Imagine burying your face there.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's only recently that I've developed the desire to fuck Saten
Saten used to be the most fapped to girl on Yea Forums
>Index Accel
>controls vectors, wings later on
>Accel Accel
>black fucking wind
This fucking anime man.
I'll watch it for LO.
Index Accel has Accel shooting purple dbz lasers
>*cracks fingers*
>fights with random objects
>tanks stabs and damage
>competent hand to random furniture fighter
>"saves" others by giving them weapons
>dragon powers
Touma has a few things to explain to his wife Aleister and daughter Kazakiri.
At first I thought it's that memesweater that got popular a while ago.
I'll bring her all the iced tea she wants until she can't drink any more and needs to piss on me
when is the Kakine one shot gonna release bros?
>Mikoto added one last thing as a finishing blow.
>“You and I are heading down the same path. Don’t forget that.”
So when is Mikoto turning into a dragon and dying 10k+ times?
>turning into a Dragon
When she fuses with the AAA
>dying 10k+ times
when she gets into the Network
The real question is when will we see Misaka Mikoto vs Railgun
>So when is Mikoto turning into a dragon and dying 10k+ times?
In a way she already did both if we count sisters.
She is a shit dragon though.
However Touma’s body count should be far above that. Will’s moment was simply when they reached that part of loops.
Othinus told that they courted each other for billions of years.
I've been here ages.I just don't think Saten got hot until recently
Astral buddy translations when
>Can Saten rescue Uiharu?
Does she even need to be rescued at this point?
>She is a shit dragon
That form was incomplete and wasnt a true dragon
I think Kimi will die in an edgy way and be very happy about it. I doubt it will be in front of anyone though
The only saving grace of this shitty arc.
God I want to bear Uiharu's children.
>it's another saten chapter
Haimura said it was something like a relative to Aiwass, so her Level 6 might have looked like a Dragon, of course it would cease to be Misaka Mikoto at that point
>yfw her ability took control and she is just Railgun
Kimi saved the chapter
I would suck all the farts out of her ass, to be honest.
>to aru kagaku no basebal bat
>no one shopped the word 'blood' to 'semen'
Should've been the credits page desu
Saten needs her own spinoff.
After that flashback I wouldn't be surprised if Uiharu pulled a Touma on her.
Railgun is already her spinoff. Esp. the anime.
I'm glad we're going the dragon routes, coolest things go like that after all : Dragons > Swords > Knights > Pirates
You had to remind me.
Kamisato is such a gaylord.
>Level 5 secondary.
>Special ability - Confusion.
So does Accel has the Archetype Controller now?
Touma is just too irresistible.
Imagine sucking on big Luca's tits for weeks until she starts lactating and filling up with milk and having her de-age into Loli Luca and all the milk violently spurts out at once
Is Mikoto immune to dragon mind control?
yes, but she will pretend she got mindcontrolled and attack Kimi
>Last Order is mad at the idea of Accel being with other girls
>Will is mad at the idea of Accel connecting with other girls
What the fuck is the Clones problem? Do they love him or not?
>Level 5 STDs
No thanks.
Late August
Tsundere as fuck for him
Might try to genuinely harm him given the chance
Don't really give a fuck about him
>Clones don't really give a fuck about him
There are some clones who genuinely want his cock.
>Black wind animation again
Can we never escape this black wind hell? This time it looks like water. But as an effect it at least looks cooler than Index 3's vibrating scribbles.
She must really think shes hot shit for beating the strongest of the weaker half of level 5s. Wanting to create more Kakine/Accelerator level espers is a death wish though
Following the user from a past thread who was only going to read the volumes with Accel in it, how nonsensical would Raildex be if you only read the volumes with Hamazura in it?
I only read the volumes with Accelerator in them when the series was at NT9 and I had no fucking idea what was going on.
Yes they love him. I think its pretty obvious.
I'm disappointed in the sidestory being a oneshot, but something like Kakine's story cannot be handwaved into a mere 22 pages. They're up to something, and I'm fully willing to pay to show my support
Kys avatarfag
Seems like one strange journey to the next.
That dragon dicks AIM.
There's a good chance she can roflstomp all but Gunha.
Hopefully the oneshot announces something else. I love the artist already
You really shouldn't tell people to kill themselves, some might have already tried, some might just need this kind of reply to cross the line. It's dangerous.
You forgot NT9.
Seems to make more sense than Accel's journey though.
>a mere 22 pages.
Is that confirmed? Oneshots are usually 60~120 pages.
>its AIM, she can beat everyone
Unlikely. She most likely lacks refined control over her powers, but (as it is a dragon) it possesses incredible strength. I doubt she can beat the plans or the anomaly
I hope the one shot of this Kakine fellow makes a great reaction so they make it a real series like that petty true number two Accelerator.
I wonder if Accel will say "fuck the parameter list" on part 3 and we'll have a bunch of level 5s and level 4s running around.
Its confirmed. That means there is something else. I have high hopes for what it is.
why kimi so sex
Funny how no one ranted about how youg Kimi is so fucking sexy.
Would be interesting to see, but Level 5 powers minus Misaka seem to be incredibly unique, with Dark Matter, Vectors and AIM STALKER being 1 of a kind
She's female Touma, even the hair is spiky
That seems weird, I was hoping for it to not be an oneshot at least so we could get some more Yobou.
Because she had no tits. Now that she does her cape is covering a dick buster body
If I remember correctly, Aleister said he could pop more level 5s with the push of a button.
>Following the user from a past thread who was only going to read the volumes with Accel in it
Only Accelkeks shamefully do that. Annoying underage kids.
Relax. Weren't you the one that mentioned oneshots not being this short? There's a bigger plan at work here, and I'm all in on betting for it being an actual serialization announcement
Speaking from powers alone
Mikoto has the weakest
And it makes sense she has been a Level 5 the shortest time, she is straight out of Level 4 for a few months when the series started.
Say what you want about Mugino but her ability itself is pretty damn dangerous if used correctly
>Aleister said
the retard that is professor said that
Who are you quoting?
Dragon rapes AIM itself just look what it did to Mikoto's powers.
As long as that Feathered Faggot Lizard does his fly by on Kimi’s command, she wins against espers by default.
Or someone just headshots her with a gun.
>Kakine one-shot sells well
>weeks pass
>A certain scientific Measure Heart is announced
Accelerator and Kakine are special. Aleister cannot manufacture an inner will, the professor was most likely shitting out of his own ass and was head deep in Aleister faggotry.
Because her current self is even sexier.
Let me just say I have nothing against gay people.
I bet kimi plays dragon rulers in yugioh
Yes they are special, but I don't think making general level 5s would be that impossible, it's just that Aleister would probably have no use for things like level 5 pyrokinesis and other common esper powers.
The professor probably didn't know about his plans and was probably thinking that level 5s are replaceable because of that, so, even if he killed Dark Matter it wouldn't matter cause they could push a button and make a level 5 mind reader or some shit, the problem is that he didn't know why Dark Matter specifically was chosen to be a level 5.
I forgot
That's bad luck. You'll be split in half.
The Parameter List has the legitimate reason for existing of AC not having infinite resources. There's not enough cash to let everyone level up all the way to their limit.
Mikoto will beat the Angel Dragon with just ironsand clones jutsu
>Will job to a very big drill from Noukan or by Mikoto asspulls
How scary.
Can you get a Dragon transplant?
AC is literally rich, they basically control the market by having monopoly on their own tech.
Not to mention, most espers are not worth it since they would require a ton of resources and would cap at very low levels. Not everyone is a Takitsubo or Awaki.
How do you forget the most obnoxious fanbase on the planet? The only reason Mikotofags have been chill lately is that they've been bottlefed, burped and had their diapers changed by Kamachi
She has shorter hair than her normal form and rather than budding chest she just seems to have no chest due to the unflattering outfit. Its nothing to get excited about really.
Fuck you that dress is beautiful.
Who the fuck is handing out dragons?
>sells well
It's only part of a Toaru magazine
Losing to a based Doggo is the opposite of jobbing it’s an expected outcome when bullshit meets hammer.
Some Kihara
It could be just Kimi viewing the dragon as a blessing from an unknown source. Kimi worshiping Touma when?
Mikoto will get one of the 8 dragons and be able to pilot it/dragon shift in part 3
Kamijou no Touma.
Will she fight her own ability?
Its an oversized shirt. The shoulder section is ok at least
How long until Touma randomly shows up and repeatedly stabs the dragon with a knife?
She will fuck Railgun
She's ready to provide the tools necessary.
>Touma SWATing down the escaped lizard would’ve been some fun shit
Why didnt he appeared before the zombie girl to save her from killing herself?
Kimi is the only good Railgun villain so far if you don't count Accel.
anal slut
The Angel Dragon did nothing wrong, he only wanted to hug Mikoto
>anal rapist
Fixed that for you.
I like this outfit for LO I think it's cute and shorts on lolis is cute
tbf that's not a high bar other 'villains' includes
>lady trying to figure out how to save a bunch of little kids
>A kihara that Misaka never encountered
>robutt that just wanted to die
He can't be everywhere every time someone needs saving
He is not Touma
So why are Kimi's loonies with her?
Did she "save" them?
Why didnt Touma saved her then?
Why didn't Touma save zombie girl from killing herself then? It's all his fault that she died.
No it does not because it is AIM too, even Kimi said she can't use the power in this chapter. The AIM Jammer is blocking it.
Fuck off St. Germain.
Yes, because Kimi get one. Even if we don't know who gave it to her
I hope the Dragon just flew to her, I dont want Railgun to drag on with an invisible keikaku man
Dragon can be AIM and still rape AIM.
It just does user, read the mango.
He just transmutated the iron sand into salt
Nothing on the level of someone like Takitsubo
I doubt it would be just any Kihara because doing something that had something to do with Touma, is getting to close to the core/truth of everything.
We know from Fiamma when you get to close to the truth and don't have the power to back it up, Crowley try to take you out of the picture
We werent kididng when we call her Kaiju a Susanooh
Doubt that Aleister will take a stroll out of pisstube though.
Personal request for the Doggo is almost guaranteed; they had to have some reason to show him after all.
Much of that is more due to the way they were leveled up instead of the powers being unique.
Misaki is just extremely specialized hydrokinesis.
Mugino is just a slightly different electromaster, so that's probably more to do with the treatments they gave her than her base power being unique.
Accelerator is essentially just telekinesis with an extremely short range.
>I dont want Railgun to drag on
Too late for that now
It the only way she could get the dragon in the first place. Remember Kimi been lock up this whole time and behind a AIM Jammer. Something that stop the dragon as said by Kimi this chapter.
>I dont want Railgun to drag on
Now you say this?
Not that I doubt someone had a hand in the dragon getting to her, the AIM jammer only messes with the user. So unless the dragon was doing math to keep itself together it shouldn't really give a shit.
>just telekinesis with an extremely short range.
Just telekinesis does not allow someone to use 5 minutes of the earth rotation.
When will Touma get a stripperific outfit and a cape?
Will Mikoto have to fight all the Dragons?
Or will Noukan take notice of Kimi having one and take care of the one that is distributing the Dragons?
Or Aleister planned it. Remember, this takes place relatively early on in the main LN timeline. Aleister is still in full 'I must kill magic gods' mode.
It should be when Aiwass show up
Touma can't afford a cape.
Saten pretty good at being stealthy but not on the level of Touma, who can get a whole dragon past a highly guarded magic fortress fill with paranoia people
Its incredibly specialized to the point where it escapes the boundary of mere telekinesis. It is a power that applies forces dependent on a theoretical mathematical quantity
If he finds one when he goes dumpster diving again.
Saten didn't have the god of birds helping her.
I honestly don't mind her stealthy shenanigans. The only problem is Fuyukawa's pacing. There's no reason the last chapter and this chapter couldn't have been combined into one.
Is this manga canon? Also whats it called specifically?
What do you think the "Rail" in "Raildex" is for?
I cannot wait for the Kakine spinoff to raise questions. Its a shame it is so late within August though
Dumb Ferryfag.
Yeah and Kuroko fight could be only two chapters too but unfortunately Fuyukawa struggles to make 20 pages lately
What if the Angel Dragon goes inside Mikoto but it never manifested since she never had her arm fucking rip off like with Touma each two weeks?
Rail wars?
A Certain Pikachu
The last chapter of SS3 is in translating now right? It's been released?
No one bought the BDs because the superior raildex anime is airing
It doesn't come out until the 31st.
i assume you mean 'a' seeing as Railgun 3 will be superior to both.
Are there any other series where the spin-offs are generally better than the source material? At least as far as anime goes.
>daihasei arc
>superior to anything
LAC as well, I think that's why it got pushed back, to get rid of Nagaispace
Railgun will be a trainwreck, its airing next season and they havent shown anything, not even a new keyart and the one they are using is wrong
I find this incredibly doubtful seeing as they are going to talk about what's happening about Railgun next issue on August 27th, no chance in hell they are releasing in Fall like that, Winter 2020 at the earliest
If IT didn't try to kiss Index, he would of been assassinated before anyone even knew what was going on
LAC won't happen
Saten will get a dragon for herself in the future
It will, that why all the SS are being release in collection because they plan on animation some of them in the future
who would be top and who would be bottom?
Also Part 3 is releasing in 2020, so unless we get NT anime for winter 2020(which would be retarded), we will get Railgun in 2020
You honestly have to ask?
The big announcement will be 2 seasons of 24-26 episodes to cover all of Gremlin Arc in the next 3 years after Railgun 3 is aired.
Touma tops and Accelerator bottoms, not sure why this is a question desu it's really obvious
are they? Considering one of the main arguments against them being done in the anime was that the SS were released alongside BD's exclusively certainly makes that seem more likely.
NT 1-6 in 26 or maybe some more episodes would be fine right? Take into consideration how short NT2 is and how it can be adapted.
Index 4 covering NT 1-5~ in Fall 2020 - Winter 2021
Astral Buddy anime of 1 cour in Summer 2021
Railgun 4 covering DreamRanker and Jail Breaker Winter-Spring 2022
Index 5 Covering NT 6-10?~ Fall 2022 -Winter 2023
Accelerator 2 Fall 2023
Index 6 Summeer-Fall 2024
Railgun 5 Covering Russian mall and WW3 Summer - Fall 2025
Index 7 Summer -Fall 2026
Astral Buddy 2 Spring 2027
Accelerator 3 Fall 2027
Railgun 6 SS3 - Hawaii invasion Spring-Summer 2028
Dark Matter Winter 2029
Reminder that hentai will rot your brain
And Soda rots your teeth but people still suck it down.
That is good for a first season but the problem is that NT 7-NT 10 does not have enough to cover 24-26 episodes, without adding both NT 11 and NT 12. NT 12 would be a horrible place to end a season.
Even if they skipped NT2 it would still not be enough.
You would have to rush NT5-6 harder than they rushed OT15
They can adapt some of the SS. I mean, the Norse SS is relevant enough to the Othinus arc while giving some spotlight to the lesser seen characters.
Doesn't mean you have to be a a soda drinking dumbass
I drink tea, sweet tea, it's much better!
NT 1 5 episodes
NT 2 3 episodes
NT 3 4 episodes
NT 4 6 episodes
NT 5-NT 6 8 episodes
I don't see the problem with doing it in 26 episodes?
I'd say cut some of the Misaka centric stuff from NT where possible so that it can be told in Railgun from purely Misaka's perspective.
NT 2 2 episodes
NT 5-NT 6 9 episodes
>1 book 6 episodes
>2 books 8 episodes
>I don't see the problem
Let me guess, you think it is mostly action so pacing doesn't matter
They could always just write filler for NT9 by extending one or two of the worlds Touma summarized. I doubt they'd want to cram in NT10 in 3-4 episodes, having 3 fights an episode would murder the staff.
I've just finished Blood Sign.
Fuck White Shit and fuck her happy ending.
Her Majesty did nothing wrong, heathens eternally BTFO
Two books that tell one story takes less time than two books that tell two stories
She did everything wrong. Kamachi need a last minute "Everything is actually Wisdom's fault' and 'you can totally bring people back to life' last minute asspull, she wouldn't even gotten her happy ending.
Listen, lad. I read Blood Sign to see Kyosuke be kicked down, become a husk of a person in the name of revenge, achieve revenge, and then be taken down like a mad dog by a Touma-like hero.
Fuck the ending.
Awakening is nice tho.
You know in retrospect it'd be pretty decent cross promotioning if they pushed Railgun 3 back to Spring-Summer 2020 for the Summer Olympics.
Or would they lose more viewers to the olympics than they attract new viewers due to the olympics?
The real beatdown is realizing you were wrong all along and that you were basically just a drunk wife beater like your father.
>Late night anime
>clashing with the olympics
I don't know what time they air in Japan and i never bothered thinking about how different the time zones make it.
All the anime you see releasing at noon is the anime that airs at 11pm-2am in Japan
The only stuff i watch 'live' is Index stuff
How old is Will?
Touma's age ^10000
The dead don't age.
Half of her is alive
It's hard to say. We don't know for sure when the first clone was made, although judging from flashbacks, it probably wasn't TOO long ago. But all we know for sure is half of them are dead by August, and they were seen in winter uniforms in flashbacks, so that means the first one could have been made a year ago. That would make Will herself probably about a year old.
But half of her is dead.
didn't the parameter list operate with already determining the individuals with the potential to at least become level 5?
I think they tried to make sure any potential level 5 they did give the proper resources for their growth.
>who is Ayu
not entirely sure. railgun beats meltdowner and mental out but I don't think she beats #7 considering he literally deflected the lightning with a punch. However I highly doubt #7 can beat mental out
Reminder that the true hardworkers were Acid and Counselor and they got shit on instead of becoming the city's mascot like Mikoto
>espers require calculation to properly utilize their powers
>Accel is the only esper to be stated to have supercomputer-level brain
>Mikoto casually makes a clone of herself with dust utilizing magnetism to the very fine detail of clothes, hair and such
Fuyukawa, I
I drew something today
They also have the resources to conquer the entire world in multiple ways.
Does everything really reflects the darkness?
How will Colorlesskeks ever recover?
MO can beat #3 with enough brute force.
Meltdowner could do so much more but the user is retarded.
#3 is just electricity
given time MO can beat #3 but the question is would she have that time in an actual fight between them?
misaki can't really take a hit from normal people let alone a blast from a level 5 esper trying to kill.
The brains of #3 onwards are better than supercomputers, even Accel with the sisters has less calculation power than he did in OT3, he was just retarded in a fight
In an actual fight #3 wins easily but thats more on the user than the power itself
Christ I thought you drew the whole thing for a minute
Wtf Kamachi is a white supremacist
Yeah no, still can't believe she can do that with such details in a blink of a second by barely concentrating in a super tense situation
Two of them? Is one the girl that was cosplaying her?
You just have to, Kakine can make thousands of completely new physic laws in less than a second on his fight against Accel and Accel can counter accordingly, all of this is happening at mach speeds
this is the entire series for you. These people shouldn't be considered human. That goes for most espers in general as well.
I'm pretty sure only Accel has/had a supercomputer brain.
Magicians can also not be considered normal human especially considering that every single Magic God where originally human
Neither should normal high school boys you can find anywhere yet here we are
Even dumb level 0s like Touma and Hamazura have shown the capacity to do hardcore math on the spot.
Railgun would have her power and probably the AAA too, Mikoto would most likely die since she isnt a fucking dragon/has a demon zoo
Why do they look like they are going to fuck?
You literally can't deal with your waifu not being omnipotent.
No she won't.
>wanking Kakine
railgun gets beat because of the touma factor
>lightning touching
gay as fuck
Would you be surprised if it was reveled that the names of every single Magic God are alias / pseudonyms and Othinus one day reveals to Touma her original human name
I don't think she is. Still doesn't change that the series shows most of these espers as possessing superhuman calculation abilities.
Othinus is Odin so thats her name
The only ever stated to have supercomputer brain is Accel.
but is it stated that the others don't?
What if the AAA blocks his path?
>No Idol Accel short-anime to hear Okamoto singing
It's literally a crime.
the scenario needs more info to proceed.
Sorry that would've taken too long
>Touma punching Mikoto
no way
but the real mikoto is threatened. and yes I think given certain situations he would punch her regardless.
>Mikoto getting hurt in any way
>After Kamachi comfirmed she's only in because he has to pander for marketing
based and redpilled
if kamachi truly had 100% creative control over the LN, Mikoto would have taken a backseat role years ago
this series would have gotten boring long ago if every volume was touma saves X new girl instead of building on established characters.
That's literally not what was said. That only relates to the Illustrations.
Doesn't seem like it's working out since the title character is just as shallow as she was a decade ago
Can't have illustrations of her if she doesn't appear, retard.
cringe mikotohatertard
That's not how it works dumbass, quit twisting the interview to fit your shitpost.
This!. The user hates Mikoto's popularity and has started to become delusonal.
>this series would have gotten boring long ago if every volume was touma saves X new girl
So, given this statement doesn't hold true since at least mid OT and Mikoto could be removed and the story wouldn't change in the slightest you basically agree that it's purely marketing bait.
Accel wouldnt exist without Mikoto so no
Ah, how does it work then?
>mid OT
>mikototards can't read
What a surprise
Except mid OT is boring as fuck
index isn't liked though. I am convinced index is still around only because kamachi couldn't change the name of the series after the first volume was a success.
OT12-16 was good though
So you are ignoring that Accel punching Awaki is literally the most popualr moment in Index I-II
Sasuga, mikotohater dont even know the franchise
So you are agreeing that mid OT is boring as fuck except for a handful of volumes
No he said included Mikoto and Index into NTR22 to play the role of "prizes" for the MC's hardwork
well without mikoto index would have won toumabowl long ago with little to no competition which no one wants.
She would have won before othinus came into the picture.
You what? You better not source me with a fucking youtube statistic
>Mikoto is in the volume because narratively she has to be
>instead of using illustrations for someone else they spare one or two for her
She's there because she's meant to be there, it's just they give her an illustration to shill her. Not that she's written in for shilling.
misaki as well. He just can't remember her after looking away.
Index is still winning regardless. Othergirlfags be damned.
Try to find another video that comes close in views
The closest one is Accel vs Hound dogs at 3.6m
Then Touma eating Izzard at 1.4m
H-how much??
?????????? What does that have to do with anything?
Accel is a recurring character user
Sure. She definitevely was key part of NT7
cute butt
You seem utterly confused at the point you're trying to make.
>Its another Mikotohaters ruin the thread episode
to set up misaki and mikoto as rivals
Index is popular with nips. Only Westernfags hate her.
Let us all talk about something else and being united in our hatred of headcrab and kamikurofags
It set things up between her and Misaki properly. Like I said, the illustrations are the ones for shilling, not the writing.
why though? Is it the appeal of being a foreigner or something? She has no redeeming qualities outside of her looks. She has vast negatives.
No, he's a main.
They aren't seething autists who can't look past a shitty gag.
Not during mid OT
>main criticism of Mikoto is that her characterization comes from outside the novels
>mikotofags tell you it's a-ok since it's one big universe meant to be taken a a whole
>but now apparently you need to have her take space in a volume she has no stakes in to set up a rivalry that was established since forever in other materials
Nice hypocrisy as usual.
Again, how it of any relevance with the point of
sure index has shitty gags but literally what is good about her???
don't lump me in with them. I am my own. I support and denounce who and what I want when I want.
So now that we know that this is gonna be super short (22 pages), does loli death increase in likelyhood or decrease? For one I doubt they're aiming to tell comprehensive story with that amount of pages.
>since forever in other materials
This is untrue at this point, Daihaisei wasnt that far in
Chances of loli death quadrupled
>Her characterization comes from outside the novels
I literally don't have a clue what you're saying anymore so you can just fuck off. I'm not even a Mikotofag, I'm just stating what was said.
Where are people getting 22 pages from? We only learnt Idol Accel chapter page count because Teto herself said it on twitter, I haven't seen anything on Kakine.
>Mikotohaters start posting
>Thread goes to shit
Ans that was true until mid-OT where he took of as his won character two volumes later. Mikoto could be removed from the story since OT3 and nothing would change.
>muh clones
She had literally zero interactions with them since OT3.
Oh no, my bad, she spoke with Worst in NT3 in that scene that was so well received that became a fan favourite, character defining moment.
Okay, tell me what we know about her and her personality from the novels beside her wanting to fight with Touma. I'm waiting.
I think mikoto was meant to be a long running character since the beginning. See is literally in the first scene when she provided nothing of value to the story until OT3.
Maybe popularity made her get some more spotlight but I doubt she was a character meant to be written off into irrelevancy.
that hasn't been the case since mid OT.
>Railgun was supposed to be a Kuroko spin-off who happend to have an entire novel from her pov
Yeah, I'm sure she was meant to be main character, Everything points in that direction.
Kek, poor mikotofag's brain just melted.
are we reading the same books user?
>I don't like you Accelerator but you should never cheat on me /return.
>You should never allow anybody to boss you around either unless it is me /return.
>I'll make you life a living hell if you don't abide by those rules /return.
>I'm with you 24/7 but I'd rather be with Kamijou-chan /return.
>I flirt with you but I'd rather flirt with Kamijou-chan /return.
>You see, I really like Kamijou-chan though it does not bother me if he flirts with other girls /return.
>So don't get the wrong idea /return!! Is that clear /escape?!
>tell me what we know about her and her personality from the novels beside her wanting to fight with Touma.
>that hasn't been the case since mid OT.
100% coherent. Most obvious answer to my query. Absolutely not your brain having a meltdown.
>[messages deleted by admin]
what is hard to understand about her personality hasn't been "I want to fight and beat touma" since mid OT?
Will a cute. A CUTE.
>W I T H
Actually can't tell if you're ESL or just can't read.
Anyway here's a lecture
>To fight AGAINST someone
>To fight WITH someone
When's Touma going to show up to go on a date with Saten?
>What we know about her and her personality from the novels besides wanting to fight with Touma
Why are you making this out to be like she was invented from Railgun or some stupid shit? I'll obviously just say 'read OT1 and OT3'. Even NT has been consistently showing how deep her trauma goes which Railgun has yet to really do by my recollection. I don't even know why I'm giving you the (you).
Yah I think it's a kid School takes care of for a while and abandons because Kakine is a self-loathing bastard that genuinely gave up on all things happy. Doubt they share long history tbqh.
>Accelerator shows up
>"Wait. I asked for Ruiko"
>Why are you making this out to be like she was invented from Railgun or some stupid shit?
But I'm not? I'm saying that 90% of her characterization beside the whole "wanting to stand on the same stage" comes from Railgun.
Even her former "I want to fight Touma" actually is a Railgun thing.
I don't even know why I'm giving you the (you), I guess?
I guess I kept going with the fighting touma viewpoint because we are talking about OT. Fighting beside touma is mostly a NT thing. The later half of OT was her finding herself and setting her emotions straight.
>I guess I kept going with the fighting touma viewpoint because we are talking about OT.
Even her former "I want to fight Touma" actually is a Railgun thing.
>Accelerator gets a better adaption than Index
What went right?
What characterization does she get from Railgun that she doesn't get from the novel?
Stay in the other thread retard
Lol, so now I HAVE to answer the question after you dodged it?
>her relationship with her friends (her love for them but he sense of distance due to the powergap)
>her relationship with Misaki
>her thoughts on justice and such
>her viewpoints as a sheltered, prideful girl
>her genuine belief that hard work can get you anywhere due to her experience of reaching level 5 (though that's kinda cheating since the payoff is PList busting these ideas and giving us a new outlook on the situation
>more than I forgot
Here, did your job for you.
>No more IT for god knows how many years
It's not fair.
I didn't dodge anything. You were the one spouting this shit from the beginning, so it's your job retard. Yes, those are good reasons, but the core of her character is still established far earlier in the novels. Railgun hasn't done anything to flesh her out since Level Upper and Sisters though. Everything you stated is very early in Railgun's life span and the series no longer even tries to flesh her out further.
>but the core of her character is still established far earlier in the novels.
>Railgun hasn't done anything to flesh her out since Level Upper and Sisters though. Everything you stated is very early in Railgun's life span and the series no longer even tries to flesh her out further.
Yeah? Hence why people feel like Mikoto hasn't evolved since forever?
OT1 and OT3, even OT5 establishes the core of her character being that she's an unstable Level 5 who would think nothing of throwing her own life away if it meant someone else can survive.
When did Mikotohaters became more cancerous than Mikotofags?
>Novel starts
>first thing Railgun does is confess to Touma, give accel and the clones the middle finger and then reverse houndhouse kick straight into Kuroko's neck, breaking it
It would be glorious.
It would smell like shit
>give accel the middle finger
Not a good idea with his current position
Well, if Mikoto's ability was to be given life in the same way Touma's did, it would probably come from her constant wish of being able to be on the same stage as Touma, so i'd guess it would be edgy powerhungry Mikoto from the Kamisato arc back when she almost suicided herself into Salome and stole the AAA.
Railgun would be smart enough to know that Accel is too guilt ridden to do anything just from how Worst acted back in NT3.
Ni it didn't, she wasn't doing it for some random person but for her clones for whom she flet guilt.
Her dying was her way of atoning for her what she did. It is mirrored in Accel acknowledging he was at fault but so was she.
And it's a point of her personality that was NEVER brought up a single time since OT7. All of her actions in the novels since then has been to help and support Touma. That is quite literally fact.
>OT6, helped Touma
>12,13, helped Touma
>14, where is Touma
>16, I want to be with Touma
>Halloween, helped Touma
>WWIII, went to help Touma
I won't do NT because I doubt even you wouuld argue that her "I want to help Touma" isn't her whole character in NT.
yes but what exactly is going on. What is the setting? What can I use to play out the battle?? Just giving me mikoto vs railgun the only thing I can be sure that will happen is touma will show up because he is touma and that is what he does whether he means to or not.
Is the manga the best way to experience this franchise? I’m not keen on novels
No, read the novels
It is not. Alphabetize yourself.
I really hope Kamachi addresses the fact that Mikoto doesn't care about the clones as people. She doesn't even care about them as victims that should not be put through more, like Will implied Accelerator does. She just cares about how seeing them die is stressful to HER, not how it was for them.
That's because of the sticky burgers fingers. Just clean them, and try reading without eating for more than 10 minutes.
No, the best way will always be the novels.
But if you want to at least try out the franchise I'd advise to watch the first 10 episodes of index, the non-filler from railgun and then the first 16 episodes of Railgun S, which is the sister arc and the best animated arc currently. That should give you an answer if the franchise is for you or not.
If it is then all you have to do is follow this procedure ______________________________________________Read the novels______________
The manga cuts 2 importants arcs and it's adapting the 15 out of 47 novel (including the SS volume).
Read the novels.
This. Her feelings towards the clones is never brought up unless it's mentioned as a flimsy reason as for why she's all over Touma's cock. And even that is shat on by her actions: ignoring Worst, revealing her subconscious sees them as mannequins, and basically never interacting with them, or even wishing to interact with them
If she didnt care about them then how come she has nightmares about it?
Check and mate
The nightmares actually reveal that feels like they are nothing more than dolls meant to burden her.
Thats YOUR interpretation of the dream
Guys I caught a cold can you tell my wife Uiharu to bring some hot soup home
How will that user ever recover?
How else would you interpret "lifeless mannequins burying me"
She doesn't even dream of them as bodies. The dream screams of "abloo abloo whatever will I do about these dumb mannequins making MY life hard"
They have always been
There's an interview with Kamachi and Miki where they confirmed Mikoto wasn't meant to be a main character and her popularity surprised them. It's only because of that Miki suggested making her the heroine of OT3.
If she hadn't gotten so much attention then she might have ended up on the same level as the other Level 5s in terms of relevancy, but no I don't think she would have just vanished from the story, and in the end things might have still gone in the same direction with her. Like how Misaki gained so much traction in the main novel.
>taking a dream literally
First mistake
Im not gonna pretend dreams have only one interpretation, specially not coming from someone so into the occult such as Kamachi
Is Kamisato user the hero we deserve?
It's not that she doesn't care about the clones, it's just a mix of bad memories, disgust, self-guilt and acceptance that seems to be exclusive to 10032, which all leads to her avoiding them most of the time but protecting them if in need.
I mean, if I recall correctly, railgun S literally opens up with her talking about how she'd hate or find it disgusting to have a clone.
So i'd say that she has mixed feelings for the clones as a whole.
if true then why did her character even exist? Her showing up serves only to build up for OT3.
It still proves that Mikoto has a cold heart towards the clones, and most of her actual actions in the waking world back it up. The sister speech was bullshit, and she only cares about her own feelings, not those of the clones.
You're taking a lot out of dreams here friend.
>Mikoto not unconcious
8/10, otherwise would be a 9/10
It doesnt proves anything because its a dream, if someone kills you in a dream does that means you dont value your life and want to kill yourself?
You can be unconscious with your eyes open user.
Yeah, it's all about HER feelings, right, though? She doesn't show much thought for what 10032 and the rest of them feel. And Will has likely taken note, as she only seems to care about Accelerator and Touma. Hasn't mentioned Mikoto at all.
She shouldnt be moving her arm
No? It probably means you feel under press/attack by someone or something, though
Why did I respond to the shitposter.
someone not me do it
Just because you don't like something doesn't make it shitposting
Are you the "Estelle is egoist" user?
AAA was moving her arms for her though?
>didn't answer
Man, all of Uiharu lately makes me think that all her rape doujins are completely wrong.
Raping Uiharu must be one hell of a power bottom experience where all you need is a moment of weakness and you're the one getting raped.
>ever being "right"
OT1 was meant to be a one-shot. Kamachi might have just wanted to show as much as the setting as possible, and Mikoto was one of the means to that since she's a Level 5.
Also again, just because she wasn't planned to be a major character from the start doesn't mean Kamachi wouldn't have used her again.
Will hasnt mentioned Mikoto because its not needed, she doesnt lives rent free in her head like yours
This. Do you think Tsuchi, Aogami, or Komoe were planned to be important from the first outlines of the novel? Nah, but it's likely he planned to have them reappear. Mikoto was probably intended to have SOME relevance, as she mentioned the clones in her first appearance, but probably not as much as she got
Why aren't these called mikoto threads again?I
All AC espers are at least doped with adderall. Touma is considered to be dumb by AC standards and he ends up dabbing on magicians all the time with his common science knowledge
I'm not even the one that started this discussion dumb fuck. It's not "rent free" to respond to something that's already being discussed
What do you think the Rail comes fron?
>Who does math in units of Mugino's
>Im not the one who started the discussion
Yet you are eager to continue it
Indeed, no other character is nearly as interesting and deep as her, the ammount of discussion she generates is proof to that
Uiharu was always a savage.
The moeblob from Nagai's filler was never canon.
>they are nothing more than dolls meant to burden her.
That is not necessarily true.
>"lifeless mannequins burying me"
Her dream can also mean that she has an anxiety about her not dealing with them properly and that is hindering her from moving forward. The burying symbolizes how great that burden is. The only way out of this is for her to work together with Accel and join with them. She can't do this unless she can see things on the same perspective as her clones.
It is really weird that her clones are not doing anything to close the gap between Accel and Mikoto. It is as if they want Mikoto continue hating Accel so she would stay way from him.
I don't think the clones are trying to keep Mikoto away from Accelerator. I see it more like they return Mikoto's coldness and focus on the people that have done the most for them and shown them the most kindness, which would be Touma and Accelerator.
I fucking love Mikoto
And all of you as well!
He never said this though. He was only talking about the theme of the dresses and outfits which made sense without the afterword.
Judging by this thread, we can safely assume that people are really obsessed with Mikoto. and I dont think theres more than 3 actual Mikotofags in the thread
People always turn it to Mikoto and somehow involve her as some critical point when she isn't. It's like she killed their family or something, they're just grasping at straws and it's hard to take them seriously.
Not to mention they get insecure when you call them out and try really hard to push it as something important.
Hey, I just started watching season 1 a couple weeks ago and I've been wondering, why don't people carry guns? It seems like a really easy way to kill Touma.
People have tried
Stop samefagging plz Mikotofag. This is not the way to retaliate
Ah, that's a relief. I was starting to get worried something so obvious wouldn't get addressed. Thanks user.
Oh nevermind, once you point out what they do, they stoop as low as this.
This is not america, you fucking burger.
Tsuchimikado dabs on him every single time they end up fighting. Touma is lucky that he doesn't want to pull the gun that he does carry on him. Touma is weak against normal things like hybrid spies, navy seals and double saints
Ok, let me get it straight about some info:
The magazine its self is under the Dengeki Daioh editorial department.
like the one in late 2014:
A magazine that says
(Toaru Kagaku no Ippōtsūkō) x (Toaru Kagaku no Railgun) Toaru Magazine
Release date: August 27, 2019 Format: A4 size
>Number of pages: 148
Magazine code: 6488649 ISBN: 9784049127850
Clarifying the attractiveness of "Ippōtsūkō" & "Railgun" thoroughly, a "Toaru"-series magazine!
A special magazine was created to enjoy the whole of the To Aru series! TV anime "Accelerator" on the airing popular TV Special feature, of course, "A certain scientific Railgun" the third phases ahead
Thoroughly will follow special features and surrounding information you are interested in!
Several new spin-off comics, such as:
>A Certain Science Dark Material (Dark Matter),
>Toaru A Certain Idol Extra Edition,
>as well as many comics.
Appendix: "One Way of Science" Accelerator Almost life-size poster
>Teto says the Idol Accel chapter there is only 8 pages long and focuses on Esther and Huotou.
>No confirmation about how many pages on A Certain Science Dark Material (Dark Matter) are
>Anime Original with Accelerator real name were Bogus info
>pic unrelated
It was kinda obvious the real name stuff was fake. It doesn't make sense to reveal it that way, and even if they were going the nonsensical route of revealing it that way, they wouldn't tell us before hand
>No confirmation on the pages for DM
Well we can hope for 50+ chapters but that's unlikely.
>A Certain Science Dark Material
What a dumb name
Toaru names are fucking dumb in general. Astral Buddy is like the best one.
He doesn't know Japanese. It's a poor machine translation of the kanji.
I am like, 6 volumes behind. What's all this about Mikoto and Railgun and becoming a dragon?
Toaru Kagaku no Dark Matter is a dumb name.
It would be : a certain scientific dark matter
Not really, but I see your only intention was to shit on something.
Uiharu is a vampire.
Awakening was the worst part desu.
>"Oh, no, people are calling me out on my bullshit!"
>"What do I do?!"
>"Ah, yes, I'll just call them a samefag, that oughta make me feel better about being a shitposter!"
How do you get this from an interview saying Accel was created before OT3’s plot?
I thought the interview said Accelerator's story would have been very different without Mikoto, not that he wouldn't exist
Yep. People don't know how to read or interpret here.
Amazing how mikotofags managed to switch the narrative to "It's the mikotohateers who bully us!!!!!".
I wonder how different it would have been, since his powerset naturally leads to a darker storyline. Perhaps Kamachi and his team wouldn’t needlessly think they have to tie every aspect of his character to his conflict with the Sisters.
It’s transparent to the point that they appear to be falseflaggers.
For all we know, his story might have originally been happier had Kamachi not wanted someone to 'antagonize' Mikoto
yfw he was originally gonna be more like Gunha
yfw Mikoto ruined his life, meta speaking
It really depends. It probably had some dark elements and maybe had to do with the Sisters, but maybe he wasnt originally meant to be the antagonist.
I could see:
>clones were originally meant to be under another threat
>TOUMA is the one who accidentally meets one first and sees whatever bad thing that originally happens
>PROTAGONIST Accelerator (who's probably still edgy) is actually trying to protect the Sisters; he might even still be part of the reason they're in trouble, but nothing like "directly killing them in back alleys"
>"I don't trust you" hijinks insues, maybe a fight, but the truth all comes out, they save the clones
>maybe Mikoto finds out and is grateful too
But at the last minute Kamachi rearranged everything and Accelerator was flipped to bad guy so Mikoto could sob on the bridge
1 is irrelevant since this is fiction and 4 is an outright lie. Only the Science Side is out of the loop on IB.
Too bad he’s not the only antagonist there yet the story can’t keep up.
See for what kinda makes sense to me
Hey, wiki reader, welcome here, I suggest you read the book before argumenting about the settings! I hope we can get along!
Maybe "machines that could replicate level 5 powers" were meant to show up way earlier and the Sisters were meant to be fighting robots with Accelerator's powers, while the real Accelerator was trying to stop it (and for some darkness, maybe the real Accelerator accidentally kills one trying to get between the machine she's fighting and her, and Touma sees, and fight ensues)
Even in early OT magicians had knowledge of Imagine Breaker, with one calling it more important than Index’s grimoires. There’s explanations for why the Magic Side doesn’t use guns later, namely mass mind control and aesthetics, but this isn’t it.
Really arata is just a pleb filter of the highest caliber.
>"You let ten thousand of these girls die to machines with your power? What the fuck? You have more power than me!!! Why didn't you stooooooooooooooooop iiiiiiiiiiiit"
I could see it.
Name 1 person before Vento that expected to run into IB.
>Even in early OT magicians had knowledge of Imagine Breaker
Give names beside GRS
> There’s explanations for why the Magic Side doesn’t use guns later, namely mass mind control and aesthetics, but this isn’t it
Give the quote
Yes, Accel was always going to exist but his story would have been very different.
>Accelerator's guilt would then have been failing to stop the machines faster, and accidentally killing that one clone
Assuming that this story would confirm that Accelerator DID actually try to stop this project, and didn't just click his tongue and say "not my problem", wouldn't that make Touma kinda a dick? I mean, he WOULD be jumping in without understanding anything and just shitting all over Accelerator's struggles.
Sherry and probably Gabriel, and I’m thinking of Archetype Controller as an explanation, with Birdway using her flintlock since low-tech enough.
The story doesn’t want Touma to be seen as a dick so he won’t be.
It was transparent when he was choking the jew last episode, so at least they can do it right if they feel like it. Maybe they thought making it more tangible this time would make it easier to tell what's going on with the telekinesis?
Touma's been seen as a dick many times though. Just depends on your perspective.
Give the quote about that
Nice magician you got there bro
>thinking of Archetype Controller as an explanation, with Birdway using her flintlock since low-tech enough.
What are you even talking about?
Just stop dude, it's 100% obvious you're either anime only or a wiki reader. Just stop.
Is this enough to qualify as "very different" though? I mean, it makes him less of an antagonist, and sorta gives him Mikoto's Railgun role, but it could still easily merge into "he gets shot in the head, connected to the Misaka network, feels guilty, muh villiany"
The only difference is Mikoto would have a slightly different attitude to him. And who knows if this version would have them interacting at all
Touma is the biggest dick out of everyone in this series
Could Uiharu beat up sixty niggers?
>Touma bumps into a clone
>spends some time with her
>somehow finds out what's going on and ends up seeing her trying to fight Accelbot
>sees real Accelerator show up acting edgy
>probably gets tossed around and doesn't see the FULL picture, but DOES see Accelerator reaching out with his hand as the clone gets ripped to pieces, making it look like he intentionally did it
>either "I don't believe you" or "it's a goddamn robot, you retard, and you're literally #1, you're just as guilty as if you'd killed all of them yourself" or a little of both
From there, the story could be literally identical to what actually happens, especially if Mikoto has little to do with the Sisters arc and was given a different role
Magic and science being split into sides is the main reason why magicians don’t use guns. This is a pretty basic part of the setting. Sure, the normal people of magic nations have tech, but everyone from mooks to the big guns use magical weapons. Only the nations on the science part of the divide ever send out modern spec-ops.
Touma is a dick though.
He's always done things that might be questionable
>Kakine getting released in IF too
Year of Dark Matter?
Shitkine, Summer Misaka Imouto and Summer LO
So the dark matter spin off is only a one-shot. I wonder if this will be the first of many one-shots that contains a character from the series.
I dunno, screaming "you're just as guilty as if you'd killed them yourself. You're #1, these robots and this whole project should have been easy for you to squash, fuck you" to a guy that DID try hard to stop it seems pretty damn harsh.
But then again, it DOES sound a little like Touma, doesn't it?
Now I'm wondering if I should save. I can finish stage 7 off for the second time in this gacha, or save my 3k to help go through the next one. Might just finish it off and skip the next gacha I guess.
Railgun manga then Railgun anime
Astral Buddy manga
Index novels
I was looking forward to this till QooApp fucked me and wouldnt update my Index IF. I deleted it like a retard without linking my account and now it starts anew. It had the event chara and so many 3 stars, too.
This is some top tier bait, friend. Mikoto was the only level 5 at the series start to train herself to use her ability beyond its most basic application. Accel didn't even know he could control wind until Touma laid him out flat and he got desperate. Kiharas do more useful shit with Dark Matter than Kakine could ever dream up. Mugino is more likely to kill herself with her ability than anyone with actual fighting experience. Misaki can't do shit without her little remote and initial direct contact. Gunha is a gemstone from birth and not an AC esper, so you can't compare them in good faith.
>Sales are terrible
If this were true, it wouldn't have lasted 5 years and counting and be getting animated
Misaki a pile of shit
Could you contact squeenix and try and find your account that way? The account shouldn't be deleted.
Sales are terrible is the most bullshit comment. By what source does one have to know how the company judges a success and profitability of a spin-off? Nothing. Every project is judged differently.
Gouranga himself has said that the condition for a series to continue is dependent on its first week sales and Accel passed that with flying colours even if people don't like it.
Yeah I should try. I wish I saved the ID.
>#3 is just electricity
Go research electricty you literal retard. Literal brainlets in this thread with no knowledge of physics or how they apply to the known universe. Why the fuck do you think she was becoming Nuit during her level 6 experience? Her very soul is the core foundation for creating an entirely new plane of existence. The entire reason the clones exist at all.
Because of WILL. She was channelling Will's power, who is essentially nuit.
thanks Jim
>the power of his delusions
The lightning Mikoto used wasn't very powerful as she only used part of her power.
Gunha did think that Mikoto could defeat him but Mikoto also thought that Gunha could defeat her, if the fight was an actual serious one.
Gunha is weird in his power is just about can he be crazy enough to will a victory. So who Kamachi wills to win a Gunha battle will win.
I feel like Gunha is special even among gemstones. Maybe he can draw from various forms of the physical world.
This just proves that Mikoto is the most hard working out of the level 5's which is understandable since she started out as a level 1.
Accel doesn't really need to train himself either as he can learn things on the fly like it's nothing and it's probably the same to an extent for Kakine and Gunha, espeically since the latter's power is supposedly based on his delusions.
Mugino was said to have a higher output than Mikoto, so attack wise she could do more damage than Mikoto but Mikoto has versatility on her side which Mugino is severely lacking in.
I think was actually said somewhere that Misaki doesn't need to use her remote control, she simply uses it for better control. I'm not quite sure though on this one.
>This just proves that Mikoto is the most hard working out of the level 5's which is understandable since she started out as a level 1.
Have you read the LN?
If Gunha knew what he is, he could be at that magic god or above tier. He just doesn't know so till then he will job against most of the characters.
So you should know it wasn't hard work.
>If Gunha knew what he is, he could be at that magic god or above tier.
Hahahahaha, okay I'll bite, where do you get that one from kiddo?
Mainly because unlike MG's, Gemstones are real naturals.
Are you talking about the parameter list?
Do you even yourself understand what the smoking fuck you are saying?
OBVIOUSLY he is talking about that. Like, what's the deal with you people trying to wave it away?
The SS but I don't think making him not crazy guts character is ever going to happen. Gunha is better as a joke super hero character.
>Every time Junko feels like she took Gunha down a peg, he just gets back up even stronger with a different power
If that fight had gone on any longer, she would have gotten sent to the hospital.
That SS did not state something even remotely close.
But go on, show me that quote bro.
The SS did not say he would become magic god tier only that he would have been able to defeat Ollerus but he was nowhere near actual magic god level, probably not even nerfed magic god level.
What's with the sudden influx of people spouting absolute bullshit? Accel anime? Summer?
See A LOT of Kakine news these days...
wut going on?
wha the fuck happen?
fuck you AR's
fuck you js06
and fuck you too Kamachi
It shouldn't be waved away but nor should Mikoto's hard work, even if it was all unnecessary because she was always going to become a level 5 from the very beginning, even without it.
Neither should be ignored though.
>IF twitter just took down the Kakine reveal video
Kekinefags? What now?
Yeah, it did look like he was beginning to get a bit more serious before Misaki arrived.
If she didn't work, she wouldn't have become a Level 5. All the Parameter List shows is who has the potential to become a Level 5. But even if you have the potential, if you don't put any work towards it, you'll never get anywhere. You can't level up if you don't get any EXP.
Considering what he was pulling off during the Daihaseisai, he wasn't really giving it his all at all.
The SS had Ollerus saying Gunha could defeat Ollerus the failed magic god if he understood his power or at least that his power is unexplainable as opposed to just guts and his own logic of how things work. There are hints from other times that Gunha has been mentioned that his power is always beyond comprehension. So if Gunha an idiot can understand that which can not be understood he will be beyond something that is below a magic god.
None of that really matters here. What matters is that even in his normal state, he's not going to lose to Junko just because she received a boost. Dude was easily knocking down blasts from Level 5.1 Mikoto.
No, that is why they can have clones that all have level 2 and level 4 power. It is just her with AC science and magic. She could be lazy and not work but would still be a level 5. She would just be crappy at using her psychic powers in creative ways.
A failed magic god doesn't equal to an actual magic god. Ollerus was never a magic god but he could have become one but failed.
Alright, show me where it says that. Give me the text.
Gunha could lose because he doesn't understand that he has all this power. He can also win because he has a huge amount of power. Either the battle will end explaining Junko isn't bad or they will do something to surprise Gunha and knock him out.
I don't believe in Junko that much. Pretty sure her loss was inevitable.
Thanks, Jim.
Well except Accelerator who more than likely started out as a level 5.
Have we seen anyone actually increase their esper powers in this series in "how they are supposed to do it"?
Rikou's pushing Level 5 now, but (IIRC) she was always up there on the parameter list but they couldn't convince her to actually try and reach 5. We've not seen anyone grind levels, but it's probably got something to do with the drugs AC gives you as well as personal effort.
So do crazy dangerous experiments with large amounts of drugs and also have life and death fights.
Can Kuroko reach level 5? Her power is pretty broken on a fundamental level.
Does Accelerator want Mikoto to have a level 5 teleporter?
No, I'm not sure even massively increasing her range would push her into 5. Awaki is a 5 candidate because she has a much greater range and doesn't need to touch what she's teleporting, there's also the asport thing from the Accel manga which is can also reach 5.
I mean if she gets to the point where she can teleport entire buildings and what have you just by touching them I would argue that puts her to level 5. Naturally her power would need to evolve significantly, but I feel like there is a theoretical possibility of her reaching it.
Has NT22R been made into a complete PDF?
What is NT22R?
NTR 22 times
NTR stands for netorare ( whatever that means ) die. Basically it involves emotional hurting the significant other (Misaki) and with this also the audience of Mikotofags
The 23rd light novel in the "New Testament" series
Oh okay.
So it's the grand finale for the second part of Index then?
>Give names beside GRS
Don't you remember the whole fucking speech Etzali gave Touma? Retard.
>Gunha literally makes his own pseudo- Railgun
Haha what the fuck is going on?
>grand finale
It was more of an epilogue, I'd say. The final bosses of part 2 got taken out in the previous volume.