It has to be now!
Daily Sketchbook Chapter
Other urls found in this thread:
徐行: Go slow
除行 could have the same meaning with some really creative interpretation, though it's just wrong. So common that it's listed in the dictionary specifically to call it out as a mistake.
She's saying she went in the wrong entrance, the one for deliveries.
That's all for today. I think cauliflower is disappointment.
what the fuck happened to her thumb
Thanks, user.
>I think cauliflower is disappointment.
The cauliflower was a lie!
Maybe if you study under Asakura-sensei for a few years you can learn the secret.
Oh, thanks for the explanation.
Longcat is long.
Thanks as always. Nice one Kuga!
How can you get Asakura-sensei to teach you?
>How can you get Asakura-sensei to teach you?
Figuring that out is part of the test.
Asakura sensei is the coolest sketchbook.
since panda is either getting lobotomised or a bullet is there any sketchbook stuff hosted there that should be saved?
Aw shit , here we go again
I don't think there's anything on there worth saving.
there's a whole bunch of those fist of the north star parodies of moe or idol shows that need rescuing
Cauliflower is great shot yo mouth.
Cauliflower is what I imagine it would be like to eat if you lost the ability to taste.
You're strange, user.
That's why we're here.
you must never have tasted fresh cauliflower
How fresh does it have to be? I don't think I've ever picked it up at the farm, but I've done better than canned or frozen.
So hoarding is necessary after all.
What a bummer.
Fuck, I'm old.
>She's saying she went in the wrong entrance, the one for deliveries.
I was wondering, because I was thinking "what, you drove through the doors to the store?!"
Thanks OP.
Guys, exhentai is going to die, is there anything about sketchbook to backup?
Yo I love Sora.
Thanks, OP.
No, all Sketchbook lewds should be purged.
pretty sure he's talking artbooks and the such
I can't believe two clams is fucking dead
I can't believe thumb is fucking dead
I can't believe reference doll is fucking dead
I can't believe fried fish is fucking dead
e-hentai still got a few months so everything non-h is safe for now
Such a gory manga...
Cauliflower should be good diet food, it doesn't have much taste so you should be able to eat it like rice with only 1/6th of the calories
Speaking about that, I wonder if that one user who got the limited edition of vol 9 will scan the mini-artbook.
I actually have it, too. But no scanner.
are there such things there? I haven't seen any when I searched it
tons apparently.
those coloured buttons above the search box just disable all but image sets and non-h
Meant Sketchbook artbooks in specific
There's only one artbook (a really small one), and no one seems to have scanned it fully.
Pic related is from it.
Might be tricky, since in order to get really good scans you need to take it apart.
>to get really good scans you need to take it apart
Which is why you should always buy two of them. One to keep and one for archival purposes.
And another one to spread the word.
And another one for fapping
Well, in that case, also one just to genuinely enjoy the artwork.
and one for lending
It's hardcover and easy to spread, so probably not that tricky.
I'd still expect problems with the gutter. Look at and how there's no margin.
Thanks OP!
What is with sensei and that chicken?
precious sky
she likes to touch the hen_
are you posting empty images of the sky again?
I'm here now, I was mourning for a bit. Anyway this was my scan for vol 10 so I mean, it's adequate I suppose so I'll just lay the book flat and scan again.
Represents her being bird-brained.
think of an appropriate pet for each sketchbook
a chicken fits her
How does this thread still survive?
the manga is crystalised autism, and the readership reflects that
What fits the rest?
50% cats, a fish, a pet rock not sure about the rest
There's got to be at least one insect in there.
I couldn't settle on which ones and how many dozen of each she'd have
Asou with a dog too.
what type?
>what type?
This type.
The Sketchbooks should not be this casually sexy
Why not?
Being sexy suits Asou.
Asou would have a bigger dog with more patchy colours
though the small scruffy type does fit her quite well, I was thinking dalmation
>the small scruffy type does fit her quite well
Are we still talking about dogs or are you just describing yourself now?
Why would I describe myself?
if there's anything I'm not it's small.
>Why would I describe myself?
Because you'd, of course, hope to be her type. I mean, who wouldn't?
I'd rather be Kuga's type.
Realistic goals.
well you're never going to be on the level of prez
There can be only one of those.
The writing doesn't mean anything.
That's all for today. Most of those floor chairs have an adjustable back, so the real pro move is to adjust it to be as open as possible, then you can just sit up.
>light as a person's face
looks like a dick to me
I think that says more about you.
>Asakuras hair cut is basically a combination of Ryous and Fuus
Now he only need to date every single one of them.
sure does user
sure does
Warau hige no hito!
That's different from the one I heard about as a kid. It was if you put a bench against a wall, and the challenge was to stand up without letting your back lose contact with the wall.
Kamiya is amazing
not familiar with that version there's a second version where you prop your head against the wall
both are hard for men
Kamiya is such a genius.
She just needs to write in a notebook like Sora. Or use hand signals.
What would happen if you ate one?
Thanks OP.
>Dislikes: Common Sense
Makes sense why she is Suzukaze combo's teacher.
it would absorb moisture
Chemical burn in your stomach, most likely.
So dying of thirst, huh?
How do you get a cold from lying on your back on a chair? I thought idiots couldn't get colds?
Thanks OP.
>MESSAGE from 花澤香菜さん
Probably just gushing about how cute girls are.
I still wanna see it
Thanks, user! Nice chapter.
I assume it's silica gel. In that case, literally nothing would happen. Can't imagine it tasting good though.
Oh wow, her brother is a little shy too, I guess is a family thing
Nice 2 Asakura, but check my 5
N-Nice magic trick Asakura
Why is she so happy anons?
>is a cute 2D girl
>moved to Japan
>attending high school
>in a club and friends with other cute girls
She's living the dream
What part of that is shy?
A little I said, look at his reaction
Seems pretty normal to me. What teenage boy wouldn't get a bit nervous when a bunch of girls shows up at his house?
I wish a bunch of girls came to my house when I was a kid
should be Isekai MC
my younger sister's friends used to come over for occasional sleep overs
it was hell
This manga is too smart for my low IQ.
3D is different.
I see, so it's fine in 2d to imagine Sora dressed as Chifuyu-nee from IS?
kuga took a life modelling class
>kuga took a life
... what?
>modelling class
Oh. Okay.
I regret not having the foresight to spoiler it
Isn't mochi a sweet? Why would you pour onions sauce on a sweet?
I had a similar thought until I remembered I use em in stuff like Tteokbokki
It's just pressed rice
>onions sauce
>Why would you pour onions [sic.] sauce on a sweet?
I'm pretty sure they'd use sweet s-o-y sauce.
Alternatively, they could also make non-sweet mochi, without the azuki bean (or other sweet) filling.
Awesome! Thanks man.
I'm not sure how that's possible.
I honestly feel sexual attracted to this teacher.
I wonder it is.
There are countless kinds of mochi. The one with the azuki filling is just one of the a common ones.
never said it was actually possible, just that that it would be fine
she's got the hair to pull off the look but not much else
Sure. And most are sweet. Just like most s-o-y sauce is salty. Which explains why the other user was confused. And why me (and yet another user) stated that there are some other options as well.
this is a new one
I rike it, user.
What a fine ass on Asou!
I think she would be way too embarrassed for even cosplay.
which sketchbook would want to pilot a mecha?
there's really a sketchbook crop for everything
Well, which sketchbook would take it from behind?
take what? a coin from behind your ear?
No! That's theft!
lmao 2cat
A huge gaibar.
Normally, you only see 1000, 5000, and 10000 yen. 2000 yen bills were printed as a special thing for the year 2000. They weren't popular.
They're playing karuta. A really good player would be grabbing them even faster.
タコ tako: octopus
凧 tako: kite
胼胝 tako: callus
形 gata: shape
There's a missed opportunity here to use 型 for "type", which is also pronounced gata.
子供は風の子 Kodomo wa kaze no ko.
Literal:Child is a child of the wind.
Interpretation:A child is a child who likes an outdoor life.
Now imagine ガソリン handwritten by someone with less than perfect form.
That's all for today. I think this chapter is all you need to convince someone that all of Japanese is pretty tough.
He can't, he's too busy making sure his autistic sister doesn't accidentally kill herself.
Thanks, user!
Gay bar? What was the translator thinking?
Does "Gebaan" (ゲバーン) actually mean anything? Sounds like gibberish.
Still have problems with ソツandノ
I get the problem with ツ and シ (my trick is that ツ looks like grinning/chuckling emoji that goes "tsutsutsu" all the time).
But what's so difficult about ソ and ノ ?
ノ is the easiest one, because it's got "no" extra strokes.
Why do you do that? And how do you spin inside a kotatsu?
That's just evil Kuga.
Thanks. I always have doubts when a ソor a ン appear. They almost look the same.
It's nonsense. The joke is that it couldn't be anything but a misprint.
>how do you spin inside a kotatsu?
I think it's easier when you're a tiny girl.
I just can't get used to Japanese English.
>"no" extra strokes.
Nice one!
>I think it's easier when you're a tiny girl.
I think everything is easier when you're a tiny girl.
But it's so much fun. I could listen to it all day.
Peeji ten. Banpu!
Hell, I don't even need to spin round in a kotatsu, I just need to nap anywhere and I'm thinking "where the fuck am I?" every time I wake up anywhere besides my bed.
Sora is channelling my sister in "Spring Cleaning", though it is more like 4 days later.
>They weren't popular.
Why, I thought that was a neat idea for the millennium.
Kuga is such a troll, I love her.
Thanks OP!
Very wholesome.
When are they going to sketch?
I wanna sketch that skinny weirdo's girly parts, IFKWIM...
That's okay.
I'd rather hold hands with this girl.
The bug kid? She's an even bigger weirdo.
Thanks, user.
To this day, I still have problems with ツ シ and ソ ン.
I usually just read twice to see what actually makes sense.
>Why, I thought that was a neat idea for the millennium.
There's a lot of theories. Mine is that they introduced it as a special thing, which made people collect them instead of spend them.
I don't mind, no one is perfect.
Anyway, thanks OP.
And good night everyone.
Goodnight yourself, user.
It's like Azumanga but not as fun.
why is medium length better?
You mean twice as fun and comfy.
More comfy, yes.
Les fun, also yes.
>why is medium length better?
Asou knows that it's actually not the size that matters, but how you use it. The only thing is that it has to be functional (unlike that first example) and safe.
basically put Sora in this dress.
she doesn't have the goods to wear it
she's tall, slender and has the hair, potentially we can pad the rest
>we can pad the rest
that's a lot of pads
Sora might just enjoy dressing in a wedding gown.
I think Sora would want a traditional Japanese wedding.
I want to marry Sora.
she can try on all the different styles.
who's the groom?
Suddenly I feel like I should watch this.
The sketchbook soundtrack is strange. I like it, but I almost never listen to it.
iya iya iya iya~
Don't do it, Ichika is an unacceptable dense moron and the author basically pushes his waifu Houki (shit) and fans hate him for it, just enjoy the Chifuyu for what it is.
So what do anons like about sketchbook and the sketchbooks?
Where do you find a girl who is into bugs?
I remember asking that in 2007
I tossed it back in my playlist when these threads started up, some of the piano/keyboard tracks are pretty catchy.
kuga a cute
>Where do you find a girl who is into bugs?
Wouldn't you rather find a girl who's into you?
That question bugs me too.
What bugs exactly should she be into anyway? Simple compilation errors or hardcore stuff like memory leaks and undefined bahaviour?
But those don't exist.
Ganbatte, user!
I found a torrent but no one is seeding.
Anyone know where to find the OST elsewhere?
Definitely more on the hardcore side. You don't want the type who only pretends to like it because it's quirky.
Makes sense. Memory-related bugs are the most interesting.
/g/ again?
I'll do my best!
If that's what it takes to keep the thread around, yes.
I have no qualms against it, for a sketchbook thread it's completely on topic
It doesn't need to be forced. If there isn't enough to talk about we can come back the next day.
>If there isn't enough to talk about we can come back the next day.
There's always something to talk about. Bugs, for example. Which ones are your favourites?
No contest, dragonflies.
Well, I don't know how to feel about them.
I do like dragons. But I don't like flies.
I like grasshoppers.
captcha hates me today: 12
What's the difference between an insect and an arachnid?
There are many differences.
The most notable is probably that insects have six legs (usually) and arachnids have 8 (always, unless they've been ripped out).
They've only got improvements over regular flies. The best part is that they eat mosquitoes.
>The best part is that they eat mosquitoes.
Well, that's nice of them. Itadakimaaasu!
insects scare me and arachnids scare me even more
What's a centipede?
Am I a centipede?
No. You're a crustacean.
Huh, I'd always thought this was some play on "nise" and "nisen". Thanks for clearing that up.
It's both. Another one of those cases when it's ambiguous if Kate is joking or not.
Am I at least a cool crustacean, like a mantis shrimp?
>Am I at least a cool crustacean, like a mantis shrimp?
No, you're a linguatula serrata.
Well, at least I feed on blood so that's kinda cool I guess
What's that parasite that eats fish tongues?
But blood is nice. Vampires like blood too!
>What's that parasite that eats fish tongues?
It's not me. I swear!
Bump for the next chapter.
OK I'll take your word for it, *slowly draws a sword*
Allowing too much absurdity.
魚 sakana: fish
青い aoi: blue, green
葵 aoi: Mallow (any plant of family Malvaceae)
鯖 saba: Mackerel (esp. the chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus)
弱い yowai: Weak, frail, delicate, tender, unskilled
齢 yowai: (one's) age
鰯 iwashi: Pilchard (esp. the Japanese pilchard, Sardinops melanostictus), sardine
青 and 弱 are some of the first kanji you'd learn, in the first 100 in most orderings. 齢 and 葵 come much later, far after 鯖 and 鰯.
How far is too far when explaining these kanji jokes?
Dump, also
The difference between those two is so small that I don't think you can even see it in the scans.
That's all for today. Here's the difference between the two since it was too small to see before. Can you tell them apart?
柿 kaki: persimmon
杮 kokera: wood shavings
Not enough
Thanks, user. Telling them apart is easy when they're as large as this. In print, though ...
Nah, keep on explaining. Might be helpful for some.
Asou is the cutest!
Thank you again for your efforts, OP.
I feel a bit sad though, I'm all stressed out because of work and wish I could just escape to a more comfy and easy-going lifestyle where I could worry about things like word interpretations and calligraphy strokes instead of deadlines and money.
With some fonts there's literally no fucking difference.
I think we all do.
Fuck. This past chapters are making me not want to learn japannese ever.
>This past chapters are making me not want to learn japannese ever.
It's not that bad. Most of these things are either so common that you'll get used to them ... or so uncommon that you won't ever need them.
Not far enough.
>MP3 is formally called MPEG-1 Audio Layer III or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III, which MPEG is an abbreviation of Moving Picture Experts Group according to Google.
You know, today learned something I feel I should had known before.
This could be one of the reasons you can never learn japanese.
Huh, the halogen heaters I saw/used were not like that. Also I remember they broke somewhat easily.
Thanks as always user. In the webm, the first example has the most recognizable difference. The Pr6N's one is ridiculous, I call bullshit.
You're not alone user, at least on this website.
>You know, today learned something I feel I should had known before.
If you want to know more about the early days of MP3 and the piracy it spawned, there's an interesting book: How Music Got Free.
Guess this must be Japan's equivalent of "10 Items or Less"
>"10 Items or Less"
That's actually not an error. You can't attribute "less" to "items" ("less items" would be wrong), but you can attribute it to the number 10 or to the abstract amount as a whole:
"10 (or less than 10) of all those items".
"An amount of 10 items or a lesser amount than that".
Both work.
But the structure of the sentence implies "less" is being applied to "items." And that's wrong. It should be "fewer."
>But the structure of the sentence implies "less" is being applied to "items."
Yes, you can argue that. But a more benevolent reading would assume that the sentence opts for a more unconventional "grouping" of words and that the "less" does not directly apply to "items".
where can i get a girlfriend exactly like keito?
Does it matter when everyone ignores the sign anyway? If I was in charge, there would be a fine for each item you were over the limit.
>Does it matter when everyone ignores the sign anyway?
It doesn't.
But it's fun to talk about and take apart.
Just like 感辞 ("kanji").
What a crazy language
English? I agree.
I mean, "persimmon" ... what a stupid word for something as simple as a kaki!!
That's what makes it so interesting.
Blame the Algonquian.
Thanks OP, I have sympathy for those who try to learn Japanese, I appreciate their sacrifice for my doujins, manga and LNs.
Ah, so like the 2 dollar in the US
But don't you feel like you're still missing out? There's so much that hasn't been translated. Not to mention how much more difficult pilgrimages become.