Now that KyoAni is dead, its time for them to shine

now that KyoAni is dead, its time for them to shine

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>underpays animators
>can't do shit without okada
>their last good anime was shirobako
They have a long way to go.

>their last good anime was Shirobako

watch more anime

Shirobako was an instant classic.
Meanwhile KyoAni has never produced a good original anime. Their only worthwhile works are adaptations.

Pink Aoi, Uchouten kazoku and MURI DESU were all good.

>their last good anime was shirobako
Wow, just like kyoani then
>their last good anime was Amaburi

masahiro needs to go back to slice of life coming of age anime
it's the only thing he's good at

I tried 4 KyoAni works and was only able to finish 1 because it was a movie. On the other hand, I loved Shirobako and finished it in the course of 3 or 4 days

That’s not Silver Link

That's not Bones

That's not Doga Kobo

Yes they will shine too followed by ink black smoke

>3d apologist studio
>replacing some of the best traditional animators who ever lived
Fuck off. And Kyoani are not dead.

Shirobako was garbage especially concerning it's message. Practically only liked by mindless retards.

More like instant trash and adaptations are better than originals.

I mean, Uchouten Kazoku is already better than the entire Kyoanus catalog.
Unfortunately, they aren't very consistent.

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>their last good anime was Sakura quest*

This. Who needs Gundam, Ideon, NGE, or Geass when you have kyoanus LN adaptations????

Sakura Quest > Shirobako

I know that you think that making anime is more interesting than trying to revive rural Japan, but SQ is simply the better show.

Used to be great 10years ago gotten worse since then.

They already surpassed kyoani with their magnum opus.

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>didn't fuck his mom (not blood related)
0/10, fuck off Okada.

What was its message?

t. someone who dropped it

>their last good anime was uma musume

Liz was light year ahead, not even close

At least try.


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Based Okada making Shinkai jealous with her directorial debut.

Now while they're still on Fairy Gone, maybe the next one would be a hit.

That's not 3hz.

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Shinkai disagrees.

Making excuses for corner cutting in 2d anime. There's even a disgusting scene where they show a 2d animator vowing to learn 3d technique but not also the other way around. Vile corporate propaganda.

>Retards shitposting on critically acclaimed original work like Shirobako and maquia to praise Kyoani who haven't done a single original anime that's actually good.
Never change Yea Forums.

False equivalence. 2D animators can sometimes have a prejudice against CGI, while the opposite simply doesn't happen.
The character in question is also an Itano stand-in and he worked on the show first hand.

These guys loved Kyoani, I wouldn't be surprised to see a collaboration series between PA Works and the new Kyoani in some years.

>Shinkai disagrees.
Is the true? Sauce? I thought shinkai was a yamada fanboy with the way he praised koe no katachi to high heaven.

>PA works guionists
>Kyoani animation
Sad it never happened. That would have been an instant masterpiece.

He admitted being jealous of maquia. Also praised Okada for being able to make such a film on her debut.

They should turn that Hackadoll episode called Kurobako where they show how hellish the anime industry is into a full series.

Maquia was pretty shit anyway. There was maybe a good story for a 12 episodes series there, but compressed into 2 hours it was just a mess. Not that Okada's love for overblown drama and people bawling their eyes out wouldn't have still ruined it anyway.

think they'll have to release a single good anime before we can start thinking about that lol


>implying being original cancer means anything

>marathoning anime
You need to go back

Adaptations are like the dubs of media
only retards like them

No, Kyoani is shit too, and now their only good director is dead.

Pretty bad taste desu. Maquia was only good in the first 30mins when he was still a kid. It went downhill quicker than the burning kyoani studio after he tried to rape her and left.
Liz was the real masterpiece with Nozomi rejecting the oboe girl, showing how it is just a phase that grew out from.

>False equivalence
Clearly not.

>2D animators can sometimes have a prejudice against CGI
Not relevant, this can be said about anything.

>while the opposite simply doesn't happen
>source: my ass

>The character in question is also an Itano stand-in and he worked on the show first hand
This doesn't matter. They try to paint cgi as simply being good and show staff being amazed by it but again don't do the same for traditional animation. The show literally shills cgshit and it's done because it's more economical. They know that if they help it become more accepted that will allow them to save time, increase profit margins and reduce risk involved with production. Art shouldn't be dictated by economics and what they did is fucking pathetic.

Fuck off with your unfounded bullshit. They make it easier to produce better anime.

>can sometimes have a prejudice against CG
This is not an excuse. Plenty have lots of good reason to dislike the shit.

>shill cg
>release fairy gone with ps2 standard CG stands
This check out

If there's a message to Shirobako, it's about appreciating the hard work put into every anime. This includes understanding that production realites can not match up to artistic ideals. Now, I don't wholly agree with everything in Shirobako, but it's not corporate propaganda. The 3D/2D stuff in the show is there simply because Mizushima does not put much stock in purist ideals of what anime should be, he just wants to make anime. And it's really no surprise, not long before Shirobako, he directed Girls und Panzer, a TV anime that would never be feasible without 3DCGI. It's only natural he would look more favourably at 3DCGI than you or I might.

>but it's not corporate propaganda
I disagree on this part but we'll leave it at that. This will be my last reply.