Dragon Ball Super


against gokek you dumb fucks

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Other urls found in this thread:


Good a new thread to continue teaching this fool.

Again, what is 10 fold? Tell me its definition i dare you. Its vital to whatever comes next in your journey of being BTFO.

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>Only, at the time, it was considered that his strength would increase 50-fold when he became a Super Saiyan, but that was a bit of an exaggeration. My feeling as the creator is that, while drawing it, I felt that it was about a 10-fold change from what it was up to that point.

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Enter CHADdoc

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I feel like for power scaling that Toriyama regrets the idea of the Kaioken and it going that high, especially since the manga version of Super just doesn't bother with it.

Enter Shotahan.

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Enter Kisslifla
Kiss me, Gohan

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Gohan is for Mirai Trunks only

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Much like me in these threads.

>literally obsessed after his 50x headcanon multiplier was proved wrong by Toriyama himself
>now he's trying to twist around the interview to suit his headcanon
This is truly, TRULY fucking pathetic. Holy shit. You lost. Kneel before me and move on.

>Goes to the catalog page
>Sad panda is dead and pedos are raging the entire board
Ah, now I see why you are here,

The real reason is that everyone, even Toriyama that senile hack, realized that the excessive multipliers are fucking stupid and make every normal form obsolete. Noone wants to fucking see Goku be perma-locked into SS anymore. Being able to get away with fighting in base form against some fodder every once in a while is a good thing that keeps things fresh. Being able to beat other SS with base was cool. The list goes on. But according to the shitty 50x autism he's basically STILL a weak piece of shit, even by the current Super arc he wouldn't be able to handle Frieza without Kaiokek. And that's just lame.

The same goes for the higher SS forms, if they were truly 2x and 3x multipliers of SS, then there is absolutely no way you could ever justify writing them out in favor of perfecting SS, no matter how many "muh stamina" and "muh energy conservation" handwaves you bring.

Flat multipliers are retarded and so are the autists who sperg about them. Actually just powerlevelfags in general should be purged from these threads and killed irl.

I've always been here, I just rarely post Shotahon.
I can switch to Girlhan if you want.

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*talking about Namek Frieza

Another thing, imagine thinking the SSBKK is actually a genuine x10 / x20 multiplier lmao! Hit would have been vaporized if that was the case, even Jiren would have had trouble against Gokek suddenly becoming 20 times stronger.

>headcanon the post

Well, at least you're polite. Still, please, stop. Even if girl gohan looks cute..but shouldn't have boobs on that age.

>literally obsessed after his 50x headcanon multiplier was proved wrong by Toriyama himself

The 50× multiplier WAS canon as stated by Toriyama but the way he worded "10 fold increase" from what Goku has shown "up to that point" means its effectively a 200× multiplier.

That is canon, that is fact. You can conceed now or disappear.

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>all this inane babbling about absolutely nothing
Looks like it's time for some intellectual pontifications and philosophical musings perpetrated by the great Jirenscholars.

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Do go on. You're quite amusing in your desperate flailing and woeful ululations.

Just think about the female duo of Great Saiyaman and Great Saiyaman 2

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Cool Garou fanart

Interesting and cute.

My Gohan folder grows every day, and it has 8 subfolders.
No porn of course.

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>literally myriad examples of Jiren being a scholar

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Damn it, stop with these lewds of underages!

Now you're talking my language

What is done is done and Akria the kekiyama should just lay in the bed he made for himself. Powerlevel "faggotory' is the cornerstone and bedrock of Dragon Ball Z. Without the powerlevel logic, the entire series would devolve into a illogical mess of a shitshow.

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Technically, Vegeta did defeat Goku on their first meeting. However since then, Goku is clearly more powerful and Vegeta spent most of his time getting BTFO. (with the exception of android 19 and Toppo).

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>this is your mind on power level faggotry
I hate Mexicans so god damn much.

>anime-only secondary
For fuck's sake just end yourself.

Reality is shaking..
Enter Chadren

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Based and cute

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Cope acknowledged, concession accepted. I bring numbers, canon ones stated by Akira Toriyma and the Manga. You bring illogical screeching and denials of canon.

Its your feelings VS hard facts. Guess who wins in the end in that confrontation?

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HOLY based

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>more babbling
Good pet. You follow orders well. Continue amusing your superior master.

This is true. Powerlevels are the cornerstone of the franchise, which was all about training or finding a new transformation to defeat new enemies all numbered. You get the different gravity chambers, stuff like training 1 year while being 1 day inside the rosat, the entire Namek saga with scouters... Idk.

In Z it was all clear and you knew who could win in any fight and effectively use Power scaling to theorize because the rules were solid. It was probably the manga which made powerscaling so famous, and it worked back then

B-b-b-b-but muh Belmond stale bait?

I can't believe how smart Jirenchads are.

Jirenscholars... How the fuck are we so smart? It's like just being exposed to CHADren increased our IQs by at LEAST 50 points...and that's only for the lowest of us. I can feel my gray matter pulsating and growing every day, every SECOND, I continue praising the graayt name of CHADren and spreading his gospel.

What the fuck is it about us that makes us so intellectually superior, Jirenscientists? It's completely fucking unheard of.

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Who is the cutest DB Kid?

>the samefagging SHITrendog has arrived
And now the thread becomes trash.

Forgot the pic

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>the last Gayhanspic is still whimpering weakly

You already know the answer

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Each and every thread I am utterly amazed at the scholarly pursuits of the astute and sagacious Jirenprofessors. It's really inspiring.

Cope and conceed more. Your emotional outbursts only validate my position who is backed by numbers and solid logic.

But sure, throw more ad hominem's to me in your next replies.

Having gained an ability that makes a scouter redundant =/= power levels are fictional constructs.

Yeah and Namek era Goku can totaly defeat Buu era Majin Vegeta, right? Who cares about powerlevels if they arent real!

>literally admitting to being a dubfag anime-only Z-babby
Literally everything you say has been and forever will be discarded. Now CRY.


Why hasn't Vegeta defeated a big bad?

>lost to Freeza
>lost to Cell
>lost to Buu (three times)
>lost to Beerus
>got cucked from finishing off Golden Freeza (and before anyone says anything, Golden Freeza was tired from his fight with Goku)
>copy clone Vegeta was killed by Goku
>lost to Hit
>didn't beat Merged Zamasu
>didn't beat Jiren
Why is Vegeta's track record so bad?

>Yeah and Namek era Goku can totaly defeat Buu era Majin Vegeta, right? Who cares about powerlevels if they arent real!
Strawman some more, it only makes you even less credible (if such a thing were possible)

>Yeah and Namek era Goku can totaly defeat Buu era Majin Vegeta, right? Who cares about powerlevels if they arent real!
That's just one guy being stronger than the other because of a gap in training and abilities. It doesn't have anything to do with some made up number.
The reason why Power Levels and multipliers will always be pointless is because the characters are only as strong as Toriyama needs them to be.

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You mean CHADchad cha CHAD?

How about this kid? What do you think about?

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>my position who is
>throw more ad hominem's to me
I knew you were a Mexican.

I am accepting of Cutegang, just don't post things like this.

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Aha, its the dogposter, now everything makes sense. Good job provoking me in replying many times to you.

You are good at this.

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It looks like somebody took the body and facial structure of Kid Goku and put Caulifla's facial features and hair on it.

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Make an antagonist that has all the major abilities of the main antagonists from Z
>insane durability and the ability to survive in space (Freeza)
>all the cells from the various strong fighters so he can use Super Saiyan, Golden, etc. (Cell)
>absorption and magic bullshit like Change Beam and retarded regeneration (Buu)
Then give him Hakai and Jiren's eye powers.
Who can beat him?

>he continues following orders as a good and obedient pet should
Good pup. Your master is pleased by your unending subservience.

It's just the OG DB style, user.

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Is intelligent, disciplined, invincible, and handsome.

Younger characters were still varied though. Look at kid Chi-Chi for instance, or Arale-chan.

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I like CHADren

Thats teenage Gohan you dumbfuck.

Goku, Roshi, Tien, Beerus...

>Tenshitcuck and Roshi


They weren't saiyans.

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Dubfag spotted.

Roshi and Tien know the mafuba, which bypasses pl and hacks, so yeah.

Is 9 years old considered "teenage" in Tacoland?

Gohan is 4 at the start of the Saiyajin arc.
In Namek he is 5.
By the time Goku returns, he is 6.
3 years of training makes him 9.
1 year of training makes him 10 for the Cell Games.
If we go by the original DB release, he'd be 9 since Toriyama's original age for him was 3.
So, Shotahan.
Shouldn't make much of a difference as Saiyajin children don't appear any different from Human children aside from strength and the tail.
Goku and Kulilin have basically the same body type in the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai

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I like this one.

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The Mafuba has literally never been successful. Not one single time. You're also a retard if you think someone that powerful would just stand there and let those weak jobbers attempt it. They'd get speed blitzed before they could even gather enough energy.

He was 12 in the Cell Games

This is comfy

How does stacking mulitipliers really work? Like if super saiyan was a x50 increase and you used kaioken x10 on top of that would the powerup be x60 or x500. Blue kaioken would be a more reasonable boost to blue if the former was the case making goku about 10 or 20% stronger, instead of 1000%. I dont think its ever been stated that his overall power increases by 10 or 20 times. Same with Broly and his oozaru power stacked on top of his ss, does it just give a boost on top or an overall power multiplyer.

If someone smart used it, it would be successful.
And it has been successful, since it sealed King Piccolo way back.


>King Piccolo got out

Well, good point. But there isn't much art of the U6 saiyans as little kids.

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>Accuses me of being an anime Z-"babby".
>While having posted manga pages.


Its what happens if you remove powerlevel logic from the equation.

>That's just one guy being stronger than the other because of a gap in training and abilities.
>gap in training

Training what? Your body to grow STRONGER? That is the essence of powerlevel logic my friend.

>The reason why Power Levels and multipliers will always be pointless is because the characters are only as strong as Toriyama needs them to be.

In short, by discarding powerlevel logic, you take away the internal logic of the story and everything becomes abritary. Then my hyperbole of Namek era Goku defeating Buu era Majin Vegeta would not be a hyperbole anymore but a fact but you and I know that something like that would never, EVER happen.

Oh man, i am good at this.

Prove it.
In the original prints, he starts as 3 making him 9 if we count Room of Spirit and Time. If we don't, he's 8.
If it's the rewritten release where he's 4, he'd be 10, 9 without RoSaT.
In the dub, he starts as 5, making him 11 at most.
It's because of all the sexual tension they have as teens. That, and they're already cutegang

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>b-b-b-but I posted a manga scan?? t-that means I'm not an anime-only Z-babby powerlevel spic h-haha
Be quiet and mow, Pedro.

DBS threads have really become an oestrogen infested place with all the kid and Shitren posting.

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I don't understand. Sexual tension?

Faggots like you never learn

Strongest and undefeated.

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>Training what? Your body to grow STRONGER? That is the essence of powerlevel logic my friend.
No, that's just power creep. As the series goes on, threats get bigger and the characters grow stronger.
Also, if power levels are so great, let me ask you this.
How come Goku in the Saiyajin arc lost instantly to Raditz, when Raditz was only 600 above him in numbers? When later on in the Namek arc, the gap would be thousands and each person would be holding their own?

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>brainlet is intimidated by the Jirenscholars' intellectual prowess
>"p-p-please go away y-you make the threads scary"

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>You're also a retard if you think King Piccolo would just stand there and let that weak jobber Mutaito attempt it
Wanna know how I know you are a Super baby?

You know what I mean.
Sorry for proving my point. He is a shota.

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Why anyone would prefer watching children over consenting adults is unknown to me

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>implying the gap between Muitaito and King Piccolo is anywhere as huge as the gap between Roshi/Tenshitcuck and a Super antagonist that poses a threat to Goku, Vegeta, and Beerus

I want to marry a Jirenchad.

So you think i am following your orders just because i am giving you (You)'s? That is just weird, dear dogposter.

Kek, you are making me laugh with this nonsense.

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Post gayness now

>defeated the only time she shows up
Brolykids are embarrassing.

>the lowly dog continues to obey its superior master
VERY good pet! You please your master with your unflinching loyalty. You know your place, dog.

Stop sexualizing these cute characters

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I'll think about it.

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He defeated one of them.


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Keep it pure, right?

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Nice headcanon, also:
>Trannyrenfags forcing themselves onto others

Hard to do that here nowadays.

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I already am, faggit

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>How come Goku in the Saiyajin arc lost instantly to Raditz, when Raditz was only 600 above him in numbers? When later on in the Namek arc, the gap would be thousands and each person would be holding their own?

That comes down to percentages and ratio's of power.

Raditz had a powerlevel of around 1200 while Goku and Piccolo had 416 and 408 respectively. So Raditz was roughly 3 times stronger then them. In the Namek saga, you had indeed fighters with different powerlevels differing in the thousands but the ratio's were smaller.


the grAYYt

How so saiyan dudes react to returning home only to see their beautiful wife having her legs wrapped around another beautiful saiyan woman on their bed?

You do realize how retarded you sound justifying this, right?
You do realize there's a reason power levels existed within only 2 arcs of the series, and even then Toriyama tried to get rid of them as quickly as possible, right?

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JI to the RE to the N to the GRAY, to the Arabs and tacos he brings dismay.

I don't know, but there are no males in this lesbian piece of heaven

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Jirenfags are already doing it. See Ask Cabba

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>Jirenscholars flexing their mastery of poetry again
How the FUCK do we stop winning Jirengeniuses?

Roshi dodged Jiren, who blitzed Vegeta, so the gap isn't that wide.

>That filename.

He just knows that they can either hold back their power to artificialy lower their powerlevel or use in spikes in KI attacks.

>and even then Toriyama tried to get rid of them as quickly as possible, right?

Because he was and still is a lazy person just like he made Super Saiyan the way it is to make it easier to draw Goku.


I wonder if saiyan elite females have women in their harem.

Bros... Do you feel that? That shaking... It's as if the entire world...no, the universe...nay, SPACE-TIME ITSELF is trembling... Existence is being torn asunder, tossed about like a child's toy by some titanic force... Infinity and eternity are rupturing, caught in a veritable maelstrom of peerless might... The fabric of reality is breaking down, quaking like a leaf caught in the inexorable wake of a tumultuous storm from which there can be no possible escape... Even time is quivering, struggling futilely to break this monstrous grip...

Bros...who...WHAT the fuck could be doing this? This transcends all known laws of physics... How could a single entity be so powerful? Who the FUCK could be fucking strong enough to...to...
Oh, shit

Attached: Witness the ultimate battle, between the greatest of warriors, in all the worlds, time is running ou (640x360, 2.92M)

It's lazy to attach numbers to characters and say 'They are this strong'. Not the other way around.

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Vegeta is only allowed to defeat his rival, everyone else isn't part of the deal.

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IMMEDIATELY discarded.

>It's me, Superman. Hi.

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/dbs/ Posters Official Rankings
>Chads Among Chads
Cuteforce (Chadforce + Cutegang (RIP))
The Original Dogposter(RIP)
>Lesser Chads
Chadforce (RIP)
The Original Panfag(RIP)
>Back to the Kennel
Panpedo (RIP in Piss)

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Supervised and approved by Akira Toriyama and Shueisha. Cope, sob, weep, cry and kneel.

It's Jobren throwing a shitfit after being stomped by base Goku with auto-dodge.


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Caulifla's gang was all-female

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Brolyfags and Jirenfags belongs to the same ningen tier.

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Super Based!

Jirenfags are actually chads. They know how to smooth talk and can bring the Ningens down to their knees. That's respectful.
Brolyfags don't have that power.

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>Galaxy buster at most
Bye, Felicia

Best girl

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The DB franchise has the cutest females and strongest characters in manga

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>one girl
No post gayness please panda is down I need to work of my frustration by imagining Cauli and Kale performing the forbidden horizontal dance.

BrolyCHADs > Everyone else > Jobrenfags/Jobhanfags.

Nice camelcanon.

*Smiles in a gentle golden universal, reality master supreme god*

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You're only saying this because jirenfags are gohanfags who just gave up on Gohan.

It so hot remembering shes an apeshit goddess on the inside when Cauli dominates her.

I wouldn't doubt it, but I'm a Gohanfag who never gave up!
...I just took a lot of vacations.
Jirenfags actually own the concessionposting, they make people concede. It's quite a sight honestly.

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They keep commissioning netorare porn and always talking about Jiren's penis. Brolyfags to the same too. It's awful. Zamasuposting was more original and less gay than these dudes.

>less gay

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It's a sad pic. What if this happens to Kale back on her universe?
Indeed less gay. They didn't keep worshiping penises or browsing yaoi boards.

I obviously replied to a picture of regular Superman, who isn't even a galaxy buster.
But, Prime, really?

>m-muh buzzwords

He's probably saying it, because he's an actual homosexual

>incomprehensible ESL babble

No. I will never lewd Shotahan.

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Enter CHADren.

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>Mindbroken again
Another victory for the BrolyCHADs.


Attached: Kale.jpg (480x480, 26K)

>more incomprehensible ESL babble

Gohan chads are busy not living inside these trash threads.
I only check this crap from time to time. Useless shit threads, will wait until the anime comes back so we can have the ball rolling again. Until then there is no point.

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Hot and steamy

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>loses to Bejita SS
>powers up
>loses to Bejita god
>powers up
>loses to Goku god
>powers up
>loses to Gogeta SS
>Powers up
>loses to Gogeta SSB

Attached: images-10.jpg (502x611, 28K)

>goku keeps losing to superman
>keeps getting fed power ups and new forms
>superman gets one of his few power ups
Also base Superman is already capable of many feats that make Goku look like a chump regardless of whatever his hair color is. Oh coooool Goku can punch harder and shoot an energy blast that looks the same as before! Meanwhile Superman casually phases a phantom planet out of existence.

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>pedofag is a Jobrenfag


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I'm not a Jirenfag. I merely recognize them as being stronger than the average /dbs/ poster.

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>Gohanfags and Cutegang stopped fighting and left together
>They made peace and started to making out on backstage
>They also returns together often
That probably means brolyfags and jirenfags sooner will cease and start to do the same thing and to be openly gay to each other.

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Exit capeshitters

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Nice headcanon.

Bring me Jobberman.

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Version of superman goku loses to

Superboy prime
Quantum superman
Strange visitor superman
Dark seid superman
Cosmic armour superman

Hey it's cool if I travel through your timestream right? I just want to meet that legendary super saiyan. What's the worst that can happen, right?

Booster Gold Accidentally Destroys the DB Multiverse

Attached: Booster_Gold_v.2_32_virgin.jpg (900x1369, 232K)

SUPERchads, assemble
Golden and based

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>goku keeps losing to superman
What? Are you talking about Deathbattle?
THIS Deathbattle?
Look at the numbers, Paco.
Goku wins when we use their own calcs correctly.
You couldn't have used a more bullshit example.

Superman maxed out on two galaxy busting occasions.
1. When Mageddon overpowered him (an engine with the power of an galaxy).
2. When Imperiex's drones wrecked him (Imperiex himself had the power of a galaxy)
3. He took the shockwave of 50 super novae, but the radiation of it would have killed him.
50 Supernovae does not equal one galaxy.
And we've never seen DB characters run away from the radiation of their blasts.

DBS Goku can make the entire universe shake.
GT Goku was able to create a universal Spirit Bomb in less than 15 minutes.
Superman gets an 3x power increase if he sunbathes for 15 minutes.
Now, guess who would be completely stomped if we both gave them a 15 minute prep?

>Superman casually phases a phantom planet out of existence
DC comics uses a lot of techniques that are more complex, but that doesn't mean that you automatically have to be stronger to perform them.

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>Capeshitters so irrelevant they have to come into the CHADS' DEN and cry about their irrelevant and inferior medium full of utter weaklings
The Fatefag will probably show up now too.

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Better to try than make no action
Better to cry than fake your emotion
Gotta be us, gotta fight it together
Don't you know you are the one makes my soul complete?

Buu Saga > Freeza > Shit > Cell

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*laughs in hollywood, blockbuster and billions*

Attached: 85b0e6db6c4fc8a4ec1d79bc0b936162.jpg (752x547, 50K)

What's that? Sorry I was talking about obvious truths. Everybody knows that Goku is a secondhand Superman wannabe, even proven by Toriyama himself. All you have to do is check out DB Minus. A wonderful retelling of the destruction of Kryp-- I mean Planet Vegeta. But we've all known that Superman's power is infinite and possessing unlimited stamina and invulnerable at all times. Meanwhile you have Goku getting hurt by normal rocks and bullets.

Attached: superman-shoot.jpg (219x244, 66K)

>brags about successful Hollywood ventures
>posts DC
Something doesn't seem quite right...

>flash beating instant transmission

Attached: flash beating instant transmission.jpg (950x1488, 359K)

>Supercuck so weak he has to use a gun

Wow that's not really a smart response but I guess that's the best you can do.

Attached: super-cringe.jpg (353x353, 100K)

>invulnerable at all times

Attached: alfred-pennyworth-vs-superman-3.jpg (1911x1479, 317K)

>literally no argument against Supercope having to use a FUCKING GUN
Oh god, this is too easy.

Cuteforce never dies

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>Looking down are those desperate in denial

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>incomprehensible ESL babble

>Superboy prime
Because he shattered a small portion of a barrier, Lex Luthor's ginger wizard child had already weakened? Or because he went to the fifth dimension with the aid of magic?

>Quantum superman
>Dark seid superman
>Cosmic armour superman
All temporary versions, except cosmic armor Superman, which isn't even Superman, but some sort of robot.

>Strange visitor superman
Maybe so
>Quantum superman
Not Kal-El

How about beating a guy in spandex with a sword?

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>The Buttlering
That's just a universal constant that Alfred is an unstoppable force of snarky basedness.

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His feats speak for themselves. He can't tank as much as you think he can. He has to solar dip to win his battles. Galaxybusters are clearly stronger than him, but then the authors pull a 180 and make Supes do shit that's not in his paygrade.

Watch this

Is Super cannon or is it like GT where people don't even acknowledge it because it was so bad?

DC don't fuck around. The only way to stop them is with their own.

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DC Chads wins again.

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>spic babbles in its strange tacospeak
>no one can understand it
Mow, Pedro, mow.

You forgot the APEX of the chad ecosystem.

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Enter Gohan's dad.

Attached: yamcha.png (1080x600, 163K)

>DC chads had took the entire thread
Holy shit!

>Book of infinity
>Has an actual last page which Marvel saw
That's not what infinity means, capeshitters


>DC chads had took
>incomprehensible ESL babble


G-guys..Yea Forums is making fun of us again...!

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>But we've all known that Superman's power is infinite
Hahaha, you wanna know why Superfag's pathetic?
When Goku was a kid, he was fighting bears, lifting cars and blocking bullets with his head.
When Superfag was the same age he once got super angry, punched a kid with his full strength and only broke his nose.
This event was what caused him to put limiters on himself, pathetic.

Fellow Superbros, we have embarrassed ourselves. For months we have argued among ourselves and our brains have regressed to the point where we can no longer form a coherent sentence and now just spew random words thinking it has any meaning. We truly have shamed ourselves this day in the face of an impressive force imposed upon us by the mighty chads of DC.

Attached: 1563833638594.gif (500x375, 756K)

Why do you care what other boards are saying about you when everyone else on this board has hated us for a while?
Just stop spamming nonsensical bullshit for give seconds and talk about the franchise.

>tfw toriyama named his latest series after the greatest hero that he copied the backstory of

Attached: abusive father yelling at a fucking pissed off superman holy shit dude you got some balls you'r (1280x1943, 841K)

>We truly have shamed ourselves this day in the face of an impressive force imposed upon us by the mighty chads of DC.
>incomprehensible ESL babble

jobrenfags are insufferable

>INTIMIDATED by the vast intellect and scintillating LEXICON of the indomitable Jirenscholars, the whimpering Copelycamels spew buzzwords and insults in weak, pathetic whines

Seen them before, but he made so many errors that I decided not to reply to him.
Got some ideas of your own to share?


This CHAD'S DEN enforces ferocious intellectual sparring on a level surpassing anything else found on this site. I almost feel PITY for the unsuspecting peon of lesser franchises wandering in, thinking his comfortably dull witted ways still apply only to be mentally EVISCERATED by the towering intellects that sit in wait.

Attached: freezer.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Didn't do it on his own power, speedreader-kun.

At what point did these threads jump the shark into complete and utter nonsense?
It wasn't like this when the anime was still going. It was retarded and shit posting was constant but there was actual discussion as well.
I miss the jobhan and cuckgang wars and all the QUALITY screenshots
This place is just depressing to be in now...it's like everyone is copypasting the exact same thing they have saved to notepad files over and over again

Lzya Nma

Too bad infighting classically slows you down Ice Cream Truck Salesman.

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ENOUGH of your pointless meandering, dog. Long has it been written that the masters of such trifling and inferior creatures adequately express their legendary superiority and infinite wisdom in a manner consistent with said creatures' transgressions. And lo, what VILE and contumacious transgressions thy canid beasts have visited upon the superior and godlike, most benevolent masters! Return AT ONCE, pet, to your kennel, wherein all good and obedient beasts of burden reside until commanded otherwise by their infinitely superior and merciful, yet stern and unyielding masters. Heed well my words, pet, and know your place. You have been commanded. Obey, or face swift and true retribution at the hands of your godlike master. OBEY, dog!

>the off-topic spambot is here
Just nuke the thread.

Attached: DRAGON_BALL_GT_SCREENCAP_EP_23_AT_18_32.jpg (640x480, 136K)

Tell me where it's said that Superman created this universe.
It'd be like meeting an alien and saying, welcome to my planet. You didn't make it, you just live in it.


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Holy fucking BASED
CHADgon Ball CHADS are fucking geniuses.

Hellooooo Clarste, and how are you in your misanthropy today?

Attached: locked closet.png (61x60, 2K)

>needs to be in the sun for hundreds of years and gets taken out by humans

Quiet, pet. The temerity of your tomfoolery and blatant disregard for the due decorum established as a beacon lighting the way to obedience has briefly amused your superior master, but his patience has ebbed and waned like the flow of the tide. Now, dog, you will show, with nary a complaint or argument, how very quiet you can be should your deific and godlike master demand it. Silent as the grave, pet. Turn forthwith and trudge shamefully back to your kennel, and reside there in perpetuity as you reflect with great recalcitrance and pure, unadulterated opprobrium upon your audacity at having flouted your most benevolent and superior master's sagacious decrees. Go at once. AT ONCE, dog. Your master commands you.

Attached: DRAGON BALL GT GRAB.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Cut your wrists and BLEED.

Well I don't like to toot my own horn, but tooting my own horn would be very hot on certain markets.
@dogcatcher in the wryyyyyyyy

Attached: Everyone had the shareware version, your argument is wasted efforts.png (350x530, 217K)

>winning in both average thread activity and average poster IQ

How the fuck do we do it bros?

Attached: CHADS OF ⁄ a ⁄ - BIGGER THAN KYOANI.png (678x937, 244K)

>no u

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>Superman shitposting
These threads keep getting more hilarious

You doesn't.

Attached: Can't hold back anymore against Houjuu Nue.png (634x371, 398K)

Eventually these threads won't even be about dragon Ball
Dragon Ball will just be in the subject line
It pisses me off too because I try to hard to defend these threads from other anons only to come back to this fucking shit and I just can't deny anything much longer without literally lying about how things are here

>implying we are at fault for getting raided by Capecucks and spambots

Oh right I forgot it takes a long ass time for Superman to get tired but Jobku cant use his most OP forms for too long or they will literally kill him. This means Prime and One Million win since they have infinite stamina while Jobku will die if he doesnt turn off Ultra Instinct after 8 minutes.


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Moro arc ending: Vegeta learns a technique on Yardrat to counter Moro's magic but still jobs as usual, Goku sees it once, perfects it and defeats Moro with it. THE END.

fuck the jannies

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hunter x hunter is better desu

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The perpetrators are off-topic faggots like capeshitters, that one Fatefag, the spambot, and seething Huntercucks. Jirenscholars and Toeintellectuals spread intelligent discussion and scintillating debates, powerlevelfags generate arguments about consistency, the dogposters serve to increase the overall average vocabulary of each poster, and whenever we get raided by any of the aforementioned off-topic shitters, everyone bands together and fucking eviscerates them.

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So...this is "daily dose" a daily occurrence, for Vegeta?

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Bejita loves being manhandled by true CHADS

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This diction... This lexicon, its as if the entirety of the Oxford dictionary is being used. Who could be capable of such intellectualism, such vast and all-encompassing wisdom? Is it a deity? Is it... Oh god... Bros its a JIRENSCHOLAR.

muchas gracias doc

Attached: HEHren.jpg (848x480, 30K)

>hunter x hunter

Attached: Bike granny.jpg (1280x720, 144K)


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Updated due to me remembering other posters and recent events in this thread
/dbs/ Posters Official Rankings
>Chads Among Chads
Cuteforce (Chadforce + Cutegang (RIP))
The Original Dogposter(RIP)
The user who made a compilation of everytime Goku showed his dick in DB
>Lesser Chads
Chadforce (RIP)
The Original Panfag(RIP)
Hunterchads (outside of /dbs/)
MistareFusion Shills
>Back to the Kennel
Panpedo (RIP in Piss)
Hunterchads (in /dbs/)
Other Shounentards
Original Cheelaifag (RIP in piss)

Attached: Dn3GomTUcAAz0Sj.jpg (2048x1702, 411K)

Jannies iffy, uh, user got the stiffy, uh
Got piccies, uh, thread it holds 250, uh


Pop these Jannies like a wheelie nigga, They all silly niggas
In the hood with my user niggas, and that Hiro nigga
They run up and they banning niggas, we just dabbing nigga
No GF, they all losers nigga, fuck that boomer nigga

In the thread, memes in my post, Waifu on the phone
She wanna fuck but keep her clothes on, I only want the jaw
Man that's really all I use her for, I kick her out the door
I don't want her, you can keep the whore, she fiendin' for some more
On Yea Forums my niggas Milly Rock, my niggas shitpost bop

Blow a case a jannie throwing shots, I run 'em off they block
Quarter milli in the stash box, I grinded for my spot
Jannies talking 'bout that cash but my bag worth a lot
I don't fuck with no good posts, only shitposts
Put my dick in jannies asshole, I pass him to my bro
Mods they all sad hoes, they all bad hoes
I'ma fuck them I dash home, to the cash hoe

I'm on some cuck a janny shit, take a jannies bitch
Do the dash in the whip, count the cash in the whip
I pull up with a stick, I let that shit hit
Shut up, cus I fucked that jannies bitch

Jannies iffy, uh, user got the stiffy, uh
Got piccies, thread it holds 250, uh

Move milli', all my anons on fifty, uh
Talk down, pew pew pew, you silly, uh
Hit a stain, fifty bands, all hunnids
Spinning through ya block like a pop shove-it
Banning me Change IP, jannies suck it
I ain't wanna take his life but nigga, fuck it

I'm on some rob a Jannie shit, take a Jannies bitch
Do the dash in the whip, count the cash in the whip
I pull up with a stick, I let that shit hit
Shout out, but I fucked that Jannies bitch
I'm on some rob a Jannies shit, take a Jannies bitch
Do the dash in the whip, count the cash in the whip
I pull up with a stick, I let that shit hit
Shut up, cus I fucked that Jannies bitch


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>The Original Dogposter(RIP)
Why the RIP? I'm still here, I just don't really make original dogposts anymore. They overstayed their welcome.

based caulifla sama

That's why RIP is next to it.
I remember when one day, this guy showed up in /dbs/ calling everybody who disagreed with him a dog. Now it has become a part of /dbs/ culture.

Attached: 1505188916547.png (1206x1322, 669K)

Silence, dog. Stop taking credit for your superior master's creations.

Quiet, my precious, PRECIOUS pet.

link to archives? i want to see the origin of dogposting, it's wonderfully absurd

I can't remember at this point. /dbs/ has been a blur. I remember when Goku Hakai broke /dbs/ and when Zamasuposting was every other post.
I know it was before Moro, because people saw Moro drain the dog and the meme was "Moro killed Dogposter"

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I was there. I complimented his lexicon the first time before it became repetitive. Then he admitted being crushingly bored and self-loathing.
There's also the chance that he spends 30 minutes on thesaurus per pasta.

Silence, dog. Don't dare. Don't DARE.

Oh god I remember that thread, what a fucking blast


Attached: dogposter.jpg (696x272, 31K)

Man these threads used to be great.

Attached: fuck cuncks.png (1500x2100, 805K)

/dbs/ threads have the deepest lore out of any general on Yea Forums
Literally nobody would understand half the shit that goes on here if you took it out of context.

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Did the Gohanfag ever get his hand held?

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Everybody just post your favorite moments from these threads' heyday.

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>Kakarotto, let my wife kiss you!

Attached: tumblr_mkfxjnZvfD1s8k15do1_400.png (332x332, 150K)

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I thought that was Trunks kissing Goku and first.

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user pls

Attached: let me rape your madre.png (1199x217, 44K)

It has come up before (and I've addressed it freely, plenty), but I wish to cover it once more before the 'end' portion of a thread (seems I missed the mark a bit, sadly). While I DO enjoy having concrete values and such, often they are not of the primary continuity (canon). They are secondary (anime adaptation, daiz, etc.) or worse (tertiary like movies, filler, etc.). I'll probably botch some of the following (not making the gaps extreme enough), but let's puzzle it out together anyway, eh? Better strap yourselves in (going to need a few posts for this one all just to shit on retards that still cling to the notion of x50 for SS1 and all that jazz).

NOTE: To note it, I still wish Super would dare to give such info for SSG, SSB, etc. They just don't seem willing.

We do have some examples of canon and stated multipliers. Every instance of KK, for instance. Oozaru got a multiplier stated just before tails mysteriously stopped growing back (then KK got ghosted as the other canon multiplier AT remembered to silently dispose of whilst Toei happily keeps bringing it up as with the filler FPSS KK and later KK on Blue, but never SSG, curiously).

As for multipliers that are not stated, but information given in canon leads to, the fight with Raditz notes how ki attack techniques concentrate energy in a spot such that it projects a PL of its own. For Kamehameha, it was 2.22x the PL Goku had before. For Piccolo, SBC was 3.26x (though this was the one-handed version, my impression is not that the move can just keep charging to go further so much as it took the extra time to do what two-hands does instantly). We later see Vegeta (apparently exactly 18K) using GG to clash and tie with Goku who was enjoying a 33% PL advantage (lowballing his base to only 8K instead of 'over 8K' during KKx3) before using Kamehameha (which should stack the modifier noted before). At minimum, Vegeta's GG is 2.93x.

SS (and beyond)? Never given a canon multiplier (and AT certainly doesn't transformations like they have one, but it is worse with Toei who use KK which states its modifier while making for absurd scenarios like x20 creates). If one is allowing for the official modifiers, you are already working from outside canon (and should act accordingly). In AT's mind, he says he thought of SS1 as x10 (only later remembering how he played a joke with invisible using of KK to fool viewers who didn't know he was using x10 the whole time as he was so comfortable with it only to be broken by x20 worse than x4 did to him when he wasn't as proficient with x2 against Vegeta...which is a little odd). No doubt remembering Oozaru (as if SS is "SS4" in its own way as a replacement form) only to swiftly never write as if SS made that huge of a difference even (much less x50) after Frieza.

NOTE: I find it odd that KK can only increase PL with ki efficiency by simple multipliers (x2, x3, x4, etc. with no allowances for anything in between). Seems like nonsense.

>KKx20 KMHMH on 50% Frieza
>hurt a bit
To a very small degree (while he blocked it one-handed), yes. Going with the official PLs and known modifiers (something AT no doubt dropped by this point, so keep that in mind), 50% Frieza is listed as 60M. Goku at 3M. KKx20 takes the latter to 60M (in AT's head, just being equal to him gives the result we got, I'm sure). However, the Kamehameha would then get a further increase from its modifier as noted before. This takes him PL to 133,200,000. Above even Frieza's 100% (by 11%). Frieza doen't take super long to go to 100% in canon, but he didn't do that here (even if he had, official PLs have had smaller gaps amount to more dramatic finishes, but we'll get to that). He can go to 70% in a flash, but we also know he hadn't done that yet. Just to entertain the thought, it would be 84M (which falls short of this attack by 63.063). But this attack is 122% of 50% Frieza.

Just to examine further, Vegeta (main villain at the time) took a hit from KKx4 (low balled to 32K) Kamehameha. This attack would be 71,040 versus the Vegeta's body at 18K (perhaps some of you are familiar with my talk of KKx4 Goku wielding ~77% more power, but weren't aware I wasn't including the modifier for Kamehameha though both Vegeta and Goku are inexact). Vegeta was outclassed by this strike to the tune of 294.6*%. One might say Goku was weakened (less than 8K base) and/or Vegeta was (pummeled into sub-18K), but the fight tells us when damage results in PL decrease and it didn't happen yet (even after KKx4, it wasn't said that Goku was weaker, just that he couldn't manage those higher modifiers anymore, and that the stomp from Vegeta was his first drop in PL). Even after Vegeta takes the hit, no PL drop (the first clear mention was after Power Ball weakened him to create a false moon).

Frieza definitely shouldn't have been able to palm the attack at 50% with the Kamehameha modifier in mind (as before, doubtful AT even remembered he wrote that during the Raditz bit or even during the fight with Vegeta), but taking the damage in stride doesn't seem that unreasonable (when considering Vegeta took far worse with no notable damage though partly owed to riding the thing and getting off instead of just having it blow up on him). This is the same being that can survive in a vacuum, operate with half his body (including his head) gone, etc. even before the later business with his parts wriggling while he was meat chunks (stupid as he shouldn't be able to command them else he seems like an asshole for not having his severed parts attack in the past ala Buu kicking Tien).

I've spoken before on SB being trash tier for efficiency (best highlighted with the Kid Buu instance that had voluntary power for a bigger take from living beings including one that is vastly stronger than the ideal target letting the attack make contact...in official terms over 10x more powerful by himself), but somehow a near dead (small) world and an unknown number of nearby worlds (no stars stated to be used here) with involuntary succ got it to be more than 50% Frieza could just overpower (still not dropping his PL for what that is worth) whilst Earth's version was thought by King Kai to only maybe be enough for 18K Vegeta (Goku meant to try it on the weakened Oozaru who could have been as pathetic as 40K instead of 180K what with his performance when the modifier was lost with his tail afterwards). This aside from the 10 seconds that took to draw (and ki cost to gather) not seeming to scale with the target here (Goku must have just off-screen improved how fast he could draw the stuff in without mentioning it). A pity the scraps of that power gathered are all that hit the weakened Vegeta (hard to have a real idea of its output).

Getting back to the palming, it is possible the manga depicts him using a ki attack during the defense to help make this even less unreasonable (that he just defended like that). Just that it is hard to tell (the anime makes it easy to see, but can't be trusted). But now to change gears just a bit. We've seen two cases of people withstanding attacks with effective PLs well above their own. How do non-main villains fare?

Let's start with someone who does a lot of killing (especially one-shots obliterating the body). Vegeta. Upon arrival on Namek, his canon PL is 24K. Cui is at 18K. The difference between them (pre modifier) is only 33% (as it happens, that is the amount KKx3 Goku had over Vegeta in their fight, yet we didn't get results anywhere near as extreme as a single hit into 'Dirty Fireworks'). We can't really know how strong Dirty Fireworks, but surely it isn't just 1x. Even if it were ~3x (ballpark it near GG though I doubt that holds), Vegeta's PL would jump to 72K (yet the scouters detected nothing like that, which just further goes back to my feeling AT had already scrapped the idea of ki techniques having modifiers while getting rid of tails and soon KK itself after Frieza gets the last taste).

So how should we take this? The ki attack was just expressing his PL (with no noted of Cui getting weaker, but we don't really need that, I suppose) seemingly from within the target and blew him up (before Frieza does something similar to Krillin). Again, no readings going beyond the 24K even for a moment, so we just get asked to accept Vegeta struck someone once with his 33% advantage to take all of the fight out of them before a quick attack (no modifier) insta-killed them. That's a pretty drastic difference from the two cases studied above.

What of Dodoria? Sadly, no canon PL. We'll have to go with the official stuff again (Frieza's case is the focus, so it is fine to go on about such a thing here). Vegeta was still 24K, but Dodoria isn't as far behind (22K). That's just 9.09%. A tiny gap compared to what lead to such one-sided beatings before, yet we still see a love tap (introduction), some flex assistance and a one-shot again. I mentioned the 72K before (again, no scouter readings like that). Were this unnamed attack humored (where I didn't bother with DF before on Cui), it would be 227.27% more powerful than the target (for Cui, the gap would have been 300% putting it over what Vegeta went through on Earth).

The last time we took a PL to really be coming from an attack was Masenko by Gohan at Nappa, but was it really AT giving a multiplier or just his idea of how strong a raging Gohan of that time was? Hard to say. Would his Oozaru later work off the lower reading or his 'unleashed' self (where the modifier is concerned)? Seems like Gohan should have trashed him easily even with the lesser case given how Vegeta was performing at half-assing Nappa levels. That gap being 4K against either 9,810 (145.25% advantage) or 28K (600%) if Gohan's beatings from before didn't drop his PL. We already know the form doesn't slow you, so why is the beast so stupid that even the speed advantage doesn't really let him land attacks other than the first surprise blow to the top of his head from behind (probably wasn't the full modifier yet since the transformation wasn't complete...still odd)?

Literally shut the fuck up with your autistic power level blogposting that literally no one is going to read, holy fucking flying motherfucking fuck, kill yourself.

NOTE: We saw Nappa's mouthblast equal with Kamehameha. If that's right, it is a mere 2.22x. If Vegeta's was the same, his full power self's version should be 399,600. I contend the ape (owed to Power Ball) may have been as low as 40K, so with this modifier that only goes up to 88,800 yet the explosion being right by (not on) Goku didn't seem that bad for his body. Even if he was in KKx2, that's still a 455% difference (meant something for Vegeta to slide off, so not getting hit directly must really take the edge off). Sure is nice that setting off these attacks on the surface has little effect versus aiming it at Earth (but that talk is worn thin in the community).

Still humoring official PLs for a moment (though not Daiz who are the same retards that say Raditz is 1.5K when he is stated the same as Saibamen who are a canon 1.2K), Goku might be ~410 with Junior (first fight) at ~402 (if their rates of growth were about the same, which was apparently not very much here with Piccolo doing nothing other than coming up with SBC and Goku supposedly just being a family man at the time). The gap between them would just be 2% or some shit, but enough of this.

>has to be
...If you accept the official (non-canon values). It certainly would add up that way.

>are canon
They aren't. Making up numbers that can make sense isn't the same as them being canon. Even had AT himself stated the multiplier, do you think he would stick to it (even if he could recall such a thing for long)? The man is unbounded without editors telling him 'no' (not nearly enough of that with Super sort of like Lucas in Star Wars during the prequels). He just raffs as he pulls shit left and right with nobody to check his excessive stupidity (like Buu Saga).

NOTE: As warned of at the start, I likely made errors during all this. Feel free to have a go yourself. What should be made of all this business with PL differences for one-shots in one place and hardly anything in another? Plot armor?

I didn't make the numbers.

This ain't a diary (certainly not about one's life).

>no one
Absolutes are absolutely tricky business (only takes on exception to bring them down).


That's what Goku should probably do when Vegeta comes for 3-0. Just let it happen.

Hello fellow powerlevel autist dont use the numbers Tori gives because they dont scale logically at all with real life energy yields period.

Use absolute power levels like SS Goku is always stronger than Base Goku in the same arc. The need for power levels is due to transformations being power multipliers not a set upgrade in power level like SS was originally Goku gained enough power to make Frieza job as it was the unbeatable legendary state or something.

>it's the retarded Vegetafag posting these walls of autism
I shouldn't be surprised.

Thank you all /dbs/ posters.
This thread has taught me all good things must come to an end, and seeing all these old posters unite and share stories is making me somber.
I will quit my dead end second job and demand more hours at my main job.
Even if it's painful leaving those memories behind, I know it's the right move to make.

Attached: __son_gohan_dragon_ball_and_dragon_ball_z_drawn_by_robert_porter__sample-75fc5fd4e3114cda6466cadec85 (850x1314, 152K)

This has a great premise
>Evil guy turns angels against Zen-chans, because of tournament
>Evil guy imprisons the Zen-chans in a pocket dimension
>U6,7 and 11 join to fight evil guy who has joined together (with the demon world)
>Evil guy is shown to be fighter/GoD from the universes who didn't had to fight and a lot stronger than Jiren
>Sidra and other low universes join Evil guy
>Literal war starts
>Someone fucks up and countless more universes get created
>Goku kills Evil guy
>Zeno's are freed
>Goku gets immortality
>dragon ball will now continue with Goku as the protag for eternity

Dragon ball now has more universes to get villains from without fucking up the scaling.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Ah, right. Forgot it was a bug that was still clinging to official nonsense (as canon). I really do understand the desire to have something like this to work with, but it just doesn't hold up.


Attached: goku cells don't fail me now - bug learns not to turn his back to prince vegetable.webm (440x330, 2.91M)

SS1 being a 50x multiplier was proved as factual despite Toriyama's inconsistent ramblings literally a thread ago, so you can cope, seethe, and cry at your convenience.

>don't use canon
What's all this?

>they don't scale logically
It isn't like official stuff does much better.

>concern with real life matters
DB's rules (flexible as you would expect) are very different. Their celestial bodies, too. Our Moon certainly got an upgrade from the gag showing with a certain rabbit.

There is no canon basis for this (or anything showing they provide the same boost each time) regarding SS, sadly. While I like using these official tidbits against secondaries going on about tiers (thinking any SS1 will lose to any SS3, for instance), that isn't to say I suddenly accept the notion of SS1 being x50 is how AT is writing things. Hell, even the actually canon x10 of Oozaru likely wasn't thought through the moment he made it (all past cases come to mind aside from the 'potential' SKW unlocks).

NOTE: If you were merely meaning to community that AT simply made SS strong enough to slap Frieza's shit even at 100%, that is agreeable (and obviously so).

>U6 slice of life arc centered around Caulifla and Kale
>Seek to gain SSJ3 to strengthen their squad of thieves and control the galaxy/empire (start war)
>Each episode has villain of the day (some are good guys, because Caulifla's gang are the bad guys)
>Cabba is the main antagonist until super villain is revealed
>Everybody joins forces to defeat evil
>Evil is actually Goku Black whom the girls wished back to life (some grammatical error allowed this) when they actually wanted to wish Goku to teach them blue
>The fight is on such a high level, with Goku Black going Rose, that the girls and Cabba unlock Blue instead of 3
>They still aren't as strong and experienced as the once literal god
>The girls then fuse into Kefla, who turns into Kefla blue
>She succesfully finishes the job by speed blitzing the heck out of him
>Defeat Goku Black with a blast that can be felt in U7
>The arc ends with her on the throne after having taken over the empire.

>King Sadala suddenly dies from a heart virus
>They form a counsel to choose the next leader
>The people and the counsel are divided between Cabba and Caulifla
>Both have to campaign
>Caulifla uses underhanded tricks (misinformation, etc)
>During the counsel's investigation they realize that Caulifla is vaguely related to the king
>Counsel is afraid to make this public, because some members dislike Caulifla
>Caulifla wins the elections anyway, because her tactics were supreme
>The arc ends with her on the throne after having taken over the empire.

>Timeskip 15 years and Pan goes to school high
>She's diligent in her studies and training, but not quite succesful because she wants to go to the Galactic patrol
>Bulma gets her to audition for the Galactic patrol
>Pan succeeds and starts to fight crime with Goten and Trunks, who joined earlier
>They get assisted by a shitty droid named Glyph
>They eventually join a multiversal task force to take down the multiversal threat of Queen Caulifla who now has an entire army of SSBlues

Attached: 1552080637471.jpg (1077x1086, 170K)

What the fuck is her endgame? Is she the Grand Minister's ex-wife?

Attached: Beriblu_art.png (311x456, 115K)

I may be a yurifag but this stupid ship makes me cringe so fucking hard.

>pathetic Twitterspic isn't even brave enough to post his shitty 2014 edit anymore

You forgot the humanforce, you could list them all together or just separate them by character.

Attached: humanforce.jpg (1500x500, 149K)

Wait a minute.

Cell was defeated by Gohan and Vegeta (and what appears to be Goku in spirt).

The fight wasn't fair and goes against the tournament rules. ( and is affront to the Cell games).

Therefore, an apology needs to be forwarded to Cell.

Attached: CellbiggerthanGokucrying.jpg (1280x708, 125K)

How about the cat posters? Not as relevant but they appear from time to time.

Is this that one Vegetafag with the really long filenames and that always talks about the Goku vs Vegeta 2-0 thing?

Attached: DB cats.png (280x215, 62K)

People say 50x because thats Goku's SS power level divided by his base in Frieza Saga. On the otherhand I tried to make sense of power multipliers for the other forms and SS3 might be at 25000x the base of the person SS3 is 4,000,000x the base. GTs SSJ4 is 21,000,000,000x the base God is well 54,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000x the base
I assume Cyan is just SS bonus to God so thats 50x the God multiplier
Ultra Instinct is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000x Goku's base

Show me your dance moves!

Attached: Shake your groovehan.gif (640x451, 3.14M)

Fine Then
/dbs/ Posters Official Rankings
>Chads Among Chads
Cuteforce (Chadforce + Cutegang (RIP))
The Original Dogposter(RIP)
The user who made a compilation of everytime Goku showed his dick in DB
>Lesser Chads
Chadforce (RIP)
The Original Panfag(RIP)
Hunterchads (outside of /dbs/)
MistareFusion Shills
Golden Cell
>Back to the Kennel
Panpedo (RIP in Piss)
Hunterchads (in /dbs/)
Other Shounentards
Original Cheelaifag (RIP in piss)
>Doesn't fucking exist

No, the made up values (including how strong Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, etc. are at this point) being consistent with their narrative (while over-looking the modifier for KMHMH at any rate though we see PL differences like this get tanked as I detail with respects to plot armor targets) doesn't make them canon. It just made it passable as supplementary material regarding secondary continuity's affairs. It isn't ironclad (much less for primary's affairs where anything goes).

SS being x50, sadly, is just guidebook bullshit. Fun for fans to work with (as they work hard to sensibly use the numbers where AT clearly doesn't give a shit and those with rights held or given are barely better), but not going to really help with understanding canon match-ups or anything of the sort.

NOTE: I found it amusing that official values suggest Garlic Jr. was about the same level as (official, non-canon, buffed to 1.5K from 1.2K) Raditz, but Goku would have killed him (that being how the movie presents it) with his Kamehameha were it not for the wish. Laughable.

>AT's ramblings can't be trusted
True. Yet it changes nothing on this matter.

>various advise
Yes, those would all do you well on the path to acceptance. Know that I (again) share your desire for all that crap to hold water. It just isn't so.

Kys pedo

Attached: 1562885145027.gif (320x180, 1.45M)

Canon multipliers (indisputable)
>Oozaru: x10 (speed/mobility decrease)
>SSJ1: x50
>SSJ2: x100
>SSJ3: x400
>SSJ4: Twice as strong as SSJ3, so x800
>SSJG: Stronger than SSJ3 Vegito, so at LEAST x160000
>SSJB: At least x160000 + x50
>Ikari: x10 (no speed/mobility decrease)
>Broly SSJ: x60 (x50 + x10 Ikari)

I love when Mexicans go full retard and just start posting as many 0s as possible.

>c-c-consistency doesn't matter! only my headcanon matters!
Discarded. Didn't even read the rest of your shitty headcanon-laden blogpost. Don't post in my thread again.

based Jirenscholar.

Based fucking autistic Vegetabro
IQ average of the thread just went up by 5 points

>Broly SSJ: x60 (x50 + x10 Ikari)
Wouldn't it be x600, if it's two multipliers stacked atop eachother?

Smartest posters in the thread, ranked:

>expecting a Mexican to into math

>tournament rules
Cell didn't really have a rule against it that I can recall. Just humored ring-out, forfeit or death before taking RO off the menu. All that went out the window when he blew up the ring. People just gawking is more to do with how useless they were.

>in spirit
Pep talk (and no more).

>defeated by Gohan and Vegeta
Injured Gohan with Vegeta for a humble distraction (helping to make-up for his error just prior like a more sincere 'action' form of apology to go with the words he spat out earlier, which were themselves impressive if only for someone like him admitting wrongdoing, regret, etc.). Technically it is the case that Vegeta helped to defeat Cell with his little assist (sharing in the win, even).

>anywhere above average intelligence

All they do is employ coping mechanisms and delusions to deny the irrefutable truth that Gokek is a cuck who never kissed his wife and 0-2 against his prince
They are almost as dumb as Brolytards, but luckily not as obnoxious and obsessed as them

you wish.

Attached: toriyamaopinionsupermangavsanime.jpg (2480x4844, 3.39M)

Based and true.

Obsessed SEETHING Jobrenfags.
Kneel before your Brolylords.

why is Goku mogged by every single antagonist?

Attached: jirentall.jpg (1281x690, 82K)

>beats bejita SS
>bejita has to power up
>Beats bejita god
>bejita needs to power up
>beats goku god
>goku must power up
>beats gogeta SS
>Gogeta NEEDS to power up
>Starts beating Gogeta SSB
>they need to use the dragon balls to get rid of him cuz they can't possibly beat such a strong saiyan. even 2 on 1

Attached: 105cm.jpg (640x632, 76K)

The thing is Goku's power is so high in Super that if I converted the energy yield to a power level it would require around 80 more zeros.

Let me explain

225936000000000030000000000000000 joules is the amount of energy require do destroy earth meaning we can use this a base for the power level conversions. Now Goku is 8000 right?

So Vegeta is 16000 which means Vegeta has around
451872000000000060000000000000000 joules of energy

Frieza is 530,000 in his first form so he around
14968260000000001987500000000000000 joules of energy btw this is enough energy to destroy the largest gas giants in the universe but not enough to even dent a small star.

>Jirentard and Toeilard
Look at him. Look at him AND LAUGH.

Attached: BrolyLaugh.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Holy fucking based. As aforementioned, I'm a ToeiJirenchad and I don't know what defeat means.

Meanwhile at a better DB story.

Attached: 1615.png (800x1131, 410K)

How many of these exist now

Attached: the final requiem for toeishits_v2.jpg (3372x4000, 3M)

Apparently you don't know what good writing means either.

fighting a random thug with basic telekinesis is somehow amazing kek

Attached: average american.gif (500x394, 594K)

Frieza at max is
3389040000000000450000000000000000000 joules

or 810 yottatons of energy

To understand what I mean

zettaton=planet buster
tenaton=star buster
ninaton=supergiant star buster
foe=solar system buster
megafoe-galaxy buster
yottafoe=universe buster

Which means to find Godkus' multiplier we just divide 34 yottafoe from Goku's energetic base in the movie and voila.

Attached: 1486968348085.jpg (1390x3350, 2.42M)

>no source
Fake and gay.

>b-b-but muh Paint collage!
Kek. Kneel, Toyocuck. KNEEL.

Attached: PROMOTIONAL BOOK OH NO NO NO.jpg (712x185, 46K)

>needs to live in the sun for 600 years to achieve this form
>loses to regular humans
Do try again once you read a comic bye.and don't bother posting again unless it is to apologize and concede like the inferior medium you are.

Attached: bye.gif (320x240, 281K)

>incomprehensible ESL babble


Attached: JirenF.jpg (480x480, 33K)

>let me explain
>spouts headcanon
Be silent at once.

>ABSOLUTELY nothing to say in refutation or recompense

>seething so hard and so frightened of the impossibly titanic intellect of the Jirentoeichads he can't even quote correctly

>people say 50x because
A guidebook, the community, a false authority, some wiki, etc. told them so. It isn't canon.

>that's Goku's base
A value that is also made-up by Daiz. Your point being? It all adds up? Again, all made-up (by them). None of it is canon.

>make sense of other forms
>SS3 might be
You taking the piss? Daiz (the same retards that noted x50, which you're still defending) say it is x4 of SS2 which is x2 of SS1 (as far as they are concerned). SS4 being x10 of SS3 as I recall. Does it make sense some of these follow each other or stack the way they are noted? Not really, but here we are. I take it you're having a giggle with all values (and "J" business), but for those paying attention, SS3 (officially) is just x400 of the base, which is absurd enough (humans were left eating base Goku's dirt even before SKW much less with these stacked on it).

>SS4 is
x4K of the base (I'd prefer it was just SS1 with Oozaru for x500 as that is plenty over SS3 as is and should have different drawbacks, but it just isn't so).

Come now. As for SSG and SSB, we've got nothing to do go on even where official material is concerned. Not sure why they haven't made up something like in the past. Guess they are just being lazy (like AT).

>UI is
Just another bad idea (repeated to a new extreme). Auto-dodge was plenty without a weird and unclear power boost to go with it like a form (more than a technique).

I like Jiren and the manga

>no source
do try again

Is Gregory canon? Does Trunks become a Super Saiyajin before or after Gohan dies? What do the credits of the Broly movie say? Who owns the Dragon Ball IP?
The answer to all of these questions will show what is canon.

I brought hard evidence and numbers. You've brought screeching and ad hominem.

Guess who wins?

And Superman is still stronger since his power level is infinite.

Its the only way to make sense of the power levels as random numbers dont scale logically unless you use an energy converter. I had to make multipliers to make sense of the power gaps between each SS form if SS had only one form there would be no need for multipliers.
>x4K of the base
Thats ridiculously low for a form that high not even ASS has a multiplier than small based on my calculations.

Just be quiet already, you fucking embarrassment.

>has no source
>expects people to believe you
Oh I am laughing.

No its around several zettatons or planet buster but Prime and One Million are like idk several million yottafoe.

>literally posts a source
>n-n-no source
Are Toyocucks just retarded?

>b-b-but muh inconsequential filler "argument"! MUH CREDITS! MUH PUBLISHING COMPANY!
Holy fuck, at least make me put in SOME effort.

I'm waiting for an actual argument, kid.

Funny how you keep pumping these autistic collages and none of them mean anything. Kind of an achievement on its own.

>Toei Jiren is my favorite

Attached: ShonenManga.gif (600x800, 122K)

Spouting numbers in an imageboard is evidence?

Toyocucks are very resilient, even after having been BTFO with irrefutable facts and solid logic since the inception of Super. It's something that I'd admire if they had any other redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Jiren was better in the manga.
In the anime they tried to hype him up but then he becomes a generic crybaby villain mad at the fact that Goku has friends.
In the manga he actually fights for justice and shows it through his actions and he has actual goals and a motivation to win the wish part of the Tournament.
Manga did it better overall honestly. Rather than 40 episodes of what is essentially filler, it condensed itself to around 10 chapters.
You have no source, just a block of text.
>b-b-but muh inconsequential filler "argument"! MUH CREDITS! MUH PUBLISHING COMPANY!
All of those matter. If we say Gregory and History of Trunks are canonical, that means EVERYTHING in Z is canonical, you can't just pick and choose canon like that with something that so blatantly doesn't fit with the original manga.
Also, the 100% canonical movie credits the manga. Do you have any rebuttal to that? If it wanted to credit the anime, it'd credit the anime, or even just 'Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama'. It went out of its way to credit the DBS manga.

Attached: 1498193384972.png (947x1400, 391K)

The power levels make sense in the manga, my heard hurts trying to even scale the other universe's fighters from the anime so much illogical bullshit.

>that one
The original giver of the (royal) reminder (Vegeta is undefeated against Goku, 2-0, etc.). Kissposting was by another. I've also been pointing out how shit Goku is as a person (with Vegeta being superior by EoZ) since long before TFS's jokes led to retards calling the truth a meme. Gohan forever being stronger than Goku could ever be? Me. GG being superior to Kamehameha? Me, too (though another was talking about it at around the same time, I believe). I tend to help where I can with setting things straight (like canon).

>really long
Not all the time.

An exaggeration, but frequently, yes. Another (likely a few over the years) has taken up the mantle with time.

>merely mortal
You wound me.

>posts this jejune and childish GIF for the nth time as he giggles and then has to catch his breath from the strenuous nature of that simple action

>still can't bring any refutations to the table

Fucking kek. Yesterday I schooled a toyotaco on Shueisha's actual job, which is publishing and promoting. Guess what his response was? Fucking dogposting. Toyoshits only want (you)s.

>You have no source, just a block of text.
>p-please spoonfeed me directly to the site!
You're not going to deflect your way out of this one, Toyosnake.
> If we say Gregory and History of Trunks are canonical, that means EVERYTHING in Z is canonical, you can't just pick and choose canon like that with something that so blatantly doesn't fit with the original manga.
See, this would hold merit if any of what you complain about affected the overall plot in ANY way whatsoever. As it stands, it does not, and is therefore DDDISCARDED.
>Also, the 100% canonical movie credits the manga. Do you have any rebuttal to that? If it wanted to credit the anime, it'd credit the anime, or even just 'Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama'. It went out of its way to credit the DBS manga.
>b-b-but why doesn't the movie that TOEI MADE credit Toei again?
You can't be this fucking braindead.


Attached: ToeiShit.jpg (1185x638, 90K)

>Toyopet literally admitting he's too stupid and simple to follow the superior chadnime's masterfully-crafted narrative
Just confirming what we already knew about shitngaspics.

Oh yeah, that's their fallback. As soon as they realize they're arguing with an intellectual titan like a Toeichad or a Jirenscholar, they either stop posting entirely or start screeching about concessions/coping/kneeling/muh kennel/other such pathetic damage control attempts.

>posts screenshots from an episode that aired almost four years ago
(You) tried, but not very hard. I expect better from you next time, you hear me?

The redpilled way to deal with Toeidrones is to stick a nice big fat penis in their butt and make them moan. Then they will say "yes yes Toyotaro is the best please fuck me more daddy oh yes Toyo is great Toei is shit" Its what we have to do to win this war bros we must fuck them in the butts.

>the 100% canonical movie cre
Prove it. Prove its not going to get retconned. Prove green Vegeta is canon. What are you gonna say? "Artistic choices"?

Y-yeah, I mean it's not like the other arcs h-had bad anima-WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK TOEIBROS!?

Attached: ToeiShit7.jpg (1009x612, 188K)

>Have "hard evidence"
>wants an argument
>no proof
Literally can't refute retards who believe in numbers without sources to back it up. You automatically lost.

>You're not going to deflect your way out of this one, Toyosnake.
You posted a block of text. Anyone can write text in a word document, screenshot it and post it to the internet.
>See, this would hold merit if any of what you complain about affected the overall plot in ANY way whatsoever. As it stands, it does not, and is therefore DDDISCARDED.
History of Trunks does effect the plot as it changes Trunks completely. The manga version and anime version are so wildly fucking different.
>You can't be this fucking braindead.
Why would they directly credit the manga.
Has it been retconned? No. It hasn't. It's canonical until something like that happens. There is no contradictory information here.

You speak in metaphor, I assume.

>x10 for Oozaru

>x50 for SS
>x100 for SS2
>x400 for SS3
Official, but non-canon.

>x800 for SS4
I recall it being the Oozaru multiplier on SS3 for x4000. Being that GT can make-up whatever shit it likes (only concerning itself), sure.

>SSG with talk of Vegetto
see: Numbers alone don't matter. There is no value without a credible source so they can at least be official (for what that is worth). Not that it would make them canon, but that is another matter. As is, it is just more of you having a laugh (AT would be proud).

>x50 of SSG
One would like to think it is as simple as the SS modifier on SSG, yes. This without getting into Evolution (x2 or even x20).

Didn't they use this name for multiple forms? Isn't some dumb shit like 'Wrathful' being used for Nu-Broly (with 'Rage' for Trunks)? I haven't made myself care too much about all this nonsense from Super.

>just adding the multipliers
That's a good one.

>going all in with the gag
I see.

>literally can't post anything recent
Meanwhile each time the new chapter comes out Pacotacocuckohackofuckotracerspicotaro proves yet again that he is an untalented fuck-hack.

Discarded. 1-0.
>History of Trunks does effect the plot as it changes Trunks completely.
>b-b-but his personality
Headcanon and semantics. 2-0.
>Why would they directly credit the manga.
Because the manga, though promotional and non-canon, still exists as a part of the franchise, and particularly Super itself, so of course it will be credited. This does NOT mean that the movie follows the manga or that the manga is canon, and it is disingenuous to suggest such. But then, I've come to expect that from you Pacotacospics.

God I am good at this.

Attached: pacotacotracerfuckohackocuckospico LITERALLY CANNOT STOP TRACING.png (630x583, 333K)

The impact that superman posting made was amazing.

>w-well just trust me. Literally every movie prior to this one is either not canon or it has been retconned, BUT THIS ONE IS DIFFERENT.
>t-they acknowledged the manga's existence!! Manga canon!!
What's next? Goku blink manga canon?

Pic unrelated

>What's next? Goku blink manga canon?
No...even worse.

Attached: GLARE MAKE SOUND MANGA CANON.jpg (644x400, 116K)


Fucking really?

R-right, the m-more recent arcs are bette-OH MY GOD, TOEIBROS!! WE'RE FUCKED!!

Attached: ToeiShit8.jpg (1024x512, 79K)

Not at all what I claimed. I want you to provide a citation on your image. If you have it, that shouldn't be too hard.
I'm not even doubting you. This is just for transparency.
>Headcanon and semantics. 2-0.
What about Ginyu being on Earth and Bulma remembering him from the filler bit in Z then? Is that canonical?
>Because the manga, though promotional and non-canon, still exists as a part of the franchise, and particularly Super itself, so of course it will be credited. This does NOT mean that the movie follows the manga or that the manga is canon, and it is disingenuous to suggest such. But then, I've come to expect that from you Pacotacospics.
If the manga isn't canon, where was Blue Kaio Ken or Vegeta's evolved form.

all retconned

I never knew Toeifags didn't read manga at all.
This is pathetic.

>from one made-up non-canon value to the next

>didn't read
At the very least, I'd believe this (regarding the source material).

>is a cuck
A fun joke.

>never kissed his wife
When going by canon, true.

>0-2 against Bejita-sama
And that IS a fact.

>not as obnoxious and obsessed
I wonder (what with all the hiding behind other characters, false flags, deflection, strawmen, gay porn, pedo stuff, scrub mentality, etc.).

I suppose that counts for something with Retardku fans dragging it down.

Attached: bra greets retardku - visiting for 3-0 - always putting his prince over.png (918x871, 964K)

This. The hunterfags imitators are a sad case.


You might as well have made a blank post for all the substance you have there. That was the easiest victory I've EVER had against one of you Cuckohackopacotacospicos, and that's saying a LOT.

They really know no shame.

>still nothing recent
Meanwhile in the latest chapter of Tacohackocuckofucko's promotional non-canon tracing guide...

>Not at all what I claimed
>What about Ginyu being on Earth and Bulma remembering him from the filler bit in Z then? Is that canonical?
>more meaningless shit that doesn't affect plot
>If the manga isn't canon, where was Blue Kaio Ken or Vegeta's evolved form.
If the chadnime isn't canon, where were Gamma Burst Flash, Hakai, and Goku understanding how to use UI from what Roshi taught him?

>zero arguments
>retard is actually defending "GLARE" being a fucking sound

Attached: the taco perspective.png (312x465, 175K)

>implying Hiatusbitches could even come CLOSE to the Jirenscholars' level of intellect

Bug better have another part to his plan beyond taking advantage of the SBC spam to land his own (given how that went). Maybe drink up her arm on the ground?

Versions of Superman Jiren beats

All of them


>regurgitating the same "w-where the anime forms" huehue
Don't you get tired of this? Literally every fucking time. Then you get shut down and start dogposting.

Fictional characters CHADchad cha CHAD beast:
All of them

Y-you're right, I sh-should focus on more recent anime arcs, l-like the Zama-WTF IS THIS TOEIBROS!? WTF IS THIS?!

Attached: ToeiShit9.jpg (848x480, 62K)


Kneel, pet.
Undeniably wrong in all aspects.
You have legitimately never read a manga if you are surprised by glare being a text box for when a character glares.
And DB is also no stranger to weird sound effects either.

Attached: file.png (865x1300, 586K)

Concession accepted. Cope acknowledged. Victory registered. Kneel commanded. You have 30 seconds to comply.

>STILL nothing recent

Attached: SPICOTRACEO IS LITERALLY OVER.jpg (541x960, 114K)



As usual, I win.


>inb4 the Toyopacos screech "b-b-but that was one chapter ago!" while posting between-frames from four-year-old episodes

>so mindbroken he can't even form a coherent sentence
Wow. That was easy.

Oh nonono toyopacobros? Where are Goku's legs?

Cute Gogeta!

Attached: EAbDD4WU4AATYmT.jpg (2048x1619, 709K)

A-agreed, the p-pre-ToP arc is the second to last! It'll be much more-WAIT TOEIBROS, NOOOOOOOO!!

Attached: ToeiShit16.jpg (1024x583, 80K)

I-It's just the w-w-wind bro... H-Haha do you not know how w-wind works?


Cute Broly!

Attached: EAUHJkLU0AAa31T.jpg (1690x1305, 415K)

>literally cannot post anything recent
I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT, lose.

Attached: TRACETARO.jpg (1980x2800, 2.18M)

High. Yet that is the official value. I don't see why it should stack Oozaru on SS3 (rather than SS1 when thinking about the Golden Oozaru, but then again it is all moonbeams and SS has nothing to do with SS4 to begin with), but there it is.

>that small
>four thousand times
You what?

At the very least, it is just that (from Daiz). Their headcanon is official (just not canon).

>approved by AT
Like GT and so much more (for what little that matters as that alone won't make something legitimate to the extent of being primary continuity). Mind you, AT (like other Nips) hardly can be expected to know or care about the term (this would be the chance to lie with the notion they have a term, have it shown to not be the case and so on).

I win without even trying. Your existence destroys all need to even push my intellectual capabilities.

Attached: file.png (253x199, 52K)


>the Spicotacos have fallen silent in the face of my monumental intellectual assault
E to the X to the PEC to the TED, the Tacobook is the worst I've ever read.

Literally 2 things here are actually tracing.

>literally mindbroken
Two victories in one post, nice.

>woman hands
>old man hair at 18
>never once beat the MC much less always defeating him, but instead just loses each time

Y-you know what, y-you're right. The ToP arc had b-better animation, i-it doesn't matter if all the other a-arcs are-DEAR GOD, TOEIBROS!! WE'RE ABSOLUTELY, UTTERLY FUCKED!!

Attached: ToeiShit13.jpg (1248x769, 142K)

>admitting Pacospico's tracing
BASED Toyopup is learning its place.


>posts a between frame


Attached: Today - my prince reminded them.jpg (490x368, 64K)

>a few hours ago IP count was at like 45
>thread was comfy
>now it's at 56
>thread is shit

Attached: 53290864_p3_master1200.jpg (450x600, 138K)

why is Jiren associated with Toei. True Jirenfags despise what Toei did with his character.

Attached: real Jiren meets Toei's piece of shit.png (436x862, 269K)

>Toyotards getting fucking schooled again

Classic AT. Approving shit for official material that canon won't adhere to at all (not like he doesn't casually retcon his own shit left and right). On the bright side, he remains faithful to one canon fact. An absolute truth. Just don't ever tell his old editors.

Attached: AT telling lies - goku will never defeat vegeta.jpg (331x352, 49K)

Blame these jirenfags/brolyfags/animefags/mangafags.


damn it what form was that supposed to be!

Attached: 1-0 and 2-0 - Bejita-sama's greatest hits - Undefeated Against the MC Collection.jpg (240x610, 81K)

Emo Toei Jiren is a really crap character, so people use him to troll with. If people complain, they can just shill his high power level.

Since when has the omnipotent Cutegang been merged with the Blerghforce?

Attached: _dragonball__kale_baseform_in_new_broly_outfit_by_mrsawyer10_dciuu3o-fullview.jpg (1600x2134, 315K)

Evrryone is wrong. I stand winning in the end.

3-0, when? Also, why does AT think Vegeta killed doc for 1-0? They've never fought.

Attached: thanks doc - prince vegetable reminded by the pickle of his undefeated streak against the carrot.jpg (366x407, 73K)

Back when Kefla and Gohan fought in the manga, all the sexual tension had built up to the point where Cutegang and Chadforce stopped being tsun and admitted their love, renamed themselves to Cuteforce and then left.
Legends say they gave up on Chans and became successful members of society.

Attached: Super Saiyan Bumblebee Gohan.jpg (1280x720, 1002K)

They was secretly in love with each other. The same is happening again. Brolyfags loves Jirenfags. Jirenfags loves Brolyfags.

I-it's over, Toeibro...

Attached: ToeiShit19.jpg (1024x576, 54K)

Because the manga made them a good ship

Traitors!! All of you!! All of you are A BUNCH OF TRAITORS!!!

Attached: _dragonball__kale_new_broly_outfit_destroys_armor_by_mrsawyer10_dciuuml-fullview.jpg (1600x2134, 448K)

Bro, this looks so sick. Toei, make it happen!

Attached: Reddit_DBAZyP8IUYAEmwrw.jpg (848x1274, 157K)

>all those walls of text
>thinking I'M going to read any of that

Attached: e0536c445c2591cd7f814a11b996540b.jpg (512x278, 23K)

>incomprehensible ESL babble

I'm in love user.
Move on and realize the truth.

Attached: Screenshot (79).png (635x565, 135K)

T-thanks mods... i will not behave like that again... b-based mods...

Attached: 4511213-hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 18K)

And anons have the shear audacity, to criticize DBGT.

The nerve of them.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: clip+(2019-07-25+at+09.11.42).jpg (1324x863, 182K)

>Broly Fusion
>not Majin SS4 Broly Fusion
Get on my level.

>Vegetto vs Zamasu came from Toriyama- it's canon!
>Black having Super Saiyan, Fused Zamasu defusing, Fused Zamasu being immortal? Not Toriyama, all non-canon.
literal retard

What would you do if Toei burned to the ground?
What would you do if Toriyama was visiting to collect his checks at the time and died in the fire?
Would we get a sticky and be harrassed by people?


Attached: hahahaha copy.png (820x322, 421K)

>Image, just for a second, that you waste your time watching this guy's "content" .
You may as well see a wall for 15 minutes.

That's fairly obvious. As soon as he introduced modifiers for ki attacks, he seemed to take them back away. Oozaru returns with a modifier? Vegeta says his tail will grow back (like Gohan's had and even Goku in multiple times in the past until magic dealt with it). Doesn't. KK? The moment SS is introduced, it is just gone. AT had to shelve it so others could compete (never mentions it again with only Toei bringing it up) while introducing a strain to SS that didn't get covered in any previous talks. Might not have needed to do that if he just hadn't let Goku retain SKW, but then he would have just died to Nappa.

FPSS was meant just to address this. Making it like base would allow stacking KK (went from x4 breaking him to x20 from Saiyan Saga to Namek, but let's just keep pretending his comfort caps at x10 with x20 breaking him). That is a big damn deal when using official modifiers as SS3 was only x8 over SS1 (not x10 much less x20) while having the well documented drawback in usability. Where SS4 is concerned, I don't recall some strain that should have been an issue, so stacking KK on that should have been a thing (Toei somehow restrained themselves even though it was Goku Time).

>going that high
Frieza Saga doesn't get enough shit for the things it pulls.

Yes, the Chads of Yea Forums would get a stick and Toyochads would win since he gets to continue DBS, unrestricted by Toriyama's napkins


Toriyama's last will and testament will be to release the hentai doujin he drew about Goku recruiting the strongest fighters from around the multiverse to kiss his wife while he masturbates to getting repeatedly punched in the face by Beerus.

He will RAFF at the reception from the afterlife.

Not to mention, Vegetto was Toyotaro's idea. The worst part is that his followers are going to repeat his nonsense nonstop like the sheep they are.

Why does nobody talk about this?

Attached: 23.png (945x1400, 264K)

>Gocuck admits he can't read

Ah, so you weren't just having a laugh. It would be x500 (and absurd).

>don't think
Know that KK is exactly as it advertises in canon. As for official, non-canon material like what is in question, it it certainly not made out to ever be as it says.

Didn't watch the video because >e-celebs but wow, what a fucking clown. And his shills dare post his garbage character critiques here unironically?

>>Frieza Saga doesn't get enough shit for the things it pulls.

>Frieza stands there and lets Gohan boot Dodoria in the face and save Dende
>Frieza sends Dodoria and Zarbon off alone knowing that Vegeta is stronger than either of them
>Guru dies at the exact moment Vegeta wants to make his wish
>Vegeta goads Frieza into transforming

Frieza Saga gets a lot of credit for good villains and great character moments, but it was more flawed than people remember.

Increasing the KK to x20 in the Freeza arc always seemed particularly gratuitous. Not only does it make Freeza's power even more absurd than it already is, but its pointless because, from a narrative perspective, KK doesn't actually act any differently. The effects of x10 on Namek are identical to the effects of x2 on Earth (risky and draining but can be sustained more or less safely, still not enough to beat the villain), ditto x4 compared to x20 (super powerful and actually lets him wound the villain but can only sustain an attack or two before gassing out).

I think the reason Toriyama got rid of it and never mentioned it again (even the pseudo-SSBKK Goku used in the manga was different and likely came from Toyotaro anyway) was because he realized that, even if he wrote a reason why SS and KK couldn't stack, he'd make the Saiyans look like bitches because everyone else would always be operating at only 5% of their potential strength if they knew this technique. Imagine Buu or Cell just randomly being able to multiply their power several times over.

Daily reminder that yamCHAD still trains

Attached: Yamcha_never_stopped_training_in_DBS_Manga_Bonus_about_the_Universal_Survival_Arc.jpg (764x1200, 97K)

Attached: 0224-010 pickle - of course - v2.jpg (936x476, 131K)

Didn't read either.

Attached: faaf2512ed62116c0b3e1f6a49f471a5c39b2bf1_hq.gif (500x400, 844K)

It seems that this aspect of Toeichads' intellectual barrage always eludes the toyopacos' grasp, and I mean beyond their petty attempts at going for semantics.
When Toeintellectuals say Hackotaro is "tracing", they aren't merely speaking the cases found where he actually traced. It goes way beyond such mundane concepts. You see, we say tracing, we condense a wide array of artistic mishaps, incapabilities, dishonesty, lack of talent, inaccurate perspective, being unoriginal, disappointment, lack of lore knowledge, and the list goes on.
We, the audience, have been able to point out an innumerable cases of blatant tracing, where he literally copies other panels and adds slight changes. Now, imagine the sheer number of occasions that go under our radar.
You clueless people seem to think that if he doesn't copy paste a panel exactly as it is, with-- as you like to screech so often-- congruent lines, then its not tracing. Of course he is not going to do such thing. He is a hack, not an idiot. He uses other people's panels as a reference, and then he applies modifications.
We were able to denote what happens when he strays from this behaviour. Nothing but crude, out of proportion, and wrong perspective drawings come out as a result.
I don't blame you for your ever present and imposing ignorance about the artistic world. Not everyone can be a sagacious intellectual as the Toeichads. We do ask you to try and open your minds a little and consider the wide spectrum of artistic nuances we refer to with the simplistic term known as "tracing".

Even my child self recognized what a kino scene this was.

Someone like AT could never keep up with all that shit even if he really was trying to.

>devolve into an illogical mess of a shitshow
It already had long ago.

Okay retard

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Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

What's technical about 1-0?

>clearly more powerful
What good did that do him (allowing for this to stand) where the fight record is concerned? He made a promise, kept bringing it up (until SS), then began avoiding it only to get forced into 2-0.

>spent most of his time getting BTFO
Not by Goku in their fights. That's for sure.

>exception of
Just those two? You sure? Seems like you want another reminding.

Attached: gokek spots his prince's arrival for 1-0.jpg (495x567, 98K)

To be fair, he mentioned at the beginning of the video that he was defining "canon" as "was in both the anime and manga", under the logic that, if it was in both versions, it probably came from Toriyama. Fair enough for most things, but the problem was he just stopped there. He didn't try to do any research to see what else came from Toriyama but wasn't included in the anime (e.g. practically everything about the final battle with Black/Zamasu), what came from Toyotaro rather than Toriyama but was still in both versions (e.g. Vegetto fighting Zamasu, Vegeta having SSG, half the GoD designs), or what came from Toei rather than Toriyama but was still in both versions (e.g. most of the ToP fodder designs).

Nor, many times, did he even notice when the same event happened slightly differently in both versions, instead he just declared the event itself non-canon. This is particularly annoying as other times he does the opposite, declaring that an event is non-canon but its execution isn't. For example he claimed "Toppo becoming a God of Destruction" was non-canon even though that happened in both versions (Toppo was a GoD trainee and powered up with god ki in the manga while fighting Vegeta, it just didn't cause a transformation), and claimed that both "Zamasu becoming the sky" and "the army of Zamasus" were non-canon because this wasn't shared between the anime and manga (even though in both cases, they're basically the same event with different execution: Zamasu's immortality 'glitches' and causes him to multiply infinitely, making him unbeatable conventionally).

It strikes me as lazy.

>undefeated against all dbs
Feels good

Attached: 42baa88f8c8479f200fb3e5324276e6f.png (732x976, 651K)

I think there's nuance between these extremes. I'm totally fine with precise numbers being abandoned and powerlevels only operating in rough "tiers", but nevertheless there at least has to be consistency.
The whole "hurr powerlevel autists BTFO" never looked like anything but damage control to me. Writing consistently and logical is an objectively good quality. This applies to the most realistic of things, and it applies to make-believe like powerlevels. If you introduce a fact in your fictional world, you don't get to ignore it later at your own convenience. Spewing memes about "le powerlevels are bullshit" doesn't handwave this away. Good writing is good writing.

There are actually only a few instances of powerlevels being inconsistent in the original manga. This is almost entirely a Toei phenomenon. Toyo fucks up occasionally too but it's not omnipresent like in the anime.

fuck off supercuck

>he mentioned at the beginning of the video that he was defining "canon" as "was in both the anime and manga"
Well, then he is wrong from the start.

He's a retard then?

Not even remotely related. Try again.

Keep coping with your anime that copies literal fanfiction.

Attached: 1493919376491.jpg (1280x2462, 455K)

>It strikes me as lazy.
Well, he is a Youtuber. He is lazy by nature.

>illiterate shitter
EX to the PEC to the TED

>not even a minute from that post
>already rent free in the "chads of Yea Forums" head
Feels good being me

Attached: 9bae9fafd366ff9715d1f4b8e4880d724adedffe_00.jpg (377x512, 44K)

>gets solo'd by YamCHAD

Attached: 1560797477140.png (556x388, 354K)

>t-the poses kinda look alike haha copy

Remember when these were posted EVERY single thread?

Attached: toeitracer.webm (1000x500, 2.61M)

Of course he does, staying fit and doing excercise is literally his work.

Attached: 1553145105373.jpg (268x268, 25K)


Attached: toeitracer2.webm (1000x500, 2.8M)

Attached: supervsdracul (2).jpg (800x435, 78K)

>lost to Fridge

Once to Perfect. He wasn't KO'd by 'Super'. With Gohan's save, he was able to assist in taking Cell down for his second win over him (first was to 'Semi' whom didn't even dare think to try and trick Vegeta as it was the Prince himself who suggested the whole thing, so there is no absolving the loss as just an intermission with trickery).

>three to Buu
Blowing himself up was a loss, yes. Kid's choking hadn't yet defeated him (just that it was going to). The beating after (second round of stalling) that certainly put him in a TKO state (unable to keep fighting). 'Super' was defeated with Vegeta killing his very identity (bringing back Kid). Kid's defeat was his plan that he helped realize.

>lots to the cat
AT's cat's self-insert just isn't allowed to job to anyone save for his gay angel.

>killsteal by the vassal
>after Goku work him down
It makes no difference. Vegeta would have worn him down into the Plan B momenent, deflected the shot and if Frieza just stammers rather than using Plan C, Whis wouldn't even have to reveal himself as Vegeta's Plan B.

>lost to Hit
Yes, SSB having a new weakness made-up right on time (that I believe gets removed before long) for him trying to help some dipshit from another universe.

>skipping Zammy as Black
Why? As for Merged, obviously they weren't going to beat this immortal without sealing him shy of the button being pressed. Just avoiding KO/TKO while having fought up until that point would include him in the win, mind you.

>didn't beat Jerry

>so bad
See: and Basically how it is. Care to go over Gokek's record with 'big bads'? Skipping the 'minor' stuff helps, certainly.

Attached: tfw they spot a jobber MC - future GoD not impressed by her father's vassal in the role of riva (500x706, 83K)

Attached: toeitracer3.webm (1920x540, 2.86M)

>Writing consistently and logical is an objectively good quality. This applies to the most realistic of things, and it applies to make-believe like powerlevels
This is particularly important when combat is the main conflict resolution device, and getting stronger is largely the point of the story. If relative strengths aren't kept consistent and don't actually mean anything, then the story itself is pointless because anything can happen at any time. You cannot sell Goku's desperation against Freeza on Namek or Jiren at the ToP if w know that at any time Krillin could kick their asses.

The relatively high-brow example I like to use is Game of Thrones. As a show revolving around war, a decent amount of attention is paid to the military situation in early seasons. Robb has 20k men so he can't fight Tywin's 30k equally well-equipped men, but if he feints Tywin and makes an alliance with Frey's 4k men and gets their logistical aid he can maybe stage an ambush and overcome Jaime's army of 30k men meanwhile Stannis's 35k men are set to stomp Tyrion's 7k but may have difficulties with force multipliers like fortifications and wildfire, and the Grejoys have about 25k men but can't do pitched battles because they lack pike blocks and heavy cavalry, and Drogo has 40k horsemen but they're vulnerable to combined arms forces and especially spearmen because they're poorly equipped necessitating local support... so on and so forth. When this relative attention to detail was thrown out the window in later seasons, with situations like the Lannisters casually stomping out the Tyrells off-screen after previous seasons had Tywin grovel before them because it was established that the Tyrells had the largest army, or Daenerys still having thousands of Unsullied spearmen even after they got buttfucked and nearly wiped out three times in a row by Euron, the Casterly Rock garrison, and the Night King's army respectively... well, people quite justifiably complained about it.

>don't get to ignore it
Or change it? Because AT gets to (and does). It isn't good, but that's how it is.

>anything can happen
Certain people prefer this.

>winning without reading anything of what my opponent is babbling about
I'm so good at this

Attached: Mi5-7wJsYGYb1607ZcXhPIe2l88ZU_EtFKYewWklKF0.jpg (1200x628, 95K)

>Cuckarotmaggot doesn't understand how intellectual debate works
Imagine my shock.

I see, well that answers a few questions of mine, and I do agree with some things stated by you (mainly the GG>Kamehameha thing and the Sokidan/Spirit ball being incredibly underdeveloped). Thanks for answering, Veggiefag.

>how he defines canon
Why not just stick to the definition?

>probably came from AT
Why don't these people just release their work for the fans? ONE not doing this with his storyboards for the manga is a constant source of trouble when the webcomic kids get uppity (then the anime has its own matters where people will claim ONE did something, but we don't really have a way of actually verifying it). Don't expect real transparency to EVER happen. Nips don't give a shit about canon as a concept.

>doesn't get enough shit
And those examples weren't even among those I had in mind. The list could go on despite it being put on a pedestal (usually Cell and Buu get picked apart).

>still expects me to read his insane ramblings
I won. Just accept it already. The thread is ending so there's no point on being so stubborn (also, see you in the next thread vegetafag)

Attached: tenor.gif (498x268, 834K)

>incomprehensible ESL babble

New thread

Basically 97 is almost complete reuse

The other way around.

>no u

She just wants her little bambino to rule the multiverse like a space dictator should.

Who's more irrelevant ultimate gohan or piccolo?

Attached: d48bd35e929719a5630ee21bf6f10b9712c749e7_hq.jpg (1024x725, 107K)

>Spirit Ball
Recognized me there, did you? A lot more could have been done with it. Even a loser like Chiaotzu could have better developed himself. Psychic power (cheaply given away to a few people as parlor tricks) could have been something for him to shine with. Needing to concentrate so hard, being so easily distracted, only being able to focus on one target, his low overhead for bigger fish to ensnare with binding, failure to do something with it other than binding, etc. add up) shouldn't have been so lame.

He was able to not just use TK, but somehow detect the right numbers through a box he can't see inside. Perceiving in a way other than ki sensing. His pathetic struggle with knowing left from right isn't great, but like his Math issues, can be worked on (I'd like to think those don't persist, but you know AT likes to raff). The type of levitation he was using didn't seem like psychic power (just a lesser version of what Junior introduces as the future standard). Having this type of flight (and becoming quick with it) ought to be a boon for conserving ki (and flying without revealing oneself).

Dodon Spam doesn't count for all that much. Might have been funny if he could fire them from every finger like the shit Super 17 does. Maybe a continuous version of it as a beam rapier to pierce (as it is meant to be used). The thing puts out heat, so why not a spread version less about direct damage and more about burning up the enemy (almost pyrokinesis).

Back to psychic power, reading minds, communicating telepathically, etc. should have had great utility. Developing them further to send false images, scramble brains and so on could have helped his case even if he wasn't quite keeping up in the PL department (even when constantly getting good training with Tien). Weird he couldn't augment his attacks with psychic power (or use them to strike without it being sensed as it isn't ki). There is a lot to be done with just simple telekinesis (much less other esper shit). Should have been able to train himself to not need both hands, then only needing a finger and eventually not even that (mastery).

Should have learned hypnotism from Roshi. Where is the gravity manipulation? Tons of media show off powers he could learn while doing mental training, meditation, etc. He needs mystical, underhanded shit (humans just can't keep up normally). Psychically augment himself (or even 'seal' power of foes). Barriers can be fun (put one around an enemy doing a ki attack only for them to blow themselves up). Might be crossing more into the realm of magic for him to use portals (and reality warping territory for space/time). Even without going that far, there are just tons to pick from (astral projection and second sight come to mind readily). Conjuring and Energy Medicine bring the kais to mind. Had he really been learning from those fruit people (not just having his time wasted), that would have been nice. King Kai should have taught them KK (if not also SB). Maybe Chiaotzu would consider psychic augmentation of his muscles when brute strength is the answer.

Tien was another I spoke on. Just felt like droning on for a short while about the Chinese Hopping Vampire/Mime that just didn't get to do much of anything. Could have had him learn to absorb life energy (ki) after the androids showed it off. Possession would have been another neat tool. Alas, he is beneath jobber status (barely above the forgotten).

Attached: lizard brain trying to fathom his prince being 2-0 against goku-san.jpg (960x958, 215K)

As did I. Gayku and all.

Attached: Gayku's buttplug for pretending he's still a real Saiyan.gif (500x281, 2.95M)

>everyone is me
Retardku, pls.

Attached: canon triclops telling the score - 2-0 v1.jpg (439x454, 54K)