ITT: Forced Drama

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boku no pico

Why didn't you start off the thread by posting the KusoAnus logo? It applies to every single one of their works that doesn't happen to be comedy centric.

This thread

everything from kyoani is forced drama even yaoshit called FREE!

Even K-On?

Pretty sure K-On primarily focuses on comedy.

Can you call yaoibait yaoishit when nothing even happens in it

So you're saying yurishit doesn't exist because the character never actually kiss or end up being involved romantically? Doesn't stop the fanbses from pretending for them to be gay.


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The set up for this film was so shit that I couldn't bring myself to get past the half way point

I'll never understand why many people like this.

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Yuri isn't real. Even Japan believes girls will grow out of that phase in adulthood.

>outing himself as a FREE watcher

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>muh feels

new game season 2. god what a shit show

Because it has good music and fun character interactions

Yeah, all the "emotional" scenes in onepiece are the definition of forced.

The entire premise of this.

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It gets even shitter after the half way point.

>posting shitguya

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>ask for forced drama
>get forced drama
Anyway, more coming up.

Why do nip men love arrogant, ruthless bitches so much?

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>Yuipol is here

because you have shit taste user

Lmao based

Now post the other doujin he made.

Me too, it's just retarded kid fight big bad villian x100
Who even unironically like OP these days.

I still enjoyed it

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Go away moefag.

Yukino isn't ruthless and arrogant, dumb speed reader. You sound like you don't understand Oregairu if you think it's forced drama.

Don't think that's YPF, that's just one of the electionfag tourists that picked up the series late. You can tell the way they type and argue like a Yea Forumsermin.

OP is just a piece of trash after timeskip, just accept it and move on kid.

>outing himself as an old man who likes moe

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>yuipollfag damage control

Uh, no. YPF usually tries to be a contrarian shitposter for (you)'s. If it says "Yukino doesn't love 8man" or some variation of it, you know he's in the thread. This is some other Yukino hater.


I wish I could get the time I spent on this show back.

All art is "forced" "artificial" or whatever other shitposter buzzword you'll use next. You might want to check out hidden camera documentaries, might be more for you.
Oh, sorry I guess this is the thread where discordfags shitpost to hide their fragility.

So this is where you came from.

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Volume 8 of new game

>hasnt seen the movie


Saw it retard. Why else would I post it?

your initial post confirms you've not seen the movie

>if you don't like it then you haven't seen it
Cope harder.

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Hibike euphonium has a bunch of it and it’s pretty terrible, the whole fight over that solo resulting in reina having an autistic outburst and girls saying a fucking first year of high school was having sex with the band teacher for a fucking solo part was absolutely retarded forced drama.
K-on is one of their best series because it’s pure comedy. The only time there is interpersonal drama is that one episode where mio gets slightly annoyed with Ritsu and she stops going to school but it completely subverts the drama by her just being sick and it’s never brought up again. It’s why K-on is my favorite of their works.

Never seen drama as forced as this. Literally all the cotd was only there to tell you to feel sad.

It is forced drama since I read the manga and it jumps the shark with the suicide attempt or if you prefer, it goes for weird drama shit after it.

Its fine until the suicide attempt and even raises many good points about bullying in the Japanese society and more specifically, in school (not much about deaf people) but then it just goes off into TEENAGE ROMANCE DRAMA that its honestly, fucking stupid as how generic it is really ... it goes from a 9/10 to a 4/10.

>Outing yourself as a shounentard kiddy

>Outing yourself as a wrinkled oldie

Even the fire at their studio is foced drama

What was the "teenage romance drama" you disliked exactly?

The unnecessary love BS that come after, the whole suicide attempt was as much as a ending as the series needed.

I think the author had no clear idea of what to do, it started with a deaf person and how things were for then and how to interact to then ... oh, its really about bullying now ... no wait, its about love as well. The whole series ends up about "how people in love bully" instead of dealing with a deft person.

It was always about bullying. The serialization began with the protagonist doing bullshit to avoid boredom, then finding bullying as that outlet by chapter 2; but more than that, I think he was genuinely interested in seeing a deaf person and wanted to know more about her. But he took the douche way out and got to know her by seeing how she'd react, such as testing what volume she'd hear.

Can anyone give me an example of drama that isn't "forced"?

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Nobody can name one because "forced drama" is another dumb meme just like "forced animation"


Easily the worst one of all

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>using Yea Forumseddit buzzwords
>unironically calling others Yea Forumsedditors
why do they always do this?
So you like women who utterly despise you? Who refuse to treat you with a modicum of respect even after you showing time and time again that you're not anything like the pathetic worm they think you are?

Kys op

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Accelerator from Raildex.

forced drama applies when the writer decides to make a character blatantly act irrationally or out of order in order to progress the plot because they have no other way to do so
most people dont really get that and basically call any form of drama forced drama

The last episode of S1 is probably one of the few times I've felt like forced drama is a real thing.
In a series that had been quite relaxed and free of drama until that point it managed to create needless drama for 3 of the characters in one episode.
The episode was so bad I nearly didn't bother with S2, although I'm glad I did at that's where the series actually got good.

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This thread.

Hot take: forced drama isn't inherently bad as long as it's done in an artistic way and the rest of the series doesn't suffer for it.

Don't let YouTube convince you that this anime is bad.

Any drama is forced drama because the author put it there on purpose.

Hot take: I don't watch Youtube video and yet I know this anime is bad.

The only right answer.

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You could always just admit that you have bad taste user.

the third arc of bunny girl senpai was fucking terrible.

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You are a forced retard.

This was bad even when it was just a one shot. The continuation and KyoAnus made it somehow even worse.

Found the triggered KyoAnusfag.

Hot take: no one cares how long you've been a Yea Forums pass user.

Stop being a faggot.

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Anything with Mari Okada's name attached to it.

>I don't care about it so I'll immediately make a post about it
Really struggling with your own premises there.

except nichijou

In the past they were not forced. Now they are...

>thinking watching moe sol makes you mature
How emberassing.

it's a good show for teenage girls, know your core audience and dodge the bullet you fags

But forced animation is a real issue, friend.

>it jumps the shark with the suicide attempt or if you prefer, it goes for weird drama shit after it.
Actually, it was with the reintroduction of Ueno and the other faggots and the fight on the bridge that the manga went to shit. You could really feel the mangaka having to force contrived melodrama to keep the story going.

>Look at me! I'm a special Yea Forums Passer
Stop this faggotry. You're not the only one here but we don't advertise it. Unless you're a low self-esteem retard.

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It was cringe af.

Easily this turd

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Excluding hyouka

Yep. This show is the embodiment of "force drama".

Most people that type "forced drama" are too anti-social and emotionally detached from reality to understand why a character is feeling a certain emotion or acts a certain way, a character has to be cold and rational like them or they think it's unrealistic.

This is not forced drama but it is emotionally manipulative. Perhaps that's what you mean.

Take Air for example. Everything falls from the premise. A samurai and a servant try to save a girl from a curse. They fail. 1000 years later their descendent tries again and fails.

A Silent Voice is contrived. Boy tries to get absolution from the girl he bullied. Spends some time with her. Oh look at that, he just happens to make a friend at the same time. A friend that he will later lose when he's a jerk. Oh look at that, he just happens to run into one of the other bullies. Oh look at that, he just happens to walk in on her when she's about to kill herself.

The tragedy does not fall naturally from the premise. It's contrived. Perhaps that's what you mean but saying 'Forced Drama' is just bait. Idiotic bait.

>forced drama
>no one has mentioned elfen lied
Is there any anime more contrived and needlessly brutal?

It's the opposite. People who hate forced drama have a lot of experiences and know that's not how reality works.

Not everywhere in the world is the same, different cultures have different ways of thinking and acting, some people just don't "relate" to a cartoon inherently made with japanese principles.

So if by your own words, it's not the same everywhere, then why do you assume that everyone who doesn't like it are detached from reality?

It's more edgy than forced drama

No it doesn’t you retard, it’s about characters and their consistency! Without the consistency, it’s bullshit.

>Hmm, I can find a way to conclude this series as I fix the problems that our protagonist faces or I can find a way to drag this shit to the ground with bullshit flying everywhere!

>complains about buzzwords
>he uses a buzzword

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How is Lucky Star forced drama?

>Oh look at that, he just happens to walk in on her when she's about to kill herself.
Pretty sure her sister picked up there was something off about her and she came up with some excuse to send him there and check up on her.

>he didn't drop at S1

Teen thread.

>I am old but still like moe

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Making lots of assumptions there.

Where did he even imply that schizo?
You need to go back redditor

Oregairu is a shit series and for /niceguy/ faggots cringelords.

The same can be said about you.

Fucking plastic memories
Never saw such forced drama bevor

>outing himself as a redditor
Only a redditor knows what reddit is like.

>Forced X
>posts popular X
>X is drama aimed at adults no less
>first replies are just as bad
No it's a teen thread alright.

>So you like women who utterly despise you? Who refuse to treat you with a modicum of respect even after you showing time and time again that you're not anything like the pathetic worm they think you are?
Uh, yeah except Yukino doesn't despise Hachiman. So nice little fanfiction you got there.

>implying you aren't a shitposting tourist


It has some forced drama too.

Like I said, post gamergate/election tourists.

I know reddit is like because they're retarded simps like your logic here implies clearly that you are one >Only a redditor knows what reddit is like.
As if nobody is capable of intuition or that redditors don't actually post on this board with their spam

That's based on past experience. Nice try redditor.

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great teacher onizuka

hot take:
every anime that isnt 100% comedy has forced drama

>character interactions
Get out of your basement once in a while and interact with real people.

You're honestly dumb if you think can't get what someone is saying without them telling you it explicity, plenty of signs if someone's not from here. But anyways you clearly browse reddit regularly you hypocritical fuck.

is a good example of forced drama.
Kill yourself, subhuman. Yorimoi had way more forced drama than VEG. VEG had natural drama.

>desperate long-ass replies to prove his innocence

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Love Live is full of that
>waah Eli is too much of stuck up cunt
>waah Kotori is going to study abroad
>waa the third years are leaving
The third year shit is fucking annoying, they used it IN THE SECOND SEASON, THE MOVIE AND THEN IN SUNSHINE AGAIN

All idol shows are like this.

True ending.

Forced drama and dishonest animation

Ah, fuck, I wanted to post this.

fucking based

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