Why do they love them?

Why do they love them?

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they are gentlemen of the highest caliber

JCs are in between the time when they're the freshest. All men loves JCs.

Sex appeal

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Imagine not considering JC the highest grade of perfection.

Innocence is the most attractive quality in a woman.

Because the author does so they do as well.

Young enough to evoke paternal instincts, old enough to start being fertile.

>paternal instincts
This meme needs to die. Being attracted to innocence has nothing to do with paternal instincts. It's just evolutionary common sense, you don't want to raise somebody else's kid and neither did mr caveman, that's why we evolved to avoid those situations by making sure our females aren't hoes

>let's reduce everything to evolutionary psychology lel
It's you who are stupid. If anything, an instinct that tells you to help and protect those weaker than you is fundamental for any group strategy. That also applies to children regardless of their sex.

>let's reduce everything to instincts lel
I don't even need to debate your bullshit, I can just quote
>regardless of their sex
And we'll both know that's a lie

>to help and protect those weaker than you is fundamental for any group strategy
Group strategy? Altruism doesn't accomplish much from a breeding perspective.
If you want to protect the weak that's fine, but it's not something people have to do without a return on their investment. In fact it is foolish.

Prime breeding age.

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The autor isn't lolicon thought.

Indeed. A girl's womb should be filled with seed the moment it hosts its first egg

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>makes his main character surrounded by little girls
>creates an endless amount of sexually charged scenes with them
>not a lolicon

Read Medeka box.

Yeah like araragi he isn't a lolicon too.

That is shonen shit, is obvious that he is gonna pander to normalfag in that.

>Altruism doesn't accomplish much from a breeding perspective.
It actually does because you share genetics with those of the same species.

not all lolicons only like lolis


Where's the screencap of that ebin thread?

4 chan deathsquad reporting in here to clean this pedo thread.

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Altruism benefits the species overall.

Interested too, since I didn't cap all the (You)'s I received from that serendipitous occurrence.

Cultural indoctrination and insecurity and lack of empathy
a lot of men want control and a certain lack of resistance and judgement and it has nothing to do with "instinct" they fuck and molest animals when they get the chance too
girls are more likely to have complications or die from childbirth stop repeating lies and fantasy. girls dont want you and there is no point in you breeding