well Yea Forums ?
Well Yea Forums ?
7, I claim the right answer for /snk/.
There's at least two different ways of getting there, but no matter how you slice it you'll end up making 4 moves.
Cut twice to make 4 parts, then slice the cheese between its top on the bottom.
Then throw it on Maria because the cheese was made of small bombs.
low iq
over 9000 hours in mspaint
3 total slices
If it's a slice of cheese, 1 since you can fold it and cut it. If it's a block that can't be folded, 2 to make a slice and cut.
You literally cannot make it in 3 slices because that'll get you 6 parts every. Single. Time. Pic related is the ONLY non-brainlet solution.
Without love, the already sliced cheese can't be seen
Can't even think in 3 dimensions and has the gall to call people brainlets.
Anyway, the answer is that
Oh, I wasn't aware that we were given the size, shape, and dimensions of the cheese. Or that it could be fucking folded.
>newfags haven't read seacats
color me surprised
You assume the cheese exists on a 2d plne,in which case this would be correct.But let's assume it exists on a 3d plane instead.All you have to do is:
1.Slice it vertically(2 pieces)
2.Slice it vertically again(4 pieces)
3.Slice it in half horizontally(8 pieces,since the two halves we got from the vertical slices got halved too)
It is specifically stated that "A single slice with a knife can split it into two parts". Splitting the cheese into more than 2 parts with a single slice goes against the rules.
did you not even read what he wrote?
you cut the whole thing in half on the horizontal, which cuts the 4 pieces in half making 8 pieces total
0 cuts if you just melt the cheese and portion it out.
nothing personal. but it's 1, you retards.
You are mistaking can and will.
It wasn't stated in red.
then you can't at all because the moment you make a second cut there are more than two parts
That works if it's a 3 dimensional wheel of cheese. You're assuming it is just as I assumed it was 2d.
It can be done with one slice.
And he gets a better answer out of it, because he made a better assumption.
right answer
Does it hurt when you try to think?
underrated shitpost
>M-my baseless assumption is better than yours!
Since when were you under the impression that I'm slicing it with a knife?
It is, because it results in a lower number of slices for the challenge.
This kind of problem solving and thinking outside the box is an important skill, anonymous.
>muh baseless assumption!
I'm sorry the only cheese you've ever seen are slices sold at grocery stores, you fucking moron
in what universe is a large piece of cheese 2 dimensional?
why would she not state that it is 2 dimensional in the rules if was part of the problem?
this is almost as stupid as you assuming you can only make cuts that make exactly two slices even though by cutting it your way you make 4 slices three times
You're right. Knife can be be interpreted in several ways. OP's picture is literally called "cute and funny" and if you switch the first letter of the first word and the third word, the third word becomes something you can insert a biological tool inside to fulfill its only purpose.
I got 7 parts with 3 cuts
But can't make 8
>this is almost as stupid as you assuming you can only make cuts that make exactly two slices even though by cutting it your way you make 4 slices three times
Refer to
It can be a very large slice of cheese.
One that you could fold and slice in 8 pieces with a single motion.
0.Using my anime protagonist powers I punch the cheese and it explodes into a million pieces.
Considering the limitation is that a single slice can only cut an existing piece into 2 and not more, then it's 7 slices.
That's not a limitation, is wrong.
Read the OP's picture again.
I use a knife with 8 edged parts, so the answer is 1 cut.
>a single slice with a knife can split it into two parts
Of course it can. The riddle doesn't say it will split it into two parts, though, so it can also split it in different amounts.
Solved with one cut.
every slice makes two parts. the end result should be 8 parts.
2^x = 8
log(2) * x = log(8)
x = log(8)/log(2)
x = 3
3 slices
i am math pro
Here's a better question, isn't the answer for any resultant amount of slices that is a power of 2 just the exponent value?
There's nothing stating that two parts can't be sliced at the same time,for example if they're overlayed.
but like I said
once you make one but, any successive cuts in that fashion will make 4 pieces. so that wouldn't work
>every slice makes two parts. the end result should be 8 parts.
The answer is 4
Is it possible to learn this power?
4 you moron
Fucking hell, Yea Forums
it's 3
It's about time...
>Not spoilering the canon answer to a riddle
disgusting, kill yourself.
...you faggots read umineko.
Not from a maths major.
How the fuck do you fold a block of cheese.Unless it' a slice,but that's still retarded
The devil has spoken, you must do the rope.
Can't I make a spiral cut then another to cut it into 8?
So 2.
Yes, it can be a slice if you think of it this way, the riddle doesn't specify what kind of cheese it is other than saying it's a large piece.
>use your fingers to pull cheese apart into 8 pieces
0 knife slices. Next
The riddle states "large piece of cheese" which implies that it can be interpreted in a multitude of ways. It might just be an oversized slice of cheese, rather than suggesting it's a block of cheese.
Ripping it apart is just making several hundred smaller slices. It never mentioned knife slices. Next
Well,imagining a metre long chhese slice is amusing,but when you hear "large piece of cheese" I don't think that the first thing that comes to mind.
> I don't think that the first thing that comes to mind.
That's the point of a riddle, to mislead you.
>let the cheese rot into multiple pieces until it reaches 8
0 slices. Next
Fuck I messed up, it's 7 bladed knife, 1 cut.
This, you can actually find the correct number of slices for any number of needed pieces, as each slice will always, at its' most efficient, double the amount of pieces. One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, eight becomes sixteen. A single slice can at most cut every piece in half
Big noggin hours.
This large piece of cheese doesn't require any folding before you cut it.
>folding this
Why give yourself limitations the riddle hasn't?
I fucked up. I ended up with 9 parts
This thread is a wonderful illustration of why Seacats is shit.
Even if the cheese we perfectly one-dimensional she didn't say you couldn't rearrange the pieces after cutting, so the answer would still be at most 3.
Also could count as 1.5 slices since after the first one the cheese is still in one piece.
>inb4 'a slice is a slice. you can't say it's only a half'
Sounds like the writer doesn't even know. He just makes up bullshit to fit his agenda and own specific answer
Congratulations, you got it.
Say that it can't be folded in red, if you even can witch.
Yeah, let me know when you you're able to roll a block of cheese like that.
I originally thought that as the answer, but didn't it say you could only slice a single piece into two? shit puzzle.
This, it's retarded
>You can slice the cheese into two pieces
>Ooops actually you can slice the cheese into eight pieces get wrecked dummy.
How do you define a slice? Because in this case the knife definitely entered and exited the cheese 7 times. The only difference from a normal series of 7 slices is that the knife doesn't change direction, which is topologically irrelevant.
Put it on its side.
Read it again.
Because that cheese doesn't exist.
Give me a break, a large piece of cheese in the middle of an island? It's useless, it's all useless!
We only heard about this cheese but never have ever seen it. Therefore, it's actually SMALL BOMBS.
As long as you have a big ass knife, it can be done in 3. Slice in half, then reposition the halves so that each are halfed again. Then do the same thing but with the four pieces this time to get a total of 8 peices.
/ck/ represent, cook or die my niggas
>fold the cheese
>"a single slice with a knife can split it into two parts"
>haha i lied to subvert your expectations
I'm glad I haven't played this piece of shit, that writing is fucking awful
>start at the top and make a cut right down the middle
How about you read it again?
Either way has a valid point so let's just agree that non-convex bodies are bullshit.
this frightens me strongly
Wow Yea Forums is really coordinated. Not one person has said the right answer yet. Bravo! I'm impressed by how far you guys have taken the joke.
It's 2, notice she says SLICES aka plural so it can't be 0 or 1, the lowest plural is 2 so it is 2.
>Both blue haired bitches live and don't get raped by goats.
>Blond haired bitch lives and doesn't get raped by goats.
I hate it when this happens.
Based Deen wont ever get a chance to animate this part of Umineko. Think of the memes
>relying on a flawed translation
Big think