ITT: characters that are literally you

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he looks twice my weight

Your using literally wrong.

You are an autistic Japanese equivalent to Chrischan?

This is the perfect breast size for both genders

no he isn't you esl retard. It can be used to add exaggeration.

But you cant BE both genders user

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Not same size but we came from the same hive

I say capital punishment regardless

so you're the guy who saved anime?

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But I liked old kyoani so why would i be him?

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Your literally being ironic with that post aren't you

If old kyoani was uguu kawaii shit what is new kyoani?

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Referring to this man as simply a character is a huge offense, especially for what he's done for you.

A pile of ashes

we should praise him instead, he got rid of moeshit

Careful, I think I can hear the Kyoanus Internet Defense force incoming.

there is no kyoanus defense force on Yea Forums

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>you travel in time to the day of the fire
What do you do to prevent this tragedy?

>we should praise him instead, he got rid of moeshit

Imagine not liking moeshit. Go fk urself fag. How miserable is ur life

I grab some popcorn and make myself comfortable on a bench somewhere

Is this why they have a regular victims thread where they squeeze their fatass fists and swear vendetta on the arsonist? The whole idea of a bunch of faggots crying over some well done asian meat hundreds of thousands of miles away is preposterous.

Literally nothing, I'd have to buy a plane ticket I wouldn't be able to to afford, even if I was it'd be too late by the time i'd arrive. What I would do is I would enter a thread and make a morbid post announcing the burning of kyoani and get screencapped to shit, amassing many (you)s

I bring more gasoline

>implying he didn't embolden moeshit

tag: ugly bastard

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