Trashiest anime of the season

I don't know about you guys, but every season I look for the biggest piece of trash of an anime, and watch it for ironic purposes. I think I found this seasons with Okaa-San Online. Originally I thought it was going to be Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? but after watching episode 2 of Okaa-san Online. I have no words for how trashy it is, what is Yea Forums 's opinion on the trashiest anime of the season?

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OP is a faggot

I wish it was trashier

Arifureta is much worse than this

I mean we already got full blown incest activity, the son's head being smothered in his mother's breast, and her getting off on it.

Not enough

>screenspread on a fucking stream rip

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>watch it for ironic purposes
Can you explain how this works? Do you pretend to have fun? Do you giggle to yourself and say things like "imagine people actually enjoying this"? Do you stream it to increase the division between your standards and its quality?
I mean, every single aspect of how I can imagine you could do such a thing as watch anime ironically just seems like you are really just lying to yourself.

super cool story bro

nigga I just copied it from the comments on a website, I'm too fucking lazy to screencap it myself.

I watch it, nearly die on the inside from cringe, and think to myself "why do I do this to myself" it's more of self flagellation than it is ironic.

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>think to myself "why do I do this to myself"
Even though you specifically set out to do it every season?
How the fuck can you be so confused by yourself?

>full blown incest activity, the son's head being smothered in his mother's breast, and her getting off on it

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the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

just realized okaasan probably hasnt had sex in 10+ years

Don't flatter yourself.



I knew a guy who "ironically" watched bad anime all the time in college. The reality is that he wasn't laughing at it, he was laughing with it. Might as well accept that you have shit taste and be honest about it.

>Hahahaha he didn't get my shitty Spongebob reference about me flattering myself hahahahaha r/woosh am I right fellas? Hahahaha laugh at him and validate me please
Consider suicide.

>Consider Suicide
I'll do it if you do it with me daddy


literally any reason you came to this conclusion?

Imagine wasting your time with trash without being sure if it will have toon of doujinshis at the end

I dropped it because it was so trashy after episode 1. Then I saw the threads and realized that it has decent fanservice at least.
Watched episode 2 and it was better but the censoring just ruins it. Might as well just check the threads every other week, people post the good ecchi moments anyways why waste my time watching this shit.

worst bait of the season

i want to lick mommys milky milk

You need to go back.


If this was considered full blown incest to you, then you'll love the series for how little actually happens romantically.

Yes OP was definitely a faggot today once again.

in arifuretas case the source isn't that bad. This is all around trashy source included


Throw it in the trash.

OP is based
I do the same
Complete utter shit anime is fun in a strange way

>in arifuretas case the source isn't that bad
Fucking hell, did you ever bothered to read LN past the first volume?
It's a fucking trainwreck trash.
>This is all around trashy source included
This is just wrong.
It doesn't have incest or even mother-son romance though.

NA don‘t understand the value of "trash anime". There‘s a reason why "trash" anime like Kimono friends can becomes a hit - Its exactly what people in JP wanted; something that shuts your brain off for 20 minutes and lets you briefly forget about all the shit happened during the day.

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>It doesn't have incest or even mother-son romance though.
Subtext. Learn it.

I m hearing it will not have more actual incest so I am dropping it

>t. strawman

>in arifuretas case the source isn't that bad
what the fuck


How do streamniggers watch this? Are they actually blind?

jesus fucking christ, streams are that bad?

Premium bait

Actually it looks to me like the image has been edited in some way. But I'm too tired to try to figure out what's wrong with it.

This thread isn't going the way you thought did it?

It's a stitch

Nigga its not trash when its not supposed to be taken serious.
Are you really saying an anime about a dude and his mom, full of fan service, is "trash"?
As opposed to what, being the masterpiece that they intended it to be?