>I gave peace to my children, for they are in the bliss of nonexistence which surpasses all the pleasures of this world.
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Eren.
He will DESTROY Gabi's pussy.
cute an canon
Mikasa is beautiful.
It's an Eren chapter.
Perfect jawline.
Without the Mass Effect dialogue wheel
>EHcucks are brainlets and newfags
Admirable neck girth
This show makes me cringe. Seems like something only teenage edgelords could like.
sauce for pic?
The duo who fooled the world.
Be warned, lots of fujo stuff
Fuck. We will never see him wear the new SC uniform. It's not fair.
>Quoting this shit to posts containing
>Only Eren
>Eren Historia
>Never to EM
EArfaggots and EMfats crying since december
Supreme Commander THEO[S} HELOS GODgath will snipe talkmin and dogkasa
>TN: Theos means God in Greek
Fuck off Sneed
Armong is such a shit character not even fujos like him :)
Which site will receive the biggest shitstorm after the father reveal, Yea Forums or l*ddit?
At least we'll always have fanart
Tumblr no doubt
Why? Unless you shipped them with others you shouldn't be affected, only some leftists are triggered
GODmin will be merciful and put an end to his misery
cute friends
Erehis loves to suck black cocks
How can so many lies fit in such a tiny post?
They are terrorists and lovers
Are we getting the colossol edition 5 this fall? Can't wait to read marley kino on big pages.
What is the IQ needed to understand Zeke's character and his philosophy?
Friends with benefits
Out of those definitely Yea Forums with the "EHfags killed my dog" poster.
tumblr would have by far the biggest shitstorm because muh representation, muh queerbaiting and muh hetforcing
143 (mine).
Not even the other shipfags reached this level of autism, one even said it wqs necessary to reduce EH yet other shipfags can coexist
Fuck this whore.
Thank you,user
Didn't they run out of titans for those?
Twitter is more autistic than tumblr now.
GODgath should kill this bad character
What's the worst ending snk could have for you that is also entirely possible/likely?
>those girly hips
Reddit loves EH(I'm not joking)
If Eren is the father I fear YHfag will commit the irreparable.
Because those are not muhrepresentationfags who are even crazier.
Magath character is worse lol
Armin saves the world with the power of talking things through.
Reddit loves easy jokes and steal memes, EH was the easier one. They also stole some ZL memes from here and I bet they still love Erwin.
If anything a lot of people can see it happening
>A grizzled, mature man looking out for a young child in a cruel world
Kino and wholesome instead of Historia conspiring with a genocidal maniac
No problem!
Fuck off with your Yea Forums shit
How would Gabi feel if she knew Magath and Willy knowingly provoked the Liberio attack and let Zsofia and Udo die without warning them or their families?
Nothing is worse than Armin
Sex with Rico
>the image Flo eunuchs don't want you to see
Did you skip Marley? Eren doesn't want to do it, he is getting forced to become the devil, I swear the majority don't even understand the manga
Magath is "i can never be wrong" the character, he is all you hate about Armin.
Also he throws himself into the battle lines even though he is a general, and also for some reason he can control Pieck's cannon with incredible precision.
Literally a Gary Stu.
Would Armin's open mindedness, rationality, empathy lead him to being vegan in real life?
none of them killed millions though
I want an Annie gf guys
But we already know how he is in real life
Eren will kill billions for the sake of 1-few million, depending on whether he will spare Eldians across the world
He is the anti-Kiritsugu
he's SammyTrans95
While Arminia is not my favorite character you described why I don't like Magath or warriors in general (only Reiner and maybe Annie), Magath endangered warriors family, Porco is so bland he doesn't talk about the devils being actual normal, Pieck doesn't suspect a shit, they get offended by Paradis attack when they pretty much have been killing them in the worse way possible.
He's HF Shirou.
>embraces being a devil and chooses to exterminate humanity
Eren is the true Debiruman, not that cuck Akira
What if Eren is only planning to destroy Marley only as a warning?
The Armin we deserve
I hope Armin can talk down Erekin from destroying the world
>EHcucks spamming the catalog with lolis
Yeah, and Eren would follow along but he wouldn't tell Armin that he doesn't share his ideals and the only reason he wants animal agriculture to stop is because he wants cattle to go extinct.
The Armin we got
dumblr and twitter. The fujos are yurifags over there are incredibly entitled and numerous over there, as well as the EMfags. It's gonna be a bloodbath. I guess it also depends on each national fanbase but Yea Forums having a lot of posters supporting EH is most likely an exception rather than the rule.
>EHfags are dumblrinas
Good, utilitarianism is peak retardation.
I noticed some nips are starting to draw EH as a protest for the "censorship" (kinda like when they invaded twitter drawing that pokemon girl like a gorilla because westerns were complaining about some of their fanarts)
Yep, all the lowest common denominator disneyfags are going to get btfo when it's confirmed it's farmer's kid
Reiner Grice
Colt Grice
Porco Grice
Olivia Grice
Udo Grice
Zofia Grice
Ben Grice
Mia Grice
Sasha's dad Grice
What would Marley have done if the Liberio attack never happened? Would they have gone through with attacking Paradis?
>EHfags are l*dditors
Why do EHfags behave like victims, it's kind of embarrassing
There are more polls here with people thinking Eren is the father
>EH is ESL??
You should be journalist
>as a protest for the "censorship"
It's really hilarious how desperate this Benji turd is. Yea Forums is literally the birthplace of EH. We have official proof of this. And we also have official proof that reddit is YH central.
fuck off EHpedo
You've got problems
The fuck are you talking about, I was talking about how some nips are acting. Stop crying about EHfags for 5 minutes, jesus
yes, they would attack alongside the rest of the world
Nobody can save your waifu from getting porked by a Farmer EHcuck. Not everything's going to be pretty like a disney movie.
>RE finale all but confirmed
What censorship?
Im 90% sure half of the people here are titanfolk users
>reddit is YH central.
No, tumblr is. Leddit just bandwagons whatever is popular at the moment.
>as a protest for the "censorship"
Prove it.
And i'm also talking about them sub-100 iq mongoloid
It's actually an REZ threesome ending
dumblr is fujo central
>titanfolk users
Why are you projecting your mental illness?
>proof that reddit is YH central.
Where's your proof again? If anything the proof says otherwise >You should be journalist
See I was right EHcuck nothing but a dumb ESL
You forgot Eren and Zeke Grice.
In 5chan they are trying to silence everything related to Historia. Some artists in twitter who draw any ship (like that one oven-bun fanart) received complains when they drew EH.
Even better
t. EHl*dditor from ''titanfolk''
I'm not. I see the comments there and it's very blatant.
Stop lying EHnigger
Fujos and yurifags are two sides of the same coin there, they claim to do it because muh representation and because het people are evil even if they get off making fanfics about a guy in his mid 30s diddling a 15 year old.
>A joke post made in 2013 constitutes "official proof"
Wew, this is a new one
There were other polls made here before and many believe Eren is the father. If you are still insecure make the same poll for different places, not everyone is a YAAAASSS burger afraid to talk about it
Ignore the mentally ill CREATURA from leddit.
t. mentally ill creatura replying to itself
I thought YH nips don't care and only EMfags and fujos are complaining. You shipperwhales need to make up your mind
It doesn't matter cause many redditors unironically post here this isn't pre 2011 Yea Forums, and you still haven't posted proof for any of your statements so it's all just BS from and your stop lying like the faggot you are.
Globalismong, manletoid, or Zecuckold the watered down JRGP antagonist - who is the worst?
Haven't been there in a while. Are EH threads still getting bombed with off-topic posts?
You must be really pissed that all your fellow Yumikuribros ditched /snk/ as soon as S2 ended.
>everything I don't like is reddit
So if I go to reddit and bring anti EH posts you become a reditor too? I can't like Reiner and Erwin if they like them?
Manlet. He doesn't even have an ideology of his own
samefag(you know who)
I'm talking about tumblr, not about nips, speedreader-kun
>trying so hard to fit in
I dare you to open a new poll, burger.
Pretty sure that user is talking about tumblr.
I thought you were also talking about 5ch
fuck off EHledditor
Zeke is intelligent and nihilistic just like me, Shartmin and manlet are shit.
Yeah, good answer ledditor. I bet if I go there I will find posts like yours, if I do that don't cry
Have you heard of the term cherry picking? What I posted was a large poll with 3000+ votes making it much less easy to manipulate from a statistical perspective. Reddit favors the ship 3 to 1 so my assumptions are pretty safe.
Armin is the best because he is the cutest
So you're a ledditor.
>Releases chapters monthly
>Can't even draw that good
What's his problem
Sex with Annie > Sex with Rico
>Reddit favors the ship 3 to 1
Wait, how and why do you even know that?
thats pretty based man
So if reddit says X thing it can't happen? Isn't it just easier to think any non brainlet can suspect Eren could be the father?
I just want Jiiku to be happy.
Do I have to repeat myself? I said I challenge you to make that same poll for other places. Go to any snk forum if you are so sure only reddit thinks Eren is the father
>Imagine being an EHfag(l*ddditor)...
No, they favor the very logical assumption that farmer is a red herring given how much stuff they have hidden about him and Historia for no real reason if he is indeed the father
Post a ship and a song that reminds you of it
Please answer honestly to this poll, your vote will remain anonymous so noone will bully you.
What were you doing in reddit?
>Already made millions with his shit art
It's not his problem anymore
Because he is a redditor, he had a JOINED in some of his captures. Bet is that Armongwhale who knows everyone in reddit/tumblr
Well, that's retarded. Literally just follow the chains.
Reddit and Yea Forums are the same and people don't like it.
Actually because they are the same they like Eren and EH
Enough bickering, where my ELsisters at?
Posting a trigger reaction pic isn't making your point any stronger
>Go to any snk forum if you are so sure only reddit thinks Eren is the father
Now you admit it
You don't even know what logic means, something being unexplored does not equal 'I can fill this up with my own fanfic as I please'
Remember that guy that posted a reddit screencap to prove that all Erenfags are from there but just showed everyone that he had a reddit account?
>EH is created on Yea Forums 6 years ago
>Benji and his redditcrew ignore it and spam their "Ymir is alive and well, Ymir is going to come back, EH is just a crackship to hurt us"
>they boast how popular they are on reddit, and how EH is nonexistent outside of Yea Forums
>Benji is spamming that EH is reddit and that somehow, his reddit appeal delusional ship is not popular on reddit
>I personally felt back then that I didn’t deserve having “professional skill level” even as a goal to pursue. Though I had certain instincts towards my abilities, I didn’t have the drive to improve. Thinking back, my attitude was awful (Laughs). If you ask me why I felt like that, I had assumed that creating interesting storyboards was enough. During my student years at the professional school, whenever other students were focused on drawing, I was spending all my time storyboarding.
In tumblr where your shit taste should be
Good then the meltdown will be huge once these cucks find out their fanfics are just that
haha nice
>EH is created on Yea Forums 6 years ago
It's true
Good fanart, source?
And how many EHposts were in 2013 besides that one?
EH was minor at best and mostly a joke if you had been here. It's clear the EHcuck here now is some braindead moron with the comprehension of a autistic toddler.
But EH was here since long time ago
This thread is embarrassingly awful
Just that one, but it was coined and foretold.
>One post as a joke by Anniefag
If that's the best you got then you may as well have nothing liar
>Say he's "not ready to sacrifice Historia"
>Yelena say Historia will herit Zeke titan
>Still refuse and instead choose to go alone in Liberio.
>Kill innocents and put all his friends in danger.
>Comes to the same point as if he had sacrificed Historia.
What does Isayama mean by that ?
Holy shit this is epic
How many YH posts there were during the YH season? Or AA posts during Armin and the crystal chapter? Or EM during 108 leaks?
So is reddit. Their numbers just increased since Uprising, just like the numbers of Erenfags and manletfags
>do this
>cry if someone do the same
Sounds like a little bitch that hasn't put in a SINGLE hard days work
And you know this how?
It's not about fanfics, you fucking retard. It's about being able to predict predictable twists with the info we get just like the grim reminder 2.0., the EZ alliance and Eren not being part of the euthanazia plan.
Eren was involved in the pregnancy whether you like it or not and the final panel shit makes it a very strong possibility that Eren is the father.
More than you could say for /snk/
Where is that user now? I'd keep browsing the threads occasionally and bring popcorn everytime if I were him.
So, what do you think Yea Forums?
Right, I remember all the ragetard posts. All the cuckren self-inserters are newfags.
Because I have been lurking here even before the anime aired
The difference is that those ships existed in 2013 and noone claims the were created here
The Final panel could be a red herring just as well then going by your logic yet you try to use it as proof. Hypocrisy much?
There were always Erenfags and manletfags here
I can't wait for Zekuck to die
>literally browsing reddit just so you can get mad at EHfags
You might actually end up killing yourself if Eren is the father
The difference is that nobody cares uou lurking in Reddit because one ship makes you cry
Back then it was just slutty who posted about him and manlet shipping was non-existent.
Looks like another joke post posing what at the time seemed like a ridiculous situation
That's a generalization, there's a difference between 1 or 2 and 10+
Well, she didn't seem to like it very much
>braindead moron with the comprehension of a autistic toddler
Just like every other shipper here. Fuck all of you, you're all the same anyway.
Ok, but EH still wasn't created in Yea Forums
>EHmod is here
It's actually much more likely that the final panel is a red herring. It's unlikely Isayama would have made it open if he though it was predictable like EHcucks assume.
Manletfag and Erenfag here! Sugoii Ymirpedo, you have threads in reddit too! Anniepedos, I'm also seeing some of your threads there, oopsie. Oh is that GABI GANG?
Stop crying EHledditor
Ok, if this happened it would be epic
And? Proof? I'm not in reddit to know that much.
I don't even ship. It's just very easy to trigger EHcucks cause they're so emotionally invested
All ships are created in tumblr, which is where all you mentally ill selfinserting shippers belong.
I love EH :)
I wonder what slutty is up to nowadays
Just look at these threads, the fact that you dedicate so much to trigger someone means you are the triggered one
I don't need proof, i'm just showing you that your proof is wrong. EH appeared simultaneously in various places once they started having meaningful interactions in the uprising arc.
Fun times.
You are as trash as the Hongoloids and the EHcucks. These threads don't need you
Slave's opinion is irrelevant.
I don't think I am personally it takes me like 10 secs to type out a post.
But why do you care so much what they ship.
It just works
>EH appeared when they had a meaningful interaction
You mean like ZLfags during the manlet and Zeke convo? Or LMfags when manlet and Mikasa were together? If manlet fucked Yelena you would have LYfags appearing everywhere
4 of you crying fill like 2/3 of the threads
I want to watch while Armin and Jean are fucking
Your gif doesn't move a lot
Neck yourself AAcuck
They haven't even spoken to each other for over 90 chapters
In fact some LY fanarts appeared after that panel. I don't know why these newfags are pretending this is something new, even 115 brought more LHfags.
So I don't get it
>36 posters
So this is what the core of /snk/ looks like
More than any other fanbase on Yea Forums faggot
But i just want everyone to be happy
Comparing me with those is bad but it's nice to know you are an Anniepedo ;) I wonder if I can find some interesting things about you in reddit ;)
How long would it take for him to solve a Rubik's Cube?
I mean the quality of the posters and the discussion, the quantity is fine
*Worst posters in these threads*
he'd lose it 10 minutes in and throw it at a wall or something
Zekeposting > Gabifalseflagging > shipping cuckoldry
It's ridiculous that it took until Erwin dying for LH to get as big as it is now. They were each other's best interaction from the very beginning.
The AAfag is the worst one bringing shit from other forums here, the others are meme tier/barely exists
Post your favorite character and your race
Why would they be, it really looks like Eren is the father.
It's very easy to tell you apart BAsp*c
>Eren Yeager
>thread full of EH killed my dogs
>Someone mentions the roAAstie
>you are obsessed!
My dear AAshit everyone knows the one sperging it's you
Imagine what Domstoria would do to a defenseless Eren.
Can't tell if you are Sneed, beruanism or both
EHchad here, I'm glad we are important in your life.
Don't know, too many to name
They just go trough with the euthanasia plan and that's it. Eldians are gone. The whole world celebrates for a day before going back to fighting eachother. Roll credits.
Why is Historia taking Eren's bun away and cooking it in a oven?
>caring about braindead shipping and metafaggotry
fuck off fake zekefag
Neither of those, retard, but fucking hilarious the gabi spam stopped when you were arguing with the BAfag, complained about FUCK OFF BERUANISM like the AAfag, the "EGfag" quoted BA, EH or LH and in the archives you were complaining about some faggots you are following that happens to be someone who ships BA, other who ships LH and other who ships EH. I even saw sex with gabi with Armin x Mikasa poster once.
Bros I love Zeke
Yeah now that someone mentions you metafagging is bad. RoAAstie.
reminder that Eren is a time traveler and with his 3/10 wits he has dun goofed numerous times
Eren is a slave to the time loop.
Because Eren's bun(baby) is cooking in Historia's oven(womb)
Who doesn't?
ebin manbun joke
Based Detective Zekechad
People that like having sex
Breeder opinions are invalid!
Don't forget when he was caught sperging against BA and Eren at the same time while pretending to be an Erenfag to insult the BAspic.
Pure autism, I guess the LEpedo is right about the Anniefags.
By the way LEpedo will you investigate them?
Thoughts on this exhibition video?
Reminder that Hans will see him naked
Zeke managing to kill everyone, lame as fuck
It's only fair after all the bath raping he did to her.
Reminder that rebi is sidelined for the rest of the story
paradis fails
So who got his/her posts deleted this time?
Payback for forcefully bathing her
>goes full antinatalist and commits omnicide
>cutting shirtless Ravioli because Sasha was touching him
How can Wakano be so insecure
>ER is canon
>>some zekfags really want a saturday morning cartoon/JRPG villain 'destroy the world to save people from suffering' plot
>>Zeke is wrong because instead of going full anti-natalist and having the Titans eat the whole world
>>Getting eaten isn't that bad since the the suffering of continued existence of current and future generations will still outweigh the happiness.
It's fucking allahfag all along. Wtf I thought he liked EH?
Someone mentioned the staff changed with the director being full ErwL (seriously, not a single LE promo) and he tried to make manlet Mikasa version 2.
At least 3/10 shitwits got something right
They will both see eachother naked at the same time
just such a lame and weak left hand liberal philosophy
>dude, we suffer so lets all die
Reminder that Hansi will drown him in the river as a payback for the bath abuse and for killing Erwin.
Hansi lost Erwin's baby during the explosion
The only Armin fujo ship I can get behind with.
I will kill the Hangefags if Hange is a man for making me fap with her doujins
At least WIT is aware who their cash cow is.
I miss bullying the ragetard.
she is, but that picture of a man is not
>that post
>that pic
Does not compute
>If Hanji is a man
She's 100% a woman you sperg
Yeah, it was the assistant director, Tetsuya Wakano.
I still want to believe in the AAfag, but some things are so suspicious I rather pass, and AA was one of those I believed it could happen till those accusations made me kind of felt meh about it now
>Lost Erwin's baby in Shiganshina
>Lost Manlet's baby after jumping to the river
Poor Hansi.
erehis is a whore.
>48 posters
Enjoy middle school /snk/ posters
Beast Titan
Post cute Zeke.
>Filename proves everything
>What is flaseflagging?
Damn you are very retarded
>"I just keep moving forward"
>backs down when muh precious pissu is involved
Hansi hates the manlet.
You wish, roAAstie
I didn't mention filenames only, roAAstie.
They each consider eachother their closest friend, so no
Hansi is too pure to hate
You have absolutely 0 proof for any of the things you say. Also i should remind you that correlation ≠ causation. For example, while you are discussing with me there is no EHposting, but that doesn't mean you are the EHposter right?
why did they make grisha's titan so hot?
You have one above but that is the thing, you stop when you are fighting others. The only "good" thing the BAfaggot brings is that you stop bringing garbage from leddit
Dude I was trying to believe in you
I don't know what EHfags did to you, I don't even dislike YH unlike that Sneed but you should just filter us.
The instant a woman gives birth to your child, you gain 50 pounds, you grow hair everywhere and you start making shitty jokes.
Basically this.
Please come back shitren, we want to keep seeing you get BTFO
How about you post the proof instead of saying that it exists somewhere?
Hange objectively has the best harem.
sex with Faye
The music was so fucking ominous in that scene. Loved it.
GODner is going to need a new toy to play with now.
10 days left until spoiler week
Oh no!
I'm a Dazpedo now :(
sorry Dazbros
How the fuck does Reiner go from that to jobbing to Eren four times?
Jaegerbomb you have to live so I can keep cucking you, you promised me as compensation for killing didn't you?
Reiner, my husbando, I love him. Words really can never fully express how much I love him but scream my adoration I still do, because I must remind them...
Why? I did once and you sperged like a twitterina
Yes, I'm sure those falseflags were created in advance, roAAstie
>became the protagonist and hero when he started as a background character
>mentored the girl who killed eren
Based Chadner.
He is one trick pony that always goes for jabs and lunges and after getting his ass handed to him by his nemesis he still doesn't bother to learn kung fu/adapt his fighting style.
>Zekeposters nowhere to be found
Sleep tight monkeys, you're in for another hard day of work in the favelas tomorrow ;)
This post basicaly comes back to using namefile as proof again. Then you call someone AAfag for no reason and he obviously starts insulting you. Where's the proof again? Is it all the post doing the random namecalling that constantly happens here?
>185 cm 95 kg on low meat rations
>would have had a harem with all the girls in it if Isayama was realistic with sexual dynamics
>Isayama recently called Eren the protagonist
We got too cocky Reinerbros...
>*throws a big shit at you
Sounds like that AA/LEpedo who hides behind YH
>other repliers don't know what is race or nationality
What girl would have wanted him?
>Mikasa is Erehsexual
>Sasha is foodsexual
>Annie hated Reiner
>Ymir is a lesbo
>Ymir didn't let Hisu interactr with any guy
>Hannah was already fucking Franz
Maybe he might have fucked Mina
Those weren't filenames only. I see you are going to pretend to be retarded
He was never that good outside of his raw physical strength and Eren was completely blinded by his rage at that moment. As soon as he got his shit together Reiner became a piece of cake.
Why did you retards named nationality when asked for race?
he was ugly as fuck
best at everything
cut everything from the manga
s2 is the marleyan/aryan choice
It's incorrect but I'm glad they did because otherwise we'd just have 20 replies saying white
Because it was all an attempt by the YHfag to samefag so he could later say "ALL SHITRENFAGS ARE SHITSKINS"
>if you kill your enemies, they win
reminder that this position feels more natural for Pieck
Please illuminate me, because i can't see any proof in there.
Also if you want proof that the sp*c falseflags as a AAfag how about the fact that he keeps using the AAchad name to falseflag weeks after the original stopped using it. Maybe look through some of his posts too, it's very easy to tell him apart since he always uses "hongo" very blatantly.
Pic related is more proof that he falseflags but then again maybe this is just a gigantic setup by the AAjews am i right?
Which filenames autistic, who would waste time looking for BA shipfags in twitter/tumblr and would write the same for other shipfags exactly the same.
But let's leave it at here AAtard
Yeah AAtard
not again
lmao is that Eren buttfucking Reiner?
>who would waste time looking for BA shipfags in twitter/tumblr and would write the same for other shipfags exactly the same
I keep asking for proof on this but you keep dodging. Please provide some.
Not only there were threads with AAchad and AAchad+name at the same time, but the BAfag has no reasons to fight Hangefags
Remember that LE/AA pasta? You are just the LEpedo hiding behind YH
why does Isayama not like his old Paradis cast characters anymore?
Where is the proof?
He realized they were shit
Good try, but the sp*c has already proven that he likes YH and dislikes EH. Also he has no reason to insult Hange other than to falseflag i guess.
Too many restrictions and puritanism
>p-please if you are going to give Sasha, boyfriend don't show it, hide it behind a comment
>p-please don't show whatever happened with Eren and Historia
>p-please don't show Livai bonding with Hange
they had no more room for personal growth
its kinda like shipping, its funny while we think of the "will they or won't they" but once they actually get together then it becomes boring, just like IRL marriage
Has a big chance to be an awful cliche but if that's what it takes poltards to finally kill themselves I'll take it
Mina was close with Eren though.
He never said he hates EH, only he prefers YH.
Are you going to keep dodging why that "user" sperging about that BAfumblrina is doing the same with some EH and LH exactly the same way as the AAfag does?
Worse, he likes them so much that aside from Eren he is incapable of doing anything interesting with them because they have to remain as precious innocent babies incapable of doing anything wrong.
Nice fanfic.
Stop fingerpointing, mentally ill creature.
Dude we got it, ignore him, he is going to spam the same shit next thread again
Let me see if i get this. Yout """proof""" is that the AAfag insulted you after you insulted him?
Isn't there one with G*bi edit?
Mikasa would have never allowed that
No, my proof is that when you check the archives you find the AAfag sperging against others the same way as he does with the BAfag or using the same pics to insult.
Don't play dumb AAtard
Maybe Grisha named Armin and Mikasa himself. If he was their parents' main doctor, he would have had enough influence to do that.
Maybe the real Mikasa and Armin that Eren Kruger was talking about were people from the past
She was seen alone with Eren after practice in the background it was in season 1 and I forgot what interview was it in about Eren and Mina which was a long time ago. The 4koma has nothing to do with this though.
Armin said his grandfather named him
How about you post those then? Surely it would be amore convincing to post those instead of that """""proof""""".
but Grisha could have influenced him
It's more fun to see which countries posters are from. There aren't that many fucking races out there, and we know the vast majority of anons are white.
He realized they sucked, so he's breaking them.
>we know the vast majority of anons are white
I see you didn't even read the fireden. Dumb AAtard.
Not that user (yes) but before the BA poster appeared thete were lots of Gabi's cunny this Gabi that every 5 minutes, not pics only
Then the BA poster got holidays and the Gabi shitposting were replaced with DUMB BERUANISM, PROOF THAT ANNIE LIKES BERT.
Maybe it's not you but there is at least one AAfag shitposting and Arminfags as far as I remember always hated Erenfags/Hanjofags
Then one
Should i remind you that you are accusing me of being the Gabiposter and bringing tumblr names here.
The fireden just shows the AAfag telling you to eat shit after you insulted him.
Am i missing something?
When are we getting another /spa/ day?
Then maybe one of you might be the one shitposting
The good ol' correlation = causation
>AAtard didn't read the rest of the conversation
Is Genocide the only way?
Meanwhile Falco confesses to Gabi while the others are hidden for months now
Unironically yes, I think a genocide will happen no matter who wins in the end. Either the Paradisians, all Eldians or the rest of the world will be genocided.
Yes user, for all the memeing about spics pajeets niggers and what have you, most posters are still your average 20 something white guy from either burgerland or euroland.
Can't wait!
Yes i did.
Up in the conversation the only thing i can see that are relevant are the use of filename as proof and three links to the archive of random namecalling. Still can't tell how that proves anything, i was hoping you could explain.
There's also people calling you retarded and a falseflagger but i guess you don't mean those.
Based genocidebro
The Attack Titan is the only non-colossal rivaling the Armored for raw physical strength and once Eren mastered the hardened punches so that he doesn't blow his fist up trying to punch something he was able to put all his power and crumple the Armored Titan's armor like tissue paper. The Armored Titan's great defense is also its weakness: its armor is good for stopping anything that might stop it in a human v Armor situation or even a pure vs Armor situation but a shifter vs Armor is both faster than the Armor and capable of breaking the armor with or without hardening (remember when Eren almost beat Reiner with wrestling moves?). The Armor's actual armor can't be too thick or else it would be too heavy and hard to move. That thin armor is good for holding off cannon fire and swords but you can't underestimate just how fucking hard the Attack titan can punch something. The armor just can't take that once Eren isn't crushing his hands against the hardness and blowing up his own arms with recoil.
Just you my dear AAtard. Look for MartusEgoSum and you can't help but bring links from tumblr or twitter and write in caps like the retAArd you are
Yeah but i'm asking for proof(fifth time now)
>fuck you beruanism
The AAfag can't help it holy shit
That would still need him to be able to see the future
Is that what the live action movie looked like? That’s hilarious
I also saw him quoting EH or LH sometimes using that pedoship. Looks like a cheap SJW tactic to be honest.
When is the chapter dropping bros?
>doggy anal
i knew she liked it, indeed best girl
But where is the proof?
2 weeks
I will try to make you understand:
Now that doesn't prove shit right, because anyone who hates AAfags(the BAsp*c) could easily falseflag this way.
EH can see why (Arminfags hate it too even more than YHfags) but it has to be weird to post LH and then someone thinks no one would find
suspicious. Don't get me wrong I laugh with those but it kinds of reminds me of when fat feminists say they are almost raped every week.
Oh fuck
Sex with Onyanko.
I remember someone posting SEX WITH GABI using an old fanart if mine with the exact same filename. You better ignore him user
utilitarianism is objectively better
Here look at this i made in response to this Now read this posts where i prove(unlike you) that the BAsp*c is a falseflagger Now tell me, has it occured to you that maybe the BAsp*c downloaded that file, changed it's name to match the original and made that post?
>replying again
Ok ok AAtard, then someone who has the same hate for BA and writes like you against the BAfaggot has been preparing falseflaggings with months in advance, quoting the same fags you happen to hate and being the first reply no matter the timezone like AA is endgame used to be just to troll you.
Ok, we will pretend we don't know it's you, AAtard. Just don't bring more garbage from reddit.
>No proof
I though so, maybe go to a mental ward to get your schizophrenia checked
Dude everyone hates the BAfag, it's not weird for people to insult him
she literally did nothing wrong so why is Isayama punishing her by killing her at the hands of AM
Stop fighting and metafagging and post best nose
I like the way you are thinking user
>If you hate the spic, you must be an AAfag.
She saved Zecuck and Jobner back in RTS
Any CS shippers left?
She saved Gabillions
Imagine killing such a cute and easy ship for being a puritan and for a predictable plot for the Gabo and Nicolo being as redundant as Boyega
dose right here, brothers
Reiner Braun
>wanted my mastermind evil nigga
>I just get a Bertnigga who dindu nuffin
>That toe
I want to lick them
>We won’t get a CS and JM ending
Would be fun if Eren was shitting on AM cause he genuinely hates them and not for a cheap soap opera moment.
Dumb jeanfag
>Gabi chapter
The conflict would be way better with Erwin alive, Eren has no chemistry with Armong
Thanks doc
Everything would be better with Erwin, just standing there, whispering sweet, sweet lines to our ears.
That would be even more edgy
Isayama keeps pussying out on conflicts, I wanted to see Levi come and push everybody's shit in but he just had to make him act retarded
That's the best description for Onyankopon's character I've seen.
*sweet sweet lies
Damn i need to sleep
That's cuz they haven't talked in a while. Eren's relationship with Erwin would be like with Levi but more formal/boring.
>Carla Yeager Braun, you are free.
>Levi would teach Armin to stop being so scared
Can't be, so they don't talk
>Mikasa would be neutral and would tell Armin that survival is important too
Can't say Armin is wrong
I can't wait to see Pieck and Magath being affected by the Armong Sue
Pretending to hate your friends and pushing them away by being an asshole. That's edgy.
Hating your friends cause they turned out to be retards is not.
>Mikasa would be neutral and would tell Armin that survival is important too
user, we've been over this
>cause he genuinely hates them
Of course he does
>Mikasa, I ALWAYS hated you
>Armin, Bertholt has gotten into your brain, you never wanted to talk things put before
Imagine believing this
*talk things out
new thread: created
Arigatou sensei
Gracias doktor.
>Pieck and Magath being affected by the Armong Sue
someone post that magath edit
>EH was minor at best and mostly a joke if you had been here
I've been here longer than you, you little spic cuck. And it was only a joke to you redditcunts. That's exactly what I said
>Benji and his redditcrew ignore it and spam their "Ymir is alive and well, Ymir is going to come back, EH is just a crackship to hurt us"
>they boast how popular they are on reddit, and how EH is nonexistent outside of Yea Forums
You thought we PLOTchads were just joking. But to ANYONE with half a brain and who read good shonen (=something other than HxH), it was obvious that EH wasa being prepped for the canon endgame just as the politics arc started. To you, it was a joke, because you're a braindead beaner/shippercuck.
Whatever he does people will still call him edgy especially (E)MAfags who already hate him. Might as well make him hates his friends for real since they already were breaking apart because of different ideologies and expectations from one another. Either he stays dead and EMA ended in 112 without a solid conclusion or he's alive and the full rumblings will forever end EAr at least. We can just say his pursuit for freedom made him blind. I honestly don't see a problem. Armin and Mikasa need to stop beta orbiting him anyway.
>m*rleyfags are an*mefags
No one believes that.
That's the problem. Everyone knows Eren is pretending. It's cheap writing for the sake of forced drama.
That's why I said it would be more interesting if he really hated them
It could be interesting but there is no way in hell that Eren truly hates AM after pic related and the serumbowl
He doesn'tis hate them but I think he has more in mind now
Name a character and a lyric that reminds you of them.
>you better run better run, faster than my bullet
>I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter
What chemistry do you think Eren and Erwin would have had exactly? They barely interacted, and neither particularly cared about the other beyond obligations.
Cope more, mankasa is accurately depicted in this fanart.
i want to fuck this 2x4 cutie.
What a hot plank of wood. You sand and oil it?
Cute butt
>No one believes that.
EHcucks believe in that shit
I don't, stop crying EMcuck
When did the retarded name calling from other sites become so prevalent in those threads, again? I don't remember it even being a thing a year ago.
Reiner is still alive and becomes the leader of a reformed Marley without getting Historia pussy.
>Max stats
>Implying Ymir didn't want to hate fuck Reiner.
Too bad, Reiner is not gay, so the MtF African tranny did not get Reiner's alpha white dick. The only sex Blackmir had was with Marley dick.
Just one Armongfag bringing trash
>not gay
All but one of these is Benji (Ymirspic).
Can confirm
Why so many youtubers critics who used to shitting on SnK now changed their minds and prising it as a modern classic? (Basically the FMA of this decade)
Because snk went from overrated to underrated.
More shillbux arrived with Season 3 Part 2
cause it's good
Are you implying FMA isn't good?
Based big brain EHbros
Literally the opposite
Why would any non shipper fucking care he is the father the autism here is disgusting
It's predictable for those who use their brains, it's a fact there aren't that many to begin with
What's worse is that most of them haven't even read the manga. They're just filthy secondaries who hear that it's good from manga readers. I like SnK but I can't forgive shills.
>proposes 3 pages before who inherits his titan
>"Eren isn't the father, only delusional EHfags would think that farmer-kun is a red herring!"
>"It would be way too obvious if Eren was the father, it has to be a red herring!"
You're blind if you think the autism is limited to Yea Forums.
>yet another triggered fujo gets 30 of her posts deleted
Based jannies.