She got the worst ending, they said

She got the worst ending, they said

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Didn't she win?

They were right at the time

I think Ken doing it on purpose so people would suspect less about his "real intention" and they can keep the debate going for years

Yeah, at least now she won the negibowl before getting killed.

Seriously even if you didnt ship her with Negi her ending waa still shit.

She went through all those shits then her condition got worse and become a total shut in?

Ah wait, or was it a hint that she would eventaully become his stay at home wife?

Man I hated tsunderes but Negima made me appreciate Asuna. Better than Chisame

Ayaka won the Negi bowl the fuck you idiots talking about?
Chisame is just another tsundere character she's garbage and a waste of space

Hang on. Doesn't this make Negima a shonen where a student-teacher ending happened?

That's UQ timeline, Ken remove her earlier from the worse timeline so she didn't end up with some random dude and getting older, also to give more dramatic impact for Negi's bad end

Does that even need to be explained anymore?

It's not good to live in delusions.

To be fair, that's before Akamatsu confirm it by himself that she is the one

I like her but seriously I didn't expect her to win

Because they actually expect a decent ending for her, and they only got it few years later though

She's Naru

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man I really should catch up with UQ holder sometime.

Nope. She's killed and the dude she loved became a world destroying madman who betrayed everything they fought for.

>a wild hardcore UQ fan appear

Take whatever your interpretation in UQ user, leave the best ending to us long time Negima fans

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>long time Negima fans
How can you call yourself one without realizing that Negima is nothing but a long prologue for the real series that UQH is? Negi is basically just a former-hero-turn-villain you can find in every hero story, who is fated to be defeated by the actual hero both physically and philosophically. Usually this kind of villains only have a few page of flashback but this time Ken gives him tens of volumes for the maximum emotional impact when he is defeated and finally realizes how wrong he was.

The best would involve a nearly class-sized harem.

Did negi cannonically bang any of them in uq?

>UQ real series

A delusional UQ fag right here.

Negima got happy ending before UQ is even a thing, Ken wanted to extend his world building using "what if everything goes bad" scenario and thus you got UQ, by the time goes UQ made it clear it was different timeline from what has been shown in Negima epilogue

And it was a win-win scenario since it allowed him to do a "sequel" with a new cast within the same universe while also ensuring the original Negima cast got proper conclusion.

He can't. He is possessed by the MoTB now and everyone agrees he should be killed.

>Ken wanted to extend his world building using "what if everything goes bad" scenario
He didn't. He was forced to ended Negima earlier than he originally wanted and thus had to churn out that "happy ending" for a half-baked closure. If he had been allowed to do as he pleased, Negima as the first part would have ended with Negi being defeated by Yalda and after some timeskip, the second part would have begin with Touta being the new MC. Then after Negi's defeat, Ken will show an alternative timeline where he could have been happy to pander fans.

> If he had been allowed to do as he pleased, Negima as the first part would have ended with Negi being defeated by Yalda, the second part would have begin with Touta being the new MC.

Keep being delusional UQ fag, long time readers know if Ken continued the story he would've settled for good with Negi defeat Mage of the Beginning and saved his father to put a proper closure after more than 9 years of successful serialization.

Only after that he probably would begin to start the story of "the other side" with Touta and co.

>calling himself long time reader
>doesn't even understand the point of the series nor its MC
Listen user, Negi was made to be a tragic hero since the very beginning, a creepy nerdy, edgy four-eye midget with a tragic past and his entire village turned into stone, it was also hinted throughout the manga that he would be possessed by his enemy, just like his father did. That kind of MC is never meant to have a happy ending. He is fated to either make a heroic sacrifice to save everyone or a disastrous mistake that will harm everything he tries to protect or both. Just accept it, Negima is never meant to have a happy ending, it's a tragic hero epic.

>He is fated to either make a heroic sacrifice to save everyone or a disastrous mistake that will harm everything he tries to protect or both

That's why you have UQ alternative timeline to show what would happen if Negi didn't get a great support and backup from Asuna and his entire classmates as Negi's character is set to grown from his relationship with all of his students which mental and emotionally support him through his journey.

>Just accept it, Negima is never meant to have a happy ending, it's a tragic hero epic.

Well user, just admit at this point that you're turned off by how Negima is "brighter" series than UQ is.

>That's why you have UQ alternative timeline to show what would happen if Negi didn't get a great support and backup from Asuna and his entire classmates as Negi's character is set to grown from his relationship with all of his students which mental and emotionally support him through his journey.
It doesn't even matter if he managed to grow or not, or if he got the support of his students. The White of Mars that Asuna possesses is the only thing that matters. He also grew and had his students' support in UQH but still lost without her. And it's his decision and advice that isolated her from them all. It's the irony and tragedy of his tale. He basically signed his own death sentence. And thus his eventual downfall is a karmic punishment.

>The White of Mars that Asuna possesses is the only thing that matters. He also grew and had his students' support in UQH but still lost without her.

We know user, that's why I mention Asuna there, even UQ describe how different with and without her presence, and that's why she was brought back to the past to ensure the happy ending future in Negima epilogue, and this all before UQ even started.

Look user, the point when Asuna leaving in chapter 351 is where Negima epilogue and UQ Holder is already created as two separate timeline.

but uh-oh according to your headcanon UQ is the only "one true" timeline isn't, based user?

Married Chisame in the post-Negima timeline.
Fucked Yue, Nodoka and Eva in the UQ Holder timeline.

Do you know VNs? The kind of novels that have multiple endings? There are good ending, bad ending and true ending. UQH is the "true timeline" in that sense, i.e the true ending of the series, while Negima is the "good ending" where fans get their wishes fulfilled with their favorite MC being happy in the end.

>Fucked Yue, Nodoka and Eva in the UQ Holder timeline.
He didn't. Yalda got him before he could do anything.

Danke, where are you? I need the chapter!

>See Negima thread in the catalog
>Figure maybe a few posts of discussion to be had for the once in a blue fucking moon a non-UQ Holder thread shows up
>Delusion UQ Holderfag trying to argue it was always planned and is the much better timeline
Well, pack it up. So much for a nice thread. Ken caught lightning in a bottle with Negima, but UQ Holder is a disaster that completely shits on all the established lore and world building.

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Stay mad nostalgiafag.

>Bring VN as the example
>Still insisting UQ is the "true timeline"

Really user? when UQ itself admit that Negima epilogue is the "prime timeline" which in typical VN standard this would have been equal as the secret ending tier and the real true ending as well.

>Negima epilogue is the "prime timeline" which in typical VN standard this would have been equal as the secret ending tier and the real true ending as well.
No. It just means it's the good ending where everyone feels good but doesn't have much value since it's basically just a fairy tale where the main characters live happily ever after without solving the sophisticated questions and conflicts the whole series presents. UQH is more of a secret route where you realize the MC is actually the villain the real MC is someone else.

>UQ Holder is a disaster that completely shits on all the established lore and world building.
Just accept you are mad because Negi is no longer the protag and the new guy is better than him.

Negima end= Blue pill.
UQ Holder end= Red pill.

This. I rarely see a thread that's soley for Negima and when there is it's UQ shit.

Do you see Dragon Ball threads solely for OG DB, DBZ or DBS? Do you see Naruto threads only for Naruto when he was 12, Shippuden or Boruto? No, you don't.

>UQH is more of a secret route where you realize the MC is actually the villain the real MC is someone else.

whoa user, I can't even.... you're really going this low after bring up the VN argument that fired back at you now? bruh it's okay user, keep being delusional about muh UQ "true timeline" thing for yourself, it's better for your well being.

>Just accept you are mad because Negi is no longer the protag and the new guy is better than him.

You're finally not going to stay cool huh? user-kun?

I don't even go to those threads anyway. Why are you getting so defensive over UQ?

>Generic ass Touta
>Better than Negi
You're a funny guy.

I am talking about common sense user. If you are surprised by that you lack common sense. You seem to be the one on the defensive here.

I wonder

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>Doesn't this make Negima a shonen where a student-teacher ending happened?
No, because they were no more student and teacher when it happened.

She won but her victory was hollow since it came years later during a damage control phase.

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