Expect Spoilers soon. The future truly is great.
Chainsaw Man
Laughed my ass off when I saw this page, I can't believe they put glasses on.
In before the future devil demands to extend Aki's lifespan as the price of his contract, and acts like he's driving a hard bargain
Is it wrong that I want to see him suffer?
Spoiler devil when?
P-puke slut is coming back, right? She cant possible be gone.
Ah yes, Konichiwa to you too.
Power-sensei is so sexy!
this isn't english. i can tell because i've seen lots of languages that aren't english.
I believe you have to say Ching chong nip nong here
>Mirai becomes Aki's right eye.
That's pretty neat if it's what it actually means.
I mean. We all read Fire Punch, i think is fair to say a long and possibly immortal life is horrible.
CSM is getting a CP next issue to promote volume 3.
>man this guys everyday life is suffering
>only 2 years of juicy suffering
>I know, make him gain more years as more of his friends die
>mmmm juicy suffering
And neither of those will be Aki. Fucking hell.
How long a MC like Denji can remain popular? You kinda cannot rot for the guy as he is right now
One Kobeni in color please
How so?
Worked well enough for Light.
I'm stopped rooting for him after the infinity devil arc.
>Aki starts wearing an eye patch like Himeno
That'd be pretty cool
Light had goals to strive for, you could root for him.
Can Aki sac like 1 year of his life to revert the last day or something?
>Snake girl shows up again
Seems like the zombie devil's coming back
He has the future devil not the past one.
I'm assuming its a couple things.
Denji isn't very driven overall unless someone tells him what to do. He gets led around and told to do stuff, rarely does he make choices on his own (outside of saving Power from the Bat).
Denji is immoral, unintelligent, and unemphatic to his core, seeing him meet everything with the same sort of reaction, with even his own probable death being taken lightly, is annoying after a while.
Atm Denji is better as a side-kick than an MC. This is probably the point behind his character and I, personally, trust Fujimoto to take Denji's character an interesting path. But its sensible for people to dislike him.
How the fuck are you supposed to kill the devils if they come back anyway.
based soft seinen
maybe a different devil of the same type is born when the previous dies? I mean, you can't kill a concept. I doubt we'll get an in-depth explanation.
They do? When have they said that?
I just find the Denji from the oneshot just so much more interesting.
Aki is there for the sympathy audience.
Zombie devil was kill back in the first chapter and he is back according to the spoilers.
>inb4 zombie
Yeah....Denji needs some character development. The big thing is that he should just decide what he actually wants to do aside from whatever momentary goal he has at the moment. At the same time i kinda like that he just goes with the flow.
Might had been snake girl since it seems she can revive people.
I assume he will evolve eventually. Pochita didn't die so that Denji turns in to another assholish devil with no dreams.
I am amazed Denji can make a tie. Also I like that the author makes everyone wear suits but have them on sneakers, suit shoes are the most unpractical and uncomfortable shoes ever and would make an awful choice for fighting
Disgusting Machine translations 1/2
The terms and conditions of the future demon can live in the right eye
To Aki who makes a face saying that it is all right
I wanted to see the future with this eye, because I would do the worst death in the future
Recognized by the master, guidance will be one week
A teacher who will go to catch Samurai Sword and Snake Woman by practice from tomorrow
If the operation fails, the 4th lesson is over, and you will get rid of you and it will be a serious battle with me
Denji "Sorry I will not miss the teacher, I will miss it, because I made me stronger
You can kill more demons with this, so let's see Ms. Makima and Rendezvous. "
It has already hated to Maki who says hello to Denji from now on
I thought it would be guilty even if the toy is broken, but at this age I feel so excited about the toy
I did not miss the raid of the special section
A teacher who says I'll miss out inside you being human-like trying to kill your dog in order to do what wrong you are
I just want to save one more person from the devil
If this operation succeeds, it is supposed to actively report the existence of 4 sections.
Lesson 4 is a master who returns a liar to Makima who can move more easily than ever before and save people from the devil. Laughing Makima
On the other hand, snake women are preparing to meet
A zombie army corps made by the Kuzu corps who can not return the debt of Mr. Roh's souvenir
Snake Woman "A human being zombie is a zombie. It will end the fourth lesson"
Disgusting machine translations 2/2
The devil's contract for the future is to make him live in his right eye.
To Aki who has the face of whether it is enough
I want to see the future with my own eyes because I will die in the worst way in the future.
My master gave me 1 Week of instruction.
From tomorrow, I'll go to hunt for the samurai sword and the snake.
If you fail in that operation, the 4th Division will be over, and if that happens, you will be disposed of and you will be me and the majibatoru
I don't want you to know that I don't want you to kill me, but I don't want you to know that I'm not gonna let you go, I'm gonna let you go, I'm gonna let you go, I'm gonna let you go, I'm gonna let you go, I'm gonna let you go, I'm
I can kill more demons with this, so I'll rendezvous with Mr. macima.」
From now on, I've become so tired of makhima saying hello to denji and his friends.
I don't think there's a sense of guilt in broken toys, but when you're old enough, you get a feeling for the toys.
You missed it.
A teacher who says that I'll overlook it when you are on the side of a human like to kill the domestic dog to try to do any outrage
I just want to save as many as 1 person from the devil
If this operation is successful, we are expected to actively report the existence of Division 4
Division 4 is a master who returns liar to Makima who can save people from the devil more easily than ever before.Laughing makhima
Meanwhile, the snakes are preparing to intercept
The zombie Corps made by the kudzu Corps who can not return the debt of the souvenir of the grandfather
A snake woman"a human being bitten by a zombie becomes a zombie.So I end the 4th Division.」
Thank you my nigga
These are both different programs and so spit out different info. I included both for due diligence.
I have no ability to speak Japanese.
>I will die in the worst way in the future.
Let's pay a psychiatrist to Aki.
According to sensei he is now in peak condition to fight devils.
Judging from the spoilers maybe if you get bitten by a zombie you become the new zombie devil?
Who's the artist for this one?
>What's your dream, Aki?
>idk, fucking die maybe. In the worst way if possible, that would be nice.
I don't normally spoon feed, but I really like this dudes art so give him a follow
Danke. So it was just パワー in twitter post. I usually go with パワーちゃん.
I just do チェンソーマン since パワー is mostly used with being energetic or strength to some degree
>Aki becoming immortal and suffering as contract for future demon prediction is coming true
nice one lads
is it worth reading this just for the horns girl?
No, but there are better girls
No. It's worth reading for the wild ride (Of which the horn girl is part off)
is one of the rarest manga's where every girl is best girl
Will Mirai literally live inside his eye? Does it mean he will have to hear its autistic screeching 24/7?
Power > Kobeni > Himeno > Makima
Makima please don't kill me
i think the wild ride is just beginning
Makina isnt the jealous type, also everything belongs to her.
Makima needs more screentime
As of right now she can't compete with Power
I can't help but see these two as siblings, or two retarded twins
Knowing fujimoto that means they'll definitely fuck eventually
Today you are reminded of great things!
Tell me 3 things that are best which aren’t future.
If he didnt fuck himeno I doubt it.
Love is literally the greatest thing in the universe.
1. Crush your enemies
2. See them driven before you
3. Hear the lamentations of their women
Based barbarianchad
Somebody come and get me when Korean scans come in, please.
High IQ!
This. Weird how both niggastream and viz didn’t captured that.
Pardon me, but what Oneshot?
No such thing. That user is drunk.
he's definitely not immoral or unempathetic, brainlet
So.. he’s back?
volume 3 is himeno
I hope next is Aki now he has a new PUNISHED design.
Why do people ask shit like this as if their time is valuable at all. It's like 30 chapters. You could down it in an hour
Based Fujimoto giving Himeno a funeral.
Are you ready for more Son of Shad?
Green cover = Death flag
I can't wait for the reactions when Power get killed off.
He needs an actual goal
>Hearing "Mirai Saiko" non-stop from the inside of your skull
Dying in two years is a blessing for Aki.
Aki will start pulling out the Curse Nail every fight just to get it over with faster.
I was thinking that Aki would have to trade his memories to make a contract. Since they are all he has left. But I guess he would be scared he wouldn't have the same motivation even if he kept his desire to want to kill the gun devil.
The only way to stop the gun devil is by giving everyone guns. Having a gun will make you feel safer since you can protect yourself from other people with guns. The only downside is it increases the power of the gun free zone devil
>implying Mirai won't love him so much he will make him immortal
Girls with Power's haircut are always best girl of their show
eg Maho from Beck
Aki's hair!
But especially Aki's right eye!
Yeah Power is blonde and she's better with these blonde dyed hair than the shitty pink that makes her look like a 02 clone
>Yeah, my outdated fanart is canon.
Here dummy
just got something in the mail
wew nice. Should've cleaned the little texts first, but still looks pretty great.
Antiheroes are pretty popular user.
eye patch girl can get fucked
Fuck you and no she can’t
you are a slave to women
usually I can understand these but not now
Aki gets to see the future with his eye!
Aki = Odin
Himeno isn’t real, incel
I expected zombie devil to not just die. it's in his name for crying out loud
Scans when
Denji is a good guy. He even left Aki an apple.
based whale, i'm kind of jelly
If I counted right then this volume will have chapters 17-26, which thinking about it covers a lot of great moments.
Also i'm betting volume 4 will be Aki.
Who is Power trying to impress putting the pads back in when Denji knows they are fake now.
It's Canadian ant girl from Terra formars
The Future is Best tree reminds me of the singing bush.
Is it as wild as Fire Punch?
Obviously the old man
Not even half. Firepunch is the best
Not really, still has some of it though.
a lot of people's mistake is that they go into chainsaw man expecting fire punch 2
>get trained by an expert to deal with an enemy that they couldn't defeat
>part of the training is beating said enemy
>Arigato, Sensei..
So what kind of death is the worst death.
Be happy with the Denji we have now in a couple after CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT everyone's going to complain that they miss the boy who just wanted to touch boobs.
dying a virgin.
When will the cover come out in better quality?
A few days before the release.
Now nothing will be wong
Dying before chainsaw man ends
What chapter are we on again? I think i didn't catch the last one and can't find it
For Aki, I suppose dying without able to kill gun devil? I guess.
Can Power get pregnant?
I don't see why not. Aside from the few superhuman abilities, she functions pretty much the same as a normal human being, in terms of body functions of course.
Did all the Powerfags somehow forget that she literally doesn't take showers or FLUSH? Power is pretty cute, but that's a fucking dealbreaker for me.
this kinda looks like Power sans horns
Do you have a souce for that pic in that good resolution? Or where did you buy it?
Not even
Breasts too big. Power is a flatty.
How can you say you love her if you won't even sniff her stink?
Aki dying in his bed having been crippled by the gun devil thus forcing him to die knowing that he’s amounted to nothing in his life despite trading both soul and body. Now he is forced to accept that even though he’s tried his best he is unable to accomplish his one goal in life.
In the end Aki slips into a quiet death. He does not die in some epic battle to the death with his nemesis but he succumbs to the consequences of his actions. Aki could’ve lived a normal maybe even happy life but in the end he chose to follow a path that ultimately amounts to nothing. All the while his two coworkers fuck each other in the bed next him.
Even in his final moments he could still hear the two of them loudly fucking each other.
learn2read. She does take a bath and flushes her own shit.
5/10, apply yourself. Nothing about his crush Makima pleasing old devils for money. Also the future devil showing him visions of the things that could have been is missing.
I downloaded the viz release and doubled the reoslution of the cover with waifu2x, then I just used one of those online poster services
While he does have a crush on Makima it actually doesn't seem like he gives much fucks about it.
Kill devils fucking shit > thots.
The one where your find out everything that happened until this point in your life right before dying that everything was a dream.
I fucking love it
This is going to be a great set of chapters.
She really can't. She's dead.
Dp you still have the file?
not yet.
>Laughing Makima
oh boy
Being eaten alive by ants as you watch Makima fuck denji after you where late to the gun devil fight and he's already dead.
Eyepatches are boring. I hope it actually changes its color or shape.
perpetual shine.
It’s a mouth that screams.
At all times.
Only Aki can hear it.
He wants to beat the gun devil so he can score. That's enough of a goal for a series like this
chingchong text spoilers
prolly more of the same
I adore this kind of art style. It's not childish, not too much work, simple and realistic (without you know, demons and shit). Is there something else like this art style (except his other work)???
I bet you thought, before curse got you, about how sad we'd all be. About how we'd all be thinking about what more we could have done to keep you here. Guess what, Aki. You were wrong. The night you died, we gathered at the apartment you shared us, and drank in celebration. Toasted to your memory, but not to you. Not to the person you really were. We drank to the memory of "Aki," the person we knew before you really became you.
We talked about our memories of all the good times we had with you before you changed. The nights spent drinking, killing devils and shit.
We talked about every moment that predated the moment when your face sunk in, and you stopped laughing. Every gathering became a struggle to accommodate you. Or rather, the person you became.
I guess Im little upset that you died. Because you owe me part of my life back, the 2 years that were consumed by you.
To be honest, that little vengeful impulse is nothing compared to the relief I felt when Makima texted me that she had found you, blue and bloated. Do you know how she suffered for you, hoping you would get better, rejecting other men who were healthy?
Do you know that for the last months of your life, on a regular basis, I was drilling Makis ass when you were comatose, breathing heavily, body straining just to stay alive? After we lifted your shaking carcass on the sofa?
Were you awakened, shaken from your stupor, just for a moment, by the sound of her delight? Was that why you did this? If so, Im proud
Power sent me a picture of your body. Your pants were in piss, tongue stuck out , and your eyes were bloodshot. And most importantly, your fingers were dug into the noose
Even in moment, after you made a good decision, you went back on it. You always craved our attention. The curse was like a blessing to you. I felt sure you would stick around forever, haunting us. Like a goddamn ghost. A pale, sickly thing, consuming every free moment with his needy fucking needs
How is the future looking Anons?
>The futur-
God damn it.
Would Power be any good in bed?
I expect she'd be awful while thinking she's great.
Reading Fire Punch for the first time chapter 53 and goddamn you guys weren't wrong about it being a wild ride. No wonder people were this excited for Chainsaw Man after the announcement.
The condition for the future demon is that aki allows him to live in his right eye, because aki will die very badly, he wants to see. Their special training is over, and the new task is to kill the people who attacked before, and if they fail, they will be punished. Makima is very problematic. teacher thinks that she knows that there is an attack and deliberately did not manage it. teacher said, no matter how cruel you are, how many toys he killed, as long as she is a human partner, he will only close his eyes. The knife and the snake are ready to meet in a building. Under the building is a group of zombies in the first words. If they are bitten by a zombie, they will become zombies
Same thing but makes it a bit smoother for machine translation. So what we can get from this is:
>Future Devil's condition is to live in Aki's right eye so that he gets a front row seat to Aki's inevitable horrible death
>Sensei's training is over. He tasks Denji and Power to go and defeat Snek and Shad, and if they fail he will kick their asses
>Sensei knows that Makima deliberately allowed the assassination on the special divisions happen but he turned blind eye to this because she is, in the end, a human ally
>Shad and Snek finds them selves in a building full of zombies (?)
I suspect that she'll start getting addicted to sex after a bit and will just ride you until she passes out.
Gif related.
I can't wait to shit on Makima when Sensei dies on this arc.
I'm starting to think Fugimoto has gender dysphoria
MTL 1 Yandex
Turn the blend
The future devil out of the conditions is that autumn let him live in his right eye can, because autumn will die badly, he wants to see.
The power of their special training ended, the new task is to kill before the attack, if you fail they will be punished.
Machima is very problematic, uncle think she is knowingly attacked, deliberately did not go to the tube.Uncle said, no matter how much you kill his cruelty, toys, as long as she is a human partner, he turned a blind eye.
The knife and the snake in a building ready to meet, under the floor is a group of first words of the zombie, zombie bite would become zombies.
MTL 2 Bing
Turn it into
The condition of the future demon is that autumn let him live in his right eye can, because autumn will die very badly, he wants to see.
Their special training is over, the new task is to kill the people who came to attack before, if they fail, they will be punished. Maqima was very problematic, uncle thought she knew there was an attack, deliberately did not care.
Uncle said, no matter how brutal you are, how many toys you kill, as long as she is a partner of mankind, he will keep his eyes open and closed. Knives and snakes in a building ready to fight, under the building is a group of first-talking corpses, the body will be bitten by the body will become dead.
I'm assuming that the zombies denji butchered never actually died and shad and snake are using the parts to make a proper army.
>Having a death so horrible the Future Devil wants to see it in person
The suffering really never ends for my boy.
No raws yet?
Setup chapter it is then. I don't think hell kill off snake and sword so soon, but you never know.
Our theories on makima letting the attack happen are confirmed which strengthens other theories and aki gets a very good deal as expected and also allows him to use that eye patch after all.
>Normal people die in this job.
>If I don't make Aki quit he will die.
>You have two years to live.
>You keep going? You are going to die.
>You will have the worst dead.
At this point I'm expecting him to outlive everyone.
Its the equivalent of finding out someone has a folder of Chinese safety videos in their browsers favorites.
Raws are on Mondays lul. If you mean korean scans, not anytime soon. 12+ hours more.
>epilogue is old man Aki sitting on a barren wasteland watching the sun set.
>Denji is sitting next to him complaining about it being to bright.
>Off in the distance, Power is heard complaining that the shithole is full.
This! Please user
>Muffled "MIRAI SAIKO!" in the distance
From Aki's eye*
That's fucking stupid though. He said he wouldn't actually be sad if makima died, he doesn't really have human feelings. So he wouldn't feel much satisfied if he had sex.
Somehow this scene came to mind.
He can still feel things, it’s just stated that he wouldn’t cry if Makima died
Worked for Ichigo.
Mirai looks exactly like that.
Sorry I was afk doing shit, I had to upload it somewhere else because the file is too big
waifu2x is pretty damn magical
The kind of death that happens when you finally have something to live for again. Someone screenshot this.
>t. can't afford bespoke dress shoes that actually fit his feet
I want Makima to spit inside my mouth
Dorohedoro comes to mind although that stuff can get pretty complicated.
I want to hug Power áaaaaaaaaaaaaa
She's a dumb, smelly beast.
You're a pal, user.
not at all, gay/trans characters are sort of wildcard when it comes to storytelling
>even earrings are a tragedy.
I bet the dumb ponytail is sad too.
If Power is kinda like a cat, does that mean she licks her asshole clean after she takes a dump?
I don't know how people keep on misinterpreting that chapter. Hell you would think that tit groping chapter would give an insight to what his mind is going through for the readers.
He's not being edgy, or being a complete animal either. This whole thing is about a boy with an abnormal upbringing learning how to feel, or at least learning WHAT he should be feeling. While one could interpret what he was thinking as him wondering if he is losing his humanity, you can also say that this is him realizing that he doesn't really have any human being in his life that he could care for.
I'll say that what he was expressing during that scene was fairly realistic. It's not that he doesn't know what sadness is, but it's just that he doesn't have a person in his life that he could feel sorrow for once they are gone. I can't say I know what Fujimoto will have in plan for his characters but I believe that Denji's final goal in the end won't be just killing the Gun Devil so that he can sleep with Makima.
I like this interpretation, it ties up with my prediction that his character growth will be him realizing he does have a heart, and finding more dreams to live for.
we know denji
What would ever inspire a person to say something like this?
>still no raws
Baste and beyond
We typically get English tls before any Raws.
That's because you're a transsexual who projects your autogynephilia on everyone
fuckin nice
an overactive imagination
I'm just saying that because two of his characters have been trans and he pretends to be his sister on twitter
Can two heartless half-demons love each other?
More manga like this and dorohedoro?
Power is Tsun. Denji literally has no empathy so no
Golden Kamuy.....kinda
They are just bros.
Sure. Between the two of them they have a full heart and about three brain cells.
You ever groped your bro's tits?
I still believe that Togata being disable psuedo-mind tranny came out of nowhere and hated that shit because it was revealed suddenly then shortly after she dies
I preferred the TL,
>I'm bored! Want to play push-sumo
Or something like that, it conveyed her 'plan' better.
Honestly it when I started to like Togata because she stopped being so one dimensional
T-pose to assert dominance.
S-story time?
My friend got breast implants because he lost a bet and made everyone feel him up. It was weird.
It's okay as long as you only ever made him cum hands free.
Did you and your friends gang-paizuri him after? [/spoiler}
Nice Cover, Like the flowers/leaves in the background.
Comfy Denji.
That's a top comf Denji.
Like, probably top three.
*Walks into thread*
Damn, initialy i thought her sleeve was her wrist and her actual hand was smoking and she was dissapearing already on the cover, Guess i got a bit traumatized seeing best girl die.
It's not about time. For those types of people they need the encouragement and validation of other people to enjoy something. Basically they'll think something is good only if Yea Forums says it's good, mindless bandwagoners.
>Aki will problably get the 4 volume cover.
>The unlucky number of death.
You planned this didn't you fucking fatass.
Give me more food
>>Future Devil's condition is to live in Aki's right eye so that he gets a front row seat to Aki's inevitable horrible death
Called it
I think it would be properly Chunni for Aki to get some crazy looking eye out of the deal.
Some kind of inverted coloration would fit Fuji's simple art style.
I love this
>instead of a pupil there's a little smiling face.
epikkk xD
I want to SUCK 瑪奇瑪's dick
Now I'm imagining the Future Devil inside an empty cinema eating popcorn while waiting for Aki's horrible death.
It really depresses me to think how Aki is going to die
He deserve atleast a smile
What if it gets attached.
aren't they bound by their contracts? he can't back down on his own terms
Gotchu, senpai.
Aki is too attached, this is why he suffers.
very nice
That's just normal human behavior, not his fault everyone there lost their souls.
THE BEST thing I've seen in a while.
No Guns Life. Thank me later.
wheres the fucking raws
In 8-9 hours or something.
Happy Himeno doesn't seem right
pornography devil when
She is the Himeno from a different dimension where Aki actually loves her and marries her.
How come? Up until the point where she got Thanos'd, she was pretty cheery for most of the time.
Well fuck
Probably a different thread then.
What is the future like user?
Nah, we always survive somehow.
W-what did Denji do to Power?
Made her feel like a little girl again.
>Next chapter CSM will get another color page
Who will it be?
Puke on her while kissing
You mean Makima.
In an ideal timeline, Aki or Kobeni.
In this one, Power for the 10th time.
They’re so fucking hot
>It's Aki, but Power jumped in front of him so you can only see the top of his head and his left foot.
I get the feeling Fujimoto just likes drawing Power.
I just want to see an eye, to see what color they are. That sounds kinda gay
This and Kengan Omega are the only manga I'm looking forward to each week. How does Fujimoto do it?
This will go great in my cursed collection.
>dream about aki and himeno being happy and normal
>wake up
>Kobeni is back
>first appearance is with her triying to commit suicide by anxiety
reading stuff that it's outside the autismo shitposting zone feels nice
I'm a fellow Kenganbro too
She never scored.
Aki and Kobeni bonding over the joy of dying when.
It's amazing that Aki never once had the though to bone her despite her being just one more "no way, fag" away from forcefully taking him.
Is fujimoto a guy or girl
A fatass siscon denied of an imouto.
a guy
Two guys
>In the 3 volume release commemoration plan, a special plan is also planned by Shonen Jump +. If you can look forward to ~.
What did Rin-san mean by this.
Sounds like a plan.
a cute girl except she's an overweight male
I know what she can do to wane her depression.
>Vol.4 is a Kobeni cover
>No Aki
>leave gun devil to me
send me more food
Nips will riot, they are already despairing about no Aki cover or CP.
Since Fuji drew an illustration for the last Jigokuraku volume maybe this time Yuji Kaku will draw one for CSM.
What does this say?
My life won't be complete until I know.
A slow and painful death, where you beg and plead for more time because you haven't done even half the things you set out to do in life.
Basically it's talking about how Himeno is going to be in the volume 3 because of that cover of her holding the flowers and Himeno says to give it to Aki.
Then Fujimoto's avatar just randomly says something about food shops, so even them are memeing about his fat.
>Fujimoto-San p-please stop eating. You already consumed all the food that was supposed to be going Kyoani's charity fund!
>W-wait NO. I'm Gomene-!
>ywn have homosexual with fujimouto
why the fuck was i born into this world
Just put on a wig and skirt, go to his house and call him oniichan. You will win him over inmediately.
Tell him to make Aki happy while you are there.
If fujimoto hurts Aki any more I will fucking find him and deprive him of food before slowly melting him to death with a blowtorch after waterboarding him with human excrement.
>waterboarding him with human excrement.
You should get checked, user. Stool shouldn't be liquid.
I think Himeno's ghost possessed you user.
it'll be a mix of 2:1 piss to shit
That's the spirit.
Nevermind. I'll force his parents to have a daughter. Wait until she's legal. Hire someone to seduce her. Make her emotionally cut Fujimoto out of her life and explicitly state how much she hates him.
>explicitly state how much she hates him.
Don't. This will actually turn him on.
haha holy shit whoever did this captured every aspect including fujimoto's hard on for weird food info around his neighborhood
Hey guys, I'm the OP. I just wanted to say thanks for posting in the thread I created. See you guys in the spoilers soon. I'm not gonna bump this.
I will
and so it begins. guess they both know she let it happen just like pearl harbor and neither gives a shit.
I really wonder if he's stronger than Makima. He called himself the strongest hunter. Also why are they sitting so far apart?
If their auras get too close, the air will catch fire.
I can't wait for the inevitable drunk sensei vs Makima
>He gets sober when he's serious
He's constantly drunk to keep his power in check.
To be fair there's not really a good angle to formally sit at a long table if it is just two people. Also I believe they are the strongest in their own departments.
Is his power the deadbeat dad devil?
Sensei is just too cool.
God Makima needs a nap
He may not be stronger, but he is certainly stonger.
Makima's not a hunter.
You wanna post some more pics?
It'd be nice of yah.
Then explain why she was dispatched to Zombie Devil.
No. Gookscans should be soon anyways.
Cool, no problem.
Go and read Chapter 27. They specifically mentioned that she is a Devil Hunter working directly under the Chief Cabinet Secretary.
dai dark is Q's new manga in case you haven't heard about it
I guess Korean Scans tomorrow, see you boys later.
Have a sad fancomic for the road.
translate it weebs
Frens I have not heard of this Mango before but I just read all 31 chapters and I'm sucked in. This scratches a similar itch like dorohedoro.
Thank you all.
BEST! Thank you!
What is he even doing
i-is this lewd?
I'm guessing Mirai can probably see his future if Aki puts his head inside.
peering into the future, is my guess.
Thats a fucking scary panel.
I-is it rape?
That devilish smile.
>she sees your chainsaw
fuckers drew blood! PROGRESS
Last page and spread
She has three rings, the Future Devil had two. Wonder if that means anything.
Did snake girl revive the zombie devil?
brooding son of shad
>arm flexing
He is truly the greatest
I know she wears short shorts, but I want to believe there's nothing under that sweater.
>Aki's future is gonna end so horribly it gives Mirai a boner
Even i am scared
'Got Wood', indeed
We don't even know his demon contract yet and he doesn't needed it against Denji and Power together.
Makima is more of a manipulator with high tier demon contract by the looks of it.
You know, it's pretty funny that you barely see character's names in this. Usually semi-important characters get introductions for the readers (not only in shonen mind you) but here we still don't know what Sensei and Shad are actually called. Most of the people who died during the shooting are still nameless too.
Probably to recruit it, for the bureau
What a cute & trustworthy girl
>Future Devil's eyes looks similar to Makima
>Makima could be one of the people who contracted with it
If this is the case it would explain so much. She knew beforehand that the hit was going to happen and she possibly saw the results of it as well. Maybe this is why she's always so calm because she already can see it.
Fuck, think about it. She's ALWAYS there at the right time for Denji as well. The first time she found him, immediately after he merged with Pochita. She was there when he's feeling disappointed, just conveniently there to her to provide the ease of mind that Denji needed.
welp, RIP in pieces Sensei
You gotta put your head up his hole for him to see your future. And he came due to witnessing the sheer amount of suffering Aki is about to endure.
Damn, it opening it’s eyes turned it from jokey to fucking intimidating.
Hey, hands off you slut
Is it just me or is it super low rez?
Oh no.
Put the panda there
Don't do that, Aki.
he was all jokes and games until he caught a glimpse of Aki's future
>future is great
>panda dies
>No way fag, just get inside the damn eye already.
Isn't the whole point of zombies is that they come back to life? I hardly think this is evidence that it's true for all devils.
Now I've lost it
I know I can kill
snake girl is so beautiful
They look like complete fucking hipsters jesus christ
Better late than never.
>B-baka, don't be rude t-to me.
The only thing arguably better than the FUTURE is you, user!
you are best.
>worst death of all
HIs suffering fetish with Aki just can't stop.
>hop in already my dude, i got places to be
Aki is one cool motherfucker. And cute too
denji plse
Its warm and soft in there
sensei has feelings after all
he's taught too many people who've died
please no
he is so gonna live longer than everyone else in the series
The tension is real
Fuck this bitch.
I wish I could.
The future devil has three rings as well, his scelera is just black so you can't see it.
Why do boys always fall for the manipulative Stacey?
I discovered the release late today and kind of hurried it, so apologies for any awkward sentences or mistakes. MS/VIZ will be much higher quality and you should give it a reread when they come out.
Also take note that Snake girl specified humans. I'm guessing Denji and Power might not be affected but their master will? And then we'll get a tragic showdown. Just my hunch though. Thanks for reading as always.
IS SENSEI GOING TO FUCKING JOB? Anyone else get that feeling he will be the first one to get killed lol
Boys don't Staceys anymore, boys want creepy looking trees. They are the best
No worries. Thanks for your work as always.
welp, RIP drunk-sensei
>Beautiful and hot
>Smart and strong
No idea
Thanks user
>cold and dishonest
>greedy and power-hungry
>most likely not, she just had some sort of preparation for the assassination attempt
>MS/VIZ will be much higher quality and you should give it a reread when they come out.
you undervalue yourself man. Thanks a lot!
>he constantly drinks to try and forget about all the dead students he trained
>he doesn't "like" the pair anymore because he knows that he have grown fond of them and their deaths will just hurt him once again
>Aki will literally get a rinnegan.
>you ARE on the good guys' side, right?
Heavy ass foreshadowing here.
Your work is almost as good as them m8. Thanks for this though.
He doesn't seem like the type to job. But I can bet my left nut that he will get set up to be killed.
This is a very funny page.
This is a very sad page.
This is a very scary page.
Thanks for your work user
we already got some backstory on his character. Then suddenly a fight comes up? It's exactly what happened with Himeno. She talked about how she was into Aki, and then suddenly dies. He's guaranteed to die this upcoming fight.
That doesn't seem right
thanks user-kun, your speed translations are always appreciated
Its going to be creepy when she smiles for real.
she needs to shave
So Aki's death is going to involve him accidentally killing the people he wanted to protect.
All people Aki wanted to protect are dead now
Zombies got me worried. In every media, dealing with them always ends up with someone getting swarmed by them to death. I can imagine that when Division 4 gets deployed to fight Shad's group Sensei will be "accidentally" given a wrong coordinate that puts him in a tight spot with no way to get support at all.
So the zombie devil isn't necessarily alive anymore it seems like they just have a huge backup of the zombies it created.
user are you trying to turn me on ?
We got a "Boss."
Yeah that got me thinking too. Are they referring to the gun devil itself or is this another individual above Shad's rank?
Given that Sensei cares about Dneji and Power now, he'll likely end up takibg a bite that was meant for one of them and turn. Denji said that he wouldnt kill sensei even if he fought for real, so if sensei does turn into a zombie, Denji will either A) tragically have to kill him or B) incapacitate the zombie sensei and keep him chained up a la Sean of the Dead
Plus they can just create more if they needed to. Kinda fucked up if you think about it but it works.
they already foreshadowed a "real" fight between the 2. They literally talk about a hypothetical situation where they fought. There's no way sensei isn't getting bitten with this much foreshadowing. The dude is a fucking jobber.
>dead family
>dead waifu
>dead friends
>co-workers are psychopaths
>2 years of remaining lifespan
>fox devil dumped him because he's too pathetic
>future devil only offered him a contract because his death will be amazing
>only reason to live is to kill a gun
fujimoto's treatment of aki is equivalent to a little puppy getting repeatedly kicked in the guts
Goddamnit Fujimoto
Is Fujimoto a stealth nigger?
>you have lost everyone you love
>you have 2 years left to live
>then you will suffer such a horrible death I want to see that shit
Holy Christ, I know that being aki is suffering but please give this kid a break
>the REAL Tatsuki Fujimoto
Why is Aki so edgy? He should loosen up and live a little.
>Aki’s death is being turned into chips by the obesity devil and being eaten by fujimoto
Dude is literally going to die from devil cancer in two years. How much worse can it get?
what if there's a twist and he lives
the balls on that dude. I'm impressed Himeno didn't get pregnant just from sitting next to him.
Aki kills the gun devil, but then realized that it was just him seeing the future. His lifespan then ends right before he does the killing blow making everything he did in vain.
>you are on the side of the humans right
OK, this confirms that Makima is not human
It also confirms she's not on the side of the humans.
Thanks user. Love you
It even confirms she's not makima.
>Aki has already suffered so much and he's going to suffer so much more that the future Devil is just asking for a front row seat to watch him suffer
He doesn't deserve this anons
You really undervalue yourself, there are some fine lines you wrote way better than both MS & Viz.
And if the "amalgam of every translations into a coherent mass for Yea Forums by Yea Forums " ever happens I'd be glad to have some of your parts in it.
Its not fucking fair bros
>Sensei = Human
>Zombie only works on humans
>We get a chapter where Denju and Powa kills zombie sensei
Well at least we don't have to wait a year+ for confirmation of something most expected like you would most other manga.
so the zombie devil didn't actually come back to life, it's just that his zombie-minions didn't all die with him.
>acts like ahappy autistic tard
>immediately drops the facade and starts talking serious when he saw Aki's future.
This is what really unsettles me, what could he have possibly seen?
So i'm assuming they are talking about the mafia boss?
He saw kin- (REDACTED)
>Dead waifu
t. Himeno
Just move on, already. He only saw you as a buddy not a waifu.
If that was the case he wouldn't be saying "if grandfather was here". Plus the old man was dead the moment zombie devil got to him.
>uncensored sex act in WSJ
Damn you, Fujimoto.
>smug 6 eyes devil
Dorohedoro reference.
I know, what I mean is that the
>Boss has moved to his villa.
part refers to the boss of the mafia that we haven't seen yet.
>dude just lives in the dark dank cell being forever hyped about The Future
Im expecting some kind of concept devil fucking him up good, probably some shit like where he's forced to face his losses once again and then he will die alone as the last survivor in a desolate placewith only apples to eatinb4 its past devil
being in the dark is the only way to be hyped about it, really.
I think he knew what he was doing
What if Makima is one of the two people who signed a contract with Future Devil but the future he has revealed to her was so bizarre she became desperate in her attempt to overcome it by any means necessary?
>Not posting the REAL High IQ Tatsuki Fujimoto
I love this tard, would drink with
Thanks for translating I like yours best
How about sensei becoming denji's zombie pet?
Thanks user-kun
Your translations feels better than the official ones
This is the ally of humanity. Say something nice to her.
love you user-kun