>update: I'm looking into various alternatives based on information and suggestions from a variety of people. But just to clarify; if a fully intact live version of the site cannot be made available, then the necessary data to clone it will be made available instead.
Update: I'm looking into various alternatives based on information and suggestions from a variety of people...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hopes only partially deleted
Porn finds a way.
Unlike Kyoani
Don't do that.
Don't give me hope
Kyonani will find a way, you pleb
Priorities straight
So I just downloaded 90 GB of loli doujins for nothing?
The FBI needed to up their numbers this year
Bro, archiving is quite important.
If that's what you're thinking right now it means you will never learn.
We're only forced into this situation because of this kind of thinking.
I downloaded the same thing. There's nothing wrong with keeping that and adding to it over time incase the internet burns down.
So this is now all that comes up when trying to browse ExH, is the translation ''thanks for watching''?
They didn't mention ExH at all in OP, is it shut down permanently now?
lurk more and read the thread
I am currently doing it but it's 46 pages mate.
If your Internet is down you have something to read, and if something like this happens again you already have a lot archived
>Actual name of the card is "Ookaji"
>Romanized as "Ookazi" because of a romanization method that makes no fucking sense in no language on the planet
>Card name goes from meaning "Great fire" to literally fucking nothing
>Have faith
- Tenboro 2014
Why the hell would he take down the site instead of passing it on? Like what one guy in the EH thread says
>while I do understand your inability to keep working on the site and do wish you the best in your future endeavors, why not hand the site over to someone who could play "whack a mole" in your stead? I'm sure there are plenty who worked with you that would be willing to do so. I dunno, it just kind of feels like what happened to Batoto, where the main host just decided to torch the site instead of doing something more sensible.
He could have just said that at the beginning instead of using Maximum Joe as a messenger and sending everyone into panic mode.
Maximum joe was demodded I believe
Not anime and manga. Fuck off to and slice your wrists
>Not anime and manga. Fuck off to and slice your wrists
What? What's a r*dditor newfag doing here? Who let them in?
It's a fanart site.
Waifufag threads like this are basically fanart dumps.
Are you going to complain in those and tell them to take it to /c/?
7.5 years on sadpanda down the drain.
No need to download stuff and keep porn on my hard-drive I thought.
Easier to just climb the fjords and have everything online I thought.
Sadpanda is never going away I thought.
>Maximum joe was demodded
Wow, really? If so top credit to the guy for going behind the owner's back, imagine the shitstorm if the faggot shut it down without saying anything.
fan art dumps actually do go on
Think about it the other way. Imagine if there was no new site with the old sites archived data and no one bothered to backup their doujins and artbooks. They might end up being lost forever
Shouldn't this experience have taught you backing up is important?
>complaining about people talking about doujins on Yea Forums
Also it might be crazy for you to believe, but not everyone wants to watch interracial 3D porn starring roasties like you do after having finished your session of Call of Duty.
I want the vedditors to leave.
When will you learn?
Not at all.
If anything is to be learned from the past 20h it's the importance of decentralization for distribution efficiency.
Slice your wrists and take your fan fiction cringe shit to where it belongs
you saw the sticky, respect the community you're clearly not of, tourist Yea Forumseddit scum
Ego and money, he probably doesn't want to hand over the entire control because there's still a revenue stream that can be used, bear in mind that he has done only one update in one year, he knows that people will still use the site because the content is just too valuable
Before the mod team changed there was a sadpanda thread on Yea Forums almost 24-7. You're the tourist here, retard.
>posting about porn sites on the advertiser friendly 4channel
RIP user
I don't agree with seeing sad panda threads on Yea Forums during normal times but considering the unique circumstances a rolling sticky would have been the best option, to contain important discussion and prevent duplicate threads. Also there won't have been any angry porn dumps in protest of the /h/ only sticky. Also you're trying way too hard to fit in, I can tell you only started using Yea Forums probably around 3-4 years ago.
Respect board rules or fuck off, tourist scum
You'll NEVER turn Yea Forums into Yea Forums, ever.
Enjoy the vacation
Not Yea Forums related. Otherwise pornhub threads would also be allowed, since they also host anime and hentai material.
I have another 6TB hard drive coming tomorrow actually, which I will together with the two I already have make a 12TB Raid5 setup.
I was planning on using it mainly for building an anime archive like this one I had way back (but mostly lost) but I guess there's room to dedicate some space to porn if needs be. I'll see if I can download all my favorites at least if they bring the site/an archive back up, got like 6 pages of the stuff that I really dont wanna do without.
Seriously though what makes mods think they can suppress something that directly effects the majority of this site?
Yes you fucking pathethic low self aware retard it was obvious that there are several backups of all the porn
>only 90 GB
Son, I wasn't even trying.
You're free to go back anytime Yea Forumseddit kun, Yea Forums is a little too much for you apparently
>make a thumbnail index with all the content
>migrate download to IRC/XDCC
wow so hard, and it even works as a wall to shitters
I want to protect the mods! I do whatever they say!
Can you report stickies? There's this 1 sticky that I won't name I that I'd like reported.
Mods are based, you should in fact be more respectful to people who have been here far, far longer than you and your Yea Forumseddit cancer subculture.
Most mods have been here since 2004, and care far more about the community than you, with your post ironic shitposting
Already tried
Sure is summer
Don't forget to do your summer reading, underage user
Whose your favorite mod? Abib? Nipplemod? Tell me, user-kun.
Ahh mods, they'll never get the cock out of their ass.
None of those people exist. You're fucking retarded if you trust mentally ill anons on here who explicitly go out of their way to trick newfags with false information.
why is there a sticky made by a retard
Abib is always in the IRC when I go there. Do you know what IRC is?
what if NASA finds ancient alien porn on mars? what if they've already found it but just don't want to tell people?
maybe someone did find out but the whole storm area 51 thing was just a distraction?
Not anime and manga related.
Fuck off back to with your ecelebs
That pretty fucked. I was defending the owner" but fuck that guy. Seriously thank you joe.
Apparently sadpanda is still up but only for gold members of E-hentai. With all those jokes about ''this image requires a Yea Forums gold account'' through the years it looks like we've summoned something far darker into existence.
All your porn now at $100 ransom
Sounds really sad
Can't answer the question, user? The essential quality of Yea Forums is not/v/, so anyone who disagrees is Yea Forums. That makes you Yea Forums because you bleat your horn enough.
Tell me to lurkmoar next. That will get you some 'chan cred.
Not anime and manga, fuck off Yea Forumseddit scum
>IRC is not anime or manga related
You're going to also tell me nyaa isn't anime related, right!
uh how do i get a pass ?
Makes sense. All my lolicon uploads are still in my gallery so somebody has to be seeing them.
You seem like you're projecting. Are you a redditor? Its okay, let it out. moot was a redditor too.
Fuck it, I'd pay. I don't give a shit so long as I can still get at it.
Imagine, putting your name on e-hentai's financial records.
use this link to support Yea Forums with a pass by using cryptocurrency
use this link to use paypall
pass works on both Yea Forums and 4channel
Thank you for supporting the Yea Forums community
You don't know if those plans will go through and even if they do you don't know how long any successor will last.
Keeping local (and both hot/cold backup) copies of data is the only way to be absolutely certain it will be there for you when you need it.
Are you willing to take that chance again?
>everyone who mocks me is projecting
weak, try again
bro i did all of that but i still can't see the image, please help
Stop shilling Hiro
You have to enable your clover to be able to see Pass images
Buy a pass and I'll stop shilling them
>IRC is not Yea Forums
The absolute state of retards. IRC is literally our last line of defense, it's where it all started and where it also ends if all websites are taken down.
Alright fine, now will you stop?
I would too if not for two reasons.
1. The owner throwing an egocentric fit about closing the site down instead of passing it on so I dont want to give him money
2. Sounds from things that we'll be getting a backup archive but guys, be smart and save all the titles in your favorites since when the site goes that shit might be all gone and you forgetting a bunch of awesome doujins.
Redunancy is incredibly important. You've got insurance now. If you like the content, it was absolutely not a waste of time.
For now
oc do not steal
Thank goodness. Frees up over 30TB in my array
As far as I can tell, yesterday's mess was a somewhat kneejerk reaction to either receiving something from his host, or some other kind of inner turmoil about the whole thing. He has calmed down and been in contact with multiple people who are competent enough to know how to host "problematic" piracy shit. You shouldn't hold your breath, but there is some hope to be sure.
>We currently accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin.
Kek, using your credit card didn't even last 5 months
For the love of god swallow the cost and use raid 1 - or don’t use raid at all. Raid 6 exists to deal with the inevitable disk failure when trying to calculate blocks from parity in an already degraded array when using raid 5, and it is still a massive mistake to use it with disks that large. Rebuilding from parity is a long and intensive process, and the longer you take to rebuild, and the larger the disk, the higher the likelihood you’ll hit a URE.
credit card was never an option, you must be thinking of paypal which is still available
If it means I get a second chance to do what I should have done years ago as in, create a fucking account and see shit not anywhere else, I'm doubly excited for its eventual return.
I learned way too late how important the site was. I can't believe I went all this time not knowing about its rare older material. I'm glad everyone came together in that ~12 hours to save what they could, that was pretty nice, and even if every tiny thing comes back, it was a good wake up call.
Based retard.
Raid 1, 6, and 10 are the only RAIDs to consider.
This newfag sure is trying hard to fit in.
My bad, I didn't see paypal because i clicked the Yea Forums link
Slacking, user. You didn't call me a Yea Forumsermin. You'll never be a mod at this rate.
Have you learned nothing? The only things that are safe are the ones you yourself possess. Do not let the idiots convince you that keeping a library for yourself is foolish.
That is literally the case. There were sadpanda threads for years. Why would you straight lie about something so easily verifiable?
Anyway this is proof fjords isn't dead just paywalled. Looks like a replacement site isn't impossible after all.
>Rebuilding from parity is a long and intensive process, and the longer you take to rebuild, and the larger the disk, the higher the likelihood you’ll hit a URE
Explain further please.
I can understand Raid 1 being a better option which is basically just synced hard drives but only half efficient storage but what makes Raid 6 and 10 better than 1 if safety is the most important? At least while only using 3-4 drives.
Welcome to user, here's your complimentary loli
What's wrong with that?
>shitposting board that allows no loli
Why are people giving money to this site?
how do you people have that much porn? I downloaded all my favorites and I'm barely at 4gb
I payed so i wouldn't have to solve a captcha 50 fucking times to make a post
1) understand that RAID is NOT A BACKUP, it is a means to keep media live and available (you can also consider it a failsafe mechanism).
2) You're correct about RAID1
3) RAID6 protects your ass from RAID5. Imagine one of your drives failing. That's fine, but you have to build that array again. If at any point that process fails, you just lost all of your data. RAID6 gives you an extra life.
3) I actually don't know much about RAID10 so I avoid it.
That's why I personally recommend building an array with either 2 disks or 5+ disks. You're right, RAID6 sucks dick with only 4 drives. In that case I'd actually stick with RAID5. Just remember, back it up.
t. poorfag
is it?
It appears to be autosaging.
Anyway, some light in the darkness:
First post :
Second post :
Last post :
Do not expect everything to be fixed, but there is hope.