Did she win in the anime? I can't help but think that. The fact that they cut things purposely to adapt her big episode purposely must mean she was given special treatment. And also pic related is an extra scene that wasn't in the manga. I know it's meant to be a "To be continued" type of thing but why wasn't it given to all the girls like it always happens? A lot of people said "It's not going to end on 39 there will be a filler with all the girls". Instead it was Fumino, only Fumino. I can't help but think about it. Not even a Fuminofag I swear.
Other urls found in this thread:
>last scene is anime original for Fumino
That's a hint if I ever saw one.
Mafuyu a best
Fumino and Rizu a second best
Uruka a worst
>piss not even acknowledged
very correct post
I miss despair Fumino
Less than 10 posts in and the thread is already doomed.
Is it next week yet?
use sensei's boob press to time travel to a more interesting chapter
Her win is inevitable. Rizu, the other main heroine, is treated as an absolute joke which just hammers this down.
Best girls.
I don't remember, but were there some:
>I'm sorry Uruka, I'm sorry Rizu
somewhere in those scenes?
If they were then no she did not win, if there weren't then sure.
Came to say that Mafuyu is the best and I'm saddened she won't win and will marry some guy offscreen.
There were, they were in the actual manga too. But come on, the shilling is obvious. I say it's best to embrace it because that will only make the ending worse if you don't like Fumino.
>losing heroines
>allowed to move on
Senseifags obsess over the poll because that is all they have. There isn't nothing else to her, she's barely a heroine.
Fuminofags obsess over the meta because that is all they have. There isn't nothing else to her chest, she's barely a woman.
Gooks when?
>A lot of people said "It's not going to end on 39 there will be a filler with all the girls"
I remember when people told me that. I always knew chapter 38-39 is the best combination for the last episode.
4-5 hours
What do the rest have? Say some meta reason and I'll choke you on the spot. Just face it, the poll is a good indicator that everyone except sensei failed as a heroine.
I want xmass cake so bad bros...
Still won't change Fumino winning. And nips don't even hate Fumino and know a Sensei end is unfeasible. Among the 15k votes Mafuyu had, something like 8 or 10 have Fumino as second best and hail the Fumino end gladly.
If you're gonna make some shit up, at least aim higher than 8 to 10 people. I'd gladly give you 20 more people if that makes you happy.
>immediately proceeded to MUH ENDGAME
pathetic, Fumino failed as a heroine because she can't carry a manga she is supposed to carry, endgame has nothing to do with that
>And nips don't even hate Fumino and know a Sensei end is unfeasible.
the only reason a lot of people are even reading this anymore is to see if sensei ends up winning, they barely talk about Fumino
>Among the 15k votes Mafuyu had, something like 8 or 10 have Fumino as second best and hail the Fumino end gladly.
source on this? other than your ass I mean
Fumino and Rizu* since both are the main heroines. Still doesn’t change the fact that Fumino will win.
If you see how the numbers of the other heroines are proportioned and consider Senseifags as a neutral demographic that's what you get.
>the only reason a lot of people are even reading this anymore is to see if sensei ends up winning, they barely talk about Fumino
source on this? other than your ass I mean
Rizu is first girl, if meta is all you have then Rizu will win despite being petzoned for 50 chapters
>If you see how the numbers of the other heroines are proportioned
>Fumino lost the most votes among heroines
>she's, literally, 200 votes above Uruka
>but 2/3 of sensei votes have Fumino as second
Yes, it makes sense.
Holy shit how can you fail at math so bad? The numbers of the other heroines even add up to 10k-ish so you don't even have to proportionate to get actual percentages. Fumino and Uruka get 33% each while Rizu and Asumi split the remaining 33%. Which means 5k Senseifags have Fumino as second best. By YOUR fucking logic.
going by proportions, about 4992 senseifags would have Fumino as second option, which is still less than a third of all senseifags
well, a little over 33%, but far from being the majority you claim
> Reminder: fumino lose 1k votes
Where can I get this kind of cat?
Sounds like a Fuminofag downplaying Rizu if I ever saw one. But user yesterday told me Fuminofags don't do this.
what are some other series where they just straight up put the winner's name in the title?
I love how the poll BTFO of Fumino that they have to settle for the arguable existence of the 5k Senseifags that consider Fumino as their second best. Second best or not, it still won't change the fact that Fumino miserably failed as a heroine.
Last episode was fucking great.
>doubting mass duplicate votes
Either way, tears will flow when Fumino wins.
Is Ikeda better than Fumino? I think she is.
I love how you're so sure about a Fumino end when an open ending is a very real possibility
Can't wait until good scans are out.
>open end
You will love to have the worst cop-out end possible, wouldn't you?
Only Fuminofags are against an open ending
I'm not saying that I would enjoy it, just pointing out that not even Fumino is as sure fire as you think, so I wouldn't parade around "endgame" so much as you do
Again with this shit? Nobody wants an open end.
t. Fuminofag
An open end would make the manga fucking pointless.
An open end is best because that's what Kusobenfags deserve
>First scene is anime original for Sensei
That's a hint if I ever saw one.
The point of the manga is sacrificing your talent for your dreams speedreader. Being Foomfags all about ENDGAME it doesn't surprise me.
>Fumino hater is so mad, he wants an open-end so they too will be btfo, even if it means the whole romcom ends up being pointless and meaningless
Just like Hagani was only ever about making friends. Oh wait. Delusional and cope.
>The point of the manga is sacrificing your talent for your dreams
Man Uruka was really a mistake then.
Director is a fuminofag.
Don't be retarded. Someone winning is objectively better than an open-ended status quo.
Fuminofags don't give a shit about bokuben, they're only here for their ship. An open end means that they've wasted years on something they hate for no payoff.
Uruka will win the bowl, that's how it makes sense. The only mistake Uruka was was to make her so cute.
And you're worse, you don't care about bokuben or bokuben girls, you only care about Fuminofags.
Don't mind if I do.
I don't know, that user said that the point of the manga is sacrificing your talent for your dreams but Uruka is using her talent for her dreams.
>doesn't deny it
Also we're talking about Fuminofags now. The assumption of that post is made out of experience of these threads.
That burn is real.
The dream is getting with Nariyuki.
Nah, he's about you. For sure, you've a massive case of rent-free given your history.
Unironically what the rent free Urukahater does.
I don't know about that user, Fuminofags are the only one known for admitting they come back to the manga when a Fumino chapter is out and skip chapters. Sounds like the other fanbases care about the story a lot more.
I care very much about bokuben, which is why having idiots whining about its wacky episodic fanservice nature when it's the whole point gets annoying. Fuminofags are just massively rabid shippers that will make sure to run things into the ground the second they don't match their headcanon.
>halloween chapter
tsutsui's sense of time is seriously fucked
>fans mostly caring about best girl to them and shipping in a harem romcom means not caring about said harem romcom series at all
Fascinating mental gymnastics.
>that user said that the point of the manga is sacrificing your talent for your dreams
That's absolutely not the theme of the manga.
Asumibros (singular)...
Prove it.
nariyuki cock pls
>I sleep meme is used for Fumino chapters at times, therefore Urukafags skip chapters and only care about Uruka
I too can assume and generalize.
Read the last two threads. Also if you've been here long enough and are not a newfag you know that posts about "time to catch up" and "skipping this" are made.
It's not that, read below.
What a boring ass chapter. Wake me up next week senseibros.
You're just trying to excuse your cancerous behaviour even though you know deep down how cancerous it is. We're talking about the same insanity that drove IRfags to shit up Bleach threads for years, except this time they're hiding behind the romcom harem nature of the manga to justify disregarding most of the manga and 22is work.
You obviously only care about Bokuben when it is advantageous to your waifu and when it is disadvantageous to Fumino whom you sperg at. A plenty of other fans ship and talk about winning or hope that that their girl will they win. Senseifags especially in recent months given how smug a conceited they've become. You're just saying shit for lip service.
remember that time sensei pretended to be the school nurse and gave nariyuki a physical
What you are doing is called projecting, it at least explains why fuminofags keep ruining the threads, they see everyone else being the same as them, but with a different opinion on girl appreciation.
Wow, you just proved that. Somebody said it's time to catch with the manga because of a nice chapter Fumino got. Yeah that so means they're skipping chapters there hurr durr. Mafuyufags outright stated many times that Mafuyu is the only good/decent thing the series has and whu most people read the manga. But that's okay and something you ignore but when Fuminofags may have similar opinion, you sperg and nitpick
>only fans of the girl I hate ruin threads
>I, nay, we haters never shitpost, troll, falseflag, bait, or ever start shit. Nope. We are saints!
Oh fuck off.
Don't let the irony door hit you on the way out.
Butthurt Orihimefag detected. Post discarded.
>Mafuyufags outright stated many times that Mafuyu is the only good/decent thing the series has
this has certain validity because she is the one carrying the manga
>and whu most people read the manga.
this is objectively the true, there is evidence of that
I don't see proof... Where are quoted links? You need clear and non-circumstantial evidence if you intend to make big claims like that.
I often leave bantz posts that says I pass/sleep/skip Uruka chapters to express my opinion, which naturally conveys I don't like her. But I still force myself to read them anyways. It pays to know thy enemy, how else are we going to criticize Uruka for shooting herself time and time again if you don't know about it?
>it's okay if we Senseifags do it because our opinion is popular
Obnoxious is an understatement these days. At least you admit and concede to that point.
With no fuminofags around, the state of the thread reflects what the manga has to offer, it's slow, people just enjoy the cuteness, even though there's not much to discuss. At the very least fans are having a good time that matches the tone of the manga and the mood 22i is aiming for.
Ever since the manga started, fuminofag have been projecting like crazy, lots of double standards were used.
This is the perfect illustration of the projecting syndrome, IRfags only cared about their ship, it was so damn important to them and their interpretation of the story that in their minds, it was impossible that people could not care about it, and if they did, they could only be as rabid as them for some other ship. Truth is, no one cares much about orihime, but people were fed up IRfags spamming IR for years in the threads, even when the characters were away for months, not even interacting together.
I love Rizu
Why are gooks so late this week?
>seriously making excuses and defending that
Fuck off.
I think that's the intent. And, well, Fumino is the director's favorite. Take that as you will.
just read the ch 119, does sensei boobs have magic powers that allows you to hang out with her younger self? also another thing, why did she speak like an autistic girl? I know shes a bit of dork but I wasnt expecting her to be like that when she was in high school
>wall of texts
>multi quote
>baits for (You)
Please ignore, don't feed. This thread is not lost yet.
No. It was a dream where magic can exist and laws of physics don't need to adhere to the real world. You're not supposed to take it seriously.
I'm not afraid to say that sensei is the only decent thing about this, Fumino has been stagnant for the better part of 2 years, Rizu got petzoned, Uruka can't stop shooting herself in the foot and Asumi doesn't go beyond basic teasing and the fake boyfriend thing while sensei's chapters keep getting better and better, I don't downplay or ignore the importance of the other girls in-story, that's why I don't skip chapters and still discuss them, but the other girls' parts are so uninteresting in comparison that I'm not so engaged in the discussion
Not fooling nobody, Orihime/IHfag.
Likewise. The others arent bad, I just couldn't bring myself to care about them
On one hand, I hate that the threads always end up like this. On the other, the fact that they play out across the Foom/Sensei line like thismakes me want to believe 22i is a genius himself.
PS. Sensei is best girl but Uraka should win
If you didn't know that chapter isn't a normal one that is part of the rotation. It was a fan-voted scenario chapter that cam with the recent poll. Basically while we can say Nariyuki coming over to help clean is canon, the time travel aspect didn't happen. Nariyuki handwave that he merely dreamt meeting a younger Sensei to the audience for us.
>Uraka should win
Shilling Mafuyu best in one hand, and shilling Uruka end in the other. How normal of you, Urukafag.
No, seriously. Because?
Uruka is the least deserving girl. A retard like her is a terrible match too and 22i knows it.
Don't they come out on Saturday their time? I don't think it's Saturday for them yet.
Asumi exists, but I guess you've already excluded her
Drawing a blank here. There's nothing to take from these pages that shows why she should win.
Asumi isn't in the race.
Senpai already won as a fembro. Nariyuki knows the deal with her is all teasing and banter. Platonic dynamic suits her best.
Boring replies.
Mafuyu is the best, but that's partly because she's a meme machine. As much as I'd love a Sensei end, and as much as she's gotten some of the most dramatic moments, I'm not sure how enjoyable it'd actually be. Fooms a manipulative and abusive shit, Rizu is hopefully being set up for her own happy ending with her fangirl, and the gremlin, while a fantastic shitlord in her own right, as of now is not in the running. Uraka's got history with Moeman, and even if she keeps shooting herself in the foot we do keep seeing how good being close to him is for her. She's definately my second pick, but she's a strong second and I don't see best end being reasonable, even with Moeman being Sensei's live-in maid at this point.
Meta-wise, Sensei would normally be one of the "incapable" ones. Nariyuki has declared that he is the ally of the "incapables". Sensei didn't seem like she'd have serious contender points at first but she slowly built them up and became a better candidate until she took the lead. Therefore, if the meta-narrative is to line up with the narrative's themes, Sensei has to be the one he chooses in the end.
>she's a meme machine
No, it usually come out in friday.
The symbolism was blatant in chapter 22.
Parallel lines. If you are in the side of talent, then I am on the side of hard work.
I looked up this scene in the series the other day. I was so disappointed that in the anime series the floor boards go across while the manga has them go vertically to go with the line itself.
where is the main girl chapter?
>Sensei has to be the one he chooses in the end.
Ahhhzsssdhhhhhhhhhh calm down sensei
I just wish that at the end game, instead of Sensei falling in love first, it should be Nariyuki that realizes he has feelings for his teacher and Sensei has to come to terms with the fact that a student has feelings for her.
I read the manga, what episodes are the anime original scenes?
>it should be Nariyuki that realizes he has feelings for his teacher
I'd rather have it be that he admits that he doesn't want to lose having her in his life and he wants to be there to make sure she's getting on okay.
>Sensei has to come to terms with the fact that a student has feelings for her.
She's already rationalizing that he won't be a student in a few more months.
What anime original scenes? I only remember one at the end of last episode.
These subtle Sensei smile are the best
>There isn't nothing else to her, she's barely a heroine.
Has the best chapter
She has the best chemistry with Nariyuki
Overall best personality
Best body
Fumino is just filler just like the pads she puts in her bra.
wow, that almost makes me sad
To all Urukahaters, If you want to talk shit about Uruka do it now, because I'm too happy to pay attention to you.
>sensei is the fanservice character Fuminofags said
>she's just whored out they sayd
but uruka is best girl
I'm asleep
dumping I guess
>tfw A-cup daughter
Stealth photography is a no-no
Yea Forums imagination at work.
Second time Nariyuki has seen Fumino's panties.
Why is he blushing like crazy? They are just shorts...tight shorts.
Good Fumi. Good.
22i trying with Fumino what he does with sensei.
Cute cat
Cute small juicy butt.
Her crotch smells good.
>Fumino is being useless
>fanservice scene
>Nariyuki blushing profusely because it
>chapter ends
This chapter reads like an early sensei chapter.
We know, Nariyuki.
How can a little cat push you like that
How is she being useless in that scene?
Setup of the chapter itself.
>I'm asleep
Fumi really wants them together. Reiji must have lied and trained the cat beforehand. Master plan and all.
and that's it, next week sensei chapter
Not a lot going on, but it was a cute slice of life with some studying nonetheless.
This fucking guy.
Thanks user. The koreans also add this edited page at the end. Does anyone know what it says?
Thanks for the chapter dump, bro.
First piece of good news all chapter
Holy kek
>knows he is allergic to cats
>still plays with the kitty
>but doesn't buy anti-allergy pills
How can one man be so autistic yet so moe?
Based Reiji being so tsundere, he doesn't want to admit he's allergic so he pretends he's fine even when he's crying a river.
On closer look, her outfit is very stimulating. Balanced between cute and sexy.
Delicious itty-bitty tits.
Fumino is a lewd girl. Also, I wanna lick her tummy.
>dab sound effects
>has to take care of both the cat and that dumbass.
Look at that smug fucker, she knows she is CUTE.
Local Autistic Mathematician Steals Spotlight From Daughter Simply by Having Allergies, more details at 7
Wtf. Why did you lie to me Yea Forums? She is not a skeleton at all.
>Having Allergies
22i’s be like “How do I make Fumino more popular?”
>Proceeds to rehash the Natsumi chapter with fumino only with less appeal and no charm at all.
At least we got this wonderful panel of Sensei looking like a new mother watching over her newborn
A Sensei chapter already after only two chapters since the last one. Glad to see the rotation is broken. Has the preview been translated?
What a boring fanservice chapter. Wake me up when we get something serious for once.
I want to lick them.
> No bra
> No pantsu
> Turtleneck
> Hotpants
This chap has plenty top sex Fumi, but panels that shows the pair rapport are the best.
Sensei goes shopping
Also rotation isn't actually broken since Rizu just had her arc
>Fumino fanservice chapter
>finally a sexual Fumino panel
This hack author wake up !!!I can smell it Assfags are~ nervous ~that Fumino get more fanservice like Mafuyu
What are you talking about? She got no ass and tits. She got a vag shot, that's it. Also so much for the Fuminofags not being the fanservice obsessed fanbase that looks at the deep character interactions.
Yes, it's about her going on a shopping spree in the supermarket for reasons unknown. Some anons speculate that her parents are coming over.
Nothing to be nervous about when it’s basically a downgraded version of a sensei chapter.
>Why is he blushing like crazy? They are just shorts...tight shorts.
Because Nariyuki is in love with Fumino
>22i trying with Fumino what he does with sensei.
>This chapter reads like an early sensei chapter.
Cope cope cope
>Fumino get more fanservice like Mafuyu
Fumino will never get to her level.
This is like a warm up for the real thing next week.
So this is another Kotatsu chapter. Would be nice to get one for each girl.
Please tell me, please just tell me what this panel means. Why did Tsutsui draw this? Why is Fumino the only one he makes this face with?
And realize this anons. After all her delusions and fantasies this chapter, she is still "not" aware of her feelings towards Nariyuki. She's still in denial mode.
Who will seethe harder? Senseifags when Fumino wins or Fuminofags when Sensei wins.
>Pet-zone Fumino edition
And she still doesn't realize her feelings.
It's ok because it's le funny Foom chapter. Which is not an argument for the other girls.
All of us when no one wins.
>fumino winning anything
Easy. Fuminofags will seeth enormous amounts of salt of they lose. Why? Because other then END GAME, Fuminofags have nothing really going for them. It's all they have left. I'll be fine knowing Tsutsui went for the beta-basic ending. At least Sensei had her smile restored and she was the most interesting character with the best development. At most I'll be disappointed.
The only thing possibily making me mad is a bait and switch, shilling Fumino by Sensei or just straight up making Sensei dislikble
If Fumino does win it is going to happen. They made Kosaki shill Chitoge, they will make that happen too.
Fuminofags. They hate bokuben and consider a fumino end their reward for suffering this manga.
Making Sensei unlikable is practically impossible at this point because that’s how she was portrayed at the beginning. Despite her being an antagonist, she ended up being loved the most by fans.
So, she didn't wear any underwear right?
Both when Rizu wins
or me if Rizu loses
At which point did 22i decide to turn Fumino into another Uruka?
No one, literally no one, would mind a Rizu end.
She's the decent main heroine of the two.
Rizu end would be the only healing end at this point user-san. And thanks for the Luck.
She wants to be MOE'D
How can that be the case? She is as thirsty as Uruka. It’s not really subconscious feelings at this point.
Bad question, it's
>Rizu end over Fumino end?
>auhor needs now shitty fanservice to help fumino to get popular
>47 posters
So this is the power of the Foompanzees
>author needs to fucking rehash a sensei chapter, but worse, to help Fumino get popular
How did it go?
Cute chapter. Looking forward to next week.
>next week
>How can that be the case?
It IS the case. She has never openly realized her feelings or she straight up denies and wonders why she feels the way she feels. Denial mode, which has been going on for 100+ chapters
Fumi is so cute. I love the animals in Bokuben.
Literally better than ever
She is a fat cat.
>Chest is a cup
How does that work
>first his shoulder and now his laps
What a slut
Look at that fucker getting his hands on Fumino's pussy
I want to pet Fumino.
Senseifags are really coping, huh? I told you idiots that Fumino would end up winning. This shit is generic as fuck.
Rizu and Fumino are both pet-zoned
Uruka was a mistake.
>Senseifags are really coping, huh? I told you idiots that Fumino would end up winning
user, you ok? Come back to reality
I wonder if this shitty fanservice (now the retarded Fuminofags who complain about other girls being fanservice heroines are BTFO) will at least stop Fumino's popularity drop.
I recognise that bulge!
>Sensei gets a fanservice chapter
>yawn, I sleep, somebody get to a real serious chapter already, jesus christ this filler is obnoxious
>Fumino gets a fanservice chapter
>Cute and comfy! I love Fumino! Senseifags on suicide watch! Cope!
Really engages you in thought
Yea, let’s pretend these posts don’t exist.
>what if we took Natsumi
>but turned her into a cat?
>people will like Fumino now, right? RIGHT?
Majority of Sensei chapters are fanservice filled though. It gets tiring after a while. It’s how Fumino being in denial about her feelings is a thing is her chapters, and it’s just tiring.
>S-Sensei is just a fanservice character
>that's why she's so p-popular!
>and totally not because she's just a straight-up better character
user, just ignore the retards
the bonus rollercoaster chapter was out of rotation but tsutsui still had plans to meet so this is mafuyu
>How you become a cat owner
>dat vol 12 shill
They definitely know who's selling the series.
Nah. This clearly doesn't count. She's still wearing the same shorts from start to finish.
so is Fumi going to be a reoccuring character along with Reiji, I guess this gives me a second reason to read fumino chapters.
Fumi is the cat.
Well, yeah, it's a shitty version of the Natsumi chapter. That's literally what it is by the structure of the chapter
Only this one is just a shitpost. The other two points are correct. You have the gall to call Sensei's chapters "just fanservice", don't cry when you get the same treatment.
she doesn't really need a bra
That's not true.
At that size it would be. They'll stay perky all her life.
that's the truth though, it couldn't get any more obvious that Tsutsui is rehashing his ideas for Sensei chapters with Fumino in a desperate attempt to boost her popularity, first with the Kareego rehash and now with the Natsumi rehash.
Too bad for Fumino Reiji is the one stealing the spotlight
and now she even has to compete against a cat
>Majority of Sensei chapters are fanservice filled though. It gets tiring after a while.
Thing is though, pretty much all if not most of Sensei's chapters contained characterization building up her character (towards her arc) behind all that fanservice you are complaining about. You always learned more about her past and her personality. It was balanced out.
You're reading a rom-com harem, so fanservice is expected. I am just glad that Fuminofags we keep complaining about Sensei's fanservice as the major reason for her popularity got a chapter full of nothing but fanservice while being a rehashed version of an earlier sensei chapter.
A mistake to make so cute, it's too much.
Why do you keep replying to him?
>hakase S2 never
She definitely isn't going to help Abe's plan of boosting Japan's birth rate.
It's samefagging
>gets a fanservice useless chapter like Sensei
>acts like Uruka
>treated like a pet Rizu-style
>a shit like Senpai
Fumino was a mistake.
But her nipples will get itchy without a bra.
Kinky little shit ain't she?
Because he showed he was mad at me replying at him like that so I keep doing it.
Unfortunately not.
A mistake to make so flat, it's too much.
Why is this the most absolute boring win ever?
Think hard now user.
>Next week sensei chapter
YES Sensei saving this manga yet again from being axed
>long hair yamero nakadashi take #123
Go figure. At least Rizu winning would be an original desing choice for a winner. Shortstacks never win unless they are the only main. And a Rizu end is easier to make and makes no one mad. Fumino end requires either Fumino backstabbing Rizu or Rizu downright giving up and shilling Fumino herself. Doom scenarios if you ask me.
Fuminofags told me tall flats never win though?
user, could you please post the original picture?
It was one fag and he and his list vanished ages ago.
Senpai is great though.
Great at being a complete waste of time and space, agreed
On the right character, being a shit IS great
Ikeda would make a better 5th heroine.
So after this Sensei chapter there will be a Rizu chapter and after that another arc. Right?
Everyone when Mizuki wins except for the Mizukiposter
How based it would be if she lost?
Nobody cares about these polls nor their results
Stop making them
Since Fumino is apparently still in denial about her feelings, the current situation is
Uruka and Rizu are in love.
Fumino and Sensei have subconscious feelings but don't seem to have much resistance. They have increasingly flimsy reasons for denial.
Fumino will obviously fall in love eventually and stop denying it. Sensei I have doubts about. It would be pretty cruel to have her fall for Nariyuki then lose him but it seems to be going in that direction unless the author actually follows through with a Sensei end.
At least the after exam period will be interesting. Doesn't seem like any romance drama will happen before then.
>Sensei wins
They get mad and complain that she won because of her popularity and that 22i sacrificed his "grand vision" for easy money.
>Uruka wins
They go completely insane and shitpost nonstop until exhaustion catches up.
>Rizu wins
Thye whine that the stupid, stupid pet won and that she was supposed to be a daughter. We know what daughter like characters are for in manga.
>Asumi wins
They complain about how 22i lost his marbles and tried to be contrarian.
>no one wins
They bitch and whine about wasting their time on this manga and how 22i has no balls.
Sounds accurate. But I think that Rizu's end is pretty easy to make and for it to make sense too, and since Rizu is also a main girl, they will keep a facade of being fine with it.
>that Sensei win scenario
Oh I can see it, so fucking clearly. They would probably say it was the editor who forced it to sell more while Tsutsui wanted the Foom end all along, and it could never be that he wanted to make a Sensei end.
>Get mad and complain if Sensei won because of her popularity
Umm, user? Who’s them? The 12% of the entire fanbase? Literally no Nips, aside from the vocal minority, will be mad if Sensei won.
We're talking Fuminofags
since the poll results came out they have played that card, they call it "cave to popularity", because apparently a girl winning by her own merits and not because of meta reasons is an alien concept
sensei has no merits blind waifufag
>I think that Rizu's end is pretty easy to make and for it to make sense too
Understand that for them, Rizu is nothing more than a joke mascot character.
Why we can't stop winning fuminobros.
>see you next time space cowboy
based director
how many nipples do cats have?
is this any different to male nipples?
I think Nariyuki will realise he's in love with Mafuyu before she admits it
Of course. Hers is more sensitive.
this pleb
Is that why Laius wanted to count them?
>dad let his daughter dressed like that at home
She have abs now?
Fumino is given fairly special treatment in the manga too. She has the most progression and the other two are there for just fun chapters. Sensei is the only one to match her.
Spectacular bait
>Sensei is the only one to match her
>Mafuyu gets chapters
people like Mafuyu more
>fumino gets chapters
people like Mafuyu even more
>All the shitty Asumifags imploded after the poll
Such good riddance.
I'm not talking about polls though. I'm talking in story from an objective pov. I don't think he'd get it on with Mafuyu at all unfortunately.
Uraka always cucks herself and the other one feels like its progressing away from romance.
Also it's winter, she might catch a cold
She wasn't cucking herself in the last chapter.
And it made zero progress. Nariyuki didn't see it that way and she said something without that intent.
The best part is that they thought she was gonna get 3rd place.
Yes. Fumino strong.
>all of those fake poll results with fumino in the first but asumi sneakily in 3rd
those were hilarious
I haven't been to the threads in a while. What happened to my bros? I know Asumi stayed at 5th, but that's what I expected. Honestly, I was more worried about her somehow falling out of the top 5.
Fumino will win, and you guys just have to die mad about it.
Mizuki did come pretty close not as close as Uruka was to beating fumino though
>tfw I'm a fuminofag
>tfw I love the series overall still
>tfw I'm the only normal one here
I don't really think so. The main trio were all fairly friendly to Nariyuki from the start and vice versa.
The main change is Fumino developing feelings but she's still in denial about it.
Sensei/Nariyuki relationship has much more progression. It overshadows the rest easily.
>The main trio
The what?
I love how delusional Fuminofags are for thinking Flatty is on the same level as sensei
Don't bother with the threads. It's clear Fumino is winning, and since Yea Forums is full of Senseifags, threads will always be a mess. Reminds me of the Bleach threads where Rukiafags were the majority, and talking about Orihime, the clear winner of the Ichigobowl, would be met with at least five anons sperging out.
That's true. When you look at it like that the side with Sensei has the most progression. But in the case between those two, would you think the choice of a teacher-student relationship or someone his age be part of the decision to pick who wins in the end?
Where or when has age become a factor when he was liking a girl?
>. But in the case between those two, would you think the choice of a teacher-student relationship or someone his age be part of the decision to pick who wins in the end?
Obviously the latter since this is WSJ. 22i and his editors will just milk Sensei all they can since she's the fan-favorite until her rejection inevitably comes around.
>It’s clear Fumino is winning
Because let’s disregard the lack of progression and just to stick with what’s more convenient, Meta.
Meta is literally all you need with nip writers, especially with those in this medium. Especially if their work is being published in WSJ.
It's not that but more of a writing thing, it's brought up a lot as a "forbidden relationship in manga and like he puts it, WSJ.
>it's brought up a lot as a "forbidden relationship in manga
The manga keeps making a point that it's fine post graduation.
Yeah, let’s milk the most popular character by giving her more progression, then betray the fan’s expectation by making Nariyuki end up with the blandest, overdone, failed sorry excuse of a heroine. I’m sure that will go just fine.
But not everyone thinks that or hates Fumino like that. We're talking in general here, not Yea Forums.
You know there's a chance that could have been an argument if sensei weren't carrying half the manga
>The manga keeps making a point that it's fine post graduation.
To give hope to Senseifags that she may actually snag a win. It's so easy to see what 22i is doing.
It won't, but who cares? Fumino and Rizu being the main heroines already tells us that he crafted this story to have one of them win. Sensei unexpectedly exploded in popularity, and he needs to cater to his fanbase. It's not hard to figure out.
True. She's thirsty during the house chapter.
>But not everyone thinks that or hates Fumino like that. We're talking in general here, not Yea Forums.
This as well. She came in second in both the popularity polls, and while the gap between 1st place and the others is huge, she's still second. If there's a main heroine the nips may dislike/not care about it, it's Rizu.
Fumino being a main girl is to give hope to first girl fags that she may actually be the winner this time. It's so easy to see what Tsutsui is doing.
Fumino wasn't really first girl though. They came in a pair.
Not an asumifag but I like her plenty. Shame that the threads these days have fallen so far into shitlifting that .5 user left.
Nice to see there's still another friendly bro here. Just ignore the waifu sperging autist.
>Fumino being a main girl is to give hope to first girl fags that she may actually be the winner this time.
This argument literally makes no sense since mainheroinefags don't need hope due to main heroines winning 99.9% of the time. It doesn't work that way, you idiot. The ones that need hope are secondaryheroinefags.
Fuminofags beg to differ though
Wouldn't it make sense to just make his main heroines more likeable/compelling in the first place to not piss off his fanbase?
Laughable for a second place girl in a harem to get less than a quarter of first place. Both Fumino and Rizu count as failures.
She's not first girl. She's a main girl alongside Rizu. Usually a series has one main girl, but in this case we have two. Rizu is pretty much treated as a joke for whatever reason though.
>its okay when it's for Fumino
I'm sure it is
my god she's a thirsty girl. Yea Forums coming with the big guns this chapter.
I don't think Rizu is aimed for romance personally. Maybe there's still more to be done with her in regards to fully understanding emotions, but that may only muddle it more. I actually really liked how her arc dealt with a family thing more than anything else.
My bros. At least there's some allies with sense here
You're still not getting it. Either you're legitimately stupid or being obtuse on purpose. Mainheroinefags don't need hope, because the main heroines literally snag a win 99.9% of the time. Main heroines winning is the rule, not the exception. Secondaryheroinefags are the ones that need hope since secondary heroines end up losing 99.9% of the time.
>Crafted the story to have them win
Then he miserably failed as an author when the heroine he has plans for failed to meet expectation and is stuck in a never ending cycle of lack of progression. There are three main parts in stories, Introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introduction sets the tone of the main body, while the main body determine the conclusion. Just because you read the introduction doesn’t mean the conclusion is already set in stone. We might get a totally different ending depending on how the story goes.
That wasn't his point. It's that usually doesn't happen.
You're gonna start needing hope after seeing the poll results though
If you've been reading the manga you're gonna need every last thing you can get
It's obvious that you don't since you're a fuminofag though
she's wearing the outfit Nariyuki imagined Sensei wearing when he was first brought to her appt and imagined what a mature woman living on her own might change into.
>Then he miserably failed as an author
No shit. I've said it in other threads that 22i failed as a romcom writer since his main heroines are less popular than a secondary heroine of his.
>You're gonna start needing hope after seeing the poll results though
Nah. It's still gonna be a Fumino and Rizu end.
What outfit?
Fumino or Rizu end*
>in story from an objective pov
Nothing about fumino is special from a story standpoint.
Imagine thinking that tsutsui is a shit writer because your favorites are awful lmao
the gall of fuminofags really
Actually she was about to say it but the swim team arrived. I know it's an Uruka chapter but try not to speedread.
For you sure, but I wasn't talking about who's "special" either user. But I've had a normal discussion with some sane people already so you can take your shots.
in the first chapter narikyuki visited sensei's home, he imagined sensei in an overlarge sweater and small little booty shorts, only for those dreams to be smashed when she showed up with a tracksuit on. Meanwhile Yea Forums is wearing a large oversize sweater and booty shorts in this chapter.
Nah it will end with nobody winning the bowl because we never learn
Ah you're right. Okay, is it fair to say her posse cucked her?
>he crafted this story to have one of them win
Too much changed since the early stages and 22i has no main romance narrative at all so far. Most stories are built around one heroine, in bokuben case, you have two poster/main ones, and the story only uses them to deliver a premise.
You know a way to redeem his integrity as an auhor? Disregard the conventional way of writing romcom and go unorthodox. Japan isn’t such a backward country that there would be an outrage for a teacher winning at the end. This is especially a great opportunity since Nariyuki isn’t 15 or 16, he’s close to being 18.
I can't find it anywhere in chapter 18.
>Fumino is given fairly special treatment in the manga too
Except you did, and you can't back this up at all.
>Nothing about fumino is special from a story standpoint.
She's a main heroine. That's all she needs. Seems you'll only understand this when either Fumino or Rizu get the win.
So now you're going to pretend that Bokuben isn't the generic romcom #567? C'mon user. It's not awful, but it's nothing great either. Even sales are proof of this.
>She's a main heroine. That's all she needs. Seems you'll only understand this when either Fumino or Rizu get the win.
This logic doesn't work because the main heroine status is shared between both Rizu and Fumino, and if one of them wins, it'll mean the main girl narrative will have been useless for the other. This series already doesn't follow the standard formula by having two main girls in the first place.
>tfw no fumino gf
im so fucken jealous bros...
Not in the sense of the respective characters though? Read the chain please.
Found the newfag.
This is quite sad. Fumino literally has no redeeming quality that Fuminofags resort to her being main heroine as a way to brush all of her shortcomings.
I was talking about the shitty Asumifags. You're alright.
Explain how she gets special treatment then.
I think each of the heroines all have their own special qualities though. Just because one is more reserved doesn't mean there is none.
Not the most correct terminology. It will surely be picked up in her arc.
>It's clear Fumino is winning
I'm just calling out your attempts to hide your seething by playing nonchalant
It's really hilarious and shows you have no real intellect besides parroting others
Run along now, let the big boys discuss things when you have nothing to bring to the table
Just like how the last episode of Bleach was an IchiRuki special right?
>love the series overall still
What does this even mean
Best case scenario is that the author just makes Fumino win in the most boring and predictable way and people just forget the manga after a week.
But it's also very likely that the author will either pull a bait and switch or use Sensei and the other girls to shill and push a Fumino end at their own expense, and that'll truly make people hate Fumino.
>ywn live your highschool life with fumino
Sure. I was mainly talking about how their handled overall. Her and, I realized after from replies that Sensei even more so have more romance progression than the others in this regard. Fumino's came up first and also was built up the longest and ended up being fairly intimate compared to the others. I just don't see Uraka and Rizu having the same treatment in that regard (no matter how sexy Uraka is to me)
He didn't, not in the manga.
Anime only.
He forever stuck with his meta reasoning. Typical main girl / first girl fags in romcom general
The main girl discussion is interesting because the exams are coming soon and after them Fumino and Rizu have no real importance left.
Meanwhile Nariyuki aims to become a teacher like Sensei.
I kinda agree with the meta claims that Fumino and Rizu are likely winners because of appearing first but Sensei has a fair amount going for her in this. If we get more chapters like 106 it's hard to call her a side heroine.
well people were saying that fuminofags only come and go for their respective chapters but while i love fumino and want her to win and all, i also enjoy every chara interaction and have fun with the overall series
Reminder that this is the age of flat-chest winners.
Uraka having the built in "childhood friend" and "too timid to approach the MC with their feelings before the series starts" tropes give her (for a lack of a better word) default advanced progression as she doesn't need to build up her interest in the character. Nariyuki and Uraka are both established to be attracted to each other and too scared to act on it as to not ruin the friendship. A romantic turn will have them advance plotwise very quickly as most of those opening hurdles of a relationship are knocked away because of "history together." That leaves the rest of the time spent on the standard "will they/won't they" until the step is taken. Pretty standard for character development.
Megumi beg to difers
Yeah I'm definitely seeing that. Does that make for an Uraka win then?
Good for you user, but unfortunately the influx of those speedreading, chapter-skipping Fuminofags when there's a Fumino chapter is blatant
Have you seen the recent threads? The waifu faggots are sperging so hard they spam the threads with their endless debacles. It's either "It's my waifu chapter, fuck other girl" or "It's not my waifu chapter, let's shit on the current girl chapter and show how superior my taste is". Polarization waifu faggotry are common in harem, but after the recent polls these autist gets a lot more vocal. Chapter disscussion is mostly non-existent nowadays, and some rare reasonable comments are drowned in endless shitlifting.
I would say all fanbase has their autist and I'd rather not associate myself with any of them. In most threads I only have time to check out a few comments or two, but it's getting harder and harder to find quality discussions anymore. At least there's some normal user out there like you that gives me hope in these threads.
More like the age of Yamato Nadeshiko.
Here's a better question: Why does every sensei chapter have 1 or 2 really nice ass shots?
Which means you like all the characters?
And also the quints, Chizuru, Juliet, every recent battle harem and most isekai harems
I'm OP and I'm an Urukafag
Bokuben failed to live up to the Yamato Nadeshiko age and moved onto the superior Sensei age
Yeah? It's an anime-only scene. It's not canon in my book.
It's not even the same outfit.
That only works because Yukino has an interesting personality, charming, and endearing while Fumino is copy pasted goody goody yamato nadeshiko with the same personality as a dried up fish.
This guy is dumb. He just want to force sensei into every topic.
feels bad
seriously, it's just "fag this, fag that" at this point.
yeah! the competition is fun
It gives her a stronger standing, but regardless any author can "break the rules" to have whoever win. It's their series and they can write it however they want. Thematically, Uraka has a strong chance of winning by the way the series has unfolded. The red thread of fate always plays a role in writing one of these in Japan.
Personally I just hope for a good ending. Going back and re-reading some various harem series I've enjoyed over the years has shown some weak endings popping out. Aoi (Ai Yori Aoshi) ends up with her betrothed, but the entire end of the series was messy. It wasn't even the standard trope of setting up each main girl as having a chance to win, it just felt poorly thought out for a final arc.
Bokuben has done some solid work building up the chances to each girl and as such I appreciate the writing even with getting a bit too much filler here or there. Unless we go left field for a answer to the end girl than it should end satisfactory for most despite the standard 'shipwars that come with harem series.
I'm conflicted
I need season two for hex
but we'd have to suffer the gaijin-chan too
Sounds like the usual senseifag behavior.
every topic naturally goes back to sensei, she's the one carrying this manga after all
That's fine. I'm tired of blondes.
I know that 5th is gaijin-chan, 6th is hex and 8th is a different flavor of tomboy, but who's 7th?
Where did you get this translation? I only see JB translations everywhere?
These are Viz. If you pay the subscription you have all the chapters on mangaplus. Dunno if there's a database.
was it that idol teacher?
>Yukino has an interesting personality, charming, and endearing
>boo hoo I'm literally too pretty to make friends woe is me!
Fuck off Iroha shitters.
The resemblance is uncanny.
I like that the threads become peaceful every once in a while. But when we all get along we're just bumping these threads. Are we really doomed to shitpost forever?
desu at the beginning I like Fumino because she looks like Yui.
That's because you cut her chest.
>Are we really doomed to shitpost forever?
It's just two vocal autist debating with each other. They are probably from SEA and they are sleeping right now.
pls save all the bokuben doujins
22i shamelessly ripped off her face.
I bet one of them is Michlan. That fucking pinoy.
Southeast Asia
I wonder if this is the reason Sensei will be shopping next chapter
Unfortunately most of them are either shit or just meh. Hopefully we'll get st good by C97 as seasons 2 rolls out by then.
> those autist
> debating anything
Though the SEA part is probably true. Maybe I should visit the threads only in these time then......
Can confirm. I live in SEA and I also notice that peak shitposting always happen during the day and during midnight like this the thread is always calm.
Yuckyno a shit
Urucute will win
them meeting the Kareego author needs to happen
Why does Rizu get the short end of the stick? Early on she seemed to be the favorite to win but now gets downplayed and her arc conclusion was nothing compared to Fumino or Sensei.
fun fact according to genome studies they've found 2 more asian genome introgressions from other extinct hominid species like the denisovans.
*in south east asia
what if Nariyuki and Mafuyu just happen to meet while shopping and there's a book signing by the Kareego author, Ikeda is waiting in the queue and spots Mafuyu.
> during midnight like this the thread is always calm.
So they're underage as well.
Who'd have thought.
I have no faith she stands a chance, but it certainly would be wholesome.
>he looks like 22i
All memeing aside, an uruka end would be awful
I guess Tsutsui couldn't help himself and went all out with the Fumino fanservice and rehashed Sensei formula to try to push her after her catastrophic poll results.
Though I prefer this approach rather than having Rizu shilling Fumino in her own arc, but in the end neither will have a positive effect and more people will stop giving a shit about her because she's a lost cause at this point. The only people that remain on her ship do so because she's supposedly the one who will win in the end and nothing else, judging by their posts in these threads.
God I wish
They are manchildren.
>Childhood friend musters up the courage to confess and wins
This is always good
still better than a foom end
> book signing by the Kareego author, Ikeda is waiting in the queue and spots Mafuyu.
That would be glorious, but it also sounds too clever for something Yakuzaman might come up with...
> boob time travel
... then again, who knows what will happen.
If you hate Uruka yes.
Well behaved manchildren if they go to bed that early. Oh wait, not really.
>enjoyed being caressed like a cat while resting her head on his lap
>didn't protest against it
I see, Tsutsui.
Uruka deserved to lose ever since Nariyuki asked her straight up if she liked him and she denied it.
Everything after that is her fault.
That's why I've been saying that the endgame will be between Fumino and Mafuyu, it doesn't seem like Tsutsui will be willing to make Rizu a serious romantic prospect
So you want the manga to end at chapter 26 right? It was a mix of her being unsure and afraid having just started being with Nariyuki regularly and him saying the minute before he doesn't want any relationship until after the exams. If she confesses right there she's bound to think he'll reject her. And what happened after that she's at fault of?
imagine if sensei just sat on your face haha
I said sit on your face not crush your fucking skull although the latter sounds pretty good too ngl
Imagine if you encountered a cute wild JKfuyu one day
As a man who's getting closer to the 30s than the 20s that possibility is fading away ever greatly
I liked adult sensei in his thoughts giving out retorts
> boob time travel
> no ass space-time distortion
Yakuzaman lacks continuity it seems.
JB will release early this week I guess
the boobs can warp reality within the 2d universe, her butt can warp the real world.
Last for Urucute
>irowhore a shit
>shitzuka a shit
>ewwy a shit
Last for Mafuyu a best
>I love Fumi, no, this cat
and OTP