Realistically, is it even possible to win HGW with such jobber for a servant?

Realistically, is it even possible to win HGW with such jobber for a servant?

Attached: Assassin.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Servant!_FGO)☆ILLYA_-_5HGW)

Yes, ask Kiritsugu

in apo's timeline, it was stated that the mini grail wars were won by hassans assassinating masters

Yeah if you don't front them against servants like a retard

Wasn't the Assassin used to be so OP that everyone just hides in their base until the class was confirmed dead?

Power level wankery aside, in every observable case of the Holy Grail War, the determination of the Masters have always mattered more than how powerful the Servant is.

So the answer is: Depends on the Master.

Who we kidding? All Masters are from rich and powerful families who wanted to flex on everyone, making the Assassin class the worst class under them



Yep, for the most part any given Assassin should be able to assassinate a Master due to Servant/Master powerlevel differences.


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Realistically, Assassins are the most dangerous class out there because they are the ones with the highest chances of assassinating the enemy Masters and once all six other Masters are dead it no longer matters how powerful the enemy Servants are because you just have to hide and wait for them to run out of mana and vanish. Of course, the Masters are mostly magi with egos the size of galaxies so they feel the need to use a "superior" class to dab on the enemy but Assassins can be the most dangerous class if you don't care much about how you win.

Zouken could do it if the old fart ever got serious but nooooo

Yes, but only if paired with a non-retarded master.

Less than 7 servants. One of the Red masters was part of one.
They usually had defective grails or couldn't summon servants as strong as the original one.

a great way to solve 1) inheritance disputes and 2) now vacant land claims arising from dynastic extinction, when you think about it.

It seems like those mini wars were skewed more into assassin's favour than normal HGW then. Sure, assassin with competent master can exploit opponents' idiocy, but other servants should be able to detect assassin once he drops presence concealmeant to attack enemy master.

But they don't have to directly attack.
Sabotage, poison, arson, demolition, there's a plethora of ways to kill someone as long as you can't be detected.

If you aren't suffering from acute plot induced retardation, assassin is far and away the easiest way to win. It's a literal assassin in a situation that's all about getting past defenses and killing one person. But we have to have our DBZ fights so assassin jobs hard every single time. Realistically, Jack with her ability to be forgotten after every failed assassination attempt should be completely unstoppable.

Why is rider class necessary again?

Considering the sanity of the average mage, that's asking for a lot.

What's wrong with rider class?

Lip service shit, it has never been put to practice, because all summoned servants are easily capable of detecting assassins. All servants that aren't background texts are mostly formidable, and big names, because otherwise the MC wouldn't shine when he easily defeats them through ass pull EX machina. Saying something, and putting in practice are vastly different things. You can say Gil is the most powerful servant til the cows go home, but it's just fucking laughable when he's fucking destroyed every time he's on screen no matter what explanation you have for it. The writing is simply terrible, characters are badly hyped/built up. Emiya is how you make a servant seem actually threatening and strong, he has the feats and success to prove the hype behind him. Show don't tell is something the Fate IP struggles with.

Because everyone can ride shits and they do that better than rider.
Example Gilgamesh vs Lancelot

Real Assassin was pretty strong in Heaven's Feel.

Riders have some super powerful mounts that can serve as powerful NPs usually like Medusa's Pegasus. Gil is exception, he has literally everything in his gate and Lancelot can turn shit into his NPs with his unique skill.

Not really. He got destroyed every single time by every other servant when he faced them in direct combat.

The whole point of assassin's class is to destroy the opponent without engaging in a direct combat. If it comes to an open fight the assassin has already lost by default.
Now, if only they could get paired up with a servant who understands this

Easy, because their master won that war.
Assassins is best class.

Yeah, he can act smart, I'll give him that, but calling him strong is wrong. Kojiro is what you'd rather call strong assassin, but you're stuck with one of Hassans if you don't understand grail system like Medea.

if everything goes perfect for you, and you can sneak attack every enemy servant perfectly ( as long as none of the enemy servants have some amazing defense.) then possibly.

Thats basically the thread answer, its really the Compatibility and combination servant master that gives you quite a good ammount of advantages.
remember that meme drawning with saber+rin=winning pair
And as a joke the "worst pair" shirou+EMIYA= basically annihilating anything with double UBW?.

If the servant is compatible with the master and actually collaborate with their full potential basically would even fuck up any mediocre pair like Tokiomi+Gilgamesh
This is why Caster and Ryuunosuke were such a pain in the ass for the others while being basically shit.
If you had Kiritsugu have Assassin , good chances were that the holy grail war would had been going zabanyaing all the masters and servants without them even expecting.

he kills lancer tho

Lancer jobs to a puddle

Lancer wasn't allowed to kill him and had to follow him to the lake because of command spell. When conditions of command spells were fullfilled and Lancer tried to get the fuck out, he got Shadowed and Zabanyaed.

He'd also kill Kotomine but the dude's literally heartless.

Lancer is so fucking sad, even if you count all the bad ending in the VN the only servant he manged to kill was himself

luck: E

>it has never been put to practice

because it would make for shitty writing gotta have dem waifus yelling there attacks name and using magic beam wmd weapons to win because that will sell more figurines

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>basically annihilating anything with double UBW
Huh? That's possible?
Shouldn't only 1 Marble Phantasm be allowed at a time

Do you mean reality marble?
Marble phantasm just means the ability to enact natural phenomina at a extremely large scale.

Wouldn't Archer just kill Shirou on the spot if he gets summoned by him?

Yeah. my bad.
Anyway, back to the point.
Only 1 is allowed at a time, right?

I think so. You shouldn't be able to overlap two realities.

I think so? Not sure tho, I'm not super knowledged but i dont really think we've seen two people try to use them at the same time, Or someone try to use theirs inside anothers. But from what i've heard from others, 1 at a time seems to be the limit.

Because we need one bro class.

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More like the same reality marble being split into the two UBW , but lets put to imagination shirou could sustain both reality marbles at once.

Basically any servant would find himself in a barrage of two blade rains from two directions.
Only gil and his Ea would get him out.
Or maybe true archer.

>wait for another MASTAH
>slice the fucker once opportunity rises
Easy. Now tell me how the fuck are you supposed to win with a berseker.

"go Basahka!"

Attached: BERERKAA.jpg (564x797, 68K)

Pray that the other masters were not skilled enough to Summon anything decent.

Technically, all servants are decent.
It's the masters who are fools

If you can get your hands on monster like Heracles and be decent enough mage to sustain him, you're golden, unless some super top tier hero like Gil or Karna is summoned.

Alright faggots let me explain how you can win the HGW with an assassin

> Be me
> 50 year old, fat, ugly magus
> Be invited for this battle royale since this is what the hip magus kids like to do these days
> Star summoning ritual
> A hooded, edgy as fuck dude with a cape and a snarky voice appears before me
> Introduces himself
> I ask him about his powers n shit, he tells me about his noble phantasm that allows him him accelerate his own time flow beyond anything other servants are capable off
> Cool.jpg
> Decide to play the "cheeky asshole" route, wait for the first servant fights before doing anything
> Learn about assassin's other skills
> Learn he has independent action AND magecraft
> Make some plans with him
> Wait until the first servant fight, decide to stay holled up in my mansion like a pimp since his independent action gives him lotsa freedom
> Assassin waits until both enemy servants are nearly dead
> He activates his first Noble Phantasm, runs up to them like he's made of pure light, and cuts up the throats of both servants with his second NP, phantasmal punishment
> The servants choke on their own blood before dying because of the mana-destroying effects of the Noble Phantasm
> Repeat the process while manipulating the odds so that Caster is the last servant alive
> Asshole is hiding in his castle
> I sugest we wait until he gets bored
> Assassin goes Ihaveabetteridea.jpg
> He gets 1 ton of explosives, not magical ones or anything like that, normal explosives he bought from contraband
> He uses his NP to set up the explosives before anyone notices
> Kaboom
> The master bitch emerges from the flames, bruised as fuck
> Shoot in the head by assassin's Calico M950
> Winner winner chicken dinner
> We approach the greater grail
> Ready to ressurect my dead son
> Feel a sharp pain in my chest, followed by a bullet sound
> "Sorry user, i've seen what the grail does before. Nothing personal kid"

And that's how you win a holy grail war with an assassin, kids

Attached: Hassan5.png (500x832, 156K)

> Be me
Stopped reading there. It's too painful to read, asshole

Go for the Berserkers that do keep most of their sanity (Nightingale, Beowulf) or extremely powerful (Herk, actual Berserker Cu, Berserker Shuten Douji) or a combination of both (Arjuna Alter)

Assassins in Strange Fake and Apocrypha are op as fuck. Nameless assasin is basically Gilgamesh of Hassan while True Assassin seems like someone coming from a horror movie. Jack's skills are really dangerous. Unfortunately both her luck and her master suck. Semiramis is a hax with her hanging garden. Her poison nearly killed Mordred if not for Kairi risking his life to save her ass.
Hassan of Satan arm is also quite decent. He's not too strong, but skillful and quite smart. I dont even know why Kojiro is put into Assassin class but needless to say about his sword skill.

No-name Assassin is incompetent though, she fucks up everything she tries to do. She has lots of abilities but her personality gets in the way. I'd rather have someone liked Cursed Arm, he's smart and a bro.
Lancelot and Hercules were the best warriors.

Who is the best assassin we've seen that isn't a grand?

>arjuna alter
You do remember he's only a thing because of the lost belt fuckery right?

Semiramis? Though Im not even sure she can be seen as a normal assassin

Cursed Arm and Li Shuwen I guess.

Even if we counted semi. She's not good at all normally. When she gets her gardens, She's amazing.
But it requires a TON of material,a TON of gold, and 3 Days of continuous chanting. in 99/100 grail wars, she wont be setting it up.

Except that the assassin with Presence Concealment A is going to be undetectable for most servants, and he just needs to wait until the servants are fighting to stab the master 9 times before they can think of using a command seal.
Just look at heaven's feel route. Once True Assassin starts acting as a real a assassin (luring enemies into traps, targeting masters first and using hostages, using fights to middle in and take the weakened party), he almost wins the Grail War on his own.

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Rider is the basic cavalry class, NP power at the cost of basic power compared to infantry classes. Achilles ends up just being a high-level Lancer with a chariot as a rider

You also have Jekyll for instance, who can't be detected as a servant due to his mutation of PC. He'll always appear as a normal person, or a mediocre mage instead of an actual servant

>cursed arm
weakest hassan lmao

Yeah, without hanging garden Semiramis is average at best. So maybe Serenity or Cursed Arm for best assassin without counting Gramp

>what is shuten douji

>shuten douji
You better be really compatible with her or she will eat you. Also, her actual assassin skills are pretty shit and NP is probably not suited for the Holy Grail War.

But the thing is, they are the same person, so they are able to both manipulate in their RM.Basically, EMIYA will keep the marble up, while both of them bombard the enemy with A+ tier Noble Phantasms or at least blue rain.

Archer never really wanted to kill Shirou in the first place. Had that been top priority, there was plenty of time in UBW where he can just snipe Shirou. He was just trying to beat some sense into his earlier self, to no avail

just cmmand seal her into not eating you

Imagine f/z season 2 Kirei still using assassin. The chaos that he would cause


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His introduction was absolutely god tier. Spooky Hassan indeed

Well, Shirou won Gil, anything if possible with the proper writting.
If we get rid of bad writting and assume every master is not retarded, then its all down to who are the particular servants since one NP hard counter other .

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He seemed more competent than hundred face at least.

Everyone loves king Hassan but seriously fffuck his design. Sure it looks cool, but he's supposed to be the trendsetter for the other Hassans. Fuck magic stealth, at least look the part!

hundred face just got ganked by isknadar
he could've defeated diarmud in a 1v1 and he has lots of specialisation
plus you get to retry 99 times if you fuck up

Basic berserker is supposed to be a garbage class, because it's for turning shit servants into usable servants at the cost of control. If you can pull it off with an already good servant then it can become a death machine like Heracles. As with assassin it depens on the master.

But you need like 60 years to set the gardens up

The idea:
1. Worse stats than Saber/Lancer/Archer
2. Horse NP is going to be worse than a actual NP

Super murder horse is better than some shitty named spear in 9/10 cases.

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If we're talking only about killing Masters. Serenity is a death sentence. Her power is outright broken against anyone without resistances.

>uses Spooky Hassan to assassinate the deep state of magical mafioso clones

None of the Hassans after him ever even met him as far as we know. Maybe the first, but that's speculation.

>actually wins a war as a caster
>nah man I prefer being a lancer

Making comics read left to right but based on manga ought to be a criminal offense

>Worse stats than Saber/Lancer/Archer
From the beginning the only thing that mattered in Fate was author fiat. The only purpose the stats serve is to fuel shitposting in vs threads

Because he's stronger as lancer. Not his fault Kirei fucked up everything for him.

A big theme in Zero is that the Mage Masters are incapable of using their servants properly.

Kirigutsu is incapable of using Saber for anything but Excaliblasting a tentacle monsters.
Fast wheels and dʲiəɾˠmˠədʲ uə ˈd̪ˠʊvʲnʲə does fuck all for the entire war.
Assassin spends the entire war as a spy, and then gets ganked by army.
Tousaka has GILGAMESH at his side... and manages to convince him he is a worthless piece of shit by acting like a worthless piece of shit.
Kayneth can't even use Lancelot to do anything without risking dying horribly, and would most likely have won if somebody didn't get a boner from his torturing himself to feed Lancelot.

Only Iskander and Bluebeard gets anything done.

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>anything if possible with the proper writting
Name one fucking scenario where Gilles lily, Saber lily, Benkei (fake), Boudica, Marie, Reines, Medea lily or Mata Hari can win their own war

is true assassin a Hassan? and is nameless Assassin a Hassan, thought she was exiled or something.

but how can I have sex with her

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>Mata Hari
She's unironically busted against Masters though
>Saber Lily
Caliburn is still a pretty strong sword, if the war isn't full of exceptionally strong freaks like F/SN she has a chance
Her NPs are great for flying around shooting at servants who can't do anything to fight back

>wins a war
>mindless, blackened Servants with no Masters

Have an exceptional poison resistance/immunity.


Hassan is a title that only the leader of each generation gets. She's a very good assassin but never managed to get her own unique assassination method that makes her worthy of the title.
Which is a pity. The girl is a zealot, and considering how autistic the great founder was, she was on the right track.

5th war with
>Saber alter
>Cu alter
>Archer Herc
>Medea lily
Who would win

Archer Herc or Cu Alter. Probably Herc, Nine Lives bow + God Hand is busted.

I could tell you who would not win
And that would be Kojiro and Gorgon

No, the whole point of the war is that Saber, Lancer and Archer are the strongest and everyone else is a sacrifice.

That's why the 3 families always go for those, the rest are unironic schmucks they cheat to participate in the war but will never actually win.

Nine Lives is broken

I dont even know why hercules have that shit , its not part of his myth , even if he defied death and literal hades multiple times

how autistic is she in the LN, only caught up with manga. I read that Ayaka, Richard, she and sigma ally. Seems like they are being set up as lovers or something?

Or is it like serenity and that dude with mystic eyes who dies because of her in fragments

I dont even know why Sabers wins
They are usually so straightforward that its nothing special

Like Saibah had a invisible sword and a energy beam
Boo fucking hoo, just kill the master, she doesnt even have independency

Iirc in Fate universe he killed hydra by shooting all its head at once with the bow and that technique became Nine Lives.

Jesus you're like a tertiary. Have you ever seen anything fate related?

Tokiomi had the right idea, kill one to make everyone think Assassin’s out of the war, then come in at the end and shank the winners

Saber alter or Lostman has no chance?

Infanticide Rank EX

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No one does.

Not against sane Herc with Nine Lives and God Hand.

>Long term command seals ever working
>On a strong semi-divine monster
>Possibly in Japan

He looks edgy as fuck, but well I guess the point is that he is the representation of death itself. Plus when a fucking assassin uses a big ass sword instead of knife or poison, you know shit's going down

Archer herc VS super saiyan karna?

He needed a bigger knife to get the heretics out of his fucking desert.

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LB4 Super Karna pretty easily. He's already anti-Divine and since he's buffed massively and able to stand up to Godjuna there are no normal servants who would stand a chance.

At least we know that under his skull mask is truly an old man and not gender bender, trap or Bishounen shit. Plus he does look like someone coming from Middle East. Thank God Type Moon doesnt ruin him

Realistically, is it even possible to impregnate a servant?

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Unless your wish to the Holy Grail is a body for them, nope.

If your semen is spiritual

He's not buffed. The gods simply gave him his original strength back. Super Karna is just his irl version from mahab

Can a servant impregnates another servant?

That's buffed beyond the servant container.

That reminds me, why are some servants nerfed more than others? Like heracles is super strong lore wise but he's reduced to a 4* while an ordinary swordsman like king Arthur is given a 5* vessel?

That's just Grand Order nonsense and has everything to do with earning maximum money with no lore reason for it. Otherwise Arash and George would be 4 or 5* and Jack would be 1*.

Artoria is not just an ordinary swordsman, both versions are extremely strong.

Surely not as strong as Hercules or Karna

The aesthetic though.

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If not limited by a shitty Master, Excalibur could kill Berserker Hercules no doubt.
If she has Avalon, she can no-sell Vasavi Shakti and after that Karna is vulnerable.

Alcohol is foreboden. But huff some hash, fellow hitman.

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Excalibur can harm K&K Karna to an extent, he had to use Mana Burst to minimize Balmung's damage instead of just taking it on.

They started taking Servants power levels seriously very late. Even they admitted they fucked up with making Romulus a 3*

is there a herc Saber or Rider in the game?

That's the problem with hindu mythology. You gotta nerf it hard to keep the competition fair, And that's what they did with Karna and VS. Simply put, any Astra from the Mahab could destroy irl Excalibur because that's just how absurd these weapons are( and that's coming from a devoted Catholic who recently read the mahab)

Fate Mahab may not have been as crazy as the written one. Mythical King Arthur certainly never shot sword beams.

There is only the FSN one. Archer Herc may or may not show up in the next chapter if Nasu decides to give Narita a heart attack.

Alcides is explicitly different than Archer Herc. Different personality, different NPs. That feels pretty deliberate on Narita's part, I doubt he'd have a problem with it.

how far is the LN? Only read the manga and last chapter true Assassin was summoned.

>it's just fucking laughable when he's fucking destroyed every time he's on screen no matter what explanation you have for it.
Back in the real world, Gil murdered Medea and did this to Saber in his first appearance. He killed Lancer soon after.

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Fate VN?
Because the containers are magical constructs based on whatever predated the Matou worm magic.
So it stops scaling at 50x for all stats. Whereas some servants like Herakles is going to be stronger than that, and then gets softcapped by his container.

Abilities like NPs doesn't have scaling since they replicate a mystery.

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>He killed Lancer soon after.
He spent 12 hours fatiguing Lancer, because Protection From Arrows works against NPs.

The problem with this franchise is that it glorifies certain individuals like Arthur and the round table while nerfing the likes of Hercules/achilles/romulus. This is just frustrating.

So he killed Lancer soon after.

Can't he just quickly Enkidu him and then finish him off with Caladbolg or any other weapon like in Deen/Stay Night? He probably didn't care at all when fighting Cu.

Does the gacha follow that only heroic spirits can be servants?

Speaking of Strange fake, how strong is Richard compared to Artoria?

It's a matter of conceptualization. Everybody knows Heracles but only have the vague concept of "he was a really strong dude" with fewer people knowing about his feats. On the other hand, even my grandpa, born in the early 1920s knew what Excalibur was.

Volume 6 Ishtar and Alcides team up and kills Gil

I was under impression that it's widely known that he completed 12 labors as it's most famous work with him. Yeah, most people don't know specifics of his labors, but it makes sense that his primary NP would be about his most known feats.

>killing somebody 7 times with 1 hit
That's still stupid.

Even if suppose that Arthur is more well-known across the globe than Heracles, the Servantsverse proceeds to laugh at its own established rules with Girugameshu.

>Rulers? Be my guest
>Aberrant classes like Avengers. They're fine now
>Counter Servants? Take them!
>Parallel versions of Heroic spirits? Go ahead.
>Servants made of composite deities? Sure, why not.
>Overpowered versions of beings that shouldn't even exist? If you must.
As the Human Order gets more and more fucked, the world lets you get away with more bullshit, because the situation is that desperate.

So it depends on the popularity of a person? Then I guess Hitler would be the strongest( if he was ever summoned)

>>killing somebody 7 times with 1 hit
>That's still stupid.
About as stupid as needing to be killed 12 times.

Volume 5. And he's not dead yet.

VN states though that Gil is not as well known as Herc of Artoria, doesn't get fame boost and has worse stats. Nasu just like to wank "the older the better" concept.

Gil is just that old so he gets a massive advantage. Plus his conceptual hoarding.
Mystery is the very basis of all magecraft in the setting. If you want to call being internally consistent wank that's fine, but then it's the wrong franchise for you.

>2 Star
>Is stronger than most 4 Stars
Fucking DW

That's the thing. Their traits get exaggerated. And what's known about Hitler is that he was charismatic as fuck but a terrible, terrible commander.

That was ever only a rule with the Fuyuki Greater Grail, and not even in the 5th war due to Manjew.

Didn't Manjew just add heroic spirits with evil alignments to the summoning pool?

I really always interpreted that the power of each servant depends on what they were able to do in life. The popularity gives them a boost, but if a servant was very strong in life, he/she will be even if summoned in an area where nobody knows their myth.

>Speaking of Strange fake, how strong is Richard compared to Artoria?

It's an impossible comparison even for the deus ex which Arturia is. He hasn't fought seriously in the manga yet, but he seems to be quite competent. Unfortunately his "sword" is a ridiculous china made toy so...

Exactly. If Kiritsugu had gotten Hassan he would have been completely unstoppable. Imagine how fucking terrifying Assasin is when you teach it how to plant c4, and lace food with cyanide.

His mystery is pretty low so he would be pretty weak unless Nasu went the meme route and give him Longinus.

And even then his Longinus will probably be copy much weaker conceptionally than original.

>Nasu just like to wank "the older the better" concept
"Older" as is what context? If we're talking about the publishing date then yeah gilgamesh gets the cake but if it's about the date and time of the events then Rama/Arjuna/Karna are older than Gil.

A Wraith was summoned too. And I doubt Hassans are really Heroic Spirits either.

The whole system is completely arbitrary though. Apparently Michelangelo is not a HS but Hans Christian Andersen is?

Hes actually really weak and only used in a niche role.

>summoning kerry

ok tertiary-kun

Under the Nasu canon Gilgamesh is THE oldest heroic spirit period, everyone else came after him, Servants that came before aren't proper HS (like Enkidu that is a divine construct and the gods that are Divine Spirits).

yes and someone thought that Angra Mainyu was a legendary big deal, and instead turned out to be a scam.

He just revives, I can wrap my hand around that, but not around the concept of him dying from a hit that already killed him several times more.

Well, Herc is both like 1,000+ years older than Artoria and about as/more famous than her. He still gets destroyed by either her or Gillman (and toyed with for 4 lives by a Red man) even with that Berserk stat boost of his.

>He just revives, I can wrap my hand around that, but not around the concept of him dying from a hit that already killed him several times more
That's just Nasu's attempt at RPG mechanics. The idea is that say Herc has 100 hp per life, but if you kill him with attack that has 200 damage, he loses 2 lives.

Simply having a servant should allow us to steal any materials we need, and then we just need to turtle for 3 days. When the garden is up and running, we just go full Leningrad on whatever city the war is taking place in. Full scorched earth mode. Hopefully all the other masters will be dead by then.

Since The events of the epic of gilgamesh mark the border between age of gods and men, it makes sense for Arjuna and Karna to be divine spirits but that begs the question, how strong is gilgamesh compared to his lore? Is he nerfed or glorified?

Mana A
Luck A+

Magic Resistance A
Riding B
Charisma B
Instinct A
Mana Burst A

NP: A++ Anti-Army, further boosted with Mana Burst to achieve ridiculous firepower.

Super powerful NP beam, Mana Burst can provide massive stat boosts when necessary, Instinct is completely busted as an ability. Magic Resistance A no-sells almost all magecraft.

>Richard I
Mana B
Luck C

Magic Resistance B
Riding A

NP: D~A+ Anti-Army, essentially a weaker version of Artoria's. Strength depends on the object he's wielding. Using a tree branch lets him do some weak D-rank blasts, using one of Gil's weapons lets him reach A or A+.

Rounds of Lionheard is his other NP which provides him assistance from seven heroic spirits within his shadow. They can't manifest physically, but can do things like cast spells, shoot arrows and give him advice. Included are Loxley (one of the Robin Hoods, shoots arrows and incapable of getting lost), Pierre Basile, William Marshal or William Longchamp who can spawn a horse for Richard, an unnamed mage who can give Richard some minor protection and light-giving spells.

Artoria is outright way stronger, but Richard has much more utility and is harder to straight up counter.

He's nerfed like all of the strongest heroes of their era. CCC Gilgamesh is probably the closest we've seen him to his peak. Class containers only nerf stats though, and he isn't very reliant on them.

They ended up summoning the patsy, yeah. Because real Angra Mainyu, if he exists, would be a Divine Spirit.

Maybe he's talking lorewise? Ascalon and Bayard are pretty strong.

>it makes sense for Arjuna and Karna
They're classified as heroic spirits in CCC and FGO, so in the Nasuverse the Kurukshetra War happened after Gilgamesh's reign.

Did they nerf her? She had A strength under Rin which is what I assume her stats should normally be like with good master.

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Rin is an exceptional magus, I suppose she would let her reach the full potential of her servant container. I used FGO stats for comparison's sake since most servants have an FGO version, thus giving a more balanced comparison where everyone is on a level playing field regarding their master.
Richard obviously isn't in FGO yet though.

That makes no sense at all. Gilgamesh's reign is supposed to be the end of Age of gods. How does that explain the involvement of gods like Krishna in the Kuru war? Are you telling me hindu gods ain't gods now?

If I recall right, he was mentioned in the backstory of Camelot, and that it took a suicide attack from Gareth for the other Round Table knights to take him out, so who knows how strong they plan on making his Grand Order version

>there will never be a HGW in true battle royale fashion where there is no bias for a single "main" character, therefore allowing there to be clever fights and unpredictable results in which assassin do what they're fucking supposed to do and go after the masters
Fate has so much potential but it will never be reached

FGO stats are a bit weird. Herc still has Ilya level stats, Cu has Kirei level stats, Artoria has B in every physical stat which fits none of her versions from F/Z and F/SN.

literally fate/strange fake

Wait for the netflix adaptation.

The ending of the Age of Gods took a while. The decline of the gods began when Sefar beat the shit out of them until an Excalibur user took it out, reached its peak when Gilgamesh severed the connection and finally ended at 0AD. That's

There are some official and fanmade fighting games, you know?

Good. That's not the point of the franchise.

Gareth is probably extremely strong defensively, with only Artoria+Avalon surpassing her.

Are you okay user?

Gilgamesh began the process but didn't single handed end it, after him the human order began to overtake the gods until the fall of Camelot (the last holdout of the Age of Gods) in the 5th century AD

Oh, I was referring to Richard there. It seems a bit odd that he was able to stand up to multiple Round Table knights, but again who really knows what happened

That almost certainly wasn't real Richard

Doesn't Age of Gods ending in Fate tied to King Arthur's era? IIRC Rhongomyniad keeps all the shit from age of gods in reverse side of the world and if by chance the spear is destroyed world will be filled by dragons and other shit from age of gods?

That was a fake Richard

It's not like any of the classes have any real identity

Charlemagne is legit or a sub tier servant?

Attached: JYpZLCV.jpg (1600x2258, 400K)

He's one of the stronger Sabers

Post the real deal.

Attached: emem.png (500x400, 315K)

We had something like that in that fairly recent Zodiac battle royals for a wish anime and it was ultimately a tad dull

In Fate world puberty strikes pretty hard.

>wonder why dragons are such big deals when there are Phantasm all beasts who have much flashier powers
>dragons have nigh-limitless mana reserves
>and they reproduce asexually

Jesus Christ! Kill them all!

>Assassin class
>all Servant classes can detect enemy Servants
>half the masters can also detect enemy Servants

Was this scene in the anime to hint at Nasuverse's deep lore? One might call it, I dunno, Dragon Lore.

>implying that shit matters when you only need one hit

Sounds stupid and totally against the point of f/sn.

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Just get high rank presence concealment and no second strike, bro.

That's basically what they replaced h-scene with in realta nua, only with bad cgi.

So why does Saber Charlemagne look like Gudao?

age of gods should never have ended, it resulted in the shitty world we have today.

I think a large part of the dullness was you always knew when someone was going to die because you got their backstory seconds before EVERY single time.

>put up with his shit and try to become bros (chance of success 1%)
>win grail (chance of success 100%)
>wish to turn gilgamesh into girl
>breed gilgamesh into submission
nothing personnel, i'll be taking this grail and the next with my wife.

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Not really that, as much as the fact that they died in reverse order to the Chinese horoscope, so you knew immediately who would win

You failed to win the grail, user. a 1% chance of being bros means a 99% chance of being backstabbed.

So, your plan is to try to butter him up like Tokiomi tried? Good luck, I don't think it will help.

Should of armed them with some weapons from gate of Babylon. Though gilgamesh probably wouldn't go for it

>touching the non-killy part of his stuff

Even suggesting it would probably see him kill you violently

reminder that he didn't betray tokiomi until it was revealed that tokiomi intended to backstab him to reach the root. if he finds you boring he won't be going around using Ea or anything, but he might still win the war.

Command seal?

Gil is fine as long as you can keep him entertained.

Tokiomi only had 3 and had used one already (because he was an idiot). Using the second one would mean he wouldn't be able to give an emergency command to him anymore, as he needed the last one to have him commit suicide later on. And what's the point? Gil could defeat Ionioi Hetairoi easily as we got to see.
Here is your servant
do you get along?
Can you win a war together

We're both autistic, so yes. She's not bad either.

I don't know. Who the fuck is this guy?

Attached: lostbelt rider.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

It says Ginka. Who is Ginka?

>2 Star
>fucking SAINT with enormous boost to fame
>dragon slayer
>lmao low tier servant
Fucking fate man

The artist, I think.


Who's this guy

Grand Berserker Beowulf

Stats doesn't mean anything. Why fate still have them?

doubt i win but atleast the mana transfer will be good.

grand berserker
if you survive the mana cost and him you win

Another Berserker that can talk coherently. Does the term even mean anything nowadays?

They can't release Berserker that can only roar and expect people to like them, unless their name is Lancelot of Heracles, unfortunately.

She's cute and High-servant AEs are pretty strong, but too bad that neutered SN Illya is such a trash character.

Oh, right. Maybe I thought his speciality was Character Designer.

i'm dead.

Attached: LancerLMWM.png (303x344, 166K)

Lu Bu is a cool guy.

If it was intentional, then it has a thematic reason for it as Saber Charlemagne represents Charlemagne at the height of his idealism when he believed he could unite the work under a common good not unlike how the FGO protagonist manages to wrangle his ragtag Servants into a pseudo family

Seems nice, I'm just 2 series into this, the berserkers in Zero and UBW were quite nice

Theorized to be either Hernan Cortes or Benaiah ben Jehoiada.

Well, it's pretty good, i guess, hoping that as a saber he's a less retarded.

berserk herc is shit
avenger herc is real deal

His Arondight is weaker because he doesn't know how to use it properly.

As far as berserkers go, he's one of the best.

It's the opposite. As a Saber he's a self-loathing slob who's going to betray you either because of chivalry or for some other dumb reason like wanting to bone your wife.

People want it to be Cortez to see him flex on the Mesoamerican Lostbelt

In the Fate universe is still one the strongest knight in Camelot, right? It seemed to me that he and Gawain were pretty at the top.

Caster Cu...not bad he is actually usefull even in this class

He's the strongest, at least in cqc. Excalibur has more firepower than Arondight though.

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nah he won't betray you as long as you aren't a bitch

>who's going to betray you
And say that it's your fault

I had the impression that it was stronger as fuck in his caster form. BTFO alter saber as if she were just a nuisance. I guess when you have no bad luck, it helps.

Weird that he's better at using it when he's insane. Why is Saberlot worse with his sword?

Eh, Gae Bolg is much more versatile noble phantasm than Wicker Man.

I miss when Fate was just F/SN instead of all this extra overly complicated lame shit.

And yet, Emiya survives even when Cu claims to be fighting seriously.

That user got it wrong, Saberlot is as good with the sword as Berserklot (Eternal Arms Mastery means his skill doesn't go down with his sanity), it is Arondight Overlord that Lancelot fuck up.
It is a sword beam meant for take down an army, but Saberlot for some reason uses it for single target attacks, reducing its power (from A++ to A) and putting a physical strain on him during the move. The Berserker doesn't know how to use it so you can't judge.

we have lots of sex every day

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Redman only stalemated it with shield that had conceptional property of blocking any projectile fucking up his arm in the process. He had no chance of winning that battle, his every action was just about barely surviving.

Enjoy your backstab
Well if the HGW has plenty of divinity(mistery) or riding servants I guess I'm good. if not then at least she'll be fun to hang out with

Oh right I forgot about that

You're just jealous you don't get to fuck angelica

stop recommending this crap, its arguably worse than apocrypha

>gets shots with a weaker ranged version of Gae Bulge NP
>tanks it with his conceptual NP
>breaks his NP
>breaks his arm
>out of mana
>Cu is without a scratch, has mana and ready to go again
Redman lost that fight super hard, m8

I just realized that Cu had only 2 fights in VN where he wasn't ordered to job by Kirei. First one is against Redman where he stomped him, second one is against Gil in Fate route where he occupied him for half a day which is impressive considering his opponent.

The only servants that have an honest shake at winning are Saber, Archer and Lancer. Berserker, Caster and Assassin are there, mostly as traps. You can normally just wait out Berserker, Caster is fully defensive and the three knight classes tend to have anti-magic abilities built into them, and most of the knights also have enhanced perception, so Assassins get fucked, too. Rider is there as a backup in case one of the families doesn't get a proper knight, but it's still designed to be able to be ruined by the lower tier classes.
The whole grail war is, and always has been, a setup for a mass sacrifice in order to try and get a benefit for one of the three families. But they've all been fucking it up basically since the start by wanting to cheat and get a turn ahead of everyone else. Plus the randos they call in aren't super happy at putting in effort for no possible reward, at great personal risk.

>Artoria’s hair and eye color
>Rin’s hairstyle
>Sakura’s bust size

Optimum Fate waifu

He beat Saber and Archer. Saber only survived because of her insane luck stat.
We could probably win, but I think he'd kill me long before that happened.

>emiya had been without a master for a ton of time at this point
>wasn't even trying to win
>cu conceptually BTFO archers
>he still did as good as he did

Hypothetically though, what if redman had used ubw in that fight?

excalibur gg

Attached: Emiyaaa.jpg (859x1181, 544K)

Win the war then wish for her incarnation minus the poison

>Billy the Kid
ahahahahahahahah, no.

Because it's the Lancer class to Lancers

Gil needed Enkidu to hold down Cu after "killing" him, he still managed to make that fight last hours
Redman would job hard in UBW to him

this is deen only and was never written in th VN

not canon

kirigutsu was not incapable of using Saber, they just fundamentally did not get along. Kiritsugu could use Saber effectively for what he needed, which was to protect Iri. I agree with everything else though.

So why did the Eizenbern summon Hercules as a berserker instead of an Archer? Or is this part of a retcon that came after fate/stay night?

>emiya had been without a master for a ton of time at this point
Wut he was Caster's servant at that point.

caster wasn't supplying him with mana you secondary
she didn't trust him
unlucky for her he had independant action

Source for that? Don't recall she saying that and I read the VN like 4 times.

Shirou doens't stand a chance

My guess is that they didnt want Herc's personality potentially getting in the way. Better to have a complete puppet (with buffed stats to boot) than the risk of some random streak of moralfaggotry fucking their shit up AKA Kiritsugu 2.0

FIlthy secondary here (meaning I watched Zero instead of reading it), what's with Lancelot's haircut? I liked the long hair Zerkerlot and the flashback version had, but I guess that was just UFO's idea?

Done to differentiate him from Berserkerlot.

Seems kinda pointless with Zerker using his sick helmet most of the time. Then again I don't play FGO, I guess there's a version there without the helmet?

tfw a manchild and a shit tier mage were more competent masters


They really need to do another Prisma event and add her to FGO

Gil was literally goading Kirei into helping him backstab Tokiomi.

He was goading Kirei into backstabbing Tokiomi since it would be amusing and Kirei was an interesting person to watch. He had no reason to do it himself until Kirei told him about Tokiomi's plan.

So Gil has no actual loyalty to Tokiomi.

Tokiomi is literally the most worthless master Gil ever had.

He'd probably kill them if he saw what they did to Illya. I wish Herc had a bigger role besides being a jobber, we only got to see him sane once during the Fate route. If Illya had a route I bet his character would have a way bigger role like Medusa in HF.

Use all three command spells on getting her to suicide and then leave the country. Fuck this I'm out.

>Then again I don't play FGO, I guess there's a version there without the helmet?

Sadly. no.

>I read the VN like 4 times.

Why would you do that to yourself?

you know carmilla's ok if you're nice right?
less dangerous then liz

I haven't really been keeping up on FGO lore, just going by the description it doesn't really seem safe. I guess if that's true it could work, though I'd be a horrible magus anyway and an assasin with only presence concealment D doesn't seem too useful.

>but it's just fucking laughable when he's fucking destroyed every time he's on screen
You...realize Gilgamesh has arguably the highest wins among servants. Here's his record:

-Robin hood

His latest showing is fighting a buffed Alcides (you know, the wanked version of the strongest Greek) to a draw that was interrupted by Ishtar. Gilgamesh has more wins than losses and I'm sure I'm missing some.

>Emiya is how you make a servant seem actually threatening and strong, he has the feats and success to prove the hype behind him.
Emiya got fucking destroyed by nearly every servant in the original FSN. Even Medusa nearly clapped him in seconds. Emiya's only true dominant fight was against fucking True Assassin and Caster, the weakest servants in the war. And Emiya has full knowledge on Medea to start with.

Redman could beat Kojiro by sniping though

Well they tried to obfuscate that by having Sheep be a veteran winner of a previous battle royals. So that’s something.

Alone Kojiro can't do shit but with Medea as ranged support the two are actually quite tought.
In one of the bad ends they even manage to basically fight off every other servant when they come to attack the temple.

A command spell by that point would have lost power. More importantly, even on the first night, Lancer literally tried to kill Saber with Gae Bolg and was mad that she survived. CS has never been ironclad.

Gilgamesh spent 12 hours fighting Cu in a basement. People somehow think this is bad for Gilgamesh. Instead of actually amazing that he was able to fight dog boy in a fucking closed room when they were inches away from each other. How the fuck did Gilgamesh pull that off?

Gil equips his armor and uses Enkidu to hold Cu in one place. Alternatively fight like what he did to Herc in UBW.

Speaking of UBW Gil, what's the deal with his slav uniform there? He jumps into his armor as soon as possible in the other routes.

Archer Herc is one of those servants where the irl myth is so fucking absurd and busted that Nasu had to nerf him instead of wanking for his fanfic. He takes this.

i havent seen people call it bad for gil, Just good for cu. But he did have the natural advantage. with protection from arrows, and his really high speed. Evading the shot nps from Gil mustn't have been hard.

you really put in Medea lily, The Healing servant who's combat abilities are almost nul. Oop

Only in Fate that he uses his armor, he didn't use it in HF I think

Medea lily actually survives in the Magical Girl Battle Royale in Prisma event

Against who? i dont remember the event

All the magical girls from the universe

It was stated in vn itself that they wanted obedient attack dog that will just follow orders after Kiritsugu and Saber screwed them over in previous war.

mk. was it like 1v1s? again i dont really remember that, so idk if its even a half impressive feat. Anyways, we already know she can barely fight, most of her spells are for assisting, a small fraction are for actually causing damage.

Because at the end of the day, someone's gotta dunk on the darkies.

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You'll have to give quote with link for that one or it didn't happen. I don't remember her cutting off his reserves either. In fact, I specifically remember her telling that she has magical reserves to sustain all the servants in the war when he was switching to her side, meaning she wasn't implying she will be just his anchor.

Summoning a Hassan as an Assassin is a death sentence since killing magicians is kind of their thing. Heretics.

I always figured some one could pull some clever shit with him pretending to be the Berzerker servant to bait an opponent into being unprepared for an Assassin.

Would KH approve of the Assassin's Creed games?

Attached: hassan legacy.jpg (1180x452, 86K)

Theoretically, Assassins stand a decent chance out of the 4 non-knights to win the grail war itself via assassination, as mentioned plenty.

Realistically though, its the quality of the heroic spirit that really matters, not the class.
Medea dragged Shirou out of his house and into her temple for an ez assassination, but failed because Arturia and EMIYA both have incredibly keen instincts that have nothing to do with class or stats.
Similarly, Hundred-faces never stood a chance in the 4th war because Alexander is a cunt with a mobile flying fortress that never stays in one position.
That wasn't something intrinsic to the rider class, but is simply the servant being a poor matchup.

I can't tell if this user approves or hates the idea that they have to destroy what little plot there is in the game to pander to people.

I'm getting they either think that AC was a mistake from its very concept, or they're just shitposting and don't really care one way or the other.