still be around.

try and find a way inside baidu cause apparently thats where the taiwanese uploader guy is gonna upload it

I cried, partly because of the loss of all of that data, but because it reminded me how powerless I really was to stop it.

You could get some mod pwer up by leveling your char or donation or contribution towards the community and win the annual giveaways

Taimanin asagi
I dont remember the ep number at this point but it was the one where the placed in stocks and were free use to demons for 3 days.

I'm +5 and see no incest on e-

I've never felt like I had a place, but the internet was as close to that feeling as I could get.
>You mistyped the CAPTCHA, or the CAPTCHA malfunctioned.


You need to give out your phone number to register right?

Since before the panda and user uploaded galleries existed. Back when masterbloodfer was a thing

6 years

So what do we actually do now? Is the only thing we can do salvage what is left on the site right away?

There are some anons out there making and archive, and Joe said that there will be putting up an archive, right?

Is there plans to make a new sekret klub, where you can migrate the favorites data there?

How about the artbooks and stuff, which will get less attention?

God damn, this is giving me flashback to nyaa DDOS. I thought those were the end times, but this is it.

My account is from late 2009 but I'm pretty sure I've used the site for a bit longer than that.

Sad to say i hardly knew him.
I was jacking off to my imagination for most my adolecent life.

Attached: 1564115476843.jpg (432x432, 63K)

Where will the loli/incest/shota doujins ago?

We can at least be sure that e-hentai will still have some C96 doujins get uploaded there but what about the ones with fetishes relegated to the panda?

Wouldn't torrents be a thing? Or is that not how it works with doujin?

Update: I'm looking into various alternatives based on information and suggestions from a variety of people. But just to clarify; if a fully intact live version of the site cannot be made available, then the necessary data to clone it will be made available instead.

Were just gonna habe to build ourselves up with the scraps we have left.

never used it

This is it. I guess this is the excuse to go full on nofap.
I spent the entirety of teenage years in there.
There will be nothing quite like it anymore, even if there will be a new site. It will just not be the same.

Attached: another_drink_wouldnt_hurt_magnet_large.jpg (480x480, 28K)

it's just porn, get over it

At least 5 years.

Hot Tails chapters posted on Newgrounds under the name Hentai Tales. Also the cobbled-together Hentai Tales: The Game that he made with screengrabs from Kanon.

I grinded to get to mod power 12 so I could downvote wrongly used loli tags. After seeing Tenboro's 2 posts after the announcement and the fact that even he realized he didn't break any law and his host just wanted an excuse to boot him out, I can feel a slight amount of hope in being able to use all that wasted time again somewhere in the future.

Ok so I just got home from work and I'm more or less caught up on the situation maybe. Is literally everything on the site nuked? Can I still look at any non-loli shit?

>needing porn to fap
The panda was holding you back.

Mine is almost 7 years. I also thought my account was older-

So why exactly is it getting shut down? What will people do for their doujins now? Use another site or what?

How was this site making money again?

Yeah, just go to e-hentai instead of ex

Popular shit will live on, niche shit will be lost to time. Just like with piracy sites, despite how popular e-hentai is here it's still not a huge site like say Pirate Bay is, others will replace it.

Everything that was only visible on Ex is gone (for most people)*, that means anything tagged with loli, shota, guro, incest, toddlercon, and similar. All else can still be accessed on Eh but only until the end of 2020.

*People that have donated can still view ex stuff in eh.

Donations and buying stuff for the game.

Just use e-hentai you pedos

I'm still tired from yesterday's rush but should I begin archiving the artist/game CGs on Hitomi as well? Isn't it hosted in the Netherlands too?

Selling CP and other things encrypted in HatH to the highest bidder...nah.

All the uploaders were on panda and every other site on the internet is just leeching and so if the site shuts down there will be no more doujins. Ever.

I used panda mostly for non-h artbooks of my favourite franchises so I guess they won't be popular enough for any backup effort to include.

It's merely a placebo to stop the pain

It is history and culture, you moronic pig. It was the works of the great animators and illustrators before they became great. It was part of their formative years and if you cannot understand that then you will never understand their art forever.

ex-hentai is shut down.
e-hentai is up for 6 months.
People will use nhentai or

>Hitomi is in the Netherlands


Didn't Joe get demodded for helping us?

The sheer volume of content SadPanda had eclipsed all of it's rivals.

Where the times goes?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 Viewing Profile.png (270x106, 7K)

No he's fine. It was people shitposting.

Attached: jahy goro.jpg (809x549, 82K)

Why would he care about being the mod of a site that was about to shut down anyway?

Someone said e-hentai doesn't allow loli stuff, so what would be the point of them using it?

Since 2012

It''ll shut down too, moron.

You guys realize that there’s no new rule disallowing lolicon uploads on e-hentai right? I can still see everything.

I tried to salvage as much as i could from e-hentai, but most of my favorites have been obliterated.

What I know is that E-H is still accepting uploads, and that everything including galleries tagged as lolicon and other panda-exclusive content can be seen there for a few hours before they're made restricted, which means that any of the mirror sites can get to them assuming their ripping is fast and frequent enough.

>Yea Forums can't even get a job
Sadly only Yea Forums mods can't get a job,
I'm an IT support engineer for an oil company.

Wow, borderline 30 years. How do you manage to keep an account running that long? That's insane.

Why is this pedo thread still alive? Mods?

I guess this is a lesson from god not to mock the tears of others.

I'll never change though.

That's some advanced mathematics.

>waaaah its a pedo thread
guess you throw that word around as if you learned it today

I'd go to cripplechan if that happens.

I don't know, I was happy with what I had there I guess. Like a home

just report & ignore anyone aimlessly throwing pedo around. im tired of seeing it, has nothing to do with the discussion

I remember when people mockingly joke about exhentai being next when nyaa died. God-fucking-damn, it hurts. Shit like this really hits hard out of nowhere, don't they?

That's probably the estimated age of the user
which is right

same shit with incel, cumbrain, sneed, have sex, cope, have sex, incel, etc. etc. etc

Fucking sick of these frogposters

Attached: dead.jpg (200x200, 17K)

I remember back when we had good moderation and using that word was basically a guaranteed ban.

As soon as enough people tag a gallery with a banned tag it goes to ex and it's gone and not accessible anymore.

You know not even sad panda, this makes me nostalgic for all the old niche forums I used to frequent back in the mid 00s:
Dota/WC3 custom map forums.
MMO forums.
D&D forums.
Even fucking autistic /x/-tier garbage.

This all feels very sobering Yea Forums.

It sounds like the dude might reconsider it. Maybe there’s still hope?

Not long enough. I still have 30 sadpanda tabs open in my phone and I'll never close them.
I'm proud of my edit, did you see anyone reposting it and getting tons of (You)?

Attached: TheCryOfTheHunterchad.png (1000x1000, 888K)

I came to Yea Forums because stuff like that was getting way too bad on Yea Forums, also because there wasn't really any new Yea Forums material I liked and the older stuff I did never had threads or they became contaminated too. It's not nearly as bad here, I think technically there are more threads made with that stuff but the mods take care of it, it's pretty much the board culture on Yea Forums.

Really I think I'm slowly being pushed away from the site. There's only a couple anime I even watch anymore and I don't discuss one.

Not if you’re not a worthless leech and have donated.

/g/ makes me despise it with all those fucking frog/wojak threads. We get it you hate ryzen or some shit

Long enough to make this and eventually inspire the Haruhi add-on that made this chart obsolete.

Attached: never forget.jpg (1286x1142, 367K)

Wow, that brings back memories

longer than the Yea Forums mods have been alive probably

Christ you're still fucking alive?

it's bs. i've uploaded more than 1k usd in files yet i can't access because i didn't donate directly

Did you like my Sayaka buttjob commission?

>MMO forums

Attached: SkirtFlip_16.9_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 784K)

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Bondage Fairies, Spunky Knight, random Sailormoon, and Eva doujins after that.

>newfags talking about hentai on Yea Forums (anime AND manga)
oh my sides wrong site learn to lurk

Attached: pepelaughz.jpg (800x450, 40K)

So can someone finally tell me if the one week wait thing was THE way or what? I never got it to work and after a week I forgot about it.

I'll be here until Yea Forums dies in one way or another.

>mfw I saw that

Attached: puella_magi_madoka_magica-03-sayaka-crying.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

best part of sadpanda was how simple the site was. you could browse it on a toaster, no ads, no bullshit like modern websites. im gonna miss this little nigga

Cosmic break was a really fun game. I really liked the team-based tactical aspect of it.
I would pretend that I'm a high-altitude B2 bomber and drop those gigantic robots into the middle of the action

>Cosmic Break
Great, now I'm even more depressed after remembering that not only did it go to shit, it's now dead here in the west.

>Even javforme is dead as of this year

Attached: hfwboobs.jpg (335x310, 20K)

Yeah that is pretty stupid he should be manually reviewing or setting guidelines on who gets in or not based on merit not just giving it to any normalfag retard who donates $20.

I first visited the main site when it still had the pink layout. Didn't know about panda until maybe 4 years of lurking on Yea Forums thanks to a random user who told me how to access it when I asked.

Delete your cookies.
Log-in to e-hentai.
Immediately go to exhentai.

Go into incognito mode.
Log-in to e-hentai.
Immediately go to exhentai.

It's so god damn simple.

look frogfag, I think you dont know how to lurk in the first place

I actually used to run in on a 3DS

>Accidental penetration
I was looking for it but now panda is dead

I have no idea what you mean by the one week wait. As far as I remembered, you created an e-hentai account and then logged in and you were good to go. If you couldn't cross the Fjords then you needed to edit your cookies so that it would let you access it properly. The haruhi add-on changed it drastically so all you needed was that add-on and you could always access it.

If the admin decided to stop being a fag and reverse his decision, is it possible to restore the site or did he do the equivalent of razing everything to the ground?

11 years

I just feel sorry for the guys who will no longer have their doujins, but imagine all those extra language editions that never got saved.

How do you accidentally penetrate a loli?

thats actually interesting, how did it work?

Dumb frogposter >>Yea Forums

He might have had a retarded browser that required him to wait a week before the cookies expired.

>newfag frogposter doesnt know that panda threads used to be common
>calls others newfags

I love that kind of old web design myself, so simple and to the point


Ever since kindergarten.

Used that, until I got the cookies to finally work, after the plugin stopped working.

I used to save my doujin, but then I started using sadpanda because it was easier to favorite them it really all gone? Years of top-tier favorited fap content gone...

Right, I did that. I have no idea why it didn't work, and I promise I know what the fuck deleting cookies means.

I tried the Exhentai Passport thing too. People were saying the week thing was real during the crisis.

Tried Chrome and Firefox. There is no excuse for why it wasn't working if the week wait wasn't real. I almost thought people were memeing at me because it was so simple and not working.

I actually commissioned 2 buttjobs with her. One with hoshime, one with pixaltrixx. I spent money so be grateful.

This is your moderator, say something nice about him!

Attached: 1551130893199.png (1337x1914, 1.31M)

What media storage you all used to store all your collection? I have 10 TB of collection using 3x 4 TB of external HDD. Any suggestion what kind of mediaa storage can i used for archive purpose?

Literally used this guide to manually edit my cookies to beat the panda all those years ago. Bless you sir.

Unironically kill yourself summer nigger, we should go back to zero tolerance.

It's been a long time since I first saw the panda. I couldn't even guess. I know it was this site that sent me there though

>expecting people to follow rules on 4channel

Attached: futa puchi.gif (400x225, 463K)

The data is still in those servers in the Netherlands, but only accounts that have donated ($20 in bitcoin) can reach them now.
He just simply closed the easier door.

Pretty well, touch screen for advancing pages and the analog thumbstick let you move the page around so you could use only one hand, the screen's size is a bit larger than a regular phone too.

>yfw when pedos crying over spilled milk

Attached: 4D11EAE6-FC23-456F-9DFF-BD0727B6ECF3.jpg (288x450, 12K)

>talks about non anime topic
>calls me summer
double yikes

Yeah, that's why I created the original chart because I had that problem with not being able to get right in. I haven't had the same problem in years.

You should have tried to manually changed your cookies. That would have helped. That's actually what got me through.

I don't lewd my waifu so if you can spend it on a different girl, I'd be happy.

Glad to help.

Please give more information

Hush. You have to understand that he doesnt know the importance of lurking and knowing where he is. Only knows shit like buzzwords anyway

Attached: Koishi_7.jpg (1390x2048, 314K)

There is a sticky saying panda threads don't belong here retard

>frogposting on Yea Forums

So last night i used the downloader that some user posted here "HDoujin.Downloader" and I input a lot of doujins, all of them appears as "downloaded" now but only the first one is actually downloaded, the rest idk where the fuck is.

Default download directory was C:\

Based Hunter C.H.A.D.S styling on

one of these bad boys

Attached: cse-847beic-r1k28lpb_front_1.jpg (3867x1811, 533K)

same shit

Attached: Berserk hiatus.png (613x472, 378K)

longer than the mods of Yea Forums, that's for damn sure

I think that honestly all that shit should just be filtered
nobody has ever made a good post containing those buzzwords

6 years; don’t know what you have till it’s gone.


and? is that gonna stop us? fuck no

>yfw all these newfags know nothing about site history

Attached: 1342221149157.gif (445x247, 2.85M)

holyfucking based hunterchad.

>You should have tried to manually changed your cookies. That would have helped. That's actually what got me through.
Yea I'm a retard in this regard because I didn't know what changing them meant. Someone said move the cookies to Exhentai but I wasn't sure how, I didn't have time to figure it out everything was already mostly gone and then it was.

The first time I tried this awhile back I didn't hear to do that.

>the shonen manchildren again

Attached: 1557636461695.png (1280x720, 767K)

Has anyone on this website? I put shit like "sneed" and "have sex" on my filters simply because they add nothing to discussion

>cant even lurk
>misses the obvious sticky
>post non anime topic on Yea Forums (ANIME)
lurk two years before posting.

Attached: image(10).jpg (396x385, 31K)

I knew what I had, but exhentai made it impossible to do a full siterip. I have done full rips of Gelbooru/ATF/MyFigureCollection/E621/nHentai/so on, but sad Panda will ban your account if any crawling activity is detected.

Censoring art is so silly. This is the "Folly of Time" by Agnolo Bronzino and sits in the museum of London. Will they be ripping this off the Museum wall too even though it's not too far off from what one of these controversial doujins might have? There's a possibility that one of the guys who contributed to those art works that were taken down is a future da vinci who we may never know of. It's tragic to lose an artistic community like this.

I mean reading about murder doesn't make you a murderer so what's the big deal with harmless drawings? It's all nonsense.

Attached: Folly of time.jpg (768x968, 98K)

I mean that's like a month away a replacement will probably be up by then.

Maybe he comes to his senses. It seems like multiple people pointed out that he misinterpreted the law or some shit.

Bloomer Mama by Jingrock. My downward spiral in the realm of incest began there. I don't remember exact manga after that, but I remember reading things by Juan Gotoh, Yuuki Ray, and tons of others. I'll miss it dearly.

Are pornographic depictions of puchidols from puchimas considered lolicon materials?

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I haven't seen this fucking tripfag in forver. Jesus Christ.

>moecucks burned
>pedos btfo
Feels good to be a HunterCHAD.

do you have any?

Nah man I like the "have sex" posts. Especially in Yea Forums because they're usually said in the context of silly Abeposting.

What if its on topic about a character wanting to have sex? Sneed I agree.

>implying we give a single fuck about what the sticky says
>still frogposting
>still acting like a faggot
go back

Attached: (you).jpg (1280x2160, 219K)

It feels to me the censorship and blaming the Netherlands was also just a cop out for the admin that no longer wanted to deal with the site

Jesus, when was that exactly?
I knew mods were cucks but not that cucks

>Has anyone on this website?
course they have

Especially since we have loli threads every day here.

Like 2 years maybe, never bothered trying to access though

Attached: 1470594065015.jpg (574x497, 161K)

Stop replying to retards fishing for attention already.

Attached: 1559583926840.gif (270x368, 1.5M)

God i hope abib gets mugged and killed
insufferable newfag

This applies for me outside of Yea Forums because they just have no fucking purpose. Yea Forums isnt my go to board, but I still use it for the anime I watch and like. I miss bocchi god damnit.

That's the impression I got too.

>all those artbooks and franco-belgian comics I never downloaded while I had the chance


i've known the panda for almost 12 years now

13 years

Attached: 1558708369305.gif (240x180, 465K)

Someone help lol

>he misinterpreted the law or some shit.
tell that to the host

Even if it were true and he didn’t want to play whack a mole anymore, there were plenty of people offering to takeover.
I wonder what’s really going on behind the scenes.

You know you just posted a pedo right?

Did the mods stop deleting threads about this now?

Also what site are you gus going to use instead of exhentai?

He could have looked into ways to pass the torch, if he was simply afraid of breaking the law. All of this was sudden.

Im not even a big loli enthusiast (5% of my favorites) but 70% of my favorites (which had busty women) got nuked for some reason. Probably because they had 1 panel of loli in it. Even the middleschooler /ss/ galleries got nuked dammit
The only thing left is extreme vanilla highschooler stuff now.

Lurk moar., since nhenta is low-res

Anything that got shunted into ex because of tagging can still be accessed in e- by accounts that have donated (that's why I said $20 in bitcoin). Ex closing simply means accounts that haven't donated lost access to the shunted stuff; the data itself wasn't destroyed at the source.

Keep reporting and spamming this degenerate and off topic thread hxhchads, we’ll get the mods attention.

Again, blame the host.

Ready the updated info post, the issue is the host that decided to be an asshole thanks to a massive amount of spammed reports (which might have to do with the same reason why ATF's site was killed). Looks like the admin is slowly changing his mind about this situation and trying to work on a way to bring the site back, and if that isn't possible, he'll provide the archive and help out whoever starts the next panda project.

I'm fucking glad I wrote that downloader off as needless shilling and just spent a few hours manually torrenting everything I wanted. It sounds like quite a few anons got fucked over by it.

Attached: 1557267949582.jpg (384x381, 40K)

oldfag here haven't posted in a while
someone give me a quick rundown on this new panda meme

Hes probably the type of person who doesnt give a shit, he has to do extra work to hand the site over, and he doesnt care about that. He just wants whatever is most convenient for himself.

This honestly just feels like another step in the dismantling of internet from the 00s and back. The wild west days of the internet have been slowly coming to an end.

Ever since the sticky they've left like one or two panda threads up at a time.

It seems like they just didn't want to deal with the wave of spam like little bitches. Should have just let Yea Forums burn in hysteria for a day.

Most people don't want to give up their power. Why pass on their ship when they torch it and ride out as the king? It's retarded, but not unheard of.

nigger, just search the drive using the names of the shit you dl'd.

What is this ATF I keep hearing about anyway?

>Announcing reports

Attached: 1360108358950.gif (597x336, 2.75M)

Most likely. He was blaming his tendons for it too, like that have to do with giving administration to another person on the web

To be fair, he had to deal with somewhere around 100s of thousands of dollars just to keep the site running, according to hte unofficial faq. I would get tired too.

He still had no right to just fucking drop it and run, though. that is plain irresponsibility.

>be me
>come to Yea Forums
>summerfags spamming hentai threads
and other off topic nonsense for the last week.
Newfags gonna newfag.

Attached: 88F4AC35-6DC6-4315-AD08-D939034FGCA.jpg (1127x685, 89K)

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearm department. They are an agency here in the USA and recently there was a law passed that allowed them to operate in child pornography cases.

What song have you had on loop ever since the panda died lads?


is abib still around

In Yea Forums's case you have plenty of posts about people who want to fuck cute anime girls too and those are very important.

Sure here's all you need to know about it in 3 easy images.

Attached: 1564114566729.jpg (685x684, 54K)

at last more than a decade.

So many eras are ending

That would be disappointed but understandable, he should just be more honest about it.

It's not working

Yes. Zero doubt.

If you want to get as borderline to pedophilia as you can then that's ATF.

Attached: 1557697893170.png (498x1012, 487K)

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Attached: 1564115086794.jpg (428x426, 26K)

reminder that this guy killed off SCP thread on Yea Forums because he didnt like them, and has done so to many other video games and anime/manga threads

All we know is that this is the reason the site's host gave him. Probably made up indeed, but I doubt the host had any intention of being convinced otherwise.

>newfag does not understand board history
You also have nothing to lean on because no porn has been posted

Attached: 1384180167467.gif (500x281, 1014K)

they're a government agency tasked with killing dogs

AllTheFallen. It was a replacement booru for lolibooru that also hosted a loli forum.

That chart is close to 8 years or older.

Uh, I don't think he was talking about that ATF.

Attached: 1564115190326.jpg (428x429, 19K)

did they have non nude shit? thought they just scanlated things.

>flower is gone

How has this faggot not been demodded yet?

Last year I rarely download high res version of key frame. So many treasure in non-h.

Attached: saekano-animation-works-10.jpg (1280x1875, 135K)

A good translation group that ended up getting so big it turned into what said. The funniest thing is how what sparked their death (and likely the panda's death too) was fucking Skyrim mods.

Stop feeding shitposters


Skyrim isn't even a good game wtf

They had a lot of game mods in their forums, and a dedicated booru.

Don't have the original image, but here you go.

I knew them most from their Skyrim mods. So I didn't spend a lot of time near that site because of how creepy some of the stuff got.

Attached: dogs.jpg (800x1816, 100K)

If these are the people moderating Yea Forums nowadays then this site is really finally dead.

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I feel like I found e-hentai in 2010 and learned about ExHentai by the end of 2010 and finally got past it late 2011.

Oh that place that's the forum with a black and orange color scheme right I think I downloaded a dlsite game there once or twice after being directed there by google. I thought it was just some bootleg animesharing since it was so rare for them to have something AS didn't.

>Skyrim mods
I never cared about that shit. The game was shit and the models looked stiff/ugly. No clue how anyone got into modding it so heavily just for lolis.

>newfags crying and up in tears because the only site they know of is going down
>meanwhile I'm chilling on my fakku account.

Attached: 1557088889909.png (645x773, 7K)

No wonder the decline of the board.

Yea Forums - DBZ, Naruto and other shounenshit

Just look at .

But Tenboro already deleted it tho?


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fuck off with your kiwi shit

Don't feed shonen niggers

I'm assuming because the Skyrim mods are 'too realistic' that got them jammed up? They did take that shit too far.

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I like this scan. Unfortunately no Dandelion, no Akane cs.

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I've been hearing a lot about this kiwifarms lately.

Do you guys remember though?

When moot was still here, sad panda was still not banned in Yea Forums
We used to have threads up sharing our perverse fantasy to random strangers on the internet
I remember Hakase used to dump huge list of tags, from incest to vanilla and all.
Vanilla fags and NTR fags were like cats and dogs, nobody could quell their infighting.
Every now and then we find "THE gallery", masturbating then sleeping the night off

Good times, Yea Forums

Attached: 1430139387956.png (335x375, 205K)

Those mods never worked on my game anyway the alignments were all off. Maybe they got taken down because they finally fixed it after all these years.

One day they'll reach puberty and want to fap to the girls from their shounenshit too, and then it will be too late for them.

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Oh god bless him.

Wait what are you talking about they were just a bunch of anime girls a couple of years ago.

Attached: 1459468263748.jpg (840x700, 96K)

this absolutely disgusting and explain the behavior of some, both mods and users

I remember when we had fun with sound threads and CYOAs before mods killed them.

I did and nothing popped up

I think it was a Haruhi Suzumiya doujin from Fakku before it was all paid only crap. I'm sure there might have been some others before, but man, that was so long ago; I can't remember. Probably some basic NTR one.

anyone that donated can confirm that ex-h files are still available through e-h?

The truth is the whole world is sliding into anti-freedom at the moment on our way to WW3. The clampdown on the internet is just a peripheral consequence.

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If you're hearing a lot about kiwifarms lately it means they're fucking up. They've been around for a long time and have been stirring shit for a good while too. They usually stay a bit more out of the spotlight.

I got banned from their forums so RIP.

No, they had lewd Skyrim mods. They were the place known for letting you get lewd with children in Skyrim. They would bypass all the detections that the mod authors from Loverslab would put in their mods. LL and ATF were always going against each other as LL saw them as degenerate pedophiles while ATF were just being pedos or something.

Attached: 1547582408931.jpg (483x461, 31K)

a Digimon one, don't judge me

>woke up and immediately went to work and didnt browse Yea Forums for the entire day yesterday.
I fucking never stood a chance. I hope you fags salvaged everything.

It's copywrite laws getting it nuked too other sites will follow EU is full of cucks

every fucking day I miss it

Attached: 100% MAD.gif (400x187, 1.56M)

The fucking artbooks of ehentai will never backed up at this point

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh libgen is too slow and baidu has all hoops before i can view one image, fuuuck

I knew this loli and shota uploads will be the death of ehentai at some point after olympics 2020, but fuck

All too well. I remember newfags using /q/ and /qa/ to try killing them too but always failing to do so, most mods agreed with them being fine as long as nobody posted NSFW images and later on even Hiro agreed that they were fine, but then 2016 happened and Yea Forums was never the same again.

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Oh yeah I remember those that happened when Moot was here though.

that's actually quite tame. all things considered
then you got fooled.

The sad part is he isnt even the worst, theres a mod who hates ecchi scenes and thinks they are hentai. Thinks hes the same guy who wanted to ban seikon no qwaser from Yea Forums.

I got one of my favorite bans from making a CYOA thread because it was too explicit and retarded. Still maxed the thread tho.

S2 never. IMS Production bankrupt.

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No I meant anime lolis. Did they start doing hyper realistic child models or something?

>ATF had actual CP on it at once
sad that panda had to go because of them

Attached: 1485924652373.png (500x500, 227K)

>Continues to be a newfag
You do know that you have to be +18 to post on this site right?

Attached: 1354508288018.gif (350x263, 680K)

So did Yea Forums, many times. What does that have to do with anything?

I'll just say one thing:

be very cautious when blaming Kiwifarms.

Enjoy your basic bitch vanilla

I'm serious, I'm too much of a degenerate for vanilla anymore ;_;

Any non-H artbook that doesn't have fjord tags (i.e. lolicon, shotacon, incest, furry, and guro as far as I recall) should still be fine on E-H so get to archiving them, you better pray that someone remembered the ones that had those tags though.

It may be tame to a degenerate on Yea Forums, but to a governmental body these are some really fucked up shit.

They were making mods to break the mods from LL so they could use children in the sex and bestiality mods and anyone who has ever modded Skyrim can tell you how hi-quality character models can get.


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Raid kiwi for the laughs

When will Yea Forums, and Yea Forums in general learn that /pol/ is on pretty much every board and essentially is Yea Forums?
/pol/ is literally Yea Forums before it became nothing but porn. /pol/ has been pretty much Yea Forums culture since 2012. All the new edgy memes, all the raids and pranks have come from /pol/ since 2012.
/pol/ is literally just people from other boards taking a break from their home board to post shit.
I would say at least 50% of Yea Forums are people who frequent /pol/.

So when fags on Yea Forums and other boards say "Delete /pol/ to save Yea Forums", your actually saying get rid of Yea Forums culture and make this place SFW, 4channel and LeReddit.
/pol/ has always been inside Yea Forums, it just used to be Yea Forums.
You are the /pol/, Yea Forums.

I just find it gross
nothing more to it

Did he hear the news? I never seen him since that one christmas that they allowed sad panda threads. I hope he is doing well, that bastard

>mods have been suppressing panda threads all day
>leave one up for once
>+500 posts

But sure, panda has nothing to do with Yea Forums.
Fucking retards.

Here's your (You). Don't spend it all in one place.

But you were implying Sad Panda died because of ATF which isn't true. There's no relation other than their servers being hosted in the same country

Of course it had to be a tripnigger making a post like this.

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so where is the go fund me to save the panda?

I don't know why they didn't just make a sticky for it.

I guess i misunderstood then, my bad

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I remember when everything was allowed so long as you spoiler'ed it.

It was apparently the same host too and it isn't hard to connect the dots. ATF gets reported -> people notice their scanlated doujins are in some exhentai site -> they report it too.

Well you've clearly never been to old Yea Forums if that's what you think.

Still sad.

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WOW thats old, i had totally forgotten about that

Nope. What you are saying might have had some truth before 2016, but it's obvious most of current /pol/ are newfags with zero understanding of board culture and stick out like a sore thumb whenever they try to colonize other boards.

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/ss/ was source to some of the curviest hottest milfs, onees, and cakes. Everyone is connected in the purge.

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Letting stormfront mutts in /news/ was a mistake. Fuck off to /pol/ moron

this sadly

>Is a mod
>He hates the very board he's asked to lurk
>Abuses his powers and just tells people off
gookmoot was a mistake

That more of a newfag problem than a /pol/ problem.
The same thing happened with Yea Forums. Newfags would come to Yea Forums, think Yea Forums was the kool kids klub and try to take over other boards.

I mean how many times in the past did something happen to Yea Forums like music, wordfilters or something annoying happened, and then they would flood to another board and post
>/?/ is now property of Yea Forums until x stops on Yea Forums.
That shit happen like 10 times a year

Netherlands fucking sucks. Is there any country with the right laws and infrastructure for sites like ATF and Exhentai to exist safely in?

/n/ was a mistake.

Fewer and fewer by the year. At this point I'd say Indonesia (which is Muslim majority, so could change at any time), Taiwan, and MAYBE Latvia.

Registered on Jun 18 2009, 00:07
A little over 10 years I guess

Do you think that the fjord-tag userbase would use a platform that was even more inconvenient to access than 2019 exhentai? Like fracturing the a site into clearnet and onion where lolifags like myself have to use tor to download lolicon?

It was good for galleries that didn't have torrents. Worked for me but it was slow.

Indonesia will shitcan that stuff even faster.

/q/ and /qa/ have ever and always been faggots trying to fun police

bro stop posting cringe

>wanted to ban seikon no qwaser from Yea Forums.
Why are the mods such fucking faggots

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My personal suggestion would be to assign galleries with a vulnerability score, recognizing which ones were likeliest to be nuked in the event of any possible site purge - as well as which ones were just vulnerable in general.

Something with zero torrents is given +1 vulnerability, something with just guro or whatever +2, and something with loli/shota +3. So in the end, a gallery might have a max score of +6 and in that case you REALLY should consider setting up some independent torrent system for it and not rely on the centralized nature of the site. Because that's what is fucking us.

I'll never comprehend people like them. Why even come and mod a place with things you hate? How shitty is your life that you're rather use it on things you dislike rather than stuff you actually enjoy?

is loli/shota just dead now?

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The other point is a pussy pc culture has edged its way into other boards by newfags. So now anything remotely off topic or racist is "Hurr go back to /pol/, /pol/ is invading, /pol/ is uncontained.

Say nigger or something bad about them, hurr go back to /pol/
Shit on japsor weebary, hurr go back to /pol/
Call something degenerate. GO BACK TO /pol/ REEEE.
Insult trannies and fags, hurr go back to /pol/

These are all things that used to be said often on any board, but around 2014; the same year the SJWs appeared, they became buzzword only /pol/ said.

The other thing, is Yea Forums used to be the terminal you HAD to get off at before going to another board. But around 2012, people just came from high school straight to Yea Forums and other boards. Used to be if you didn't learn the culture from Yea Forums you were fucking lost if you stepped into Yea Forums.

Think about it, before 2012 Naruto threads and spoonfeeding was met with kill yourself, boku no pico, OP is a faggot.
Whens the last time you saw everyone shit on a guy with boku no pico? Instead someone spoonsfeeds them or the janitors delete it immediately.

All I'm saying is you used to be able to call anyone on any board a nigger and no one thought anything of it.
You used to be able to talk about the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki on Yea Forums in the middle of a thread and no one accused you of /pol/.
Threads somehow devolved into Hitler and Nazi's and you weren't accused of /pol/
Now anything to do with racism or politics at all is, hurr /pol/.

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authoritarians are psychopaths. they can't be understood by normal people.

Boy, things by GUST were a blast. Back then, I didn't even notice the generic body types and faces.

>'oldfags' wondering why Yea Forums has gone to shit when they don't gatekeep and let shounenbabies, Yea Forumsermins and retards with tumblr filenames go untold
Serves you all right.

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Can anyone explain to me why couldn't the owners just take all their equipment and move to a different country? Surely they have a bunch of physical storage that has everything on it, and I'm sure it would take a lot of time and money to relocate, but it is possible to do so, isn't it?

>Think about it, before 2012 Naruto threads and spoonfeeding was met with kill yourself, boku no pico, OP is a faggot.
>Whens the last time you saw everyone shit on a guy with boku no pico? Instead someone spoonsfeeds them or the janitors delete it immediately.
>All I'm saying is you used to be able to call anyone on any board a nigger and no one thought anything of it.
>You used to be able to talk about the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki on Yea Forums in the middle of a thread and no one accused you of /pol/.
>Threads somehow devolved into Hitler and Nazi's and you weren't accused of /pol/
>Now anything to do with racism or politics at all is, hurr /pol/.
Problem is is that back then it was completely ironic to call someone a nigger or a fag, sadly it's not so ironic anymore.

Go to Yea Forums and do doujin dumps.

I never "ironically" called someone a fag or nigger (whatever the fuck that means). Go kill yourself along with the tripfag.

negimaru was my first fap, sucked in because people used to say it had a good story

I don’t recall saying either of those ironically back in 2012 you historic revisionist

The issue, as I see it, is that /pol/ takes all of that seriously, in particular the internet hate machine thing. That seriousness is what ruined everything for the rest of the site.

I couldnt save my lolis

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2016 ruined everything
/pol/ didn't just sell its own soul for don, it sold the whole damn site

i remember /pol/ regularly trying to colonize /r9k/ in 2013

Just because they were/are used as general purpose insults doesnt make said usage ironic

Hes too lazy, doesnt even want to hand the site over to anyone else.

>Used to be if you didn't learn the culture from Yea Forums you were fucking lost if you stepped into Yea Forums.
Ive been going here since 2006 and I never bothered to lurk at Yea Forums. Each board has their own culture and before people said "go back to /pol/" they would say "fuck off Yea Forumstard". Stop being a pretentious newfag

>only came to this site in 2012
I can see why you never said that ironically then.