I want to watch Haruhi, but since there will never be a season three, I don't want to be left with an unfinished story...

I want to watch Haruhi, but since there will never be a season three, I don't want to be left with an unfinished story. Should I still watch it?

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Just read the LNs or read the manga.

Watch it and see if you like it, faggot.
Not like your time is worth anything anyway.

Skip it. KyoAni won't get back to it for a long time.

This. They're both much better. You'll miss out on some of the narration that makes it great with the anime.
Even so, I'm still waiting for that next LN volume.
Don't tell me it's over.
It's not over.

It's incredibly mediocre.
Also, what, 5 times?

it's shit

its based

Watch the 1st season in broadcast order

That doesn't solve OP's problem, the LNs aren't finished and maybe never will be

The manga is trash. It's LN>Anime>Manga for Haruhi.

It's not like it ends on a cliffhanger or anything.

Honestly no, if you like it you'll join the miserable S3/LN12 never train


then watch the movie

Any Haruhi pantyshots?

It is finished. The story is complete, it doesn't have to end with a major event. S3 is a meme.

what if the sudden disappearance of doujins is connected to the rise of the brand new Kyo-Ani 2?

The art is worse, but considering it literally just has more content than the anime, it's a non-conparison.

There's literally more source material available in the manga and LN.
Go read them if you haven't already.

The LNs aren't finished either, and like said, it's not like it ends on a cliffhanger, Disappearance isn't a bad ending to the story.

Any ending is a bad ending if it doesn't contain Nagato's agency being threatened with "I am John Smith"

S3 is a meme, watch the movie to get conclusion. Its not even open ended.

The show and movie resolves every thematic thread. While giving some new mysteries and potential character development for potential sequels. It is perfectly capable of being watched in its current state without feeling unfulfilled.

At this point I've forgotten mostly everything about the plot, I just miss Haruhi & gang

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Oh yeah, and do we all agree that Kyon is the true god of the story?
The author left the effects of Haruhi's power weirdly disconnected from her. It's evident from the beginning.
I want to see it revealed canonically before it can really be called the end.

babby's first theory

I know it's been around awhile.
That's because the author intended it.

The LN ends like Disappearance on a nice open conclusion. Still wish there was more

It is simply more interesting if Haruhi is the one with power.
What does making Kyon the god add to the story?

Kyon is the key, not the one holding the power at the moment. Maybe he's the one who gave Haruhi her powers at the beginning, or the one who makes them work. But he doesn't have any power as things are now.

You could say she's the "director" but he's the "cameraman."
Koizumi definitely references this thing whenever he has those "deep convos" with Kyon.
The cameraman thing is when fortified he talks about the quantum observer, but later on in the LN's he also talks about how some people think a second "greater god" is the reason for evil in the world. That's the reason I actually think he has power.
Obviously, he doesn't know, just like Haruhi, but I could definitely see him waking up from some sort of dream or something in the end.

Not my first, but among my favorites.

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