AiFure, Prichan, but also Shining Star

How was the episode?

Attached: 1060861506487693312_@pnt_z05.jpg (750x413, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread: airlines"fujita yukihisa$" how+to tarou!yodHmKiI!JpGihrLjhvV9EQ_yt_x0Dg

These girls seem a little young to be singing Otona Mode

When are we making our own idle game?

Attached: D_NUuPxVUAA_yl4.png (480x384, 22K)


I have project plans but don’t trust ainons enough to share them

I always wanted to make Pretty All Fighters or Pretty Rhythm vs Aikatsu. Another idea I had would be an Ace Attorney game with Mirei as the protagonist.
Precure music equals Aikatsu fart music

any ainons who needed something from sadpanda please request it now

Attached: 1435182103797.png (600x664, 300K)

That’s funny I want an Aikatsu fighting game but the only Pretty character would be Laala as a guest character like Sonic in Brawl. Kamen Rider character would be Snake.

Attached: EAVV5bRU4AAnl-v@_g_r_s_.png (700x692, 583K)

I have that one downloaded already.
And of course it is on DLsite to purchase

Attached: 0894_02_ajimi02.jpg (1280x960, 490K)

>Pretty Rhythm vs Aikatsu
I would love this. Someone should at least make a mock-up character select screen. airlines

Wakaba is too cute.

Attached: EAVIqOcVAAERTDU.jpg (1920x1080, 293K)

Translated and untranslated loli, shota and yuri work

/ai/, if we ever make a fighting game together I will do everything to help make it work. As long as it's not anything like Smash.

Attached: EAUIjCGUYAEgULG.png (384x192, 15K)

where do i start as a new viewer?

The guide:
It's recommended you start with Aikatsu S1 and currently aikatsu friends is on S2 so watch S1 of aikatsu friends if you want to catch up in time to watch with us.

The beginning.

Can all the /ai/nons who were saving doujins tell us what they've generally got so far?
Did somebody grab ohisashiburi's stuff before the purge?

Friends S1 is 100% skippable, though. You can start in episode 51 and miss nothing.

Aikatsu series should be watched in order of release. Doing otherwise makes you a non friend.

>purposefully leaving Cocotama out of the title
Not that I'm even sure it deserves to be there anymore now it's so mediocre compared to the original

Attached: DgT28riW4AYl71b.jpg (832x810, 48K)

Things from last thread: Yokkora pripara/jewlpet, Libertaria PP CG sets, Motsuaki, sorimura youji pp book,First night (PriPara) [English] [/u/ scanlations], Suki Suki Fuwari-chan (Pripara), nobita graph, AliceCreation.
Still working on: (holy shit these are huge and refuse to download right)

If you expect something like Love Live or Idol M@ster, start with Aikatsu Stars. You you are here for CGDCT go with Pripara or Aikatsu Friends.

Super rude

Oh right and finished >

>you you
if you* panda holocaust is distracting me.


Attached: Cute Summer Wakaba.png (690x1232, 639K)

Doing God's work user.
I'm downloading things too but just torrents and manually saving each image

Manually saving each image, is it the same quality?

Thank you so much!

>The archiver assigned to this archive is temporarily unavailable.
>Try again in a short while.

Attached: 1495620080205.jpg (599x537, 32K)

check at the bottom for [Download original] for original quality if it isn't there then you are getting it at original quality

I'm saving these cute how-to hobby artbooks

Attached: 000.jpg (1280x1252, 424K)

I torrented many PriPara doujins and some other stuff (a few Aikatsu)

Attached: not my full collection.png (1344x720, 98K)


Attached: 1556650680808.jpg (1280x720, 423K)

Okay two left of > airlines
Might not be able to save all of but I will try damn it

Thank you very much!!!

Could you please get these if it's not too much trouble?"fujita yukihisa$" how+to

I'd been saving 3 of them when I realised I wasn't saving them in full size..

>flop panda

Okay >:alison+airlines is done I should be able to get all the ones labeled as artbook from
>"fujita yukihisa$" how+to

Attached: Dan_the_man.gif (383x402, 1.63M)


Attached: 1526596170557.png (620x436, 269K)

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 066 [B04FDEBB].mkv_snapshot_04.50_[2019.07.21_12.11.12].jpg (1280x720, 149K)


Very ichiban

Attached: 75914028_p1.jpg (1200x1644, 554K)

Attached: EAYG26BUwAAjNAZ.jpg (1451x2048, 215K)

>failure writers forgot momone

Now AiFurefags know how we Eggfags feel.

Attached: mpv-shot0040.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

Attached: EAQg-GhUcAUujG1.jpg (900x1440, 147K)

Attached: file.png (764x1200, 1.4M)

Attached: file.png (800x1159, 1.54M)

Momone has already reappeared a couple times though, Aine just wants a billion family members. Then again, who wouldn't want Wakaba as their little sister?

Is it okay to post this?

hapi trips

Attached: file.png (1900x1057, 1.78M)

>Then again, who wouldn't want Wakaba as their little sister?
Fair point.

>the sad panda was a Prism Messenger

My daughter Garuru is so cute.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.31_[2019.07.26_02.07.21].jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

I think we can all agree that this is one of the best parts of PriChan.

Attached: 75915397_p0.jpg (1451x2048, 451K)

God's work!!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Fuck me, I just caught up on kinpri.
This could have surpassed RL if it had been given a full year long run.

>PRISM 2 OVA never


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Idol Time PriPara - 30 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.36_[2017.10.25_00.36.09].j (1280x720, 86K)

It was really successful, so maybe they can get more episodes in the future?


Please for the love of god.

Attached: 70108673_p0.jpg (1746x2500, 3M)

Oh hey, the guy who does all that Shining Star art.

Actually still awake for some reason but I got his doujinshi already.

tHanK YOu

Attached: sak.jpg (847x579, 79K)


You guys saved this and all the other PriPara stuff right? Please save that one small omake with Rhythm, Sonata and Kaname too.

Yes yes, everyone is a cute little girl and all that.

Pyoyon Rock, famous character designer of first Pretty Rhythm anime and Bakemonogatari series

Attached: 001.jpg (1280x1806, 340K)

Fuck, is that Leo trap doujin also gonna get scrubbed?

I saved all of except for the magazines

I wonder if actual doujin artists are celebrating right now.

Attached: Rinnefrog.png (440x422, 126K)

This one?
I'm torrenting it

No because the non-jew ones just lost a lot of potential exposure

I also got IP banned, can't see it.

Hey Karen ainon, have this.

Attached: EAUVHy5UcAAwsG_.jpg (1200x1800, 151K) tarou
I like these (Touhou non-H)

One about Shin making love to Leo in the bath


>first they laugh
>then realize without easy piracy most of them will stay as literally whos forever

Fine I have just enough time for these

But now he is going to post about her butt again.

My wife Karen is so cute and sexy!

I love my wife's pale butt!

Attached: EAJxC0hVUAAfBSN.jpg (1448x2048, 151K)

Souichi's PRRL doujin is safe right?
Only lolicon and shota tagged stuff is getting shut down from what I understand.

I hope she gets a swimsuit as sexy as the one in the pic in two episodes.

>Non-H book about NonSugar getting their first period.

Me too. I hope it will give artists a reason to draw her more. She gets so little good fanart and porn.

Attached: D-8FQuIUIAEmYoy.jpg (1443x2048, 566K)

Has anybody asked Akatsukin if he's going to get the Drama CD and sub it?

Lower priority, but irua's non H RL doujins should also be archived.
They probably won't get removed in the loli burning phase, but I hope someone grabs them before panda goes extinct.

>the last thing I got from (aside from torrents) was a "Non-H" doujin about Non getting her first period and Pepper wanting to drink her blood and Chili showing her how to use sanitary napkins

Attached: kokomade.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

I managed to grab page one of these however

Aikatsu has cool >boys too
I forgot how good this song was.

I remember he subbed the drama CD for the first movie, so there's a good chance.

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Aikatsu_003_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[E797D77A].mkv_snapshot_08.27_[2018.05.12_22.59.13]. (1280x720, 167K)

Attached: EAYnuwEVUAAGYwr.jpg (2048x1696, 267K)

Please reupload

Actually acessible on e-hentai
This too for some reason

I wonder if they are going to give him something to sing in Pretty series too.

Attached: [SMC-Subs] Kiratto Pri☆Chan - 001 [CEA90727].mkv_snapshot_12.04.jpg (1280x720, 355K)

> ( betrayed me...)

Attached: YanKamshiro.png (780x880, 597K)

Wakaba was feeling lonely, came into Love Me Tear's room, asked Mirai to "go out with her" and Karen gave them her blessing, she's an actual cuckquean.

I torrented it and many more, I'll do a few screenshots of my collection

Very exciting Hime

I thought so too.

Attached: 1557091872941.jpg (1000x1437, 205K)

Seeing Hime fills my heart with warmth.

Attached: D7ptYBQU8AEXUeV.jpg (750x745, 81K)

I want to work as a personal slave on Karen Island.

Karen walks around her private beaches in the nude.

Attached: D_U7LhCUwAAJ2cB.jpg (1024x576, 133K)

Reminder that artbooks, Non-H, old hags / old geezers (not lolicon or shotacon) are on

But I don't know for how long? Go and collect them.

I'm glad I saved a lot and already have full size download of doujins of my favourite girls, including the ones I translated

>But I don't know for how long?
End of the year, and they'll supposedly be archived afterwards.

I don't like tsumino since doesn't have torrents or downloads at all, but it's better than nothing.

Attached: D_MgCOBU0AIp_1k.jpg (1146x1165, 159K)

What is the difference between Karen and Hime?

Karen still exists after the first season. Better singing voice too.

Hime won.

Karen actually has a modicum of character, even if the writers refuse to do anything with it.

Attached: 71035990_p1.jpg (2272x3151, 1.52M)

Considering how she was treated afterwards, it would've made more sense for her to lose.

When and where do I upload my panda treasure trove?

Anyone who wants something /ai/ related from e hentai just post here and I'll get to it tomorrow

>just realized i'm finally free from checking sad panda compulsively every 5 minutes

Attached: 1473232067440.jpg (767x720, 276K)


But Twitter exists.

I'm not really into fanart.

I want to cum inside Wakaba.

God I wish that was me

Uh-oh, Yurika shouldn't have stayed at the beach house to avoid the sun.

It’s so cold

Rinka and Rinne have a strong commonality.

How do I stop feeling dead inside?

SO ichiban


Attached: mirei-disdainful.png (128x128, 18K)

>tfw your life for the past 6 years revolve around it
I only find it out now. I got 3000 bookmarks in backlog but I'm too disheartened to check them back. please tell me people will do their best to get everything back

Attached: [DeadFish] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door 04.mp4_snapshot_11.18.jpg (902x580, 95K)

I have that omake, it's the 4 pages one right? So short but so high quality.

I want a place to upload all my treasure.

Attached: file.png (800x800, 793K)

Attached: file.png (1200x600, 868K)

Attached: file.png (834x927, 910K)

Attached: file.png (275x1200, 849K)

Attached: file.png (848x1200, 1.56M)

She should have come into my room instead, I would have hugged her.

Delete Naru's long hair and greater height.

I wonder if they'll spin any TRF or iRis tracks

why do these shows have an disproportionately amount of CBT doujins?

>some WuG girl, I think
>DJ Koo
It's 2/3 /ai/, impressive.

>WUG 岡本未夕|ハッカドール 1号|プリチャン きなこ|D4DJ 犬寄しのぶ|SAO レイン|グラブル ミリン|ゴ魔乙 エリオ|ハチナイ 逢坂ここ|温泉むすめ 湯村千代|丘フェス ナミキちゃん 等
Huh, half of them are in PriChan.

I’m going to marry Zucchan.

Fuck off, jymmy

Attached: file.png (1200x675, 1.53M)

But I thought midget was your favorite?

Was Shion a secret korean the entire time?

How is she so cool as Shion, yet awkward as fuck at everything else?

Shion is awkward but doesn't care.

Dunno, I can never seem to keep track.


To the line, I wanna shitpost with her.

Just as long as you stay away from my Miyu-tan.

This month just makes me want to die

Okay stuff ainons requested should be uploaded here by the end of the day!yodHmKiI!JpGihrLjhvV9EQ_yt_x0Dg

Monaka-chan is also a wug member (Airi!)
Before watching the episode I thought she would be Nanamin, to complete the Hackadoll trio

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 66 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-26-13h08m51s525.jpg (1280x738, 249K)

Yes... Yes!

Attached: emo hunting mermaids.jpg (640x1440, 193K)

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door - 58 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.46 (1280x720, 78K)

Can we get a "rival" as good as Hera in Aikatsu?

That's not a thing in nukatsu.

Attached: 1528674353103.jpg (1280x720, 771K)

After Aikatsu! Friends comes Aikatsu! Enemies, a Shining Star ripoff with mean bitches who can't stand each other.


Attached: D9JarSnU4AE2frx.jpg (2048x1502, 147K)

And finally, finally a decent >boy, right?

>ichigo in usa day 2

There was never a single good rivalry in any Aikatsu series.

Nope, leave that for the Pretty series.

Mizuki was a better rival than Serejob with Jobame.

Mizuki was too autistic to be a good rival

Why would it be Pepper?

Thanks a million trillion prillion!!!!!!

Attached: Painting is fun!.jpg (1158x832, 410K)

Mizuki wasn't that much of a rival, she was more of a mentor that when she tried to be a real rival Ichigo shut her down.


Attached: concerned anna.png (560x560, 100K)

Oh meant to reply to


Attached: [Hatsuyuki]_Kotoura-san_-_01_[BD][10bit][1920x1080][4437747C].mkv_snapshot_04.40_[2018.02.27_12.34.4 (1920x1080, 132K)

Attached: [email protected] (928x1291, 254K)

I'm about to meet Rizumu's seiyuu.
Any other \ai\nons here at otakon?

In reality there's no evidence Australia is real.

Tell her Rizumu is pretty

Ask her why the series is named Pretty Rhythm and not Pretty Aira.

You should say that Rhythm is super pretty.

>Puritii Rizumu wo mita toki, "a, Rizumu wa hontou ni puritii da na" tte omotta. "Sasuga Puritii Ruzumu no shujinkou."


Attached: 27827776.jpg (640x640, 409K)

You may only chose one group.

Attached: sidle slide.png (879x1159, 769K)

Retty Prism

What's got Aira's vagina all sandy now?

She even has a pink hardhat and a matching pink ribbon.

Attached: garuru at construction site.jpg (1920x1080, 530K)

The other day Non and I were lying naked on a hill after fucking under the starlight and I told her to sing me a lullaby and then said this was her Natural type idol form. She giggled and then kissed me again and we fell asleep cuddling.

Just wondering, what artbooks are there from sadpanda for both Aikatsu series and Precure series? Just doujin artbooks or are there any other ones? Will they be uploaded to Mega as well?

Artbooks are safe en e-, newfag.

You can still get the photokatsu and precure artbooks from e-hentai get it now while they are there

Several eroge artbooks went poof

I didn't even ask that dipshit.

Shion love is alive and well.

Attached: EAZsGCmVAAAbDYZ.jpg orig.jpg (1240x1752, 200K)

Ainon, will you be adding any precure artbooks and aikatsu artbooks in there? I was also thinking if you could add the Akio Watanabe book.

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Flowering Heart - 22 RAW (EBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.45_[2017.11.27_04.15 (1280x720, 76K)

The Akio book is going to be on the MEGA folder I think I can upload some precure and aikatsu stuff to a 4shared folder

Sweet, and can you upload a few of them to MEGA as well?

All the eggpet stuff on sadpanda went under loli, didn't it?

Yup but go check out nhentai

>ainon goes to a handshake event

the memes write themselves

Attached: D836ebsUcAEkSZi.jpg (1000x948, 123K)

Literally me

ainon is gonna get FUCKED.

delet mahiru is a good girl

Attached: D5zUHQoUUAA1e5X.jpg (1448x2048, 301K)

Attached: D5zUHSGV4AEDcHz.jpg (1448x2048, 330K)

Reminder that Soleil is the best unit

No one cares about the dumb hentai site. Stop making the thread uncomfy for me.

I want to die.

Super interesting.


By me

Koharu's set was better.

You can't just say that without posting it.

I can and I will.


Attached: 8x8x8x-1143562657242337280-D96_9csUwAEDzvA.png (700x533, 107K)

All of it except the one about Kokoro's mother, which is ironically the only one that isn't on nhentai. If you're looking for it I'm afraid you're out of luck since I didn't keep it seeing as it was full of hardcore dicks and she old enough to make the hags from aifure look like toddlers.

I was more worried about the potential availability of new stuff. The doujins that are out now tend to be drawn in artstyles that don't really appeal to me.

do it for me ainon

There is a Hikari one that never made it to the panda, so I don't know if we'll see it now.

That's plain evil.

Any preview pics?
Looks like it was just more humans laying eggs bullshit anyway, so it might not be that big of a loss.

Imagine ainon laying an egg

Nobody loves me.

We could love each other

But I'm unlovable.

That’s okay so am I

imagine garuru laying an egg!!!!

Amu laying dozens of eggs.


Attached: Daiermaid.jpg (780x440, 338K)

Okay done


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.56_[2018.06.21_15.40.47].jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Attached: DKTrKnIUMAAd7tt.jpg (2048x1364, 279K)

Welcome back Mahiru in Aikatsu arcade!

Attached: IMG_20190727_075010.jpg (748x358, 97K)


My fluffy wife

Attached: Cx4ReR-VQAATpw-.jpg (1200x900, 195K)

>Seira + Mikuru
That's some weird NTRkatsu.

This is the most appropriate picture ever to post angry Ryan Gosling to.

Me on the shelf

I don't know why. But I'm 25 episodes into pripara and I'm really enjoying it every episode of the way. This Falulu character is really cute too. I'm liking her voice!

Attached: [MiG_MuX] PriPara - 026 [BD][1080p][E5214A74].mkv_snapshot_15.58_[2019.07.26_19.04.45].jpg (1920x1080, 280K)

It's so weird that Miyu is an actual human being.

>I'm really enjoying it every episode
Actually watching Pripara correctly.

Attached: 1561799948753.jpg (576x324, 57K)

They're not a unit, they're just making their debut the same day, but in different units.

I'm almost at the end of the journey, watching episode 128 right now.
Continue watching, it's a great ride.

I'm glad. But you aren't even in the best part yet.

Attached: prad5-4822.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

And so, here I can ago reading the update post just after I posted that. I'm really a dumb

Drawfag from last time here.
Riding Non or Doggy Non?

Both at the same time.

The former.

Doggy Non

Imagine the Aoi and Miku doujin we'll have no way of obtaining now.

I kinda want to see Jururu changing into Jewlie in a scene like this.

Attached: [SMC-Subs] PriPara - 128 [2158506F].mkv_snapshot_22.16_[2019.07.26_20.52.38].jpg (1280x720, 64K)


Attached: 70116060_p5.png (900x1200, 153K)

Attached: 58544875_p20.png (575x616, 103K)


Attached: 70116060_p6.png (900x1200, 614K)


Attached: [SMC-Subs] PriPara - 122 [6E603E18].mkv_snapshot_05.35_[2019.07.25_19.45.30].jpg (1280x720, 98K)

How did Lala shrinked Mirei??

This is my fetish

Attached: D_xjkqAVAAMnB_M.jpg (900x1600, 120K)

Fun fact, Falulu and Chanko have the same VA.

The most trying times are the ones when you mustn't give up.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 67 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.jpg (1280x4320, 2.4M)

Giving up is easy. You should just give up.

Those who give up won't get a cute aidle wife.

I don't deserve one

"I have an objection to Black Ariel" Rinka said.

Good, I will take yours as mine then.

Attached: 1560872706824.jpg (1200x675, 137K)


Attached: 1560991580898.jpg (466x466, 140K)

Attached: [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream - 42 [H264 1024x576] [7072E09F].mkv_snapshot_06.1 (1024x576, 254K)

Boys are the root of all evil.

Attached: [SMC-Subs] PriPara - 129 [D6FFBB1B].mkv_snapshot_04.49_[2019.07.26_21.34.31].jpg (1280x2160, 675K)

Unless it's Leona. Leona is pure good.

Have the full set.

Attached: not lewd.jpg (1280x2160, 961K)

Attached: EAcIMkPUYAAyYKU.jpg (1183x1712, 216K)

I don't want Yucke to be miserable or suffer misfortune. I just want her to not be near me.

Paprika JS uniform can instantly turn men into lolicons.

Thundercock senpai is Mirai's dad.

Racism is part of Emo's chara settei, not Rinka's.

>Emo: I'm just saying - if a black ariel's okay, then why not a black mulan?

Mommy is undressing.

Attached: 3f0b164c03e10b17a54ecb62b0c8a954.jpg (850x1134, 115K)


Attached: 75929281_p0.png (844x1054, 537K)

Oh god my dick, Mirai is so sexy.

Attached: [Doki] The iDOLM@STER - NCED W (1280x720 Hi10P BD AAC) [1E9FE77B].mkv_snapshot_01.10_[2017.08.22_14. (1280x720, 79K)

I wish I was 12 again.

Doing THAT to a 12 years old ainon.

Do you mean... THAT teaching him about not using drugs?

Kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like. But if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good.

>12 nearly a decade ago

what the fuck

The rock falling scared the fuck out of me. There was never any indication rock climbing without safety gear was actually dangerous in aikatsu before.

Same, it was an unexpected touch of realism. Then again, not too surprising in Friends after Alicia's mom.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 67 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.44.959.jpg (1280x720, 319K)

>muh realism XD

Attached: 1563794795643.jpg (899x449, 85K)

Where did you get that picture of me?

Wakaba's pop-up book stage was super cute.

Hey ainon, is it okay for me to check the mega folder now or should I check back later?

Is there an updated version of this?

Attached: 1563251750793.jpg (2812x1872, 1.82M)

Yeah it's on there under misc artbooks!yodHmKiI!JpGihrLjhvV9EQ_yt_x0Dg

Thanks so much ainon. Just wondering, are you able to get your hands on the raw manga scans if there are any for "Pita-Ten" & a few other mangas by Koge Donbo?

Is Pita Ten tomodachi?

Attached: (543x768, 210K)

Koge Donbo user here, I can't find any of the raws and translated versions in other places does anyone know if there are any on exhentai, ehentai or other? Hoping there could be a MEGA folder for it.

Yeah I love this stage. Not sure how I feel about the song though, its kinda meh, but at the same time also really cute and kinda catchy.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 67 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.27_[2019.07.26_20.05.52].jp (1280x720, 219K)

aifure sucks

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 004 [36AA98F7].mkv_snapshot_10.49_[2018.04.30_00.04.48].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Attached: EAbDPX0U8AAmfbI.jpg (1241x1488, 128K)

Attached: EAZtO45U0AAQ0Pd.jpg (1073x1500, 294K)

I already replied to you, no.

Attached: 1561905716040.jpg (500x496, 31K)

Bullying naru!

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 64 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-15-12h21m18s549.jpg (1280x738, 185K)

Naru is my friend!

Naru a fatty

I wanna take care of this Naru

Attached: IMG_20190706_183409.jpg (1920x1080, 137K)

Attached: 6d1f391374b886301703ab2ec71519cb.jpg (850x1134, 86K)

>5000 years old hag
Soft necrophilia is wrong, ainon.

Look closely, that's not actually Naru.

How your favorite idle would realistically treat you?

She would be my only friend.

Attached: 1536883815556.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Attached: [Doki] PriPara - 63 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [68A90D60].mkv_snapshot_07.35_[2017.10.28_23.16.19].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

I want Mirai to abuse me.

Attached: 1564145778789.jpg (1254x1265, 333K)

Attached: 1564096922295.png (1280x720, 840K)

Bullying naru vs getting naru pregnant

Are you trying to imply those things are mutually exclusive?

This is a powerful image.

Prichan naru is so cute I just wanna eat her whole.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 64 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-15-12h04m59s942.jpg (1280x738, 154K)

Naru might be small enough for my small penis.

Attached: 1537476471999.png (1174x677, 173K)

>so you see your honor I had no CHOICE but to try and get with a twelve year old, my penis is so small that a more physically developed girl would be too big

I am a girthlet. My dick is so thin that unless the thing I'm sticking my dick into is super tight I basically can't feel it. I have onaholes that are too loose for me, and I also have onaholes that have reputations for being dick stranglers, but they just feel nice and snug on my dick.

Attached: D_9tWa9WsAAmGkc.jpg (600x600, 23K)

She’d be nice to me out of pity and would make up an excuse to not give me her contact information

>oh I was expecting fart noises
>wait there are no songs this good in Aikatsu, I'd remember them
>oooooh I see what they did

Why is human communication always so difficult?

Attached: aikatsu fart song comments.png (645x641, 48K)

Because human viewers don't get to see enough examples of human communication to learn how to do it.

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It's not cute! I'm a pathetic excuse for a man! I was cursed with a worthless wiener!

Attached: 1563286394165.jpg (800x800, 43K)

Join a freak show and stick your penis into bottles that will make it worth a lot.

As long as you have a good ass you can always find love.

I'm not worth loving.

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Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 001 [6CCA74FA].mkv_snapshot_15.33_[2018.04.09_02.17.52].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

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Sucking ainon's pixie dick!

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How do you know if it is RInka or her mom

By using your brain.

me rn

Rinkaasan has a hint of tiredness in her eyes. The arduous work of a mother is endless and rarely rewarded. Also their hair is mirrored from each other.

Attached: rinka and rinkamom.jpg (1280x738, 207K)

Will die in half year

Should be dead now

I don't get it. Is she suppose to be a sentient being? I remember watching a few episodes of kiratto chan featuring here. Does watching Pripara explain the backstory behind her and the glasses guy?

Attached: [MiG_MuX] PriPara - 028 [BD][1080p][EDADD463].mkv_snapshot_04.55_[2019.07.27_02.05.04].jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

>they still haven't revealed the tracklist for Aikatsu Friends SPECTACLE JOURNEY Vol.2
Why is this allowed?

Literal NPCs with no free will. Meganee only do what she was programed for, Pripara's at least.

Attached: IMG_20190727_141400.png (700x892, 540K)

Where there is a Prism Stone there is a Meganee-san (or many)

Attached: local lala ruins everything.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

more than virtual less than real

Attached: EAcXZ4dVUAAjaRO.jpg (675x1200, 176K)

Welcome to the City of Prism Sparkle, residents: Meganee.

AD Meganee is not human, and does not seem fully sentient as her only role is that of a game navigator.

Attached: 1523113485198.jpg (800x2294, 928K)

roboto faruru best faruru

ainos im dating Karen!!!

should I watch all Lala's show or it's not worth it?

S1 and 3 are. S2 and IT are pretty grarbage.

Karen, I'm dating Ainon!

Then what the hell is Kiratto chan's Meganee chan? She seems like an actual character in the show compared to pripara. Its so weird but I'm okay with it.

Most likely she's human in Prichan. IIRC she wasn't around in Emo's grandma's flashback episode.

Attached: EAOpZ5SVUAAWcYw.jpg (1400x1200, 223K)

She's a human, she was in Yuzuru's flashback and got sick.

I like to imagine waiting for Meganee, all kinds, to come back home. Listening to her talking about the kids that come to Prism Stone. Sometimes she talks about how cute they are, other times how they keep her really busy and tired. While she does this I help prepare for her a bath and dinner.


Attached: 1564211062256.jpg (79x77, 4K)

Something doesn't seem right here.

Attached: 1536446429646.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Attached: 667cef120e76de30d32cbaf697768426.jpg (900x1200, 122K)

pshu is like a dead fish doing THAT

Nothing is wrong here Aine, go make Mio a sandwich

Attached: 1563625667450.png (1940x1808, 2.31M)

FUCK raw tomatoes.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 065 [F5B93812].mkv_snapshot_08.10.000.jpg (1280x720, 476K)

Alicia was so cool and then she had to go and talk shit about tomatoes.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 012 [EB34157B].mkv_snapshot_10.38_[2018.06.24_18.53.12].jpg (1280x720, 154K)

You call that thing food? No thanks.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 063 [CB411239].mkv_snapshot_05.18.667.jpg (1280x720, 427K)

Emo's personality inherited Hanon's genes.

Attached: Colorchange Emo.jpg (780x440, 460K)

Attached: [Ureshii_F-B]_Naisho_no_Tsubomi_-_02_[VORBIS-H264][2D93A571].mkv_snapshot_02.37_[2019.07.13_02.39.39 (853x480, 48K)

Attached: EAc4X7XUYAIg9-u.png (534x754, 307K)

Me spying on them so intently I can't even focus on what they're saying.

Attached: 75935072_p0.jpg (1600x1200, 1.78M)

Which is lewder, holding hands or connecting charms?

Attached: 1540251459856.png (812x725, 360K)

Do NOT lewd alicia, she is royalty who should be respected

I want to be Alicias servant.
Or slave.

Attached: 1496882845448.png (542x694, 187K)

Practically marriage kissing

Art looks familiar. Emitasu-sensei?

Attached: @emts_sensei.png (286x450, 142K)

Feeding is underrated.

Attached: 1563735741873.jpg (1500x2200, 262K)

Zombieland S2 announced.

Attached: D_2Xg3vUIAIA5aA.jpg (653x707, 79K)

I want to feed Aine by had until she is a huge fatty

I want to sandwich Aine with Mio

I'm starting to become ghey for Yukinojo-sama, but I'm already ghey for Leo-chan and I don't want Leo-chan to get jealous. I think the best solution is for all three of us to be in a polyamorous relationship, especially since I also ship Yuki-sama and Leo-chan together

"When I joked about Lucia's age, she beat me to the punch" Emo said.

>Pure Palette is the only unit without a feeding scene yet
This needs to be rectified.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 49 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_13.jpg (1280x2880, 1.76M)


>Red and Blue came to Alola for their honeymoon
Aikatsu visit hawaii for the second time when?

Aine and Mio will have their honeymoon in space.

Attached: Pokemon_Special_ORAS_c21_20-21a.png (2081x1639, 1.97M)


Kenshiro is my favourite Jewelpet.

Attached: Capture.png (794x409, 408K)


Ive started S3 of my OG rewatch, just before the movie now and it's better than I remember so far, will have to pinpoint exactly where it goes to shit

Anyway it's time for the movie now, i'll watch it later. I don't remember much about it

Lesbians are pretty stylish sometimes.

It’s when starlight queen shit starts


When Yuu leaves.

How do I become cute?

Attached: EAe8krxUIAEI1WC.jpg (768x1024, 139K)

>muh gay XD

You have to work for it. Look after your body, being unhealthy is not cute at all (though even cuties get sick sometimes). Especially focus on skincare, people underestimate how much cuteness soft clear skin adds, plus it'll make you feel cuter and more confident. Confidence is cute!

There's no need to grow your hair out necessarily, long hair is cute, but short hair can be cute too, even in boyish styles. It's most important that you keep it well, if you aren't going to have time to give long hair the attention it deserves, then don't go for it. I'd recommend getting a scented shampoo, because it's just nice to get a nice smell coming from your hair at random points in the day.

Once you've got that down, you can work on your style. Once agian, confidence is cute, so find clothes that make you confident and happy. Maybe just try for a more androgynous look, some tighter jeans, some nice accessories (maybe a more slim watch, or a couple of bracelets or rings).

Makeup is useful but not necessary. Again, a lot of it is psychogical. You can try a touch of gloss for example, because it will make you feel cute, which will make you act and be cuter.

Become cute ainon, I believe in you.

Attached: 75939671_p0.jpg (928x1291, 701K)

Yume there is something wrong with my penis!

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Mahou no Kagami - 32 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_02.3 (1280x720, 93K)

why are you sad Lip?

For fuck's sake, I ended up making a new thread with the drawing!!

Here, take it before I get canned!!!

Attached: DzzWUUxVsAE9N4w.jpg (1684x1191, 272K)

sasuga ainon

Good shit ainon.

>Is Non a good rider?

Yes she is.

Attached: 69220411_p22.png (1106x852, 809K)

Your Non is very cute. You suffered for a good cause.

>Non with bloomers.

Is like my hand is drawing by itself.

Attached: 1563967617181.png (1280x720, 1.29M)

Your sacrifice won't be forgotten.

>forknite hands

She's cute when she's angry.

Attached: 1550670530945.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Anal with Blue Girl


Attached: 1532561173026.png (1280x738, 1.07M)

>Wakaba left some of her season-limited tropical parfait!
>I'm gonna eat it
>W-wait, Aine!

>I-it's j-just that, that's an indirect kiss...

>You want to eat some too don't you Mio!
>Here you go, open wide!
>(I didn't really, but this makes me so happy!)
>Now you feed me, Mio
>(Thank you Wakaba!)

It's normal for it to shrink in and feel cold and uncomfortable when you're in the proximity of Yucke.

Okko is cat?

Attached: wakaokami nyaa.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

C-cute. Thanks.

Maybe her butt hurts

thingken about nozomu san

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door - 54 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2017-02-19-1 (1280x738, 183K)

>will have to pinpoint exactly where it goes to shit
It doesn't.

Attached: EAeSDmOVUAAYqyk@giep_pic.jpg (1448x2048, 237K)

I want to marry Wakaba.

Guys, I really love Ema.

Attached: EAe_HDpUEAAWi2l@sekina_.jpg (1366x1622, 257K)

What about a vampire Ema?

Attached: 74675936_p0.png (3312x3040, 2.02M)

Okay Maika, she loves you too.

Would let suck my blood.

user, those don't suck blood.

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Honey Cute!

Attached: 73748982_p0.png (1470x1771, 1.97M)

>honey trash the eternal jobbers

>Honey Scat

No it got all hard and swollen I need her to inspect it! I think something is seriously wrong!

Attached: D9_LoLlUYAEkF6o.jpg orig.jpg (1781x2048, 189K)

Predict the placements in the race next episode. Only include Pure Palette, Honey Cat, Reflect Moon and Baby Pirates since those are all the teams we've seen in the preview and it looks like Love Me Tear aren't racing.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 67 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_24.34.084.jpg (1280x720, 514K)


Attached: Daiaermaid_2.jpg (782x440, 285K)

From first to last
Reflect Moon
Pure Palette
Honey Cat
Baby Pirates

Destroy all mermaids.


Attached: iine.gif (800x800, 1.1M)

I am excited for more self-insert-stalker-san.

Attached: 1563713754491(1).jpg (600x400, 184K)

Why do you want to know ainons their nationality?

Everybody knows 75% of ainons are spics.

I'm black.

Baby Pirates are first in my heart.

I'll tell you after you tell me where you live.

When girls go to Pripara and become older, do they also get hormones of their older body?

Attached: lala mirror.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

Yes! Honey Cute!

Attached: 1550650930270.jpg (1000x1261, 286K)

will you stalk me?


Attached: 1562454700509.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Baby Pirates are in the lead until they get blue shelled right at the end.

Show me your dick.

Cats are very cute.

Attached: 1552650281237.jpg (1280x1337, 861K)

You're under arrest.

Attached: 08967545738542267.jpg (708x1000, 533K)

Nobody would ever stalk me

'sup Dorothy.

Attached: 1430536052090.jpg (1600x1188, 401K)

I'm not sure why you asked that but I could start off with being your friend maybe?

Too bad Baby Pirates will probably crash within 2 minutes of the race starting.

Sorry ainon, it was for

>dorothy hanging out with a bunch of niggers
I can totally see this happening.

Oh, well have a great day ainon.

Attached: file.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Nijinosaki-san is small.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 67 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-27-18h00m16s011.jpg (1280x738, 202K)

Yes, you could just take her and run away with her.

I want to run away with ainon



Tucking diminutive ainons under your arm and running off with them!

I fucked ainon's imouto last night and this morning.

Oh no, she is becoming smaller.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 67 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-27-18h12m37s583.jpg (1280x738, 225K)

The aikatsu movie was better than i remembered too, OG has been generally better than I remember apart from the first 10-15~ eps of season 2

It's different than watching it weekly too, I remember having a hard time remembering what happened in last weeks episode, but watching them back to back obviously doesn't have that problem

Please don't kidnap smol ainons, they get scared.

That's why she tasted weird.

Got you, that was me in a wig.

Biggest ainon should fuck smolest ainon

I fucked Ichigo's imouto. Which is weird, since I've been told she only has a brother

>caught up on Prichan
What do I do now

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 67 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-27-18h15m28s549.jpg (1280x738, 185K)

I want to pet that rabbit.

Catch up on me

Buy a rabbit to FUCK?


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There is something about small cute tomboys that I love so much.

She is not cute.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 67 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-07-27-18h23m46s355.jpg (1280x738, 185K)

I loved the movie so much.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! The Movie [BD 1080p AAC] [4FA5BEA4].mkv_snapshot_01.17.32_[2017.07.23_23.40.42] (1920x1080, 412K)

Ichigo the meme idol

Make the world a cuter place.

You are right. She is super cute and i want to do her raw on the ass

It's my favorite part of Aikatsu alongside OG S1.

Looks like an average ainon.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gegege no Kitarou (2018) - 25 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.21_[2018.09.23_13.14.52].jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Ah, I want to taste an ainon dick~

ainon's pencil dick

Catch up on eggpets.


Playing Fap Hero with ainons!

I tried to but ended up agreeing with the others in that Hirake is boring.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kirakira Happy Hirake! Cocotama - 15 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4 -_2019-05-12-19h09m09s42 (1280x738, 268K)

It has its moments. The episode with Haruka playing some random little girl's sister was fantastic and really felt like it capture the spirit of the original show.

It seems like I didn't get canned for making that thread.
Oh well.

I finished coloring riding Non, will wait for new thread to post it.

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Attached: 1557361839624.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

Fuck, she's soooooooooo sexy it hardly seems possible. Non is the best, just the best.

Next thread will have flops

Next thread I stalk ainon