Will characters like these cease to exist in Anime and Manga after next year?

Will characters like these cease to exist in Anime and Manga after next year?

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Fuck characters like that.

will do

that is the future normalfags want, truly sad

I wish I had a girlfriend just like her. Is this normal?

Attached: __himesaka_noa_watashi_ni_tenshi_ga_maiorita_drawn_by_denchisoft__3327565ccca8392c22bb36b0b44d2ec7.p (2058x2518, 1.48M)

And after I get one, I want her to look at me like this.

Attached: 1549124705066.jpg (1920x1080, 1.72M)

Yes, 2020 is going to be the year of the cakes and uni girls.

Attached: hajime_bed.jpg (1536x2048, 518K)

I sure hope so. Attentionwhores are the worst kind of character.

How horrible, guess I'll finally end it all then.


Hey. That's a good artist. I like them.

Attached: 1552756732227.png (1254x1771, 467K)

Probably not, Japan will just learn that foreign football hooligans are the worst people in existence and reinstate the ban on christianity.

Any artist that draws Noa is good t b h
Noafriends are scholars and chads.

Attached: __himesaka_noa_hoshino_hinata_and_shirosaki_hana_watashi_ni_tenshi_ga_maiorita_drawn_by_inyucchi__1c (802x978, 719K)

Attached: __himesaka_noa_and_hoshino_hinata_watashi_ni_tenshi_ga_maiorita_drawn_by_hayaya0511__sample-42506410 (850x1076, 152K)

Hinata pls

This is why lolis need to wear protection when they hold hands.

They really feasted on myannaise

Catgirls? Why? People love catgirls or other animalgirls

Attached: Ika_Musume_Squid_Girl.jpg (493x816, 78K)

They're actually pregnant because I (a guy) had sex with both of them.

make the clowns and i'll be in heaven

Why is she so smug?

She knows she's giving you an erection.

she L O N G

Attached: thinn.jpg (380x827, 186K)

That only makes me harder

Mya-nee is a girl, stop this slander.

Those characters became a thing for Japan's frustration for not having an army. Now that Japan is displaying their navy through all the SEA until the coasts of Africa as "economical support", they don't need those characters anymore

Attached: JSDF.jpg (650x410, 141K)

wwyd if Noa calls you in a panic to tell you she's pregnant and she doesn't know how to tell her mom?


Attached: 1508372161475.jpg (546x548, 61K)

Hinata, you need to take responsibility

Being with Noa would be the purest, best pleasure for any man.

Where would the pleasure rank for a lesbian instead?

>walk outside
>see this
wat do?

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scoop, run, pump, dump

Take her randoseru and run.