What will you do if the JoJo of Part 9 looks like this and takes place in a setting that looks like the 1980s vision of the future, except with Power Swords?
What will you do if the JoJo of Part 9 looks like this and takes place in a setting that looks like the 1980s vision of...
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>part 9
It's gonna happen, doubter.
You're getting flat-top mullets and you'll like it.
Part 8 doesn't even have a main villain. At this rate, Araki might actually be a vampire since Part 9 is only coming after the turn of the century.
So you suppose that part 9 will be about bizarre nuclear wasteland adventures of the 50th?
my wishes for part 9
>sci-fi setting
>no stands
>alien vampires cars is inovlved somehow
>hamon makes a comeback
>no stands
Wait what
part 9 from outer space
Part 9 Jojo gets isekai'd to a D&D world, fighting goblins and build a harem
i'm sick of them honestly. they're a cool concept, but they've been done to death. alternatively, downplay their significance for the story, i.e. by having relevant characters without stands.
part 7 had relevant non stand users
>JoJo's Bizarre War: 40k
Part 9 protagonist idea:
>Normal dude with some loose connection to the whole Joestar thing
>Con artist who steals the ID of a powerful stand user.
>Gets caught up in all kinds of stand user shenanigans
>Isn't a stand user and never becomes one
>Bullshits his way through stand battles and convinces people he has a stand
non-stand users can't see stands.
They already made that manga/anime
>who is Hayato
Stray Cat isn't technically a stand, it's a creature.
Part 9 idea
>Set in New York with 1920 Art Deco aesthetic and Noir atmosphere
>You play as a Detective named Johan Joestar
>JoBro will be a mafia turncoat from a powerful syndicate akin to Part 5 Passione
>Other member of your little investigation team group is a mysterious dame, a self-proclaimed Alchemist, and a overly-proud con-man
>Part 8 doesn't even have a main villain
I see you haven't read the last few chapters
if Araki continues like this, part 9 will be Danganronpa. He's writing mysteries now and fights are not important/almost non-existent. Just have investigation type stands and make it a detective story
A mystery is possible in a retro futuristic setting.
Jojo with murder mysteries would be pretty cool
Retrofuturistic neo-noir murder mystery would be perfect for JoJo 9.
ive seen multiple shit suggestions and this one might take the cake right next to jojo in space and main jojo being a policeman
Hayato doesnt see stands, if you are talking about stray cat, the plant itself isnt actually the stand, its possesed by it, likewise, non stand users cant see star platinum but they can see someone being smashed by star platinum, they just dont understand what the fuck is happening
Stand fights are probably pretty horrifying to witness for non users. Like with Aerosmith they just see some guy being lifted into the air, torn to pieces by invisible propellers and then shot multiple times by invisible bullets. The wounds are real, the bullet holes in the surrounding area are real, everything but the stand itself is real.
That's a nightmare.
lets hear your ideas.
>shot multiple times by invisible bullets. The wounds are real, the bullet holes in the surrounding area are real, everything but the stand itself is real.
Sounds like an average day in the USA
Part 9 will be an adaptation of the 7th Stand User starring Kaneda and his stand Caravan
Part 9's theme will be about mortality because of Araki getting old.
I still wish the part 9 protagonists would be a pair of twins (male and female) with each of their names starting with a "jo" and their stands working together in unison.
You shouldn't be rude.
Go be a strain on society somewhere else
Okay, I'll nicer in the future.
Thank you, take care.
Part 4 was a detective story
Wouldn't stray cat just be floating around while inside killer queen? Also how come Kira can remove KQ and stray cat like normal standos
>he cares about society
Bad writing.
>don't trust anyone. Not even yourself while being an elf behind a shelf
yeah but not really
I want part 9 to just be animals with stands
You can still trust close family members and friends.
Part 9 will be an apocalypse and it'll seem like there's no stands, just people in weird robot suits with what seems like the "powers" of stands but it's actualy an apocalypse where no humans survived and the only survivors were the sentient stands that could out live their original owners' death
the stands are inexorably drawn to places where their owners died, but they have no idea why they're doing it. ;_;
Cactus will bless you with fried chicken, but only if you respond "Beetles are pretty cool" to this post
Beetles are shit! Praying mantises are way cooler.
why have these threads become filled with such delusional future-fanfic writers?
don't you have somewhere else to shitpost user-kun?
>that unnecessary autist spacing
no, but you clearly do
Part 9 probably isn't going to be whatever forced genre setting you retards think its going to be, stop forcing the meme
>Praying mantises are way cooler!
lol a praying mantis can't even beat even a tiny beetle
>autist spacing
>forced genre
the only autist around here is you sempai
So? coolness isn't about strength.
>unnecessary autistic spacing
ftfy while you continue to look like an autist braving 4channel to look cool
>forced genre
yes, as in each Jojo part having a "genre" and future parts somehow following this nonexistent trend by having their own "genre" that influences the setting, to a retarded degree according to fanfiction ideas
I bet you think part 4 is a "mystery" or "slice of life"
bad troll