We're getting it bros
Violet Evergarden
kyoani always did things in advance. iirc Phantom World was already completed months before release
If there was anything that should've been destroyed in the fire it was this.
I'd rather they took the time off that they need to sort things out, rather than feel obligated to meet deadlines. Like dudes, your main studio just burned down. We can wait.
If it's already done and wasn't lost then why delay it? It would only do more harm than good to hold up on possible revenue at this time.
Why would anyone hate such a masterpiece?
That's a literal who website, not a source. Show japanese article. That "Yahoo Report" link doesn't exist lol
If it's already finished, that's fine - I'm thinking about the animators mainly, since most of them survived and will be under a lot of stress.
I heard KyoAni is getting its employees prosthetic arms just so they can finish Violet Evergarden, it will make them feel even more attached to the project. So cool of KyoAni, the best anime studio.
Nothing besides that then. Logically thinking they most likely have it done by now
>Logically thinking
Logically thinking they would have more fire exits but yeah. This article is fake.
If there's one studio that would have a movie done 6 months before the scheduled premiere date it'd be Kyoani. If some other studio had burned down they wouldn't even find next week's episode from the survivors
>Violet Evertrash still releasing
Arsonist didn't do a good job
>actually watching niggergarden
You do realise alot of studios do things in advance right? And you do realise it's a movie and not a full series right?
It was also inna news a few days ago.
The Free! movie is scheduled for summer 2020, no way the movie could be not affected by the fire.
Dude, the yahoo article was taken down several hours after being published. Why would this be case? Right, because it contained simply false information. Don't spread rumors.
This old news was published like 20 hours after the fire, no way someone could say a statement like this in such a short time after the Fire. And the news was taken down already.
The only movie confirmed to be uneffected by the fire is the OVA airing next month. The other movies are just pure speculations.
>If there's one studio that would have a movie done 6 months before the scheduled premiere date it'd be Kyoani.
More like all big studios.
They probably had it done but it caught on fire like everything else.
Isn't Free animated at the Osaka studio?
Thank god.
Based autistic spammer.
He's right you retard.
Holy shit, I knew VEG fan were retards, but you guys just keep lowering the bar every time.
Should we instead wish it gone and KyoAni staff's work to have been for nothing then, user?
This was the thing I was most worried about, and it survived.
Hope is kindled.
Fuck I wish it got destroyed
Fuck off.
Arsonist-kun was too late
Oh for fuck sake
Based sperg. It's anime of the Deacade.