>pleases old men for money so less of his people would die
>kills his people himself
What did he mean by this?
Pleases old men for money so less of his people would die
Well being physically tortured and having a magical causality orb that offers you a Faustian bargain at your literal lowest point is a tough bracket.
You can't get rid of the stupid thing either, not that Griffith ever tried to my knowledge
>all he has to do is not fuck the princess
>fucks the princess
the movies really made him look way too gay and feminine, he looked perfect in 97
>I never made a mistake when my life felt like shit
I never fucked an underage princess so far
Bec you never had the opportunity to fuck anyone, virgin.
go back to instagram normalfag
>he doesnt deny it
He needed his army then
spending a year in the rape dungeon changes a man
depends on what end of the rape you're in
His army only existed to help him forge a path to his dream, they were only pawns. In the end, he used them just as he always had, only they were more useful dead.
He just wanted wrinkled cock in his ass and killed his friends when he was frustrated coming to terms with his own sexuality
>In a couple days I'll be considered royalty and be able to marry the princess and achieve my dream
>All I have to do is not make a very uncharacteristic mistake
>everything I've done till now has been cold and calculated to reach a goal I'm inches away from
>just gotta not fuck the princess
>just not for a few days
>that's it
*fucks princess*
Honestly really frustrating but it was the only bit of humanity he showed up till then so I guess it's okay
she's not even hot, he really is a faggot
pretty sure she was underage, so hes just a pedo
Oh wow he's irish
You realize unvirgins are the unwelcome vocal minority. Where do you think we are?
He did what he had to to achieve his dream, and he used the people who swore their life to his cause to obtain it. Its not like he went out of his way to exterminate the old Hawk's - he offered Rickert a place in his new army, and left both Guts and Casca unharmed when he went to visit that one time.
He was always very clear that he would do anything to have his castle and his soldiers died to help him get it. If he didn't sacrifice them then and there, they would've been hunted down by Midland for treason. The only thing he did wrong was rape Casca in front of Guts, and even that had a purpose. He's now a living god that (appears to be) trying to make the world safe for his subjects, improve their lives and the future for their children, and generally better the world. Of course, this will all be shown to be a farce if we ever get far enough, but as it stands right now, he's actually the hero of the series. Guts is an angry dog with no real end game, especially now that Casca is sane again.
Goddammit, I really want a new fucking chapter.
He doesn't need to deny it, this is Yea Forums and only normalfag trash give a fuck about things like that.
oi Gatsu, we will plant mangoes in m- our kingdom. Just one more try
>I-it's not incompetent writing! It's just 2deep4u!
Berserk-fags unironically believe this.
griffith is just your typical femoid. no loyalty
>he avatar fags with retarded generic moegirls from a literal who anime
>thinks he's not any less of a loser than the other user
Look at all this virgins comforting each other.
>avatarfag is a retard
oh wow
Go back to the hospital, you have to check for chlamydia again, normie.
You seem to not understand no one fucking cares, you retarded normalfag
How in the fuck does any of that apply to the Irish? Sounds more like a Jew.
>no one cares
>he cared enough to reply
he had to be convinced and ultimately it was because not going forward was an affront to everybody who died for him before