Uchuu Patrol Luluco

I totally forgot about the Gainax/Trigger thing when I watched this, was always waiting for the Gurren Lagann or Panty and Stocking planet.

>Anyways, who actually watched this? I thought it was pretty good, the animaton was actually sort of high quality.

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Literally the only truly good thing Trigger made.

reminder that luluco is not for lewd

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Nothing is sacred in these lands.

I mean I really like Kill la kill but I'm slightly biased due to it being the first anime I watched

Who are you quoting?

>Now, to fuck

This post scares me.

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It's good but not as good as KLK, Gridman and LWA OVA.

I've always said that Luluco is evidence that Trigger is much better at quick and snappy stuff than long drawn out series.

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But she is

Infer Cop, Luluco, LWA OVA and even I would say Ninja Slayer are proof that Trigger its as it best when doing shorts or self contained stuff. I wonder if Promare will also be like that.

There are kids born this millennium that are allowed to post here.

Who are you quoting?

Hey that's me.

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This terrifies me to no end.

Loved it too. Had a blast watching this while it was airing and posting in Yea Forums.

Too bad people don't give credit to SSSS.Gridman. That show was actually good also. Even though it wasn't popular here the elevens really liked it.

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I love Nova-kun!

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Will they ever reunite?

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I enjoyed it a lot, and the english dub voices were solid.

I stopped midway through when they got to the witch academy references cuz I never watched that. Loved the KLK references though.

its my second favorite anime of all time. Really the only good trigger show and its a short

Fuck Luluco

It’s good

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I'm not actually upset, I just wanted to post this image

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Ninja Slayer is high art and you can go fuck and sayonara yourself if you think otherwise.

The greatest twist of the decade was that Luluco was one of the trigger girls.

I liked Luluco. It's short, sweet, and fun.
Definitely one of the best things Trigger has made.

It's absolute garbage and you can fuck off.

Is this really good? Or is just a meme

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It's a meme, just hipster faggots pretending to like Ultraman to seem "cultured".

Unironically one of the best shows ever made.
Fuck you tier legendary animators fucking around.
lalaco is the greatest milf in all anime.

Honestly as much as people shit on Trigger I've enjoyed most of their output so far. Luluco, by far, is their best work, but that's not to say that absolutely everything else they've made is shit.
I'm not even that much of a fan of the typical over the top action shows, but a lot of Trigger's shows have just been generally appealing to me.
I like their general approach to animation. Say what you want about KLK or LWA 2017, but compared to their peers the general quality of animation was fantastic. Maybe not so much with Gridman. But they put a lot of heart into what they make, and I'll be damned if I can't at least appreciate that.

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when are they making that Trigger Girls shit they teased at the end

that nendo is great

Luluco is a dumb slut

She may be dumb but she is not a slut.

Threads when it aired where incredibly lively, a lot of people watched it and a majority that did loved the shit out of it.

Was THIS CLOSE to buying that on my Japan trip. Found it at a store in Akiba for 4k yen, second hand but never opened.

I binged it a while back, which is weird because I rarely ever do that on a whim. I remember enjoying it but disliking the message of the ending.

>Sax anime


There was a message?

this uchuu CHAD crashes her ship into the club and smacks your husbando's ass, what do?

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I think there's an official art book with an illustration of them reuniting four years later.

Yes okay, but what about Midori

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When the final episode came out and it was revealed Luluco was actually Trigger chan the whole time everyone lost their minds in the threads, good fucking times and a great show.

Really hope they find a way to make more stories about Muzzle/Spring as well, even if they wouldn't be able to make it as surprising as Luluco.

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She was a cunt with an annoying voice but fun all the same.

I'll kill you, bastard!

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Kill la Kill aired nearly 6 years ago, that's plenty of time to start liking anime, start hating anime, then start posting on Yea Forums

literally pic related

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I hope they bring it back

Best girl.

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Yeah it was AOTY 2018. Literally only retards like dislike it.


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They did in the last episode of Kiznaiver.
The only thing that series had along with the OP and ED.

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English dub sucked and the ending is literally the best part of the show. Kill yourself

If you disliked the message of the ending then you'd probably dislike Imaishi anime on a fundamental level. That is, assuming you didn't completely misunderstand the message, which is very likely.

It was one of the only good anime to air last year, so yeah.

the ED and it's remixes were great too

Why was he so cute?

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Best short anime ever made. No one's mastered limited animation like Imaishi. Really knows when and where to put the effort. It proves a great amount of skill and knowledge both as an animator and a director.

>go to sleep
>thread still alive

First episode got a couple of genuine laughs from me, episode with space inferno cop was also amusing
The rest was kind of meh, but not bad overall

Imagine being born in the mid 2000s