Shakugan no Shana

Do Yea Forums still remember Shana?

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such a time flop it killed Riederes

Yeah and I want to forget.

I need to watch this anime one day.

I rewatched season 1 a while ago and god, is it bad.

I'm still hoping for a remake someday down the line or something set post season 3 in the new world. I figure we may not get anything new this decade, but I'll be here forever, so I may as well settle in for the long wait.

I was 18 when season 1 aired, 20 for season 2, and 24 for season 3. Am I younger than the average user?

Nah. You're old or at least near the middle. I was underage when Shana aired. Well underage. Was it really only 4 years between 2 and 3? It feels more like 8 to me

Yep. Season 2 was Fall 2007 to Winter 2008, 3 was Fall 2011 to Winter 2012. Winter 2012 was kind of the end of an era with Zero no Tsukaima and Shana finishing.

Shana is hot

her name is slang to pussy in monkeyland portuguese, I'll never forget her

Remember it — probably one of the better of the _endless_ "Rie Kugimiya hates his high school boyfriend" shows. Wasn't super bad though and the plot and moral grey of it was decent and I especially liked the interesting and diverse set of characters but the love narrative was obnoxious and forced. It's a good example of why not everything needs a love story though in the final season that Syana and Yuuzi were lovers despite being on opposite sides created an interesting dynamic for the "villain" — if only it came not out of completely nowhere.

I wish the LNs were translated past volume 1.

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Yes. Best girl should have won.

Shana a SHIT.

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your opinion is trash and you should feel bad

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Only good romance in that show was Keisaku–Margery.

I also love how that show slipped Khamin's sexy flat loli tits past the censors by just claiming that he's male — moralfag censorship is hilarious.


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Why does she bathe in lava?

Also Margery had the best relationship with his crimson lord of any flame haze.

The chemistry between Margery and Marco was hilarious.

That one minor flame haze whose crimson lord sounded like a scared, panicking child that needed constant comforting from his flame haze was also funny.

Come to think of it it's kind of scary how Yuuzi basically leaves _everything_ behind to live with his new chick he's only met one year back for the first time. Not only will he never see his parents again but his parents literally forgot he ever existed.

Who would feel that is a happy end? Being 15 years old and never getting to see your parents ever again who wouldn't even recognize you any more if you met them. All the friends he ever had know not that he ever existed.

the entire Margert "party" was more interesting

True, but you are forgetting even more years of being with and in something very hot.

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I must admit looking at that picture and the show itself that Yuuzi clearly has a considerably lower sex drive than I.
Meh I think the other nigger was boring.

Having said this this made me realize that Syana might actually be the show with one of the best and well developed love lives for its side characters.

The answer to both is that they should've shown the scenes where Yuuji and Shana have more meaningful conversations instead of having an episode happen because Yuuji ripped his pants, because they had to adapt a scene that occurred differently before, so they had to force it now. Yuuji being obsessed with Shana makes more sense.

Hopefully we will get a decent TL of Yuuji attacking Wilhelmina soon

It's a flaw too many MC have.

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A lot of Shana characters come to life in thr second half of S2. It shouldn't be like this for Yuuji, for instance, but it's what we got.

I hardly think it's a problem; it allows for insanely hot characters without the narrative being ruined.

If all the characters were constantly hitting on all the insanely hot characters there wouldn't be much world-saving left.

Only if they put all the focus on that. Just because it's happening doesn't mean it has to be shown every time it happens, just some of it.

Sadly, it's a product of the 00's and can't come back from that.
I still enjoyed the LNs, no regrets

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I liked it then and I like it now. Fite me irl.

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I disagree; the initial interactions that were basically a defining moment for the Syana–Yuuzi relationship would not have worked if either had shown sexual inclinations towards the other.

It works and is somewhat adorable — especially from Syana's side — _because_ they initially had no plans to take their relationship anywhere beyond Syana observing Yuuzi for being an unusual torch and Yuuzi treating Syana as a tool to help others.

Also given that Yuuzi only got attractive _after_ merging with the snake it would be one-sided which would just annoy Syana and give Syana no reason to grow closer. Were Yuuzi portrayed aware of just how attractive Syana is it would immediately have the viewer cast ulterior motives onto him and it would ruin the development and that's why they frequently do this hole "all characters have next to no sex drive and seem completely unaware of how hot the rest of the cast is" trope. They would also start fucking yesterday and the entire point is to end the series on their consummation.

Snake did nothing wrong!

That's not a bad thing. The 00s were a good time. It's impossible to experience certain things now, but that makes them better in a way.

What the fuck is going on

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>the entire point is to end the series on their consummation.
If that's the excuse, then that just means there is even more reason there should be a sequel continuing once they start fucking.

It's generally terrible.

Quite often these series that have one central ship whereof one just knows that the series is going to end on it have nothing going for it any more once it does.

Look at "The Familiar of Zero": it turned to arsch after season 1 because the ship was now official and they needed to find new reasons to keep the dynamic between the two characters and there just wasn't any.

These characters often work best when there's tension between them but nothing official.

Friendly reminder that Yuuji did nothing wrong.

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Yuuzi at one point slicked his fucking hair back and should report to the fashion police for being a faggot.

>turn the world upside down for his eternally loli waifu
Pretty based desu

You kind of keep forgetting that Syana technically has a perpetually 12 years old body; looked old for a 12 year old I guess.

Khamsin's the better æternal loli though. 3 000 year old perpetual loli and not afraid to show his d.f.c. because "male".

Shana is the cutest. I love her.

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It doesn't have to be that way, but too many authors are either unwilling or unable to change from the status quo.

Syana's type-A a.t. completely ruins it.

What idiots goes around looking like a total badarse in black trenchcoat with a fucking katana and even wears the trenchcoat like a goddamn cape to make it more badarse and then _ruins_ it by wearing type-A a.t. with it.

This is like putting pump high heels under Batman or something — complete breach of style.




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Well do you know a good example of a show that was still good after it continued after the ship sailed?


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So Khashim was the Yuri route?

Epilogue OVA never ;_;

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I find it idiotic to talk about the genders of præpubescent characters.

Think about that a "male loli" is completely identical to a "loli hutanari". præpubescent humans by definition have no secondary sex characteristics and that is why nipplescare of præpubescent characters makes no sense.

Khamsin is "male" because they told you he's male; if they kept everything the same but told you he was female instead he would be female and then the moralfags would be all over the nipplescare because one can't just show the nipples of female characters.

Same with Syana — it's a loli; perfect flat chest, no secondary sex characteristics; they could keep everything the same including the voices and just say Syana was male instead and now it's a yaoi trap romance.

Wow, you're still around.

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I love Shana.

kotsu is my spirit animal

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I liked your desktops. Have a nice weekend with your waifu, mister.

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I didn`t understand all the season 3

Send me home

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What do you mean?

Enjoy 2019 while it's here. It only gets worse.

I think this is my favorite Shana image. Her dress does it for me.

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Greatest fantasy love story.

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I'd feel sorry for Wilhelmina and her history of being left behind, losing friends left and right, and becoming a broken down person, but then I remember all the nonsense she got up to and just laugh at her. Justus will probably abandon her to hang out with Shana and Yuuji in the end

Attached: shana-shakugan.png (1920x1080, 2.55M) was too fucking good

It's fan-art but I think he looks way more badarse here than in all your pictures.

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this anime gave me a ripped thigh high fetish

I don't remember anything except the blonde witch that the side guy was trying to bone. did he get to give her the d?

Yes, very moving scene actually when they finally consummate.

Oh man, I remember getting pissed at the "big change" in the 3rd season, but in hindsight I can see how it was really well done.

>season one
Oh this looks kinda good lets see where it goes
>season two
Fucking this high-school haremshit
>season three
Holy shit wtf is going on

Best part is when that side character guy fucks the milf. The beta MC has only given main girl a kissu and then this chad mother fucking side dude comes out of nowhere and starts slamming pussy.

Same, at the beginning I found it really confusing but five episodes in I loved the dynamic of the protagonist and anti-villain being star-crossed lovers that both had a "You'll do what you must; but so will I." mentality towards each other.

I also like how they changed the perspective character around. In the first two seasons Syana's the enigma and Yuuzi the perspective whose thoughts are known and in the final season it's in reverse and Syana becomes the perspective character instead.

Hishoku no Sora > Joint > Serment >Being > Blaze > Light my fire > Prophecy

This was too small for three people, two should have been the limit.

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What is that breastfag doing between my lolis — begone with thy vile secondary characteristics.

She's the one most in need of removal, she's big enough to count as two people herself. Shana and Yuuji might be fine too.

I do

In retrospect, it wasn't really that good. It's just that Shana made up for most of it's faults


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I still haven't watched the third season.

>that scene where yuuji pins her down on the bed and she's in that dress

Wasnt't Aria the one who killed them? If anything Shana was the first known one.

She should be undressed when pinned down.

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I vaugely remember there being a spin off series set in France and the MC was Shana's predecessor I think. Anyone know what happened to that? I think translations died or something?

Dude, got and watch it for the adventures of Yuji and his snake bro.

I still remember my first fanservice scene of any kind (the closet scene, S1). That may be the exact moment I have converted to a full-on weeb.

Amazingly I watched the first season when I was younger, I watched the rest this year and I still can't remember what the fuck was going on aside from Yuuji unironically being right in the last season while the series tries to push that somehow he was wrong.

The years between S2 and S3 were so hard because I would always read about how Yuuji was going to suddenly turn into a badass and I wanted to see it so bad.

The impression I always got was that in the first couple of episodes it was like a "w.t.f. Yuuzi is evil now?" thing but it quickly became explained that Yuuzi had reasons and it became more and more clear that both sides were working towards the same goal but that Yuuzi and his niggers' plan was riskier than their plan and Syana and his niggers weren't willing to risk it.

The final thing they ended up with was sort of a compromise between both.

Also Syana cut off Yuuzi's hair without his permission at the end which made both of them gay or something because either having short hair or præfering it short makes one a flaming homosexual — this is well known.

It wasn’t pushing that he was wrong until the final fight with Shana, which was his atonement vs being with Shana.
In the war, he simply didn’t know what the Four Gods knew about distortions. The Flame Haze has no idea where he would get the power to create Xanadu, a parallel world, so they went to see. Seeing as Friagne would have destroyed a city just to make his doll real, a whole world would need much more. It was fortunate he got that power from the rift between worlds.

The thing is that the anime cut off all the build up to evil Yuuji, so when S3 came they just did it and explained afterwards.

It was always missing some things.

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Yeah from what I heard it was explained better in the book.

It was _really_ confusing to me what was going on. s. 2 ended on that hole "Yuuzi pick a chick to stick your dick in" and s. 3 just started with that it looked like Yuuzi picked Syana (big surprise) and then suddenly disappeared and never existed with no explanation and was then like two episodes later revealed to have prayed his gay away, got long hair and was working with the baddies (one of which gay because short hair) with no real explanation as to why.

I understood not a fuck of it.

Oh my god.. I just realized a quintessential difference between most American and Japanese animation: in the latter case they draw it so the characters are actually pretty and nice to look at.

Like remember the whole "handsome squidward/dexter/robin" meme? How everyone is like "this does not look handsome at all; this looks silly." for whatever reason the art style does not allow for characters to actually register as pretty onto human perception and the Japanese art style does.

I wonder what exactly the difference is because they're not particularly more realistic most of the time either.

>the novels will never be translated 100% because of Vizniggers
>only the hacked up and butchered anime will exist in English forever

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Were the LNs really a lot better...?

I never watched the third season, was it any good?

Oh yes, yes they were.

For one thing, Yuuji's characterization was a lot stronger and less bland, and the whole Snake arc was much more strongly set up and foreshadowed.

>Every scene and dialogue with Snake of the Festival and Yuji is absolute kino
>Yuji did absolutely nothing wrong. Yes, he genocided and ruthlessly murdered many, but they were Flame Haze scum, tools by their own accord that he simply put to rest.
>I enjoyed every flame haze death, especially khamsin's, and was even happier when they realized they were utterly defeated by bal masque and their struggles were pointless, even with an army of mary sue's
>Can you blame Yuji? Everyone kept fucking with him. By the end of season 2, everyone and their mom was inside him at one point. He snapped and had enough, doing it all for himself, the greater good, and his waifu
>Shana did not give a single fuck about what Yuji did. Hilariously, Yuji did. Shana SHOULD have cared but didn't all because he was hot and she wanted his cock. Since Shana is the most powerful flame haze at the end of the series, no one can even question her and he gets away with it all, SCOT-FREE
>Shana was batshit love crazy in season 3 and so terrifyingly powerful. In every scene she was in, I just felt that the other flame hazes were terrified of her. Even Alastor knew his daughter was lovecrazy and shut his ass up.
>Shana completely disregarded her duties as a flame haze, murdered dozens, and FORCEFULLY took Yuji with her in the end.
>Kazumi was REJECTED and she had it coming
>Ike was best boy and hopefully got with Yukari or glasses girl, he deserved better than that skank Kazumi who deserves to die alone
>Keisaku laid Margery Daw, he laid that beast of a woman
>marchosias best bro, Snake god is also a great bro
>Eita and Ogata were pure and Eita was honestly one of the few good hearted people in the series
>Sydonay had great taste, Hecate was a good girl and now he's happily with his pure waifu
>Sydonay isn't even fucking dead, since him and Hecate are revived whenever Snake wants to revive them. Meanwhile, all those flame hazes are gone forever
Fuck Flame Haze.

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>becoming the MAIN VILLAIN and gaining the respect and command of bal masque
>putting those stupid hoes, Wilhelmina, Kazumi, Margery, in their place
>rejecting that stalking whore kazumi
>putting his waifu in a gothic lolita dress
>massacring flame haze trash by the hundreds of thousands
>protecting his waifu, city, family, friends, himself, and literally doing everything he ever wanted, and now having infinite youth/life and being the contractor of the GOD OF CREATION and leader of the most powerful denizen group, along with his loving, pure, powerful redhead waifu that also has eternal youth and a teenage body, which he will fuck FOREVER (Take THAT, alastor).
>leaving those losers in the human world
>completely, and utterly WINNING
it was worth the wait, even if it was a sloppy mess.

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You know, I kind of appreciate how Yuji grew into becoming a master manipulator who used even Gods for his plans.

>Shana-tan specials making fun of the stalker poles everywhere

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You mean it's finally being faithful. S1 and s2 were butchered

Hecate is literally a different character

What I think is an exemplary difference is that in the LN's Yuuji apparently attacks Wilhelmina with Blutsauger because she wants to kill him/separate him from Shana.

A lot of characters are different here and there from what the readers told me