Serious question, what is he up to these days ?
Serious question, what is he up to these days ?
making garbage emo music
Gibe de pusi b0ss
>kyoani kill
>sadpanda kill
>franku kill
>can't even fap myself to sleep to forget the pain
>tmw you use the fanbase you have garnered over the years to support your music but you quite literally have no talent aside from making a joke out of yourself so your music becomes stale and repetitive and no one wants to listen to it anymore
I don't hate his music, what little of it I've heard, but if that's what emo music is these days I'm disappointed.
Nah, his music type is called sadboi.
This is an anime board OP
he is an anime
joji music is as emo sadboi as pinkguy is meme stupidity
they're both consistently awful
who the fuck is joji were are talking about filthy frank
>Filthy Frank is younger than I am
Holy shit
Pink guy is great
I thought you guys meant Kentarou Miura was making music lmao.
Not drawing Berserk, for sure.
miura or joji?
Whats the difference?
One is actually working and not playing im@s